. :-, ' : - - ' - : !- .V ' . - - - : - : - - . . .. . i - " ." l ' " - - - ; the oovos collection RECEIVED TO-DAY A. FINELOT OF CELERY! at 'Phone 79. THEO. ATV.'ELL. 3 Found Cans BLACKBERRIES AND PIE i Peaches, 3 cans for 25c. , Stuffed Dates Reduced from 25 to . 20c. Fresh Snratasro-Chips and ' Asparagus Tips. I N. P. MURPHY. WEATHER FORECAST; Rain tonight and Wednesday; warmer Larger cifculati6n than any papet ever published in Salisbury. VOL. IX. SALISBURY, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, MAIteil 12.J901. NO. 10 COHMITTEE TO MEET MEETING OF THE TOWN COMDIT TEE CALLED. A Date for the Primary "to be De l cided Upon and the Manner of Con- ! ducting it. A'call is made today for a meet ing of the Democratic Executive Committee of Salisbury, Friday night at 8 o'clock. The meeting will be held for the purpose of diccussing a date for the city pri Jmary and-for;f of ming a-, plan of primary. Heretofore tnere has been but little if any system in the manner of conducting the town 'primaries and it is proposed to Iform a plan that will be satisfacto- I The members of the committee are: West ward, T. C. Linn, Esq. ; North ward, T. M. McCuIloh; East ward, J. H. James; South iwtird,'Jno. M. Julian. It is thought- that the primaries will be held now in about: four weeks. CAPT. H0BS0N COMfflG. Will be Down Frcm Cleveland To night. Capt. Richmond Pearson Hob son, who has been visiting in Statesville, came down to Cleve land last njght arid will spend the day there. Tonight Capt. Hobson will re turn to Salisbury and will be here for several days. Mrs. W. C. Blackmer, who ac companied Capt. Hobson to States ville, returned home last night. Mr. Mac Cutchoen Here. j Mr. S. H. Mac Cutchoen, a 'popular and clever represeotative- of the New York Journal, was in ;the city last night. He has been South for eighteen weeks, and was called to New York on account of the Easter number of the Jour nal, to be issued soon. Arrests Last Night. Officers Eagle and Monroe last night arrested three negro women for being drunk and cursing on the street. Officer Torrence arrested a white man from Lexington, who came here on No. 7, for being drunk and disorderly. Miss McCanless Out. Miss Irene McCanless, who has been so ill, is able to be out again and in spending the day in Salis bury. Miss McCanless' many friends will be delighted to learn of her recovery. Cir Load of Coffee. Messrs. W. II. Overman & Co., wholesale dealers, today unloaded in their depot warehouse, a car load of colfee. The coffee was re ceived for their trade, whiph in creased largely during the past year. Mrs. E. C- Gains Wins the FriZ3. The prize, offered by Lufsey's 5 and 10 cent store for the best so lution of their "Apple Problem," was won by Mrs. E. C. Gains, the prize was a copy of "America photographed," a beautiful book of American scenes. There were several correct solutions of the problem, , but Mrs. Gains' was considered best on account of its being to plain and easily under stood. The Happiest on Earth. A letter received from a young man who is a native of this county but now a resident of a distant State states that in April he ''will be the happiest man on earth." The cards are not yet out. New assortment of opera flan nels at Reid's. A good bicycle, slightly used. Will be sold or given away by W. M. Ruth, the sewing machine man, at T. F. Young's store. PRATER piD NOT CURE. A Father! Sacrifices his Young Daugh ! ; ter's Life. f Announcement has been made in the Sim of the death of Miss Zol- lie Romidger, of Reidsville, who was so well known here. The followin g from Webster's Weekly will gi e added pain to her friends: Miss ZollieRominger died at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs, 1- I V C. A. Kominger, last. Thursday eteninfirJ February 28tb, after an illness, of Tour weeks. The an i - " - ' . . . . nouncement of ner deatn was a gfeat surprise to the community. We regret to say that there is a widespread feeling in Reidsville that this i sweet young girl's life might hive been saved had she re ceived the attention of a physician, It is a matter of common report that her father, who is one of the State's loading dentists, believes in divine h baling, i. e., that the pray er of faith will save the sick with out the use of medicine, and so be- ieving He did not call in a physi cian during her illness, but prayed for her restoration to health Nor were any of the remedies prescrib ed by ; physicians for typhoid ever, the disease with which she was afflicted, used. She received the tenderest nursing at the hands of loved ones, and ner tatner ass- ed her if she wanted a doctor, and called oyer the names of the differ ent ones in town, but she said she did not. 1 1 It would be idle to attempt to conceal ihe fact that our people eel that Dr. Kominger had no riffht to allow his child to suffer and die without giving, her the benefit c f medical attention. He owes it o the community to ex plain w ly he did sd. j It pai is us to gay Jtjiese thing. b'ut we believe, the time has come for plain speaking. A man may have the right to jeopardize his own lif s by depending on the Creator to work a miracle for his benefit,' but he has no right to en danger he lives of others over whom ha may have control, how ever, coi scientious he may be about the mat er. i Twin Ca ves. Mr, Ei M. Lampkins' cow gave birth td twin calves last week. One of the calves died but the other is still living. Meetind ef Stewards. ! The First A: in Mr. o'clock board of stewards of the ethodist church will meet R. L. Shaver's office at 8 tonight. Meeting Book Club Tomorrow. j The Christian Reid Book Club will mept with Miss Jeanie Kluttz clock. I A full attendance, is de sired as the old books are to. be drawn ind the new ones distribut ed. Mr. Majmey in Charge. j Mr. Sid Mauney has been placed in charge as deputy of the attach ed property at Gold Hill. Sheriff Julian returned last night from Gold Hill, where he spent yester day afternoon on business. Didn't 1 1 The ncorporate Shops. Southern's shops at S pen- cer are now fairly safe from muni cipal taxation for all time to come. The Spencer people were very anxious to have these shops in- eluded in their incorporation but the railroad would not agree to it, consequently both Spencer and East Spen.cer j were incorporated without takipg in the shops. The shops are novv located oh a narrow strip pf land between two incor porated towns. Ne Bean's, River corn at Isenhour & Veterinary Surgeon. Dr. R. H. Manogue, of New York, has located in Salisbury and has i n office at Ludwiek and Black's livery stable, Salisbury, Si. U GOIIPAHY ALL RIGHT. YADKIN POWER COMPANY I& JOT . EFFECTED. Dr.. Brown's Financial Troubles Will Not Prevent Development of the Yadkin Power. An erroneous impression has been produced with reference to the eilect that- the litigation in which Dr. Dilfon Brown is involv ed will have on the Yadkin'Power Company. E ? 1 A Sun representative interview ed a gentleman this morning who is in a position to know and he stated that the idea of developing this water power had not fallen through. Oq the contrary it is expected that in a short while work will be resumed at the Nar rows and that the development of this" fine water power will be pushed on a larger scale than ever before. I Men of money are back of the enterprise and they -are ing in faith in it.: not lack- For The Fair Ones Only. Our Faith items are omitted to day on account of the press of,mat ter but we feel constrained to give immediate publicity to the conclud ing item, which is as follow: "Venus is preparing to go to housekeeping and wants corres pondence along that line." For the information of such of our readers as are unacquainted with him we will state! that 'Venus" is a good looking, un married man. s Union Stock Up ; The stock of the Union Copper Company took a iump last week and. judging from the -. quality, of ore now being: taken out of the Union it will continue to advance. The average quality of ore npw be ing taken out is far superjor to that taken at any other period of the mine's history. . Mr. WeBt to Savannah. Mr. Ernest West, a Salisbury boy, who has been located atj Ashe ville for some time, has accepted a position at bavannah, Ira, He came down from Asheville several . t - - - - days since on a visit to his parents and left Saturday night for Sa vannah to take up his work.) A Hew Junior Organ j The councils of the Jr. O. U. A. M. of this citv are arransrinsr for the publication at an early date of a paper devoted to the best inter ests of the order. A committee was appointed from each council last week to ascertain the cost of such a publication and report to the various councils this week. It is quite likely that the proposition will meet with favor from the var ious councils and that the paper forth. will shortly be launched The publication has the endorse- ment of State Councilor Webb Returns To Texas. Mr. John Bringle, who has been visiting here for the past two weeks, leaves this week for: Texas. Mr. Bringle left this county for Texas fourteen yers ago and is very highly: pleased .with his adopted home. These tine Trousers were made to travel along with our $5 $6 50, $7.50 and $9 ones. But they got left at the post and this happens to the best ones , you know. We cut the price 33i per cent, off and we will give them a start at $3.33, $4.34, $5, $6 Last week of sale. Brown Clothing Co. Knox world-renowed hats now ready for inspection stiff, soft, straw. Smoot Bros. & Rogers." New River corn at Isenhour & Bean's. That $1.25 black underskirt at jReid's is the best on the market. The i off or 33i discount sale at the Brown Clothing Co:, will come to an end Saturday next. You had better fall in line and take advant age of our cut price sale. . TRAMP'' IS BEAD. ; Tramp, the Pet Dog of T. E. Hash, Was Killed by Poison. . ."Tramp," the" little rat terrier belonging to Mr. T. E. Nash, is dead. He was poisoned Sunday night. Mrs. Lavina Shu man, who is a near neighbor of Mr Nash, has been troubled ? considerably bx cats coming around he house at night. . So she concludfdltbend the nuisance. Sunilay night be put out some poison for the bene fit of these particular cats. But on Monday ; morning it was seen that Tramp was sick, and on examination it was discovered that he had taken the poison. He was then taken " into the house and sat upon a chahsand surrounded by the family and sympathizing friends,1 f when J a photograph was taken of the group just before he passed to the happy hunting grounds. His remains were then prepared for burial. A coffin was made and he was put into it, which was covered with beautiful flowers. The funeral procession then started for the burying grounds, where appropriate ceremonies were held and his remains were interred. Twenty-one people at tended the funeral. Tramp, is the dog that was ar rested and locked in the calaboose some time ago for not wearing a muzzle. A CAR LOAD OF NEGROES ' Passed Through Here on Their Way to Work on Railroad. The deportation of negroes from North Carolina to the North con tinues. Almost every weefe a arge number of these people pass through Salisbury pnijheir way td work in hotels, in mines or on railroads. Last night a car load of negro men passed through the city on jiheir way to Clarfield, Pa , to work on the Pennsylvania rail road. - J Correction of Township The blockade still seized by Agents Thrash and King last Fri day, mention of which i was made in yesterday's Sun, was in Tyro in stead of Boone township, David son county, as stated by us. A gentleman from Boone township desires this correction made. Rowan Man Marries. Marriage liceose was issued to Mr. S. E. Cavis, of Rowan, and Miss Laura Day vault, of No. 4 owhship today (Monday), says the Concord Standard. ' Mrs. Cartland Here - Members of the Salisbury W. C. T. U. are requested to meet Mrs. Mary, E. Cartland, Pres. N. C. W. C. T. U. at Mrs. Cole's res idence, Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. f Behind The Counter. '-..' Mr. R. L. Corn elison has suc ceeded Mr, C. A. Bostianv.at Mr. Theo. Atwell's store in the Shaver block. Mr. Cornelison is an expe rienced merchant. Mr. Bostian is now ; clerking for Mr, A. W. Winecoff. Hew Ads. ' ; ' N. P. Murphy has a hew box ad in today's Sun, ; A. M. Basinger is turning out some fine work at his shop on Lee street. Read his ad. Smoot Bros. & - Rogers are of fering golden opportunities to those desiring clothing. Read their new ad. Fresh drugs and pure drugs at the Salisbury Drug: Company's store. New River corn at Isenhour & Bean's. J Now is the time to have your Plumbing overhauled and put in a sanitary condition f before the spring season sets in. W. S. Nfcolson can overhaul it for you. DR. UKEE IS ELECTED. BECOZIES SUPERINTENDENT . CENTRAL HOSPITAL. OF The Tax on Savings Banks Reduced ' by the -Senate. Governor Aycock Sends a Special Message. SPECIAL TO DAILY. SUSf . Raleigh,. C., March 12. Capt. Ardrey in -teenalf the -bommit- tee on Propositions and Grievances presented chairman A. W. Gra ham with a handsome cane. Whit- aker, of Forsyth, pres e n t e d Chief Clerk Nixon with a hand some cane, the gift of assistant clerks. The following bill passed the house: to prevent kidnapping. An appropriation bill, carrying $160,000 increase for State institu tions will come up as a special order tonight. Dr. Jas. McKee, of Raleigh, was to-day elected Superintendent of the Central Hospital for in sane. The Governor sent a special sugr gestion to the Legislature recom mending that the amount in cash and bonds in the hands of the State board of education at the par val ue of $145,250 be appropriated to the public school fund. The Senate adopted sections of the revenue bill .taxing lijghtning rod 8gents, hotels, cotton t com presses, pool tables and gift en terprises. The amendment was adopted prohibiting slot machines in the State. The Savings bank tax avas rednced from $250 on $1000 capital to $L "7 I! ALDERMANIC CONTEST. There Will be Spirited Contests in Several Wards The contest for aldermanic hon ors will be. more spirited this year than ever before in the history of Salisbury politics. It will be particularly interest ing in the South ward where at least a dozen candidates have been suggested. The friends of both the present aldermen from that ward r Messrs. C H. Swink and J. P. Weber are zealous in their behalf, as are also the supporters of the other candidates. From all present indications it appears that the fight for posi tions on the board of aldermen will overshadow that for mayor. Raided for Gambling. Four gamblers were hauled up last night by the officers. All put up bonds and were released. - Illinois Out. .- i-t Newport News, arch 12. The battleship Illinois went out on the builder's trial today ; Iron Works Sold. Baltimore, Jdarch j 12. The Stickney iron wor ks, of this city, were formally transferred yester day to Edward J. Baugh, Jr., of Philadelphia, for $125,000. Go to the Salisbury j Drug Com pany for toilet articles. Fine worsted trousers worth $5 selling for $3 50. Three Stores at Bros. & Rogers. Bought by our price. Smoot Dr. W. H. Wakefield, of Char lotte, N. C, will be in Salisbury at the Central hotel on Thursday, March -28th for one day only. His practice is limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.! . ; 1 1 1 j I . For Sale or Rent Cheap A nice cottage at -1 Spencer, near south switch. Apply to P. A. Cauble. New River corn; at j Isenhour & Bean's. Get one of our fine Tailor Aade suits and permanently 'goose-f gk'; that rival of yours. ! Smoot Bjbs. RIOT AT BARCELONA. - - - Workmen Object to the Introduction m W mm V ' '1 uixew jaacninery. Barcelona, Mar. 12 Workmen in the spinning and textile factor ies at Manilen, Daroda, and Vish, went on a strike yesterday as a protest against the proposed in troduction 'of new new machin ery. .The' masters closed all fac tories "and ,toay fifteen thousand work men are locked out. At Mailien the workmen made an at tack on the (Manufacturers? Club. They wrecked the interior of the building, and threw the furniture in the street and burned it. They also attached five private houses and wounded the Owners. And afterwards burned the mayor's house. Gendarmes have been called put to suppress the trouble. Brought Back Home. Mr. Frank Loner, of Statesville, who has been traveling through the South, was brought in this morning from Birmingham, Ala bama, and is at the Mt. Vernon hotel today. Mr. Long was taken ill with appendicitis last week and was operated on in Alabama. He is 8 till a very sick man and was taken from the train on a stretcher. A Skillful Operation. Dr. R. H. Manogue, veterinary surgeon, performed an operation at Ludwiek & Black's stable this morning on a horse belonging to Mr. H. T. Graeber, who lives about 12 miles from the city, for paralysis of the shoulder. The horse bad been lame for six months and Mr. Graeber had tried all of the blisters and liniments he could find but none seemed to do any good, He saw Dr. Man- ogue'sad in the Sun anjirought I me ammai 10 10 wn ana naa 11 ex aminedyesterday. The doctor found that nothing , less than an operation would relieve the horse. The operation was performed at 10 o'clock and was witnessed iby about fifty men. No ropes nor anaesthetics were used in the op eration, the horse seeming to take it without pain. The doctor was so skillful and rapid that the sub ject did not appear to realize what was being done. Several well known horsemen, of the city, were present who were surprised to see the animal standing so quiet. One or more of them said the surgeon had ex treme will power or had the horse hypnotized but, it seems, it was neither of these, it was only be cause he is an expert at his pro fession. 'Phone Directory Heeded. A patron of the Salisbury Tele phone Company calls our atten tion to the need of a new phone directory, containing a list of the subscribers and their phone num bers. Such a directory is un doubtedly' needed and would prove very serviceable to all subscribers. Rev. Cates Comes Tonight. Re v. George C. Cates, of Louis ville, Ky., did not arrive in the city last night as was announced in yesterday VSun, but is expect ed in tonight on the Western train and will preach at the Baptist church at tonight's service at 7 :30 p'clock. This meeting will con tinue for two weeks. We make fine shirts to measure and guarantee a fit. Handsome line of samples now on exhibition. Smoot Bros. & Rogers. . Boarders ' Wanted. Mrs. M. E. Cowan can accomodate a few more boarders at moderate prices at Spencer. Position Wanted as Salesman. Has had experience in furniture store, grocery store and gents furn ishing goods. Address T. Box 106. Don't fail to keep up with Tur "big ads." They are clothing classics-. Smoot Bros & Rogers. 'For Rent Two nice 4-room cottages at Spencer, near coal chute. Apply to E. K. James, HARRISON IS DYIIIG. THE EX-PRESIDENT FAILING RAP IDLY TODAY, His Temperature at 10 O'clock Was 102 and Respiration is weak. Report of his Physician. The Indianopoli&rStMar. . 12 Gen. Harrison is failing - rajiidly. Dr. Jameson called at 6 o'clock on ac count of his relapse? His temper ature at 10 dclock- was 102 and respiration is weak. GEN. HARRISON DYING. The Ex President Can Live But a Few Hours. Indianapolis, Feb. 12. Gen. Harrison can live but a few hours. A statement issued by Dr. Jame son gives up all hopes. The Ex- President is now dying. Saratoga, March 12. Mrs. Mc- kee cannot leave her children to go to the bedside of Gen. Harri son. Both her children have been seriously ill with measles. Indianapolis, March 12. Gen. Harrison is suffering great pain ' and, pneumonia, which set in yes terday, is extending. His rela tives have been summoned by telegrams. I Preparing for Prisoners. . Calcutta, March 12. The gov ernment is preparing for the pos sible arrival of five thousand Boer prisoners who will be located in batches of a thousand. s, Clewed jqf Boer.. Bloemfontein, March 12. CoL Pilcher's column has cleared the country of Boers between this The place and the Orange River. column has arrived here bringing thirty-three prisoners and three thousand horses. Bryan Xeaves Hew York New York, March 12. W. J. Bryan left town this morning on the midnight train for Philadel phia. He went to visit the news paper offices there. Improving Storeroom- Mr. Edwin Shaver today has a force of painters and carpenters renovating the store room in the Shaver block near the opera house vacated last week by Mr. J. Young. This room will be occupied by Mr. C. Scarrett, who will carry a stock of dry goods and millinery. . Cotton. New York, March 9. Cotton bids: March, 8.28; April, 8.25; May, 8.28. Foe Rent: A nice two story house on Fulton street. Apply to A. S. Heilig. Cut Flowers foj Easter. v If you want Roses, Violets, Car nations, Lillies, Hyacinths or any other flowers for ' Easter let jne have your orders now, as all or ders must be , received not later than March 18th. ": Prices on ap plication. Call, or phone 146. Mrs. M. O. Linton, ; , - Salisbury, N. C. Dr. Southerland, an experienced pharmacist, is now associated with the Salisbury Drug Company. Our magnificent Spring stock now ready for the Easter shopper. Smoot Bros. & Rogers. For Rent 5-room cottage near graded school. Apply to Theo. Atweil. The best judges of meat can easily be pleased at Jackton's market. H0TICE Drs. Flippin and Brown have moved from Young's drug atore to a suite of rooms over the -Saving Bank. Entrances on Main and Council streets. Messages may be left at Isenhour and Bean's drug 6 tore. - ;j .-ii

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