SULPHO-MAGNESIA LITHIA Mineral Water. This is not a salt watei but, the lightest and purest water known. Natures Remedy for Indigestion and Kidney troubles. On draught at Plummer's Fountain. WEATHER FORECAST I Partly cloudy and warmer, tonight; Friday fair. SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 17, 1901. VOL. X. NO. 1C9 Fine Pears, Malaga Grapes, Oranges, Ap ples, basket Grapes, and a fine line of C A N DIES - at N. P. MURPHY. Iff 11 COMING Oil A SPECIAL A PARTY OF 80 TO VISIT WHITNEY REDUCTION WORKS. Will Come Down to Salisbuiy on a , Special Train and Will Spend ten Days There. ' - ' . - A laree nartv. consisting of 80 - distinguished and .wealthy .men from tne Eastern otaies, win arrive in Salisbury on the 2nd of .Novem ber and will ffo direct to Hhe Whitnev Reduction Works near Gold Hill. v " : The Dartv will come to Salis, -a bury on a special train and will STecd about "10 days as the euests of Capt. E. B. C. Hain- bley. Mr. Hambley is having a house, to acc mmodate 100 people, built especially for thefr entertainment. ATTEMPT AT BURGLARY. Seme one Attempts to Enter rfr Marah's R sidence. . An atttmpt'was made to burg larize the residence of Mr. Ed H. Marsh on North Main street Wed nesday night. A noise was heard at cne of the windows, that attracted the atten tion of a member of the household who went to the window to inves tigate and the would-be burglar was frightened away. Investigation showed that the window, which has a patent catch on it, was partially pryed up and that a shovel had been used in nrizinor it. There is no clue to r : the party who attempted to perpe trate the robbery. ' : HURT BY A BIRD. Deputy Hoge Kridir Painfuly In jured Last Night. - Deputy Hodge Krider was pain fullv iniured last nisht-by a part ridge. Mr. Ki ider and Chief of Police J. Frank Miller were hunting 'possums, when the dogs disturbed a covey of partridges. Mr. Miller was a little in advance of Mr. Krider when he heard the latter groaning. He went to him to as j certain the trouble when he fout di Mr. Krider lying on his back with his hand on his eye. He declar ed that some one had hit hiirjgrhh a rock. Mr. Miller observed a dead "partridge at Mr. Krider's feet and an investigation showed that the partridge's beak had gone! plump up against Mr. Krider's head just above the eye. Ther momentum was so great that the bird was killed and Mr. Krider's eye painfully injured. He was in bed a part of the day as thejesult of this accident. Mr. W. H. Miller threatens to have a warrant issued for Mr. Krider for killing birds before December 1st, the season set by law for killing birds land MeetiDg To-night. It is earnestly requested that every member of the Salisbury Band be present ind bring his in strument to the ball tonight . at 8 o'clock sharp. If you cannot come send your instrument. A Big Policy Paid. We are informed by J. Allen Brown that acheckfor$10,000 was paid yesterday, covering the Smit deal claim, by the Piovident Sav ings Lifef Assurance Socie? of New York. This cotnpanyias a large lot cf insurance here yi our representative citizens, andy off ering some new and attractive if ma . . a im policies ai tempting raies. Tnflf arriworl f rocVl rnrcf Aro f fA.' Suffolk today. By quart or pint at. Dr. Sflnne s cafe. JoitN E. Ramsay & Co. Arch i tects Phone No. 265 Room fi Bell Block. John E. Ramsay & Co. Arr hi tects Phone No. 265 Room 6 Bell Block. W. T. Wesson, Gbolenville, Va., druggist, writes: "Your One Minute Cough Cure gives perfect satisfaction. My customers say it is the best remedy for coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles." James Piummer. "Queen Quality" shoes, the best $3 shoe for women at Reid'a. Street Cab Swicegood can furnish romf ortnble pnd quick ser vice. 'Phone Swicegood's Jewel ry Store. Phone 239. . hJT BEY. SAM JOBES' LICTDEE. The Famous Lecture Here on Thurs day, Octob r31st. i The announcement that thei far be in Salisbury orll the niffht of mrms pvonorp isiT IPVT.nrer W ()U IU .... I . i j October 3 1st has with p.'easurp. It been received s believed that tne tabernacle wi 1 be crowded j with those anxious Thtrrockton, o'hear him. Mass., Times says'pf his lecture: Most people have heard of Sam Jones, and it was prough the Y. M. C. A., that he Was engaged to give his lecture last night. It is not surprising tba Mr. Jones is an evangelist. It would take a Dig cnurcn to noia M 1 1 a man of his broad method?, an d the entire country will profit if he is not tied to one community He has an inimitable humor, aj quick percep- ticn that shows acti an unique light, so icn that shows actions to him in that a clever interpretation is firiyen to his au- dience. - . . i ., He has a heart ful al of sentiment and. the moft riy d convictions concerning man's doty to man that is well spread arnotag his fellow search for dainty language to tell the trnth, and doesn't spare force oi emphasis in laying down his; creed. Mr. Jones has a delightful voice which was not raised abovp a con versa- tional tone, yet no line or meaning was lost. j t A NEW LODGE. The Bankers Union Organized Here Last Night. Salisbury has a new lodge, start ing off with 23 names. The or ganization was perfected last night in the Royals Arcanum Hall and wili bp kn wn as Salisbury Lodge No. IK)9 Bankers RJnkra of .the World.-ate Dephty Rev. R. B. HineW has been in tne city several days working up the order and presided a the meeting last mght.i The services were beautiful, es pecially as regards the obligation of officers and members. Besides other important initiatory work the following officers were chosen: President. W.A Anthony. Vice President, J. Q. Foreman'. Banker, C.L. Lehtz. Secretary, C. B. J ordan.' L. Smoot. artin. W. Jeffcoat. Past President, Al Overseer, J. R Chaplain, Rev. J Guard, S. E. Ker. r Sentinel, D. M. Brown. Trustees, Dr. W. Long, C. L. Nussman. A. L Bmoot. ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. More Money iSubscr bed To-day for theEikCii aval. j,i . -riptions have Additional subs been received to d ky forjthe Elk Carnival but nearly $100 is lackitg subscriptions. in addition to these Those who have su pscribed today ar.o: j Dr. J. E. Stokes $10 10 5 ' ' 5 . 5 L. H: Clement, Esd W. H. Miller, F. FSmitbi ; W. H. Wallace, Capt Pact Oat Capt.. J. F.'etcbef Pace is out his today for the first time since recent ill much mucn and expects to be"nsl4y red to health i n a few weeks Wanted - A few quiet boarders; can accomodate also table board. Mrs. R. A. Byrd. man and wile. 123 Horah St., Sweet and strong pepper for sale, at Mr.! Ph. 1 tichard's place. corner Jbisher and Green streets. East side of Salisbury. ork Tchhtefrfrlis seaibn. Two grades, 35 and 40 cents per oiT't We get tnem every day. X nice spotted trout sad as- sor:- ' h. y Posit tiih.1 Give us ,you order. Brown & ifon. oppcite the liice. ?Phone 111. For Rent. A good sta barn yard, 2 stalls; harness cutting room and carriage hooie. Waier convenient Apply to Mrs?. Wn. H. Overman, corner Inniss and Luis street, "Queen Quality V shoes fpr-w6- men at Red s. When you hav no appetite, do not relish your f( after eating you vou need a dose od and feel dull may know that f Cham her Iain's Stomach and Livdr Tablets. Price. Plum 25 cents. Sampl ps free at mer's drug store. lmprSjs&a Die and loom QORE KOHEY HEEDED THE AMOUNT FOB CARNIVAL NOT " YET RAISED. The Railroad Agrees te Give Seduced Kates and Advertise the Carnival Here in November The Elk Carnival which is to held here during the first week in November promises jto begone of the most successful carnivals ever held hf North Carolina; Mayor Boyden today appointed on tbe part of Lthe city to assist Walter Murphy 'Esq., General Manager. Capt. W. Murdoch Wiley. T. B. Brown agd John M. Julian. The committee of man -' . agement is composed in full of Messrs Walter Murphy, W . Mur- doch Wiley, (T. B. Brown -and J no. M. Julian; representing, the Elks Messrs. E. I. Frost, ) J. W. Neave and Dr. J. M Turner. Mr. Murphy went to Charlotte yesterday and conferred with Col. R. L. Vernon with reference to (rates. Vernon assured him that reduced rates would be given and that the Southern would as- sist in advertising the carnival, Letters for. information have al- ready begun to pour in from out- siders. There is yet $140 lacking to make up the amount required a a guarantee by the carnival manag ers and the business menjof JSalis- bury should lose ncfuie in sub scribing this amount. It should be made up akonce csr the entire amount must be in by subscription by tomorrow night." OFFICE BROmCPEl!.- A Rifle Stolen From the Salisbury Ice Company's Omee. The office of . the Salisbury Ice and Fuel Company was broken into Tuesday" night and a Marlin repeating fifle stJen v The robber or robbers broke in the tide window of the office at some hour in the nightl -There is no clue as yet to the tnieves. THE SPENCER BAND. A NW Band Organized at Spencer J Last Night. r . " A brass band was organized 'at Spencer last night with fifteen memberaand Prof. W, G. Kirk man as director. v" ' I The instruments focthis band will be ordered at once and'ifrstruo tion will begin Friday night. In 6tructionswill be given" twice a week regu'arly by Prof. Kirkman. Dr Littleton in Failing Health. Dr. J. N. Anderson, of Albe marle, passed through Salisbury lrst night in company with Dr. J. W. Littleton, a former resident of Salisbury but now of Albemarle. Dr." Littleton has been in failing health for some time and . has re cently suffered a slight stroke, of paralysis. He was taken to Greensboro last night for i treat ment. " Rehearsal Tonight. The casf in ' Whose Wife," will meet tonight at Meroney's opera house for rehearsal.' Everyone who is to take part is requested to bpreeent. Begjtration Eo?ks. f i ; Tue registration books for the bof i election will be opened Sat- morning, livery voter m to a change to be made in the firm of Foreman Bros., we ask all those due us by; note or open account to settle same at once. Our business must be settled at once and those that owe must pay their accounts. Fore man Bros.,' also have some buggies to close at bargain?.. - Oct. 17, 1901. Foreman Bros. Wanted A horse for his fzeSt during the winter. . Apply a4nis office. saie. For terms and, pr ire raII on J. W. Corneli-son,--l5rT"S." Min st, Salisbury! N.'C -. -v - Anew remedy for Jbilliousness is now on sale at James Plummer's drug store.4 It is called Chamber lain'' Stomach and Liver Tablets. It gives quick relief and ; will pre vent tbe attack if given as soon as the first indication of the disease nppears. Price, 25 cents per box. Simples free. ' xxpk Smsburysbc electiog1 yOwini POTTS IS ALL ALONE. THE ONLY ONE TO ACCUSE SCHLEY OF COWARDICE- Just Before The Admiral Got s On The Stand Sampscn's Pat To B'Iu quired Into." , 0 Washington; Oct., 17. The firfet new witness before the Schley Inquiry ccurt today waj. Lieuten ant Uommander Gritnn, senior watch officer on the Brooklyn in the Spanish campaign. -Ha was followed by a number it f junio1 officers and a number of former witnesses. , , - Vf Lieutenant Webster tetified thai he was unable to distinguish thei point of shore at Santiago on May 29th to 31st at night. He was unfamiliar with the coast. On, July 3rd the Brooklyn headed northwest, after tSe surrender-of he Colon. He had seen, there only the Oregon and Texas, f The smoke of the other vessel - was visible but not the vessels. . Lieut., Commander Griffin took the stand. He was detailed on the Cienf uegos blockade: giving the distance of the blocking li-from three. tQ seven miles, being further out at night : Witnesses .were called for the purpose cf correcting tbeirtesti mony.. It is the' intentidii of Schley's counsel to propound to the court a number of questions for the purpose of determining to what extent Sampson's contntction with ihe present inquiry c-uid be got into.. Thse questions will be propounded ; shortly before he beginning of "Schlejf's testimory. There doesn't seem to be any testi mony to confirm the opinion of Lieut r Po.tts, of the "Massachus- setts a?; to SchleT laboring rsrer! great mental txi itement or that he advised his officers to get be hind the turrets because white uniforms made them conspicuous targets. The probability is that Potts will be recalled to be exam ined more in detail regarding Schley's alleged conduct on that day. Several witnesses who tes tified as to Schley's bearing on that occasion were at his side throughout the engagsfnrnt. McCrary-Walktr A popular young Lexington couple both of whom are " well known in Salisbury .were Inarried yesterday. A Lexington special to the Raleigh Post say : . Miss Clayton McCrary, daugh ter of our townsman, J. W. Mc Crary, was married today at 11 o'clock to W. H. Walker of Lsxing t m A novel idea by way of decorati on was displayed by a lare -horse shoe cf flowers which surrounded the bridal couple during the cere mony. Oily a few friends'were in vited. The bride and . groom boarded the noon train for Buffalo and other northern cities, leaving a large number of friends who wish them all that they may de sjre through a long and happy wedded life. Rev Lyerly To Preach Dedication Sermon. The new Reformed Church in High Point will be dedicated next Sunday morning. The consecra tion sermon will be" preached by Hfifil-fE'fcy.J. M. L. Lyerly, of Crescent. Tt, rrv.u a I first of J u and was pushed to arciation of economy rapid com pH t on under tbe direct supervision of the missionary in charge. ljavidson Dispatch, ff 5penc;r . Spengp- K. of P. meets at 7:3Ql5harp. Work in and Jvd degree. tonight the I4J er i For Sale A new wheat drill at a bargain, apply to Maupin Bros. Overman Bldg. Phone 256. " 'l had iong suffered "from indi gestion," writes Q. A. LeDeis, Cedar City Mo. "Like others I tried many preparations but never found anything that did me good until I took Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Une bottle, cured me. A friend who had suffered similarly I put on tne use 01 Ivodoi Dypep sia. He is gaining fast and will soon he able to work: Before he used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure indi gestion bad made' him a total wreck, James Pluramer. KfbfP. WOIIT PAY RAUSOIL A NEW AND SUDDEN TURN HAS DE VELOPED TO-DAY. CorsuL Qeu eral Dickinson Discovers That a Macedonian Committee is Back of Miss Store's Abduction. . 5 Washington, Oct. 17. The State n. ;c information of Misstoncon! . ( . . - Consul General Dickinson is endeavoring to effect release by bringing psess- ure through the Bulgarian govern- mention the brigands, who, are known ' to be a?entof a-reVolu- tionarv Macedonian committee. - -,. .-uuuou, cuVn, u- on has discovered that the brig j ands alhe tools of a Macedonian committee and has therefore reso- lutelv-refused to oav-'lhe" ransom. ,. : - m. - - m K . arrest tne chief instigators of her ah duction. Several influential mem- bers of the Macedonian committee have already been arrested. CAN'T UNDERSTAND IT. President Boosevelt's Dining Bcok:-r r Washiugton Wondertd at. The chief topic in potitical cir- cles here today was' the Associated Press dispatch which, announced that President Roosevelt had din- ed Broker T. Washington. The dispatch was as follows: 'Washington, Oct. 16. Booker T.v Washington, colored, of Tus kesee,. Ala , dined with tha Pres dent this evening." ' Republicans as well as Demo crats were open in their criticism but refraind from expressing themselves for publication until the authenticity of this despatch is established. BIG CONTRACT LET. I? Brcs. Will Btuld Capt. E. B ! C. Hambley's Eesidence. j Capt. E. B. C. Hambley has let the contract for his residence, which Architect Hook 6ays will be one of the finest in North Caro lina. f . ; Mr. Hook and Contractor Laz3n by went down to Gold Hill yester day to see Mr. Hambley and the matter of awarding the contract was decided, Lazenby Bros, being the successful bidders. These gentlemen have been among tbe. most successful contractors in XT a I 1 - ' 1 . 1 r . 1 . Korio t-aroiina ana 100 iacc mat they win out over all other com petitors is a c; edit to them, Capt. Hambley's residence will be built on West Fulton street and will contain ab ut 20 rooms. It will require a year to build it and will cost about f 30,000. Dr. Eamsiy To Alabama. Dr. J. G. Ramsay left last night for Laneville, Alabama, on a visit to his daughter. He will be gone for several months. The Sick. Mrs. J. M. Peacock, who has been sick for the past two weeks, is improved today. R. W. Byrd, who has had qnite a severe attack of grip, is out to day. Mrs. J. J. McDaniel ia quite sick at her home near the Kestler Mill. r Love's Labor Ita,, I'M . rir. tj ' : . ppre- For Bebno- my's sake buy your houselld articles at Lufsey's 5 and 10 ctlit store. A young lady desires a situation i as book-keeper. Apply at thisV office. Fob Sale A gentleman's drivj log baggy, Babcock, with rubber j tirefeatber crtshions,upnaled ifi blue bf5dotiitietfiSc Mrs. Wm7h. Overman. Corner Inniss and Ellis streets. MONEY. Loaned on real estate and other securities, Walter H. Woodson, Attorney at Law, 105 Savings Bank Building. Mothers everywhere praise One Minute Cough Cure for the suffer ings it has relieved and the lives of their little ones it has saved. Strikesat the root of the troubleand draws out the inflammation. The children's favorite Cough Cure. James Piummer. ALLBRIGHT-FREEL AUD MARRIAGE OF A POPULAR YOUNG SPENCERCOUPLE Miss Nellie Allbright and Mr. George Free land Married at Spencer Yes terday Morning at 10:30 O'clock (Correspondence Sun.) I Spencer, Oct. IB. This" morn- r.aV!!r MrS" . . : . Ne,(ie A1ibright were marriea 5. n r. lTnnrcrn tirm nnn' n ni ante Rev. C. M. Pickins, the bride'r pastor. Miss5 Allbright 1 okecjj very pretty in a travelling scut, of brown cloth with hat to : match J. . I ITiMI M l-,J i lovable disposition, which " ha-? drawn" about scores of friends both old and young of Spencer since its beginning four years ago. In charch wfk and in social life u i i j- . i- a u ua ueeu a .cenirai ngure ana it is uceuies o eay inai me dcou'p are delighted that sbe will - make her "home ' in Snencer with ber mother. Mr. Freeland is a gentlman of genial dispositon and fine business qualities, being one of the South ern's best engineers- mr. ana jyars. a? reeiana lett on 1 mm M t v m. No. 36 for Hillsboro to visit bis mother. They had intended to go to Buffalo instead but on account of the illness of the bride's sister the tr'p was deferred until later, Only the relations and a few friends were present. BRIEF ITEMS. News Items of Interest too Short for a Head. ' C. C. Hook, of Charlotte, was in the city last night. G. A. Fisher, of Albemarle, was in the city this morning. Walter Clement, of Mocksville was ia the city this morning. ... Mr;!!. A. Murrill, of Char lotte, is vi fg M rs. F. F. S nitb". J. P. Lentz returned last night from a business t -ip t S a esville. J. H. L. Rice, of Cleveland, was in the city today on business. James Hor , E q. spent Wed nesday in Charlotte on legal busi ness. Dr. W. C Martin and wife, of Mocksville, are- visiting Mrs. E. W. Tatum ' . Mrs. W. A. Tyree returned last night from Statesville, where she has been visiting. . Hon. John S. Henderson left tbia morning for Albemarle and Troy, on a business trip. ' The Juvenile Book Club will meet with Miss Kathleen . Kluttz tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. Hon. H. B. Varner,1" Commis sioner of Labor and Printing was in tbe city this morning on his way to Concord. . The S. S. Book Club will meet with Miss Sophie Kluttz, Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Author, Mary M. Dodge. A good Investment for Fall would be three - and a half 4n a pair of "America" shoes. Sold by Peterson & Rulf. Mrs. Zab W Walser and Mrs. R. L. Burkhead and children went to Salisbury Monday morning, says the Davidson Dispatch. Mrs. O. B. Van Wyck, of An derson, S. C., who has been visit ing her Bister, Mrs. W. H. Over man, returned home this morning. We owe you as much style, as perfect lit, as good goods as your money can command -and we 6ee that yotvvgete-it all. The Burt Shoe Store. There is something more than oality there is style a diatinct- ve becomingness about "Won in- awalk" fine shoes for men. The Burt Shoe Store. Do YotiSjiT Yes you know, that school is open. The bookstore is the place to buy your school books and school stationery. Buerbaum knows what is needed and he keeps it. - ., .7 .I..':. Don't take a ten penny nail, to nail up some newspaper picture in your best parlor, when for 75 cents you can buy at Buerbaum's an elegant medallon picture,18x22. Don't sit in the dark, when for very little money you can buy a decent lamp at Buerbaum'-. All kinds of lamp fixtures. And Buer baum still makes the picture frames for the people. eibl russell released. Has Served His Three Months on Con viction f a B'gamy. London, Oct. IK Earl Russell, who was sentenced in July last, to three months imprisonment' for bigamy was released today from i Holloway jail. He is id- good j health. ,:Ile. immediately went - about his old avocations. Thd apr Potion , Jot Codntess'Ru.seirs ' fdtvorce comesup on the 28tbw In the 'event the'; application is an i . - - . Jnounced the Erl and' Mrs Somer ville wiii be mftfi ied inria.' few days. V r HASTEH'BROOT, JR- " .Hi - He Has eiO.CCO.OMia His Own Name v Ld Tm els in -State. New, Yik, .Got. I7.r-Master John NichoIa- .Brown, . Jr., aged 19 months, with $10,000,000 in his name, arrived on the Teutonic to , j j ii j Z F " T. car for Nfiwnnrt. Ho travels instatp. r ' carrying pnysicians, nurses, a ; valvet and a, wardrobe of eleven trunks. GENEROUS LIP10N. Says the Americans Make What the ; . , People Want. Chicago, OcC 17. Sir L;pton referring to the success of the Jtmorirans aoirl- "ThA AmriVnnC make what their people want.- This explains their success over Ergland." r AUTOMOBILE EXPLODES. An Automobile Explodes and Injures Five Fesple. Brooklyn, Ojt. 17. Henry Mc Creery'a automobile became un m-tnageable today ail dashed into a tree., it exploded, severely injuring MeUreery and lour oth ers. MISSIONARIES MISSING. Great Atfriety Pelt Fcr the Arbitrat ' ors Sent For Miss Stonev Constantinople, Oct., 17. Great anxiety' is felt concerning Missionaries Baird and Haskell, arbitrators. A third missionary has been sent in quest of tbem and the brigands. On a West Indian Cruise. Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 17. The battleship Indiana arrived this morning to take aboard 154 ap prentices to start on a West In dian cruise. 1 Want Davery to Resign. New York, Oct. 17. It is re ported today that Hugh McLaugh lin and other Brooklyn leaders are raising a fund to bribe Davery to resign towards the close of., the campaign. Roosevelt's Bud gat For Navy. Washington,. Oct. ,17.- -Roosevelt's budget for the navy ia about $99,000,000. Ha wants three'new battleships of the first class, two new armored cruisers of the high est type, and twelve gunboats. This is an increase in the naval estimate over the appropriations of 1901.. Moliaeux's Mother Vuits Him. Sing Sing, Oct, 17. Molineux's mother visited hiur for the first time in prison this morning. She remained over an hour She wili come to New York on a train with him, probablyii1- afternonr Experience clerks Apply ai Tbe.iJaijr. wanted. "For three days and frights I suffered agony nntold from an attack of cholera morbus brought on by eating cucumbers," says'M. E. Lowther, clerk of the district court. Center ville, Iowa. 4'1 thought I should surely die, and tried a different medicines but all to no purpose. I sent for a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and - tbrtse closes rejievfd me entirely." This remedy is for sale by James Plnm rner. . ;For Rent i two story house n Inniss st. next to A. Parker's re&idence near R.. R. bridge. Apr ply to A. Parker. ON A GRAVE CHARGE. TWO HEN ARRESTED HERE LAST RIGHT. The Men Believed To Have been Im plicated In Barn BurningAtd A jluider. Officer ForThtm. 'Officer Eagle last night arrested two negroes on No. 12 on suspicion and locked them up.They were sus pected of having burned a barn in Mecklenburg county. The men gave their names as Tom McCork le and Lawrence Heath The negroes bad. bought tickets a distance of 100 miles from Har risburg, claiming that amount re quired to buy tickets for this dis tance exhausted their funds. When searched both of them had handsome ladies' purses. Jn on of them was found 1 cent and in the other $6.iThe prisoners stated that they had been working on a farm and were trying to make their way to Washington, where they desired to work. Chief Erwin, of Char lotto, was notified of their arrest and asked that they be retained until he ar rived Jiere this afternoon. He will return to Charlotte for them. MAJ. MURPHY the sleuth. Maj. Walter Murphy will be the idol of the small boy here for tbe next moon if these men prove to be the criminals wanted. The major was in Charlotte yesterday on business and learned of the sus picious circumstances connected with the departure of the two neg roes from Harrisburg. He noti fied the officers at the depot hero and Officer Eagle with a deputy ocked tbem up . ANOTHER ROLLER HILL. A Party Of Salisbury Gentleman Talk Of Building One. A party of Salisbury gentleman are contemplating building ano ther roller mill in or near Salis bury. They are discussing a site and plans f-r the mill and will de termine finally as to their plans by the last of next week. Mr. Goodman Clerking. Mr. J. Henry Goodman, one of the best salesmen in the city, ha secured a position with J. L. Anderson & Co., who will open up in the new Hedrick block. Theso gentleman have received nearly all their stock. A Treat In Store. A treat ipin store for all the members of No. 26 Jr. O. U. A. .VI., to attend to-night's meeting. Every member is requested to be present. Mr. Eeid To Return, i Mrs. W. X. Reid, who has been in Charlotte visiting Mr. Reid, re turned to Salisbury this morning. Mr. Reid, who has been assisting n the Southern's passenger office at Charlotte, will return to 'Salis bury next Tuesday and resume his work here. For sale cheap A good desir able residence in the North Ward. W alter 11. Woodson. For Rent A four-room cot tage, near residence of James C. Low. W. R. Woodson. Lewis Ockerman, Goshen, Ind: 4 'De Witt's Little Early Risers never bend double like other pills, but do their wor thoroughly and make me feel like a boy." Cer tain, thorough, gentle. James flummer. Dr. W. H. Wakefield, of Char lotte, N. C.', will be in Salisbury at Alt Vernon Hotel on Wednesday, Nov. 6th, for one day. His prac tice is limited to Eye, Ear, Noeo and Throat. HOW IT GROWS. Comparative Statement of The Salis bury Savings Eank Since Commenc ing Business February 20th , 1C00. Feb. 20, 1900, Capital......: .r,XK).00 Mch. 1, " Assets 78,891.55 May 1 " " ' 81. 74.49 " ... 111 . 034 i:j " " 124.C73.H July Sept Jan Mch May 1 1 1 1 1 1901 .. ....... KJO.480.77 143.4:n 4 I " i.rD,o-j 87 " -....153.593 iH Sept 1 Close of Dullness bept. 30 1901...... r Vl,H'JH.n Our success depends upon the suc cess of our patrons; therefore we guard well their interest. Lee S OvKftMAN, W. F. Smdku, - . President, Cashier. For sprains, swellings and lame ness so good as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by James Piummer.