:rf . . - . r Fresh Saratoga Chips, Paprica, Junket Tablets. Currie Powder, Burnetts Extract, Pistachio,. Va nilla, Orange, Lemon and Almond Our Specialtie: THURSDAY, Friday, SATURDAY . Grape Ambrosia, Manhattan Chocolate Kream at Plummer's Fountain. N. P. MURPHY'S WEATI'.n FOSECASTl Showers tonight and Sunday; NO. 98 VOL. IX. SALISBURY, ;N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 22, 1901. ... .. t MINERS AM GUARD D. A FIERCE FIGHT ELTuEEII THEIl TheMina Superintendent Shot and a . Guard Fatally Inju-el. Th Guards are put to Knt. Williamson, W. Va., June 23. J. II. BRADY RETURNS. $1,000 FOR HOHDIIEHT COHUITTEE WRITES. BOARDS RECONSIDER: EEFLOSION KILLS 10 PULLING FOR LEHLEY. SOLDIERS HEMMED III. SHEEIFF JULIAN BETUBNS WITH THE KIEMESS CLEARS THAT ADDRESSES A MEMORIAL TO CAPT. HE DISTRIBUTION OF SCHOOL A FIREWORKS STORE IS BLOWN BLACKBURN WORKING FOR HIM A MOB SURROUNDS BODY OF SOL DIERS. HIM. AMOUNT RYDER. FUNDS DISCUSSED. ; up. FOR COLLECTOR. Mr. Brady Says he Intended Making Settlement by July lit. Hit Wife is in Augas'a. - Sheriff Julian returned last nUht on the 10:3b o'clock train from Augusta, Ga , with Mr. John M.. Brady, -for whom he had a warrant for embezzlement. When the train pulled in here there was an immense crowd at the depot, "composed chiefly of those who had thanks to all who tfave aided them gone-r through curiosity. Mr. to make the Kir a ess a brilliant Brady was taken from the depot success, and to ac d one thousand to the jail, where he spent, the dollars of clean pr jfit, to ttMonu night. ment Fund. j ' " Mr.. Brady was seen this- morn- - They desire to express in a spec- ing by a Sun reporter but said that he had no statement to make with reference to the matter. He will ask for an early prelimi- nary trial and believes that he will be able to arrange a bond. Mr. Brady was married to the young lady who is now his wife the day after her departure from Salisbury and they have been liv ing in Augusta since that time. He has had employment in a store there. Mrs. Brady still remains in Au gusta. - CHUBCHES TOMORROW. - Where Services Will be Held in Salis bury Tomorrow. Rev. F.J.Murdoch, D. D. will preach at St. Luke's Episcopal church tomorrow at the usual hours.. Usual services at the Baptist church tomorrow morning and evening by the pastor, Rav. M. E. I'arrisn. Catholic church Services at the usual hours tomorrow 9a. m.and Rev. J. Rumple, D. U. win J. Rumple, D. b. wl preach at the Presbyterian church tomorrow morning and evening at the usual hours. Rev. L E, Busby, D. D. will conduct the usual services at Sr. John's Lutheran church tomorrow morning and evening. First Methodist church: Preach ing at 11 a m. and 8:15 by the pastor, Rsv. H. L.. Atkins. The Sunday school will be at 4 p. m. instead of 9:45 a. m. as during the last few Sundays. Rev. H. L. Atkins, will preach at Main St. Methodist church to morrow evening at 5 o'clock. Faith Reformed church Ser vices tomorrow morning and even ing conducted by the pastor, Dr. W. B, Duttera. Sunday school at 9:45. Spencer Presbyterian church Reornlar services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. by the Wakefield. - m - pastor, Rev. John Service at Chestnut Hill shopl house Sunday afternoon at 3:30 oVlnrk hv Rev. John Wakefield, j i "Returns From Exposition. , Mrs. W. H. Miller returned this morning from Buffalo, where she eral years ago of the boiler at Sa u i J n iha pnn Amor frit's saw mil f that did so much icm Exposition. Mrs. P. B.amage. ;Robt, Kv.S if rit claim Beard and Miss Jennie Sullivan, Vior will rfitnrn next week. i Weather Forecast. . The weather forecast for the ensuing 24 hours is: Showers to night in the interior and fair on the coast. Sunday, showers with fresh south westerly winds. Miss Merrimm T j Sing. Misi Maud Merrimon, of Ral eigh, will sing at the morning and evening services at the First Meth niat church tomorrow. Miss Merrimon has a voice of rare sweetness. and power and is one of the State's most gifted musicians. Try it ad be convinced the bpRt hread vou ever ate at T. L. Swink's Cakes and pies to match, - - mJ - f -esh rye bread each day, corner 1 L .1 I of Main and Council streets. .Another Catch. Read this and catch on to a few rf the things we carry in wire goods: Frying baskets, 15c. veg etable boilers, 10c, vegetable dip pers, 5c , egg beaters, 2c and 5c,, potato mashers, 5c. , carpet beat ers. 10c. plate or picture easels, he . tea and coffee strainers, 5c, nd 10c etc.. etc. Lufey's 5 and 10 cent store, No. 116 N. Main St. Yeserday After noon&nd Found the Profits to ba in Excess of 91,000 The managers bf the Kir mess met yesterday a ternoon at the residence of Mrs. fTiernan, and af ter transacting thd business of the nfeeting, itl was unanimously re- i solved to return in the fullest and most public manner their cordial ial manner theingrjeat indebedtness for the untiring labor and artistic skill of the director, Mr, James Wren. Without nira the Kirmess would not have been a possibility. He not only trained the dancers, but designed all ttje costumes, and created each of the beautiful pic tures, thej charming spectacular effects, which delighted the gaze. He has, also, added to these obli gations by asking only a part of the (small) remuneration to which bis labors justly entitle him, thus making one of the most liberal contributions yet 1 made to the Confederate Monu nent. The managers alfc o wish to thank Mrs. Livengood for her faithful and admirable musical service, the performers in all the dances, who worked so earnestly to achieve the result which has del ighted every one,the contribute s to the booths, at home and abros d (for many of the most beautif 1 1 and valuable contributions wen i j from abroad), the ladies ' who acted as sales women, as well as those who furn ished refreshments and served them. To all of Ithese, together with Mr. E; I. Frist, who gener- uujij. " u m " n ) isbed the electric 1 gnts wnicB ad ded so much to the beauty of the spectacle, to Mr. Thompson , for rnished, to all lumber kindly f n mechanics who gave, their work, to Mr. James for to the press for livery service, much courtesy, and to the public which so liberal- ly patronized they desire to thd entertainment, retnrn their warm- est thanks and. to express their sense of lasting gratitude. . MR- RUSSIAN WINS. A Verdict Given for him Afrer 22 ! Hou Hon. Lee S. Overman and Mr. C. L- Nussman j have returned from Concord, wiiere they ave been' for several days. The jury in the suit in whi :h Mr. Nussman was defendant rendered a verdict for the defendant yesterday. The Standard says: The iury in the case of Rbbt. Wl Safrit,by next f riehd JacksonSaf rit vs. C. L Nussmah, after 22 hours deliberation, returned a verdict i this morning in favor of the defen dant. C. L. Nussman. This law suit grew out of the explosion sev mg that the boileK was not as rep resented by Nussman. Able coun- sel appeared for both par.ties in thef suit. Montgomery, Crowell and W. G. Means appeared for'Saf rit and Lee S. Overman and H. S. Pury ear for Nussman. Safety Pin In Throat Mr. hj. U. JLeqnard arrivea m the city last night from Ramseur to. make arrangements for hotel accomodations for his brother and the latter' s wife. jThey will arrive in the city today with their 6 weeks old child. Th'e child sev- eral days ago ma naged to get a safety pin in its mouth,, which lodged in the throat and Its parents bring it here to i moved. ; have the pin re- Street Cah Swicegood can f uraish comfortable and auick ser- vice 'Phne S wicegood's Jewel- ry Store, j Phorie 239. Yon will miss it when you don't buy Howard's iie cream. Phone 251. i The quality if fine art toile soap cannot be excelled. You ge it at Reid s. For Rent Several nice cot Ap tages on north Main street. The Managers Met ply to T.4 P. Johnston. Aks That all Honorable Efforts be Used to Bring the Strike of Machin ists to End. ;..' The committee of business men appointed to confer with the strik ers and ascertain if something could not be done to end the strike of machinists has addressed a let ter to Capt. W. B. Ryder, divi sion superintendent. .The- letter will be referred by Capt. Ryder to General Mamager Gannon. - It - . . ft reads as follows:- Salisbury, N. C.June 21st, 1001 Capt. W. B. Rtdeb, Supt. Charlotte, N. C. Dear Sir: We, the undersign ed committee representing .the business interests of the town of Salisbury; being interested in the welfare -of - our community and realizing that in divers ways, the strike now pending of certain of your employes in this town, is detrimental to the best interests of our town, do most respectfully ask that you do all in your power to' bring said strike to a close by any honorable means. : Among hese who are strikers are many who are property owners, and law abiding citizens, a class of people rwMch the town could ill afford to lose. Anything that; you may do whichjwill tend to end the unpleas ant condition by bringing the strike to amicable settlement will be deeply appreciated by the citi zens and business interests of Sal isbury. A. H. Boyden Cicero R. Barker J. A. Rendleman v. i Tiieo B. Brown N. P. Murphy ! , f Committee. THE DOG DEAD. vog - iiL.. is Dead. The pug dog belonging to Mr. G. G. Pool, that bit Prof. Z. V. Wyatt last Sunday, died today. Prof. Wyatt is still in Salisbury but thinks very seriously of going o Baltimore in a few days. It is believed beyond any doubt that he dog was mad. OFFICERS ELECTED. Daughters of Liberty Elected Officers Last Night- Bagley Council No. 5 Daughters of Liberty met-last night and elec- ed officers as follows: C. J. N. Maxwell. V. C Mrs. W. T. Workman. A. C Miss Beulah Lentz. A. V. C. Miss Annie Wood. F. S. Miss Annie Giles. R. S. W. M. Ruth. A. R. S. Miss Annie Dalrym- ple. - Treasurer C. H. Swink. l.P. Miss Annie Giles. O. P. Steven Kirk. T i Guide Miss Annie Sides. Bagley Council'is now in a very fllourishing condition and. is re- ceiving memoers at eacn meet ing. ' : i . BEAT HIS MOTHER. Eugene Sides Arres'edLatt Night by Cifie.Ti.. Eugene Sides, a half witted white man, was arrested last night for beating his mother. . The officers have been after him for ome time but only succeeded in cornering him last night. He was at his mother's home near Spencer where captured and was brought in to Salisbury and jailed. Spencer Y. M. C. A. Spencer . M. C. A. meeting will be held tomorrow at the usual hour. Mr. W. P. Campbell, a very earnest Christian worker, will conduct the services at the associa tlpn rooms tomorrow afternoon at 4,,o'clock. : All railroad men and their friends are earnestly invited. Crystal Ice Cream. Send your order in when want ice cream. Phone25V you De Iivered from 7 a. m. to li p. re. Orders for Sunday must be sent in Saturday. Special attention to lawn parties and church festivals. John Howard Corner of Lee and Kerr Sts. Millinery at Cost. 1 : ; White sailors just arrived. 1 F. M. Waters. 116 N. Main St., up stairs. A Larger Appropriation Will Proba bly Be Hade for the School in the North Ward. . A joint meeting of the aldermen and school board was held last night at the city hall and the much discussed proposition to build a new school took a somersault and landed in a back lot. The committee on site for a new school in either the South or Kaat ward reported that it was not pre pared to make any recommenda tion. The urgent need of the school in the North ward was then discussed and Superintendent Coon recommended the construc tion of five new room's to meet the . demands for next session. The question of a central school building was then discussed but on motion of JJr. tirimthtne board decided to take up only the needed improvements on the North ward building at this meeting. Much discussion followed as to whether the addition should be a brick or frame building. A com mittee was then appointed to in vestigate the needs at the 'North ward school and report at a meet ing to be held Monday night. An other committee was appointed to investigate the feasibility of pur chasing a central site for a school. Then the motion was made to reconsider the action by which the boards appropriated $2,500 to. the North ward school. The vote on this motion was as follows: Aye: Messrs. Heilig, Coughen- our, ohana. vanderiord, itumple. Henderson, Overman and Kizer. Nay: Messers. Weber, Swink, Wright and Julian. The chairman declared the mo-j tinn Mrrifri and At the meerinar ! Monday night the distribution on tl band Ittsue will B.0Cun He tttfcoQ up. It was stated by one member of the board that it would be advisa- - - ble at present to purchase only a site in the South or East ward on which to erect another building at some future date. An appropriation will be made for additional facilities at the col ored school. ; THE SPENCER FIRE TEAM. Practicirg For The Tournament Will Go To Win. at Chailotte- The Spencer firemen will engage in the tournament; at inariotte next month, on the occasion of he annual meeting of the Fire men's Association. The boys are now practicing for the coming event and are making splendid progress, having already made a record of 100 yard in less than 11 seconds.- They will go to Charlotte to win and confidently expect to take off some' of the leading prizes. The Spencer fire laddies made a fine record at Wilmington last year and will no doubt surpass' the effort made there, at Charlotte, this year- Rev. Leslia Returns. Rev E. W. -Leslie and family. who have been recuperating at Brugh's Mill. Mill. Va , arrived in Salisbury last night and went out to Craven today. Rev. Leslie will resume his pastoral work at St. Matthews' today. Arranged His Own Funeral. Philadelphia, June 22. Hiram Dewalt, aged 48, died this morn ing of consumption. Knowing he was incurable he arranged yester day with an undertaker for his funeral. He had never tasted li quor until last week, when it given to prolong life. was . Mr. James Brown, of Puts mouth, kVa., over 90 years of age, suffered for years with a bad sore on his face. Physicians could not help. him. De Witts Witch Hazel Salve cured him permanently. James Plummer. Veterinary Surgeon. -Dr. R. H. Manoguev of New York, has located in Salisbury and has an office at Ludwick and Black's livery stable, Salisbury, N. C. Street Cab. Anyone desiring a. nice street,. cab phone Dixie btudio, JNo. 222b, J. H. Ramsay, proprietor, con ducted by Ramsay. his brother Albert la Addition to the Dead Nine Are In jured and Five Missing. Will-Ar res? Proprietor. Patterson, N. J , June 22. Ten persons dead, nine injured and five missing is the corrected casualty report this morning of the "fire Works explosion, which wrecked Adolph M. Rittenberg's store and - - 0 ... five story tenement yesterday af ternoon. The police are investi gating and Rittenberg will likely be arrested. KICK ON SPECIAL TAX. The Telegraph Companies Will -Be- fuse to Pay. The local managers of the Postal and Western Union Telegraph Companies have received from Tax Collector J. Frank Miller a Statement of their, privilege tax and there promises to be a lively tilt 'as the result of this statement. 'Both the local managers 4have received a reply from their main offices that according to the reve nue act of 1899 no municipality has a righjt to collect any tax for more than the ad valorem tax on real estate and personal property owned in each town. The companies will resist the payment of this tax but it is not known whether or not the city will stand a suit. The amended charter of Salis bury, passed by the legislature of 1S99, empowers the aldermen to levy! ax municipal tax on telephone, teterraph and, electric light com panjr . Whether or not this pow- ir-ix fchall appear to or really nflict with the revenue act, has the preference, is yet. to H lterruiDel. " " . Party To Morehead. A party of Salisburians will go to, Morehead City next week to spend a while . at the seashore. The Southern now "has summer rates on to Morehead. A Special Meeting.' A special meeting of North Carolina Classis will be held next Wednesday morning, at the church. That evening it is ex pected the pastor will be ordained and installed, to which service the public are cordially invited. Committee Meets- The committee appointed last night by Mayor Boyden to visit the white graded school and ascer tain what is necessary in the way of addititonal facilities met this morning. The committee has not yet determined as to what recom mendations shall be submitted to the board. A Fast Chase. Oscar Steele, a young negro boy who has been working at Mowery's brick yard, hit another negro with a brick yesterday. He came pp to Salisbury and the officers started for him.' After - a sprint of a half mile he was captured and sent to I jiJ. , New Ads Dry Goods "The Fair," C. Scarratt. Dry Goods J. H. Reid. - Bicycles G. S. Williams & Co. Clothing The Brown Clothing Co. Hivery reader of this paper should not fail to see the above changes of advertisements; they are all giving some striking bar- gains. The Southland Magazine Something new and good. Can vassing agents wanted Tor &Uis bury at once. Large commission. Enquire, Southland, . - Day House. i 1 1 -t- -1 Flowers. In order to make room for ' fal stock will sell out my entire stock of coleus at 25cts per doz All are good plants and will make a fine show at once. Call at Mrs. Lintons green house and see them. In fine art soap you get the largest measure of value for your moneys .Buy a box atKeid's. For Sale One Soda Fountain with apparatus complete. Apply to Maupin Bros., Overman Build er ing. Senator Butler is in Washington and Puts up a Big Popn!istic Bluff- Hill or German Washington, June 2. Repre sentative Blackburn, of North Carolina, is here to urge the ap pointment of W. A. Lemly as col lector of the fifth North Carolina district. Senator Butler, of NorthJ, Carolina, is in the city and says he believes the Populist party will show greater strength at the next congressional and presidential elec tion than ever before on the issue of govermental control of national monopolies. He regards Hill or Gorman as the logical Democratic candidate for the presidency. BRIEF ITEMS. News Items of Interest too Short for a Head. Miss Emma Burkhead returned to Charlotte last night. Miss Lucy Ide is visiting rela ives in Columbia. S. C. W. Smithdeal is confined to his home today by sickness, we regret to learn. " Mr. D. E. Ridenhour, one of Gold Hill's progressive citizens, was in Salisbury today. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Gregory and little child left this morning for Hendersonville. Section Master J. W. Martin, of Woodside, gave the Sun a pleasant call this morning. Misses Tulah Sallie and Bertha Cates, of Burlington, are visiting heir sister, Mrs. T. A. Ingle at Spencer. - Mrs. W. S Frost came up from Charlotte last night to spend sev eral days with her mother, Mrs. Mary Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rendleman and little son David left last night for Rural Retreat, Va , where they will spend some time. Mr. Amos McCurrie,'of Green ville, S. C, spent Friday in the city, the guest of his daughter, Mrs. M: V. Lomax. ' Miss Frances Troy returned to Charlotte last night after a visit of a week to her friends,' Misses An nie and Louise Neave Mr. H. M. Wright is confined o his home by sickness. Mr. Harry Uzzle is filling bis place at he Salisbury Drug Company's store. 1000 of these most perfectly made of all shoes (samples) are now spread upon our counters at ittle mord"than one half regular price. J.ne ourt onoe otore. The Sun's good friend, Mr. C. F. Turner, of Spencer shops, went to Richmond, Va., last night. He will return to Salisbury next Tues day. Mr. Thomas Hayes, who has been visiting his father, Mr. M. T. Hayes, since Wednesday, went to Athens, Ga., this morning, where he will probably reside in the fu ture. Samples represent the newest and latest shoes out, hence, you never get any old stock or back dates when you buy sample shoes. The Burt Shoe Store. Mr. J. M. Miller, of Hot Springs, who has been attending the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo, is spending a few day visiting the family Mr. J. II. Wortham, on Chestnut Hill, oj his return trip home. Umbrella broke! WF. Kel sey on Council St. wanting to re pair it. DoYu .V 'Feel warm enough to want a hammock? Buerbaum has the finest selection in town, from 75c to $7 each. They are very choice. Do you know, who makes pic ture frames? Buerbaum has made them for twenty years and they are made better and cheaper now then they ever were made. Just received a new lot of. those elegant photo frames, all oak in different finishes, with beautiful decorations. ' Passe-Partout Bind ing in different colors, 15 cents a volume.' Hooks and chains to hang them by. A large stock of elegant station ary nt Buerbaum's Bookstore. The Military h?s Possession of a Ne gro who the Mob is Aaxi us to get Hands on- Houston,. Texas, June 22. News reached here today from Trinity, Texas, that a squad of Light Guards is surrounding a negro named Spencer to protect him from a Trinity county mob, while the mob surrounds the sokheis in ci der to prevent making off with the negro. Houston Cavalry Com pany ana tne remainder or tne Light Guards started out on a special train from hereto hasten to the rescue. Companions of the mob held the telegraph station at Trinity until midnight, allowing no message to come through up to that time. 2:30 p. m. Reic force ments arrived at Trinity at 2 o'clock this morning. The International and Great Northern train, bound for this. city, was last night boarded above, Trinity by armed men. The engineer was compelled to run through without stopping. A conference has been held at which the commander of the soldiers plainly told them that the negro would not be taken out of the county. He just as emphatically said he would obey the orders of the governor. 3 p. m. The soldiers are now holding the mob at bay. The ne gro is the one who attempted to assault a white woman. The mob numbers 200. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. City Officers Make a Statement To Day The Sun today publishes the an nual statement of the city officers of Salisbury?' -The items of efaief interest in ; the follows: " ; summary are as - No floating indebtedness buta balance on hand of $590. 19 and uncollected taxes on 1899 book of $591.50 and upon 1901 book $931.31. BONDED DEBT. Street bonds $50,000.00. $15.X)00 of these bonds mature June 1st, 1901 and interest on whole amount due June 1st, 1901 $2,500.00 mak ing $17,500 to be paid June 1st, 1901. To meet maturing bonds and interest we have in the sink ing fund $18,918.31. SEWER BONDS .$25,000.00. Upon thesebonds interest has been paid regularly. By law the sink- mg fund is Kept separate ana apart from general fund and can't be used for any other purpose than to pay maturing bonds and interest on bonds. The Sick. Mrs. C. M. Henderlite, who has been at the Whitehead-Stokes sanitorium for some time, contin ues to improve, much to the grati fication of her numerous friends. Miss Katie Muphy's condition today shows continued improve ment. Commissioners Meet The county commissioners will meet on July 2nd for the purpose of going over and revising the tax lists'and receiving the books from the listers in the various town ships throughout the county. Safe Blown Open. News was received here this morning that the safe in the office of the Mayodan Cotton Mills was blown ;open last night, but the burglars failed to get a dollar as there was no money in the safe. .Mr. W. C. Ruffin, the manager of the mill,, reports that there is no clue yet to the guilty party. Winston Sentinel. For Sale A great variety of fine Celery plants. 1 -I . Mbs. Wms. Brown, Order distilled water ICE of crystal clearness from the Salis bury Ice and Fuel Co., manufac turers. Wanted at Once! At the Halle Gold Mine, in Lancaster county, S. C , Twelve machine- drill run ners; .wages $i ou per ay: ais twelve drill chuckers, wages $1 00 per day. - Address, Haile G ld Mining Co., Haile Gold Mining P. o.,s. c. Last evening at tne mines vi Lickford Coal Co , another battle i occurred between miners iu.a h it is estimated n - flp , c11TlL ! OVcT 1,WU 9UU13 ia.v.v.. Lambert, of the mines,was wound ed in the leg and a guard was fa tally injured. Ex-Attorney Gen eral Rucker, attorney for the oper ators, was compelled to flee for his life. The guards have been routed and many refuse to return. The courts have granted an injunction against the miners from trespass ing. The miners he'd an a!iEO;t impregnable position and the dep uty sheriff tried to oust them. RUSSELL 03 TRIAL. His DivcrciinTJcited Statswasrct Legil in England. London, June 22 Lord Rus sell was held in court this morning on the charge of bigamy, preferred by Lady Russell, from whom he got a divorce in Nevada, United States, and at which place he married again. Such a. divorce is not considered legal in England. THE STREET BONDS. The Aldermeu to Advertise for the . Election Shortly. The aldermen will meet Monday nirrht to make arrangements for advertising an election for 00,000 of street bonds. It is proposed to - lh5f e the election very shortly now so that the proceeds from the bonds, in the event the bond issue should carry, may be used be fore winter sets in. It is quite likely that the school bonds will be advertised for sale in a few days. Capt. Crutchfield's Return. Capt. W. G. Crutchfield, who has been in Denver, Colorado, at tending the meeting of National Association of Railway Agents, is expected home tomorrow night. Capt. Crutchfield has been in sev eral Western States since leaving Salisbury about two- weeks ago. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Crutchfield, who has been in Washington since his departure. Postmssteis Appointed- Washington, D. C, June 22. Fourth-class postmasters were ap pointed today for North Carolina as follows: Piney Creek-, Alle ghany county: Joseph Djugla??; Branon, Yadkin county, - Caroline Longin. Cattoa. New York, June 22. Cotton opened quiet unchanged to 3 points higher. June 8.20 bid: July, 8.35 bid; August, 7 SO Q 82; Sept. 7.50 .51; Oct. 7 41 & .42; Nov. 7.37 bid; Dec. .40; Jan. 7.42' .42: Feb 7.42 43; March 7.45 .47. Fell Oa Buzz Saw. Oneida, N. Y. , June 22. Oauda Gleason, aged 22 years, employed at Hathaway's saw mil!, at Clock- ville, was instantly killed by fall ing on a buzz saw while it was in action today. To Investigate Charges Jersey City,June 23 The Epis copal clergjr will demand that Rev. Keller have the charge of Mr?. Barker thoroughly rifled. Call at James Plummer's drur 6tore and get a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are an elegant physic. They also improve the appetite, strengthen the digestion and regulate the liver and bowels. They ate easy to take and pleasant in; effect. For Rent: Two story six room i r i it oouse, ou j-ioug sireei. near lioi Mill. Apply to Mes. W. A. Fraley, Fisher St. - . . ' ,- 1 , A German squadron will leave Kiel in J uly to meet Count yen Waldersee.

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