VOL ' , IAY ELECT HALL. H3KE TALL.' (CORED A TRIUMPH LAST RIGHT. (Ths D of C. Are Discussing the 1 position M-^ke. ‘My Wife and 1” at the Opera Hcu^ Last. Night Was & Great Success. A Full House. Salisbury histrionic talent scored another triumph last Mght in the kpiesecdalion of the beautiful play • “My Wife and J.” The audience .w^s- large and appreciative and . their- applet iation was made man- x ifestby frequent and rapturous applanc?. l^ is to be doubles if any ‘mer • ama^gur theatrical has ever been ■...•resented in North Carolina. The best- local talent was in the caste arid thorough and conscientious .work hr/ been done in the rehear sal/ with Wie most satisfactory re- ‘ The stage setting was especially finc -in fact far superior to the seenic^effects usually seen in the Salisbury theatres. Why M: yJtseif is a very pretty meats earxi^ the* auuiU Long giULPHO-MAgNESIA LITHIA Minardi Water. This is not a salt watei but, the lightest and purest water known. Natures' Remedy for Indigestion and Kidney t roubles. On draught at ! Plummer’s Fountain. pALTyB' .OTHER BIG MI ! Hu PARADE THS AHWOOS AT The publication in the ERN last! week of the fact that sou ‘ /.puc; -! ous gentleman had agreed to con-1 tribute a site and 83,000 in^dash । for a Confederate Memorial Hail if the plan to erect a monument would be given up, has given rise [ to much discussion among the Daughters*- of * the Confederacy. The sentiment seems to be favora ble to the proposition of the liber al unknown, it being 'contended that the v terans would experience much more gratification in the possession of a hall where they could meet, than in inanimate stone. It is thought that if the propo sition is accepted the amount in cash offered will iffy doubled by the D. Cf C , giving a memorial building at a cost of 810,000/ € ha ri otte was Helped Capt. liumbley’s hodse party at the Whitney R.uducff yy Works, to 10' PiUsbu apitulists, Mr. 3 O’CLOCK. Tim Attssdin.ee at. the Carnival To'- day is the Best Mr. Here. Tomor row’s Events. The carnival growW' Today has been by ^r the -best of all thA^-days of the week and the citizens’ parade had started when the Sun press. This parade not been went to in much ge^g^us-uss and beautiful effect was p ’e-suring to leave the start ing point at 3 o’clock and traverse the line announced in tff? program. 8ffOG plies ■ ChnriQit^ the Lib of y^p.J u wardeM from thU citv up that amount. . One with oWryMne ...^ - U-W ^footing prett y story of married li|§ *nd I Charlotte firm shipped 400pouu the ddstakes of a young couple. There is a touch of light to the pathetic and sympathetic features that vary what might otherwise be monotonous. These lines from Tennyson at the foot of the pro gram conveyed an idea to the audience of the- character of the of beef and another firm sent 1 cases of fruit and 200 dozen ters in the shell.- Charlotte server. oys- Ob- C., THURSDAY EVWING, NOVEMBER GOLD BILL WEI Edwards Talks in Kew Meat ^^^ York The New Ypik Commercial Ad- vertizer interviewed Mr. Richard H. Edwards, editor of the Manu facturers Record this week. Tn the course of the .interview Mi Edwards saidP* * 1 TE^D TO BIBIK OUT. irw PBWEB.H ATTEMPT TO teT OUT OF CALABOOSE TheyA/ Th? Blanket to The Do r Am. Tore Part of The Plaster The copper mining interests— I . J and,the oath has vast stores of gold and copper ores —are for the first time being handled on a ve?y broad scale, and the snccr"s of the I nion Copper Company, which has expended 81,609,000 in devel oping its mines and putting in its smelter at Gold Hill, N C , gives some assurance that at last the de velopment of these vast copier and gold ore i’esou'^es wiW’W pushed on as broa^u scale as in the west. Alread^^hiUburg cap italists have undertaken a mining development near the Union Cop per propel ty, and are preparing to upend 84,000,000 in de veloping 40,000 horsepower on the Yadkin River for electric trans mission as a part of their scheme, chh it is now proposed to open on a e scale ’he old ^old ’Hill mine, xM whiGs.it-ip E? y P ^oP 'd one of the cell blankets ^.'d /.oi'ked it around the bar that Wu-is the plastering and on which ‘he triple is fixed. By constant ^’n they had worn away nearly ^ c igh of the wall to extract the & t‘ Me, when the officers arrived. The men were caught red haloed afid were is.nanded to auGber cell for the night. A asm FEAT k B’cyelut E^tertahu Crowds Here. ee while men, all of them simians, who weie locked up div. afternoon for disorderly cG Hiuriy succeeded In break e door to their cell last night novel one. The LI HUNG GHANG’S DEATH Relations THE BALLOONIST HURT. ANOTHER. WONDERFUL FEAT. understood that details can be ranged without trouble. ■ he cell which they first occu-, . pie ’ was so badly damaged that it: co.pd not be used last ni^ht. International Department officials do not believe the death of Li Hung Chang will Lave a serious eflecton the Chinese situation in the work of preparing trade and commercial treaties and all that remains to be done in set tling the undertaking imposed on China because of the r.- cent Boxer uprising. The plans are so well ar- He Lands in a Woodpile and is Slight ly Halt. IFPHESEBTRETURNS HOLD IT 18 ALL RIGHT. Hews of the Election After the Smoke if Battle Has Cleared Away. Ken tucky? Majority. “We fell out, my ^ if® and I? O. we fell out, I know not why— And kissed again with tears. For-when we came where lies the child Wo lost in other years, 0, there above the little grave, We kissed again with tears.” The space is lacking for particu larization hot the audience was im pressed with' the fact that it would have been difficult to have im proved-on any of the characters. In the leading part's Mrs. W. L Rankin, Miss Annie Wetmore, Misu Fei-oic HeoJer u and Moss. A Tiny Driver. One.of the most attractive little misses in yesterday’s parade was Susie Heins, who drove the win ning turnout. She ^ith Miss Elizabeth Miller, who drove a tandem, were two pretty features of the parade. Walter Murphy and J M- Cork*6 were flawless. Miss Daisy Brown as Edith, Mr. Walter Lin ton as Herbert, Mr. J. M. Davis as Dr. Melbank and Val Mauney as the bell boy were excellent. The play will be repeated to night and it is confidently expected that the opera house will be crowded. The cast is as follows: Mrs. Ruth Winthrop—Miss An nie Wetmore. Mr. Douglass Winthrop, her son - Mr. James M. McCorkle. Constance Winthrop, his wife, Miss Bessie Henderson. Buxton Scott, a lawyer, Walter Murphy. Mrs. Chetwyn, a society lady— Mrs. Rankin. Edyth, sister of Constance— Miss Brown. Herbert—Walter R. Linton. Dr. Melbank—Jamis Davis. John, bell boy, Val Mauney. Sa’isburywards. Salisbury drew on Concord to day again and Concord responded by sending a delegation to the E k Carnival now in full blast. Among those who went today were: Mrs. R. A. Brown, Mc- Lauchlin, Mrs. H. G. Ritz, Misses Sudie and Anna R tz, Noia and Ollie Fisher, Mrs. M. L. Brown, Messrs. Ira Meheffy, and M. Freeman.—Concord Tribune. J To Spend Winter Here Miss Lena Meroney, of-Phila delphia, arrived in the city this morning on No. 36. Miss Me roney will spend the winter in Salisbury. Globe Tonic cures sick headache and stomach troubles. Samples free under the opera house. A MONSTER PARASITE- A Tape Worm 19 Feet Long Removed From Mr. Dobbin. A tape worm 19 feet in length was removed alive, head and all, from Mr. Henry Dobbins, who is employed at the Kesler Mill, with the Globe Tape-Worm R me dy. Mr. Dobbins had been iron bled for a long time and had tried various remedies without success. This worm can be seen at the of fice of The Globe Remedy Co. un der the opera house. “Quern Quality” shoes for wo men at Reid’s. Break Them Up. Editor Sun: Let me say as a citizen of Salisbury that the gamb ling devices on our streets should be stopped and that at once. These men are evading the spirit of the law but violating its pur pose.. Let every man who sees any person- lose a peuoy at these stands issue a warrant for the arrest of th« po pre t^y. The magistrate and solicitor will ; Visitors have' been pouring in all day and thi: afternoon the entertaining capacity of the cffy is taxed to its utmost. And best of all every one is Idelighted with Imo carnival. Walter Murphy, E^q , who is manager, works indefatigibiy and is on the go from morning until night. Thus far there has been no trouble in accomodating all the visitora in the matter of board and lodging. There has been no trouble, with the exception of a few brawls. capitalists, paid 83,000,000 about in-1849 and wrhich, after an output of about 86,000,000 of gold prior to 1860, was shut down, partly because of some’ legal complica tions and partly because the veins soi^eD^-J^ run too heavy in copper, which could hot then be successfully treated at that point. BRIEF ITEMS. 78 Items of Interest-toe Short for ... a Keftd^ ■'- . 7 ■ A. B Carter is spending vai week at home. CArri- I 1 A'#' do the rest. A Salisuurian. Guess Who They Ae Two venerable members of the board of aldermen occupied promi nent seats at the Gay Paris per ¬ formance last night. They the most intent listeners incidentally onlookers) under canvass. were (and 1 the IBS. DEWEY ILL. No Merging Session of Schley Court- On Account Of It. Prominent Financer I^d- A Raleigh gentleman stated this morning that the Salisbury carni- Hart, former president of the Third Avenue Railroad and many years prominent in financial cir cles, died this morning. Pi/ \ZS Washington, D. C., Nov. 7"— The wife of Admiral Dewey is quite ill todays The Admiral found it necessary to order no morning session of the Schley court to be held so that he might remain at home with bis wife. She is suffering with a severe cold, butcher condition is not alarming. ^'rs. in?'on, Bell'd. W. Monicas! ’e.‘of Lex ; ; ■ W The bedconist who makes an as cension each day during this week was injured yesterday in his de scent. He arose on Lee street between Council and Cemetery and made a succcessful trip. When he de scended, however, he landed near the old circus ground on Fisher street and came in contact with a woodpile. He was slightly bruis ed but not seriously hurt. visiting Mrs. T. B I I -li s Jane Moore, rf Statesville, I is visiting her sister, Mrs. Kerr I Liter. j ^ L Sloop, whois connected I with a drug store at Fremont, is stfiome on a visit. Bliss Lottie Kerns, who has b^a visiting al Richfield, return ee .home this morning. To get reliable shoes, save mo- 0°* and see the big shoe, go to Ryerson & Bulfs shoe store. HORSES DOING WELL. Mr. fpm. Theo. F. Klu 1 Leave With Them cW Das s. says in his Observer corrr-,• ridence: Mr. Silas A. Compton, Col. Cody’s head co charge of the hor who has fl tn Wild West Show now at Spencer, Ax- pec^to cav' ■ tu : e ior. es for the Eight Human Bodies Shipped in Crates. Chicago, Nov. 6 —Eight human bodies were taken this evening from two crates at the freight depot of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad. They were consigned to R. J. Jones, at Brasher, Mo., and were marked as second band laundry machinery. The bodies were purchased during the day from the Harvey Medical College, of this city, and were being shipped to Missouri for Louisville, Ky., Nov. 7.—Latest returns indicate that the next general assembly will stand, sen ate 25 democrats and 13 republic cans; house 73, democrats and 26 republicans, and one independent democrat. Baltimore. -Returns from Cecil county this morning show the election of two democrats and one republican delegate, it also appears that Little, deme cr.it; is elected in the first legislative district of Baltimore. If these changes hold good the democrats will have con trol of both branches of the legis lature. New York- David B. Hill ar rived in the city this morning it is reported here to consult John P. Shehan and other anti Tam many democratic leaders to or ganize in opposition to Tammany Hall. Pittsburg—Ex-president Cleve land who makes an address on founders day exercises at Carnegie institute this afternoon, arrived in the city this morning A large crowd is waiting. Ex-presidents wife was heartily cheered. GIVES HALF MILLION. Carnegie Makes Another Handsome Contribution to Charity. winter Coates' quarters of the show at i pupose of dissection. The police Lie, Pa , within the nextj&re looking for Jones, but so far ys. All of the injured ‘have been unable to locate him. Won in a-walk” shoes for men --Ml leathers and swell styles— pr-A S $3 5Vto 85. The Bnitbbce' Worses are doing well, Mr. Comp The only charge that can be St re, . ’ says, and none will bo serious- T c i disabled, it is, ^re. Lou omrfees, woo bus’ .. .. ’ ' . vKK .-. . m . . . — - ^ returned to her homer in Miss Stones Early K ^ Indicated county this morning. horses kl!l6 “ 111 tne Wreok and 1 -y. , , the five cars smashed. This the' ^amnle. shoes are 25 per cent!.,,:!.. 1. t n -I 5 K * * j i tun0uu peopic ui v a maxi-, brought, against him is the ship- therefore, ping of bodies contrary to law. Glasgow, Nov. 7.—It is an nounced that Andrew Carnegie has agreed on certain condition, not stated to erect a technical school at Galashiels, Scotland. The school will cost 8500,000. better made and 25 per cent lower Lexington And Concord Here. Lexington and Concord are well represented at the carnival here today. Nearly 200 visitors came in from these two towns this morn ing. Lutheran Conference. The Southern Conference of the E. Lutheran Synod of North Carolina will convene at Eb z r church, 4milas from China Grove, Rev. Geo. H. Cox. D. D., pastor, on Thursday, Nov. 14. The Women’s Missionary Con- vention will afternoon. Comm union are invited. be held Saturday on Sunday. All An Ankle Sprained. Mr. Crawford Kenerly, of Zeb, sprained his ank e yesterday while stepping from his porch, able to be up today. He is John E. Ramsay & Co.—Archi tects—Phone No. 265—Room 6 Bell Block. Prof. Lippard is offering special advantages to young people who wish a thorough business educa tion. One nearly new typewriter for sale. Enquire a if National Hotel. ROSES: Pink and white roses and carnation for sale tomorrow morning at Mrs. M. 0. Linton’s, green house. luniss street Globe Tonic cures Indigestion. Samples free. Under the Opera House. Foii Sale: Ten beautiful lots on North Main st , at a bargain. Maupin Bros. Crystal and Gold. The display of crystal and gold ware in the window of Lufsey’s 5 and lOcent store is something very pretty. Bor up-to date novelties and household articles at bargain prices the above store can not be beaten. Their place is No. 116 N. Main St. val was superior to fair. Tomorrow will be and the Elks will streets, Feel in Engine Pit- Charles Crowell, the Raleigh Elks’ parade Day the a young ar prentice at the Southern shops, fell into the engine pit yesterday evening at the shops. He was badly bruised but not seriously hurt. He will be laid up for several days. Thieves Robbing Terrapin Bids. Complaint comes from Wil mington of the robbery of terra pin beds along the North Carolina coast. Diamond backs retail from 810 to 825 a dozen and this is a source of income to many fisher men. One went to his terrapin pens a few day a ago and found that 202 terrapins had been stolen. Mr. Charles Mason, of Middle Sound, has lost 300. Capt. W. A. Sanders went to a pen in which he had 352 terrapins and found only one left. The thieves arc supposed to be professionals from the North. A number of strang era have been in that section late ly. It is thought the State Sheil Fish Commission will take some steps to determine who the thieves are and prevent further depreda tions.—Raleigh Times. priced than regular goods Bru t Shoe Store. The James G Peaks died yesterday in New York of cirrhosis of the liver. He had been connected with the operatic stage for 40 years. Mrs. C. B. Miller arrived in the city last night from Albemarle and will spend several days here with Mrs. J. D Heilig Miss Hazle Bolton, of Charlotte- ville, Va., who has visited here mum of 818,000. The two engines I are a separatejosa to the railroad company of about 83,000, including both cost of repairs and loss of service. any negotia- tions are in progress, they : being conducted in New York rare not known here. Constantinople, Nov. 6.—The officials of the United States lega tion here have received news through Salonika that indicates the early release of the captives in the hands of the brigands. On Octo ber 29 Miss Stone and Madame Tsiika were both well. MILL MEN MEET, North Carolina Mill Men Will Meet — To-mopFow. - and American Co. Meets Arbuckles’ Cut. New York, Nov. 6—The Amer ican Sugar Refining Company has reduced refined sugars 10 points and who is pleasantly in Salisbury, arrived last night and will be Miss May Boyden. Mrs. M. L Brown, remembered in the city the guest of Mrs, R. A. Brown and Mrs. J. E. .McLaugh tin went to Salisbury this morning to attend the Carnival. Miss Liz zie Hemphill will join them to- night, says the Concord Standard. to meet the deduction made week by Arbuckle Bros. last Molineux’s Second Trial. New York, Oct. 7.—The public is awaiting with intense interest the Molineux decision, which is ex pected late this afternoon. The decision means a second trial for poisoning. Techinal action is sought by Molineux’s counsel. Murdered In Her Bed. Atlanta, Ga, Nov. 6.—Nora Brittain, a young white woman, was found dead in bed at a house on South Forsyth street this morn ing. A small hole in the temple, evidently made with a sharp, but rough instrument, proved that the woman had been murdered. J. J. Caroll, a news agent, running between Atlanta and Brunswick; was arrested to-night charged with the crime. Carroll denies that he was implicated in the mur der but admits that last night in an argument with the woman, he The flour mill men of North Carolina will meet in the city hall here tomorrow to form an organi zation. The meeting will be held at 2:30 o’clock tomorrow after noon. A Ship Beached. Sheerness, England, Nov. 7.— The Dutch packet Konigen Regent collided with the British warship. Prosepine, off here today. The Konigen was beached. The mail and passengers were transferred to the Proserpine. Lost Horse Found. Will Holmes, a found a horse and wo®ds near P. W. colored man, huggyin the Brown’s dis- “put a piece of coal against face, scratching it,” but that did not iniure her. her he A Box Party. Mrs. Charles Price gave a party last night at the play Wife and I.” Her guests Mrs Robert Oates and Mrs ton Liddell, of Charlotte, box “My were Vin Mrs. Robert E Gibson, of Concord, and Miss Gertrude Wood, of Statesville. For rent. Nice 4 room cottage opposite Henderson crossing. Ap ply to Mrs. J. B Bost. Jotin E. Ramsay & Co.—Archi tects-Phone No. 265-Room 6 Bell Block. Real Estate. Now is thd time to buy real estate in Salisbury and vicinity. For Bargains see Mau pin Bros at once. Cali on F. M. Watters for and winter millinery. Goods fall and prices to suit all. 116 N. Main St., up stairs. Will have Saturday the best assortment of fish that can be had, also oysters from BOcts. up. Call and see them. W. A. Brown, opposite postoffice, phone 111. Reliable and Gentle. There are pills and pills. You want a pill which is certain, thorough and gentle. Mustn’t gripe. De Witt’s Little Early Risers fill the bill. Purely vege table. Do not force but assist the bowels. James Plummer. Knitting Mill Burned Down Shelby, N. C, Nov. 6.—The Luray Kniting Mills and contents at Shelby were destroyed by fire at one o’clock this morning. C. M. Lattimer and Orlando Elm are the owners. They sustain a loss of about ton thousand dollars, par tially covered by insurance. They have polices of 82,500 each in the Southern Stock Mu tal and Under writers of Greensboro, and 81,500 in the Fireman’s of Baltimore. The origin of the fire is unknown. — Raleigh Post. Contract Given. The contract has been given for the new building of the Salisbury Steam Laundry. Capt. Propst, of Concord, has the contract. Work will begin at once. Solicitor Rush’s Children Sick. Solicitor Wiley Rush was in Salisbury last night on his way home from Statesville, where he has been attending court. He goes home before the adjournment of court on account of the sickness of two children. 'When you feel that life is hardly worth the candle take a dose of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse your stomach, tone up your liver and regulate your bowels making you feel like a new man. For sale by James Plummer, Druggist. "Have You Seen George?” Arrived by express today the largest pineapple ever seen on the market. Florida oranges, Malaga grapes and Bananas at McCulloch's. The Children’s Friend. For coughs, croup, bronchitis, grip and orber winter complaints OneMinute Cough Cure never fails. Pleasant to the taste and perfectly safe. C B. George, Winchester, Ky.: “Our littl girl was attacked with croup one night and so hoarse shec ould hardly speak. We gave her a few doses of One Minute Cough Cure. It relieved her immediately. When she awoke next morning she bad no signs of hoarseness or croup.” James Plummer. Mrs. Sheriff's Funeral. Mr. and Mrs. A. Van Pelt re turned yesterday from Enochville, where they went to. attend the funeral of Mrs. Van Pelt’s mother, Mrs. Ester Sherrill. Mrs. Sher rill’s death was due to heart dis ease, A Village Blacksmith Savod His Lit tle Son’s Life. Mr. H. H. Black, the well known village blacksmith at Gra- hamsville, Sullivan Co., N. Y., says: “Our little son, five years old, has always been subject to croup, and so bad have the at tacks been that we have feared that he would die. We have had the doctor and used many medicines, but Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is now our sole re liance. It seems to dissolve the touch mucus and by giving fre quent doses when the croupy symptoms appear we have found that the dreaded croup is cured before it gets settled.” There is no danger in giving this remedy for it contains no opium or other injurious drug and may be given as confidently to a babe as to an adult. For sale by Jas. Plummer. Crowds of Ladies Attended the exhibition given last night in the tent opposite the fountain where the Statue Turn ing to Life also the Flying Lady were to be seen. These exhibi tion*. are undoubtedly the cleanest and bestin thecity. Scientifically, wonderful. Consequently they attract the attention of the better class and anyone who misses this exhibition, they will certainly be the looser. Hoiorary Members Elected. Manich, Bavaria, Nov. 7.—The Academy of Fine Arts has elected to honorary membership Edward Austin Abbey, an American pain- er,John Singer Sargent, a portrait painter and Walter Grain, the Brit ish artist. The best prescription for Malari’ Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic. Itis sim ply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure—no pay. Price oOc. For Rent—A four-room cot tage, near residence of James C. Low. W. R. Woodson. Modern Surgery Surpassed. “While suffering from piles.” says G. F. Carter, Atlanta, Ga. “I got DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve and was entirely cured. Be ware of counterfeits. James Plummer. tillery, this morning. The horse was hitched to the buggy and so entangled in the bushes that it was extricated with considerable diffi culty. The owner of the horse and buggy will find same at the home ©f Dick Holmes, at Spencer. The Standard Oil’s Dividend. New York, Nov. 6.— The Stand ard Oil Company has declared a dividend of 88 per share, payable December 16, making 848 per share for their calendar year, which is the same amount as last year. P. A. Hartman went to Ashe ville this morning on business. You know what you are taking, when you take Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle show ing that it is simply iron and Quinine in a tasteless form, NoCure, No Pay. 50c. Thousands Sent Into Exile. Every year a large number of poor sufferers whose lungs are sore and racked with coughs are urged to go to another climate. But this is costly and not always sure. Don’t be an exile when Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption will cure you at home. It’s the most infallible medicine for Coughs Colds, and all Throat and Lung diseases on earth. The first dose 820 per month to ladies for an hour or two each day writing, can get the work at once. Prompt pay. Answer with stamp and get full particulars, address S., 411. N. Poplar st,, Charlotte, N. C brings relief. Astounding result from persistent use- bottles free at all dragouts. 50c and 81.00. Every guaranteed. cures Trial Price bottle “I have used Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and find it to be a great medicine,” says Mr. E S. Phipps, of Poteau, Ark. “It cured me of bloody flux I cannot speak too highly of it.” This remedy al ways wins the good opinion, if not praise, of those who use it. The quick cures which it effects even in the most severe cases make it a favorite everywhere. For sale by James Rummer. Don’t use silk and satin for out side decoration when Buerbaum has the largest stock of ’tissue crepe paper and flat tissue papers also all kinds of ornaments, io decorate your store, your house, your room as well as your person. Everybody wants to put on a holi day attire. Toys, well there is no end to them at Buerbaum’s. Passe Partout Bindings and rings to hang up your pictures with. Elegant Pictures, the latest sub jects, elegant frames, low prices. Buerbaum makes the frames for the plain people. Royster’s delicious candies in packages at Buerbaum’s.