m oaves COLLECTION YOUNG'S Drug Store , -Pure Dtiigs,' Pine Perfumes, The Daily Sun. Telegraphic News. Local News. . General News. fho Daily Sun Should be in every home. We Guarantee : Persona! At tention fo Prescriptions;. Only th-. Purest Drug Used; Lowest Prices, Quality Considered. FG3EGAST: Fair to-night and Tuesday. Larger circulation than any other paper ever published in Salisbury. SALISBURY, N. C;M0N DAY EVENING, JANUARY 7, 1901. VOL. VIII. NO. 109 i ' THE WEEE OF PEAYER. THE FIRST SERVICE TO-NIGHT. Monday Jfight Service at the Bap' tist Church. The first service of the week of prayer will be held at the Baptist church this evening and will be followed by similar 'services at the various city churches eve.y night during the week. ; The complete program for the week's services is as follows: j Monday, Jan. TthTat the Baptist chiirch: Subject-Prayer for better realization of spiritual truth and an estimation tf .spirit u;d realties; a clearer vision ot the redeeming Christ, and i i the sciual need and the divinely intended i lory of the world which He redeemed . Ad dresses by Rev. II. L Rev. jl. W. jtffcoat. Atkins and Tuesday', Jau. Sth, at St. John's Lutheran 1 church: Suilject Pray er for a church which through faith in Christ and by Ithe indwel ling of the .HoiyT Spirit, shall be- wholly christian,! doing God's will, winning the world to-lfbrist. Ad dresses by Dr. J. Rumple and lie v. It. G. Barrett. Wednesday, ;Jaq liUh. at the First Presbyterian church: Sub- ject Prayer for such e'lrissiian i character and life as shall be pleas ant in the home, honored in busi ness .relations, we! coined; m the neighborhood, helpful in the church, personal religion being thus manifested in its rightful at tractiveness. Addresses by Rev; L. E. Busby and Rev. Allen Whis ner. ' f : Thursday. Jan.' 10th, at the First Methodist church : Subject -Pfayer for all missionaries i nd all missionary organization, that be ing wholly ins-pired by Christian devotion and wholly guided by Christian wisdom, " they may ' speedily and iriumpLaiitly 'fulfill the Saviour's last command. Ad dresses by Rev. M. E. Parrish and Dr. J. Rumple. , j I Friday, Jan. 11th, at , the Main Street Methodist church: Subject Prayer for right relations, in so ciety and the nation with the Golden rule obeyed as between man and man, and all social and political action guided by justice and good will the Christian ideal. Addrcscts by Dr. J. N. Staliings and Rev. L E. Bucby. Howan's Candidates. Rowan has two aspirants for po sitions at the hands of the general assembly. Mr. Walter Murphy, who' made such an excellent read ing clerk at the se'ssion pf 1 1899 is a 'candidate for re-cicctioh to that positioi. Mr. ; W. C. Llsk, of Morgan township, asinres to the position of assistant sergeaat-at-arms of the House. j Rev. Lutz in Salisbury. Rev. W. A." Lutz, president of North Carolina College, spent Sunday in Salisbury and preached two sermons during the day. Jn the morning he preached at Chest nut Hiil Lutheran church and Sin the evening at St. John's. Both sermons were listened to by large and appreciative audiences. MARY AND JOHN. 1 ' '--.';:' f : " ! SCENE 2." : j ;. " - - i John: Are you busy, Mary ? I Mary: Oh, no. Come in. I've just been writing to Cora. J wrote twelve pages. j John: Indeed? What were ycu telling her? ) " Mary: All about Lufsey's -five and ten cent store, that is soon to be opened in Salisbury. A good subject, wasn't it? j , For John s answer see tomor row evening's Sun. Stockholders Meeting. The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Vance Cot .ion Mill will be hold at the mill on Thursda 1 - V l Mil, tuv III I i I VJ 11 iy,: January 10th, 1901, at n. , this being the second 11 a. m Thursday-in January. REAL ESTATE AGErTS? TAX. If Rent Collectors Cannot be Taxed 1 None Will Be. t -j ' . ' Quite an interesting complica tionlhas arisen over .the petition o: the Salisbury real estate dealers whidh was' presented to the board of aldermen through Hon. Lee b Overman last week. Hbretofore a license tax has been imposed on real estate dealers and a de Hnition of such a dealer was mean one tacilll y construed to. who openly proclaimed through the medium of a shingle and an ad in the paper that he was a real estaje agent ' Af has been noted in the Sun,- Mr. Overman asked on behalf of thesi- dealers thai" such persons as coiltct rents (in the capacity of agei: ts be also required to pay the tax. : No final action was taken on the matter at Thursday's meet- ing of the beard and Mayor Lord was asked this morning what ac- tionl the board proposed taking. ve been instructed," he re plied "to eoqsult with the city at tornpy and ascertain if such col lects der the licensjb scale authorized ia our charter. If they can the tax will 1 be imposed. Otherwise the tax n real estate dealers will be rem tted.'r A lid until the opinion of the city (attorney is - in hand ' further actiq u in the matter is postponed.1 LOCAL DOTS AEOUHB SALISBURY. General Summary, of Local Happen- iigs ia and Around the City. ; M s, C. W. Windsor is quite sick tod Fir bargains in foot-wear, go to the Burt Shoe Co. - Ml . Kerr Foster has accepted. a ion at the Spencer shops. pos Sihool starts to-day, so start you of 1 boy or girl w ith a new pair cterson & Rulfs shoes'. V j L. Jackson has choice beef everything else found in a class meat market. See his ad. - ,..-'." v ' .: ' ' ; '-mm l I and first new r. o, J . UJonneuy nas recovered i an attack of the grip and i n at his post at the Spencer s. ' .. The signs of the time's" indicate fro i aga sbo tha Harpy Bros, have something in t ieir new ad., today "that will ia-1 terd st you. I - - The members of the Book Club aTe requested jto meet with Mrs. .1 .P. Griffith Tuesday after n promptly at 3 o'clock, .hor, Mary Alden Ward. Ja no( Au No League Meeting. On account of' the W eekof Prayer services ; there will be, no League meeting at the Methodist chorch tonight. Mrs. Snider Quite Sick. Mrs. John Snider mother of Mr L W. F. Snider, cashier of ,the Sa ings Bank, is quite sick at her ho me on Main , street. 1 Representatives Leave for Raleigh- Hon. John S. Henderson and R. Lee Wright, Esq , left this morn- ing lor itaieign to oe present at tne 01 ening of -the legislature Wed nesday. ; .""C . Death Near China Grove. Mrs. Cherry, a widow lady, who lr ed near China Grove, died last Saturday, after suffering a stroke oi I paralysis. Mrs. Cherry, was alpout 50 years old. She leaves two sons. . - : . For .Sale or Reni 9-roqm house, east inniss street. vv ater abd gas. Apply ty W. C. Fraley. Bargain "sale at Reids'. Board Mrs. W. H. Thompson iin accommodate six or eight gen- emen with good board at a reas cbable price. East Fisher street, . i i j i xt lo R. R. bridge. j New Cab Anyone wanting a ice , street caD, pnone. i7ixie TO !. INDICT OVERSEER; SO ORDERED BY COMMISSIONERS Superintendent J. H L Rice Ten ders Resignation to Board- The county commissioners met in regular monthly session today but had not completed their work up to the hour of adjournment at 1 o'clock., At the forenoon meeting Sup erintendent J. H. L. Rice, of the County chain gang, tendered his resignation and the Jboard will elect his successor this afternoon. Mr. Monroe Peeled road super visor for Litaker township, . re ported that Mr. John L. Peeler, road' overseer for that township, had refused to perform the services required of himself or summon road hands. . The commissioners authorized Supervisor Peeler to notify Over seer Peeler to perform road duties. In case of failure to comply with his notification the supervisor is ordered to indict him without de- ay. I - : The usual routine' business was V transacted after which the board adjourned until 2 o'clock. Ihe jury for the i ebruary term will be drawn this afternoon. MR. CARTER ELECTED. Succeeds Superintendent on County ; Cham uacg. The county commissioners, at 3 o'clock this afternoon, elected Mr. C. SI- Carter, at present a guard on the chain gang, to "succeed Superintendent J. H. L. Rice, re signed. - - r : TWENTIETH CENTURY FOLKS. People Who Are on the go or Visiting : , I . ; in the ' City.''"'"":" C. A. Overman went to Char lotte this morning. J. E. Cabie, of Greensboro, was in the city this morning. J. M. Surratt went to Lexington this morning on business. Prof.; P. E. Wright, of China Grove, was in the city this morn- A B. Carter wentl to Wilming- ton this morning on ; a business Capt. V. Murdoch WTi ley went to Concord this morning on busi ness. ' Representative Gaither, tf Ca tawba county, was in the' city this morning on bis way to Raleigh. Rev. W. A. Lutz, who has been in the city since Saturday, return ed to Mt. Pleasant this morning. Miss Gertha Koontz returned last night from Elkin and WTilkes boro, where where she has been spending the holidays. Whitehead Kluttz, the talented son of Congressman Kluttz, has returned to Chapel Hill to resume his collegiate studies. Henry Carter, who has been as sisting in placing the machinery at i Cooleemee Cotton Mills, left this morning for Washington. Miss Bessie Bost, of South River, who has been ill with ty phoid f ev er for nearly two months, has recovered. She left "this morning for Greensboro to resume ber work at school. NOTICE. T ( The annual meeting'of the share holders of .the First National Bank of Salisbury, N. C, will be held at their Banking House in Salis bury,. O , on the second Tues day in January next at 12 o'clock m., it being the 8th day of said month. At said meeting a resolu tion will be introduced to change the by-laws of said Bank, reduc ing the number of directors- from six to five. ' , Respectfully, W. C. Blackmer, Cashier. aKshnrv. N. (. Dec. fith. IftOO. i ' - j ' I For Rent 3 rooms on south Main St., 2 upstairs and 1 down- stairs; also for sale 1 single bed- sieau anu pair anuirons; an at 1 good woman dead Mrs. Ann Hutchinson Dies Suddenly From Heart Failure.' Mrs. Ann Hutchinson, a mos estimable and Christian woman died suddenly Saturday afternoon about 4 o'clock from heart failure. - Mrs. Hutchinson had been sick for some time but was in anappar ently cheerful mood Saturday and conversed freely" with members of the family. But an affection of the heart had many years since Warned the members of the " fam ily that death would probably come suddenly as the trouble was i a cbionic character. 4 Her daughter, Miss Emma, was n;tfie rpom with her at the time of her death. - Her end was as peaceful as her life had been. Unobstrusive, gentle and kind, Mrs. Hutchin son had friends wherever she was known and the news of her death will be received with general re gret and sorrow. TRANSFER OF HT. VERNON. This Valuable Hotel Property For mally Changed Hands To-Day. The Mt. Vernon hotel formally changed hands to day, Mr. P. A. Frercks, the former owner, retir ing and. Mr. Robert VJ. Lindsay, the purchaser and future proprie tor and manager, assuming charge. Mr, Lindsay is a veteran hotelist and is generally popular with the traveling public. The flattering patronage that he has received in the?past is ample guarantee of the fact that the prestigo which the Mt;i Vernon has established during Mr, Frercks' management will suffer nothing by the change. 1 We are glad to learn that Mr. aud Mrs. Frercks will continne to live in Salisbury. Kt. Parker Leaves Mt Vernon. I Mr. A. L. Lindsay, son of the new proprietor of the Mt. Vernon hotel, has taken the position of day clerk at this hotel, succeeding Mr. W. D. Parker, who has served in that capacity for several months. With the Home Folks Mr. and Mrs. H. P.- McCrary, of Crawfordisville, Indiana, who have been visiting in Rowan and Davidson counties for several weeks, have returned to Indiana. Mr. McCrary was at one time a resident of Rowan and was struck with the rparked improvement not only in the appearance of Salis bury but qf the agricultural por tion of the county as well. M r Bost Enters Journalistic Field. Mr. Wr . Thomas Bost, of South River, is in Salisbury and has ac cepted the position of local and news editor of our morning con temporarythe Truth-Index. Mr. Bost is a talented and intellectual young man with a natural bent for journalism ana will doubtless make a success in his chosen field. At Landis. The new mill at Landis, near 4 China Grove, wilt soon be in operation. The building is up and the machinery is being purchased. At the present rate of building the distance from Concord to China Grove will be lessened, it will not be so far from border to border. Our neighbor improves every day. Concord Tribune. . Prof. Lippard re-opens his night school to-night, and thus affords young people who work an excel lent opportunity of getting a good practical education and thus qualify themselves for good paving posi tions. Education pays- Ignorance is a discount. For Rent. Four new 5-room cottages in East Ward in easy reach of railroad. Applv to . . W. G. Watson For Rent 5-room cottage on south Inniss street.4 Good neigh borhood. Applv to M. M.-Bailey Thejflest things in silks a A CONVICT CAPTURED. A NOTED CHARACTER IS TAKEN. Joe Bergin, Wanted for . Burglary, Caught Yesterday. Joe Bergin, a convict and noted criminal,. was taken Sunday morn ing at: an early hour by officers Geo. C. Eagle and W. A. Monroe. Bergin was sentenced to the Rowan county pchain . gang more than six months ago' for? a minor offense and in thirty days his time would have expired. But & more serious charge was pending against him thaV of burglary and he es caped from the gang after com pletmg only a few ; days of his time. ' . During the six months interven ing the officers have beenion the alert for Bergin but all their ef forts ; to take him have been in vain. ? Yesterday morning Officers Ea gle and Monroe learning that he was at the home of Irene Peck, colored, called at the house and caught their man napping. Bergin is now safely within the toils and when bis sentence for the misdemeanor for which he was sient to the gang is completed, he will be put on trial for a burglary committed at Spencer. DISCUSSING SCHOOL MATTERS. A Special Committee From, School Board in Session. A special committee appointed by the school board of this city at its last ttssion will meet this after noon at the graded school building to consider the needs of the public schools of Salisbury. There are some features of the charter af- ecting the school interests which may be remodelled by the board iuiU - Hon. John S. Henderson, senator-elect frpm this county. who is also a member of the school board, has agreed " to see such amendments as are desirable put through the legislature. . ? After Twenty-Two Years. Mr. H. L. Butler,a native of Rowan county, who has been liv ing in northern Texas for the past twenty-two years, has been spending the past two days in this county. Mr. Butler returns to morrow to Texas. 1' . . : . - Cordon Lodge, No 168, 1. O. O. F. will meet in their old hall over Plummer's Drug Store to-night. Their new quarters in the Savings Bank building will not be ready for occupancy until Mon day, Jan. 14. Leaves for Tennessee. Mr. M. Ij. Jackson leaves to night for Tennessee to buy hogs and beeves for his meat market. Mr. Craige Improving. Hon. Kerr Craige, who was so painfully injured in a " runaway two weeks ago, continues to lm prove, although he is still quite weak. A Rock Hill Wedding Miss Mamie Bays left this morn insr for Rock Hill, S. C where she will act as bridesmaid at weddinsr Wednesday night. The contracting parties are Miss Mar caret Bavs. a "cousin of Miss Bays, and Dr. Gilmore Stevens, a popular and rising young .physi cian. M iss Bays , will return to Salisbur v the latter part" of the week. North Carolina College. , . . This now popular institution has closed one term which must go down in history as a grand success With yo on the? roll and 655 oi these boarders every one says "well done.7' The next term opens Jan. 2, 1901. Prices low. Work thorough. Strict discipline. Bad habits not tolerated in . the stu dents." Parents can trust their sons in our care. Address W. A. Lutz, Pres. SOUTHERN-SUIT COIIPROinSLTh Sir. Lassiter Gets $1,000 From the . Southern; The suit of A. L. Lassiter against the Southern Railway Company, which was tried at the November term of Rowan Supe rior court, was compromised to day on the payment of the Southern of $1000 and costs. The jury in this suit gave Lassi ter $1500 and from this judgment counsel for the railroad considered appealing. : . The matter was ' compromised to-day, however, on rithe pay mentpf $1,000, as statedj to Clerk Watson. ' Htn. leeS. Overman and Hon. Kerr Craiage appeared for the plaintiff. UP FOR HOUSEBREAKING. A Catawba Convict Goes to the Peni tentiary For Eight Years. ,: ' ' ' .. - Deputy Sheriff H. P. Rudisill, of Catawba county, passed through Salisbury this morning on his way to Raleigh with a prisoner, who was sentenced at the last term of Catawba court to eight years in the penitentiary. The case is one with which many Salisburians are familiar. The prisoner's name is .Wade Costner and he was given the term named or attempting to break in a bouse in which several ladies were sleep ing. '" . Costner says he is 18 years old and denies his guilt. Row Last Night. There was a big row at the home of Emma Farren. colored, last - night at which one party present attempted to use a pistol. He was arrested and bound over to:day. UU Vo ti na' 7f n - The Sun is in receipt of, a' copy of Maury's Elementary geogra phy, revised, which contains a picture of unusual interest to North Carolina As a part of the geography cuts of the leading races of the world appear and the representative of the Cajucssian race is North Carolina's best be- oved son Zebulon B. iVance. The geography is a well arranged and attractive book. Important Meeting at Spencer. A meeting of all the citizens in erested in ihe Spencer and South ern City school district is called to be held in the hew school house at , 7:30 o'clock to-night. The school house is now completed and was turned over to the committee todayv The meeting tonight is to make arrangement to settle for the Wilding and to decide when he school shall open. Every one is urged to attend. Vessel May be Sunk. special to daily sun. Port Townsend, Jan. 7. Ship ping men here have no doubt that the vessel reported from London as being wrecked near Manila is the Chilian bark, Letona, which sailed from here three months ago with a lumber cargo for Chili. Several weeks ago the Letona was spoken by the schooner Azelia whose captain saw no officers and was impressed with the idea that there had been a mutiny on the bark. : Don't " - Get drunk,, partake of all good things in moderation and buy Koysters best candy lqr your sweethearts and wives. Buerbaum has Royster's candies in , 1, 2, 3 and 5 lb boxes. - It sells at 50c per pound. . Buerbaum has a choice selection of goods suitable for holiday presents, the wonderful and tre mendous trade has been unable to exhaust his extensive stock. Picture frames made to order at anv time, at prices to suit the times. Plenty of nice gift books from UfflPi COL. LANG KILLED IN THE FIGHT. Detachment Ran Dp Against a Supe rior Force. special, to daily sun.J London, Jan. 7. Gen. Kitche ner cables from . Pretoria under yesterday's date that a detachment of a hundred and twenty, men be longing to. Knox's command came in contact with a superior number of the enemy near Lindley. Col. Lang- and two other officers and fifteen- men were Killed. iwo omcers and twenty men were wounded. No details were received. DEPORTING REBELS. General McArthur Busy at it. Will Hold Leaders. SPEjCIAL TO DAILY SUN. J Minala, Jan. 7. McA-rfbur has ordered the deportation of Gen. Ricarte Delpilar Hizon Llarana Santes to .the island of Guam. Nine regimental and four subordi nate officers with eight civilians in cluding Trias, Terson and Mahin, the notorious assistants of the in surrectionists, have also beeen or dered deported. McArthur in tends holding most of the active eaders of the rebels who have been captured in Guam until the resumption of peace negotiations has been declared. SUPPRESSING. CHINESE PAPERS. Papers Inciting Natives Against - Foreigners, Suppressed. lO 1A1X.X bLiiS.j Tacoma, Jan. 7. The steamship Tacoma brings the news from Hong- Kong that the American consul has required , Viceroy Kwang Yung to suppress several seditious native newspapers circu lated throughout Canton advising the natives to rjse against foreign ers. Some objection was made when the consul first protested. He pointed to the United States Monitor Monterey lying in the harbor as evidence that his wishes must be respected. The Viceroy then gave orders to suppress the papers and arrest any. one found selling them. A New York. Burglary. . SPECIAL TO DAILY SUN. Waterton, N. Y.Jan. 7. The store of Wood & Son, of Wood ville, this county, was entered at o'clock- this morning 'by six burglars, who attempted to blow open the safe but the neighbor hood was alarmed and the men fled. They had secured a small amount in the drawer and some jewelry. They stole a horse and cutter and escaped but were afterwards cap tured in a barn near Manneville, six miles away, e few hours after the burglary! ' ' Cotton, SPECIAL TO DADL.Y' sun. . New York, Jan. 7. Cotton bids: Jan. 9.95; Feb. .65; April, May, .73; June, .60; July, .55; August, .26; Sept. 8,73. Cabinet Photographs one-half doz. $1.50. bemi cabinets one- half doz. 50c. Cards one-half doz. 25c. Excelsior Studio, between public square and postoffice. Wanted. Two men to handle our goods in Rowan and Cabarrus counties. 'Address, J. W. Toney, Salisbury, N. C. Fine Catawba grapes at Theo. Al well's. mi . Dr. W. H. W7akefield, of Char lotte, N. C, will be , in Salisbury at Central hotel on Thursday, January 17th f.r one day only. His practice is limited to Eye, Cor Tnca ami TKrnof J. A. Caldwei, Pres. itudid. J. H. Rajisay. ! this office. Mt. Pleasant N. C. 25c to $15. : ft- .