- ; . i ......... ' s .... '. - - -fc , - . . , : i : ' . ' - V t V'M ' '. '. - . f ' i . . m rowers collection' YOUNG'S Drug store ! Pur Drag. Fine Perfumes, I Toilet Articles, Stationery. j v : i We Guarantee : Personal At-: tention to Prescriptions; Only tho ' JUST RECEIVED a big lot of country hams, and genuine Mountain . Buckwheat. 0 Purest Drugs Used; Lowest Prices, Quality Considered. Larger circulation than any other paper ever published in Salisbury. Vat: THEO. ATWELL. VEATr ER FORECAST: Pain to-night and Sunday ; warmer. SALISBURY, N C, SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 2, 1901. NO. 132 vol. vm. - .. . - r i - - - TO ISSUE ALDERMEN DESIRE TEEM FOR STREET PURPOSES. ELECTION ASKED FOR The Sew Charter Provides That the Tax Collector Shall he Elected by the . Board of Aldermen Instead of as at Present. Water' Commission Crc ated. The New Charter. The Salisbury aldermen realize the importance of good sidewalks and well macadamized roads and have sounded the keynote to the onward march of the progressive Salisbury that all enterprising cit izens wish our city to be. At a meeting of the board last night the various proposed fea tures of the new charter were gone over and it was decided among other things to ask the leg islature to give the board authori ty to call an election for the pur pose of voting on the issuance of $100,000 of bonds for street im provements. If the election is ordered it will be held this Spring, probubly, perhaps at the regular city election. It was also decided to restore to the board of aldermen the right to elect the city tax col lector, who is at present elected by the popular vote. A water commission, whose du ty it will be to control and direct the affairs of the water works sys tem, is created and is to consist of four members, the mayor to be ex-officio chairman and to have a vote only in case of a tie. Of this commission two will be appointed for two years and two for four years. At the expiration of these terms they will be elected by the aldermen. The question of electing the al dermen for different terms came up but no agreement was reached. No action was taken in regard to the purchase of 'another team for the city. , Be v. Cramer in the City. Rev. W. S. Cramer, of New York city, student at the theolog ical seminary, Lancaster, Pa., ar rived in the city last night and will conduct services. in Faith Re formed church tomorrow morning and evening. He came to look over the field with a view to ac cepting the pastorate of the church. He is very agreeably impressed with Salisbury so far and express es the belief that he will; locate here. Mr. Cramer will lea e , Monday for Lancaster and promises, within a short time, to notify the church officers of his decision If he ac cepts he will probably return to the city by J une. Belle of Tampa. The New York Herald has a double column cut of Miss Marion Newman, daughter of Mr. V. G. Newman, who with his family is wintering at Tampa, Florida. The Herald's correspondent de scribes her as the "little belle of Tampa." Just Received: Whole Evap-j orated Apples, Evaporated Peach-j 68, Apricots and Prunes, also an elegant line of Fancy Cakes and Crackers at N. P. Murphy's. J. H. Reid is offering special values in dress goods. Laundry Citizens of Spencer can have first class laundry done by leaving orders Bryant's drug store or J. U. rien ley's stable. Hay! Hay!! A No. 1. Deliver- e I at your barn. Phone No. 139. i Geo. Fink ,.lf there is any better extract th in Sauer's 5 and 10c lemon and .rani lis its not made on earth, -. "v i - - : JVVhy pay over; 10c for lemon tfl vanilla extract? SucV ex travagance will bring you to -want. MISS ATWELL DEAD. Miss Maggife Atwell, After Lingering Illness, Dies. Miss Maggie Atwell, the oldest daughter of Mr. Charles F. At well died at the home of her father on i Ellis street lastj night, after a long and patient illness. Miss Atwell fell a victim to consumption and has been gradu ally sinking for weeks. She was prepared when theend came and died surrounded by the loved ones of her home. ' i .i " " Deceased !was about 3D years bid and was liked by all who knew her, The funeral services wilLbe held from the Methodistj church tomor row afternoon at 4 o'clock. STOLEN AT SPENCER. 1 Barrel of "Whiskey Believed to Have LBeen Taken There- Yesterday i white Detective the Southern, and Hanev, on Sheriff Jul an were near Spencer on official h usiness they discovered au empty whiskey barrel lying in a ditch. In view of the fact that a barrel was recently; checked short by the Southern it was de i termined to investigate this parti cular package and it was brought to the rectifying house of the Sal isbury Liquor Company for iden- ification. It is believed that it is a barrel shipped from Yadkin county to Marion and it is also "believed that - i the barrel was stolen from the Spencer depot. It j was entirely empty when found. Off to Florida. I Messrs. I. Whitney and E. B. C. Hani bley, the former of 8 whom has been spending several weeks at tn e Whitney Reduction. Works, left this morning for Flor a few weeks. i ida to spen Cure For Lockjaw- j Rev. C. Plyler tells us that he has an unfailissr remedy for lock jaw, which he published two years ago in the Sun, and says that it is equally valuable when applied to man or beast. His remedy is coffe as str )ng as can be made and it should b i given in large quanti ties, j Mr. Plyler says the; life of the city's horse I could have been saved by the use of this remedy. Repairing t le National. Prof. Lippard has leased the National hi )tel property and is now having it thoroughly renovated and newly ; furnished throughout and expects to open to the public about next Thursday ,a neatly furnished, well managed, medium priced hott I. Being contrally located a first class cafe a ill be opened in con nection with the hotel and special provision made for board by the week or m )nth. Prof Lippard will have general manageme it of all and expects his arrangement to greatly benefit his business s2hool, as it will enable him j to b( tter accommodate stu dents frorr a distance. 1 Home Mins trels. A-number of employes of the Spencer chops' anticipate giving a minstrel shortly for the benefit of the Salisbury band. It is quite likely thati a meeting will be held with reference to the matter I next week and he participants will at once begin learning their parts. The kin g of sewing machines is the White! It can be bought of D. W. Sn der for 25per cent, less than the regular price. We havb several farms for sale at a bargain, close to town. Mau- pin Bros If you wish to buy any kind of real estate it will pay you to, see Maupm Bros. i i To Rent Dwelling house -pn Inms street near railroad bridge. Apply to LA.. Parker. Stop paying rent and uy a house fr.om Maupin Bros, on, the installment plan. A TERRIBLE PAMC. THE CROWD AT FUNERAL PANIC STRICKEN. Women Faint and are Trampled Up on. The Ambulance is Kept Busy Caring for Them. ; London, February 2. A terri ble panic j marred the funeral pageants j this afternoon just after the procession had passed, the gates of the marble arch in Hyde park I were closed without notice. A rush was made to get out by the thousands gathered in the park. I Women fainted and children and men were knocked , i j down. Many were trampled upon, and seriously injured. I Windsor, Feb. 2. A gunshot signalled the arrival of the train here after which minute guns were fired. The cortege entered the gates of Windsor Castle park and reached St. George's chapel to which the body was carried at 2:50. The distance from the rail way station to St. George's chapel is fully half a mile. The gate at Windsor Park divided the route, leaving only a bare quarter of a mile open to the public. Here,, at 1 o'clock, a black silent expectant mass wedged behind the line of troops. Only a movement oc curred when the ambulance work ers lifted numerous persons who had fainted into the hospital carts. Flag Half Masted. The Livingstone College flag has been flying half-mast all day in honor of Queen Victoria whose funeral obsequies were conducted to day. Besides five, students, President W. H. Goler is a British subject, although an American citizen. Mother Very Sick. Mrs. O. S. Gallimore went to China Grove this morning in re sponse to a message announcing the serious illness of her mother. The latter had the grip but more serious complications have arisen and she is quite sick. Mine Sale Monday The Dutch Creek mine will be sold Monday at the court house door by Capt. W. Murdoch Wiley, receiver. It is quite likely that there will be some interest in this sale as the property is-. not only valuable for mining purposes but is a splendid farm as well. The tract comprises oyer 150 acres. A (Good Minstrel- Barlow Brothers minstrel showed to a splendid house here last night and the show was in every par ticular an improvement over the work of this company, during for mer seasons. Nearly all the special features are new, the jokes and songs are bright and catchy and it is an all around, first class minstrel. Wanted Two young men to travel, on salary or commission. Apply at once to G. W. Corbin, Day House. If you have ever tried Blue Rib bon lemon and vanilla you are still using them. A lot of comic valentines, tops and kites at A. Parker's. If you haven't tried Blue Rib bon lemon and vanilla extracts be gin today. . . House Keepers Why pay 10c for a bottle of lemon or vanilla ex tract ? Sauers is the best that's made. Six room house, corner ' Shaver ana uouncil streets, for rent. ! J. O. White. Prof: Lippard has recently piacea tnree oi nis business stu dents into good payinar position? and is receiving some bright new students who promise well, but plenty of room and positions for more jNow is a splendid time for otners to taKe a business course. 1 1 CANDLEMAS. Christian Reid's Protest at the Degra dation of the Day. - The Sun received today the following communication which it publishes with pleasure: Editors Sun Since it has been the custom of your paper (togeth er with many others) for several years past to speak of today as ground-hog day," I wish toenler a protest against this barbarrshiiN'The procession moved- punctually For it is surely a barbarism to desrrade into sole connection with a Vulgar superstition, one ol the loveliest f easta of the Christian year, lins Jbeastol tne Jfur loca tion of the Blessed Virgin not only commemorates the purification (in compliance with the law of Moses) of the Mother of God, but also the formal presentation in the temple of Him who was the Light of the World. Hence, with that heauti- ful and poetical significance which is the soul of nil her ceremonies, the Catholic church at the Mass of this day blesses the candles which are to be usea tnrougnout tne year in the seryices, and when the ritual is fully carried out, there is a procession oi priest ana peo ple bearing lights, j From this comes the ancient name of Candle masa more respectable name than "ground-hog day" to apply to a feast so full of the most beau tiful and touching memories and thoughts. Chrirtian Reid. Candlemas, 1901. j January Marriages, Register of Deeds Smoot did j not have quite such liberal pat- i ronage in bis marriage license de partment in January as in Decem ber. 'As a matter of fact Decem ber broke all records for any month in any year, with 71 wed dings in the county. ! Last month Mr. Smoot issued twenty licenses 18 to. white and- 2 to, colored couples. School Board Meeting The graded schools committee, which was to have met yesterday afternoon, did not meet on account of the fact that a quorum was not present. A meeting will be held this afternoon at 4:0 o'clock to pass upon the charter of the school. Old Maid Convention- Miss Dunkel, who is training two classes one in Charlotte and one in oaiisoury tor tne Ulu iviaias onvenuon, leit mis morn ing for Charlottes. She will re turn to Salisbury Monday. Mrs. Blackwelder Dead- 1 Mrs. B. P. Blackwelder died at her home in the East ward last night after a brief illness. She was a highly esteemed woman and in addition to the immediate fami ly and a host of sorrowing friends leaves an infant but a days old. Big Land Sale. Mr. Thomas P. Johnston, ad- ministrator of J. Mi Haden, will sell a large number of lots and other valuable,, real estate at the court house door here Monday. Cheap flavoring extracts are dangerous. Blue Ribbon ' lemon and vanilla are perfectly rAire nd of great strength. ! i v The most critical can find no fault with Blue Ribbon lemon and vanilla. Laundry Agency at Spencer. Dr. J. S. Bryant and J. C. Hen ley have taken the agency for the Leon Steam Laundry at Spencer. Office at Bryant' h drug store. Laundry works only , white labor. Prompt attention will be given to all orders. Give us a call. Bryant & Henley. J. H. Reid is offering special values in dress goods. $5.00 Reward -To any lady that proves Sauer's extract is not as good as can be made. Today is extract day don't fail to order Blue Ribbon lemon and yanilla two sizes 10 and 25 cents. Blhe'RiSbbrf leli oifTand vanilla satisfy the hard to please. ALL ENGLAND THERE. MULTITUDES PAY LASf TRIBUTE TO THE QUEEN. Only Athletes and Millionaires Saw the Procsssion to Any Advantage on Account of the Crowd in London. London, Feb., 2. The funeral of Queen Victoria was held today. in accordance with the official pro gramme to thestrams of' ChopinVl funeral march. The .march was played by the Massen bands. v All England apparently poured into London to pay a last tribute to the late sovereign. Many hopeful of -obtaining front places took stations in the parks during the night, despite the biLternessof the weather, but only athletes and millionaires saw the procession to advantage. Soldiers, shoulder to shoulder, lined the route for two miles. The, sun tried to come out but by 11 o'clock the weather had settled into a dull, cold, dispirit ing, gray day. ' The procession reached Plad- dington at 11 o'clock. At 1:30 p. m. the train bearing the body started for Windsor. King Ed ward and Emperor Wiiliam trav elled to Windsor in the next car to the carriage bearing the body. The body arrived at Windsor -at" 30 p. m. Three million persons were massed along two miles of the route and were kept back by thirty two thousand police. The procession passed Buckingham palace at 11:55 on its way to Pad- dington station, whence the body will be conveyed to Windsor.- Portsmouth, Eng., Feb , 2. A heavy rain was falling at 9:30 this morning when the royal mourners left the yacht for Clarence "Yard where Alberta lay all night. Admi ral, Sir Charles Sothair and the Hag officers and captains of all the the ships were in the harbor with the other naval officers attending the disembarkation of the body, which at8:35 was carried off the yacht. An enormous crowd had gathered. - The royal train left Gasport at 8:53. Guards on the mounted warships fired the minute guns as tne com d, borne by blue jackets was transfered to the wait ing carriage. WILL GET APPROPRIATION. Col. Eoyden Cotfident That Legisla- , . tare Will Help Soldiers. Col. A. II. Boyden returned last night from Raleigh, where he has been for a week in the interest of an increased appropriation for the Soldier's Home. No more enthusiastic friend of the soldier lives than Col. Boyden land he is delighted with the pros pect of success for securing the appropriation asked for. He says that it is practically assured that an increased appropriation or $55,000 will be made by this legis lature, $25,00.0 of which will go to the Soldiers Home at Raleigh. Night Services. The Pastor's Association has changed the hour, for night ser vices at the city churches from 7:15 to 7:30 o'clock, beginning to morrow evening. No other brand equals Blue Rib bon lemon and vanilla extracts an delicious flavor and great strength. Blue Ribbon lemon and vanilla extracts being made from the free from iniurious ingredients always in cheap extracts. Call at Mrs. John A. Murphy's and get the latest- novelties in flowers to brighten vour winter hats, also the new Spike Belts. For Sale Three or four thou sand three-year-old peach trees of good varieties. Want to sell for cash or trade, in a bunch. Apply to John Howard, Salisbury, N. C. . ISFDelays are dangerous. See Maupin Bros.' for a Fire, Life or accident policy. DAY OF REST. The Churches, Their Services and by Whom Conducted. Rev. F. J. Murdoch, D. D., will conduct the usual services at St. Luke's Episcoral church to morrow morning and evening. r The usual morning and even ing services at the Baptist church will be conducted tomorrow by the pastor, Rev. M. E. Perrish. ""Catholic Church High mass at 10:30- a m. Devotions- in the evehmg-at 7:30 o'clock. v - Rev. J. Rumple, D. D., preach at the usual hours at Will the to- First Presbyterian church morrow. The usual services at the First Methodist church tomorrow morn ing and evening by the pastor, Rev. II . L. Atkins. Rev. L. E. Busby will preach at St. John's Lutheran church to morrow morning and evening. Faith Reformed church- Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:15 p. m., by Kev. VY. Uramer, theo logical student, Lancaster, Pa. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Regular services at the Main Street M. E. church tomorrow ming and . evening conducted by the pastor, Rev. Allen Whis- ner. Mr. ' W. W. Lpwery will con duct services at the Vance mills Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and at 6:30. v Rev. R. L Bame will preach at the Spencer Presbyterian church tomorrow morning. Rev. John Wakefield, the pastor, will preach tomorrow night. The usual services will be held at the Spencer Methodist church tomorrow morning and evening at the usual hours by the pastor, Rev.- R. C. Craven. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. i Spencer Y. M. C. A. Mr. J. R. Thomas will deliverfan address in the Spencer M. E. Church at 4 p. m. inibject, do wing and reaping. All members are invited to attend. Spencer Baptist church Preaching at 11 a. m. and at 7 p. m by pastor, Rev. C. G. Wells. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. angers cordially welcomed to all , these services. The church will observe the Lord's Supper at the close of the morning service. All members should be present. Regular service at Haven Luth- eran cnurcn on unestnut . mil. morning and evening by the pas tor, Rev. H. W . Jeffcoat. Sunday school at 9:30 o'clock. Steamer Disabled. Halifax, Feb. 2. Two steamers were sighted off the port this morning, one towing the other One is said to be a White Star liner. Torpedo Boat Sunk. Havre, Feb. 2. -The French torp edo boat Nousp sank last evening within a mile of the harbor as the result of an explosion. All the crew was lost except one. Wanted at Union Copper Mine Gold Hill, N. C. A strictly first- class cook, man or woman. Good wages paid. Best references will be demanded. Apply at residence of W. Murdoch Wiley. ' Blue Ribbon lemon and vanilla are different from other brands in their rare flavor and great strength. Blue Ribbon lemon and vanilla extracts don't "cost more in the long run than cheap extracts. All agree they are the best made. The ladies are invited to call the Criterion Cafe. at New Cab -nice street Studio. -Anyone wanting a cab, phone Dixie J. H. Ramsay. Photographs at Reduced Prices? All work guaranteed first-class and to give satisfaction. Our prices are from 50c. to $5.00 per dozen. Excelsior Studio. Between Public Square and post office, Salisbury, N. U. STATE THE AYCOCK BILL PASSES TWO READINGS. IDPORTAIIT IIEASDRE. The Bill to Have All Executions in ' the Penitentiary Defeated iathi House To-Day Governor Gets Con trol of the Lilly, the Bill Passing Both Houses To-Day. special to daily sun. Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 2. The bill requiring all executions of criminals to take place in the peni tentiary was defeated in the house today. Aycock's bill for State Adoption of public school books passed both readings in the Senate. Both houses passed the bill placing the custody of the steamer Lily in the governor's hands. Mr. Shuping Dead. Just before going to press we learn that Mr. John A. Shuping, of Franklin, whose critical illness is mentioned in (another column, died this afternoon. Mr. Shuping was about 61 years old and a most estimable man. A more extended account of his life and deaths will be given Monday. x Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Royall have moved to Brooklyn and will oc cupy a part of Mrs. Ellen Heilig's . residence. The sun was shining this morn and according to a popular super stition there will be six weeks of rough weather. Attorney 'James Ho rah speM yesterday afternoon in the neigh borhood of Cleveland, hunting. Mr. A. H. Price returned this morning irom a short trip to Washington City. LUFSEY'S ADVERTISEMENT. We are busy! busy!! busy!!! and haven't time 16 write an adver tisement. We are still giving the people bargains, and will continue to do so. Next Wednesday we will give some one who visits our store that lovely picture, dis played in our window. It is a dog you won't have to muzzle. Everybody likes to come to Luf sey's5 and 10 cent store. D. W. Snider, at the Mansion house, sells all makes of sewing machines at less figure than other agents. e Terms to suit purchasers. If you buy higher priced ex tracts than Sauers 10c. lemon and vanilla you pay for name and not merit. Cream puffs and lady-fingers to day at A. Parker's. Seed Oats at J. P. Harper's feed stores. The first month of the new cen tury is gone, you may need a dus ter to sweep off the cobwebs left by tne last century. JLurkey feather dusters from 25 to 60 cents at Buerbaum's. ' Rochester Stand Lamps, nickel plated with porcellain shade and chimney complete No. 1 and No. 2, both at the very low price of $1.50 each. Student Lamps, single and double at Buerbaum's. Did you ever hiear of St. Valen tine; well his day is Feb. 14th and every young man is, expected to send his Lady love a valentine Buerbaum has a large and varied assortment of them. , Economical women buy Blue Ribbon, lemon and vanilla because one half the quantity does the work. If your grocer hasn't Blue Rib bon lemon and vanilla, it's because he wants to sell you a brand that pays him a big profit. Fire Insurance If you are not insured against fire you should take a policy at once with Maupin Bros. Office in Overman Bldg.

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