r c s ., J ( YOUNG'S Drug Store. Pure Drug's. Fine Perfumes. Toilet Articles, Stationery. We G uarantee. : Personal A t tention to Prescriptions; Only the Purest Drugs Used; Lowest Prices, Quality Considered. WSATHEn FORECAST? Fair and warmer to-night; cloudy with probably showers Sunday. Larger circulation than any other paper ever published in Salisbury. SALISBURY, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 22, 1900. vol. vni. I CHRISTMAS EXERCISES. KNIGHTS OF KABOSH: SERVICES TO-MORROW. A PRETTY entertainhent: HASONIC OFFICERS. ENGLAND HAKES DEMAND. BAD INFLUi Petersburg- S.v Deaths Hep Where and When Christmas Services An Order Effected in the City Last Where and By Whom Services JBe Conducted. Will Kindererarten School Give a Christ Elected Last Night by Fulton Lodge Wants Money From Colombian Gov St. Will be Held. Nieht Officers Elected. mas Tree Exercise. No 99. s ernment. . -r r v A. tree service will be held at Lee Street chapel Tuesday even ing at 6 o'clock. At the Catholic church there will be the eegular Christmas ex ercises and services on Tuesday. At the First Methodist churph Dr. VV. W. Bays will preach Christmas morning at 11 o'clock, At the First Presbyterian church there will be a tree service and special exercises Monday evening at 6:30 o'clock. A Christmas tree service will b9 held at Main Street Methodist church Monday evening at 7 o'clock. An interesting program has been arranged. Everybody is invited. ; ' There will be a Christmas tree .service at the Vance Mill Metho dist church, north Main street. Monday evening at 6:30 o'clock. All are invited. At St. John's Lutheran church Alnniln v ninrhf tVinro will Kfi snpnml A-. V J A. i j - A. v j s-, aui. exercises consisting of songs, reci tations and the giving of presents. The church and Sunday school ball will be thrown open and all are cordially invited. There will be Christmas exer cises at St. Paul's church, Chest-i nut Hill, consisting of songs, reci tations, dialogues, etc , Monday, the 24thatv''ck p. m. The doo-va-"" .ren at 2:30 o'clock 3 o'clock. Positively Oanee after exercises be yJEvery body welcome. yster Supper Last Night. The oyster supper at the Na tional hotel last night was not a success, owinsr to tne iact tnat: it was not well advertised. The Sun neglected to call attention to the supper yesterday because the reporter failed to think of it. vWe o fa enrrnw RllpTl wa tVlA PHSfi and hope next time to be of better service to the ladies. To Attend Wedding. Mr. Lewis H. Heilig, of Cor delia, Ga., brother of Mr. L. E, Heilig, passed through the city to- l o tt nn uia u'nu in Alhfimftrlft whftrfl he goes to attend the marriage of his sister, Miss Grace G. Hei lig, to Mr. Edwin Alonzo Hall, Wednesday night, next week. Child Burned. Little Miss Julia McCubbins, daughter of Mr. T. J: McCubbins, while playing about in the house this morning fell vin the fire and ner clothing caught. The little one's clothes were burned nearly off but her body was not painfully injured. Wedding, To-Morrow. Mr. James Newlin and Miss -m -m 1 Ml 1 a Bettie Howell win oe marneu at 8:30 o'clock to-morrow evening at Main street Methodist church. The ceremony will be performed by ReV. H. L. Atkins. i The Spencer School. The principal of the Spencer school desires to thank the patrons of the school for their patronage during the fall term. The spring term will be held in Thnw building and the time of its betrinninor will be announced later. For Rent 5-room cottage on Smith Inniss street. Good neigh borhood. May be occupied 1st of January. Apply to M. M, liai ley. ' finld headed umbrellas ana canea 10 00 each and down. Splendid for Christmas gifts. Smoot Brothers & Rogers. The newest Reid's. things in silks a F.lfio-ant holiday neck ties, pack ed one each in dainty boxes, $1.50 and down. Smoot tfros. &ilogers W still have a few of the holi day lot of gloves at Harry Bros', Salisbury' (Council, of the Order of the Knigh :s of Kadosh was or ganized in tho citv last nisrht. dis- trict organizer J. A. Wall, official ing. . f ;- I : The following officers were elect ed: Chancellor, A. L. Smoot vice-Chancelibr, John M. Julian; Recorder, C. Brown; Treasurer, O. S. Gallimn-e; Master-at-Arras, D. M. Brown; Guard, W. A. Anthony; Watchman, H. L. Rusher; Chaplain, R. L. Shaver; Medical -Exa miners, Drs. J. W. Long and J M. Council. The Council organized in Dr. Long's i office and another meeting will be held to-night in the same place. All members are requested to be present. . REV. MR BUSBY POUNDED. Members of St. John's Lutheran Their Pastor. Church Visit A number bf the members of St. John's Lutheran church visited heir pastor, Rev. L. E. Busby, ast night and gave him and his amily a sropd pounding. As a visit the larder at result of their -, - i Mr. Busby's has been abundantly snrmlied with good things.' wishes to publicly" The 1 pastor i i r thank This kind antU thoughtful parishioners for their generous act. j Mr. Kluttz Corrects a Mistake. Representative Kluttz desires o correct an evident mistake in he Observer's Washington cor respondence! of the 20th inst., which makes him say that with he membership of the House fixed at 3571! under the next ap- portionmen North Carolina a member. South would lose Carolina w, is intended. At 357 North Car lina will retain, her present number nine. Mr. lutlz regards the Crumpaeker bill as death Salisbury corres- pondence C harlotte Observer. Steele-Cranfprd Marriage- On Wred hesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at r he home 'of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Steele,their daugh- er. Miss L. V. Lou Steele . and Mr. J. D. Cranford were married, Rev.f Dr. W. W. Pharr officia- ing. The bride and groom were entertained at supper Wednesday night, at the home of Mr. 1. D. Harris, and on yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Craniord left for their home at Winston. Moore3Ville Enter prise. ' A Large Pig Mr. J. A. Kester, of Franklin ownship, reports that he killed a pig yesterday, seven months old 262 on Monday, which weighed The pig was fed pounds. milk and corn meal. Mr. Kestler says that Is the way to raise a pig- Wedding Mr. W ill Kirriker and Miss Effie Wri gner, doth or Rowan county, v ere marneu at ivioores- ville Thd rsday evening by Rev. T. L. Tri Holiday at Shops The Spencer shop force will en it iov two days off next week, Mon- day and ruesday. bond gold stud buttons 3, per set. Nothing more suitable to give, aw ay. Smoot Brothers & Rogers. You can see some elegant lamps at Harry Bros . this week. Headquarters for Christmas oys ters. Leave orders to-day and avoid the rush; 30, 35, 40 and 50 cents per quart; 5 cents per quart off to all who leave orders. Phone ill. H. M. Brown & Son. Cabinet Photographs one-half doz. .50 oemi caoinets one- t half doi; 50c Cards one-half. doz. 25c. xcelsior Studio, between public square and postoffice. r. - Baptist Services to- morrow at the regular hours by the pastor. Catholic Services as usual at 10:30 a. m:, and 7:30 p. m. First Methodist church Preach ing at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. by the pastor, Rev. H. L Atkins. First Presbyterian There will be services at the regular hours at the First Presbyterian church. Lutheran At the morning hour there will be confirmation of the members of the catechetical class, and a sermon especially to the vounar people. Resrular service at the evening hour. Main Street Methodist Regu- lar services will be conducted by the pastor, morning and evening. East Salisbury Services by the pastor, Rev. R. G. Barret, at the Vance mill at 11 in the morning and at the Kesler mill at night. Spencer Presbyterian Regular services by the pastor. Chestnut Hill Rev. John Wakefield will conduct a service at the Chestnut Hill school house at 3:30 in the afternoon. Mission Sunday school at the Vance mill school house at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Christ Lutheran church, Spen cer Service to-night at 7 o'clock, communion to-morrow at 11 a. m. Christmas tree j exercises at 7 o'clfeck Christmas night. OGAL DOTS AROUND SAUSBURY. General Summary of Local Happen ings in and Around the City. All thains were late again to- - dy: just can't jhake it on time during the holidays. Mrs. John Kluttz, of Woodside, whose critical illness wa? noted esterday is very, little better to day.- V If you haye visitors during thei Christmas holidays send in their names. We will be glad to pub- ish them. ' Mr. Henry Monroe moved yes- erday from Bqmberdeer Hill "to Hudson's Cross Roads the old Trottpkce. i A pair of shoes, slippers, over shoes or leggins makes a most useful Xraas gift. For sale by Peterson & Rulfs'. ' The number of Christmas shop pers on the streets toJday is very arge. The merchants have done big day's work. A water cooler that was sold at auction at the court house several days ago, was taken away by the owner went some one before to move it. . Mr. George Jackson has moved o Salisbury from Spencer and oc- cupies tne nouse or ivir. j. lj. lall, corner of Long and Horah streets, Brooklyn. Goes to Savannah- Mr. E. A. Hutchinson, machin ist, has resigned nis position with the Southern at Spencer and will leavB next week for Savannah, Ga.' ; . AT COST:-All our 3, 4 and 5 year old boys suits. Wallace's Clothing Store. Nothing so appropriate or use ful as a few pair of those lace cur tains for Xmas present. We are selling them at cost of manufac ture. Wallace s Dry Goods Store. Finest shoe on earth is a Hanan. Sold in Salisbury at Wallace's Clothing Store. Choice neckwear, gloves, sus penders, fancy hosiery and silk mufflers, men's smoking jackets, bath robes, fine walking canes and umbrellas for . holiday trade at Wallace's Clothing Store. 25 srallons oysters Xmas, half sold; leave orders early at Jack son's market. A:-nice present. One f the pretty roll dishes at Harry Bjr.QsY A (Christmas tree exercise was given yesterday afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock by the kindergarten srhonl conducted bv Mrs. Haug on North Inniss street. - The nroeramme consisted of 1 . A ? .1 X 1 son or a na reciiations, anu mere was a beautiful Christmas tree on which were articles made by the pupils. r The children all acquitted them selves nicelv and were quite a credit to their tutor. The kindergarten" will be con ducted from 1 to "5 p., m., com mencing January 1st- until April 1st. ; : ' ' A Sun man who was present by invitation at the entertainment vesterdav afternoon enioyed the occasion very much, and - received present for which we tender thanks. ' CHANGES AT SPENCER SHOPS. New Bound House Foreman Mr. Shank Returns. On January 1st at' the Spencer shops Mr. T. C. Brown will be succeeded as foreman of the round house by Mr. O. G. Cheatham. Mr. Cheatham has been acting general foreman of the shops dur ing the absence of M,r. M. A. Shafik, who returns to his old position January 1st:; ; - Attended Newberry Wedding. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Dickert re urned this morning from New- berry, a. u., wnere ueunesaay, they attended the : marriage of Miss Clandia Coleman to Mr. William Suber. ; : : - Speaking of this wedding a correspondent of the.CoItimbia State writes from Now berry , in part: . " 'At. the nalatial hon-v-'v. Col. D. A. Dickert. In the mcLoikr on Broad river, 'there occurred $st night one of the most bril- iSnt and largely, attended wed dings that has taken- place in the county in many years, the con- racting parties being Mr. Wil- it t A 1 A. J lam ouoer oi tnis county, ana Miss Claudia Coleman, the beauti- ul and accomplished step-daugh- er of Col. Dickert. Tpe large and colonial-like home was mag nificently decorated with ever greens of holly, ferns and beauti- ul flowers. Suspended from the 1 " . i 1 . ? nign ceilings oi tne spacious rooms and passages of the lower floor were lovely Chinese and Japanese lanterns and bouquets of ferns and flowers, and on oppo site walls of the great "dining hall, surrounded by evergreen wreaths, were the letters "S. & C." The bride was lovely in white silk and t ' ni orange blossoms. ; one wore no ornaments, but carried a bouquet of roses and maiden-hair ferns. The bridesmaids wore white or gandie with trimmings of lace and ribbons, and each carried a large bouquet of ferns." Miss Gussie Dickert was one of the attendants. Remember our superb Christ mas line, Perrin gloves, silk hose, silk handkerchiefs," solid gold scarf-pins with real pearl settings, etc.. etc. bmoot J3ros. &. Kosrers. For Sale -The Criterion Cafe, splendid outfit, fine location. Any one desiring to go into the busi ness should see me at Wright's drugstore. W. M. Tucker. Be sure you ask to see the hand some chocolate and salad sets at Harry Bros'. Smoked Tongue, Pork-mixed and all kinds of Sausage at Jack son s market for Xmas. . New ribbon at Reid's. Why buy luxuries when you can sret a useful article for about the same cost. Should you be a a loss to know what to get for your Y F or best girl for a Xmas gift call at T. F. Young's and see how cheap' you can get a Standard or Wheeler. 5e, W ilson sewing ma chine, cash or "installments. - JV J. JIJjth, Salesman. Masons elected officers last night lows: - W. W. Taylor, W. M. A. L. Smoot, S. W. J. C. Sowers, J. W. J. Horah, Treasurer. R. G. Kizer, Secretary. Bismark Capps, S. D. , J. Ri Monroe, J. D. F. M. Tarrb, T. as fol J. F. Griffith, representative .to Grand Lodge. . Personal. VV . H. Jjranklin is spending a few days in Greensboro. George Fink goes to Chicago to spend Christmas week. Mr. J. O. Benson returned to Conover this morning. John Brown is home from Davidson College. Miss Daisy Bean is home from Kleinburg seminary for Christ mas. Mrs. R. W. Luck and children go to Danville to spend the holi days. Miss Carrie Peacock is at home from Mont Amoena Seminary to spend the holidays. - Mrs. Cook, of Amity, who has been visiting Mrs. Jones,' returned homo this morning. , Miss Wetmore,' of the city graded schoolyhas gone to- Greens boro to spend the holidays. George Poole, of the - Spencer force, has gone to Randleman to spend Christmas with friends. Supt; Crowell, of the High Point schools, was here this morn ing on his wayto Stanly to visit. Miss Jenkins, of the city graded school , ' went to Winston this morning to spend Christmas. f Mr. G. W". HowsbnvCrily eave to-night ior Washington on a visit to Mr? Howsoto's parents. Miss :Dovie Bailey returned home this morning from Greens boro, where she has been visitmffl Mrs. C. B. Henry and cnil- dren left to-day to spend the holi days with relatives in South Caro- ina. Miss Lula Anthony, who at- ended her brother's wedding, left this morning for her home at Pine ljOg, vjra. Miss Anna Fisher, teacher at the Lingle school house, has gone to her home at Glass to spend Christmas. " ' Hess Bernhardt, going to his home at Norwaod from Raleigh, spent last night at Mr. C. T. Bernhardt's. Charlie Wellman, of the Spen cer force, leaves to-night for Hol ly w'oodjJkliss. , to spend Christ mas with relatives. Mrs. Sue Cole Smith and daugh ter, Miss Sallie, left this morning for Savannah, Ga., to spend sev eral months with Vlr, and Mrs. VY. A. VVmburn. Mrs. O. R. Sweet, of Norfolk, arrived in the city Thursday night to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mills. ; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. F. Gaither have returned from their bridal timr and are stopping at Mrs. McCubbins', on south Fulton street. Miss Nussman, a teacher in the deaf and dumb institute at Mor ganton, is at home. She is accom panted by Miss Baker, of Ashe- ville, who will spend the holidays here. Dr. Newman Leaves Spencer. Dr. W. A. Newman has decided to leave Spencer where he has v - - been practicing for some months He goes to-day to Amherst, Va., where he will locate. Mrs. New man is already in Virginia. --. Ooiici gold cull buttons 4, per pair. ;vbmoot Bros. & Rogers. Fulton Lodge No. 99, special to daily sun. Colon, Dec 22. It is. rumored here that the commander of the British cruiser, Pheasant, has made a demand on the Colombian government for compensation for the seizure of the English- steam ship, Taboga, which was ueed as a war vessel. - The Captain of the Pheasant has asked for the pay ment of fourteen thousand pounds on account of- the seizure of the ship and the release of the prison ers wno were taKen wniie tne Taboga was under the British flag. S. S. CONVENTION. Next State Convention Will Be Held at High Point. The Executive Committee of he State Interdenominational - Sunday School Associationmet in his city yesterday. The com mittee is composed of N. B. Broughton, chairman; Geo. W. Watts, H..N. Snow, J. H. South- gate, Rev. B. W. Spillman. It was determined to hold the next State convention February 20-22 at High Point. A committee was appointed to prepare a program. It is expected that this session' of he State convention will be the most r interesting and profitable ever field as tne committee has he promise of four of the leading Sunday school workers of the world to -,be present.-r-Raleigh Times. - Going to the Front. special to daily sun. LonIon, Dec. 22. A despatch rom Capetown says Gen. Brab ant s colonal division has . been ordered to the front. -On Stock Exchange. special to daily sun. New York, Dec. 22. The stock market opened tnis morninsr witn xceeding and violent advances all along the line. Fire in Boston. special to daily sun. Boston, Dec. 22. Fire - started this morning in the granite block occupied by Burbank & Rider, Washburn, Crosby & Company's ocal branch and the New England Pattern Club and A. & F. Kim ball. The damage is heavy. . Holiday Bates. The Southern's special holiday rates went into effect to-day and he travel is now immense. All trains are crowded to their utmost capacity. The holiday rate is one and a third fare for the round rip. . - Hams for exerybody Xmas, or fresh, at Jackson's pickled market. NOTICE. The annual meeting of the share holders of the First National Bank of Salisbury, N. C, will be held at their Banking House In Salis bury, N. C, on the second Tues day in January next at 12 o'clock m., it being the btnaay or said montn. At sam meeting a resom tion will be introduced to change the by-laws of said Bank, reduc ing the number of directors from six to five. Respectfully, - W. C. Blackmer, Cashier Salisbury, N. C, Dec. 6th, 1900. Don't You Know Christmas is coming, you have to wait a little while yet; but watch Buerbaum's store. It will be i revelation this year. In the mean time he wishes to call yourntten- tion to Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens, from 2 50 to $15.00. Other grades cheaper. . His stock of paper back and bound novels Is complete. Large line of well bound popular books at 25 cents each. Whisk Brooms from 20 cents to $1.50 each. - There are a few very nice pieces of the Salisbury Souvenir China left, the pictures on the China are the Court House, the Presbyterian Church and the federal Monu ment. The sooner you come the better the selection. special to DAILY v St. Petersburg, Dec. i. influenza epidemic is so Svv that the mortality returns for th last week have been the highest for a decade. The disease has sweptiover the entire city. Every office has va cant desks and every private ta ble has several vacant chairs. The whole city for blocks has been swept. ; ' A meeting of " physicians was summoned to discuss a1 remedy but scarcely half a dozen respond ed, the rest being overwhelmed with calls or themselves subject to the malady. The' weather is conducive to the spread of the disease being chang eable with snow and slush alter: nateiy. . THE KIDNAPPER YANTED. The Cudahy Boy Taken by an Old Criminal. special to daily sun. Kansas City, Dec. 22. Pat Crowe, who is wanted in Omaha for kidnapping the Cudahy boy whose father recovered him at a' cost of $25,000, has a long;riminal record as a train robber. He has. been implicated in some of the most desperate outlawry in the west and spent many years in prison. Tammany's War on Vice. - special to daily sun. New York, Dec. 22. Under orders from Tammany Hall all he gambling establishments were closed tight last night. Lewis Nixon, acting for the Tammany Purity Committee, threatens to break up Pol ice Captains. It is believed Chief Devery is out. ' aCroker Out of Sight. SPECIAL TO DAILY SUN. New York, Dec. 22. It is said at Tammany Hall that a dozen elegrams sent to Richard Croker have been returned undelivered and that his,? friends here don't know his present whereabouts. It is understood that Croker has left his homeat Wantage, England, to go to some watering , place on the continent. None of the lammany eaders has heard from him in a week. Corporation Counsel Whalen is now recognized as the head of the organization. Cotton. special to daily sun. - i New York, December 22. Cot onJbids: Dec. 9.90; Jan. .04; Feb. .44; March .44; Apri!, .40. Prof. Lippard is receiving more new desks, and offers his students special advantages for thorougn literary and business education. Good positions are calling for well trained students at good salaries. Day and night sessions. School re-opens Jan. 7th. Beautiful Mufflers with em broidered figures at Smoot Bros. "&Regrs. Houses foii Rent At Salisbury and Spencer. Neat and convenient one and two story buildings 4 to b rooms, conveniently and pleasantly located. Prices reasonable; McCubbins & Jordan. Wood! Wood! For Sale. De livered Apply to William Loflin, at Fink's farm, Phone 139. rntF. AND SRR If my stock of groceries, confec- tionaries, fruits, cakes, nuts, rais ins, candies, in fact all kinds of table delicacies for the holidays are not the very choicest that can be had in this market. Leave your orders for turkeys, celery and oysters, for Christmas. All orders carefully filled when entrusted to our care. T. M. M'CULLOH. Phone 97.

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