THE flCYDS .C0LLCi;:J. YOUNG'S Drug Store. Pure Prug-g. Pine Perfumes. Toiltt Articles, Stationery. We Guarantee Personal At tention to Prescriptions; Only the Purest DrugUsed; Lowest Prices. Quality-Considered. " JUST RECEIVED 500 lbs of Mountain Buck Wheat, also 1 Bbl. of New Orleans Molasses. 0 WEATHER FORECASTS Fair, continued cold to-night and Saturday. Larger circulation than any other paper ever published in Salisbury. at THEO.ATWELL, vol. vm. SALISBURY, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 25, 1901. NO. 125 WOHAti'S GENEROSITY HE IS A - - HOT WANTED. POINTED QUESTIONS. PUT TO TEMPERANCE FOLKS BY A SPENCER DIRECTORY. QUEEN'S WILL READ HER WISHES IN REGARD TO FU NERAL TO BE FOLLOWED. THE BODY REVIEWED. LEGISLATURE TODAY. REFUSES TO ACCEPT DOWER FROM ODDIE SAYS HE IS, AUTHORITIES MR. REUBENS HUMPHREY IS NOW PREPARING ONE. THE QUEEN'S BODY PLACED IN A PETITIONS FROII ROWAN WHISKEY QUESTION. 0.1 THE ESTATE. " " SA S HE IS NOT. TEMPERANCE HAN. COFFIN TO-DAY. . . M . - - . - ? , i ; ' . - - . - - - Mrs. Barley son says it was intended For the First Wife's Children and t Befases any Share. Mr. J. Ed Dorton, of Gold Hill, spent yesterday and this morning in Salisbury on his way home from Concord, where he had been looking after the estate of his father-in-law, the late Benja min Burleyson. Mr. Do,rton's wife is dead but left a little daugh ter. who will come in for her r mother's estate. Connected - with the settlement of the estate comes a story as strange as true. Mr. Dorton called our attention to the following item in the Concord cor respondence of the Charlotte Ob server: . ; "An instanse of generosity and unselfish sacrifice occurred in this county when the estate of the late Benjamin Burleyson jwas in the hands of his administrator that seldom has a parallel in the records of any court. Mr. Burleyson's last wife was! Mrs. Blakely, of Lancaster, S. (f.-T who brought to "Vir now hnm a one Ron hv her tirst w j marriage. Mr. Burleyson had seven children and thus a family of j eight children were gathered on- ( der one roof. Their home at Flow's, in' this county was one of plenty and prosperity and to all human view, a long and peaceful life was before a hapy family. On one sad evening last year Mr. Burleyson was fatally hurt and died in a few hours. The widowed mother, with broken hopes, thought only of the welfare of those left to her care and consid ered the-financial prospects which were before her family, and de claring to the administrator that her property in South Carolina was sufficient for the maintenance of herself and her son, refused to accept any part of her iegal right in Mr. Burleyson's estate." Mr. Dorton says that Mrs. Bur leyson stated that she knew that her deceased husband had saved and accumulated for the sake of his children and as. 6he had been married to him only three years , and having means of her own she would refuse her dower. The estate is valued at $12,000. Suits Against Southern. The Winston correspondent of the Charlotte Observer says: Miss Etta Rayle and her broth er, Albert, are in Greensboro look ing after their suit against the Southern Railway, which is to be tried at this term of court.-They claim $5,000 each for injuries sus tainedtwo years ago. A train ran into their buggy throwing them out and inflicting injuries which kept them in their rooms for several months. - The horse they were driving was killed and the buggy demolished. Mr. Reid Moving. Mr. J. H. Reid is today moving from the stand he has occupied on Main street since he came to Salis bury to the new store room in the Savings Bank Building. This is one of the best store rooms in the city. ' : Just Received: Whole Evap orated Apples, Evaporated Peach es, Apricots and Prunes, also ah elegant line of Fancy Cakes and Crackers at N. P. Murphy's. The best is none too good for you. Buy Blue Ribbon lemon and vanilla and you get the best made. Blue Ribbon lemon and vanilla have that satisfying taste that touches the exact spot. Large nicely furnished rooms to Id V with or without board. Ap- ply to Mrs. otouaemire, iviain street Une and one nalt squares northeast court house. - r Don't forget the linen saTe Mon day at Harry Bros. The Mecklenburg Darkey, Who Es caped From the Chain Gang Is Re leased on Instructions. Jim Oddie (or at least this is the name by which he is known to most of. his j Salisbury friends of color) who was arrested Monday afternoon by Officers Cauble and Torrence, has been released. , And the most peculiar feature connected with Oddie's release is that the Charlotte authorities claim that they dd not want him and he says that they do. , Some time ago the Mecklenburg officers wrote the officers here and stated that Qddie was an escaped convict and authorized his arrest. The officers have been vigilant for Oddie since then and watched and only succeeded in catching him this week. In view of this fact it is Charlotte very peculiar that the people should have written that - I - they did not want mm. Despite the fact that Oddie ad mitted that he was an escaped con vict there was nothing left for the oncers but to release mm. Mr. Gilmaine (Tonight C. Garvin Gilmaine, the noted humorist, reader jand ' impersona tor, who wil appear at Meroney 's j to-night, is said to opera nouse have a Very elaborate and elegant wardrobe, which has a tendency, to elaborate his work to a very great degree. Mr. Gilmaine is very versatile, comedy and! tragedy going to 1 - JIi-"l-! 'a rryt muKe up nis entertainment, mere is every indication of a lare crowd being f present to witness this celebrated actor and no doubt those who attend will enjoy an evening of m uch pleasure. BRITISH SUBJECTS HERE. Students at Livingstone College Ex press Their Grief aud Sympathy. On the receipt ' of the sad tid- ihcrs of the neen's death,-Frank Arthur, WmL Hockman, J. Em Ed. Edinboro and , British subjects, man Aggrey C. A.! OttW now studyin in LivingrstoneL Col- 'ege, met an sent resolutions of condolence t Ambassador Paunce- forte and through him to the be reaved royal family, expressing their inexpressible grief because o"f thetdeath of their dear mother ly queen, their sympathy with the royal family, md emphasizing their continued loyalty and allegiance to the Kin ; Emperor Edward VII. 'Aggrc y, Arthur and Hock man represe nt the Gold Coast, West Africa Edinboro, St. Kilts, B. W. I. , and Ottley, British Honduras. i J.R McCrary, Esq., of Lex ington, is in the city today. Capt. Charles Price went to New York on No. 36 this morning on legal business. YV omen Know an article oi mer it. lbe remarkable increase in sales of Blue Ribbon , lemon and vanilla shows they appreciate and buy the best To the Citizens of Spencer. ' . 'I (. Mr, iW. PJ ! Youn& is the agent for the Salisbury Steam Laundry at Spencer and any bundles given ty bun will bjave prompt attention or if profered he will call at your house and receive and deliver any work, j AM -work guaranteed. Salisbury Steam Laundry. Laundry Agency at Spencer Dr. J. S. iryant and J, C. Hen ley have tak in the agency for the Leon Steam Laundry at Spencer. Office at I ry ant's drug store. Laundry wo :ks only white labor. Prompt attention will be given to all orders. j(jrive us a call. i ; UBryant & Henley. Part of my spring order for matting. uisti arrived. Call Nearly and get a good selection: Geo, W. Wright. f. A Correspondent Says the Temper ance People of Rowan Will be Put on Record Monday. The following communication handed us by one of Salisbury's prominent citizens is published by request and - indicates that the ar ticle in yesterday's Sun, described the Prohibition ! fight now on among jrronibitionists nere witn accuracy: ; . . : Mb. John M, Julian; 3 Mt Dear Sir: Is it possible that any person pretending to be a prohibitionist will oppose any .ac tion taken by a meeting of those who, "without distinction of party," are expected to meet and agree upon such action as may be deemed best to free the county and the town from "the curse of liquor still? and saloons?-' Tf so, it will be proof conclusive that "the party" is dearer ; to that person than the principle for which he poses. The question involved is one essentially and solely of moals and of police and economic policy. There can be no valid reason why any Republican, Democrat, Popu- ist or Prohibitionist should not attend the meeting, called for next Monday, provided he desires to see "the curse of liquor stills and saloons" removed - much less rea son for the last named than jf or the others. -Now is a time when Rep ublicans,- Democrats and Populists, who are perfectly loyal to their re spective parties, can, without com promising their political principles as party men, join handjs with the party prohibitionists tp try, with some prospect of success if all unite,! to secure the great boon for he country which they profess to desire most earnestly. It goes without saying that all must unite if success is to be ac hieved. Union is impossible when the success of political prin ciples demands of true party " men o staild by their respective or ganizations, i Now, no such de mand exists and i all true anti- iquor men of all political pafties can, without sacrifice of any other principle, come together and pres ent an unbroken front to those who favor the liquor abomination. Surely no one will hesitate to act. The above is prompted by your article in yesterday's Sun, pre dicting a bitter fight between political prohibitionists and anti- iquor men not belonging to that party. No such contest is possi ble, if all are sincere in seeking the accomplishment of the main object proposed by all nor will it be precipitated if conservative councils are needed. Let every anti-liquor man attend the meet ing next Monday at 12 o'clock. noon, determined to act for a united effort to accomplish the re sult desired by all. Anti-Liquor. Change of Partnership. Mr. J . M. I Ide has sold his in terest in the drug firm heretofore known as J. W. Cornelison & Co., to Mr. B. W Cornelison, cousin of Mr. J. W. Cornelison, of the former firm and traveling agent for the Paris Medicine Company, of St. Louis, Mo. The new firm will be conducted under the same name and same management, dissolution notice in another of this paper. See part What goes into the home must be pure. Blue Ribbon lemon and vanilla extracts are pur;e, whole some and delicious. - Laundry Citizens of Spencer can have first class laundvy done by leaving orders Bryant's drug store or .1. U. Henley's stable. J. H. Reid is offering special .values in uress goods. ting just received. George W. ins ght. Wri The Many Advantages to be Ed joyed by the Members of the Railroad Y. -M C A. The correspondence room of the Spencer Y. M. C. A. a place to. write a letter home, answer your business mail from the office, make out I your reports. Paper, envelopes, pen, ink and re port blanks v furnished free. Stamps on sale at s the secretary's desk . - I our mail forwarded if you so received -and desire. : Sec and willing retary - always ready to give assistance to anyone so de siring in composition of letters.or loan of dictionary, j ' The secretary is now gathering information regarding the resi dents of Spencer, and soon will have a city directory ready for he use of all railroad men. This i . - will also include a boarding house directory which will be very help ful to both new comers and the boarding houses. The association keeps in touch with all departments of the shop and often can he'pgood men into positions through its free employ ment bureau, or if men wishing employment in distant cities they can also be helped by applying at the office of the association. The association is not a charity but a philanthropic organization. .It helps men to help themselves. Some of the shop men and trnin men can tell stories about how the association has helped them in other, f cities when they were "stranded." A ticket in the Spen cer Y. M. C. A. is good in 6,152 associations which circle the cubic globe from New York City to Hong Kong, China.j The - mem bership is over half a million men, rail bound together in bonds of good fellowship and about 85 per cent, in Christian unity. The sick and injured are not neglected. A postal will bring the secretary or one of the committee on visita- ion to the bedside of any railroad man. ine secretary asKs tne co operation of all the doctors of Salisbury and Spencer for infor mation regarding the sick. The men" in the shops' and yards are visited daily and any questions or advice relative to association work or not will be most gladly answered and given. If any man wishes a private interview with the secretary, he can set the hour and he secretary wilLbe on hand or send some one. These are but some "odds and ends" gathered up. Tomorrow's' Sun will give another benefit and privilege of the association. Kelson Taylor to Graduate. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Taylor leave tomorrow morning for Pots dam, N. Y., where they goto visit and be present with, their son. Nelson, on the occassion of his graduation, which occurs on Feb. 5th, from Potsdam Normal School. Dr. Curry Here. Dr. J. L. M. Curry left yester day afternoon for Sal isbury, from there he will return home. He Stated that he was de ighted with his reception here, and that he was impressed by tne absorbing attention given his speech. News & Observer. You 11 have to hurry if: you get the coin for buying Blue Ribbon lemon and vanilla hrst. The 20th century extracts. Blue Ribbon'iemon and vanilla. Don't you know where that Bar ber shop is. ? What shop ? The Rowan Barber shop ! No. Well it is on Main street in front of courthouse. They cut Eair for 15c a neaci. vv ny uon c you go down and get yours cut ? Nice room and everything new. Just come from there. j For RentA storeroom on the corner orijee ana ijeuncil streets. Apply t6 P. A, -3? rercks; The Amount of Her Private Fortune and the Disposition of it Will be Kept Secret for a While. Cowes, Jan. ,25. The Queen's will has been opened and -her wishes in regard to her funeral learned. They will be carried out to the letter. This will be all the information-regarding its contents that will be made known. The amount of her private fortune and the""dispoTition of it" will be 'kept a secret. The Princess Beatrice is the principal benificiary. Cowes, Jan. 2a. It is reported that the Queen's will provides for the payment of the Prince of Wales' debts. It is believed these amount to a million or more pounds. The will was read to the King and other members of the royal family. Princess Beatrice gets Osborne House and a con siderable share of the estate. The Duke of Connaught gets Balmoral Castle and the Scottish. estate. SPENCER NOTES. News of Our Nearby Neighbor In teresting Items. , Mr. J. A. Shuman is having a fence placed around his lot. Mr. D. J. Miller is. improving his property 'by putting up a new buildingon his premises, j v Mr. J. H. Swaim, who' has been on the sick list for several weeks, is back nt his work in the shops. Mrs Ry, who has been con ducting irboarding house in Mr. Vanderford's house on Main street has moved to Salisbury. Mr. J: C. Henley has completed improvements on his livery stable and now has one of the best livery stables in the State. The public school which began work about two weeks ago is be ing liberally patronized. Ine school bids fair to be one of the eading features of Spencer. Mrs. W. A. Smith is now run ning tne Uiimax Hotel and is meeting with gratifying success. Mrs. C. E Fesperman has re moved from Zeb to Spencer and is conducting a mercantile busi ness in his old stand. He tells us he has so far had a good trade and desires all of his old customers to give him a call. COL. HENDERSON'S DISTINCTION. Has Voted in the Legislature For Three Senators The News and Observer of this morning says:' . "There are four members in the Legislature who cast. their ballots for Hon. F. M. Simmons for Uni ted States Senator last Wednes day who had the pleasure of voting for Zebulbn B. Vance in the legis lature of 1879, twenty-two' years ago, for that high position. These four veterans in the cause of good government are Senr.tor J. E. Bur roughs, of Vance; Senator S. B. Alexander, of Mecklenburg; Sen ator John S. Henderson, of .Row an, and Representative W. E. Audry, ' of .Mecklenburg. Col. Henderson has had the honor of voting in the Legislature for Sen ators Vance, Ransom and bim- mons. " V Mr. Henderson is probably the only member id the present gen eral assembly who hps voted for three United States Senators. Blue Ribbon lemon and vanilla extracts are celebrated for their perfect purity and delightful fla vor. ' ' ' - , ' Photographs at Reduced Prices. All work guaranteed ; first-class and to give satisfaction. Our prices are from 50c. to $5.00 per dozen. ' Excelsior Studio Between Public Square and post office, Salisbury, JN. U. , ; New Cab Anyone wanting a nice street cab, phone , Dixie btudio. U. 11. uamsay. :- " ' T The Body Will be Removed Prom Osborne House Next Friday. The Route Selected to London. Cowes, Jan. 25. The Queen's body was placed in a coffin at ten o'clock this morning and brought into the dining room at the Os- born House, which has been con verted into a temporary Chapel. It is offiicially stated that - the public will not be admitted to view the body. It will be removed from Osborn House next Friday and placed in the royal yacht Al berta. Saturday morning" it will be carried on the train to Victoria station and thence to Paddington. The route will be the same that was recently taken by Earl Rob erts when proceeding to Padding ton Station and Buckingham Pal ace. London, Jan. 25. Such num bers of the royalties and represen tatives of foreign nations are com ing to participate in the funeral ceremonies that the Royal Palaca will be quite inadequate to accom modate them. The various hotel giand residences in London are being secured. i A Card of Thanks. The drug firm of J. W. Corneli son & Co., requests the "Sun to tender their thanks to the Salis bury and Rowan public for liberal patronage in the past and to ask or an equal show under the new management. " Change of Business Mr. Victor Wallace annnounces in today's Sun that on March 1st he will associate in business with himself his sons, J. V. and Leo C. Wallace, and will at once dis pose of his stock now on hand at actual cost. Mr. Wallace as well as his sons is progressive and experienced and the firm will be a strong one. LOCAL DOTS AROUND SALISBURY. General Summary of Local Happen ings in and About the City. Mr. F. V. Barrier is confined to his home with the grip. ' , Miss Janie Boyden, who has been sick with the grip, is im proved. Alderman J. P. Weber has been sick for several days but is able to be out again, we are glad to note. . . , Hon. Jno. S. Henderson, who ij now in Raleigh attending to his legislative duties, has had the grip for several days. If you have corns or bunions on your feet, you should wear dro ver's soft shoe for tender feet. Sold by Peterson & Rulfs. LUFSEY'S ADVERTISEMENT. He rushed into the house, but the front rooms were deserted; his wife and daughters were no where to be seen; he ran into the nursery, but tne nurse and baby were gone; he hastened into the kitchen, but the cook was out. In an angry mood he was about to leave the house when he .found a note, in an instant his face bright ened and he murmured. "Then they are looking after my inter est, it's all ngnt." ine note read: "We've gone to Lufsey's o and 10 cent store." Don't Get drunk, partake of all good things . in moderation and buy Royster s best candy for your sweethearts and wives. Buerbaum has Roy ster's candies in , 1, 2, 3 and 5 lb boxes. It sells at 50c per pound. " Buerbaum has a choice selection of goods suitable for holiday nresents. the wonderful and tre mendous trade has been unable to exhaust his extensive stock. Picture frames made to order at unv timfl. nt. nrices to suit the times. Plenty of nice gift books from 25c to $15, Many Petitions Presented to Pro hibit the Sale of Whiskey Near Certain Churches- special to daily sun. Raleigh, N. Cr January 25. Several petitions from Rowan were offered to prevent the sale of whiskey near churches. Hender son's bill to pay alimony in cases of absolute divorce took up most of the time of the Senate. The bill excited a hot debate. The bill that only farmers shall serve on the Board of Agriculture was de bated at length. Neither bill was decided. The McNeill-Greene contest from Wilkes was today settled in favor of Greene, Demo crat. Rosslyn Asks for Divorce. Edinburg, Jan. 25. -Earl Ross- yn has asked for a divorce. He is an actor, his stage name being James Erskine. He served in the Boer war and was a newspaper co-respondent. - His wife was Viola De Grey Vmer. They aave two children. A Buffalo Fire. Buffalo, Jan. 25. A ten story brick building on Carroll and El- iott Streets was burned thismorn ng. -The loss is $500,000. Four arge concerns were the occupants. A Boer Trap. . Pretoria, Jan. 25. The pilot on the engine in front of Kitchener's rain today was blown, off the tracksear Middleburg by an ex plosion of a mine which had been aid by the Boers. Contest Over Will. New York, January 25.- -The contest over the will of Millionaire William M. Rice is on in earnest today. Surrogate Fitzgerald is . . .1 A. tL bearing tne argument uu mo motion for the appointment of an administrator for the estate in order that it may be protected. The Lancaster Leaves. Washington, Jan. 25. Under special orders from the Navy De partment, the cruiser Lancaster left St. Vincent, West Indies, yes terday for Laguira. Ching's Assurance to His sionaries. Pekin, JanjT25. Prince Ching yesterday assured a committee of missionaries that there is no inten tion or desire on the part of the Chinese government to place re strictions upon missions and tnat the government in the past never had objections to the missionaries or their methods. Cotton, New York, Jan. 25. Cotton bids: Jan. . 9.9S; Feb. 47; March, 38; April, .31; May, 32. Ynnr money cheerfully refunded if Blue Ribbon lemon and vanilla extracts prove unsatisfactory. For Sale All mv stock of groceries and household furniture. at and below cost. W. E. Krider. My line of rugs, Smyrna, Moquette and Axminster, cannot be beat in price and quality Geo. W. Wright. Practical housekeepers who study economy find a great saving in using Blue itibbon lemon ana vanilla extracts. "Blue Ribbon" is the brand of lemon and vanilla extracts most people use. v Blue Ribbon lemon and vanilla extracts have grown famous in a short time, in two sizes 10 and 25. J. H Reid is offering special values in dress goods.

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