' '' V , . ELECTION - Cambric Lirrta, L. Aiglon, Corduroy Note, French Orga.Jdie, : productions Paper Co., at PLUMMER. SALISBURY, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 18, 1902. nn'o:i5 , : . zzs& : : ' ' - fefv.C sifi - - ;V The late,: lURPHYi - WEATHER FORECAST: Fair. Cold. i 1 JAM TV V " "s. 14 1 - ' 1 ATRICK WIGHT. '1NCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY HAS A SMOKER. Jett& Enjoy the Hospitality Jticty. ' Music and Speeches :gr?mme. The St. Vincent Da Paul Socie ty honored the memory of et. Patrick in splendid fashion last evening at the society hall. The hall was aDDrooiatelv decorated with bunting of red white and blue. Plants of green smble matieul of the day were scattered on the tables, which contained the most palatable refreshments. The evening was exactly what the invitations claimed for it Kirirke was in evidence, from the old clay pipe to the choicest weed of Havana importation. In a few fitting words Mr. A. J. Louhery we'eomed the guests of t ha society. Tlpn followed a ouartette by Messrs Lynch, Finks, Heilig and Hayes, rendered in most caplivat ing style. Tho musical features' of the evening yzcivc among the most en- tertaining.ccnsisting of quartettes, duetts and solos. The interesting addresses of the evenicf were made by Rev. rather ,J T. . , .Tosenh. Cant. Charles Price and i Rev. rather irarcis, oi-cnanoue iur. xiarry j,.- tho TOasW.xplainea me object of the societv's social. . He stated t'aat it was tot merely to keep aHve the memory of St. Patrick but to promote a feeling of fellow ship Mr. .Lcughcry rendered in a ch arming manner a recitation ap propriate to the occasion. Tho fact that an Irishman bear ing the very Dutch-ike name of Murphy (Moirphy, Harry St. Clair spelled i!) was present added to the happy. blend of nationalities that gave congeniality and pleas ura to the Qceasipn. v r "'A -i--". Ther evening was in every par ticular an exceedingly enjoyable one and the St. Vincent Society was given a vote cf thanks by the inviLcd guests at the conclusion of the programme. ' CRAPPERS CAUGHT. Foir Ken Er gaged in the Game Three of Them Caught. Adam Noble, Ftnlge Knox and Anderson ' Randson, all colored, are in the lock-up for crapping Sunday. Bob Shadrick, the fourth man in the bunch, escaped. Offi ce? Torrence ar jested Noble yes terday and he and Chiaf Miller run in the other two crappers this morning. The trio will be tried before Mayer Boyden this af ter 4 noon at 4 o'clock. Funeral Postponed. The funeral services over the remains cf Mr. L. W. Walton have been postponed until 11 o'clock tomorrow morniDg on ac count of the failure of Mr. "Walton's sister to arriva here today. The services will beheld from St. John't Lutheran church. Rowan Jurors. The following jurors have been drawn from Rowan county for the next term of Federal court at Statesville: C. L Brown,- L. W. Beck, Jr., Jas. D. Heilig, James Mclntire, W. C. Coughenour, John A. Clam pet, J. C. llolshouser and Eli Wyatt. jRev, Morris to Baltimrra. Rev H. Morris, of Albemarle, who has been very ill for tho past four months, arrived in Salisbury last ni 2ht on his way to Baltimore, in nharce of his nhvsicians. He will le treated in tho Meryland Hospital. An Aged Citizen Veiy Low. Mr. John Karriker, of the county, who is perhaps one of the county's oldest citizens he is now 87; is very sick and his recovery is doubtful. He is suffering with ia severe attack of grip. T -' ; : V Rece;ved at-Theo. Atwells' fine nT.V - lot Malaga grapes, Florida pme apples, fresh cak, ice creams, V impeach creims, chocolate sponge, w.1' ' vCBvcoiaie slices tailisc ga es. Two White Men to be Afternoon. Tried This j rl' . JT ! t " 1 " I fl xwo cases oi retailing on oun day and without license were of picked up yesterday by he officers, on Bath the offenders are white men and will be tried in Ma court this atterncon at i o'clock. Both gave bond for: their ap pearance SNOW LAST NIGHT. The Temperature To-day Reaches the Zero Soots Today's frigid temperature went away down into the boots of the themometer. Ljast night a about 11:30 o'clofck there was a minutes. It did not cover the ground, however, and this morn ing opened up bright, clear and i cold The early gardens wi I probably suffer destruction on account of the cold snap but the f tuit will in all likehood be saved bjt the snap. JOHN TEMPLE GRAVES. The Famous Georgia Oratlrto Lecture Here Tonight. Those who fail to tear Johnl -r, i r ',,1 A , .Temple Graves at the Opera house .V . . .ir.t... . tnniorhf will mica Vtoa rln g-the most 5riUiant orator of theg puth today. ; Hq leclure3 under tWe auspices f . A,uflup,t r -A Tickets on sale at Isenhour & 13 iail 8. Au- . . misson only 50 cents. RESOLUTIONS OF R SPECT. Passed in Memory of Mr Walton. ' toreszo W. 1 The. following resolu ions were passed last night' by Salisbury council No. 272 Royal Arcanum: Whereas, The all wis b and ever merciful God of . Heaven and earth ha3 izi te-pjaosaticnjof -Alia exorable judgment removed from our midat our, much! j esteemed alton; pay fitting I Be it re- brother, Lorenzo W. VY Whereas, we desire to tribute to his momord solved, 1 1. That in the dea'th of this brother, Salisbury council No 272, Royal Arcanum, l?scs one of its f most exemplary his daily life, lembirs, who by his honesty, his trnthf iIness, hi3 charity and his unselfishness endeavored to im press upon those arou pd him the virtue cf ' well doin ; end the character, strength of an uprigh Resolved, j - 2. That we find coi solation in this hour of bereavement over the consciousness, Ithat te has not lived in vain and that the life and shtinuations world to come are but q of the existence of " self." Resolved, 3. That a copy of tions be spread upon and a copy be sent to family. I ' man's nobler hese resolu- fcur minutes he bereaved TlIEO BUERBAL'M, ) Rout. L. Kam3AY. Com. J..M. Peeler Jf ) i it Meeticg of iEtna Agents Mr. A. A. Chab'e, supervismg special agent of the JEtna Insur ance Company; with headquarters at Knoxville, is in Be city, lie came to Salisbury to meet Mess. J. M. and W. C. Ma upm, . 11. Cushing and E. Phiffer, of Colum- bia, special agents of khe company. The yktna nas su cceeded the Travelers on the Southern system and is doing a splenuid business. 4 Mr. Calvin Bost JDsad Mr. Calvin Bost, one of the county's well j known citizens, died last Thursday after h short illness of pneumonia. Mj r. Best was most valu highly es- one of the ounty' able citizens and was . . . . , teemed. j" He leaves a witlow and ten children. i 1. You know wnat -yi pu are taking. when you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is ttlainly printed on evfery bottle show ing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless iorni, JNoCure, !o I'ay, 50c '1 1 , Nicholas Grocery Co., sell bale hay, also has G bushels of fine clover seed for sale cheap. See their line of crockeijy, cheap dinner plates, cups and saucers, bowls and pitchers. We will Aave you money if in need of the above articles. SENT TO THE PEN. Sheriff McCair, of Stanly. Takes Knotts to Raleigh. I V" -.art. 1 - csnerm iVicuaiD, oi Gtaniy coun ty, spent last night in the city re turning from Raleigh, where went yesterday to take John and Klin. TCnotfs. r.hnrtrpd with- nnisnn insr Dr. S. J. Love m August, - 1900. MARCH BREEZES. Short and Snappy Items Caught in Passing. Dr, W. A. Murdoch went to Charlotte this morning. H. L. Gobb'o went to Colum bia last night on mill business. Capt. W. B. Ryder camo up from Charlotte yesterday morning ann ennnt hn.HoiT in tho nfw H. L Guthrie, a popular repre-1 sentativeof the Charlotte Observer, is spending a few dsys in the city, Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Smith re turned last night from 'Concord, where they have been visiting since Saturday. - j - Mr. Crawford Stewart, iof the V. Salisbury, spent Sunday in city the guest cf Mr. D. Tucker. C&ncord Standard. Our "Colonial" shoes are some thing exclusive which merit the attention of correct dresses. The Burt Shoo Store. . " ; Mr. Arthur Holder, who had Ueen in the town for several days, I i . 1 i C ! ! 1 . Mciuiutu io oaiicjuury yesieiuay. Statesviile Landmark. Your money' secures actual worth, not fictions values in the shpe of scra.e high sounding name at Peterson & Rulf s shoe etore. i Paul D. Howell left thisjmorn- inzfpra Southern tr in through South Carolina. Georgia and Florida. He will bo gono about three weeks. i S. T. Crump will begin today orders left at Klutlz &; R?ndle man's store will be promptly ans wered. ' ' ' . .i H. E Russell, a former Salis burian who has been living at High Point, was in the city this morning on hi way to Concord, where he will live. "Burl's Special" embodying our ideas of what a perfect foot form shoe for men should be the best $3'50 shoe in Salisbury. The Burt Shoe Storo. A. W.'fSVinecoff will have some thing to say to Sun readers in his ad. in Ibmorrow's issue that will be of interest. He discusses econ omy and shows how it can be practiced. - Watch for his ad. Mrs. Charles Mowery, who has been so sick, is very; much improved. It is tbouzht that she had colic from entering a freshly painted room. Miss Carrie Richwine, cf Salis bury, and Mrs. Benson, of Phila delphia, came iri Sunday morning and spent the day at Mr. G. W. Brown's, leaviofr on tho early train this morning. Concord Stand ard. . Mr. Dickert's Family BriDgs Suit, j Mr. B. H. Welch, a member of the bar of Newberry, S. C, is in the city examining witnesses in the interest of the executors of Engineer Dickert, who was killed in the double-header wreck at Monroe. He has brought suit against the Seaboard for $30,000, and it is in the name of Engineer Dickert's father, Mr. D. A. Dick ert. of Nawberry. News and ' - Observer. A Pound Party. , : Mr. and Mrs. James- Corriher, who live near Cnina Urove, gave a pound party last Thursday night. About seven couples were present and the fctring band consisting of two violins and four guitars addeci to the pleasure of the evening. Mr and MrB. Corriher are very hospit able peocla and all who were present enjoyed themselves im mensely. M. Lost1 A cameo pin between Whitehead-Stpkes sanitorium and depot. Reward for -return to Sun office. - Horse Found! Young, black horse, with roach mane and bob tail, blazed face, white feet and g!ass eyes. Apply at this office. THE MACHINISTS' STRIKE. the Senator Has r, a may Mediate in Strike c. Southern Machinists.. I m t ' m m -ww - . lte ioJiowmg ivnoxville press - dispatch will bo of interest here; he Local machinists are informed I that the strike of machinists on - fKo ffrml-iorri rnorl ?a. cnnn 'fc'lm settled and that Senator Hanni is to represent their interests in ar ¬ bitration. Their information is that Air. Hanna and President Spencer, of the Southern, will hold a con ference and- talk, over the differ ecces, anct that an agreement wiii be reached by which all the men who' went cut several monthssg shall return to work. . - LINNET AFTER IT. He is Trying to Run for Congress M,ua W-M?.F, iri . .i The Statesville Landmark says editorially: Congressman Blackburn, who was in North Carolina last week was asked ia Salisbury about the report that Mr. Linhey would opposo. him for the Republican nomination in "de ate" this year, and answered that he bad no infor mation from Mr. Linney to that effect. Very likely he has not. Linney is tco good a lawyer to give his caso away to the opposi tion, our meantime ne is sawing wood. According to all informa tion the Bull of the Brushies is making a dead set to oust Black burn and the signs are said to be in his favor. Mis3 Chun a's Condition-, - Reports from Philadelphia as to the condition of Miss Saliie Cbunn, who has been in the Presbyterian Hospital for the past two weeks, are very favorable, "fiss Chunn will b& compelled to remain at the hospital for tjome time yet; Brought ta'Salhbury.' dent of the Charlotte Observer. Mr. Rex Gass and his physicians returned Sunday morning from Salisbury. Di. Long, by the use of the X ray, located the ball jaet belovr the right hip, just where Dr. Dalton and other local physi- cians iiaa aeciaea n was. xe- twecri 11 and 12 o'clock today the ball was removed. The operation was successfully performed at the hospital by Dr. Spencer, assisted by Dr. Dalton, Pfohl and Jewett. The ball was found in an abscess at the edge of the right hip bone. Mr. G?.ss was reported to be rest ing easy this afternoon. Ho stood operation remarkably well and the the attending physicians are confi. lent now that he will soon recover. R. Lee Wright. Esq':, For Seca e Editors Sun: Lot me say in behalf cf all the voters of my pre cinct with whom 1 have conversed that R. Lee Wright, E q , is our unanimous choice as State Senator rom Rowan county. Mr. Wright has represented us with eminent ability in tho House and his earnestness in behalf of the masses in that body is ample assur- .. . i i :n u ance mat tneir lutertsis win ut protected with equal zealousy in any position for which he may be selected. I sincerely hope" Mr. Wight will be our next Senator. L. A. Rice. New ads- Watch Winecoff's space. Jeffress, groceries and country produce. Julian A. McKenzie leaves to night for Sewanee, Tennessee, to attend the University of the South at that place. The Free Press says about 15 Mormon elders ate operating at points along the Atlantic and North Carolina Rai-road, between Kinston and New Berne. ReaXi Estate! We nave for sale several beautiful lots near the fur niture tactory cheap. J?or prices see Maupin Bros." or Samuel Har rison. , For Rent! One six room two story house ia beautiful grove on Westhulton street. J . r. Gaither. feOR Rent: Hall room over Peterson & Rulfs shoe store. Rent reasonable apply in store. QAMOH PRESIDENT. STATED THAT HE WILL SUCCEED PRES. SPENCER. - A Prominent Richmond Railroader Says That Capt F. S Gannon Will Succeed Samuel Spencer. . There has been . much specula tion in Salisbury since Saturday as to the meaning of the failure of the Southern Railway directors to re-elect Capt. F. S. Gannon man ager.-1 . - The Richmond dispatch says: "It is the general belief of all railway men, and especially of hose who are most familiar with the conditions in the Southern, that it will not be many days before I r J J " - is succeeded by Mr. Frank Gan non. 'l his was the remark of one of the 1 4 1 t . 1 , ossi snown rauroaei men in tne city yesterday,in the course of aeon ver- ?don regarding the retirement of iS Gannon from the position of position general manager of the company, which was announced yesterday, to iaae enect at once, a urtner con versation made it a practical cer tainty that it is on the card for Mjc Spencer to retire and Mr. Gannon to succeed him as the Jisad of the system. ,-?rtfr7Gannoni is still .the third vico-presiaent oi tne road, it is fivtknown what duties are attach- eojko the cflice. ; Mr. A. b. An- drws, as first vice-president, , is m-Charge cl tne legal department; Mrv u miey, second vice president, in caarge oi tne trainc department. Mr, Gannon did have charge of the Transportation department, as the hird vice-president and gen eral manager, but now that he has been relieved of the latter duties, it would look as if he were ready to undertake new ones,, and the prtyM-hat he is to be the pres: 'aiebv"' met.rf- Mr L:ng Returns Home Mr. Zib. V, Long, who for the past three months has been serv ing in the capacity of private secretary to Congressman K'uttz, in Washington, is expected home this week to remain permanently and resume his law practice. Mr. Long took the position temporari ly and the term which he expected to spend in Washington has ex-piretL-Stateeville Landmark. Death Homentariiy Expected- The Statesville Landmark siys of the condition of Mr. Isaac Wal lace, brother of Mr. V. Wallace, of this city: Mr. Laac Wallace's condition remains about the same. Ha has not taken any nourishment since Sunday moning and his death is expected at almost any time. Smallpox Under Control. A 'phone message received today from China Grove states tnat the smallpcq epidemic thete has been about checked. Nearly all the population ' has come for ward .and been.iEa.ccinated and no new cases have developed within the past week. Mr. SifferdElecUd Class P-et. 1 Mr. L W. Sifferd, wh is a senior in Wittenburg College, has been elected class poet cf the class of 1902. This is the second high est honor that could be conferred pn any member of the class and i3 a particularly prized honor to a Southern boy. A mother and her son have been placed in the penitentiary, the first for thirty and the second for twenty years. They are Van and Vienna Fuller, barn burners from Orange county. ' The best nrescription for Malari' Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chili. Tonic. It is sim- ly iron and quinine in a tasteless orm. . IN O cure no pay. .rriue ow. For The Complexion- The complexion suffers from biliousness or constipation. De Witt's Little Early Risers keep liver and bowels healthy and re move the cause. C. E. Hooper, Albany, Ga., "I took De Witt's Little Early Risers fer biliousness. Just what I needed. l am better than in years." They never gripe James Plummer. bebelIion spreading. , ' Th: R?bls Eogage Genv Ma in a Two Days' Battle. - Hong Kong, March 18 The rebellion is" spreading the provincp of Kwang Si, Kwangung and Yunnan. General d y. - Ma, who engaged the rebels ang unong, was forcec to retreat after a days' battle. The ; rebels captnred Fang Chong and estab -e . lished headquarters there.' They killed and captured all the Manda rinea and looted the town. A BOER DEFEAT. A Small Boer Li&ger i Reported ; ; .-Captured. x Pretoria, March 18. Bruce Hajailton has captured a small Boer laager eastward of Vryheld, in Southeastern Transraal. Four I . Boers were killed. x wonnded 3 . . . - - . ' , , , , General Emmett, Botha's brother- I in law, was amoDg the captured. WEDDING AT FAITH.' J. T Wyatt is ttill Shipping" Granite by Car Load Lots. Correspondence of Sun, - Faith, March 17. Miss - Salle Lyerly, daughter of Mr. Carson Lyerly, was married Sunday to Mr. John Basiuer, fcf Faith, Rev. J. M. L. Lyerly officiating. Mr. Basinger is an employe at sthe granite quarry here. Several parties here are waiting on flat cars now. to ship their gran ite. J. T. Wyatt sent off another car load Saturday morning and has another ready. ) Charlotte interes'ed.- Says the Charlotte Observer Tatars rls - iooWi Yadkin river U now in progress. Mr. E. B. C. Hambley, who re cently visited Charlotte, is the representative of capitalists who are making . preparations to develop this power. The company is now engaged in constructing a railroad to its lands and in other similar work preparatory to building a dam and founding in dustry to utilize the surplus power after supplying the markets in Salisbury, Greensboro, Concord, Charlotte and intervening towns. The work of preparation will' re quire' several months yet and then the power development will re quire something like a year. While the completion of the work is not immediately at hand, the undertaking is a big one and all the information that comes to Charlotte and the other' signs in dicate that the work is backed by ample capital and is going for ward in good faith. vl Book Reception at Crescent. In connection with the Book Re ception, the Ladies Aid & Mission ary Society, of Bethany Reformed church, will give a grand enter tainment, "The Old Maids Con vention." Everybody is invited. Ycu can't afford to miss it. Admission 15 cent?, under 12 years 10 cents. Book Reception Monday afternoon March 31,1902. Entertainment Monday night 7:30, March 31, 1902 Mrs J. M. L Lterly, Miss Addie McNairy, Miss Carrie B. Cartwright, . Committee. Notice. All parties wishing to use city water, can have tap made without charge. Make application at office 111 Fisher street. Salisbury. Water Works. Don't Think, that, because it rams so much,' you d? not need a duster; the time will come when you need one. and need it bad. uuerDaum has received one gross (144) turkey feathers, 10 to 20 inches; 25, 30, 40. 50 and 60 cents each. Buerbaum is, cleaning out a lot of Cuds and Saucers, white gran , -- . . . . i .. ite ware. If you need glassware ?and where is the housekeeper that does not need glassware most every day in the year) Buerbaum has a new lot,of those elegant thin blown water tumblers at 60 cents ner dozen. Polished Hoffman House ohlets. three sizes, at dollar a dozen. An elegant Ruby night lamp, a great bargain at 25 cents. - Rovsters candies, in half pound and one pound boxes,? received fresh today. i J the Florence burns trial Brookk Fcrmar Fiance Tells of a J,et ter She Received. New York, March IS The in chief witness todayln the Walter Brooks murder case was Ruth - I - Dunn, the fiance of the murdered at man. She was onre the bosom friend of the accused, Florence Burns. She was the person to - I - - whom Brooks sent his last letter, in which he said he would . have - nothing to do with Florence Burns in the future, but that he expected to have more trouble over the 'affair before he got through. FREEZING TONIGHT. Wednesday Will be Fair and Says the Weather Man. Cold, Washington, March 18. The weather forecast for North Caro Iina for the ensuing 24 hours is: fair tonight with freezing temper ature. Wednesday, fair and con tinued cold. TWO YEARS LTOEE OF WAR. A Member of Kitchener's Staff Proph- esies a Continued War. Southampton,March 18.--Major Gayeford, a member of Kitche-. ner's staff, in a letter received at his pome today, says: "It is cruel the way the British press is hold- ing hopes that the war will be over by the coronation. Wo who are here realize that the end is not in sight within two years." : To Feed The Poor. London, March 18. King Ed- ward today notified the "authorities Coptented Himself With Taking Only that 30,000 pounds had been placeiJL 7 $110,000. at.tjwfA""' Sagar Manufacturer Talks With Roosevelt , Washington, March 18. Henry Oznard, a beet sugar manufactur er had a long talk with President RooseVelt this morning on the Cuban tariff. Emperor to Meet Prince Henry. Brunsbuattel, March 18. Em paror William .left h?re today on bardthe battleship Kaiser Wil helm II to meet Prince Henry at Cuxhaven. He is expected to ar rive this evening. To Connect Two Bays. Washington, March 18. The House committee on Railways and Canals has authorized a favorable report on the Baud bill, authoriz- inor the President to appoint a a commission to examine! and report the route of construction of a free and open waterway to connect the Chesapeake and Delaware bays. Ending The Strike. Boston, March 18. The Board of Arbitration is in conference with the officials of the Clyde I Steamship Line today with a view of settling the grievance of the ongshoremen on that line which is practically the only remaining trace of the strike. Book Club Meeting. The Christian Reid Book Club will meet with Mrs. W. II. Craw ford Wednesday afternoon at 3:3C o'clock. Author for discussion Litchfield. Photographs One Cent Each. 10 at a shot for 10 cents for a short time only to advertise. An elegant photo button free to hrst 100 sitters. Don't miss it. Excelsior Studio, North Main street between isbury, N. C. . : For Rent 1 3 srooms between Rank and Fisher Sts. Mrs.' Ritz. For Sale: On the 28th day of April 1902, I will sell to the highest bidder at the court house door if not sold privately, one house and lot on South Lee street to satisfy a mortgage., Mrs. R. V. Lanier. Plenty spotted trout, drum, sheep head, mullets and shad. Leave vour orders with me and get the best. Opposite postoffice. Phone lll.i W. A. Brown. UyiLCOX IBTERESTEI - 'HE SHAKES OFF HIS AIR OFISDlf FERENCE TODAY. The Negro Parker is Put on the Star d AEd Swears That He saw a Eodj Carried From Cropsy Residence, Elizabeth City, March IS. James Wilcox has lost his indif ference and is no w deeply interested in the progress of the case against him. lie Relieves Miss Cropsey suicided because she quarrelled with him when he called her out of the house .and returned her picture. He left her crying. The State put Parker, a negro, on tl stand today. He swore ho saw a ' a man resembling Wilcox carrying the body of an unconscious woman from the Cropsey home in the direction of the river on the fatal night. It is proved that Wilcox was last . seen with the srirl. He was also seen near the Cropsey Lome when he claimed that he had been elsewhere. MISS COOPER DEAD. I A Young Lady Dies of Blood Poison Today. ; Miss Jennie Lee Cooper died at her home on Chestnut Hill this morning at. 11 o'clock after a short illness with blood poisoning. Tha deceased was a most esti mable young woman, 22ivears old and her takinsr off is a source of deep sorrow to her Dumerous friends. A MODEST THIEF. Mav Mavor. ex confidential clerk. j of the Charles Rathbone Company, bankers, at 8 Wall Street New York, was arrested at noon aboard a Jersey Central train here, charged with tho theft of 110,000 of Rath bone's money. He was committed to jail without bail to await extra dition papers. Unknown Vessel Lost. Morehead City, N. C March 18. The unidentified steamship on Cape Lookout shoals will prob ably go to pieces. It is impossible to reach her on account oi tne high seas. Men from the life sav ing station have tried in vain to rescue the crew. A Fenian XTprisiu g. Rome, March 18. It is report ed that tho Pope has received information that there is a serious situation in Ireland and that a general uprising of Fenians is possible. It is believed the Vatican will -instruct the Irish clergy to hold aloof from revolutionary agitation. Insurgents Gain Ground. Port of Spain, Trinida, March 18. Venezuelan insurgents, supr ported by the revolutionary steam? j er, Bolivar, captured the town of j Juan Griego yesterday and moved the capital to an island. There is j every indication that the insurg ents will soon be masters of the whole island. 1 Storm on Coast. Norfolk, March 18. A terrific orale prevails on the. Virginia and . f, tr , Tha j. wind blew forty five miles per hour t c Hen The old Dominion steamship Hamilton came in port in the teeth of the raging stornj.i For Rent! One six room cottage. First house back of White Luther an church. J. F. Gaither. ' Stepped Into Live Coals. "When a child 1 burned my foot frightfully," writes W. H. Eads, of Jonesyille, Va "which caused horrible leg sores for 30 years, but Bucklen's Arnica balve wholly cured my after everything else failed." Infallible for burns, scalds, cuts, sores, bruises and piles. Sold by all druggist, 25c. r I. T, i