Received To-Day Dnnmn VJnJnf A mm An. f Made for FRESH LOT OF Fox River Creamer Trade. Foftens the water. Delight fully perfumed; refreshing and frag rant, yet reasonable in price i pint bottles 10 cents. At Plummer's Drug Store if BUTTER. N. P. MURPHY. WEATHER FORECAST: Cloudy tonight; j Showers Saturday. VOL. X. SALISBURY, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 13, 1901. NO. 140 lliilg M p)fT 11,' J j a u IS LOSING STRENGTH. PRESIDENL MCKINLEY ALMOST CERTAIN TO DIE. His Stomach Would Not Retain The Nourishment Given, Causing a Re laps?, That Means Death. Buffalo, bent, lo. d-.UV v.m. Two o'clock President seepling de 1 lays consultation. HIS CONDITION CRITICAL.. Buffalo, Sept. 13. Senator Fair hanks left the Milburn house at 1:30 and said the President's con dition was critical. All the pby sicians are in cqn6u!tation. BETTER AT 11 A. M. Buffalo, Sept.,' 13. At 10:30 the President's condition is some what improved. He is conscious, and free from pain. His pulse is J2S, ttmperature 99. Mrs. McKinley is not admitted to the room. An unknown clergyman arrived short ly after ten and was admitted to the tick room. Senator Hanna arrived soon after ten.: -gpffalo, Sept. 13. Dr. Sawyer pavs'tblitteaLo'clock the Presi dent was a great ;deal stronger than three hours ago? Physiciars are dressing the woucdt. Respira tion is increasing and lemsralure decreasing. If hd furv&Si.the day his chances will be greatly improved Four physicians are in constant attendance. Buffalo, Sept. 13.--Doctor Was din this morning said: "The Pres ident has a fighting chance, I hope." Thi is generally consid- ered very discouraging. The truth is the President is now in a very critical condition.) Milburn House Hope for the President "revived this morning when he fell into a restful sleep, after four hours fi j;ht for life. Buff ilo, Sept. 13. At 9 o'clock this morning the President' con dition causes grave apprehension. He is very low. MILBURN SAYS HE IS BETTER. Buffalo, Sept. 13.-9:10 a. m. Milburn came from the house and Baidthe President's condition improved. HANNA GOES TO BUFFALO. is Buffalo, Sept. 13.-9:30 a m. Senator Hanna is enroute to Buf falo on a special train. KOOT GOES TO BUFFALO. New York, Sept. 13. Secretary Root started to Buffalo this morn ing MAY DIE IN FOUR HOURS. Buffalo, Sept. 13 Noon The Preside ut is not expected to live four hours. J THE CAUSE OF THE RELAPSE. Buffalo, Sept. 13. Doctors Jane way and Johnston, the heart specialist?, are here and their ser vices will b 3 particularly useful in sustaining life by stimulants. The physicians are now devoting themselves to heart stimulants. A slight saline solution and digtal- t is is used. The heart first failed to ! satisfactory results The trouble began with the dig estive organs and forced the food through the mouth before tha , stomach was prepared. The rectum became irritated, and rejected enemas. The president has rapidly become very weak. SEARCHING FOR ROOSEVELT Buffalo, S pt. 13 The chap - on IW. UVJ lain ho called was Revl ; Saxe, of thd United Slates: He Aid hP had npt been sent for The doc- iui- iuxuk. ine i resident ..nas a bare fighting chance. Secretaries nitchpock and Wilson arrived at the house early. Also Mrs. J. P. Duncan, Miss Helen McKinley, Mrs. Lafayette McWilliams, . Dr. Baer, Mrs. Baer, and her mother. Mrs. U.bner McKinley. An Al bany Special train is going after Roosevelt. Mounted1- men have been tfciit thirty-five miles in the country from the railway to noti fy hinl of the President's cendi- tion. North He will take the tram at Creek on the Delaware and Hudsd n. HANK I PRESIDENTS MEET. NeWYork, Sept. "13. The bank presidents meet early this morning I to arrange to meet any emergency in the money market. Cairman Tappa p. ox the clearing house. who id out of town, was telegraph- ed for BRIEF ITEMS. News terns of Interest too Short for a Head. Mr4 S. S. Cole returned last night R. rom Cleveland. LB. McLaughlin, E q city of Statesjrille,-, was in the this morning, ! ; .- George Fink has returned from a two week's visit to Jackson Springs. .Our en, no stock is fresh and tsnbrok- . i old stock or sain pies v at Petersan & Rulfs. W. X. Coley who is traveling for th ) Raleigh Post, spent Thurs day in the city. Mrs. M. V. B. Capps and daugh ;er, Miss Susie, leave to morrow morning for Norfolk. Nov is the time to test our abil-. ityo make your feet comfortable, save rou money an'd satisfy you with s :yle and quality. The Burt Shoe Store. Oun claim that we have the most remarkable values in " children's shoes fever offered in this city csn be prdven distinctly to the most determined unbelievers. The Burt Shoe Store. . Betur i From Harmony Grave. Thirteen Salisbury carpenters who lave been work ng at Har mony Grove, Ga , on a' depot for whict Mr. E. A. Wilson, of this city, vas contractor, have return ed he me. They have been gone about three weeks. -t' Babe Follows Mother. Thi little child of Mr. 1 J. T. RiderjhOur was buried Wednes day. I .The babe followed its moth er to fcbe grave in two days. Mrs. Ridenhour having. died on Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The sym patnv oi an wno Know mm goes out to Mr. Ridenhour in his great bereavement. Our Special Tailor is now, here and will take measures today and tomorrow Friday and Saturday, 13th and 14th. All garments Warranted to fat. Big display of CLOTHS now in our Store, bmoot Bros. & Rogers. Miss Carrie McCanless 'lessons in . ; c China Painting, Water Colors and Drawing. : Pnvate and Clas? Lessons. Studio: 514 S. Main street. J ast received today a large ship mentor JNunnally's candy. It IS always fresh av Isenhour & Bean's Ii PR sale: One complete 25 H. P. saw mill, engine and boiler in good runninsr order, f 600. A ' H. Graf, Gold Hill, N. C, TO BEGIN THE SURVEY, A PARTY GOES TO THE YADKIN 1 NARROWS. I- W. Ierlehart. of Baltimore, Leaves Salisbury With a Party of Mm to 'Begin Work. I. W. Iglehart, of Baltimore, who wi.I have charge of a force who will make the survey at the Narrows for the North Carolina Power Company, arrived in Salis bury yesterday. He left on the morning train , for New London, accompanied by Messrs. Bertie Rutledge, John Cabill, Tom Har rison and ; Tony Taylor, all of whom will assist hix in his work. This company purposes com pleting the survey in the shortest time possible and at once begin the construct'on of the plant proper. ; It is a great enterprise and one that will be of incalculable benefit not only to Rowan and Stanly counties but to the entire State. EXCURSIONISTS BACK. any Hatltss Men and - the Train. Women on The Norfolk excursionists who were due to arrive in Salisbury early this morning did not get here until 10 o'clock. Every soul of them was a tired, worn out and dilapidated creature. For they had been on the cars since 7 o'clock last evening. The riuinbor of hats an 1 coats lost k m 9 r a was a marvel. iVlr.-.John v rignt Davis "was of the unfortunates and landed at home bareheaded. - Mr. Lenjuel Bintham left hfiT hat in the wrbng sect! jn of t! 3 train but both were recQveedV m - - m There were 300 on the e .1 :ursipn and all enjoyed the trip i Imense- Mrs W. N B Miller Bead. Mrs. W. N. B. Milleri of the county, died Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, after a brief illness. Mrs. Miller .was a good woman and a host of friends sorrow with her bereaved husband and two ittle children, the latter of whom is just one week bid Thadecoased was about 20 years old. The fu neral services were held from Lower Stone church yesterday af ternoon. - - 4 Traveling for Endowment Rank. Mr. H. IT. Simpson, who has been clerking for Smoot Bros. & Rogers, lef t yesterday for Newton. Mr. Simpson will travel a, short whife in the interest of the Endow ment Rank Kn'ghts of Pythias. Stole a Hat Will Featherstone, colored, of Charlotte, was taken off the Nor- blk excursion this morning by Officer Eagle for stealing a hat rom a fellow excursionist, also a colored man of this city. The negro had concealed the hat in the water closet of tha car. A razor was found on his person. Feath erstone was sent up. Congressman Small Here. Hon. John H. Small, congress man from the second district, was in Salisbury this morning about two hours. He was on his way to Asheville to spend a week. A Big Lot of Cattle. " Mr. M. Li. Jackson this morn ing received 34 head of the .finest cattle ever shipped to Salisoury They were bought in Tennessee and all are stall fed. j 'Queen Quality" shoes for men at Reid's. wo- Street Cab. ; Anv one desirinsr a nice street cab phone Dixie Studio, No. 226, J. H. Ramsay, proprietor, con ducted by his brother, Albert Ramsay. Farms for Sale: We have number of farms for sale. Price and terms to suit purchaser Maupin Bros., Agents, Salisbury N. C. 4 ' - tribute to capt. overman. The Adjutant General Issues An Or- ; v der To The Guard. The following order was issued yesterday i Stateof North Carolina. Office of Adjutant General. Raleigh, Sept. 7, 1901. General Order, No. 18-' It again becomes the sad duty of the commander-in-chief to announ ce to the State Guard, the death of one of its, most highly esteemed and efficient)fficers. Captain William H. Overman died at bid home in Salisbury, N C, July 16, 1901, after an illness of a week. Captain Overman was born in Salisbury, N. C, October 19, 1846, and at the time of his death he was indentified with sev- eral of the most prominent busi- ness enterprise of his town. In the civil war. when but 17 years of age, he commanded Company n Sonn,! Knrth.lnnmr Rosorvfl- and served the cause of the Con federacy with conspicuous gallan try. surrendinsr, wnh Johnston's . t mer, as a business man ne was progressive, correct and indus trious. He deserved and enjoyed the full confidence of his people. He was a devoted Southerner and a patriotic North Carolinian. He ! never shirked any duty and when thn Rnwan Rifles. Onmnanv A.' Third Kegiment, were in uest of a leader who could properly in- struct them and command the res pect of the public, he was unani- j mously elected cajajn, , and was commissioned January 30 1900. The duties of thf office required a sacrifice of his i interests andt convenience. Jhut; sacrifice; hewiiin2ljrnit5e- Uae oi Jhis -bie jys was to j or , service to hipeop!e. In all the'relations of liferhe wasan ideal type of North Carolina manhoc'l. The State mourns his death, and the Guard has lost a most efficient and faith ful officer. As a mark of respect the officers of the Guard will wear the usual badge of mourning on the left arm and sword hilt for 30 days from the receipt of this order. By order of the Governor and commander-in-chief. f B. S. ROYSTER, Ad jutant General. Other Names Omitted. Editor Sun: Apologies for the omission of names of other per formers in the Earydice Concert of Tuesday ever ing, having been made and names given please give the names of the following who sang so pleasingly De Koven's "Recessional:" Mesdames D. M. Miller, F. J. Murdoch, J. Frank McCubbins and Misses Julia Crouch, Elizabeth Crump, Hattie Urawioro, Li'.iiian rousr, luarien iHeilig, Emma Brown, Ruth Mau- ney, Julia Gaskill, and Fanny Miller McNeely. It shou'd also be mentioned that Mr. Nelson 'aylor is equally proficient on the trombone and cornet a on the violin. X. Deacons to be Ordainsd. Rev. Mr. Wells preached an ex cellent sermon at Chestnut Hill Baptist church last night. He will preach again at 7:30 this evening. After the sermon three deacons will be ordained. There will be no services tomorrow evening; but Sunday at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p m., when the series of meetings wiii close. For Sale Splendid young mare, for all purposes. National Hotel. t A' ; : ; :r We make fine shirts to measure fit guaranteed. All the new sam ples now ready to show, flan nels, Cheviots, Linens ; and other seasonable fabrics. Smoot Bros. & Rogers, i A Five Cent Window. The window of Lufsey's 5 and 10 cant, stora ia fill a1 with 5 cent articles, and is creating a great deal of interest. It is surprising how Tnanv thintra f.n l Rt H cfints pnrh . The new Knox hats for Fall now ready. Standard of fashion every- where. Sold only by Smoot Bros. & Rogers. SALISBDRY GRIEVES. MASS MEETING EXPRESSES SYM PATHY FOR MCKINLEY. AMeet:ng- Held Here Last Night at Which Sympathy Was Expressed For The President. In response to the call of Mayor Boyden a number of Salisbury's representative citizens assembled at the city hall last night to adopt resolutions of sympathy for Presi dent McKinley, as expressive of the feelings of the people of the city. At 8 o'clock Mayor Boyden called the meeting to order with ringiug ppeecn. He said among other things: "lam proud of the fact that I am an American citizen 1 am especially proua oi the out I. ... a . burst of sympathy from the South over the great misfortune tbat has CODlfl TO 'OUT ITeSiaeni. It satis fies me that once more we are an entirely united people. JNo one has done more to bring about this era of good feeling than Wil liam McKinley." Mr. Boyden then called the meet ing to order and asked Dr. J. G. Ramsay to preside and Jno. M. Julian to act as secretary. Dr. Ramsay upon taking the s chair made an eloquent speech. "I know of no occasion,?' said Dr. Ramsay, "when a country can manifest its sympathy and patri otism so well as on an occasion like this." After referring to the heniousnessof the assassin's crime Dr. Ramsay said: "Assassination has never bent fitted humanity. But we must look not so much to ihliTotsmiieh t'pfcrim eVs" to its prevention. These anarchists must be exterminated or the country will be exterminated. The blow that struck President McKinley was a blow at all organized gov ernment." When Dr. Ramsay concluded Hon. .Theo. F. Kluttz was called upon. Mr. Kluttz said in part: gress, JL shall cbeeriully support any and all reasonable measures for the suppression and preven tion of anarchy. I shall support any sound legislation to extirpate anarchy and anarchism. Why should any man have sought the life of William McKinley ? Iknow of no man who has more nearly represented the Christian gentle- man than he. President McKinley said to me, in speaking of the .Spanish war, 'if it has done noth ing more it has wiped out all bit terness and brought the sections closer together.' I am . proud to know that there has been no sec tion or politics in the sympathy extended the President." Hon. John . Henderson was called upon and said: "The assas- Bin who shot President McKinley had no grievance against him but asrainst the government. It was a blow at social order. I take pleas- ure in testifying to the Christian character of Mr. McKinley. served in congress with him at the time that party feeling ran high and he bore himself well at all times. No section had any feeling of ill will towards him." Rev. Dr. H. L. Atkins, pastor of the First Methodist church con eluded the speech making in a brief but eloquent talk. Dr. Atkins aaid that "we have the best gov ernment on earth.. Recently we have been letting a school of an archists grow up in New Jersey, xre Almighty has Drought our people to a tense of recognition from the danger of anarchy. The stroke of the assassin was a stroks against all government. . It vt not dealt by-W individual but was the result of a1 plan, representing the spirit of some people, n e all sorrow at the sufferings of our President." At the conclusion of Dr. Atkins' sPef ch a committee was appr inted 1 1BftUiUl,UU8 "A yu'i'lu.y The committee appointed was Hon. Theo. F. Kluttz, Hon. John S. Henderson, A. II. Price, Esq Edward 1 Frost and Jno. M. Julian. I At a meeting of the citizens of Salisbury, North Carolina, held in the city hall, on. Thursday evening September 12th, 1901, in response to a call of the Mayor, lion. A. H. Boyden, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted: Whereas, the citizens of Salis bury, North Carolina, have heard with profound sorrow of the mur derous assault upoQ tne person of our honored and esteemed Presi dent, William McKinle. ; And, whereas we wisn to give 1 a expression 10 our "dings oi in 15 - dignation, s American citizens, at this unjustifiable. and cowardly at tack upon the Executive of this great Republic, and of emphasiz ing the Importance of proper egislation, whether State or Fed- eral, for the prevention of the re- cuirence of a like crime and of the adequate, punishment of those who my be guilty of doing: or attempt- ing or conspiring to do crimes of this character. There, Resolved, First, That we denounce the act of the vile wretch who made the assault upon the President, as with out excuse or justification and as an assault upon our form of gov ernment itself. Second, That we extend to the President and to his loving wife our heartfelt sympathy in this the hour of their great trouble and suffering, with our fervent prayer for his speedy recovery. Third, That a3 American citi zens, it behooves us an to consider the importance of enacting good and sufficient laws for maintaining and perpetuating the spirit of liberty handed down to us by the fathers of the Republic andlo euard against the infusion "into oarTtenTuf go vefnmentlif tibfc poison of anarchism and disordCeu Fourth, That a copy of these resolutions . be transmitted by the secretary of this meeting to the President of the United States. James G. Ramsay, Chairman. Jno. M. Julian, Secretary. . Theo F. Kluttz, " Jno S. Henderson, Augustus II. Price, Com. Edward I 'Frost, I John M.. Julian, j FOREMEN VS. CLERKS. Spsnceritcs Will Play Ball This Af ternoon. The star event in baseball circles at Spencer will be the game this af ternoon between the foremen and the clerks at the Spencer shops. The Sun hopes to be able to give a detailed account of the game. The players and their positions are as follows: FOREMAN TEAM. OFFICE TEAM. Tankersley, p. Brown, c. Case, s. s. Finks, f. b. Fuller, p. Cheatham, c. Hall, s. s. Shank, f b. Lively, s. b. Linn, t. b. Ilartman, s. b. Lippard, t. b. Norman, r. f. Anderson, c.f. Heines, 1. f. Harris, r. f . Deavreaux, c. f. Brooks, 1 f . J. T, Robinson, umpire. Order today if you went How ard's ice cream -for Sunday. Phone 251. Fine Suits and Trousers made to measure- -many years experience. Fit Guaranteed, bmoot Bros. & Rogers. Headquarters for swell Neck wear. Silk Underwear and Hos iery. Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Perrin's Gloves &c &c Smoot Bros. & Rogers. See our line of Toilet Soap. We can please you. Isenhour & Bean's. We are practical plasterers and cement worker's, therefore we buy the best material on the market. Geo. R. Martin and Bro. Office: Rowan Hardware Co. , store. Brainbridge Crepe Paper all colors and designs at Lenhour & Bean's. ' - We have one Belmont 101 model bicvclc worth 30 00 whrK ' I wo uuer at ana one wortr.-. $35.00 at $150, in order to closd - out. Row Hardware Co. THE LINE ARRANGED. THE FIREMAN'S PARADE NEXT MONDAY. The Fire Department Will Take in Nearly all the 8treets Within Vi cinity of City Hall. The parade of the Salisbury Fire Department next Monday will be an interesting spectacle. rhe parade will start at the city hall Monday, afternoon at 4:30 o'clock and the following route of march has been arranged bv Messrs. J. V. Wal ace. assistant chief, and M. V. B. Capps, the committee appointed to map out a route: leaving the city hall the Iine proceeds down Lee street to Bank from Bank street to Long, to Inniss. The line will march up Inniss street to the fountain, thence down Main to Bank street, from Bank to Ellis, from Ellis to Inniss, from Inniss to Fulton, from Ful ton to Kerr, from Kerr to Main, up Main to the fountain, .down Main to Franklin, thence back Main to the fountain, thence down Inniss and Lee to the city hall. Pass In Boots. "Puss in Boots," the amateur performance for benefit of Barclay Mission, was received enthusiasti cally by a large audience at the Grand last evening. The sale of seats for today's matinee assured even a larger audience than greet ed the first performance. Atlanta Constitution. "Puss in Boots," the lovely f airrplay given for the Y.' M. C .4- at tae opakling -AuditormrrT last night was one of the best en tertainments ever given here. It was under direction of Madison J. Lee, of St Louis, and it suc cess last night was such as to 'lead Mr. Lee and the ladies to repeat it at the Spalding this afternoon. Aurora News. A Big Stock Beady. Smoot Bros. & Rogers have something to say in the Sun today about their big stock of new clothing. It is the largest and choicest they have ever had and the public is invited to inspect it. Take Notice: For next 30 days 1 will sell Pierce's Favorite Prescription, Peruna, Ayer's Hair Vigor, Three B's, etc., at reduced prices at Enniss' drug store. Handsomest line of Fall andWinter trousers ever shown in the city. Smoot Bros & Rogers. John E. Ramsay & Co. Arehi- tects Phone No. 265 Room 6 Bell Block. Handsomest line of high grade stationery ever, brought to the city at Isenhour & Bean's. John E. Ramsat & Co. Archi tectsPhone No. 265 Room 6 Bell Block. For teams or street cab, phone 258. J. M. Steele. Street Cab Swicegood can furnish comfortable and quick ser vice. 'Phone Swice good's Jewel ry Store. Phone 239. Milk for sale: A. Snm tf mers, 'phone 499. Colored Crayon for Map Draw ing at Isenhour & Bean's. Wanted 5 or 10 acres of land suitable for building purposes located within one or two miles of j Dreferredl &ausoury. i-art woodland (nin Write - ' MissLeona A. Murnhev 238 New J ersey Ave. N. W.l Washington. D. C. Do You Know! Yes you knoMY that school is open. The bookstore is the place to buy your school oooks and . school stationery. Buerbaum knows what is needed and he keeps Don't take a ten penny nail, to tt&il up some newspaper picture in ' m w our Dest panor, wnen ior id cents you can buy at Buerbaum'i an elegant medal Ion picture,18x22. Don't sit in the dark, when for I 0rt lomn of ,Rnirknm,I very lime money you can ouy a U I Vt VV , &a.UL Mil JLUVA KM UMI AJL1 I kinds of lamp fixtures. And Buer- Jbaum still makes the picture, '(frames for the people. All j4 j '

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