M FtGVOS COLLECTION . - ) i - "." ! I: ' ' .' " ; V'-' i ': . . - ' . : v. " ' --, ' - ' ! " '. r- . . r " ! " . - ., .. r ' - : - - iv- YOUNG'S Drug store Pure "Drugs. 'Tins Perfume. 1 Toilet Articles, Stationery. We Guarantee : Personal At tention to Prescriptions; Only the Purest Druga Used; Lowest Prices. Quality Considered. ' . 0 JUST RECEIVED a big lot of country bams, and genuine' Mountain Buckwheat. at - THEO. ATWELL. WEATHER FORECAST: Fair,continued co'd tonight and Wednesday, freezing temperature Larger circulation than any other paper ever published in Salisbury. X).: vol. vm. SALISBURY, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 5, 1901. NO." 134 mm -' . t i ' . - : r -' - -; ' : t" . TO ASK FOR ELECTION. 10CAL E I General THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS FOB COUNTY ROADS. ings in and About the City. The Commissioners Decided Yesterday to Ask For Authority to Order Elec tion. Other Business Transacted. our readers. The count v commisssioners at ' their regular monthly meeting yesterday transacted the following keeping business: V . -" The bond of II ' C. 'Kenerley was read, filed and approved. A letter was read from Mr. J. 1. Uarson in regard to securing. the adoption of a son of Mrs. Moose, who is in the county home. Chairman McCubbiris was author ized to consult with the county at tornev and see 11 trie children can be bound. !, On motion Frank Smith was ex erupted from poll tax for the past f confined OTS AROUBD SALISBURY, j YADKIN TRA1IJ ROCKED coinHG AKD comG. BURNED TO DEATH. ms- h PRESIDEI1T WORRIED Summary of Local Happen- Father. tho Joseph has been grip for several ! Rev. sick with days. I Kluttz & Rendleman will have a i I - new ad In tomorrow's Sun. Look i out for it. I THE OFFENDER CAUGHT AND PUT IN JAIL. His Name is Leander Teal -and He Hails From 8outh Carolina. JBound Over to Court. The second train rocking n this The Burt Shoe Company is still county within four days occurred things humming. See 1 yesterday near Woodside when a y ourighegro man threw a rock the Yadkin train The rock broke interest a glass and narrowly missed hitting Mr. Harry DaUon.! Miss Lindsay, lot of th their new ad, William Teiser has a jiew ad in todays Sun, "which will j Women's house-slippers, a People Who Are Biding on the Cars; This nontn Dr. F. J. Murdoch went South this morning. . " W: H. Miller is confined to his. room with the grip. ' Harry Dal ton spent yesterday afternboon at Gold Hill. E. G. Buchanan of Charlotte, was in the city last night. , Train'Mastsr Koval. of Ashe villewas in the city today. , Mrs. Louise D. Wine, of Wash mgton City, is visiting her sister, LIES. COLE'S HORRIBLE FATE IN WASHIHGTON, Demolishes One of the Topeka. A Former Salisbury Lady Burns to Death in Washington City Eecent- ilv IfnTAd Thr Tvftm RolUXnnr o ciock mis morning, ner party The many friends in Salisbury was fired uPn but none were in" of Mr. And Mtr. R. Ti. Cnlnwi h jurea one is now nnaer arrest. Saloons in OVER THE TALK AEOUT QUEEjS FUNERAL. Topeka, Feb. 5. Mrs. Carrie Nation demolished one of the Explanation Given finest saloons in ' this city at 6 for the Absence Of Any American Warship or Fnvoy At Funeral of Queen Victoria. Washington, Feb. 5. Much an noyance is manirested today py pained to learn ofihe-tragic death AJig crowd is gathering jo thgl the administratioa ovet the efforts Mr. y . Smithdeal, after being to his home for some time year and for the coming two years, with asevere attack of the grip, is The sheriff was ordered to move able to be out again. T T - . U , V.., lis II J. A. Miller, supervisor of roads Burt sb(I store at pric68 that tell in Morgan townsmp. suomitted ;ui: .r see the goods. his report, which was received. He was ordered to prosecute A. B Lisk and tf. H. Loftin, who did not work as required by law. J. A. Mahal ey reported that the , property at the pest house was be- ing destroyed arid carried away. He was ordered to go to the pest house, pile up the goods in on" room and mark ' all the blankets ' etc. y- f The contract for furnishing sup plies for the chain gang for the month of February was awarded to Wm. Teller. It was ordered that the county attorney apply to. - the . leg islature for the authority for the commissioners to order an election at which the voter of Rowan county shall vote on a' proposition to isme 200,000 worth of bonds for better roads. The committee on rock reported that sufficient rock could be se cured on the road to the county home, and on motion this com mittee was ordered to see that "the camp is moved. Commissioner Kluttz was em powered to fix up the court house yard, sow grass and otherwise im ' prove it. Jt was ordered that the .holding of exhibitions and public entertainments in this yard be prohibited. Mr. J nas mov a formed em he Burt received at shoe store today. Rev. Father Francis of Char I lotte, is guest of l: daughter of the proprietor of 'the UI in ir:. L.l-l ' Ll ' Mrs. Ii. H nfrnf Mt. Vernon hotel, was also a pas senger and the glass flew over her face. The negro ran but Capt. Russler grot a glimpse of him and pending the day here the phoned to Woodside of the affair. Rev. Father Joseph. Sheriff Julian immediately author ized the man's arrest and when he came in sight at Woodside he was , taken in. Deputy Krider went out I ou - are ' well . dressed it you wear Seltz Schwabs shoes. Sold only by Peterson & Rulfs. i Mrs. Geoi M . 'Murr, who has been visiting Mrs. F. B. Irvin, returned to Concord this morning. Mrs. -Roland Harris, who has 01 tne latter.; m - VVifcSbington JUity I street. - Saturday' last. ' Mrs. Cole's death was caused by burning, the flames that caused the' fatal burns having come from a gasoline stove. - Mr. and Mrs. Cole . lived in Sal isbury for some - time while; Mr. Cole held a position as operator with the Southern at Spencer. He recently . gave up his position to accept one in the sunerintendflnt'a on account of the ol mischief masers to Toment in ternational illfeeling by misrepre: senting ."the reasonaof .the absence of the American flag at the funeral of the Queen and the failure of the president to send a special envoy to attend, i . It is stated on the au- An incident occurred in Salis- thority of . the secretary of the bury last Friday afternoon which navy with the exeption of one old has just come to light and which jold ship in the Mediterranean we desire of the had not a. single naval vessel of A SIIOOTH ARTICLL A Bogus Hew York Land Broker Who uid&t work ilxs Uame. office at. Washington,to which city parties who were most concerned any sort in the European waters. he should prices out you O. Benson, of Conover, ed to Dunn, where he for him and placed Jaim in jail. He been spending severaK days with wa"triea oerore His quire jviurpny ner ..sister, iurs. uook, on iast this morning: and bound court in a f 50 bond. The darkey says he "just pitched the rock" and didn't intend hurt ing anyone. ; moved his family. SYNOD'S HISTORY. i i ..... nas oeen suppressea. i AH tne rest of our smp3 are m Last Friday af ternoon , a well 1 Asiatic waters or on this Hemis- dressed stranger, engaging in con- phere, the nearest point .which over to Council street, , returned to Con cord today. Rev will put up a mill. Mr. Benson is k resident Salisbury. CRESTON CLARKE HERE. Thought to be Dying. Vance Lowder, the young man who has been running on the Yad kin road and .who has been so low for some time with pneumonia, was thought to be dying this morn-, ing. All hopes for. his recovery have been abandoned. Mr. Wyatt May Sell. Mr. J. T. W yatt (whose news paper name is Venus), of Faith, is contemplating selling his curio sity shop at Faith. In this collec tion Mr. Wyatt has some of the most celebrated freaks of nature and thousands have gone to Faith to marvel at them. Mr. Wyatt is corresponding with a New York gentleman, who; has heard of bis museum and is anxious to own "it., Capt. Coughenour fiesigns. Capt. W. C. Coughenour, who has. been trustee for the-'Kesler es tate, has resigned his charge. Country Hams, Shred Wheat Biscuit, Vitos, Wheat . Hearts, Saratogo Chips, Asparagus, As paragus Tips, Canned Squash and Pumpkin at N. P. Murphy. , Stick a pin into this fact. If Blue Ribbon lemon and vanilla are most delicious and go twice as far, don't it pay to .use them ? What customers Blue Ribbon lemon arid vanilla have they hold and what they haven't they are after. Toe delicious flavor of Blue Rih- 4jon lemon and vanilla will be remembered by the ladies long After the name of the cheap ex tracts are forgotten. The Observer's Correspondent Says it ! ; Is the Beal Thing. The engagement - of Clarke and Miss Adelaide occurs atj to-night, touts being the most successful they hav e ever played in this city.' Their popularity Iished wi given by that now simple coming cjr o w d Mr. will most bril i formances, rocking trains, which is becom- ing all too common. Meroney s opera; and all indications Creston Prince house point has been estab- th local theatre goers, by the always excellent performances them in past seasons, so but little more than the Meeting Thursday Night. The aldermen will meet Thurs day to consider finally the propos ed changes in the-Salisbury char ter. They will also discuss the proposed school charter with - the school board at this 'meeting and both charters will then be sent to Raleigh for immediate passage by the legislature. " - t some Mr. George Lyons Dead? Mr. George Lyons, who lived The officers are particularly anx- about a mile from Salisbury, died ious to break up this lawless act of this morning: after an extended - illness. In addition to other ail ments from 1 which he suffered. Mr. Lyons was paralyzed I time since. Deceased was a native of Scot land and was about 40 years old. He was engaged in granite cutting at Woodside when he married Mrs. Hattie Bringle, r since which time he has been living near Salis bury. - ' George H Cox Goes to Wilming ton to Revise It Rev. George H. Cox, of Organ versation and pleasing in 'manner, called at a boarding house and j asked for board. On account" of I ! the crowded r condition of this house he was referred for lodging to a neighbor and they were so would have been impracticable. The shortness of time is the rea son giyen for the absence of the ' ' a. .1 11 envoy, it was tnereiore ueemea best to send Choate a special com- mission by caoie to act as tne Church, was in the city this morn ing; on his way to Wilmington. nlenRed with him that th " ' I i - - J - J, 1 OOiUVU V KJ W A uvykJM . wnere ne, - witn itev. vr. uern- to entertain him. He was left to tive and this was done. heim, will revise Rev. Cox's his- himself for a short while having tory of the Lutheran Synod of in the mean time informed his host Mr. Bradley Dead. JNortn Carolina.. tev. Cox has that ho was a New York real es- been engaged in the ' preparation tate broker and that he desired of this history for many months to secure options 'on . property and has been - painstaking and ac- here. Something prompted the curate. The history is prepared iftd v nf the house to look for under the auspices of synod and her watch and it was gone will be submitted to it at the meet- Likewise a . diamond ring. A i b - . i t i r i i I . . m;iu iiay. a pumisuiug uoaru phone message was sent for an willlthen be appointed and the his- officer and the guest seemed to be tory put in the hands of, the prinj very much disturbed. He assisted Mr. J. B. Bradley left Saturday night for Ringgold, Va., in re sponse to a telegram announcing the critical illness. Last night a message was ireceived from the former stating that his father was dead. Mr. Bradley's mother died only a few months since. oft their Cldrke be announcement is neeaea to araw . a ed house. Tonight and Miss Prince seen in - one of j their iant and successful per- "The Last of this Race,:" JVir. Clarke appearing as Loris Cardel and Miss Prince as ! Neuville, characters in which they are seen to particular advantage, assuring a performance well be called a notable theatricals at the opera Salis- ln that may event in house. The company arrived bury lastJnight. The Raleigh correspondent of the Charlotte Observer says of the play: .-I.:-'-'. . I. ,,; ' . ; The performance given here by Creston Clark last Saturday even ing was one of the very finest! ever given in Raleigh. This is the com ment of all who saw it. It l is a real pleasure to command such a play and the "real s'uch players. They fare thing." marriage P. Swicegood, of Salisbury. The bride is to be Miss Flora Brigh ton of Safannah.Cbar lotte N left chin, i- I ... Mrs. Williams to Wedding. Mrs. Henry AVilliaras leaves to night for Savannah to attend the of her brother, Mr. S. ews. Malone Yet at Large. - Sam Malone, the murderer of . i - - , i Dillard Cox, is stilf"at large al though the authorities have been making every effort , to capture him. Malone has a gash on his cut' while Both the where he was ma row; last wees. murdered man and the murderer had done ty chain gang time on the Rowan coun- No mobs groyea in the pathway of Blue Ribbon lemon and vanilla extracts, j They have the friend ship of t le ladies, who appreciate and demand the best and they are bound tawing Photographs at Reduced Prices. All work guaranteed 'first-class give satisiaction. i wir e from 50c. . to $5.00 per and to prices ai dozen. Excklsiou Studio. Between Public Square ancfpost omce, oalisbury, si. C. Rev- Xingle's Call. r It is learned that the congrega tion "of "the Tir&t:Plesby terian church of Montgomery, Ala , has to issue a -call to Rey of tersj Heed a" New JaiU- .. V' ? 'I was glad to see; the article in the Sun yesterday in regard to the decided county jail," said one of Salis bury's prominent citizens this morning. "It is a shame that the insane should be crowded up in M,r.jLingle is well-known through- dark, narrow cells with a lot of out this section, especially in Con-J criminals. It is wrong, too, to cord and Charlotte, as well as crowd prisoners like cattle in a Salisbury, and is considered one box car. ; I am glad the matter is of the ablest of the younger being agitated and hope it may be ministers in the Southern Presby productive of good results." : tenan Church.- ?He is at present on a leave of absence from his The Thurman W. C T. TJ. charge at Dal ton, Ga., filling th ine lnurman woman's Ajnris- cnair oi neorew in union xneo tian Temperance Union (colored) logical Seminary, Richmond, V of Salisbury, will, on the 7th of fin place of Dr. Walter W.Moore, Thursday Wight. - . . 1 - r All Salisbury is looking f or- work to the production of the Old Maid's Convention, which iL . . . , ' . . will be seen here Thursday night, to add that he this county, and appointed a com- s. m, - . . u. u . u J 4. i H , . 7th imst. The many amusing thought that he March, celebrate its fifth anniver sary. ; ; : ; Having for its aim the protection of tho home, ; the abolition of the liquor system, and the I triumph of Christ's Golden Rule ( in custom and in law, the organization is gratified at the prospect of an election giving to the citizens the option of saloons, no j saloons or the dispensary, and prays that there will be no compromise by the dispensary. ' x ! The pastors of the city are in hearty co-operation with the W. C. T. U. A special temperance sernion will be preached on each of the next four Sabbaths by the pastors, taking it by turns at their respective churches. ' At the end of this time there will be held a general mass temperance; meeting at one of the churches. Tools Stolen, i " " : Mr. W. B. Howard had part of his mechanics tools stolen from his shop s in the Davis & Wiley bank building last week. " His loss is about $5. Ladies storm at Reid'8. rubbers 39c pair ' You have to pay a trifle more far Blue Ribbon lemon and vanilla than for cheap extracts, but therms lots of ! satisfaction in using s the best made. - !: t ' 1 : Blue Ribbon lemon and vanilla extracts have brought lots of pleas ure to housekeepers; who delight in serving perfect desserts. i c ;.; ', ; . .. . , ,. ; . . , ,: - : The king of sewing machines is the. White. It can be bought of D.V. Snider for 25 per cent, less than the regular price. who is devoting the year to the twentieth century endowment fund movement, says the Salisbury cor respondent of the Charlotte Ob server, r-,.-: -V ' r , Righton-Swicegood. - . ' Tomorrow at 12 o'clock Mr. S. Preston Swicegood, ;of this city, and Miss Florence Righton, of Savannah, Ga. , ! will be married. The ceremony will take place at 12 o'clock at the . home of the bride's parents, M r,t: and Mrs. Henry Y. Righton. Mr. Swicegood is in the em ploy of the Southern "at Norfolk and is one of the rising young men in the railroad service.7 His bride has vfsiffeW ' here and is well and favorably Uhown. ''' ' LUFSEY'S ADVERTISEMENT Some have the idea .that thev will have to make a purchase to morrow to register for a chance at our free, picture. It is a mistake We will be glad to sell you; but you can register whether you buy anything or not. -The Picture is free, absolutely free I in : every sense of the word . It is a present to one of our friends. As we can't give it to everyone we take our present mode of presenting it. See our at Reid's. $1.25 black underskirt - The delicious flavor of desserts made with Blue Ribbon lemon and vanilla extracts may draw the or ator's eloquence, the poet's verse or the philosopher's prof ound con clusions. . . If your grocersells Bine Ribbon lemon and vanilla extracts it in sures him To Haveand to Hold" your rdersftor'flavorfng'extracts. scenes, tne bnsnt sayings, comical situations all go to make up such an interesting farce come dy as; the people of Salisbury sel dom ee. The fact that this come dy is to be produced ; by local tal ent makes it all the more interest ing, i in a search for the missing jewelry and guessed as. to where it might be found. It was v found exactly where he thought" it ; would be. He was to return to that home again that night but it is needless did not. It is is a professional the crook traveling with Barlow Mr. Tiernan Here. Say;s( Theo. Kluttz in his Ob server correspondence: Mr. Stan ton Tiernan, who is with the Ko hinoor Copper Mining Company, near High Point, is at home for the day. A Charlotte firm is en gaged! in building a concentrator for this company. The "shipment of orej has already been begun and the outlook, for the property is considered good. Card of Thanks Through your paper we want to express our thanks and apprecia tion'to our friends and neighbors, who so kindly remembered us last night, by giving us a pounding. As Mr. Higgins has been afflicted for some time, and as he is ' now, in a critical r t condition, we ap preciate the kind , thought of our friends and neighbors so much. . Respectfully, " i - Mks. N. S. Higgins, ' " and Daughter. Mr. Kesler a Deputy. Mr. Louis Kesler, one of Provi dence township's best Democrats and leading citizens, has been ap pointed a deputy by Sheriff. J u lian. I ' Fresh crullers today at A. Par ker's. C''?- - ' . " '. """. ' ( When you need extracts tell our grocer to send Blue Ribbon lemon and vanilla something with an established reputation and a guarantee with every bottle. No risk in buying Blue Ribbon lemon' and vanilla. You can find bigger bottles but you don't get the delicious flavor and great strength Blue Ribbon has. Seed Oats at J. P. Harper's feed stores ; '-' ". : ' '". ... '",:. '. ; Brothers minstrels. A Juror Selected. New York, Feb. 5: The first j ur or was r obtained today in the Kennedy trial for the . murder of Dolly Reynolds. . Prof Salisbury Dead. . New Haven, . February, 5. Prof. Edward Eldridge Salis bury, one of the most distinguish ed philologists in America and for sixty years , professor of Arabic and Sanscrit at Yale, died today. Big Toledo Fire. Toledo, Feb. 5. The Masonic temple here was burned last night. The estimated loss is $150,000. Armstrong's wholesale grocery, Mauck's millinery and two smaller concerns suffered severely. Hotel Burned. Binghampon, Feb. 5. -In an explosion a hotel here was burned this morning at 5:30 o'clock. At 8 o'clock two dead bodies had been taken from the ruins. Many persons were injured. The dead are 'Harris D. Ste verson and Sid ney Holland. The in j ured are I Dorn Darrow and Joseph Reagan. Thomas Scott, a jockeyy has a fractured skull, - badly burned, andmay die. : ' Another arrival of country hams, finest in town, at A. Par ker's. r No other brand of extracts ap proach Blue Ribbon lemon and vanilla in delicious flavor and great streagtb. What 50 cent will- do. It buys a large bottle each of Blue Ribbon lemon and vanilla the equal of any made at any price. Hat! Hay!! A No. 1. Deliver ed at your barn. Phone No. 139. Geo. Fink. D. W. Snider, at the I Mansion house, sells- all makes of sewing machines at less figure than other agents. Terms to suit purchasers. Subsidy Bill Displaced. Washington, Feb. 5. The sub sidy bill has - been displaced by a vote of the lseriate7The District of Columbia appropriation was made the regular order. To Release Ament. Pekin, Eeb. 5. -j-Minister Conger has taken prompt action to have Minister Ament released from captivity by the French and Ger man troops. The French and German ministers are in vestiga ting the case. They claim he is held solely as a witness. Mrs Piatt Seriously 111. New York, Feb. 5. It is stated at the Fifth Avenue Hotel to-day that Mrs. Piatt, wife of. T. C. Piatt, is seriously ill, her sickness having taken an -alarming turn. It is said that her death may be expected soon. , The Queen's Will. London, Feb. 5. The Queen's will, the provisions of which were made public today, gives the King the "royal seats at Balmoral and Osborne House. It gives the sum of about seven hundred thou sand "dollars each to the Duke of Connaught, Princess Christian, Princess Louise, ; and Princess Beatrice. The amount of person ality was not disclosed but it will be large. There is a point where cheapness ceases to be economy.. Blue Rib bon lemon, and vanilla extracts are most delicious in flavor and half the quantity does the work. Blue Ribbon lemon and vanilla extracts well deserve trie riigri compliments paid them by the ladies. The first month of the new cen tury is gone, you may need a dus ter to sweep . on trie cobwebs leit by the last century. Turkey feather dusters "from 25 to CO centa-at Buerbaum's. Rochester Stand Lamps, nickel plated with porcellain shade and chimney complete No. 1 and No. 2, both at tne very low price oi each. Student Lamps, single and double at Buerbaum's. Did you ever hear of St. Valen tine: well his day is heb 14th and every young man is expected to send his lady love a valentine Buerbaum has a large and varied assortment of them!! - New Cab Anyone wanting a nice street cao. pnone lixie Studio. J. H. Ramsay. -i