r TH FLOWERS CO III Fresh Saratoga Chip, Paprica, Junket" Tablets, Currie Powder, THE DAILY SUH, Burnetts Extract, Pistachio, Va nilla, Orange, Lemon and Almond i , Furnishes the leading news'of the day. Subscribe For It. TOIi. IX. SALISBURY, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 15, 1901. NO. 92 ' lIURrni HEATHER FORECAST! Partljdoudytc. ight;Ebdwers Sunday. ' f"1- ' 3'- ( I t.r - - - ; : : : - i THE. METAL TRADES ASSOCIATION CLAIMS SO. Sayi Machinists Are Ee turning With- oit Condition. Nothing New in the Situation at Spencer To-Day. New York, June 15. The National Metal Trades Association officers declare that striking ma chinists in all parts of the country are returning to work' without conditions. There is no change in the local situation. Several new machinists have been taken in at the Spencer shops this week, two of them be ing Salisbury macoinists, wno were not in the service of the Southern when the strike was de- ciared. me snops are snu under guard. The Southern confidently a. :n l n it uiouiuib tuat ib win uato an no shops filled up in a very short while, while the strikers express equal confidence in their ability to hold out until the railroad comes to their terms. There are- no new developments in the situation at the Vance Mill to day- According to the notice on the employes all the tenants in the mill houses will have to vacate next Wednesday. THE MORNING DEGREE. Instituted by tfce Woodman of the World Last Night ! Hickory Camp No. 49,1 W. O. W. is in a growing condition at present. The candidates were initiated last night and two appli cations for membership were re . .ceived. After the regular work of the camp was over the - Morning- De gree Team put four Woodmen throusrh in this degrree, which has just been introduced by the Salis burv Woodmen. The boys made the journey safely but one i rfeel ang, a Jitt'e sore today. TKart iwrt mnr' aorreea of I Woodcraft, Noon and Night, and the Woodmen hope to attain to these. CLUB RECEPTION. Old Hickory Club Reception to be Giv en on the 28 ch- A date has been definitely de cided upon for the reception to be given by the Old Hickory Club. The committee has decided upon the 28th inst. and all the necessary arrangements are being made to make this one of the swellest re ceptions ever given in Salisbury. Mr. Roh Lee Crawford is at the head of the committee on arrange ments. Miss Goffy Graduates. Miss Vistula Maud Guffy,daugh ter of Mr. C. A. Guffy, of Rowan, graduated at the JNorma! aau - ... . 1 I 11 ik.n - - . - T , J I legiate institute in asubtwo m week. Mr. CrUUy mei ui ter in Statesville Wednesday even- ing and the two spent the night with Mr. .L C. Turner, ffoine on to their home in Rowan yesterday. '; Statesville Landmark. Mr. Webb Brought to Salisbury. Mr. Rufus M. Webb, son of Rev. R. S. Webb, who lives about three miles north ' of town, was this morning carried to Stokes' sanatorium," Salisbury, for treat ment. His health has been bad for some time. He is suffering with nervous prostration and it is hoped that the stay in balisbury will benefit him. Greensboro Record. Mrs. Swink Very Sick. 1 Mrs. Letitia Swink is very sick - . - . . todav Her son, Mr. James West, came over from Greensboro j . . to see her yesterday. , Lost: A gold bracelet at the! Finder opera nouse last uiui will please leave at this office. For Sale One Soda Fountain with apparatus complete. Apply to ftiaupin rros., uvenuuu l9g. ' - Mr. James Brown, of Puts- mouth, Va., over 90 years of age, suffered for years with a bad sore r.n his face. Physicians could not help him. De Witts Witch Hazel Salve cured him permanently. James Plummer. : Where Divine Services Will be Held To-Morrow Presbyterian church Regular services at the Presbyterian church at 11 a. m. and 8 h. m. , by the pastor. The morning contribution will be for the Sy mod's Orphans Home, at Barium Springs. Catholic churchj High Mass and sermon at 9 a. m. Devotions and Benediction in he eveninsr at 8 o'clock. Usual services at St. Luke's Episcopal church tomorrow morn ing and evening by Key. Dr. F. J Murdoch. First Methodist chare h ' Preaching by the pastor, Rev. H. L. Atkins, at 11 a. m and 8:15 p. m. bundav school at 9:45 a. m. Hipwortn ueague devotional meet- inT Monday evenind at 8 :15. Rev. M. E. Parrish will preach . y uu.LU luuJUllu" "'"'"'"K veuiux. I .-..JPaiiu uciuiuiwi vumtu x ud usual services tomorrow morningl and eveninsr at 11 abd 8 by thel pastor. Dr. Duttera. . Sunday school at 9:45. Rev. Dr. L at St. E Busby will preach John's Lutheran church tomorrow tiorning and ours. 11 a. evening at the usual m. subject, "Divine I ncendiarism" 8 p. m. Vandalism; or the Des poliation of the Grandest Monu ment Ever Erected.'! I Services at Main Street Metho dist church at the usual hours, morning and evening tomorrow. Preaching by Rev. Charlie Peeler.' MirioTT-CKi .t q.qA . beams meet at 3 p. meeting at 7 p m. m. . Class GOT THE ELKS. A Stranger Flays the Salisbury Elks for Help j ! '; The Charlotte Observer tells as follows how an Elk djid the Salis bury and Charlotte people: A couple registered at the Cen tral hotel yesterday morning as Mr.jand Mrs M. Meyer, of NqkJ york--BothrW dressed. The man wore knickerbockers and had an actor-likefacelj Heboufirht cigars, batbsdniifcs and patroniz ed the hotel-lib 3raliyj. Happen ing to meet Mr. J. H.. Hooper, the proprietor,in thekfternoon, he informed him that hel was a strand ed actor with no money at all and he wanted funds to getJo Wash ington. He showed Mr. Hooper an Elk pin which he wore, and Mr. Hooper at once remitted the board bill Mr. Hooper sent: for Mr, Ham ilton W. Wilson, thejexalted ruler of the Elks, and stated the case to , . i him. Elks are Elkk the world over, and Mr. Wilson-consulted his check book and handed the re sult to Mr. Hooper to be given to Meyer. As an after-thought Mr. Wilson decided it wcjuld be wise to find out if the man were really an Elk, as declared, po he found Meyer, got him in a dark corner and said a few. words to him in " Elkish Hebrew. i eyer blinked , llMnu sav hii lines. Mr. WJIann thn tnrnd k few official handsprin28i but MIyer bilked at the first jump. Mr Wilson be came suspicious, oa rolled over & one line on the floor, recited J stanza, stood on his head and did a few other Easy Things for the stranger, but Meye r said some- thing about having a poor memory and didn't make the) cat hop once. Whereupon , he heard some' plain unofficial speech from Mr. I v- Wil son. j By telephoning it was found that Meyer had successfully play tne ik game at Salisbury and naj worked a hdtel there for board and money. His wife got on the train going north at 9:30 last night, j No one saw Meyer i . !. .. .... board the train, though it is pre- sumed that ne got nto one of the k cars at the crossin ! Mr. Wilson and other IKlks believe . tha Meyer's scheme should be expos ed. ! The quality of fine art tone soap cannot be excelled. You ge it at Reid's. Veterinary Surgeon, Dr. R. ,H. Mahogue, , of New York, has located in Salisbury and has an office at Ludwick and Black's livery stible, Salisbury, N. C. ! . . ! A beautiful line of Infants' and Childrens' Caps, Borinets and Tarns at "cost. Mrs. J. A. Murphy. EDWARD GADBtE DEAD DIED FEOM THE EFFECTS ' OF FALL. J Fcl1 From the Opera House Steps and his Death Said to be. Dae to the Fan.-: rzy Mr. Edward. Cauile a well known citizen of Salisbury, died uiui at ii:o Q jiocK irom tne etfects of a fall received about two weeks ago. Mr, Cauble fell iuo oueps ua tue opera uouse and sustained injuries that! were! not at farst thought to be serious. He Vas taken down two days ago, nowever, and died last night. The funeral services wilf be held to- morrow, afternoon at 5 o'clock irom the Baptist church and the remains will be interred in the JLutneran cemetery. . Mr, Cauble was 68 vears ; old land was well known to most of pur citizens, his life having ; been spcui ueio. ' He was no man's enemy but his . . own and t his inonensive attitude towards humankind leaves noth ing but regret and sorrow in the hearts of those who learn of his death. I Several children survive him. a Special meeting. North Carolina Classis to Meet Here . on the 26th. I A call has been issued for a spe cial meeting of the North Carolina Classis on the 26th inst. j. ne meeting win oe held in Faith Reformed church here at 10 a. m. The meeting will be held to make arrangements for the in- siaiiauon oi rtev. uc. jjuttera as pastor of that church. Porter Employ i Couniel. . v . The negro - John Porter, who wasariesteJuxsdajhton the serious charge""6f outraging "a colored woman; is stiH in jail. Porter has employed 'counsel and still protests his in ii 1 1 I I I i'i 1 n Wtt II 5 rn IT ' VAC terday morning to be near - him , has returned to Franklin. A Successful Lawyer. A gentleman who has just re turned from Charlotte, where -he has been attending Federal court, says the greatest success scored at this court was by a negro lawyer, who won the only case that went o the jury for two days. Mr. Mitchell's B-mains Taken Home. The remains of Mr. J. M. Mitch ell, who died here yesterday morn- mg, were taken to nis nome at Clarkston, Ga. , last night, accom panied by his brother, who has been here for the past three days. The young man held out against an operation until his condition became so extreme that the opera tic was his only chance and that remote one. His father i is a prominent physician of Clarkston. No Strike of the W &. W- Si M. Yet. Up to going to press the strike of the W. &. W. S. M. has not come off, but is expected at any moment. When the strike is made it will be felt all over the city. A Veterinary Surgeon. We learn front the Winston Sen inel that Mr. W. G. Cranford, who has been studying Veterinary science, has connected nimseix - a m with the Twin City Veterinary Hospital, of that city, as a special ist on diseases of the feet and ameness and will act as assistant in the general practice in and from the hospital. Mr. (Jrantord is a Rowan boy and is well known in Salisbury. He is a smith by trade and is a fine workman. The. ,Sun wishes him success in his chosen profession. - You will miss it when you don't buy Howard's ice cream. Phone, 251. ; i In fine art soap you get the largest measure of value for your money. Buy a box at Keid s. We think we have a house or lot to suit you; and, ir so, we are sure we can arrange the terms, Call and see our list of properties. Maupin Bros. Overman build ing . Okdeb distilled water ICE o crystal clearness from the Salis burv Ice and Fuel Co., manufac turers. CUT ffl SELF DEFENSE A ME. TIPPETT HAKES A STATEMENT TO-DAY. Says he Thought he was Acting in Self Defense When he Stabbed Tom i Travis Tippett, tire aged slayer of Thomas Eller, was seen thifllThiirav haa ,in0 0imaf in. morning by a oun reporter and asked if.he had any statement to make; Tippett, who is 71 years i uiu, nas a eray moustacne and nis head is white. He is stooped add I shows the infirmities of age. He I said: , . "Wh,6n J. cut Tom 1 thought I was doing it to protect myself. He got out his knife first and I then took out mine. I am sorry thatil Tom is dead but I don't see how I could have done anything other I than I did in nrdor tn nmtnrt m v. self. I was born in Davidson - 4 county but have spent most of my I uie in xvowan. x nave been on the farms of Mr ' TmAa f!rR? ana I 7 T Mr. J. H. Reid. I have beeu twice married but am now alonel except- for three children, all: grown, whom I seldom see." It is-believed that the old man struck' the hlow .whi.h on.naev Ellens death in self defense. Firemen's Tournament The State firemen's tournament will be! held this year in Chariot! j on July 23-26th. One fare roun trip is arranged for individuals! and a reduction for Salisbury will send severat reprel sentatives to this convention. 1 St. Mary's College. The Sun is in receipt of-a'caU college has passed, through sf ver successful year and the. largest a tendance in its history is expected at the fall opening.; '... , , Mr- Baillie To Go West. Mr. nift a o spent. vu months here last winter, has left New York and gone West. He writes to CaptJ YY. Murdoch Wiley to that effect. , Bost Matter Continued The case of F. W. Bost in bankruptcy was heard before Judge Boyd at Charlotte thiw week. The matter was postponed until the 27th inst, when it will be heard at Greensboro. Mr. R. Lee Wright, assignee, is selling Mr. Bast's stock out at cost. The Mad Dog Dead. The dog supposed to have hy drophobia, which bit men, women and children in Franklin township last Sunday, died Thursday night. The general opinion is that the dog had hydrophobia. The little son of Mr. Eller, who was taken to Lexington to have the madstone applied, returned to Salisbury this morning. The madstone stuck for some time to the place where the ittle boy was bitten. Back From Virginia. Rev. Dr. J. N. Stallings return ed last night from Charlottesville, Virginia, where he has been at tending the commencement exer cises of the University of Virgin ia. He was accompanied by his son, Mr. R. Er Stallings, who has just taken the degree of M. A. As stated in yesterday s Sun, Mr. Stallings will not leave for the Philippines before July 1st. aaacaoa- """ ' aassx More Showers Coming. The weather forecast for the ensuing 24 hours is: Partly cloudy tonight and Sunday with showers. Fresh east to southeast winds. Street Cab Swicegood can furnish comfortable and quick ser vice. 'Phone Swicegood s J ewel ry Store. Phone 239. i t Madagascar Hats at Ccst, at Mrs. J. A Murphy's. Crystal Ice Cream. bend your order in when you want ice cream. Phone25l. De livered from 7 a; m. to 11 p. m. Orders for Sunday must bo sent in Saturday. Special attention to lawn parties and church festivals. John Howakd Corner of Lee and Kerr Sts, Street Cab. j Any one desiring a nice street cab phone Dixie Studio, No. 226, J. A. Ramsay, proprietor, con ducted by his brother, Albert Ramsay. SKOp BIG FRESHET. '5 THE CATAWBA AND YADKIN RISE AGAIN. The Catawba Twelve. Feet Above Nor f nial-Height Yesterday. Wheat is . Sadly Damaged by the Storm. i The freshet of yesterday and eulablo, damage to the growing crops of this section. ' " h it is reported that the Catawba Hver waa 12 feet above the nor mal level at 8 o'clock yesterday evening. It continued to rise dur- ing the night and this morning was still rising.- The Yadkin was reported today to be booming, al- though the water had not broken across the Sowers bottom on the Davidson side. . . All the farmers who come to Salisbury today report that the heavy ra"nV of the past two days have practically held up all work on the farms cf this county. The wheat has sustained particularly severe damage. khTFk iTFMS !! X . News Items .of Interest too Short for a Head. Miss Celeste Boyd has returned to Barium Springs. Jno. C. Deaton, of China Grove, as in the city last night. . Busbee, Eeq., of Raleigh, waa in the city last night. Third degree, work was done in the Masonic lodge last night. ' Chase Brenizer. Kn.. of Cth.r. lotteJwas in the city last nierht. . JLhe last opportunity to see the Kirmess will be given tonight. J H. Swaim returned last night Uom fL business trip to Statesville. I J ' T "T "T -Mr- ' - d to his home toay, we regret to learn, v . . ; owt til grand va'ues are comrades at The' Burt Shoe Store. " Miss Mary White is visiting in Salisbury, says - the Statesville Landmark. Miss Florence V. Fray, of Vir ginia, is at Z?b visiting Mrs. J. A. Thorn ason. Rev. Dr. H. ,N. Miller, presi dent of Mt. Anco3na Seminary, is in the city today. Miss Mary WThite,of Statesville, is visiting the Misses Ward on West Main street. Prof. C. S. Coler, superinten dent of the Concord graded schools, was in the city yesterday. Charles Scarratt will begin a bargain sale Monday. See his at tractive new ad. on the fourth page. j Misses Mary Gates Caldwell and Annie Wilson, of Charlotte, are visiting Misses May and Janie Boyden. 1 G. L. Sandlin, of Marion, ar rived in the city last night on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. R. H. Johnson. ! Don't forget the Kirmess to night. The, cause commends it self . The Kirmess stands un rivalled. Will you be convinced of the greatest shoe value possible to realize? If so, read Peterson & Rulfs ad on 4th page. If vou have $1.50. and want to invest it in a pair of swell oxford or shoe go to Peterson & Rulfs. No old stock or samples. . Mrs. Frank L. Bobbins, of Sal isbury, is visiting Mrs. Robbins' parents, Maj. and Mrs. W. M. Robbins, says the Statesville Landmark. 1 he true measure or yaiue is guided at this store by high qual ity at the lowest price possible, and your money back if you want it. The Burt Shoe Store. By an inadvertance the name of Mrs. C. R. Barker was omitted from our write-up of the booths at the bazaar. MrsBarker is one of the most patriotic and tireless workers in this goodcause. W. A.Murphy, a sonf Dr. P. Li. Murphy, or iviorganton, is in the city on a visit to Jhis college mates, Mess. Haydenfand Edward Clement. Mr. Murphy graduat ed at the University this Spring. Clearance Cost Sale of Millinery. All trimmed and untrimmed HATS at Cost, at Mrs. Murphy's, ALL CODIITRIES HEET. A GREAT TIME AT THE JUBILEE CONVENTION. Mr. Humphrey Tells How The Great Work of the Y, M. Accomplished. C A. is Beiue J sPecli Correspondence of sun. Boston, Mass.; - June 13. Among the most interesting of the . 1 scenes thus far witnessed at the greater. M. a A. Jubilee was the - 1 reception of foreign delegates at I the afternoon session, Weddesday, J an? 12. I A am unable to tell yoa of the eninuoasm with which these for- signers were received, Toe great convention stood on its feet and every country under God's sun was greeted with cheers, applause and waving: of handkerchiefs. Teleo-rarrJa : nf avmnnftiv fni iha work and cordial irreetuW were - vm. w. w ui recevu from thn mwnn,l hHa of nearly all the great nations in tne world. Addresses from many of these foreign delegates were interspers- eu wun great applause, ine au- j dience would have to have under- stood many languages to have un- derstood alt that was saitLas manv of these delegates spoke in their native tongue. The great address of Prof . G. Stanley Hall Physical Develop- UJt5Ufc was ejwuress oi me aner- noon session .:'Mr. Hall beino- the President of Brown Universitv. I suppose the climax was reach - in the day's session when in the evening, Army and Navy work was discussed, and among those present were: Miss Helen Miller Gould, Mrs. Rus3ell Sage, Mrs. E. A. McAlpine, Rear Admiral General Lor in r. Cant. Richmond Pearson Hobson and many other nnrnT'tT0'3 "cfaK in the army fund departmenx t,um Tnited The addresses of the evening from those in the forefront of America's Great Army and Navy appointed to the magnificent and wonderful -work of the Young Men's Christian Association among soldiers and sailors. After the meeting, at which it is estimated that some 10 to 15 thousand people were present and thousands turned away, there was a grand ' social recepton at the Boston Museum of Arts. . , Here the delegates fromt the world had a chance to meet i on social equality and also to grasp the hands of these famous and well known people. Fully 5,000 were present at this reception,admission being strictly by cards of admis- sion. xne cosmopolitan garner ing would impress anyone that was privifeged to be there. Men from every quarter of the earth and speaking all languages were present. Pastors' Association. A full meeting of the Pastors' Association is desired, at Dr. Rum pie's study next Monday morning, at 10 o'clock, sharp. Sec. Pro Tern. Do Yen Feel warm enough to want a hammock ? Buerbaum has the finest selection in town, from 75c to $7 each. They are very choice. Do vou know, who makes pic ture frames? Buerbaum has made them for twenty years and they are made better and cheaper now then they ever were .made. Just received a new lot of those elegant photo frames, all oak in different finishes, with beautiful decorations. Passe-Partout Bind ing in different colors, 15 cents volume. Hooks and chains to hang them by. A large stock of elegant station ary at Buerbaum o Bookstore. A Fireman's Close Call. - "I stuck to my engine, although every, joint .ached and every nerve was racked with with pain," writes C. W. Bellamy, a locomotive fireman, of Burlington, Iowa. "1 was weak and pale without any annetite and all run down. As I was about to give up I got a bottle of Electric Bitters and, after taking it, I felt as wet as I ever did in my li'e." Weak sickly, run down people always gain new life, strength and vigor from their ubo. lry them. 4Sat isfaction guaranteed by Theo. F, Kluttz & Co. Price 50 cents. House fob rent: '-Second door from corner Lee and Fisher street Nice 6-room cottage, with water ii house. R. V. Lanier. cen. bartlett missing. Feared he was on the ill Fated Boat Yesterday. New York, June 15 General nar,es artiett, retired army I t T T T" .... omcer, now librarian for the dis- irici auorney, was tnis morning reported missing; His home is on Staten Island and he has not been seen since he left his office yester day afternoon. It is feared he was aboard the ill fated ferry boat Northfield, which sunk last even ing. LEE NO CANDIDATE. Says he Doesnu't Want to Run for Gov , ernorn V ashington, June 15. General Fitzhuo-h Lee called nn the nrAi. .a il: : . ' i ' ,. . . I 1 1 mi 1 1 I il I u r T l nr n in rr nnT rt r i 1 1 ri vv ZlLT.."i ! . T UJUHB )l U11UIDH nniftTT. HT ni9 Visit He declared that he was not a can- didate for governor for no deadlock. and looked CHIEF OF POLICE SHOT. Probably Fatally Wounded by Bur glars Who Were Dynamiting a Safe. MahaonyCity, Pa., June 15.- iniei oi iroiice .Jonn Hassei was shot and probably fatally wound ed by burglars who were in the act of dynamiting a safe in Swift & Co's , branch market at 3 o'clock this morning -Two laborers re- turning from work were the first to discover the burglars. MRS. KENNEDY GUILTY. The Murders Sentenced to Ten Years Imprisonment. Kansas City, Mo. June 15. "Murder in the second'idegree was nSgTn the case of -Mrs. Lulu Prince Kennedy, charged with tbe murder of her husband, Jen years is the sentence. A ROYAL BAPTISM Princess xotanaa aapuzea xoaay With Gre it Ceremony. Rome, June 15. Princes Yo- tanda, heiress to the Italian throne, was baptized in Quirinal today amid great pomp in the presence of the King and crowds of notables. Seven thousand chil dren assembled in the square in ront of the palace. During the ceremony a panic was started among the children. Many of hem were hurt in rushing through the gates. WIFE CAUSED .SUICIDE. Husband's Wife Tought him Because he Wouldn't go to Circus. Fish Kill Landing, N. Y., June 5. Calvin Bushnell, aged 50, killed himself this morning be cause his second wife fought him because he would not take her to the circus. Hanged Tor Killing a Conductor. Brunswick, Ga., June 14. Fricey Griffin, a negro, was hang ed here today for the murder in October last of R. Marion Lati mer, Latimer was a passenger conductor on the Southern railway. On the night!the murder occurred Latimer was informed, while his train was running between two stations in this part of the State, that some one was standing on the front steps of the baggage car. Later Latimer opened the door and called to the man to come in side. The negro stepped to tbe door of the car and shot the con ductor, killing him instantly, A house to rent, In desirable neigh borhood. Apply to Mrs. J. A.-Murpny. Fob Rent Several nice cot tages on north Main street. Ap ply to T. P. Johnston. "The Doctors told me my cough was incurable. One Minute Cough Cure made me a well man." Norris Silver, North Stratford, N. H. Because you've not found re lief from a stubborn cough, don't despair. One Minute Cough Cure has cured thousands and it wil cure vou. Safe and sure. James Plummer. Pretty Mushroom Hats in White Black and colors, including Red, at 50cts, Mrs. J. A. Murphy. iulb iuuiiu trip IlCKetS on SEES PRES. YMTZ MRS. BOTHA HAS AN INTERVIEW WITH HIM. She ays There is no Evidence that The Boer are Seeking Peace. Be lieves They'll Win. The Hague, June 15. After conferring two hours with form er President Kruser todav Mrs. Lo t- s uis liotha, wife of the Boer general, left for Brussels. She said, "There is no evidence to show that the Boers are seeking n peace. 1 beleive they will win." REDUCED RATES. The Southern Offers Seduced -Hates ' for Special Occasions. i . ... . Southern Railway offers re- 1 ....J i 1 . -. . account of the following occasions: N. C. Teachers Assembly. Wrightsville, N. C. On sale June 7 to 15 inclusive. Final return limit July 25th. Stop over al lowed at Summer School points. Meeting Thurman's VV.C..T. U. Charlotte, N. C. Tickets on sale June 14 15. Return limit June 24th. Meeting N. C. Pharmaceutical Association, Winston-Salem, N. C. Tickets on sale June 17-18-19. Fi nal return limit June 22nd. Meeting N. C. Bar Association. Wrightsville, N. C. Tickets on sale June 24-25 2G. Final, return -lmit lst ivieeting is. u. State Dental As- sociation, Morehead City. Tickets on sale June 20 21 22 24-25. Fi nal return limit July 1st. University of N. C. Summer School for Teachers, Chapel Hill, N. C. Tickets on sale June 13th to J uly 6th. -Final return limit July -10th. tlori Detroit, Mich. Tickets on sale July 4, 5, 6; return limit July 14,1901 Summer season round trip tickets on sale daily until Sept. 30; final return limit Oct. 31, 1001. Allowing stop over 15 days in each direction, rates from Salisbury as below. ! Week-end tickets sold on Satur days and forenoon Sundays; good to return on Mondays following date of sale from Salisbury as be- ow: ' REASON. WEEK-E.NB, To Waynesville and return, $7 30, Asheville and return, 6.50," " Black Mountain and return, 5.95, " Round-Knob and return, 5 554 " Marion and return, 5.00,, " Morgan ton and return, 4.05, 15. 2.80. 2.50. 2.00 ii Connelly Spring ! and return, 3.55, Hickory and ; return, 3.10, 2.00. 2.00. No Bodies Found. New York, June 15.At 10:30 o'clock this morning divers com pleted their search for the wreck ed transport Ingalls. No bodies were found. Postmaster Appointed. Washimgton, June 15. A fourth class postmaster for North Caro- ina was appointed today, as fol ows: Pleasantville, Rockingham county, G. W. Carter, Jr. Cotton. New York, Juno 15. Cotton market opened firm. June, 8.14 846; July, 8 19 OS. 20; August, 7.63 ( 61; September, 7.31 &.32; October, 7.22 (i 24; November, 7.19 :.& .21; Decem ber, 7.21 .24; January, 7.24 C 25; February, 7.24 Qi .25; March, 7.27 7.28. The person who took my um brella, probably through mistake from the opera house last night, will please return same to dun of fice or myself. Said umbrella has dark , cracked handle with "II." cut on end.- A. S. Ueilio. Another Strike Expected. It is now thought that a number of W. and W. F. M. will strike in Salisbury to-morrow. W anted A position as sales man or book-keeper by an expe rienced man. Salary moderate. Address, C.tP. 0." Box 145,