JHE aOWEKS C0OECT10N -'iJ - 1 4 4 f Fresh Saratoga Chi rw, Eapricf- - Massachusetts and Kentucky aro noted States; the former for its boots and shoes, the latter for its shoots and booze, -but the -most noted place in Salisbury for delici ous and refreshing drink is Plummer's Fountain. ; Junket Tablets, Curie PoW-4 'Baritts EitraPi u Va nilla, Orange Leruon tad'Alr id - i; N.VKv nURPHV'S UIATSHn-FCnECAST! Generally fair tonight and Wednesday J nler, VOL. IX. NO. 94 I W 0 niHAnniAfiPPraimccnTEiiTioN. DB. TE01IAR LI5GLE TO TJED IIJi ,;.r r..:.r - : : , ;V'-. '7 ?n!t 3 ;rt-Hii Indies at tips! Goei From 8t. lKtUito5r?;l. ur. 1 nomas yosie, one 01 tne inostv .talented young men -ever X gWduated from any Southerner-J .stitution. of learning and a native 01 mis county, ie oaasourynia morning ior uaiion, via. r rom Dalton he goes to bL Louir, Mo., where on July 2nd he will be mar ried to Mies C! Souther. This m arriage wili;it)o"r the . culmination of a romance. ? ' Tvvayear8 Dr. Lingle went J.o : Gferinany to pros ecute advanced, work and while at JLeipsig met Miss Souther. '.There was no -closer tie than a common nationality between them at first but a mutual admiration soon sprang up. The result was that they became engaged and on July 2nd will vow eternal fidelity. After the wedding Dr. and Mrs. Lingle will leave for Lao Fanelo, where Dr. Lingle has accepted a chair in Mackenzie College. HAS APPEHDiaTIS. Miss Kate Murphy Undergoes Opera tion for Appsndieitia. Miss Kate Murphy, the only daughter of CapU and Mrs. Thomas Murphy, was stricken with appendicitis Sunday night and. was very ill yesterd ly. ;f Yes terday afternoon an operation was performed, whicproved entirely successful and the rpatient is rest ing well today. ' Mis Murphy v has - a host of friends, who with the Sun, wish for her speedy recovery.- v ' -. ' 1 1 r - 4 ' . ; the Xirmess. ... ' The Sun's criticisms of the Kirmess for the past four days have been contributed by patriotic and observant auditors and - we gratefully acknowledge apprecia tion f jr the contributions. One omission (and a very ma terial one, it occurs to us) has been made, and that is reference to the indetitagible energy with which Mrs. Frances Tiernan generated the Kirmess. The suggestion that Salisbury might with profit and pleasure-present this charming entcrtainm e n t emenated from Mrs.. Tiernan and throughout the trying evenings of rehearsals, the arduous, toilsome process of arrangement, the pre- servation of all original details of presentation throughout the whole. Mrs. Tiernan's skill and natrintie fervor combined with her natural qualities for leader ship were the sustaining and pre dominant features. The Confederacy even now hut a secred memory owes a lasting debt of gratitude to Mrs. Tiernan. Fair To-Night and Wednesday. The weather forecast for the ensuing 24 hours is: Generally fir tonight,, except occasional showers on the coast. Warmer in the western portion. Wednesday, fair and warmer. Light northerly windd, becoming westerly. M. WaUace'e Distir ction. Mr. 1 Elmer W. Wallace, K?a oniintv was rnifi . . . r u J or tne aiSlinctiou meu ui ivuauuno (olleere this year. Mr. Wallace won the English. n Junior Scholarship in Notice to PfnsioB era. The new Pension law requires that all applicants for pensions hflll annear in person before the 17 county Board of Pensions, or fur nish a certificate from a physician that they are not able to appear. The Board will meet at the court house on Tuesday the 2nd day of .lnlv 1901. for examination ' and v " 7 classification. J. F. McCubbins, Chairman A. L. Smoot, 1 Clerk. Mr. James Brown, of Futs mouth, Va., over 90 years of age, suffered for years with a bad sore on his face. "Pnysicians could not help him LJs Witts Witch Hazel Salve cured Mm permanently. James Plummer, The Date hTe JBeen Decided npon, IWiites tH9 Pieiident , The Sal i&bury . fi retaen have t& ceiyed from Mr. . J. I). McNeill presiderit .f the Statf Firemen association of - North circular letter with Carolina, .a reference ' io the approaching tournament and convention. U S 'President ;McNeitl; states that thetdaterfor the csanvention ,bav& been fixed : for July . 23rd, ST-itb, 25tn. ana, 26tb, andthat it is ex pected to make tbiathe greatest tournament ever held in the State. ZUSS DEEHER'DEiD. Mitt Sallie Dreher, of Mt. Pleasant, Died uus morn ie e Dr. A. H. ; Dreher received a message this morn ng notifying him of the death of .his half sister, liss Sallie Dreher, jof Mt. ITJeas- ant. I Dr. and Mrs. Dreher left on the morning train funeral. j to attend the Miss Dreher has visited here and has many friend s in Salisbury who will learn of : h er death with deep regret 1; Ur. Barnhardt "S orthl ' Mr. Hess iiarnhardt brotherof Mail Clerk Barnhardt, and cousin of the Barnhardt families here, was in town last night on his way to Pennsylvania. Mrj Barnhardt has a position with an jimtnense 'steel bridge" company, and goes to be gin work. He is aj graduate : of the A. and M. CoHeze at Eileigh and fa well eqaippeh f hi3 w6rk. The A. and M. students always do well. .1 Mr. Feimster leaves Mr'.Hn Fw!mitp rVirttiia Koen .Lx or til ' . ! s year8.tef t last nigpt jot his home , . , - , ; , -m. - air. Jb'eunMter nasi .' many, f ritmArf - . iL " . . J a many who hate to see him go, and the baseball cranks are indeed sorrow ful. He may return this fall. Mr Benson's Child Dying. Mr. John llontuan received a telegram yesterday afternoon from Mr. John Bensqn, of Couover, stating that bis dying condition. child was in a Mr. Benson lost hU wife last Ddcebiber and this is his only child. Eyes Treated- Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Julian have returned from Atlanta, where they went to consult with the celebrated oculitt, Dr. Calhoun, with reference o airs, juiian s eyes. He says her impaired eye- sight will be improved shortly Mr. Canble's Sons Here: ; .- '-. Mr. Wi A. Cabbie, who has been ! I ! - . here since Saturday returns to Hamlet to-nighti He' came up to attend the funeral of his father. Mr. J. H. Cauqle, another son, of Mr. Edward bauble, . deceased, Saturday from remain here sev- wno came in Mocksville, wil eral days. The Nussmah Case it Hon. Lee S. Overman is in He goes there to Concord today represe.nt Mr p. L. Nussman in the suit which was brought against him on accoun i of the explosion of a boiler. On important .Business. iolu J I J J important business. Concord . Standard. Tell it, Mr Standard. Millinety at Cist. White sailors' ust arrived. t. M. Waters. 116 Ni Main Bt., up stairs. . Another Catch! i Read this and catch on to a few c f the things we carry in wire thini goods: Frying baskets, 15c , veg- etable boilers, 10c, vegetable dip pers, 5c beaters, 2c and 5c. , potato mashers. 5c . carpet beat ers, 10c., plate or picture easels, 5c. , tea and j coffee strainers, 5c, and 10c , etc .,' etc. Lufsey's 5 and 10 cent stor s, No. 116 N. Main St. s 1 . The quality of fine art toilet soap cannon be excelled. You get it at Keid'sJ Veterinary Burgeon. Dr. R. H. Manogue, of New York, has located in Salisbury and has i an office at Ludwick and Black's livfery stable, balisbury, N. C. WILL JOIII THE IIAVY SAIISBUET BOYS WILL JOIN TP .ZX; NAVY. E'ght Members ef the Bowan Itifles ; Will .Enlist la Chariot e in a Few Days. -' rt-:r . ; -'- - V , - Eight vounsr Ski is wHft ioiri the Americ? n r . . in-a -few daysiThd y b u- , i . i a iae'a tion. arVall members of th'e Ro war Rifles and have' beeri, seized witfc the desire to enter the . naval ser vice. They will go to Charlotte either the latterv part of this oi early next week and enlist for the required term of years. Their salary at first will be $16 pei month." ; 'I'-- :' ' - " f- t; :t" The navy is badly in need of men and is opening up recruiting stations all over the country. IN MEIO&IAH. An Interesting Child Bemoyed by the Grim Beiper Ft om Earth. Beverly Wortham, the only child of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Brown, was removed 1 from earth to his . blessed home in heaven at at nbon June 16, irOl;- after; an illness of fiee weeks. - All that lov ing care and human skill could do to preserve the precious life was done, bu t it was una vail ing. His mission to earth was accomplished, and he was called to an early re ward. ; , ; ; ':";;?:'',. Beverly was a very interesting child, the centre of affection in a arge family connection, and it is impossible to tell : how much of pleasure and benefit " he gave ' to many hearts during his brief so- onrn here. "J'he words of the old Prophet, "a little child shall lead hem," were verified In the life of this little child, for he led manv not expect that the sweet influences of his brief life shall .still lead those who loved him to love that Savior, who loved and blessed little phildren? and to seek an en trance into that home above where the sweetest flowers of earth are gathered to bloom forever in the land of light and ; love? This earthly life was only thirteen months long, but the heavenly life will be eternal. The body was laid to rest in the Chestnut Hill cemetery, and covered with a wreath of flowers, while weeping friends took their last sad fare well. Rev. M. E, Parrish, of the Baptist church, and Rev. J. Rum ple,. D. "D., of the Presbyterian church, officiated at his funeral. R. :' 'SQUIRE BAILES' RECORD. Marries More People Than any Living Man. Squire W. ville, P. O. O. Bailes, of Pine N. C, Residence, York Co., S. C, writes us: "If there is anybody in this neighborhood wanting to get mar ried any time to -notify or call on him. It is t a perfect j "Bridal Tour" to go to sea him. He has had more weddings this year al ready than any year previous. It is not unusual to see a half dozen couples get marriedr there any Sunday. He marries over one hundred couples every year. He has married more people during the last four years than, anybody on record. He is well known by his reputation. I He lies just across the State line on the South Carolina side where they have no marriage license, anybody 15 years old can get married down there. He. gets a lot of runaway couples. The Squire only charges one dollar, in your case that is cheap. He lives in an admirable situation, very convenient, to, or one mile west of Pineville railroad station, N. C, - and eleven miles south of Charlotte, N'. C. Street Cab. , Any one desiring a nice street cab phone Dixie Studio, No. 226, J. H. Kamsay, proprietor, con ducted by his brother, Albert Ramsay. J Call at James Plummer's drug store and get a free sample o Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are an elegant pbvsic. They also improve the appetite, strengthen the digestion and regulate the liver and bowels. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. TRIBUTE TO THEKIEIIIS2. ; -----V:' A Veteran Carried Away, 7itS Its ; "'-:--4 . - ' Brilliancy. . -J EDrroBS of Sun: :The BTirciess, which raij through" four- nighti of the past week, met with the high est econiums. " Visiting : strange werewonder-struck to feee ,such talent and V gorgeous .apparel- in any,place outside of New York or $iuer. leaaing cny, .especially v in the 'Sbath. r Those" who are not in- Cerested in' the cause, which is aearsitothe Southern heartant understand the generosity of pUr peopl.o when called upon tbassi the Lost Cause, which some jeto- ble contend is no'tbiDE .nt a in vth. O, if those who thulk thisquld see down into tiie inmost recesses of the memory , of the people who suffered for this- cause they would have their delusions soon dispelled; With our people it is not a dead issue-with us it is a living mem ory and a sacred cause. It was not merely a sentiment but a liv ing principle which will, exist to the" end of the world and will go down to the future ages in triumph and glory. Our patriotic women have undertaken a monument-' to our Confederate dead. The, talent ed leader with her efficient lieu? tenants and the best people of : the world to back and enconrage,their success is assured. Veteran, c Hi. docdman at China Grove. Mr Jas, A. Bi, Goodman," "ef Amity, Iredell county, who has ived there -since 1875, and has conducted a store there forMr. J. Turner Goodman for 12 years, has a position with the Patterson CdV Btore at China Grove andwili be gin work there July 1st;' To Manage SnelbyllilL ' " Mr. Brack Simpson, who has or the past eight years . been en gaged in work in knitting mills, eft this morning"! for Shelby, to siery Mills. Mr. Simpson is a competent and practical mill man and while we regret to see . him leave Salisbury we wish him suc cess at his adopted home. Come Near Baing Elected. Hon. Theo. F. Kluttz was not elected Supreme Dictator by the Grand Council of the Knights of Honor, at Milwaukee, Wisconson, as stated in the Sun yesterday, but came within seven votes of receiv ing that honor. We misunder stood our informant in the matter, hence announced his election. This is published to correct the error. His near approach, however, to the election and not being a candi date makes the honor just as much appreciated. Deputies off- Several of the deputies who have been located at bpencer were taken off yesterday. Datective Haney, of the Southern, is stifl at the Southern shops here. iV Stood the Trip Well. Mr. Edwin Cuthbertson stood the trip to Hot Springs very well. Hie arrived there Saturday night. He met a physician whom he knew and who is to treat him. 1 he physician has hopes of his recov ery. Charlotte News. Mr. Cnthbertson's many Salis bury f rends will be glad to learn of his prospects for recovery, r Leaves For Columbia. ; Mr. T. Clayton Brown, who has been here for the past three weeks recuperating, left this morning or Columbia, S. C, where he will put machinery in the Olym pia mills. Off 0a Vacation Mr. Lee Putnam'lef t this morn ing for .Longford, Iredoll county, to take a rest ef a month. He will return to Salisbury when his vacation is ended. Obdeb distilled water ICE of crystal clearness from the Sahs bury Ice and uelUo., manufac turers. ; For Sale One Soda Fountain with apparatus complete. Apply to Maupin Bros., Overman Build ing- j y : 1 : . Crystal Ice Cream. Send your order in when you want ice cream. Phone 25. De livered from 7 a. m. to 11 p. re. Orders for Sunday must be sent in Saturday. Special attention to lawn parties and church festivals ' John Howard Corner of Lee and Kerr Sts. DR.niIEILLVAS SHOT KILLED IN COLD BLOOD BY PROF. xllvi -RANKIN. The tatter Blamed hirFaUure of Se ction on Dr. McNeill and Laid in fTCait for Him " r4 lAX esterday'8 Sun stated that Mr8. -W. Li. Kluttz had received a telegram announcing-the death of ber .brother in-law, Dr. George R, AIcNeill, of Dotbam, Alabama. particulars were received, hdwever, but todays" Associated Piress gives the details of Dr. Mc Neill's death, which are horrifying. ITie ; dispatch says: Prol W. A. Rankin, until, Sat- irday the assistant to the principal of the Uotham Public fachools, to day shot and killed Dr. George R. McNeill, principal of the schools,. and then turned the revolver upon himself with fatal-effect. .Professor Rankin was one of Principal McNeill's assistants last year, but on Saturday night, when anew faculty was elected, Pro- essor : Rankin was dropped from he; list. Yesterday - Professor Rankin tried to have the matter re-opened, but without success. Meeting Professor McNeill this morning, Rankin killed him. Pro- essor McNeill leaves a wife and three children. Rankin is unmar- ried and came here, from Belle Buckle, Tenn. He put the blame of his defeat or re-election on Dr. McNeill. Dr. McNeill went to the college building at half past 7 o'clock this morning. it is supposed tnat Rankin was waiting for him as the . - - shots were a few minutes after. There was no witnesses to the ragexly. When' the s firing was heard a number of people rushed 6 the school building and were horrified to find Dr. McNeill's body.; i ni the main fiall with the Z 'wy irom several wounds. PTQTrnkIhw private room with a bullet hole through his head just behind the emple. Prof. Rankin was en gaged to marry a popular young woman of Dotham. A 7 O'CLOCK TEA. Mrs- E C. Gregory Eatertains a Few Friends. Mrs. Edwiu C. Gregory enter tained a few friends at a 7 o'clock tea Saturday evening at hex beau tiful home on Inniss street. ThoEe present in sd lition to Mr. and Mrs. Gregory were: Misses Mary Oates Caldwell, of Char lotte, Frances Troy, of Asheville, Annie Wilson, of Charlotte,'Jennie Mitchell Rankin, May and Janie Boyden, Bessie Henderson, Annie and Louise Neave, Claudie Mock. A Medical Marvel Dr. W. L. Crump left last night for Baltimore where he in tends to place Harold,, the son of Mr. Julius Cauble, in Johns Hop kins hospital. It will be remem bered that last fall young Harold cut his finger and from this, tetanus in its very worst, form set in. The skill .with which Drs. Crump and Stokes treated him, was nothing less than a medical miracle. There is no doubt that this was one of the rarest case of lockjaw recorded to have recov ered. Harold has since had pneu monia and is suffering with spinal troubled Dr. Crump expects to be gone probably ten days. Card of Thaks. We desire to extend to our friends and the friends of our deceased father, Mr. Edward Cauble, our sincerest gratitude for the kindness and sympathy shown us during our bereavement W. A. Cauble. J. H. Cauble. Ella Cauble. btreet Cab owicegood can furnish comfortable and quic' ser vice.. 'Phone bwicegood s Jewel ry Store. , Phone 239. Yon will miss it when you don't buy Howard s ice cream. Phone 251. - In fine art soap you get the largest measure of value for your money. Buy a box at Reid s. j Danger, disease and death fol low neglect of the bowels.-, Use De Witt's . Little Early Risers to regulate them and you will add years to your life and life to your years. Easy to take, never gripe James Plummer. A LIACHII1IST BEATEN ATTACKED ON THE TRAIN SATUR DAY NIGHT. Took the Place of a Striking Machinist at Spencer. His Assailants are ' so farXJiknown. ; i Mr. J. C. Orr, a machinist who came to the Spencer shops after the strike, was brutally assaulted Saturday night on the Western train as it approached the 'Y" at Main street crossing of the Wes tern, whiie on his way ".to Abhe ville to spend Sunday. Mr. En- gene - parser, a traveling man from Statesville, made the follow ing statement last night to Officers Monroe and Cauble: "X was on the Western train and saw four men trying to get this young man put of the car before the Western train left. When the train pulled out they boarded it and at the point where the train stopped to register they committed a brutal assault upon him. ... Another man and myself took them off of him and he went on his way." Orr returned to Salisbury Sun day night and has resumed work, in the shops. The officers have a clue as to who his assailant's were and warrants will probably be is sued by tomorrow for them. THE ARCANUM PICNIC. Committee's Appointed for the Arca num Picnic- The Royal Arcanum picnic to be given at w oodsiae on tne 25 tn inst. promises to be a big. success. The following committees have been appointed: - , " ,t Committee on Barbecue: J.C. McCanless; It.' WPPriev MJL. Comjnittee on Grounds and Ta ble Arrangements: N. B. McCan- ess, J. L. Shuping, Thos. B. Beall. Committee on Wagon Trans portation: D. M. Brown, Jno. I. Shaver, C. A. Montgomery. Committee on Speakers, Invita tions and Music: Capt. J. A. Ram say, J. M. Brown, A. S. Heilig. Committee on Lemonade and Water: Thos. P. Johnston, J. R. Silliman, L. C. Ridenhour. Committee on Rail Road Trans? portation: W. L. Kluttz, J. A. Ramsay. W . L. Kluttz, Chni. Cen. Com. WHOLESALE STEALING. Shops Beiog Eater ed by Some One, Who Steals Brass. The machine shop of Mr. P. H. Thompson was enterered Sunday night and brass to the value of $50 was stripped from an engine. So far there has been rib clue to the thief. Only last week some one broke into Mr. P. A. Frercks' machine shops and stole about $150 worth of brass. The shop of Messrs. Charles and George Mowery has also been entered sev eral times recently and the thief each time seemed to be in quest of nothiug but brass. And every trip was eminently successful. It is estimated that $300 worth of brass has been stolen from the va rious machine shops here in the past 60 days. President Can't he There. Boston, Mass., Jnne 18. Pres ident McKinley announces, that he cannot attend Harvard com mencement. President Eliott says that this precludes the posbi hility of giving him the degree of LL D. For 'Rent Several . nice cot tages on north Main street. -Apply to T. P. Johnston. Do Yu; Jjeel warm enough to want a hammock? Buerbaum has , the finest selection in town, from 75c to $7 each. They are very choice. Do you know, who makes' pic ture frames? Buerbaum . has made them for twenty years and they are made better and cheaper now then they ever were made. Jnst received a new lot of those elegant photo frames, all oak in different finishes, with beautiful decorations. Passe-Partout Bind ing in. different colors, 15 cents a volume. Hooks and chains to hang them by. -.' A large stock of elegant station ary t Buerbaum's Bookstore. BRIEF ITEMS. News Items of Interest too Short for a Head. -' J. Rowan Davis went West this morning. R. J. Loftin went to Coolemee this morning on & business trip. - J. H. Swain went to Statesville this morning to do some work for the Rowan Hardware Company. - "Shoes that suit your taste in style, demand in wear and the sea son at Peterson & Rulfs. ' Chas. Scarratt, the Fair, .has' a change "of ad today.; : Read it. on 41 h page. . '-, : Miss Julia Gaskill, who has been visiting friends at . Winston, returned home last night. Misses Mattie and Lena Jenkins, of Danville, are visiting Mre. J. A. Boone. . v Miss Mina Brem one of Char lotte's charming young, ladies, is visiting Miss Bessie Henderson. One thousand drummer's samples will be opened up for sale tomor row at the Burt Shoe Store. Mrs. L Fink, the Ladies' Bazaar, calls your attention to some bar gains today, in millinery, dress goods, etc , See ad on 4th page. Mr. W. E Farrior, of Charlotte, is in Salisbury to-lay. Mr. Far rior is a prominent young jeweler of that place. Mr. P. C. Barnhardt, of Nor wood, spent last night in the city. He came up to see his brother off to Pennsylvania. Mr. D. F. Cannon was called to Salisbury today on account of the death of Mr. Milton Brown's in fant son. Concord Standard. Dr. R. A. Campbell came down ast night from Statesville to see Col. Jas. T. O'Meara, who was here en route to NewYork. :RevS.'S:"Boitt Darb ro,r rivedjn Salisbury last niut and went out to South River todays to spend the week at his old home. The Christian Reid Book Club will meet with Miss Jennie Mitch ell Rinkin Wednesday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Maurice Hewlett author for discussion. Miss Jeanette Turner, who has been visiting in Salisbury, return ed to her home at Statesville yes terday. Mies Turner is a beauti tui ana intellectual young woman and lent charm of many to Salis bury's young people while she was here. We have' been handling great quantities of sample shoes, at inter vals, for ten years in Salisbury. Hence, they are no new thing to you; you knew how good as well as how cheap they are. One thousand, sample shoes will be opened here tomorrow. The Burt Shoe Store. MR. CONWAY REPLIES. Says He Protects The Public. Don't Piease Kickr. Editors of Sun: In answer to an article published in the last evening's issue of your paper I beg to state for the benefit of the public that Salisbury has a prac tical. plumber for an inspector with 18 years experience, princi plv in large cities. For fur- a m n ther proof of my ability look at work done in this town at the present time and look at work done previous to my appointment. The trouble pending is because I condemned an unsanitary piece of work done by said Citizen some time ago. Were ! to pass work as he would1 have me I would be unworthy of the position the city authorities enstrusted to me.I will state as long as I fill this position I will discharge my duty to the best of . my ability regardless of anyone and particularly a man that don't know' enough about the plumbing business to be a judge of a plumber or a piece of work when he sees it. My duty is to protect the interest of the public, not to please kickers. T. A. Conway. Inspector pf Plumbing. "The Doctors told me my cough was incurable. One Minute Cough Cure made me a well man." Norris Silver, North Stratford, N. H. Because you ve not found re lief from a stubborn cough, don't despair. One Minute Cough Cure has cured thousands and it will cure vou. Safe and sure. James Plummer, GOV. PIIIGREH DYIIIO. UICHI GAITS EX-GOYEIOR DYHG ; IN LONEOX For a "Week He Has Eeei Ziz'ui : ; With Peritonitis and is 1V, Past All Hopj. London, . June lS.Ex Gover nor of Michigan, Hazen S. Pin- gree who has been tseriously ill with acute peritonitis at the Grand Hotel for several days, had a turn for the worse and is in a critical condition. 4:30 p. m, Hazen S. Pingree, ex-governor of Michigan, is dyin at the Grand Hotel. He has beca ill more than-a week . with acute peritonitis and dysentery and all efforts to check the disease- havo been in vain. During the night Pingree's condition took a turn for the worse. It was announced thia afternoon that there was no hopes for' his recovery. His son ha-s been, at' the governor's' bedside through the night and today. It is believed the end is not far oil. Mrs. Pingree and daughter have been cabled not to come. They had hoped to reach the governor' bedside before the end and were to sail from New York Wednesday. The doctors decided today that the trip would be in vain as the gov ernor is fast nearinjj the end. A STEEP FINE. What a Picture Agent Paid For An latult. . A few days ago an agent for a picture enlarging concern came to Salisbury to deliver the pictures for which he :h;ul taken orders. Sirno cf ' . . . v. i,; - i ' '' i li., lhoti tIi! ry Li. l ; .-; vpt" - r. Ani"V ' "' - one of a young druggist . , refused to receive the cuurod picture. The agent found .revenue y writing under the picuture an op probious epithet and displaying it in a public place. The young man who was thus abused swore out a warrant before Mayor Boy den with the result that in the mayor's court this morning the agent was required to cough up $13.15. This he did and was liber ated but not before he had received such a lecture from His Honor as he had never before beard. A ROYAL HEIRESS. Rusfcia is Again Disappointed Eecausa a Girl is Born. St. Petersburg, June 1ST The Czarina today gave birth toi a daughter. This is the fourth. time the hopes of tbo Russian royal couple as well as those of the en tire nation for a male Iheir havo been raised to the highest pitch only to be dashed. GROOM ELECT SUICIDES. Coulda't Bay Furniture and Himtelf. illed Mt. Cannct, -Pa., June 18. David Richards, aged 20, who was to have been murried today to Lizzie Waters, killed . umnseli on his fiance's porch last night. Ho was worried over his inabilty io pay for furniture in a new homo. SULTAN'S HEALTH ALARIICG. IsSuffriogf From Acute Neuralg'a ia the Face. Constantinople, June 18.- -Tho inn ncii- Sultan's health is gravity al ing. He suffers from ucuto ralgia in the face. Mr. James' Generosity The Daughters of the Confeder acy thank Mr. E. K. .James most cordially for his gener nity in furnishing carriages for their n o duringthe Bazaar. Dyspeptics cannot be long lived because to live requires nourish ment. Food is not nouri-hing until it is digested. A disordered stomach cannot digest food, it must have assistance. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests all kinds of food without aid from th'. stomach, allowing it to re t k- 1 regain its natural functions. its elements ate. exactly tho same ; h the natural digestive iluids and it simply can't help but do you goo -I, James Plummer,