1 (1. 7 '' rior collects Fine Fat Norfolk - X Oyester Every Day. H. P. MURPHY.' Effacer Cream. Th finest preparation in the world for Chapped Hands, Face or Lips. Removes Sunburn, Tan, Pimples, etc. Gents will find it the best preparation for use after shaving, razor pimples, etc. Price 15 cents. James Plummer, Druggist. t WEATHER FORECASTS Fair tonight and Sunday ; warmer. SALISBURY, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 30, 1901. VOL.. X. NO. 197 7 J V- ELKS' MEMORIAL DAY WILL BE OBSERVED TO-MORROW IN OPERA HOUSE. Rev. Dr. L. E Busby to Deliver the Address to the Elks. A National Affair.. Salisbury Lodge of Benevolent Protective Order of Elks will hold its first memorial service tomor row afternoon in the opera house at 3:30 o'clock. Rav. Dr. L. E. Bushy will de liver the memorial address and Dr. Busby's reputation as an orator is a sufficient guarantee that an address equal to the occas ion will be forthcoming. All the Elks are requested to assemble in the lodge room at 3 o'clock and they will then march in a body to the opera house. The public is cordially invited to attend this service. All over the United States me morial day will be observed by the Elks and an address will be delivered to the Elks and their( friends. . ROBBED IN 1 CELL. A man Lcses his Watch While in Lockup. the! Omcer. lorrence, who went to Concord yesterday in search of some stolen property did not find the property but got another piece of game. He arrested a Con cord man who was in the lockup here this week with a Salisburian. Both the men were white. When the Salisburian awoke be found his watch missing and immediately preferred charges against bis Ccn cord cell mate with the mult that he was arrested 3-esterday and brought up by Mr. Torrence last night. Mr. Carter Promoted Mr. A. Bycum Carter, who has been traveling the Southern States for the Textile Excelsior for the past year ha3 been promoted. He has been as-s'geed to the New Eng land and Northern States and will have this entire territory. Sir,' Carter has proven himself a capa ble man in bi3 present position and his promotion is a deserved compliment from the Excebior. Mr. Carter wiil have his head quarters in Providence, Rhode Island, and we regret to learn that most of his t me will be spent away from Salisbury. Mrs Wyatt to Charleston. Mrs. J T. Wyatt left last mght for Charleston, S. C, where she will remain until the close of the exposition. Mrs. Wyatt will serve the exposition management as in terpreter. She is an accomplished linguist. ; " - A Prosperous Paper. The Davidson Dispatch comes to us this week in a new dress. It has been enlarged to a 6 column 8 page paper and is one of the best papers in the State. Under Mr. H. B. Varner's editorship the Dispatch bus grown to its present position of usefulness. Mr. Rainey Moves Mr. W. T. Rainey has moved from his residence on Fisher street to his new residence on South Main street. Mr. Rainey moved yesterday Mr. Watts to Washington Editor A. D. , Watts, of the Statesville Mascot; was in the city last night on his way to Wash ington, where be goes as private secretary to Senator Siicmons Mr. Watts will remain in Wash ington until the adjournment of Cengress for Christmas holidaj-s. Breakfast Fco3. Mountain Buckwheat, Graham Flour, Hocker's Self Rising Bnrk wheat and Lcjrgett's Self-Rising Buckweat at Thco. Atwell's. For Sat.e A Mason and Ham lin organ; splendid instrument. This office. Fresh Oyeters Daily at R. W. Price's Market. When in need of - glasses ask your friends about Dr. Lomax. You can get glasses fitted as cheap as you can buy them. Improper fitting glasses are worthless Crys tal bifocals at prizes for n'd people. Work guaranteed. Of fice at Cornelison's Drug Store, 127 S. Main Street. i CHURCHES T0K0RR0W. Where Services Will ty Held in Salis bury Tomorrow. Usual services in! St. Johns Lutheran church tomorrow by the ; pastor. j Usual services at the Baptist church by the pastor Parrish. 1 Rev. M. E. Services will be held at St. Luke's Episcopal ch ureh tomor- row at the usual hours. Usual services' ati the First Presbyterian church to-morrow. morning and evening. Rey, H. W. Jeffcoat will preach at Haven Lutheran church tomor row morning and evening at the usual hours. ' Reformed church -The usual at the j services will be conducted Reformed church at 11 a. m . and p. in. by the pastor Catholic church H igh Mass fit 10:30 a. m. Devotion in the even- mg sermon ana benediction at 30. J j SpencerBaptist chui ch Preach- ing at 11 a. m. and at 7 y. m. by pastor C. G. Wells! j Strangers cordially invited to attend these services. The Lord's Supper will be observed by the church at the close of the morning ervice. First Methodist church, II. L Atkins, pastor Preaching at 11 a. m. by Rev. J. T. E rwin, and at 7 p. m. by Revi W. W Bays, D. D. Sunday school at 3 p. m steward a meeting for organiza tion, Monday evening at 7:30 in R. L Shaver's otfice. MR. OVERMAN'S ADVANTAGE: The-Winsten Journal SiS she has De- :e. cided Advantar Thef Winston Journal hasthe following to say regarding Hon. Lee S. Overman's candidacy for the Senate-: s "Ten newspapers in the western ) commited orial candi- part or in is tate ar vigorously to the sena dacy of Lee S O'-'ermin. We are bound. to remark that n this Mr. Overman has a decided advantage over any of bis competitors." Coming from a paper published m a city that oas two senatorial candidates this -parag isph is sig- nirieant. l Mr. Torrence at Concord! J, - . -the Salis bury force, was downjtoday look ing alter some stolen property. A Cabarrus negro named Propst stole a number of arti hpuse in Salisbury a les. from a few nights ago, and was caught last night and put in Uil. The offaperf thought i that by searching tb Propst's wife the articles could be found. Concord Trib une. A Runaway Team. i A horse hitched to a wagon load nniss. street store this of wood ran away: on near Kluttz's j drug morning. The wood was scatter ed in all directions and the wagon was partially 1 destroyed. The driver was unhurt. Last Day of Court i Today is the last 3ay of court and by nom today nearly all the countrymen who bad i lg had gone home, civil matters V&re until the next terra. peen auend- Mos': of the carried over i iWondlawn Violet aleum Pow- der. The most delicate end lasting. Price lac at Salisbut M Drug Co, Notice! Nojtice is hereby have disposed of iven that 1 my grocery business in Salisbury to Mr. Max Mofcsps, who will hereafter conduct the business. (All persons mdeb ted to me are reques - i ed to come forward and settle at once, as my connection with the business is sev ered from this date. Nov. 25th 1901. M illiamToiser. John E. Ramsay S Co. Archi- tfetfc- Phone Boll Block. No. 2K5 Room 6 Opening of Wmter Tourist Season. Ihe Southern Itailway, which operates its own li les over the entire South and forrns the im portant link in the reat highway of travel between the North aud South, Florida, Cuba, Mexico, the Pucitic Coatt and Central America announces for the w and 1902 the most fupprb service ever offered, i Its sp endid regular -ervice will be augmented by the Southern Palm Limi led, a magnifi- cent Pullman) train. which will be operated between N ew xork and St. Augustine, Floruda ANOTHER SHOOTIHG. A GOLD HILL NEGRO SHOT THREE TIMES. I- All the Bullets Entered his Stomach and he is Expected to die- Assail ant Escapes. J William Billinger, colored, was probably fatally shot at Gold Hill yesterday by Mack Ingram, also colored. Both the men were em ployes of the Union. Copper mine. Ingram had just come off a shift when he went to a point near where Billinger was standing and began to curse another negro. Billinger remonstrated with him and words passed between them. when Ingram drew a pistol and shot Billinger three times, the bul lets taiing effect in the stomach. Ingram immediately Aid and has not been apprehended. The wounded man was given medical attention by Dr. C. B. McJNairy, the resident physician of the Union, but it is not believed he can live. FIRE AT GOLD HILL. A Building Near the Power House Burned this Morning. A fire occurred at the Union Uopper Mine this morning in which the changing room of the company was destroyed. The room was situated close to the power house and it I required heroic wark to save it.' The building destroyed wa3 .used by the miners, as a store room in which to keep their change" of ap parel and all the apparel in the building was destroyed with the building. .;' The cause of tht fire is un known. Dr. Senne's Friend Dtad Dr. Ernest Senne received yes terday a copy , of the Brooklyn Eaglo in which he read so account of the death of his family'physir cin ,aiM -pcrsonal f riend, Dr. Hart. Dr. Hart bought from Buffalo Bill's show the horse for merly ridden by May Oakley and was riding this horse' when he was thrown and killed. Mr. Pdtlr Dead- Mr. General Peeler died Thura day night after a protracted ill ness at his home about 3 miles east of Salisbury. He will be buried at Union church Sunday morning. He leaves a wife and one child. ; Salisbury the Best Market. A gentleman who lives in Rowan near the Iredell line but who is slightly nearer Statesville j than Salisbury, was in the city yester day for the first time in nearly two years. He has been doing his buying in Statesville but conclud ed that Salisbury was by far the cheapest market and made his fall purchases here. ; ; Mr. Murphy to Winston. -; Walter Murphy, Esq. leaves to night for Winston, where he de livers the memorial address to morrow to tbe Elk lodge. I Mr. Murphy is very rrracb in demand now as an Elk speaker. Special tale of Silks and ribbon at Keid's. ; ; 1 25c Globe only. gets the $1.00 bottle of Tonic for a short time Fob Rent. New 6-room house corner Council and Shaver streets. J. O. White. John E. Ramsay & Co. Archi tects Phone No. 265 Room 6 Bell Block. For Sale Uniform Rank K. of P. uniform and sword. Good as new. lhis office. t It Dazzles the World. No Discovery in medicine has ever created one quarter 01 tne excitement that has been caused by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It's 'severest tests have ; been on .hopeless victims of Consumption, Pneumonia, Hem orrhage, Plurisy and Bronchitis, thousands of whom it has restored to perfect health. For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hay Fever, Hoarseness and Whooping Cough it is the quickest, surest cure in the world. It is sold by all drug gist who guarantee satisfaction or refund money. Large bottles 50c and $1.00.- Trial bottles free. COIILEY IS GUILTY. THE JURY BROUGHT IN A VERDICT THIS MORNING. After Deliberation They Find Conley Guilty of Murder in the First De gree. Will Appeal. Arch Conley, the slayer of Gu? Davis, was convicted of murder in the first degree this mornirg after the Jfiry bad deliberated for for half an hour. The hearing of testimony was concluded yester day afternoon before court ad journed and Judge Coble took under advisement whether or not he would charge the jury that the testimony was not sufficiently strong to convict of murder in tbe first degree. Counsel for both the State and defense agreed to make no speeches and counsel for the defense submitted to murder in ho second degree. When court convened this morn ing Judge Coble charged the jury, stating t them clearly "''and ex plicitly what their duties were under certain conditions. Immediately after the jury had returned its verdict counsel for the defense asked that the verdict be set aside as not being justified by tbe testimony. Walter Murphy, Esq , tbe only lawyer for the State in court, made an earnest appeal to the judge to sustain the jury. Judge Coble announced that he would take the matter under ad visement and would announce his decision when court convened af ter the noon recess. The verdict has been received with general satisfaction and the popular opinion is that justice has been done in Conley 's conviction. SENTENCED TO HANG . ' At 2:45 o'clock this afternoon Judge Coble ref used to grant Con ley a new trial and sentenced him to be hanged on Thursday, Febru ary zutn. Conley , was unmoved when sentence was prouounced. TWO MANNING WEDDINGS. The Wedding Bells Ring iu That Vi cinity this Week- Correspondence Sun. " Manning, N. C, Nov. 30. Once again as winter approaches the wedding bells ring out. On last Wednesday evening at 7 p. m. Mr. Ross Shuping and Miss Jennie Alexander were married at the parsonage by Rav. H. A. Trexler; also on Thanksgiving day, at the above named place at 3 p. m., Mr. David Huffman and Miss Laura Lyince, were bound in bonds of wee'lock, Mies Lucy Lentz playing the marches. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Sifford, of Mount Pleasant, spent last Thurs day and Friday at home with quite a number of friends and relatives, after wh'ch they returned to their home in Mt. Pieasant., It is reported that Rev. Trex ler has several more $5 jobs on hand before the winter is over. " Mr. and Mrs. ; Hunnicut and Miss Lucy 'Lentz, of Cabarrus, were visiting friends at Manning this week. f Congressman Kluttz Leaves. Hon. Theo. F. Kluttz has left for Washington to. be pres ent at the opening of Congress Monday morning. T. C. Linn, Esq., Mr. Kluttz's secretary, will go to Washington next week. For Rekt! A nice two-story house in East Salisbury. Apply to D. R. Julian. $1.00 gets 4 regular one dollar size bottles of Globe Tonic while advertising. Reliable and Gentle. There are pills and pills. You want- a pill which is certain, thorough and gentle. Mustn't gripe. De Witt's Little Early Risers fill the bill. Purely vege table. Do not force but assist the bowels. James Plummer. Special sale of Silks and ribbon at Reid's. A Physician Tostifies. 'I have taken Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and never used anything that did me the good that did," says County Physician Geo. W. Scroggs, Hall County, Ga. "As a physician I have prescribed it with the best results." If food remains undigested in your stom ach it decays. To prevent this by dieting means starvation. Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. You need suffer neither dyspepsia nor starvation. James Plummer, , A PRETTY WEDDING THE HOUCK-SLOAN WEDDING . MILL BRIDGE. a ss Mary Houck and Mr. J. Cowan Sloan Married at Thyratira Church 1 hankgivir g Day. J (C'orrespondrnce Sun.) i , 1 1 i t Mill Budge, N. C, Nov. 29. The mo?t basutiful marriage ever soiemnizad in our village church was celebrated last evening when Mr. J. Cowan Sloan and Miss Mny Houck took upon them the :!4cred vowstbat made them man and wife. The church had, been leautifully decorated with varie gated chrysanthemums arranged in a magniSc3nt arched bank be fore tbe pulpit. The groom came in with his brother, Mr. S. Ei Sloan, of Concord, and took a seat near the altar. Then, as the organ, presided over by Miss Laura Goodman, poured forth the stirring melody of Mendelssohn, the bride beautifully and becom ingly attired in a suit of gray broadcloth with chiffon front, came up the other aisle on the arm oi her brother, Mr. G. F. Houck, and met the groom at the altar where in the presence of a large assembly of friends, the beautiful Presbyterian form of marriage was very impressively rendered by the pastor, Rtv. J. A. Gilmer. Then followed a recep tion at the manse, given by Mrs. Gilmer to, the special friends of the couple, and the most delicious refreshments were served. ' . - , Mr. Sloan is in the emr'oyjhent of Day vault Bros.', of Coalord and the place that he holds in. their esteem was proven by the presence of the whole store force of sixteen employers and clerks, and by the beautiful decorated china dinner set presented tothe bride. Miss Ilouck is the youngest daughter of the late Col. W. A. Houck, and deserves the love and esteem expressed, to some degree, presents sent in by her friends and neighbors. NOTES OF THE WEDDING. Mis3 Maud Phifer, of Morgan ton, a student of Statesville Female College, is spending her Thanks giving holidays here with her annt Mrs. Gilmer. Misses Addie Patterson, Lizzie Kincaid, and Dora Hicks were among the party, that drove up from Concord for the marriage of their fellow clerk last evening. Messrs. I C. Griffin, W. A. Goodman and J. C. Fontz,of Salis bury 4 were also among the guests last night. Mr. Gentry Quarter Back Mr. Fenton Gentry, tVo young son of Mr. J. C. Gentry, isquarter back on the Guilford College Junior foot ball team, which plas at High Point today. Going To Washington. A number of Tennessee repre sentatives passed through Salis bury this morning on their way to Washington to attend the ses sion of congress that opens Mon day, j, - Sachet Powders. The completest line in Salisbury at. Salisbury Drug Co. Dr. W. H. Wakefield, of Char lotte, N. C , will be in Salisbury at Mt. Vernon Hotel on h riday, Dec. 13th, for one day only; His practice is limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. If your turkey did not agree with you, use Globe Tonic for the utomach. Globe Tonic cures sick headache and stomach troubles. Samples free or the $1 bottle for 25c under the opera house. Fob Rent: A 7-room house on Railroad st., near Henderson crossing. P. D. Roueche. The best prescription for Malari' Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chtll, Tonic. It is sim ply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. . Price 50c. I Wood! If you want your wood cut call on Ludwick & Black, at once. "Winter Homes in Summer Lands." I The above is the title of an at tractive booklet just issued by the Passenger Department of tne Southern Railway. Tt is beauti fulty illustrated and fully describes the winter resorts of the boutn. A copy may be secured by send ing a two cent stamp to S. H. Hard wick, G. P. A , Washington, D. C. I MRS. GENTRY ENTERTAINS. A Thanks giving Party Given by Mrf J. C Gentry. Mtf. J. L. Gentry entertained s few friends on Thanksgiving day at her home on Fulton street, the i . - . guesis having been invited meet Mrs. Gentry's mother, Mrs. M L. Thornton. . Mrs. tjentry graciously enter tained the nve invited guests and the occasion was one of fare pleasure ahd congeniality. ; Those present were: Mrs. S. S Cole, Mrs. S. H. Wiley, Mrs. T. B. BealJ, Mrs. W. G. Watson, Mrs. Flora Keith. FAIR SUNDAY. The Weather Forecast is Fair To- night and Sunday. Washmgton, D. C, Nov. 30. Tbe weather forecast for . North Carolina. for the ensuing 24 hours U: Fair tonight and Sunday with variable winds. Miss Bickert in Raleigh. The News and Observer says: Miss Gussie Dickert arrived in the city yesterday and qualified as administrator of the estate of ClaudeA. Dickert,tbe engineer who was killed in the Seaboard wreck near Monroe. The deceased had 2,500 in the bank here. The Solicitor Back Solicitor Wiley Rush arrived in Salisbury last night from High oint- Mr Rush by a combina- lon (i untoward circumstances misse.i ills train 3 esterday morn ing and nasi unable to reach Salis bury until last r :srht. ' Mr- Rush heard un interesUug story about a dog and a -rabbit at High Point and hasben edifying his mends today by repeating it. . Concert at Mooresville. Misses Elizabeth and Grace Crocker arrived in the city last city. They left today for Moores . vine, where they win give a con cert tonight ' -These ladies are giving a very pleading concert. They wiil go to Albemarle next week. . - Index to Today's Advertisements.' Rowan Hardware Co., adver- Uses guns at cost. , G. T. Mowery has just received a lot of fresh goods. Wm. Teiser has sold his grocery business to Max Moses. . See notice on 3rd page. F. Bloomer, of Gold Hill, has a notice in today's issue that will interest investors. ' Cha. Scarratt, "The Fair," has a change today. j . ' Mrs. L. Fink, "the Ladies Ba zaar," has a new ad today. See J. H- Reid's change of ad today. J. L. Anderson & Co., adver tise the Hamilton Brown's shoe today. . . ' . ' Fish and Ousters. I am now receiving daily, all kinds of fish and oysters. Leave your orders with me if you want the best. Phone 111. W. A. Brown. Reliability and Cheapness. Both found in prescriptions put up by Salisbury Drug Co. , ' Potatoes! 1 Ask your grocer for J. T. Bar ringer's sweet - potatoes.'- They are perfectly sound none frost bitten or damaged. Ask for Bar ringer's acd get the best. Notice! We are preparing a list of all properties in our hands fo? sale and will get it out in pham plet form for distribution among northern people who are seeking southern homes. Any one who has city or farm lands for sale will please enlist it with us in the next ten days. We will sell it. Maupin Bros. Real Estate agents. Strikes a Rich Find, "I was troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and nerv ous debility," writes F. J. Green, of Lancaster, N. H., "No remedy helped me until I began using Electric Bitters, which did me more good than ail the medicines 1 ever used. They have also kept my . wife in excellent health for years. She says Electric Bitters are. just splendid for female troub les; that they are a grand tonic and' invigorator for weak, run down women. No other medicine can take its . place in our family." Try them. Only SOc. Satisfaction guaranteed by all druggist. BRIEF ITEMS. News Items cf Interest too Short for a Head. Globe Tonic cures Indigestion. C. A. Overman came in last night from Statesville. F. B. Arendell went to Wades boro last night on business. : ' Dr. C. D. Mclver, cf Greens boro, was in the city last night. C. B. Webb, of Statesville, spent Friday in the city vn buii ncss. , J. M. Monroe and Mrs. T. D. Roseman returned last night from Cleveland. Mrs. F L. Rohbins returned last night frcm Concord, where she has been, visiting. H. J. Overman, Esq. returned last night fr.m Raleigh, where he has been on legal business, i It was G. W. Kenerley instead of C. W. Kenerly who made the record on cotton noted in the Sun this week. f Economy in shoe buying is here revealed in some of brightest and most interesting phases. The Burt'Shoe Store. ' Up to the minute, are the "Monarch Pats," the guaranteed patent leather shoo sold by Peterson & Rulfs. R. J. Hart, who has been located at a distillery in Morgan township as storekeeper and gauger. has been transferred to Gold Hill. Col. W. H. Ballew, iv former Salisburian who is so pleasantly remembered here, arrived in the city last night from Charlotte. 4.00, $5.00 and $6 00 the pair, procure some exclusive styles in men's fine shoes, the like of which you seldom see in Salisbury. The Burt Shoe Store. Mrs. E. A Cooper and daugh ter, Georgia, left this morning for LouisbiiriZ. after a visit to her daughter, M rs. J. V. JWrinirer, Jr. They have made many fritmds here, who regret their departure. COPPER FIRM. After Yesterday's Attack on it it mains Firm. Re LondoD, Nov. 30. Copper is firm at yesterday's prices. There has been no further attack. ' Rev. Barrett at Statesville. The Statesville Landmark says: Rev. R. G. Barrett was iu town Wednesday looking after his busi ness anairs here. Mr. 15a r ret t was returned to Salisbury by the Conference, to the same charge he had the past year. Mr. Barrett is famous as a church builder among his people and he was sent to Salis bury to build a new Methodist church, which he did. By the end of next year, wheu Mr. Bar rett has things in ship-shape in Salisbury, it will be just like the Conference to tend him to another field to build up a waste place, for he is a success in that line. At Winstn-Salem Wednesday morning while Ogburn Madren was attempting to step on the pilot of the shifting engine in tbe "Southern Railway yard, in some way, his foot slipped causing him to fall. His right leg was badly crushed, necessitating amputation just below the knee. Mr. Madren is a young man and was married only a few weeks ago. Vienna Bakery, Fresh bread and cakes daily. Rye bread a spe cialty. Rye bread today. 121 W. Fisher st. Havo you tried Globe Tonic? Ask your friend about it. "I fit&Ye used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhooa Remedy and find it to be a greht medicine," says Mr. E S. Phipps, of Poteau, Ark. "It cured me of bloody flux I cannot speak too highly of it." This remedy al ways wins the good opinion, if not praise, of those who use it. The quick cures which it effects even in the most severe cases make it a favorite everywhere. For sale by James Pummer. Blown to Atoms. The old idea that the body some times needs a powerful, drastic, purgative pill has been exploded; for Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are perfectly harmless, gently stimulate liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter, cleanse the system and absolutely cure constipation and sick headache. Only 25c at all druggist. THE CAUCUSES 0EET. SPEAKER HENDERSON HAS NO 0P FOSHffl FOR RENOHlJIATIOn. Moody, of Massachusetts, Will Wave the Bloody Shirt in the Republican Caucus This Afternoon. Washington, Nov. 30.V'Let well enough alone" is the watch word today of the party caucuses. There is no opposition to the re nomination of Senator Henderson. A discussion over the rules was the principal business. Out of respect to the memory of McKin Iey the message of the President will not go to Congress until Tues day. Most of the Congressmen arrived today. The caucus this afternoon will be attended by Democrats. They mettoday. Their first session was short, every thing having been agreed upon in advance.- In the Republican caucus this afternoon Moody, Republi can, 01 Massachusetts, will call attention to suffrage conditions in the Sout'h. He will contend that the subject is meritorious and deserves most serious consider-, tion. Iiiness Wants Divorce. New York, Nov. 30. Frederick Mell Inness, the famous bandmast er and owner of Inness' band, be gan suit for absolute divorce against his wife,Georgie F. Inness this morning. James J. Corbett, the pugilist, is chief co-respon dent. Other names are Howard Flannigan, an editor of Nashville, Ernest H. Cowhurst, sporting editor, of Philadelphia, and Wy- bert Phillips. , . The Missing Girl. Elizabeth City, N." C, Nov. 29. -Chief of Police Dawson today received a telegram dated Goose Nest, asking for a description of Miss Nellie Cropsey, stating that a man and girl were traveling about that community in a sus picious manner, having arrived at Hamilton, N. C, Monday last by boat. Chief Dawson immediately wired a description of the missing girl- Diligent dredging of the river has revealed nothing. As a last resort the authorities will bring dynamite to their aid to try to raise the body. - President Sses Football Game. Philadelphia, Nov. 30. Presi dent Roosevelt, Dewey, Long, Miles and other notables from here will attend the Annapolis football game this afternoon. The weather is perfect. A Submarine Boat. Paris, Nov. 30. M. Goubet, the submarine boat inventor, is building a craft to carry two hun dred passengers. It is planned to cross the English channel in half an hour without causing Bea sick ness. PostcfSce Blown Open Spencer, Mass., Nov. 30. Bur- glars blew open and looted the post office safe here this morning. Fine celery for sale. Mrs. John Whitehead. Wanted A few boarders at nice, quiet, home-like place; fresh milk and butter. Nice rooms and good board; five minutes from fountain; terms reasonable. No. 23 Inniss st. Found, on railroad track, 2 fine black hogs. Will weigh over 200 lbs. Hogs can be had by calling on Henry Phillips in Brooklyn. House across bridge on Bank st. Cape sale at Tbe Fair this week, at nearlyhalf price. See ad. Ciias Scarratt. Anyone desiring Short hand or Typwriting of any kind done will be glad to have them call on T. G. Barber, 111 W. Inniss st. Of fice Hours 7 p m. to 12 p. m. Residence phone 126. Office phone 217. To remove a troublesome corn or bunion: First soak the corn or bunion in warm water to soften it, then pare it down as closely.-as possible without drawiDg- blood and apply" Chamberlain's Pain Balm twice daily; rubbing vigor ously for five minutes at each ap plication. A corn plaster should be worn for a few days, to protect it from the shoe. As a general liniment for sprains, bruises, lame ness and rheumatism, Pain Balm is unequaled. For sale by James Plummer.

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