SALISBURY DAILY SUH . (DAH.Y EXCEPT STJITDAY.) CLINT. N. BROWN, f Proprietors. nterod at postofflce a aecona-clasa matter. . advertising rati apply to the publishers Offlce orer Bart's shoe store, on Main street. BTJBBORIPTION BATES 1 One Year, - . . Six Months. ... . . Three - - . One Month, - . . . One Week, - - 14.00 a.oo 1.00 .35 .10 llvered to j Carriers to an y part ot the city without extra cost. Salxsbuby, N. C, Jan. 30, 1902. National Liberal Party Now it should ten that there ard all sorts of peo- r pie ' in the world the majority of country were either going to church taying away the party was being pinnati. This par- amation of free or contentedly National Libera organized in Cin ty is an anialg thinkers. It demands the aban donment of Sat bath observance, wants the arm; r, to be without Chaplains, and insists that church property 1 should NEWSPAPERS AND APPKE CLATION. We heartily sympathize with Brother Caldwell, of the Charlotte Observer, in the suit that Mr. Dooley, general law agent of the Southern, has brought against his paper. Our sympathy is rot evoked by any dislike of Mr. J)ooley and we make this state ment by way of parenthesis as we have no recollection of having ever met either Mr. Dooley, of .Chicago, or Mr. Dooley, of Wash ington,) but purely from the stand point of a newspaper man who realizes the burdens that fall to the let of newspaper men. We do not always agree with the Charlotte Observer in its cdi torial expressions. As a matter of fact we frequently dissgree with it. But this dees not affect the estimation in which we . per eonally hold its editor and the faith we have in his purpose to deal. honestly With all men. As to the merits of this particular case we know little or nothing but what we started out to say was that men are too prone at times to forget the gratitude they owe the newspapers. One favor calls for another, however, . and despite all honest endeavor the individual who has been the recipient of most fa vors from a paper in the first to resent an error and most bitter in his resentment. It would be nothing short of a miracle fcala paper been pub'.ishad that never made a mistake. The most painstaking publisher now and then finds some regrettable error which has crept in in spite - . " oai.T rr those Who are ready to fly at hife lhrpat and tear him into shreds. At best there is little gratitude dii played, by those who owe most, towards the newspaper rutin and appreciation of this fact leads us to hope that the Observer wil come out with flying colors in its suit. with all other will always be want existing but for the goodJ it be hoped Liberal party be taxed along property. There people who will systems changed, of the country let i that the- National wfili not .have many ad herent s. G reensbor o Telegram j War Tax td Washington, Jan publican memb and means comn vate conference ed to frame, a bil. of war revenue ceeding with the reciprocity. It derstood that the pared to favor a very large redu practically to a r S6S.000.000. At today! it was the ei from this cou its leaders to never be forgot- l Sunday while he people in this bo Removed. r 2-. The Re rs ot tne ways ittee held & pri onight and decid- for, the reduction taxes before pro- ubject of Cuban Bs pretty fully un majority is pre- measure effecting fctionj, amounting - - epeal of the entire war taxes, and Aggregating about the conference prevailing view that cause for ieducting tne war taxes the burden should "be remcv ntry before con sidering the relief to be granted to Cuba. A Cure Far Populism. lhe administration is ramming the life out of-tlje Populist party in North Carolina by appointing lucrative offices. This is a trifle bird on the expec tant Republican tive cure I for Jr ington Post. f but it is an effec opulism. Wash- They Have The North Ca are grieving ova of Harry Skinndr to Nevertheless, skunt. Atlanta Been "Skunt." rolina Republicans r the appointment a fat office. thev have been Constitution. Trains Need Not Stop Among the patents which have granted in the United States may be mentioned one issued to John W. Jennings, New York city, system wherebr be discharged frbni a trail without Patronize our advertisers and we a?sure you that you will bo treated all right. For a man that is liberal enough to advertise is to be depended on to do fair by you Minister Wu said the other day that his country was to hav a rew Minister of Education, and laughingly added that he feared a national "football coach" would soon follow. WTork is being pushed on the new battle-ship Maine in the hope that it may go into commission on February 15, 1903, the fifth anni versary of the destruction of the Maine in Havana harbor. "" The. latest scientific discovery is a death germ, which can be destroyed and life preserved indefi nitely. There is money in it for the man who discovered it if he j ist don't die from the sbock of h's good fortune. Fcoi Changed to Poison. Putref vino- food in the intes tines produces effects like those of anenic, but Dr. King's New Life Pills exnel the noisons from elncr- ged bowels, gently, easily but i : t : i Huruiy, luting tuusiimiiuu, xjii- iousness, sick headache, fevers, all Jiver, kidney and bowell troubles. Only 25c at all druggist. A writer has discovered that persons in captivity live a very short time. This may be a rule; but we know of some married men who have attainei a remarkable age. Durham Sun. Child Worth Millions. "My child is worth millions to me," says Mrs. Mary Bird of Harrisburg, Pa., "yet I would have lost her by croup had I. not purchased a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure." One Minute Cough Cure is sure cure for coughs, croup and throat and lung trou bles. An absolutely safe cure which acts immediately. The yougest child can take it with safety. They all like the taste and remember how often it hel ped them. James Plummer. the necessity of tions. The cha ex tne invention employment ci "saddle care," which are success- stopping at sta racteristic feature resides in the number of ively taken up and dropped from the moving train, and through the medium of which passengers may enter or, leave a train without in terrupting its movement. Scien tific American lhe Viico.v that pension all she isn't as rich 110,000 a year, her daughter an estate worth ought to be ablq Charleston tt,r an interesting pisseneers are to FROM THE TELEURAPH. The question of rescib ding the Jesuvt exclusion law was i-Uscussed in the Reichstag. j ; The Government of Holl. rod has taken steps to bring about peace negotiations between Boersr , and - " w British. ; ; ! ' Reports by Lord Kitchener , in dicate continued activity by the Boers in the field. 1 k . ; .!!. Three people were killed, sever al fatally and a score of J others were more or less injured tjv two cars running away on the Motion gahela f, branch of the Pilasborg Railway last night. j . Ksk i- juegree, colored, mayor and assistant postmaster of Bur roughs, Ga., was arrested fester day on a charge of robbi ag the mails. A decoy letter w as sent through the ' office . cod taining money. The letter and thf mark ed money were found on J jegree's person. ' , ' The heaviest , losses ever known in Arkansas from a like c mse is the result of the terrible st arm of sleet and cold rain which k is pre vailed for the past three days. The business section of Xatlle Rock is a scene of desi la ion. j,ne estimiteu damage win j ceed $190,000, including loss to busi nss. Jbully -o.OOO shads trees ware demolished. At Gallipolis, Ohio, last two Durgiars and cracksmem were killed, and two deputy sl eriff mortally wounded as the res a!t of an attempt by the burglars to rob the house of an aged and tealthy widow lady. The officers fadd in wait at the house and upon ike ap paarance of the robbers a Jbattle ensused in which both wert ikilled and the officers wounded." aiight Small Pox. i The small pox situation in Jorih Carolina is getting to be it e :ious thing. In Wilson county tha sit uation, has become so nl&n ning that the public, schools : hsLTe had to cle3e. The disease has a aitt ong er hold in that county thaai else- where, but it is by no meaaa con fined to that county. Greesia iboro Telegram. . Never estimate your pench crop by a census of the buds.' a Harrison wants the eame and says as people suppose she is, and lhair her income isn't She wants to give good education. In as much as uren.' Harrison left kbout $300,000 she to do that. is to have a Inter-State Goc d Roads Conven tion February ; t 6 and 7, in con nection with ti e comirg of the Southern1 Railway's good roads train to ! that .city, and Governor Aycock' has appointed a goodly delegation of North Carolina citi zens to represent the Old North State on that oc :asion. Y., "Chamberlain's Cough is the best medicine I How to Cure Croup - "-ivMr.; : It. : army, ; wbo Hres T Amenia, Duchess county, N. says: ! Remedy have ever used., ' It is a fie child ren's remedy for croup an I never fails to cure'" When given as soon as the child btcomes hoarse, Or 'even after the croup?' -cough has developed, it will prevent the attack. This should be 1 orne in mind and n bottle of iht Cough Remedy kept at hand re idy for instant use as soon as these Hymp toms appear. For sale by James Plummer. ' COOKING and HEATING GAS $1.49 NET. Beat Oat of an Increase of His Pen i sion. A Mexican war veteran and prominent editor! writes: ''Seeing the advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, I am reminded that as a soldier in Mexic6 in '47 and '48, 1 contracted Mexican diarrhoea and this remedy has kept me from getting an increase in my pension for on every renewal a dose of it restores me." Xr Is unequaled as a quick cure for diarrhoea and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by James Plummer. Sir Thomas Lppton has pJpfed the order for another yacht; with which he hopes to win the Ameri ca s cup. lne new yacnt win ne christened Shamrock III. Always a Leader. Yankee Doodle is his name He likes the best of eating : He uses gas in every way For Cooking and for heating. Call and see the gas stoves and gas heating appliances. Siliskrr hi & Electric IMt (ionpanr. Ill Inniss street. NOTICE. Commissioner's Land Sale. The 17 y- m 0V8 K Sale Continues At ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss D StocMoving rice s The Busiest Week in January of Salisbury's Busiest Shoe Store Foreshadows Still , Busier Days for this the Sec ond Week of Our Great Clearance Sale. You must come here you must see with your own eyes before you can adequately appreciate the genuineness of this truly extraordinary Shoe Sale. 1,500 Brand New Samples to be Closed at j 8 the Followinir Prices. 2 Be 1m P XL Dust Shoes that cost regular from 1.50 to 1.75, .this sale 98c. 'hoes that cost regular from 1.75 to 2.00, this sale 1:25. Shoes that cost regular from 2.00 to 2.50, this sale 1. 4g. V Shoes that cost regular from 3.00 to 3.50, this sale 1.98. Shoes that cost regular from 3.75 to 4.00, this sale 2.49. Many samples worth regular '$5 and $6, this sale 2.98. 3 big lots "Pick and Choice" 50c, 75c, 80c respectively. ) Our contemplated changes makes this "Clearance Sale" necessary. We must greatly reduce this great stock of shoes as quickly as possi- ble and the prices we are giving will certainly reduce it. ft TUC DIIPT 5UnC STORC 'N.K lllw uuui uiiul. uiuiil.; aansDury, ISSS9SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Main Street, N. C. ft ft ft is 6566 56 may make your watch a pre varicator of the worst type, may cause you to miss your train, your business engage ment, with your wife, if the afore said grain reposes in the fastness of your chronome- A - ' A 1 41 ier, most people cau it a watch. Let us see the trouble and rectify, it. All wciiuncs suiu iicrc guaranieea to De Kept in periect re- NOTICE OF SALE. By -virtue of authority confered by a decree of the Superior Court of Row an County, made in the Special Pro ceeding entitled, "Edwin C. Gregory, Executor of Thomas Li.. Bringle vs Phoebe Bringle, Ethel Bringle and Thomas Bringle", tha undersigned .uffA- to tue highest bidder, at public aUc., at tbe-Court House ioor in Salisbury Monday, IWarcli, 3. 1902. the following u.tiL rt la nd situate in SaMsbury TownshlViir ' County, to-wit: BeginniDgat a stake in the ce titer of Yadkin Rail , Road, and runs thence South P9 degree East 24 54 chains td a stcne Brown's cor ner; thence North 1 decree "East 24 chains to a stone; thence North 89 de gree West 23 58 cbains to a stake said railroad; thence with said road to the beginning, containing fifty five (55) acre3, more or less: and being the same land conveyed by Adam Ilartman and wife to Dayvault Kiuttz by deed re gistered in office of Register of Deeds for Rowan County Book "No. 74 page 6: and subsequently conveyed by John D. Jvluttz and wife to ' Thomas L. Bringle by deed registered in Bok of Deeds of said County No. 37 pnge 348 Said land will be sold subject v t.hft home Rtead and the right of dowv. or thPi-pJn of Phoebe Bringle, widow of said Thomas L Bringle. EDWIN C GufXr6 , Executor. Received To-Day Oranges, Apples, Nuts, Figs, Dates, Prunes, Califorania Peaches. 'A nice lot of Honey. A nice bbl of Kraut. A nice iov .r - rr.ssware. Call and see it at g. t. im ERY No. 121 Fisher st. Phone 109 North Carolina, Rowan County. In'Superior Court, FeYy term, 1902 Carrie Smith vs. Mack Smith VUUl tAPPOimment Aotinn fnr rfivnrf-A frnm t.hi Pnnflq n! Mathrimony. -Jotice to defendant The defendant Mack Smith will t.alrp. nntifi t.liat, an ar.tion has been commenced in the Superior Court of MefTV at NeA Year'? uvnau wuuuj aaiuou uiui wj Smith, his wife for a dissolution ft SSSSSSS Salisbury Supply and Commission Company, Salisbury, N. C. DEALERS IN- Mil! I Mining Supplies, New and Second-hand Machinery, DynamiteU,, .21 Canjles, Pipe, Fittings, Babbit Valve?; SteeJ, Crucibles, Rope, Quick silver, Chemicals, Screens; Beitino Boilers, Engines, Stamp Mill" Pumps. Gold Dust and Bullion Purchased. pair for one year, if handled with reasonable care. W. B. THORNTON, 127 S. Main St. JEWELER. .....Orders for..... Job Printing Will" Have Prompt Attention. FRANK B. IRVIN, Foreman Sun. "North Carolina." Bowan County. A Prominent Chicago Woman Speaks. Prof. Koxa Tyler, of Chicago, vice-President Illinois Woman's Alliance, in speaking of Chamber lain's Uough Keniedy, says: I suffered with a feevere cold this winter which threatened to run into pneumonia. 'I tried different remedies but I teemed to erow worse and the medicine upset my stomach. I A friend advised me to ry Chamberlain'fe Cough- Remedy and I found it wafe pleasant to take and it relieved nip at once. Iam now entirely recovered, saved a doctor's bid, time knd suffering, and I will never be without this splen- lid medicine agaiai." For sale by James iriummer. In the -Superior Court, Btfoe W. G. Watson, C. S. C ' January 28, 1902. Joesph Horah, admr of Henry Horah, deceased against, Wm. H. Horah O D. Davis, and others. ; Pursuant to an order of the'Su perior Court of Rowan County, to me directed, as commissioner, to sell cer tain real, estate belonging to estate of Henry Horah, deceased, I hereby give notice, that, on Monday, March 3, 1902,' I will sell, at public auc tion, at the Court House door in Salis bury, N. C, the following decribed real estate, to wit. u ; Two brick stores, on Main Street, in the City of Salisbury, N. C , front ing about 46 feet and running back about 90 feet, and adjoining the prop erty of Mrs. Julia Bell and J. A. Hed- rick, the sad storest being known as the Horah Block 1 . Terms: One third cash, one third in 3 months, and one third in 6 months, deferred payments to be se cured by notes, and title ? to nass when purchase money is paid. lne stores will be sold separately. JOSEPH HORAH, J. II. Horah,' attv Commissioner. Salisbury, N. C. Jan. 2S, 1902. Just Received- for a dissolution of the bonds of matrimony upon the grounds of abandonment: the defend ant will also take notice that he is required to' be and appear before the Judge of the Superior Court, at a court to be held for the County of Rowan at the court house in Salis bury, on the 3d Monday before the 1st Monday in March, ,1902, it being the 10th day of Feb., 1902, acd an swer or demur to the complaint fiJed in the cilice of J,he Clerk f the Supe rior Court of said county; and the de fendant, will further take notice that if he fail to appear and answer said complaint within the time re quired by law, the plaintifi will ap ply to the court for the relief tie- manded in the complaint. This JNovember 23, 1901. - W. G WATSON, Clerk Superior Court Overman & Gregory, attysfor plaintiff ! TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND.- Pursuant to the provisions contain ed in the will -of the late John. H. Verble, authorizing and directing me I as Trustee to sell certain real estate ; as Trustee of John H erVc. dee: a j ed, I will expose' to public auction to the highest bidder at the Court House door in the town or Salisbury, iN. c, at 12 M., on Monday, Fe"b. 3,' 1902 the following real estate lying in the county of Rowan and described as follows: About 35 acres of land on the west side of and near the Mount Pleasant public road about 3i miles sonth from Salisbury, adjoining the lands of James Moyle, widow Fisher and others and near Shiloh Church. TERMS of saleOne half cash, bal ance in 30 days. HORATIO N. .WOODSON, - Trustee of John H. Verble, deceased This Jan. 2, 1902. t King Coal Makes Merry at New Ye the hearts of those who are busy with mien xcw irar s oa King, or wno use our high grade Jellico for heat cg puiyusca. jo-iuj; coai s me kidu we al ways Keep that is King of the heap aiuK uver aiuomer nituminous nmn. thraoile coal: in other words. th hct inati ine mines produce. Better lay i r n mmwl. .'11 . J u oupyij'; mere is going to be a rise m pnee. a Dig lot j us t. received. i Jos. H. HclTeslv. umce at l . Jb Youngs. Phone 153. k Commissioner's Sale. In pursuance of a judgment of the Superior C( urt of Rowan County, rendered at November Term1 1901 in an action entitled, "N. S. Steele vs F-E Steele and others," appointing the - undersigned Commissioners to ellthe lands hereinafter described, the said undersigned will sell at the Court. House door in Salisbury, at public auction, to the highest, bwaer tax- cash on MONDAY, FEB. o, w, the following described lands lying and being in Scotch Irish Township, Rowan County, viz: Beginning at a stone (formerly a ceader) C.J. Jolin corner, and runs S 74 40 poles to 'n D. A. Fink's line: thence S tlri?01,' a black oak?: thence S 11 W0 poles and isubV to n hickory Fink's corner: thence S 22 v. :u rk s to a pine knot; thence N. 04 w p; poles to a post oak in Wilburn's line thence N. 50 W 22 poles to a post ok Wilburn's line; thence N. 70 V'. 7s poles to a stone C J. Jclmson's corucr: thence E 6 W 12 poles to aiuckroy s.s id Johnson's corner, thence with hH line N 2(5 E 12pcles to the beginning, con taining 100 acres, more or less . Dated this January 2nd, 1902 B B MILLER, EDWIN C. GREGORY., CcmmissioiiL-rs. , r -i -i- rr --l 'j i , iitfiiniiit M . jFr-rtimST i Don't Kick are not as you , .."If other laundries "doing up" your work want it. Don't kick; send the next bundle to the Antiseptic and it will be done so well that there will b not a thing to kick about, Antiseptic Laundry. Phone 259. A number of beautiful Marble Tablets from the celebrated Florence Quarry, Vermont. Also a lovely statue of an "Angel Child." Call and inspect this work, we are sure it will please you. Carolina Marble & Granite Co., 11T W, Fisher Street, Salisbury, N. Yards at Statesville, Salisbury and North Wilkesboro. N. C. oA Cure mm IF IT Ieifin24to 48;hour For Sale by Isenhour& Bean. NOTICE. Being thereto authorized by ra de cree or the Superior Court of Rowan county, 1 will offer at public aa e at the Court House door in Salisbury, on Monday, February 10, 1902. that de sirable cottage residence property, sit uate at No. 420 West Bank St., front ing 65 feet on Bank street and run ning back 99 . f -et toward Fisher street, adjoining R. J. Ho'mes, Jr., and Jas II Ramsay, and being the Iae residence of Hugh M. Jones. xermscasn. j. s. MccuBlilJNS, Admr of H M. Jones. Theo F. Kiuttz & Son, Attys. A Provident Husband will make his wife happy and insure nis family acrainst futmp want v. in suring his house and household effects in a solid company. Take no risk, l'ire is like a thief in ihs nirri,;- steales on ycu unaware, and dorrt spend much time reducing vour pro perty to ashes Wp will incT, tt1,-,,. so littie cost that it is only rec'-W- "voa w icave ib unaone. ALSO In't fail to call and our new Fidelitv ppcnoit,.'. c dent and health policy. Cover; " ' all diseases and sickness that man "is iieir tO exeert, rhnmotiom r, j , JSo medical .examination required J. ALLEN BROWN. In the Sup? Court" M. Eller When in Need of Sa?h, Doors and Blinds Call and get an estimate from me be fore you decide upon where to buy. It will-be money in vour rocket, as' I can guarantee you lower figures and a better quality of material than you can possibly get elsewhere. , My stock is complete and my motto is, "Live and 1st live."' Give me a call. C. H RICK. The Man Who Has Suffered. And Recovered After A Long Trial of medicines that were recommended i iiicu auj i ;uca wa ntlTJO-. new simTOt. says to those he finds suffering in the oaiuir. uj-.uut.-., vjto to ii.iut' z s and trv their SYR W II IT R P I 7- VI for cauarhs, colds. Hoarseness, Bron chitis, whooping cough, and all effect- 'o ? ' tu turoanana lungs, and you will thank me -I was nearly dead when I tried It, acd I now have re covered completely. ;r. . leo. F. Kiuttz k Company, Prcscriptionists. I North Carolina Rowan County Lewis A. Kesler vs - Amanda Mav Robert Hamilton May Annie Eller and Lewis Henry Jessie Mat nn J Samuel-Mrf vliJ..) Special rirnrpri i n o- aait -i -"6 icdi pate lor partition. To Robert Hamilton May and M.M..uijr jetse iiay: You are herhv nr Hnri before the Clerk nf tilc, . OI liOWan nniintu at hi i , -,. . T J mo VJUJI.C exu ilJC S?Hou-sl,In Sa9bury C, on the lOlh. day of Fehrnarv looor, o. t, or demur to comp'ant or plaintiff! Jan. 7th 1902 W. G. WATSON Clerk of the Su tern r Court of Rowan Count v " L. H. CLEM ET itt. JJUi X illllllil, m um and miim. . FRESH OYSTERS To serve at all times. Give me a call. Resnectfullv. j , Bruner Julian,