31WSY DAILY SUN '’T—r? ZXCBPT SUNDAY.) ^Vl? slows. I - ^s^cts. ittHd at pMtoffles as aecond-olags matter. advertising rates apply to the publishers •See over Burt's shoe store, on Main street. BUBBOBIPTION RATBB OasTear, .... ^t ■in Months, ... 2 0 Chrae .... ,.15 •me Month, .... ,# Ona Week, - - .10 elivered by Carriers* J any part of the city without entra cost. RAILROAIMCHEDELE. Departure of Trains From Salisbury. NORTHBOUND. Ma. 8, Local, Charlotte to Rich., 5:50 a in 36, Fast mail, Atlanta to N. Y., 10.43 am 30, N.Y.-Fla. 11m., Jack.,to N.Y. 11:30 am 18, Local, Atlanta to Rich., 8:55 p m 88, Vestibule. Atlanta to N. Y., 9:30 pm 84, N.Y.-Fla. Ex., Jack, to N. Y., 10:05 p m 40, Atlanta-Wash, Ex,, At. to W. 11:31 p m SOUTHBOUND. Mo. 3®, Wash-Atlanta Ex. to Atlanta 6:17 a m 38, N,Y.-Fla.Ex.Tampa-Augusta7:30 am 87, Vestibule to Atlanta-New Or. 8:17 a m 11, Local to Atlanta 7, Local to Charlotte 8'30 a m 3.07 p m BG, N.Y.-Fla. 11m., to Jacksonvile8:05 p m 3S, Fast mall to Atlanta-New Or. 8:35 p m WESTBOUND. Ma. 11, Local to Chat, and Memphis M, Through to Ohat.-Memphis FROM WEST. Ma. M, Through from Ohat.-Mem. 12, Local from Chat,-Memphis YADKIN R. R. Ha. M, Passenger and mail, leaves, 47, Mixed, leaves 28, Passenger and mail, arrives 48, Mixed, arrives 8 25 a m 8 45 p m 11:25 a m 8:35 p m 11 25 a m 12 01 p m 715pm 8 00 a m No Sectionalism Now. IfOone needed any proof that all sectionalism in the South were dead, he could have found it in Asheville yesterday. The Decoration Day exercises were attended by wearers of the blue and gray alike. The graves of Federal and Con federate were decked alike in flowers. The orator of the day was Gen eral Julian S. Carr, commander of the Confederate Veterans’ Associa tion of North Carolina. General Carr’s speech was one that touched the heart of every old soldier present. He paid a splendid tribute to the bravery of both armies, did perfect justice to the cause for which each fought and held his hearer’s closet attention as he recited some of the deeds of Federal and Confederate in that greatest war in the annals of time. The keynote of this most admira ble address may be found in these words: “I feel that as he was the hero in the war that fought the bravest, so he is the hero now who puts the past in its truest light, does justice to all and knows no foe but him who revives the hates of a bygone generation.” Verily the time has come when there is no North, no South and Federal and Confederate are hon ored alike for their bravery.— Asheville Citizen. We have an Elegant Line of Ladies Under derwear for Summer To see it means a sale. C MMMMWLMMMfLMWW^ You know you promised your- sell that out of this week’s pay you would buy yourself a slashing pair of Burt’s Low Shoes. StuasuitY, N. C., June 3, 1903. EDITORIAL SQUIBS. Guilford county recently voted * large issue of bonds for building good roads; Iredell county has just bought improved road machinery; the commissioners of Rowan coun ty Monday raised the road tax from 15 to 25 cents on the {100, and the same day the town of Henderson voted 140,000 for bonds for street improvement. The good roadsand good street fever has seized upon North Carolina in many of its parts, but instead of being a sick ness it is a sign of health.—Char lotte Observer. And when the money is available the commissioners of Rowan should see that the work of improving the roads is done systematically. One mile of good road with mud holes at either end is as bad as no road at all. Big Hail Stones, The Charlotte Observer wants to know “how come” the bail stones so much larger than usual ir North Carolina this year, and mentions the report which made them the size of lemons and goose eggs. The Observer has over looked the Winston Republican, which says the hail stones which fell in Forsyth county last week were as large as “pint cups.” The fact is we have developed some mighty big hail stones in North Carolina or some mighty big pre varicators, we don’t care to say which —Statesville Landmark. Didn’t Fool Around Any at All. As soon as Mr. Cleveland told all he knew about the persecution of the Jews in Russia, he went right back to his bait gourd.— Richmond Times-Dispatch. /The business men of Salisbury deierve commendation for closing their stores at an earlier hour than heretofore. This is a just and hui on the Step, for nd class of men IBflite issrder worked than clerks. They are entitled to ...1 the rest they get. A Toronto banking concern fail ed yesterday with liabilities aggre gating the modest sum of $10,000,- 000. The Straight and Narrow Life. It is proposed by some capital ists in New York to erect a seven teen story building on a lot 26 by 40 feet. It will be the, “skinniest” »k_y-surajser in tkat ^H^ at hoaJllkw construction. Has all sense of proportion been lost to the ground o vners and the architects of the big city, or are they determined to demonstrate that the vertical life is, after all, the life to lead? — Washington Star. Summer Dress Deeds Our stock of Summer Dress Goods is complete, up-to- date and stylish. We carry a full line of Fans, Parasols, and All Goods Kept in a Dry Goods Store Remember, the place is A. V. WINECOFF'S, 118 North Main Street. M^^pjwer when three of them can sit in a room ten minutes with out all of them talking at the same time on different subjects. A TERRIBLE THING. a Mississippi woman eat up un til 1 o’clock the other night wait ing for her husband to come home. Then she gave it up and went up stairs and found him in bed fast asleep. “His deception” as she called it. made her so mad that she didn’t speak to her husband for three days. The Wilmington Star thinks Judge Parker and Senator Gor man are the two most available men for the Presidential nomina tion. And of the two Gorman is making the steadiest gains. Heis growing in favor every day. Five battleships a year is the administration policy, as given out by the secretary of the navy the other day. If that rate of pro gress keeps up it will be only a matter of a short time until we have more battleships than Carter had oats. We now have more ships of war than we can man conveniently.—Raleigh Post. A WALL OF FIRE is not a pleasant thing by which to be surrounded, but a policy with Maupin Bros’ Insurance Agency makes it all right You will not dread this enemy to your property if you have one of these policies. MAUPIN BROS., Real Estate and Insurance, Office: Overman Building. Phone 256. Sun One Week 10c. Here at from 3 to 5 Samolians is your choice of Shoes that have the style of swell shoedom and all the marks of bestness. § § fa www wjwwwwrjwwfwjwrw^^^ . SACRIFICE SALE OF UK Iron Works, Foundry, Machine Shop. Salisbury Supnly & Commission Co. CLOTHING, Hats, Shoes, and all Gents Furnishing Goods. We have more goods than it pays to carry over the summer months. We are anxious to dispose of consid- on Jewelry, Novelties, Ster ling Silverware, Silver Pla ted ware, China, Clocks, &c., compels us to keep the largest assortment, which insures your finding the ar ticle wanted in our stock. THIS AND NEXT WEEK we are offering special inducements in the above lines. Our entire stock of Silver Plated Hol lowware and China at AC TUAL WHOLESALE COST. Big reduction in Cut Glass, Silver Plated Flat ware and Clocks. Our assortment makes select- In addition to Boilers, Engines, Ma clilnery, Hardware, Belting, Pulleys, Bolts and Mining Supplies, have op ened a complete Iron Works, Foun dry and Machine Shop, where we are prepared to da all kinds of Machinery Building and Repairing. J. H. Swain for many years in the machine shops of the Southern rail road and well known as a thorough mechanic is In charge of the machine shop and foundry. Storerooms and Shop near Passen ger Depot, SALISBURY, N. C. Send Your Prescriptions To erable portion of it before the end of (i eaay and affordable . June. We know extra inducements]pnny.iu © mccti must be offered to accomplish this and*”''"’""’' * upttN, we have for this reason cut into prices until we’ve reached the bare cost. If you have not secured all the Clothing you need you don’t want to let this op portunity pass. Here are Jewelers and Opticians. Successors to J. Horah. Will R. Barker At CUTHRELt’S Drag Store. W, have ne doubt in the world that Rev. Dr. Hillis is pleased at the attacks being made upon him for his recent truthless criticism of the South. Notoriety was all he desired and he has secured that in the greatest abundance, Such cat tle as Hillis should be let severely alone. Since the killing and mangling in that Paris automobile race they are calling the autoes “devil wag ons” over there. That’s not fair. It is the fellows who run them, not the automobiles who play the devil.—Wilmington Star. There exists in the world a race antagonism that no consideration of right or justice will overcome. So far as the negro- is the American people willingly concede and grant his personal right. But in localities where he preponderates numerically the whites refuse to submit to his diminution politically. This is the universal experience in the South and would be in the North were the negro as much in evi dence here as he is there.—Water- loe (Ia.) Courier. TO-LO-TAN CURES CATARRH. The bureau at Washington's not running’IS weather oa schedule time this year. A pretty thing, indeed, to give ms “sheep rains in June.—Winston Sentinel. MANY HAVE SUFFERED IN SALIS BURY BUT THERE’S A QUICK WAY OUT. Nothing more exasperating, more anhoylng, more terrible than Itching piles. The sufferer is not well enough to work and is not sick enough to go to bed. In constant torture it seems to him that he must go mad. Swift relief and cure for all sufferers in Doan’s Ointment. Salisbury proof of this: John Steele, the well known police- man who is the oldest officer on the force, residing at 610 Clay street, tells the following which will interest peo ple in Salssbury. “1 procured a box of Doan’s Ointment at the Salisbury Drug Store and used it. I had suffer ed for years from itching hemorrhoids and at times the Itching was so severe that I thought I would go crazy, and I could not get anything to relieve me. I can say that the first applica tion of Doan’s Ointment relieved and in a short time I was completely cured. It isa great remedyand I gladly allow you to use my name as one who endorses the claims made for it.” For sale by all dealers Price, 50 ets .a box,-Foster-Milburn Co.,Buffalo Lx. x , sole agents for the U. S. Bemember the name—Doan’s—and take no other. Startling Evidence. Fresh testimony in grea' quanti ty is constantly corning in, declar ing Dr. King’s New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds to be unequaled. A recent expres sion from T. J. McFarland, Ben- torville, Va. serves as example. He writes: “I had bronchitis for three years and doctored all the time without being benefited. Then I began taking Dr. King’s New Discovery, and a few bottles wholly cured me.” Equally effec tive in curing all lung and throat troubles, consumption, pneumonia and grip. Guaranteed by all drug gists. Trial bottles free, regular sizes 50c and $1. BARGAINS Thirtytwo years experience Accuracy, Promptness and Neatness Guaranteed. If you don’t know ask your doctor who Barker is. Prescription Work is his specialty. Commissioner’s Sale of TO-LO-TAN CURES CATARRH. The Protestant Episcopal dio- ceian convention of Long Island agreed with Bishop Burgess, by a vote of 94 to 28, that “it is un called fer and inexpedient to make any change in the present title of the church.” Cuts, Bruises and Burns Quickly Healed. 3 Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is an antisepetic liniment, and when ap plied to cute, bruises and burns, causes them to heal without matu ration and much more quickly than by the usual treatment. For sale by James Plummer. Cures Blood Poison, Cancer, Ulcers, Eczems, Carbuncles, Etc. Medicine. Free. Robert Ward, Maxey’s, Ga., says: “I suffered from blood poison, my head,face and shoulders were one mass of corruption, aches in bones and joints, burning, itch ing, scabby skin, was all run down and discouraged, but Botanic Blood Balm cured me perfectly, healed all the sores and gave my skin the rich glow of health. Blood Balm put new life into my blood and new ambition into my brain.” Geo. A. Williams, Rox bury, face covered with pimples, chronic sore on back of head, sup- perating swelling on neck, eating ulcer on leg, bone pains, itching skin cured perfectly by Botanic Blood Balm—sores all healed. Botanic Blood Balm, cures all malignant blood troubles, such as eczema, scabs and scales, pimples, running sores, carbuncles,scrofula, etc. Especially advised for all obstinate cases that have reached City Real Estate. Superior Court of Rowan County. Wiley E. Dodge, Exr of Margaret Harris, dec’d, VS Louisa Harris, Winnie Harris and Jacob Patterson (or Vanderberg), By virtue of a judgment rendered at May Term, 1903, of Rowan Supe rior Court in the above entitled case by which judgment the undersigned was appointed Commissioner to sell certain real estate and to divide the proceeds letween the defendants, Louisa Harris and Wianie Harris, in compliance with said authority the undersigned Commissioner will ex- of the best kind, for every piece of Clothing must go. Hence all Suits that sold for $7 50 reduced, strictly cost, $3.90. All Suits that sold for $8.50 reduced, strictly cost, $4.90. All our $2.00 Trousers at cost, $1.30. All $3 00 Trousers at $1.90. All our 25c Neckwear at cost, 19c. In fact every article in the house at strictly cost. Remember this is a union store and carries union-made goods. We take daylight for inspection. Don’t be mis led but come to the right place. When in Need of Sash, Doors and Blinds Call ar fl get an estimate from me be fore jou decide where to buy It will be money in your pocket, as I can guarantee you lower figures and a better quality of malerial than you can possibly get elsewhere My stock is complete and my motto is, “Live and let live.” Give me a call. O. M KICK. ■ Patents Sun Office for Job Work. urdett Organs are the second or third stage. Drug gists, $1. To prove it cures, sam ple of Blood Balm sent free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Descibe trouble and free medical advice sent in sealed letter. The Difference A weary woman takes com fort in a gas range. No Dirt. No Ashes. No Soot. No Smoke. A weary woman can have no comfort when she is ob liged to carry wood or coal and cart ashes. A gas range costs $15.00. Can be purchased on in stallments. We connect gas range and put in services free of cost. Salisbury Gas & Electric Light Conwa?, pose to public auction at the court , house door in Salisbury, N C., on 'MONDAY, JULY 6th, 1903 AT 12 M the following described leal estate: First Lot: Situate in the West Ward of the City of Salisbury on Monroe street and de-cribed as fol- wit: ^ginning at a stake A. J McDonald’s west corner in the south edge of Horah street and about 150 feet west of West street, and runs thence with Horah street northwest 50 feet to Ke ly’s corner, thence with Kelly’s line southwest about 90 feet to Price and Goler’s lin% th nee with their line southeast 50 feet to the aforesaid McDona d’s corner, thence with his line northeast about 90 feet to the beginning. See Book 73 Page 4 Second Lot: Also another parcel or lot of land lying near the city of Salisbury in the neighborhood known as Union Hill and bounded as fol lows: Beginning at a stake Warren Coleman’s, formerly Thomas H. Stev enson’s, southwest corner in Peter Harris’ old line, and runs south 72i deg east 1 58 100 chains to a stake, thence south 31 deg west 3 16 100 chains to a stake in the edge of the Plank Road, thence north 72 1 2 deg west! 58-100 chains to a stake in the Plank Road, thence north 31 deg east 3 16 100 chains to the beginning, con taining one-half of an acre more or less Terms of sale Cash. Dated May 30th, 1903. WILEY E DOUSE, L II, Clement, Atty. Commissioner. JACOB FELDMAN, 125 S. Main st. SALISBURY, N. C. U nsurpassed. They have the pure ^ich tone that always D elights the performer and too they are *asy to operate. We close at 7 P. M. RUBBER TIRES! When you want a rubber tire on your buggy Coburn’s Blacksmith shop is place to send it. Just tell him to put you on a set of tires made by the B. F. Goodrich Rub- berCoand you will be satis fied when you try them. He has in stock rubber shoes for your horse too. Also a swinging stock to shoe horses when they can’t be shod otherwise without dan ger of being hurt. The place is W. Fisher St., opposite standpipe. ’hese good features cause beginners to 'ake more interest and learn much faster. Thoroughbred Barred Plymouth Rock Eggs for sale by Mrs. D. M. Mil ler. 13 for $1.00. Good hatch guaranteed. 528 W. Cemetery Street. O ur instruments have stood the R igid test of 37 years in all climates. G ood organs are cheaper than bad Ones re s ar dless of the A ll BurdettOrgans are war ranted in plain words. N ow is a good time for you to buy. S ee us and get our prices. They are low. G. W. FRIX & CO 105 W. Fisher Street. Pianos and Organs tuned and repaired by a skilled workman. TRADEMARKS Designs J r FrVvv^ Copyrights &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinf n free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co, receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American, A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, 83 a ■oiVsiSB r F° nth8 ’ * L Sold byalt newsdealers, MUNN & Co. 36,Broadwa »' New York Branch Office, 625 F St., Washington, D, C. Brickford & Huffman DRILLS, Oliver Chilled Plows, Hampton and Dowlaw Cotton Planter and Globe Cultivators. POINTS I have on hand the largest line of Paints I have ever carried, including the celebrated brands of Egyptian and Economy. J. H. McKENZIE, The Hardware Dealer. Smooth Work. You’ll like the work we do on your shirts, collars and cuffs. You’ll like the Cleanness and life of the articles when we handle them. We do work for white people only. We make a specialty of Lace Cur tains. Give us a trial. Antiseptic Laundry Phone 259,