SJJJSBURY DAILY SUN. (DAILY 1BXCKPT 8TJHDAT.) JOB X. KOUECHE. 1 CLINT. K. BROWN, f ' TOTtr. ntrd at poatofflc Mcond-claM matter. FROM THE TELEGRAPH. The steamer Mi from New 6rleantf yesterday with l,l0O horses.' The American fcd remains rates dd1t to the oublisheri worked wonders for her health." Office Ter Burt'e shoe store. on Helnitreet. . ; , . I ' , Thev alwavs do. Try them. Only BUB80KIPTION BATES I One Tear, ilx Months. Three - -One Month, -One Week, journed. 1 The Fifth Aven $4.00 8.00 MS City, Pa., was bufned. .10 ellvered by Carriers to an j part of the city without extra cost. -alisbuey, N. C, Dec. 14, 1901. jured. William Allen THE COUNTY REPORT. Tho Sun publishes today the re port of the county commissioners wife's honor. An Old Soldier's Experience. M. M. Austin, a civil war vete waukee cleared ran, of Winchester, Ind., writes for Cape Town My wife was sick a long time m uib Tl M (if Federation spite of good doctor's treatment but was wholly cured by ur. of Kiner's New ' Life Pills, which Dry oods and Salisbuirv, ST. fl oesn G . 6SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS3S3SSSSSSSSSS he Hotel at Ford Jon't One man Carry owls to Athens, or coals I i . '1 i i- XT l U.- : -n 4hn HcoH was Kiueaiana .several oaaiy in- io newrasuo uwr" -v . i;i,r . J o . nr mnv n? at a liveiv rate nere. tjuar ici ui oauut viauo iui i - o - ; toys and Christmas presents. You J .... Li il! - i kas hanged at are sure to do the right thing if Have ana nave wnai l aovcniw, uul uxiSxx & First-class goods a bed rock prices keep things T onl v advertise what 1 quick w - -I 1 IS V 1 1 L 1 Uniontown,Pa.,fpr killing Hiram you call on rmeroauu, oe . -. u . nfnpnnlpmisa thpm Everv one of the IO dozen McMillan, who was defending his eyerytmng-neeaea io maw u. au; w. T 1. "- - I k. . T , J The steamship from Newport N rttml with a rra with reference to the expenditures . for the "poor f und."Much reading i . Ine grand luryl matter is unavoidably crowded out iQdictmen on account of the space consumed ficialjJ wno participated by this report. All the-most impor- November electioh. tant telegraphic news of the day The Norfolk arid Western Rail - . i . t i child nappy, to make tne poy ump . . Jc' 1t eek are ?one and ior joy anu io maae me b uwu i - o . beat quicker, ervthinsr. do i if Buerbaum eays it is eooa quan- Au' oo niatnmrra Vinme with Santa Claus does not couiiici& cvciy iai w will be found on the fourth pages, however. first and w comnaav has a V 1 with the Roanoke for 1,250 freight We thought we had bugs At Galveston, enough in this country, but the Alphonse j Levy, U. S. Government is paying a customs inspector, buzolosrist $6,000 a year to hunt beine run oved up more in the Philippines. train. j - The Bank of S Andrew Carnegie and ivirs. robbed last niffhti tears. Tex,, yesterday, and permanently cured it,--We al- i United States ways keep it in the house to pro- oausuu,v hvltectour children from iroup anu J 1 1 r.nrrK ; It rnroi Leland Stanford head the list of f 500 an(j $4 000 royal givers. Andrew has given h,jew open the to libraries, schools, Ac, about Ulyceriae.i $:0,000,000, while Mrs. Jstanrora has given f 30,000,000 to the Stan ford University. Hon. Burke Cockran says President Roosevelt could stop the Boer war by raising his finger. "R.-.t hnw cnnld President "Roose- 1 Me-"w finorr to do that. Kas visited by when we are playing the same early yesterd : 4k. Tv,;i;inM that the caused the loss intuia 111 ""M'f 1 , 1 Rritiah are in the Transvaal? Property loss ofi asks the Wilmington Star. $30,000 The largest df tv. it is so. 81UU UUC1 uauui iiuiu luaiviut Fv I. , . ... r 1. - , r . 1 i hannw npflns ann ntti 1 1 1 1 1 s- ihlcs. t xT.nii, ture irames ior ine peopie. ""f f s against 13 of- in the placed an order Machine Works ' Tot Causes Night Alarm One night my brother's baby . 1 was taKen wim croup, , wrno Mrs. J. C. Sni.ler, of Crittenden, Ky., "it seemed it would strangle . w Q j shall sell themforlOC l . . n Ami rt rk s rr r hi i i ' - - no Dozen of Ladies and Misses Black Ribbed before we could eet a doctor, so we gave it Dr. King's New Dis- This is the bie:eest barsrain in hosery , covery, wmch- gave quicK renei r . - - ever in was killed by, a m . 1 mm 11 1 11 1 1 MLii: vyuu railroad 1 . 1 k;i nV,iQ ihi I . ' ... - ... . no other rernSy 5oc French flannels in stripes ana sona- colors 50c aDU I Oyi' pel y CXL vi. wuiuv. in 01m w y me Beginning Thursday morning I will sell my entire Colds, nro-iss Kv was iniaui0i0 ll,r "Ji113' urglssS, ivy., wHHi . ' . -m I LULUat aUU UU U ,a.wutaw of between W,- i m-: Trial bottles free at all 1 i. 1 by robbers wno druggist. fcafe with nitro- The latest information from the abducted missionary, Miss Stone, is that her condition has been made more comfortable. The bri gands refuse to reduce the ransom demanded. i The little towfl of Graham,1 Va,, a Hioautrons looming, Which Uf one life and a from $25,000 to ck farm in Vir- tw. ... : nr.nAo I la that, nf Mr." sr H. Hans- 'a f- w"i a n 1 11 1 1 111 i.n ill I lt I 11 I cm n.vm iimww v - i t,:u ot,,i Oh-rr i,..lh -Winchester, whence vef , baldpSon DaS beefl paid i,- 80,000 pounds of ducks have been 797 and expects $10,000 more shipped so far th when the Maria leresa case is set- At Lima, S. d mer, shot and ki his sister-in-law. mother-in-law an used lhe last tied, and Capt. Chadwick,: of the New York, has received $14,026, 08, and will get $4,321.50 mere Neither of these men were present when the Spanith fleet was -def-troyed. Cook will get $2,190.32, Clark $1,9S9 06. Wainwright $436 68. Watson $18.35, Schley $3,334. The e men destroyed the fleet. Dewey, who did more than all. s'ot $9,570. about one third ta , 0 r, .1 "To thee I do consign LUUL-u ua Oiuipsuu. jlu piiz.w o, bailshnotmy nam money goes in proportion tn hgi ward Hnllis, a young hat dram- led his wife and I He fired at hi- t of hia ann am uwu HUV Hullot on himself. He is expected to die. EE MEM BEE! By Ui L. V. my memory , fe from off thy 11ds -opnn iny s; cps lally grow a genfflp, dear companion. And hold sweet coiiveise wltb thee, of tl e dead. I fear me I may some time fade from thee, the I Lest' when thy heart bpelleth tiray-stokd I It money circulation of the United That I may bide bo Ioniser thy memory. Staffs at nrPKPnt ia Inro-Ar than it u' keeP my Place ln forever green, 1 I 11 hnnr wit h the ImnliMnllu. nt K 1 - e i- . I " T .u,,.. ever whs ueiure. ACCOruinff IO a That sweet aDidlue in thine Inner heart I long for, mora than sculptured monument Or proudest pomp amobg the tombs of kings Kememoet" Money in Circulation It is worthy of note that is year. i yesterday, E1- FOR WEAK STOMACH DISORDERED LIVER COristipatioh and Malar?; IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Nothing so quick to take effect as UiiiALn SfiOLLSt They Strenethen the Stomach. Stimulate tl . 1 - . conMlual (HI. null i vrt r. vj fc- I V' km riBH SVSTKM. A uew and nerfect sutai tute for Liver pills aud Cathartics. Nooe t (lood, and None so Cheap. THB JOHNSON LABORATORIES, Inc.. PhiU All druggists refund the money if it fails to cut Rnld by J. W. Cornelison & Oo. EXECUTRIX , NOTICE to Creditors. Having qualified as executrix of the estate of lhe late Cora M. Solomao, this is intended to notify all persons holding claims agiiost said estate t present to me for payment on or be fore the 9t,h day of December, 1902, or tais notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Parties owiDg said estate will please make immediate "payment tj the undersigned. JUOUCHOWFLL, executrix of Cora M Soloman L EL Clement, Att'y. Dated this 9th day of Dec, 1901. are picked over; also a few embroidered waist patterns, were $2.50, to close out at 01.95 per pattern. V That last lot of Ladie's Jackets are perfect beauties and every one of them must be sold before Christmas. i They are priced to sell. 8 n THE Burt M A Matchless Store With Matchless Prices Our Low Price Is The Entering Wedge, Our High Quality Holds The Trade C5? r . . 1 . 11 n " 11 : a Your thoughtfuiness and'good taste will be em phasized by giving something f" we jll as beaut -ful. Here are some cinRtinn bv which you may protit 1 1 The nobb'est cieaiions ot tasmonaoie footwear are founa here in practically an SHOES. endless variety. Ol inriCDO For Men,.Women ana uiiuum., ... oLIPrtnOi Felt, Satins and KidsMany Styles. RUBBERS. i- For Ladies Felt Lined Storms, Plain Storms, High Cloth Tops, button and boots. . RUBBERS. For Men Felt Lined Storms, Plain Storms, buckle arctics, Felt Lined and Woolen Lined; boots heavy and light weight. 1 ' ' niinnrnO For Children- From sizes to tit the Lambswool Soles, &c. oo ' Burt C) (A C) :( C) ft C) (') ft C) (': I) ft i: ;) ft THE 111 N- Main Street, (. . v Shoe .Stor9 - - Salisbury; N. C. ) WIffil? fl 1 1? I? W 1 Am la l!i li!J if K D ique t, W. S. document just Feat out by the Treasury Department the -'per capita" circulation on July 1, 1901, was $27 98, or over $Q more than in 1896. Our stock of money in circulation is $2,175,387,277 for a population estimated at 77,754,000. Tne coin, including bullion, inth Treasury aggregates $t, 734,861, 774. which sum, with $748,285- 518 of United States note9 and bank notes, makes a grand total of I $2,483,147,292. Mr. and Mrs. Zicheus Gaski", Dresbach, Minn., have ten chil dren and five of them possess twelve fingers and as many toes. It is equally curious that every alternate child in point of age hat u oiu uugei, luose wno are noil.. , I blessed in that direction having Ilihment of hp.ptal. six toes and only the normal num ber of fingers. No one can reasonably hope fot ood health uni ess his bowel move once each c ay. When tbi is not attended to disorders of tb stomach arise, b liousness, he? iche, dyspepsia a id piles soon fol low. If yon wisl to avoid the? iil merits keep you r bowej3'regul by taking Chamberlain's Stomac nd Liver Tablets when require' They are so easy o take and mif ind gentle in effedt. For sale b James Plummer. j Abraham Slimmer; of Waverly, Ia , has given hi pandsome hotr and surrounding grounds of ttn cres to the Sisterb of Mercy, oi Dubuque, to be used for the estab If you would have an appetitt like a bear and a relieh for youi. 1 A t All ill 4 --.' How to Cnre CrftTin. meais laaenamDeriain's &tomacrt 0 ... and Liver TabletsJ ; They scorrec v. lirav, who lives near ,i;,o h k.-i. j . - ' j "o"i uoi o vi wutJ oiyuiw;u null reft- Amenia, Duchess county, N. Y., ulate the liver and bowels. Price, Bay: "Chamberlain's Cough 2 cents. Samples free at Jas. Mr. best medicine I riummers drug store. It is a fine child- Remedy is the hare ever used. ren's remedy for croup and never Globe Barber Shop. iau loare'....rhen giren as To my friends add the public a oon hs me cnua oecomes i Doarse iarge: j have fitted up a handsome Y lUD iwuFJr uuuu and new tonsorial pkrlor onCounci V" pevene ine street, where I wodld begladtosee o.. u..uuuiu w uoruti lu you. blrst i class mma ana a Douie or tne Uougn tendance. xtemeuy Kept at hand reaoy for J teed instant use as soon as these symp toms appear. Plummer. READ! READ! READ! I had been a great sufferer for 7 years, have been to several hospitals; have tried several of our best physici ans hui found no relief until 1 tried he Q laker Bath Cabinet, where J Salisbury, li. C , Nov. 15th, 1901. H ve you Rheumatism Catarrh Kidney trouble, Eczema, Skin disease Do you value a f mooth soft skin, rich pure blood, a clear complexion? Buy i ne y aaser faotnet. bold by U Plyler, Salisbury, N. C. The Ladies Dress Parlor In Opera House, - - Salisbury, N. C. COOKING and HEATING GAS SI. 40 NET. Always a Leader. Yankee Doodle is his name He likes the bet of eating Ha uses gas in every way , Fr Cooking anl for heating.1 Call and see the gag stoves and gas heating appliances. S&Iishrj las & Electric Light Cosp&nj, 11 Inniss street. 5 barbers in at Satisfaction euaran W. W. Pool, Pron. For sale by James Special sale of Silks and ribbon at lieid's. j Saved Hi Life. 4'I feel I owe my life to Kodol Dyspepsia Cure," writes H. C. Chre3trnson, Hayfieid, Minn Of Benefit to Ton. D. S. Mitchell, "During a long F"or thrfl vpara f hurl A troubled with bed iores.. tried De- . . . . . 1 J w; u i o V , so oaa mat i could bold nothing nas on my stomach. Finally I was con fined to my bed. Doctors said I could not live. I read your adver tisement on Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and tnonght it nt my case and commenced its use. I began to improve from the farst bottle. Now SavFe and was cured.'7 Cures piles, sores, and burns. BeWare o James Pummer. Fulford, Md.: I ' "w ' . illness l was counterfeits. -J - The Best Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened Pain Balm and I am cured and recommend it to with Chamberlain's all." .lames Plummer. mouna to ine anecteu parts is su- --' perior to any plaster. When Health and Beauty.- troubled with lame back or pains iroor complexion is usuauy tne in tne side or ct.eptjgive it a trial resqlt of torpid liver or irregulari- and you are certain to , be more ty of the bowels. De Witf s Little than pleased with the prompt re iiAriy risers stimulate tne liver, fier wnicn it unordsL Promote regular, action of the bo wells. Never distress. Janes Plummer, elso cures rheumatism. plication gives relief. by James Plummer. Pain Balm One 1 ap For aale A Big Reduction .... Skirts and Hats. In order to close my make room for a large stock coming in. I will close these lines out at a reduction of 20 G. T. (WERY. Mixed Sweet and Sour Pickles. Cheese and Macaroni, Currant-. Citron, Seeded Raisins, Nuts, Fi Sweet Chocolate. A nice line of fresh Candies. - Yours to serve, . G. T. MOWERY, No. 121 Fisher st. Phone 10? O . Hi uu Iff iff I 1 iLjL. iL-ia r- II ! Li j ! ? Christmas will soon be here. It is always diff: cult to realize the rapid approach ol tftis great gitt-givi holiday of the year. As X mas comes nearer more anc . . ..... . i mnrt ro-rip. whn havp nnt on until tnen to select tnei I a 111 C ,4 4-V. rt lAn-wrc ttra orAiirnpr' presents win iiiiu. iciol uao i. w i... - . . . t -w r .1 r agreeable shopping is almost impossiDie. vve tnereior nro-p thp earlvhuvin? of Xmas oresents and nrices ar j j o - the lowest. 1 C I ON KAJN COATS; Close fitting back.' A Christmas Staple is our First Pattent flour. When you use this in our baking you are sure to liave the bes-t re suits. It's the best flour for every kind n f pabn nnrl tioctr aa u,c.l per cent. , everything as for bread, and it comes fr m ine oven in any snape oi baairg with a flavor and a wholesouienets that are not-found in any other Hour. make charminp" a maernificent gifts. We Jiave stock of beautifully decorated parlor lamps to be sold this week at a sacrifice. , Positively every lamp must be sold and we have them worth from 98c to $10.00. in these two lines in cluded in this reduction. -"-' ;' Miss Lena K. Meroney. Brown Shoe Co., Are receiving' today another big ship, ment of up-to-date shoes. We are offering(;bet ter values in shoes than ever. The 'Girl Graduate' Shoe for ladies is the best $2.00 shoe on earth for the money.- Come and see us; We will save you! money. Salisbury Boiler Kill Co. - ron mm akd wmmi FRESH OYSTERS To serve at all times. : Give me i call. Respectfully, Bruner Julian. CANDY KITCHEN. 1 have moved mv candv Rtorft' npTi to the First Nat iooa1 Bank and I wi) endeavor to carry a fine tock r,i candies and fruits. Prices the lowesi. IP0ST0L0S KARUSOS. Dos to beat the Band and at prices to suit all. Doll cradles; g wings and Toilet Sets, Cows that bellow, Trains, Stoves, Pianos, all at prices that i even the poorest can unite into the spirit of their joyous season. Come early and g-et your choic e. mm Girl Graduate. , C. M. BROWN, Manager. m tf f to I IP Salisbury, N. C. DEALERS' IM Mill i Mining Supplies, New and Second-hand Machinery, Lime, Cement, Oils, Candles, iynamire, i?use, Uaps, Powder, Pipe, Fittinsrs, Babbit. : Valves, Steel, Crucibles. "Rope, i Quick- 1 a - - . . . suver, nemicaJs, bcreens. Belting Boilers, Engines. StamD ! Mill. Pumps. Gold Duet and Bullion Purchased. PojlTlVL Cure mm-.. IF IT (eleij-in 24 to 48 hour For Fale by Isenhour& Bean. FOR HOLIDAY PUR CHI EES you will not find any- thing more suitable! than our Handsome Gut Glass and Silver Pieces; ifiat were specially designed for Presents. We have less elaborate goods for purchasers of moderate means in great number and variety. We carry nothing on the shoddy order. W. P. THORNTON, 127 S. Main St. JEWELER. To "My Friends and the Public. I am now nrenarwl fr .1 kinds of SLATE AND TlfJ KUOFiNG, to put in Galvan ized iron and steel store fronts etc. Also plumbing, Gas fitting and Steam heating. GIVE ME A CALL. 0. S. GALUMORE. Rasselas in Search of Happiness. I Never sought with more avidity.thgn me mau.or woman amictea with 15 years' exrxrlpn 3M , throat, or lung troub e that are so Wn Vn lis efpe"encej. are Prepared tj prevalent at this season oj the year. ao aIJ of machine work from the You needn't search any further than .repairing of a padlock to the building tnis store Tor immediate relief. Our or a locomotive. If vt,u hav a H VU1CJ , MACHINE SHOP. We, the undersigned, machinists of A Little Things cause lots of troub'e sontftin lirneCoaf eTer abUt tr-ilUs ard Drugs and Medicine: e tl.e WHITE PIKE for cough svmp will I engine, cotton tun; an jjunuuuary uompiainis. Li"i us fill your Prescriptions. MP. Klnttz & Company, ' ' T'rescriptionistB. NOVEMBER 15. 3 0 DAYS Clearance Sale Everything Goes FOR CASH ONLY. DECEMBER 15. ! farr be relied upon to giv entire satirfart. r.n c..,..-.u:': gin, a-w mm. Pu e and good. We have ro ' ( J 111 r I ( If T r nrr.-rl- - - thorotghly competent man. mower, rake, drill. hicTHo at'.--' "1" ituCK 10 in fact any kind of a Tn'X Jt ' nnd rUil?,ed.frrni Reliable drugs needs repairing call to see us Promnt attention given to all orders, work I guaranteed-and charges reahu Give us a call. . 1 . - J. B. Davidson & Co., buccessors to Jlowery Bros For Sale Bargains. j Close to Pailway, at Gold Hill, N o, 'lhree 20 Head 750 lh Ktan ws,.. elf Feeders, Plates, 3 Rock Cr ashers ltC4,-,l9"- C?lris9 Engine" Til iicwlv c-Dgite. Airuompre'sor Receiver, 2 Drills, etc. 5 Head 650 lh Stamp Mill. Self Feeder. TriumDh luw-s vuionnatlon Chlorination Pant, 2 barrels, lead tne 1 Tame, etc buildings. Brick S. L. Swiceffood, Tools, Shafting, Pump, As4v nutfir' it CCTHRELL'S Drcr Store. GUNS AT COST, fo.OO Guns now ?4.50 G uns now . 4 .. We are closmgr our guns outat prime cost. 1 Come and we will please you. tan Hardware Go ,e:c. h. Blfir-er. Agnt, G,ld Iim iv jw. juain at. Jewelerv. N. C. f: ra 4 - - u6vic.-, Vili. IV I W I'atfo T ra A , . 210 North Main Street.

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