I ) .I- r ' . .- ... -I V -vr . r?.,V - HV.l v ermoni vreauiei jr -jjuiioa uo i JUST IX AT THEO. ATWELL'S the finest lot of Toma toesthat was ever ship ped to Salisbury. finest made, 30c. per lb. JUgan's reliable I Urns', Blue Lab-. Jbrea" fast F cjd, ' Full Cre u Cheese, Spag' tte irul Saratoga Chips. Al. P. MURPHY'S WEATHER FORECAST: Fair tonight and Wednesday. Larger circulation than any paper ever published in Salisbury. VOL. IX. . SALISBURY, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 9, 1901. NO. 31 . M - -..'x - f - -V. A SPLENDID MEETH1G. . -Kt&: THE BOWAN MEDICAL StfCBTT IN SESSION. ' D. Heilig Btads a Valuable Paper on Focd for Infants. A Case of Lock- jaw Reported Cured, to Society. Rowan County Medical Societ3' . met in regular session yesterday morning, and there was an un usually large attendance. A num ber of important and interesting subjects were brought before the members, and the discussions were animated and of unusual interest. Dr. Long presented the subject of spinal anaesthesia, and exhibited the instruments necessary for the injection of the local anaesthetic. Cocaine and Eucaine are both used, some operators preferring the one, and some the other. The solution is injected into the sub arachnoid space, and the puncture is made between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae, below the . termination of the spinal cord. No surgical operation, Dr. Long says, requires more careful prep aration in order to insure thorough asepsis and -antisepsis than this new method of obtaining anaesthe sia of the lower half of the body. The members of the Society were afterwards invited to witness an exhibition of the X Rays, one of the most interesting and valuable of modern inventions. Dr. H. G. Heilig read an able and exhaustive paper on the subject of infant feeding, which elicited a number of very flattering expressions from his fellow members; tnd a copy of his c mtribution, for pub lication, was requested. The work - " of the society, one of the oldest in State, is of great'ahd constantly increasing interest to its members, and of much, value to the general . public Drs btokes and Crump promise to present, at the next regular meeting, a detailed' state : ment of a case of tetanus, attended. by them, recently, terminating in recovery J Such.aU.acks. a re. near : ly "always fatafctVn!jew.xne l bers were" received yesterday, Doctors W. C. Kluitz and S. M. Crowe! I. ' He W.lkcd Home. Capt. J. C. McQanless, of Dunn's Mountain, after banquet ing with the Mason last night went in quest of his horse and buggy about midnight. The team was gone, however, and the cap tain, concluding tbat it was stolen, walked home. He found the horse patiently standing at : the barn door when he. arrived at home. Sunday's Services Wrhe' sBrvJces at all the churches here were terjrely attended Sun day. Special Easter services were held at the Presbyterian, Episco pal, Catholic and Lutheran churches. At these four churches the music was particulary fine and large congregitions were in atten dance. . Appropriate sermons were preached at the Methodist and Baptist churches. It was a beautiful Easter and the weather, "perhaps, induced many to avail themselves of the opportunity to attend Easter service. Mr. Bos t Oat. Mr. V. T. Bost, city editor of the TifuTH-lNLEX, - who has been confined to bis room for the past three weeks with an injured knee, is able to be out again, his many friends will be delighted to learn. Mr. Wtst Improving. The article which stated Miss Julia West was in the that hos- pital should have read M rs. W. A. West." Mrs. West continues to improve and idly. is recovering rap- For Sams: 1 4 lots 60x180 feet at a bargain 'on West extension of Pn tnn St.. Johnson tract, win - sell separate. Maupin Bros. r 1 ' VViVTF.n 10 brBt class ma- . chinists and 10 first class boiler ' makers. Must be locomotive men r Tin top wrres to right parties .VlLiin J. R OTlourke, xMt. Ver non hoWl between 7 and 'J p. m this evening. J. R. tKonrke. Fou Si.E' Cheap: One 6uit furniture, one mattress spring and pstd.one tcker, one cnair. . Ap py atb1 ofiice. For We druers". prompt and iLrftreful alntion, visit the Salis v!,Dr Company. NEW CENSUS REPORT SALISBURY HAS NOW ABOUT 7,100. The New Director; 11,000 People in Will Show About Salisbury and Su burbs. A Big Gain There is a wid mark between the census' report! of last ye?ir and a census taken las week of the pop illation of Salisln ry; lhe parties wbo are getting up the directory of Salisbury find tnat the population or toe citv is 7,100 and the population of. Salis bury and subuf b ,,including only those who' reside' almost at the corporate line, about 11,000. The gentleman' who are making the di rectory declare tbat their method of ascertaining the population, is the most accural that could be tie vised and that th j number of souls within the incorr orate' limits will not vary from the -figures given by them, 100. j This increase within the year can be partially tccounted for by the location of railroad oflices here and an addition i p. the shop force, in addition to numerous business men who have m pved here. It is quite certain that Salisbury will get a free de ivery after next July. Prof- Miller to Leave- Prof. Ed. H. Aliller, of Frank lin, who has been teaching school at Cleveland during the past ses sion, will locate in the we'st. die leaves tms , wee . 1 for Chicago, where his brother is located From go to inicago f ror. aimer may California! to live. His many friends here wil regret to learn that he is to leav B Salisbury. Impressed With Salisbury Mr. Robt. E Patterson, of Lib- crty, N. G, sti ppped over last night with his niece, Mrs. W. G. Kirkman.j Mr. Patterson was a member, of the4th N. C. band morning foratrsvitfe td r-fclieni the reunion of the surviving merfi- bers of the old band and a banquet given by Mr: Steele, of that place. Mr. Patterson nad not been in Salisbury fur ttveral years and spoke very enth usiastically of his favorable impred sion mf the town and its great ii provement since r. Patterson will lack and spend' a his last visit. 1 stop on his way few days 'with,! rof. Kirkman. . Meeting Ended. Rev. R. C. Craven, who has been .. assisting in a meeting at Mooresville, has returned to Salis bury. He has been out of town for a week assis ing in' this meet- New Ads- i 3. H. Rem hak a new ad in to- day's paper in which he calls atten tion to voters. Wm. Teiser Has just received a lot of good things. See his new ad. . I i The Burt Shoo Store has a new ad today read Lent is Over. Lent is past, Kvith its fitting -eel- ebration of on Lord's arising. And, while voii are no longer in you can still find at Lufsey's 5 and need of Easter, what you want 10 cent store, in. household neces sities and decorative articles. . The Great lthoda Royal show will give two performances in Sal isbury Saturday April 13th, under their large j waterproof tents Many new and novel features this year. ; j Street C4B -Swieegood can furnish comfortable and. quick ser vice. 'Phone pwicegood's Jewel- ry Store. Phdne Being Pdlted W th Dollar Bills And making no effort to catch them, would he about as wise a proceeding as buying Clothing without -tirst coming here and learning our prices and would be about as profitable. Money saved is worth as mi ch as money earn ed, and if we can beat ,all other ? rices, it must mean money saved., 'bat we can di this investigation will prove it. Our stock is now complete and teeming with all the latest styles of clothing, bats, shoes, furnish ngs. While in New York we clcsed -&ut about 200 suits of clothing from one of the best manufacturers in the country. We sot a bargain and a bargain we will give you. These suits are worth from $12 50 to 15 00; for an Easter greeting take ; your choice at $8.90. -bee window dis play. Brown Clothing Co. KILLED BY TRAIN. ' L LlJ CALVIN H. HINSON KILLED TESTER DAY.i- IS BADLY MUTILATED. His Neck Broken and Both Legs Cut Off. Made a, Mistake and Stepped on the Wrong Track, When the En gineer Blew his Whistle. Leaves a Family of a Wife and Six Children- S i ' Mr. Calvin H. Ilinson, who lived near Sumner's Siding was instantly killed yesterday morning while walking on ?' the railroad track near China drove. Mr, Hinson was going to China Grove to join Mr. H. C. Lentz, with whom he was to go to Cleve land yesterday to purchase a farm. The walk from bis home 'to the Grove is only about four miles ami he took the railroad track. He had reached the point near China Grove where the side track arallels the main line arid walked between the tracks. Atthis mo ment the fast train came along and he engineer observed that the man was too near the track for his safety and blew the whistle re peatedly. Mr. Hinson wore a cap and had the sides turned down over his ears, inconsequence of which he failed to detect the track from which the alarm wa3 sounded and in the confusion of the moment stepped from the pathway between the tracks to the track on which the approaching train wts speed ing at the rate of thirty miles per hour. He looked back,; but too late. In an instant the engine was upon L im and in another instant he was a corpse. His neck was broken and both legs were cut off He was also badly; cu oh: other parts of the body." ; ' ; man were composed, arid &keri to his home. "r ..'. Mr. Hinson was a farmef,sf)ber apd industrious, and had the re spect ofal!w.ho know him. He leaves a wife and six children in almost destitute circumstances. j Maj. Sagg Arrested. ; - A man who boastingly announc ed j -that he was Maj. Charles F. Sagg, of New York,; was arretted at the depot last night for drunfi and disorderly conduct. Maj. Sagg expostulated with the officer and assured him that it would never do to 5 lock up a, man of Jh js title. The major threatened and enreated by turn but all to no avail. He spent the night in the lockup add paid tribute to the city today, f - " Card to the Public, i j We are 'the first amusement in stitution in America tomake'anew leparture in the show 'business in the interest of otir pattens. -You will find no trickery, no gambling devices no demoralizin;.ir-ien-ces. Our motto is now,- Vad al ways has been,, to introduce" high class moral amusement institution,; where Iadies and children can it- tend. Gentlemanly ushers in at tendance to look after their com fort. The Rhoda Royal show will give two performances in Salis bury, Saturday, April 13th. BookClub Meeting- ;' ' 1 The' Christian Reidllook Club t will meet with Mrs. W. W. Mc- enzie Wednesday, April 10th, at 4 pVtn. For- dcussiOn: ..- "lhe Visits' of Elizabeth." Meetiugsof Aid Society. J A very important meeting of the Ladies Aid ' Society of the Speq,cer Baptist church was held this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Ladie3 Reid's. : muslin underwear at Take your prescriptions to Salisbury Drug Company. the Wanted: To rent an upright piano. Apply at the Sun office. Veterinary Surgeon, t Dr. R. H.' Manogue of New York, has located in Salisbury and has an " office "at Ludwick .; and Black's livery stable, SalisVury, N. C. .. -. " -h::s- See Maupia Bros, for bar gains in RealEstte,ofHce Overman building. ' f. A FINE ART EXHIBIT. TO BE GIVEN IN SALISBURY IN A FEW DAYS. ,The Graded School and the Daugh ters of the King will CfTO, Exhibit Under Their Auspices For some time it has beenon templated by School and th both the Graded the Daughters of the Kings to hav an art exhibit. Last nrw.lr fl.mn o n A t Vl O Olll-Otll, tfirs of "the Kinor met and arranfcd to haye one exhibit, which will be held on thq 16th, 17th, 18th, .and 19th of April j - - ' The purpose of this exhibition is largely educational. The ex hibit will include copies "of the masterpieces j of the great artists of the world, representing the Italian, French, Spanish, Dutch, British and American schools of art. : - : - In addition to the pictures ex hibited, there will be statuary, panels, relief portraits, and other artistic productions suitable for home and school room decoration. It is the intention of the mana gers to sell and take orders for pictures and charge a small adtpis- j sion fee for the privilege of seeing the exhibition, which will be held in the hall over Peterson & Rulfs' shoe store. , A large part of the exhibit will be furnished by the Helman Taylor Art Co., of Boston, who furnished thej recent successful ex hibit at Winston, N. C. Wher ever this company' have sent one of their art exhibits they have in variably scored a success. ' ' Of the merits of this exhibit the Springfield (Mass.) Union says: J "The exhibition is the finest thing in this' line which has ever visited Springfield." It is the intention of the manage ment to make this exhibit attrac- m tion to all, old and young. Every lover of the beautiful will- be in terested in the opportunity, not often offered, of seeinjtbe ijpM pictures of the war! 1 ia tiS rutii3 atO-activo? teprpductlons . vv : jri it is now possible to execute. ' The dtail and the programmel of each day will be published later. The teachers and the children-of the city and the cQtmty are cWd- ally". invited by the management to arrange to attend the exhibit at least one day. Season tickets will be provided for those who desire! to see the exhibit more than once. THE REMNANTS GATHER. The Old 4th Nbrjh Carolina BancILe 1 union-1 r - Mr. E. B. Nave went to States ville this morning to attend a re union of peculiar interest. During the civil war IVIr. Neare was a member' of the 4th North - . . Carolina,, pf'-which there .. were fourteen in number. Last week Mr. Neave received an invitation from Mr. Steele,;, of Statesville, "who was also a member of this baud, requesting him to j be present today at a reunion '0L. 1 he survivors Of the original number poly (six are left and these WillvjftbfelU to gether today for perhaps they last time.; ! Fine Overcoat Stolen. ' ; - Dr. Em 3st Senno lost' ; fine Overcoat at St. J ohn's yesterday. Dr. Senne became interested?jn catching fish and lef t a $35 ovejftpat in the buggy.' When he'retufhed toihV buggy the . coat was gone. He has no idea whogot'if. ' Insurance Paid- - v J. S. McCubbins, agent rbf The Virginia State Insurance Co, p4id Mrs. B. D. Hurley V$r,qM "today being the full am6uniofJhijrje carried on her stock, - soj badly damaged by the 'recent ft ' Tea Party. 'sSV'r Master Go wan Livenfgod gave a tea party on , yesterday. Quite a number of "his little friends rere present and Spent the evemng very pleasantly. J f Por Rknt:--A - 5 room cottage on -Council street, v Apply tofMrs. T VV. "Allison. ' . . Aiffi,. . . 11 m 1 rm - " " ' ! 1 We handleall graces of iobf ceo -1 ' ' . it. 1 a. - J.il: - cii: anu cisars: iqb oest always. ous bury Drug C4mpahyi? ; ' For Sale: 2 Wlriutlaedsti ads g ed8 also 1 ;two b rse 2 sprjn wagon.11- Apply at Sutfv office'for miormaiion . r 1' . " v ... . ..-V - . -., . BANQUET LAST NIGHT ROYAL ARCH MASONS GIVE A BAN QUET. A Team Put Through at two Meet ; iugs Yesterday. A Magnificent Af fair at the Mt. Vernon Last Night. The Royal Arch Masons of Salis hury gave a banquet at the Mt. Vernon hotel last night, which ri valled any heretofore given by this chapter. The occasion was the initiation of a team composed of Messrs H. fM. Elliott and C. M. Shuford, of Hickory, and Mr. J. C. McCan less, of Salisbury. The work of initiating the team consumed portion - of yesterday afternoon and evening and was completed at 11 o'clock last night. After . the initiation those as sembled went to the Mt. Vernon, where proprietor Lindsay had prepared a sumptuous feast, though only short notice had been given him. Mr. E. B. Neave was toastmaster -of the evening and tilled the position with such be coming dignity as makes him a character to inspire reverence in the secret councils of the chapter. Including, the three out-of-town guests forty gathered around the banquet table and partook both of the substantial feast and good cheer of the evening. BRIEF ITEMS. News Items of Interest too Short for a Head. C. B. Wrebb, of Statesville, is in the city today. L. H. -Clement, Esq., spent Monday in Mocksville. Rev. S. S. Bost, of Durham, is visiting relatives at South, River. Vance Shaver," of Asheville, spent Easter, here with his parents. Miss Emma Brown went to Mocksville yesterday on a visit to trieada, ' . . irCnmisfyf Concord, was JH UH) Villi jr j--cfi.-vJ'T iui ( uiuik while. ' ! - , W, T. Rainey ".Mfts returned home from a business trip to Con cord..' v; . " R. Lee W right. Esq , went to Greensboro last night on . legal business."" a Miss McDonald, of Greensboro, who has been visiting Mrs. W. G. Crutchfield, returned home last night. Mr. and Mrs. B.' R. Ketchey nave returned from avisit to their daughter, Mrs. N. C. Hoffner, at Mt. Ulln. The Rhoda Royal show will ex hibit in Salisbury next Saturday, announcing two performances for that day. Good quality and fit for moder ate cost are the features at Peter son & Rulfs Shoe Store. No samples. ; Rt. Rev. Leo Haid.of St. Mary's College, Belmont, is spending to day in the city, the guest Of Fa ther Joseph. iTumes Coleman, the veteran and up-to-date umbrella maker, and repairer of Greensboro,-is in the city today on a business trip. Stylish and serviceable shoes and slippers for girls and little misses are prominent features of jur new arrivals. The Burt Shoe Store. ' , V, - - Last week was a great shoe sell ing week at this store. Already, we have some broken sizes in spring shoes to go on the bargain counter. Read our ad on second page. The Burt Shoe Store. . ' Shave at the Midway. - See Madame Rhoda Royal and her Tandf m Team with the great Rhoda Royal show which will ex hibit here Saturday April 13tb. The most unique and pleasing per formance ever given. Her exhibition is most delightful to ladies and children. -v Received today one barrel Sara toga Chips at McCulloh's. Mr J. W. Kestler has op6ned a barber shop at Spencer, near the poStoffice. Only whites shaved. t '-l-' '" 'if. v-,." ' -" ) ' ' Special bargain in about .100 men'sjeassimere and fancy worsted suits;- strictly first-class, but last season's-stock that v were sold 'at $10.00, U 50 and 115 00, to close at $7.50 per suit. Brown Cloth-. A BIG SENSATION A SEVEN DAY SENSATION SALISBURY. ; IN MR. J.LI. BRADY S FALL Married at Beck Hill- S. C at Mid night and Leaves His Business in an Awful Tangle. The Firm Owes Over $1100 Odd Fellows Find a Short age in Their Books. Mr. Brady Now in Augusta, Georgia. The doors of the Salisbury Gro eery Conjpany were closed Satur day evening and Mr. J. M. Peeler was appointed .trustee. ' From this incident developed a sensation which has been .the all absorbing topic in Salisbury since that time. The Salisbury Grocery Compa ny was composed of Mr. John M. Brady, who came here from Rock well several years ago, and Mr. J. P. Mault, an old resident of Salis bury. The company has been en gaged in the grocery business for the past two years and seemed to prosper. Mr. Mault's integrity was iinquestioned and Mr. Brady was regarded by his friends (and his friends were legion) as an ex emplary young man. The begin ning of the trouble dated f rom Friday night when a young lady of this city of heretofore unim peachable character but at that time in a delicate condition was seen crouching behind the water tank 8t the depot preparing to board the first South bound train. She first tried to get on the fast rr ail and was told that it did .not 1 a -a . '1 t carry passengers, wnen tne local arrived twenty minutes later .she got a seat in the car and wrapped her cloak about 4 her face. From Salisbury she went to Charlotte, rom VJnarlotte to nor- ilin.ler 00 ndoct created ' nor6SdToi comJ ment but for the sake of herself as well as on account of 'the-fafiaily,. than which there is none better,' all publicity through the press was suppressed. I . Mr. Brady also had left Salis bury and the names of the two were connected. When Mr. Mault learned of the simultaneous leav ing of the parties he began an in vestigation of his books and found that the concern was hopelessly involved. He accordingly request ed that the business be wound up and Mr. J. M. .Feeler was put in charge as trustee. the firm's condition, I called on Mr. Peeler this morn ing and asked him for a statement of the company's condition. He said: "So far as I haye been able to ascertain the stock on hand is not worth more than $500. This I will try and dispose of at once. The liabilities in Salisbury are about $1,100 and no out-of-town creditors have been heard from. Of this amount $275 is cash bor rowed by Mr. Brady from friends If all the accounts on" the books are collected they-will not amount to more than $200."" ODD FELXiOWS INVESTIGATE. Mr. Brady was treasurer of the local lodge of Odd Fellows and when the details, of , his indebted ness on all sides were brought to light the finance committee began an investigation of his books. The investigation was completed yes terday with the result that a big shortage was. discovered betwen his book of credits and the balance in the-bank to the credit of the' lodge. Telegraphic communica tion was immediately secured with Rock Hill, where he was supposed to be, and it was phoned back that he was married to sthe young woman wholef t here Fri day night, at 12 o'clock that night. They purchased tickets for Au gusta, Georgia, however, and had left Rock Hill before the message was received there. Mr. "Brady stated while' in Hock Hill that he proposed to return to Salisbury in a fewdays. V T MACBIENTS TAKEN. As soen as the condition of Mr. Brady's affairs Became known yesterday his personal creditors attached his individual property. He owns a tract of land in Morgan township and has, some personal property here in furniture and furnishings with which he had fitted up his bachelor apartments. He had borrowed various amounts, from friends here, all of which aggregated over $300, and for which he had given his per sonal notes without any surety. All these gentlemen were warm friends of Mr. Brady and had implicit confidence both, in his disposition and ability to meet these notes when due. HIS BROTHER HERE. Mr. Brady is from an excellent family and . his brother is post master at Gold HilLHo was in Salisbury this morning and'stated that his family would have come to his assistance at auy time' if he had intimated to them that he was financially taaarrassed. His brother was very much distressed over the affiir, as are, of course, all the other members of the f am- ily. " MR MAULT'S POSITION. Nothing but the keenest sympa thy is felt for Mr. Mault, Mr. Brady's partner in business. He was, it seems, almost in total igno rance of the condition of the firm's financial position and the revela tion was a severe shock to him. ' MR. BRADY MAY RETURN. It is thought by Mr. Brady's close friends that he will return to Salisbury shortly and make resti tution to theOddFellows as well as his personal creditors'. The young lady to whom he was married bad balance of $112 in a Salisbury bank and drew on this amount while in Rock Hill, j . The whole incident is painful in the extreme, as both Mr, .Brady and the young lady in question en joyed the greatest esteem and con fidence at the hands of all with whom ;they associated. AGUINALDO SIGNS. Signed the Peace Manifesto To-Day, after Several Kicks. Manila, April 9. After ob jecting to two.clauses in the draft of tfie peace manifesto draf ted by Chief Justice Arrellano7Aguinaldo slgMMcfthe document id-day . Co. Aba, the Insurgent leader in Seam bale,' "WitH thirteen c and -eighty-three men, surrender ed to Lieutanent-Colonel V Good rell, to-day. General Malvar is expected to surrender soon. KNOX SWORN IN, The New Attorney General was Sworn In Today. Washington, April 9, Justice Shiras this morning swore iinto office Attorney General Knox, in the president's private office. Still Paining Him. . Mr. E. Lowery, who had. the thumb And finger, of his right hand crushed off at the first joint, by getting it caught in a cog wheel while cutting bolts at Spencer last Friday, is still Buffering se verely. He will not be able to work, his physician fells us yet for several weeks. , A Big Fire. Shreveport, La., April 9. Fire destroyed the plant of the Shreve port Ice and Refrigerating Com pany today. The loss is $150,000. The Czar's Intentions-, Paris, April 9. 7 It is reported tbat the Czar contemplates the : is suance of a ponstitution and the institution of a parliament. Dont fail-to let the children at tend the Great Rhoda Royal Train ed Animal show which will ex hibit in Salisbury Saturday April 13th afternoon "and night. Among the crowning features this season with the Great Rhoda Royals Trained Animal show is Captain Sharp and his troupe of Rough Riders in -Sheir most novel and thrilling exhibition .of horse manship. Don't Forget Easter. Buerbaum has all the things necessary to make' Easter pleas ant to young and old. Rabbits and Chickens, Eggs and Biddies, Dogs and Pigs, Geese and Ducks. Easter cards in nice assortment Easter presents; of all kinds. : Don't let Easter pass without re minding your children and your friends of this high holiday. Baseball goods of all kinds, Fish ing Tackles in abundance. a 1 r ' 1 1 1 1 I iina Dueroaum uu manes picture frames, A BRITISH REVERSE. )NE HUNDRED BRITISH ARE CAP- TDRED. Four Hundred Bores Engage a Hun dred British and Taka Them as Prisoners. Few Escape. Iondon, England, April !. Lord Kitchener reports that a detachment of ono hundred men from the Fifth Lancers and Im perial Yeomanry were attacked by four hundred Boers yesterday in Cape Colony. After several hours fighting the British surendorod and were captured. Only twenty five managed to escape THE TERMS REJECTED. The Piatt Amendment is the Stum bling Block. Havana, April i. A well in formed authority says the Cuban constitutional convention will re ject the teims offered, the Piatt amendment being the stumbling block. An instructed commission will be sent to Washington, Wood has lost considerable confi dence by tho suppression of "La' Discussion" which antagonized tho conservatives. VOTE FOR STRIKE. If Warren Holds out Against Brother hood Strike Will Come. Wilkesbarre,- April 0. Tho Central railroad and New Jersey men of this division voted unani mously in favor of a strike, pro viding Vice President Warren still persists in refusing tho brotherhood officials a conference. , v Heroic Deed Harrison, Neb., -April '. T trict nineteen, Scout county, cv?A .tr pupils from a Hood rt 4- 1 ; , ' threatened tho school hou : catcd 6n the bank of Whit ; Would-Be seats1- .: ; ' t New York, April . T who threatened to blow 1 ... I Avenue residence unle- ' given 500 has been arr '. central office detectives. Ho turned out to be Elia.s C eighteen years old. The lad r:; . I s a full' confession. ' 1 Burned to Death Rochester, April 9.: Mrs. K: Keenan was burned to dent? several persons were injure ! ; fire in tbo Barrori block. I occupants of the houses were i. panic and were rescued with di cnlty. . Epidemic of Pneumonia. Seattle, April 9. Dawi-cn : sengers who arrived on the ' ship' City of Seattle reports j -mohia epidemic in tho Kl. . , The American Consul I.lcCook i.-i very ill. There is practically r -j chance of his recovery. Prominent Physician Caicidis New York, April 9. Dr. Wil liam ll. Guernsey committed tul- cide today because of improper treatment which caused the death of a woman patient, file wa-i a prominent physician. Jones Swears By His Confession. New York, April ,9. Valet Jones on today's examination steadfastly adhered to hin confes sion in the Rice murder. Easter Opening. Not of Spring bonnets, but bath tubs, water closets, and p! -ing supplies ofevery dehor: Since the fire,l am receivi. . a fresh supply of goods an' 1 now ready to servo you, 1" '.. plumbing and roofing. My t is temporily located on street, near the Methodist ii Give mo a call, I need yo.. hi ness. Yours to ry w. s.;;so . th. !- i- Experienced bock k accountant desires gle or doubia entry, , ence. umress ouN,ba' ,Jry. T'teMidv ty par' ad(7cd anotl 'c bar! and is'nov abl alaiger r on , call. : , v ' 1 A V 2-

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