YOUNG'S Drug Store Pure Drugs. Fine Perfumes. Toilet Articles, Stationery. We ' Guarantee : Personal At tention to Prescriptions; Only the Purest Drugs Used; Lowest Prices, Quality Considered. sli fills H 1 II) JUST RECEIVED a big lot of country hams, and genuine Mountain Buckwheat. WEATHER FORECAST: Fair, much colder to-night and Tuesday. Larger circulation than any other paper "ever published in Salisbury. at THEO. ATWELL. vol. vm. SALISBURY, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 4, 1901. NO. 133 TALK OF MORE BONDS. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSS GOOD ROADS TO-DAY. The Hatter of Building a New Jail Was Considered by the Aldermen at Their Meeting To-Lay. - Tho rrnntr rnm mi cainnora at their regular monthly meeting to day, considered too very important questions that of making good roads for the county and the ques tion of building a new jail. . Both , of. these questions are all impor tant and the commissioners had them presented to them in a strong light in favor of affirmative action. Of course in the matter of issu ing -bonds for improved roads an election would be necessary and the question to be submitted would be the issuance of $200,000 in 50 year bonds fur the improvement of the county roads. As a matter of fact there is-no more important '. . t 1 " 1 at tiling witn wnicn me commission ers have to do than this proposi tion to build good roads in the country. The condition of the county jail spoken of elsewhere in this paper and the need of a better jail is ap parent. It is proposed to sell the present jail property and build on sbme L shoot Mn bu was restrained. back 6treet. 1 JnX A-a . a FIRED AT TRAIN. Some Miscreant Near Spencer Fires at Passing Train. - No. 35, the south bound fast train of the Southern which passes here at 8:25, was thrown at and fired into Saturday night by some person or persons near pencer. From the best evidence that can be obtained a heavy piece of iron was thrown at the day coach and went smashing through the glass, but fortunately no one was hurt. But the trouble did not end here. When the dining car passed a shot was fired through one of the windows from a shot gun and one of the passengers in the car nar rowly escaped being hit. It is thought that the persons who are engaged in this outlawry were on a level with the train. The sheriff made a vigilant search for the parties committing the act but no clue was found to them. Mr. Atwell Sick. Mr. Charles F. Atwell is con fined to his bed with an attack of rmenmonia. " ! Oxford Darkey Captured. A darkey badly wanted by au thorities at Oxford was captured at Gold Hill yesterday. f The au thorities at Oxford were notified of his capture and are expected up for him today. Mr. Linton on the Boad. Mr. Walter ix. lmton nas oeen working on the local train for a -week learning the work of a fire man. He spent the day in the city and will go down to Green ville tonight on No. 35 with En gineer Tankersley. He is well pleased with his work and is mak ing splendid progress. Crowded With Strangers. ' The city is crowded with stran gers now and the boarding houses are running over. "The Southern is adding a hundred or more em ployes to the force at the shops. Just Received: Whole Evap orated Apples, Evaporated Peach es, Apricots and Prunes, also an elegant line of Fancy Cakes and Crackers at N. P. Murphy's. J.H. Reid is offering special values in dress goods. Hay! Hay!! A No. 1. Deliver nStl t vour barn. Phone No. 139. ' Geo. FfNK. .Seed Oats at J. P. Harper'sfecd stores. ' BiTJL MURDER ONE NEGRO MAN SHOOTS AND 1 KILLS ANOTHER. THEN STAMPED HILL The Shooting all Occurred Over Game of Craps But the Murdered Man' Was I Retreating From His Pursuer When the Fatal Shot Was Fired The Murderer Has- Not Been Apprehended. One of the most brutal murders that has ever been committed in this county occurred near Spen cer Saturday night when Dilliard Cox, of Winston, was shot and killed by Sam Malone, of Davie . ' a Ji i -t met. county, bo n colored. JYiaione not content with shooting his vic- tim twice dragged him out from under a cqurch where be had crawled to ie and stamped him. mi 5" i me snooungr occurred over a game of crap?i, in which four dar kies were engaged. Cox had won i i the money and when Malone at tempted to pick it up Cox pointed a. pistol at Him. Malone wrested hft nistnl frnm (.rt-r and ottomnforl iucu it u auu vr ua jjuibucu from one house to another. Fi nally Malon3 caught him attempt ing to ente r a front - door and shot at him three times, two of the bullets t aking effect. One en tered his le: t leg and the other his breast near :he heart. This oc currecf in the rear of the Presby terian churc h and as soon as he found that he was shot Cox ran again' and J crawled j under the church. Malone still followed and catching tha dying man by his shoulders p illed him from under the church i md stamped him. Cox died a few minutes later and as soon as heard of the affair Sheriff Julian he went out with two deputies in search of the murderer. The search was kept up until Su iday morning bit Ma lone had gc tten a good start and could not 3e 1 apprehended. The Other two iarkeys who were in the game were placed under ar rest and tes tified before the coro ner's jury f yesterday morning. The jury rc ndered a verdict that Cox came ta his death from a p:s tot shot at he hands' of Sam Ma lone. It was testified by one of the witnesses that Cox's dying statement was "Sam and Paul killed me,' the Paul to whom he referred bing "another one of the darkies in he game. On the strength of this testi mouy he was bound over to court in a $500 t ond and the other wit ness a $ 100 bond. ; At 2:30 o'clock this afternoon a driver wit i his team arrived here from Win ston for Cox's remains and leaves this evening on his re turn trip tp Winston. . i He says that Cox's mother runs a boarding house in Winston ana that she is comfortably situated. Eye Lenses - t When very sick you do not take any medi ne, yet you daily abuse your 'delicate eyes by poor glasses which cause many eye diseases. Nature gave you the best lenses in your eyes. You should preserve them by f using properly fitted glasses -of best quality. 1 haven't any leased for you to try. Trying lenses nuts vour eves out. I fit your eyeawith one pair of lenses. Try me and see. Examination free, i if teeen days longer. Over Davis & Wiley Bank. 1 ! Dn M. V. Lomax. If your grocer sells Blue Ribbon lemon ana vanilla extracts it in sures him "To Have and to Hold" your orders for flavoring extracts Photographs at Reduced Prices. All wqrk guaranteed nrsrt3lass and to .give satisfaction. Our prices are fr,om 50c. to $5.00 per dozen. It Excelsior Studio. Between Public Square and .post DUTCH GREEK SOLD. THE DUTCH CREEK MINE SOLD T0- : MY. Mr. Charles L Herzig, of New York, i Becomes the Purchaser of the Mine For $1,225 ! .. ' The Dutch Creek Mine, which was the property of the late J. J. Newman and a few other parties, was sold at the court house today at 12 o'clock by Capt. W. Mur doch Wiley, receiver v - The bidding started at $200 and for a while was spirited. It was finally knocked down! to Mr. Charles L. Herzig, of New York, for $1,225. Mr. Herzig also pur chased a boiler remaining from the personal property and will, we understand, shortly begin the development of the property. The sale, however, is to be con firmed by the court which meets here two weeks from today. KILLED IN A SHAFT. A Miner at the Whitney Works Kill ed in a Shaft. ; James Stewart, a colored man, was killed in a shaft of theWhitney Reduction Works Saturday after ternoon about six o'clock. Stewart was going down a shaft and was making his way in a buc ket. When about 60 feet from the bottom of the shaft he lost his balance and fell to an instant death. - ' . i This is the first loss of life from falling down a shaft that has oc curred at the Whitney works. No Committee to Go. t No committee will go to Raleigh to lobby for the bill decided upon by the temperance advocates at their meeting last week, Rev. lr. J. N. S tailings tells us. : The bill has been forwarded to Raleigh to one of Rowan's representative? with the request that it be intro duced. It is not thought that the measure has-been brought forward yet. . ; j i Is Most Laughable. The Old Maids Convention, which is to be j produced at Me ronev's onera house IThursdav i night by local talent for; the bene fit of the U. D. C. is a most laugh able faree comedy and has made a great hit wherever it has been seen. The parts have all been aken and with the talent en- ; ' e gaged in the production there is no doubt of its success."! , , , - s - Spencer Notes. W. H. Bobbitt, of Spencer, who has been confined to his room with the grip, is improved today. Mrs. Bobbitt is quite sick. f D. L. Parker, of Spencer, is quite sick to-day. Mrs. John Hatley, of Spencer, has been sick with the grip. Mr. Hatley returned from Hamlet last night. . ' LUFSEY'S ADVERTISEMENT. When a man goes into business, of any kind, he wants every one to know it That is why we ad vertise. When a man wishes to buy an article he wishes the best he can get for the money that is why you buy at Lufsey's 5 and 10 cent store. Don't forget to register your name Wednesday and get a chance at that picture, size 20x24 inches, displayed in our window. - You have to buy nothing to register. No risk in buying Blue Ribbon lemon and vanilla. You can find bigger bottles but you don't get the delicious flavor; and great strength Blue Ribbon has. The delicious flavor of desserts made with Blue Ribbon lemon and vanilla extracts may draw the or ator'i) eloquence, the j poet's verse or the philosopher's profound con clusions. ; ; TTia lriftc nf sewinor machines is the WHite. rlt'can be bought of D. W. -Snider for 25 per centr. less than the tegmar price. INSANE NEGRO DIES. AFTER TEN MONTHS CONFINEMENT IN JAIL. John Hairston, of Davidson County Dies After Ten Months Confinement in the Bo wan Jail. John Hairston, the Davidson county negro who-was found nude on the highway by Sheriff Mon roe about ten months ago and who has been confined in - the Rowan county jail since that" r timer died Saturday night. J This announcement in itself but notes the passing away of another poor, f riendles8 negro, but the conditions surrounding his death are pitiable in the extreme. Although North Carolina has three asylums for the care of her insane (one for the white and one for the black) and although every want of this poor, unfortunate creature was supplied in so far as the county commissioners and - the best medical attention was con cerned, , he practically died for want of proper care, j It is a notorious fact that a man who is friendless and without means cannot enter a hospital for the insane from Rowan, in conse quence of which Jailer Krider has been burdened with four prisoners guilty of no other crime(?) than that of insanity, since he took charge of the jail in December. The poor negro who died Satur day night has been in a sort of a stupor for months. In fact putre fication seemed to have set in a week before he died and on ac count of the crowded condition of the jail six or eight prisoners had to occupy the same celL It is a self evident proposition hat unless the jail is enlarged this crowded condition will continue to exist. And it is also . self evident hat unless Rowan (one of the argest tax-paying counties in Western North Carolina) receives more consideration from the au thorities at the Western hospital a lepartment will have to be built in connection with the jail for the insane. There are now some un- brtunate, insane people at the countyj home and the care of them gives superintendent A. M. Brown a charge which it . was not intended he should keep. ; It is truly a deplorable condition and, if possible, should be reme died at once. - STOLE MINING TOOLS. Foreman of Underground Force Stole Union Copper Tools. The Union Copper Mining Com pany is to the bad about $200 on account of the long continued lar ceny of their tools by a former foreman of an underground gang, N. W. Carter. A lettter was received by an officer of the company stating that Carter had been systematically stealing tools and advising thim to search his residence. In the meanwhile he got wind of the mat ter and got out of the way a short while before the officers started in pursuit of him. He was chased about four miles J in Cabarrus county but succeeded in escaping about dark. A search was made of his house and a valuable lot of tools that he had taken "recovered. It is be lieved that the loss to the mine from tools not recovered will ag gregate $200. What 50 cents will do. It buys lare bottle each of Blue Ribbon a lemon and vanilla the equal of any made at any price, f When vou need extracts tell your grocer to send Blue Ribbon lemon and vanilla something with an established reputation anu a guarantee with every bottle. D. W. Snider, at the Mansion house, .sells all makes of sewing machines at less figure than other agents, lerms- io suiirpurcnasers. J. H. Re"id is Offering 'special . r i i values it dress'gpoas. t . 4 . i CHARTER DISCUSSED. THE NEW SCHOOL CHARTER BE FORE BOARD. The School Committee Will Meet With the Aldermen Thursday Night to Pass Upon it. A meeting' of the graded schools committee of Salisbury was held Saturday afternoon to discuss the proposed charter of the schools as drawn up by a committee appoint ed by the board, and to pass upon its several provisions. The only feature that gave any room for discussion was that which specified the particular moneys which should be applied for school 'pur poses. It was suggested that the use of these funds might cripple the general city fund. After much discussion it was decided that the school board should meet with the board of aldermen Thurs day night and ascertain if all the features of the charter were satis factory, in order to prevent any delay in the passage of the charter when it is sent ! to Raleigh. THE MUZZLE ORDINANCE. The First Case Up Before Mayor Lord on Saturday. The ordinance adopted by the Salisbury aldermen requiring that all dogs running at large should be muzzled by February 1st, has at tracted more than ordinary in terest, in view of the fact that but one city or town in the United States (o far as is known) has passed a similar ordinance. So far there has been but little to encourage the friends of the muzzling movement, as the. dog has been much swifter on foot - ban the policemen. In conse quence of this condition it has been impossible to tax the owners of many worthless cprs with the pen alty attached to the failure pro vided for a violation of this or dinance. The first esse was called, how ever, Saturday afternoon when the inoffensive, little, ten inch dog of Mr. T. E. Nash was placed under arrest. , "Mr. Nash, as a matter oi course, was summoned before Mayor Lord and "investigated." It developed that he was unable o find a muzzle in Salisbury and, of course, was unable to comply with the law. I There was but one thing left for Mayor Lord to do dismiss the defendant. This ends the first test of the muzzling ordinance. . It might not be amiss to state hat as many as 100 country dogs were in Salisbury Saturday with out muzzles on them. Wedding at China Grove- Married in China Grove at the residence of Mrs. Daniels, Jan. 26; 1901, Mr. Henry W. Waller, of Salisbury, and Miss Mary Yates, of China Grove, J. L. Sifferd, mayor of China Grove, officiating. May peace, prosperity and happi ness attend the young couple. Blue Ribbon lemon and vanilla extracts have brought lots of pleas ure to housekeepers who delight in serving perfect desserts. No other brand of extracts ap proach Blue Ribbon lemon and vanilla in delicious flavor and great streagth. i New Cab Anyone wanting a nice street j cab, phone Dixie Studio. J. H. Ramsay. The first month of the new cen tury is gone, you may need a dus ter to sween off the cobwebs left by the last - century. Aurfcey feather dusters from 25 to 60 cents at ISuerbaum s. Rochester; Stand Lamps, nickel nlated with: Dorcellain shade and chimnev comDlete No. 1 and No. 2. both at the very low price oi $1 ou each. . Student ljamps, single ana double at Buerbaum's. ' Did vou ever hear of St. Valen tine: well his dav is Feb. 14th and every young man is expected- to send his lady love , a valentine Buerbaum has a large and varied assortment oi tnem. NO BROWBEATING ... t DEMOCRATS DENIED THE CHARGES TO-DAY. A PAPER CRITICIZED. The Charges of the Charlotte Observer Observer That the Majority in the Legislatuae Had Been Browbeating the Minority Vigoripusly Denied A Resolution Introduced hy Win ston on the Subject. Raleigh, N. C, Feb, 4. Wins- ton arose to a question of personal privilege in House, criticising a statement in the Charlotte Obser ver that Democrats were brow beating the Republican minority. Resolutions were introduced pro nouncing the charge false. Watts and others took occasion to criti cize the Observer. The solution was referred to the judiciary committee. The Senate passed a bill restoring to the State Treasurer the examination of State camps. ward challenged the Charlotte Observer's statement in the senate. 1 Candler, (Rep.) said the Re publicans did not ask for better treatment. The bill creating treasurer of Surry to be elected by the people passed its third reading in senate. Mr. Shuping's Death. The Sun made but brief men tion' Saturday afternoon of the death of Mr. John A. Shuping of Franklin, on account of the lateness cf the hour at which the notice of his death was received. Mr. Shuping was one of the best known and most prominent farmers of the county and was born in May 1838. He volunteer ed in 1861 in v Capt. Jones' com pany 5th N. C. Regiment. In the latter part of 1862 he was dis charged from the army on ac count of inability to, perform the physical duties required of him. In 1863 he regained his health and joined Capt. Blackwelder's com pany, Co. G. 42nd N. C. Regiment, and was captured at Petersburg in 1864 and taken to Point Lookout. He was held a prisoner there un til the close of the war and re turned then i to Rowan and has been farming since that time, j Mr. Shuping ;was a consistent member of the Presbyterian church and was buried from the Franklin Presbyterian' t church yesterday, Rev. Arrowood offi ciating. Creston Clarke Tomorrow Night. Among the many fine attrac tions announced for the remainder of the season at Meroney's opera house none. is more entitled to. a prominent place than the appear ance of the distinguished actor, Creston Clarke, who will be seen at Meroney's opera house tomor row night. Mr. Clarke, assisted by Miss Adelaide Prince, a most charming and talented actress, whose popu larity here is very great; will pre sent what may be called one " of his greatest performances, 'fThe Last of His Race" in which he en acts the part! of Love's Cardel, a young Russian noble, while Miss Prince will be seen as the heroine, Marie, a part of much power. This presentation of a most pow erful and interesting play 'will no doubt be greeted by a large audi ence. No moss groyes in the pathway of 51 ue til o Don lemon na vanuia extracts. Thev have the friend ship of the ladies, who appreciate and demand the best and tney are bound to win. You have to pay a trifle more far Blue Ribbon lemon and vanilla than for cheap extracts, but there's lots toi sausiacuon in usiug iuo best macle. IJAKIIIG GOVERIIUEIiT. THE WORK UNDER 7AY IN THE PHILIPPINES. Taft Commission Will Begin Work Next Monday of Organizing Gov ernments for Various Provinces. Manila, Feb. 4. The Taft com mission will begin the work of or ganizing provincial governments next Thursday. Their plans at present include visits to several provinces where they will consult the military authorities and the president ; concerning the location and conditions for the purpose of the adoption of a government to conform to special surroundings and to suit the people. Afterwards they will appoint governors, sec retaries, treasurers, supervisors and attorneys. Mr. Blakey Here. Mr. R. E. Blakey, who was for several vears manager of the , Observer Printing House, Char lotte, but who has recently given , up his position with that house, is spending the day in the city. j - iTine Pharmacist in the City. Mr. John Banner, of Mt. Airy, N. C, one of the best pharma cists in the State, was in the city today on business, i lie is here with a view to- locating in Salis bury. Knights of Kodosh. There will be a meeting of the Knights of Kadosh tonight in the office of Register of Deeds A. L. Smopt. All members are re quested to be in attendance.. Mr. Bice Leaves. Mr. J. H. L. Rice, who recently resigned his position as superin tendent of the chain gang, to asso ciate himself with the. veneering works in Cleveland, left this after noon for Woodleaf. In . a few days ho" expects to go to Cleveland to live. Their host of friends re gret the departure of Mr. and Mrs. Rice from Salisbury. Odd Fellows Notice. The usual meeting of Cordon Lodge No. 168 will be held tonight in hall over the Sayings Bank. All members of the initiatory and first degree teams are urged to be pres ent for practice. W. W. Reed, N. G. Bobbers Attack Merchant. - Brooklyn, Feb. 4. The story made public today that A. W. Voorhees, a retired merchant liv ing near the residences of Lieut. Gov. Woodruff and J. Rongers Maxwell, was attacked on the street under an electric light Thursday evening by two men. The'- latter ran away without plunder when a newsboy approached the high waymen. They followed him off the car and spied his diamond pin and tried to wrest if from his bos om. The second robber was searching Vorhees' pockets when the newsboy came up. Onion sets for sale. Family and Yellow Onion 6ets very cheap at Enniss' Drug Store. Saure's Extracts. If vou buy higher priced ex tracts than Sauers 10c. lemon and vanilla you pay for name and not merit. 5.00 Reward -To any ladv that proves Sauer's extract is not as good as can be made. House Keepers-Why pay over 10c for a bottle of lemon or vanilla ex tract? Sauers i3 the best that's made. 1 If there is any better extract than Sauer's 5 and 10c lemon and vanilW its hot made on earth. Why pay over 10c for lemon and vanilla extract? Such ex travagance will bring you to want. The delicious flavor of Blue Rib bon lemon and vanilla will be remembered by the ladies long after the name of the cheap ex tracts are forgotten. oni8j;oausoury, in. u. ,,: v.

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