SALISBURY DAILY SUN. (DAILY KXCKPT SUNDAY.) JOE X. ROUECHE. " 1 CLINT. H. BROWN, f Proprietors. Enteredat poatofflco s second-class matter, SUBSCRIPTION BATES : One Year, lx Months. Three One Month, One Week, 14.00 Z.00 1.00 .35 .10 Delivered by Carriers to any part of the city ' without extra cost. for advertising rates apply to the publishers Office over Burt's shoe store, on Main street. i- AusBUBY, N. C, Jan. 10, 1901. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. As there are no politics to dis cuss and there being little use to suggest any heeded laws to the Legislature--the Legislators prob ably having made up their minds as to the measures they will pro pose and support the best thing to do is to talk a business or ganization for Salisbury. Politics avail little locally other than man icipal ; Salisbury will be here and grow and prosper after the Legis lature is adjourned. What then is urgently needed in the ,city is a business organization where defi nite action can be taken looking to improvement and through which good office investors may -be invited and urged to locate here.- At a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce of: Charlotte Tuesday night, which was largely attended, the committee made a brief but pointed report bearing uponv the success of any organization.' We copy an extract from the report as follows : "It will be admitted without ar gument that the fundamental prin ciple upon which depends the suc cess of any organization, religious, social, business or otherwise, is the co-operation of its individual mem bers. Without such co-operation and without unity, every such organization must certainly and absolutely fail of success." This comprehends the great principle which goes to improve not only business concerns but the building up of a town. Our citizens should co-operate with each other for improvement. Everyone should work for the city's interest. By unity much can be accomplished. We return to our subject and insist that a business organization be effected in the city. A Cham ber of Commerce or - a '.similar or ganization would nil - the want. The town is splendidly located for few who qo not have something to payor to receive. "Money makes the mare go"" is an old proverb, originating very likely on the turf. It also makes business go in all its J departments. Ready cash is the one essential, and when it circulates f reel v from hand to hand in tions is as the sen the discharge of obliga much of a blessing as dew: which descends alike updn the just and the unjust, Therefore, "cash up" and help to make each other harmv. Blessed . 1 are those who pay . promptly, be cause tbJBv in "their turn shall be paid. ". I A Wonderful Clock. . William L. Bundy, the inventor of the Bund v time recorder, has completed a most ingenious clock, on which he has been at work for many years. The hour and minute of the day day of the week, day of the month, day of the year, and the year are told by (he clock. The phases of the moon are given, and the sh&pe of the moon each day is shown. The clock also gives the seasons of the year, strikes' the hour and plays a tune each hour, giving six distinct changes of tune and ' play ing them consecutively. The mechanism of the clock sets in motion a small steam engine and dynamo! machine. It also chimes the bells placed around the dial at a quarter past the hour over and back once; half past, over and back twice; and at three-quarters over and back three timesi The small figures a band of soldiers in the "grotto" operate each quarter! of the hour, and simulta neously!' an "old-ashiooned saw mill" is set in motion-, sawiDg through a (log, the carriage re turning ready for another cut. The water can be seen running down the flume. At the same time a bell i i the dome at the top of the clock will toll, calling atten- khe mill in" operation the mill is an articificial containing fish of : different rogs, turtles, shells, etc. s on the surface of the entire mechanism is built tion to neath pond, kinds There is also a boat floating among the log pond. J The in skeleton form, and every part is visible f rem the front and sides. The mechanism is driven wholly by the block movementoiiepfliin the various sets of complicated levers and cams. It has to be wound up once a week in five dif ferent llaces. The wheels revolve at a ra of speed varying from six hui dreds revolution a minute to "a revolution once in ten thous- ana years. ' xnese wneeis are op- pe rated in such a way as to make the calendar perpetual, giving each month I at its proper time and the correct number of days to each month! including: leap year: and FROM THE TELEGRAPH. Rebels are threatening Panama and -the United States has ordered warships there. Secretary Hoot has - asked the' House for an appropriation of $2,-418,3-70 for enlarging West Point Academy. ; y The British will soon begin to seize the horses in the Boer states, with, the hope of crippling the fighting burghers. ' The eight men killed and three injured by a collision on the Mon ongahela division of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad near Fairmont, W. Va., were all railroad employes except two trainps. One of the worst storms of the year struck Chicago yesterday and raged until midnight, damaging wires and crippling the street car serf ice. There was a heavy fall of snow, and wind blew over forty miles an hour. Bryan Craig, a conductor on the Southern Railway, at Selma, Ala., last night, shot and killed Bryan Andrews, a negro. The shoot ing took place in a street car and was the result of Andrews knock mg Craig's hat off dnnng the street fair. A passenger train on the tral Railroad of New Jersey, run ning on the New York & Long Branch Railroad jfrom Mattewan and Atlantic Highlands, was run into by a freight "locomotive of the Lehigh Valley Railrpad, near the Perth Am boy 'station yester day. Five persons were badly hurt, of whom two may die. , gssss SIGNS OF Th 1 JL1JLJ 1 The Sun and Mr. Julian Congratu-lated. indicate a continuance of last year's pro rity Our first business resolution of the New Year is to buy a bigger line of good sand a b etter quality for eve ry one of our departments than we have been carrying. Success with you -means success with us. It will always be worth your time to glance over oijr advertise ment because, we never advertise q what we haven't got and we aim to Q) tell you through our "ads" of new ar- j& rivals of goods, that you are interest- jl 8eu in, Trom xime xo time.' .-- tt Last week we bought for immedi- (6 ate shipment a full line of S Muslin and Lawns, and bv far the' S W prettiest and cheapest line of Em- Yj (J) . and that means prettier and. cheaper (J) than any one else Has shown here. We are out of .furs but still have some i ' The following from the Raleigh Post in regard to the Sun's local editor is very deserving and will be appreciated by Mr. Julian's Be--! many friends here: ."The Post notes the progress of its. young friend, Mr. John M Julian, of Salisbury, with sincere interest, ne is one 01 tne rising .f O. 1 J yvuug ji'uiuttiisis oi me oiaie, ana i r is gaining by his personal merit. I 7 A 1 vw EST" that you can buy cheap and a few Elltin Blankets and LAEGE COMFOETS that might interest you while the weather lasts. ; Remember the Embroidery Laces. !; . v : v- arry 8 -8 Bros W e have known him and admired him from his youth up. He has just connected himself with the Sun of his city, and the Sun is likewise 8 Scientific American. I I L L . , I . . manufacturing enterprises and has ao f cnan correcuy at- leap nh.,iof r. u,.. .u . year, wnen an extra day is added. t, a vuuui A. L lino LUU requisites necessary to growth and progress, tne citizens only lacking I . It energy And we again insist that alike i they take lip this question at once, an um form an organization and ' labor Beady for Shad. . The ' Wilmington Messenger says: The shad season is about to open and our fishermen are ready for it. T They have made new nets, repaired old ones and put their boats in order. They will go out on the river next week on their first shadding trips. It is pre sumed thaX a few shad could be caught now by seining for them,-as they generally come into the river about this time'. WATCH THIS SPACE,' for W. P. THORNTON, the L0. rams on tne ricn and poor they are unable to swipe brella. . viuiuu&ijr lor we increased up building of the town. .The Point In one of the Porto Rican cases before the upreme CouH redenck R. Coudert, Jr., argued that equaiadministration of the Government extends to all lnds acquired or belpnging to the Gov ernment. V throat The' most soothing, healing and antiseptic application ever devised is De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It relieves at once and cures piles, and skin diseases. imitations. . James sores, eczema j het result of that West investigation seems to be Beware of Plummer. that tqbasco sauee pouredinto the will produce death. - But settle the hazing But does that question? TU - TUTrt i i n. - "Mark Hanna is quoted as having said that the two biggest mistakes ujtvue uy me unuea oiaies were the war on th S..nih onrl -tVio-on- . " '"VV" franchisement of the slaves. Mark is about, level-headed on that, but we doubt if he said it." a man wno neglects nis own business can't be trusted to look after other people's affairs. f , - Thankful. A live 'possum was discovered in a colored meetm7 house in Mit chell bounty. The. parson pro- nounced tne oenediction -lmme- Story of a Slave. To be bound hand and foot for years by th'e chains of disease is the worst form of slavery. George D. Williams, of Manchester, lYiicn., tens now sucn a slave was made free. ; He i ays: "My wife has been so helpless for fiv6 years that she could not turn' over . in I bed alone. ' After-using two bot- ues oi Hiieciric Hitters, sne is iffts;ofsweetoders Ian v and i-tavtsinwi. " s t Wonderfully improved and able to j 1uality and in such attractive form as these; a oeautirm line of CUT GLASS BOTTLES . rvrotoQi VI VI w ' ' v do her own work." This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly r J-fie total money supply of the wtrrld'in 18(3 was placed a"t four billion six hundred million dollars. Tody it is estimated at eleven billion ix hundred million dollars. This is at the rate of about 100 per cent in" a generation. Ihe Asheville Citizen consoles its readers thus: "If you have not cures nervousness, sleeplessness,' diately, remarked, "'Lijah wuz melancholy, headache, backache rainiing ana aizzy : speiid, idis miracie ; worKinsr rreuicine is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down people. JiiVery botileguarantepd. Only 50 cents. Sold brTheo F. Kluttz & Co., Druggiht.- f ed by ravens in de wilderness, en L ' f " ... t '-'" possum on nia coi' mawnin' is i none de leps providential !" Love has made a fool of many a man Who was considered wise.- and BOHEMIAN WARE Filled With ELEGANT PERFUMES. The finest nrwtu vfsa i. .. i .. 4- "" """can t be dupl cated. Also a beautiful line of Stationery for Holidays vi aim se? them at Quthrell's Drug Store jn& way to -mase a ton man appear short is by trying- to bor row money of himti ' Whfen a man has no mind of your share you have either had it bis own his wife is.apt to give him and squandered it or else vou have a Piecf of bers. not hustled as you should. J It wis nere tor you, so the figures say, -A gosling, never. ' attempts to and figures will not prevaricate." teach k epose. vet there are chil dren who imagine they are wiser -Promptness in the payment of than their parents small debts as well as Iarcre ones will contrihiitft at ,n t Such little pills as DeWitt's the comfort Qf everybody. .jr 1U tuo uwgiu- etlectiVe in cleaninsr the liver and Baby's Advent ning. of the year, when there are bowels. James Plummer. into the .. world used to be dread ed and worried about. Now t Hose who1 know of Mother's Friend, think, of nothing bat the joy of the little one's arriv al, MOTHER'S FRIEND has doae all this, and every woman In the world oueht to' used eitftrnallv. That is the only right way, of course. Iru ps upset the system and endanger .the life of the baby. Mother's Friend le praised by mothers all over the world. . ! MWi Friend t th- . drag (tor. , tl per bottt " TEX VOLAJf rTEtS BECF0IAT0B CO., lOwta, G. WrttM-ea r. M CUBBINS AVENUE. X X 2: 2: w 1-1 I- 1 O - - b) bO bO p CO . o M o o EVERYTHING CONSIDERED in cur way of laundering'. Nothing Tito smau to receive attention; nothing ?too big to be successfully treated. . THE LAUNDRY Clear, Clean, Sof& Water is used Good soap is used. Skilled help is employed Great care is taken. . We Charge ordinary rates but work' is much above the ordinary. Salisbury Steam " Laundry North Carolina,' Tin Superior Court. Bowan County. ) Feb. Term, 1901. ' H. C. liOftin, vs Millie Loftin I'.-". jluc lots o; situated on ! -block from be bought reasonable. Address, CHAS the above plat aro Chestnut Hill, one city limits, and can W. THOMAS, 741 Chutch St., Norfolk, Va. Action for divorce. The defendant above named will take notice that H. C.f Loftin has commenced the above entitled action against her in the Superior Court of Kowan county for the purpose of ob taining a divorce from the bond of matrimony, an she js ; required to appear at tne jaext term of the Su perior Court of said County to be held at the Court House in Salisbury on the second Monday before the first Monday in March, 1901, aal; answer or demur to the comDlaint of nlaintiff iq said action, or plaintiff will apply J to the court for the relierMemanded in'the coninlaint,. i ' '- ,.' .I ' W. G. .WtATSON. Clerk Superior Court. T. C. Linn, Att'y. - NOTHING LIKE PATENT KID SHOES FOR DRESS AND DURABILITY. Soft in Pextuie, Brilliant i in Finish, Viiiy Flexible, and Do Not Crack. The 33 THE. TETSKl FOR MEN, and 'Collpge Woman" Shoe SHOE FOR WOMEN are two of the best and molt stylish shoes on the market to-day. ' A good assortment at greatly re duced prices, are now on sale at THE BURT SHOE STORE. Edwin C. Greaorv. Trustee - ... M J 7 . . I , piififjRnl w iljfl l : i For Miss T (3 hriStBTDSLS a Card Cases, plain and fancy leathers, 25c to75c. Card Cases, sterling silver trimmed, 75c. Purses 5c to 75c. Handkerdhiefs. la dies 3c to 50c, mens 3c to 50c. Handker chiefs, silk, initial and plain, 25c to 50c. Handkerchiefs, gents and ladies all linen at 10c. Gloves, mens 25c to $1. Gloves, ladies best $1 guaranteed kid on the market. Ties, an styles, iucioduc. r'enumesoc, iuc, tc, 50c bottle; finest made $1 50 oz. Umbrellas, ladies steel frame, 35c to $4; mens 50c to $4; mens self c'osers $1,' self openers $1.75 to $2.50. Suspenders lOc to 50c, President and Guyot makps. Night shirts 50c and 65c. Razor Strops 25c and 50c. Toi'let Soaps 2c, cr 1 v 1 ri rt r rr r i. r-i i uu, imu iou, .w, zuu, owe caKe. nair orusnes lOc to $l; military brushes. Combs 5r.to25c Hosiery; ladies, lOc to $2-50 pair; mens, 5vto 25c pair. Lavender Salto 10c battle. Linen Marking Initials 6 for lc, SJOc gross. Can dies, Che colate Creams, 20c lb; Fancy Can dies lOc to 40c lb. Glace Fru tv 4c lb; $2 five lb wooden box. Sheets, ularn. 65c and iolmui, oiujbis, ,rancy nemstPcnea Em broidered, $2 and $3.7S set Blankets 65c to $5 pair. Counterpanes 65c to $2 SO each. Couch Covers $2.s0 to $6 each. Tapestry Curtains $6 pair. Rugs. Lace Curtains 5Oc to:$6.25 each. TableLirien Heavy Damask 20c to$L25 yard. Table Napkins 5Oc to S8 doz. Students Lamps S2 7s each, Tull nickel plated. Toilet sets, full size, three pieces, Ol seta. KLUTTZ EENDLEMAN Wfn n n $j a rrfiiy" t urn itu re Store Is the place to go to get your Furniture. The largest stock. The best of Furniture. The lowest of prices. Eight floors full; he is up to date in his Jine. Caskets, Coffins, Robes", &c Embalming a specialty. Fully equipped in the true sense of the word! Special attention to telegraph orders. Telegraph office in his store. Meets trains day or night. - DON'T FAIL TO SEE HIM. We are headquarters for Slate, Tin and Gravel ROOFING. Plumbing, Gas Fitting and Ventilating- Tfow. tbat the sewerase! is nearinc- completion make home comfortable by putting ln-a, Bath, , Tub, Water closet and Lavatory. . . AU-workmanship guaranteed. W. S. MG61son: NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that applic a tion will be made to the next General Assembly of North Carolina to incor porate the town of bpencer, by the name of Spencer. . NOTICE. Notice is hereby eiven that armli. tion will be made to the next General Assembly of North Carolina to-ircor-' pprate the town of Southern City, by the name of Southern City or East Spencer, " NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that applica tion will be made to thenext General Assembly of North Carolina to incor porate the town of Wocdside by the name of Woodside. "