3' 8 8 A SSS3SSS3S) For "2-our W Christmas nv Never before have we had a better variety of Dress Goods than we have now and never before have we sold as much . FREE as we have this season, i We sell the "Callingwood" Mills goods. Some others may look the same, but careful com- ft (fl TO ALU 8 Q(URCM5UPPERS YA t imported Japanese YA Wlfrt PURCHASES OF Brass Goods A COLOSSAL ) C SALE. )) Try Ballard's Obelisk Flour. Never Disappoints. Only at parison will show ours to different, either in j width, strength, finish or somethin BLANKETS Comforts at Blankets- 10-4 aU knows this is the pair, our price per We have a few sets of beautifully hemstitched Sheets and Pillow Cases to matck, put up one set in box. They make nice xmas presents at .yo ana You can find many useful Christmas The Auburn Wagon 1 and 2 horse. Oliver Chilled Plows,Walk ing Disc Plows. HEATING STOVES, wood and coal. A large line of GRATES carried over from last jear. Djn't forget the fine line of Paints, among them the celebrated Egyptian and the Economy. ,. J. H. McKENZIE, The Hardware Dealer, Sun One Week 10c. Statewr-f North Carolina, lluwan County. Notice is hereby given to the public that application will be made to the Governor of North Carolina for the pardon of Tom Carr, convicted at November term 1893 of the Superior Court- of Rowan county for the crime of murder in the second degree and e nteaced to the State, prison for a term of 20 years. ' TOM CARR By Jno. S. Henderson and A. H. Price, Atty's. Upon a Sound Foundation wa have built a retuttlon and a bus lnes-i which are second to none Pure drugs, accuracy in compounding, promptness and m derate prices have made this the most reliable drug store in the city. The efficiency of the prescriptions made up here Is due to the freshness of the ingredient usd in the composition. All the wn known Proprietary Medicines at regular prices. CUTHRELL'S Drnf Store Have you bought It will soon be too late too late to get what you want. You will neea it before the winter is come now whila you line. We have made a ing our 9 5 and are now in a position to offer to our pat- rons tne Dest material ana tne mm m - manshiD. .combined what every good dresser wants this is what he will get if he buys it from us. a COMFDKTS 75c, 98c, wool jElkin BlanRets, add everybody best Blanket made to sell at $3.50 per pair only Big stock of Sheets and Pillow Cases at very Low Prices. A Traveling Man Gets in Trouble and DMerfHipamiiy. Mr. W. W. Purk-oaghs, formerly a clerk for J. G Hood & Co , in Charlotte, ' bat lately traveling salesman for the Knight Clothing and Manufacturing Company, of liynchburg, appears in the role of a wife deserter! He lived at Greenwood, S. C with his ..wife and two boys. Hd left them a f w days ago without any apparent cause, bat wrote Ms wife a latter tying that he was forced to leae the country. Id this letter he requested her tc return to her father's home anc j send the boys to the home of lis s parents, in Asheboro, Randolph county, this State. He left his wife without a cant. The people of Greenwood made up a parse jfor her and she arrived in Charlo te yesterday on the way to her home in Richmond county. The twd boys were sent Observer learns to Asheboro. The! that Burroughs troubles was caus ed by speculating in cotton. Charlotte Observi sr. When the winds of October send the sere and yellow leaves to the ground,- the good housekeeper thinks of putting the house in or- der for the winter. Nothing is so as a few nice cheerful in a room pictures. Buerbaum has on hand a large stock ofj new mouldings and will frame any picture in eood style and at short notice. Flinch has been a great game and is hold ing its own; Buerbaum has a large stock on hand as well as other new games. The srre it new game call ed PIT, i and ery fascinating;. Bibles and Test iments; fountain pens and fine stationery. It Pajys To Advertise In The Sun. an to go without it, also over, so don't delay, can select from a full ' !' j special f effort in select - mm i e best work suit. This is in every in a suit, and $1.25, 148 and 1.98 $2 98. a sei. presents a4 Beggars. The begging nuisance j is not a very serious one in this city, but occasionally; pedestrians along Boyston streat in the evening are accosted by tramps tor beggars. Philadelphia has just undertaken to remedy the begging evil in that city by rigorous treatment of this class of individuals. There is no lack of evidence that the support given to beggars by i kindly dis posed people or by those who will give a few cents to be rid of the bpggar J and satisfy a cheap vanity are largely respon sible for the nuisance. Modern society undertakes to provide shelter and protection to those who are really in need and deserv ing of help, and really believes ii cLsesao. The only thing that wili effectually dispose of .the nuisance is to have the public act together in refusing individual support, while directing the needy and de serving to the proper agencies for their assistance, and then main taining these generously,- Boston Transcript. Some men re praying God for a big harvest, but they don't think it worth while to enlarge the barn, Commissioner's Sale. Pursuant tt a decree of the Supe rior Court of Rowan county issued in the Special Pproceeding entitled, "Arthur D Davis, executor of Albert II. Miller vs Nannie Holder and oth ers," authoring, empowering and di recting the undersigned Commission er tt tell the lanas hereinafter de scribed for the purpose of making assets for the payment of debts, the Baid undersigned Commissioner will expose to sale at the Court House door In Salisbury to the highest bid der for cash, on s Thursday, the 8th Day of Jan., 1904 at 12 o'clock m, the following real estate, situate in Cleveland township, Rowan county, edjolng the lands of J H Carson. G. W. Booe and other, and bounded as follows, to-wit : Beginning at the railroad bridge. G. W. Booe's corner; thence West. with the Wet tern Nonh Carojiea ral'road to William G. Thompson's line; thence North with Thompson's line to che old original corner known as the Josiah Morrison corner; thenc East with the old Morrison lice to J H. Carsoa's corner of land bought from Mrs L. E. Rosebrough, thence with J. H. Caruou's line to the public dirt road; thence South with said road to the railroad bridge, the beginning corner, containing ninety-six, (96,) acres, more or less, and being the same lands conveyed to Albert H Miller by Mrs. Lucy E RosepTough by deed reg ister d in Book of Deeds of Rowan county "No 90. page 150. This Dec 3, 1903. t ARlHUR D DAVIS. Commissioner Overman & Gregory, At ty s. fiAlA V1LW LLll W I SINGLE OR DOUBLE BREASTED Tomorrow we begin a colossal sale of Blankets. Just at a time when everybody requires them, and at such temptingly low price that even those who do not want to buy will be inclined to. We had the opportunity of closing out a large lot of fine Blankets com posed of North Carolina all wool, and California Blankets. Our prices which we ask can hardly fall short of creating a little sensa tion in Blanketdom. LOST SWEETHEART; WILL O Brooklyn Youth, Disheartened by Re' jected Love, TaK.es Carbolic Acid. When his sweetheart began to discourage his attentions, Gaorge Huent, a good lookirg young man 22 years old, of 326 Melrose street Brooklyn, became disheartened and decided to die. While all alone m his room yesterday niter noon he attempted suicide by drinking car bolic acid. H lies on a cot in the German Hospital unconscious. Two bloecoats sit near on guard. The police learned that CJuent was engaged to a pretty typewriter who resides in Manhattan Last Sunday he visited hi3 sweet heart, and it is said she told him not to visit her any more. Yesterday afternoon Mrs Quent happened to go into her son's room ind on the fl or she found George in. agony. He was quickly re moved to the hospital. He may die. New York News. Cures Blood Poison, Cancer, Ulcers, Eczema, Carbuncles, Etc. medicine. Free. Kobert Ward. Maxey's, Ga., avs: "I suffered from blood poison, my head,f ace and shoulders vere one mass oi corruption, acnes n bones and oints, burning, itcn nsr, scabby skin, was ail run down and discouraged, but - Botanic rtlnnd Bairn cured me perfectly. healed all the sores and gave my m a 1 1 kin the rich glow oi ceaun. lood Balm Dut new life into my blood and new ambition into my . r . . k T brain." Geo. A. YV imams, iox bury, face covered with pimples, chronic sore on bacK oi neaa, sup r.pratirjo' swellinsr on neck, eating ulcer on leg, bone pains, itching km cured perfectly oy uotanic lood Ualm sores an neaieu. Botanic Blood Bairn, cures all malignant blood troubles, such as .1 I ecsema, scans ana scaics, piuipiw, running sores, carbuncles.scrofula, tc. Especially advisea tor an h-itinate cases that have reached he second or third stage. Drug- criata. $1. To nrovc it cure;?, sam ple of Blood Balm sent free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co.. Atlanta, Ga. Descibo trouble and free medical advice sent in waled letter. 'or sale by Cornelison & Cook. Try the Sun's i-cent-a- word ads. on first page. Style No.4068 We are showing the latest styles and blocks in STETSON" and HAWES HATS. We do not keep them but sell them some every day; your size and style is here today but tomorrow? Don't you really need a BATH KOBE. We nave a large assortment now, but before Christmas they wil be reduced. Buy one before the CHRISTMAS RUSH begins. lliul 112 SOTJTH MAIN" p - - 1 - Rolbed Hotel Guests. ' Two white men named Sartin and Williamson, from High Puint. went to Greensboro last week and put up at CleggV ho'el. Soon aft r ward they were found robbing the rooms of other guests of cloth ing, etc., i sto.en goods-were found in iheir possession. After they were arrested they put up the customary excuse, saying they were drunk and did not know what they were doing. They were bound to court in a bond cf $50 each, gave bond and ware released. A Timely Suggestion. This is the season of the year when the prudent and careful housewife replenishes her supply of Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy. It is certain to be needed before the winter is over, and results are much more prompt and salif acto ry when it is kept at baud and given as soon as the cold is con tracted and before it ha3 become settled in the system. In almost every instance a severe cold may be warded off by taking this reme dy freely as soon as the first indi cation of the cold appears. There is no danger in giving it to chil dren for it contains no harmful substance. It is pleasant to take both adults and children like it Buy it and you will get the best. It always cures. For sale by Jas flunimer. Are You Aware that in the course of one year the balance wheel of your watch makes 157,680,000 revolutions. Think Of It. . In time the oil gams, produces friction and wears tbe delicate bearings destroying their high finish and perfect fit, thu3 ruining an accurate time piece. An ordinary wagon is greased daily, a sewiDg ma chine bliould te oiled several times daily when In use, a railroad tDglne is oiled usually every hour. Your watcn only needs oiling once in a year or 15 months. Any machine from a plow to a watch needs attention Let us examine your watch or c k; an honest opinion from us will cost you noth ing. W. P. THORNTON, Jeweler and Optician : , 115 South Main Street. iliflEllio STEEET The Trinity College boys did a fool thins: when they burned JosephuB Daniels in effigy. But tbe fWi that they are colleee boys of course robs the incident of any great seriousness. They will all live to regret their conduct. A young lady went into a well" known establishment a few days ago and said to the shopwalker: Da you keep stationery ?" "No, miss," replied the shop walker; "if I did I should lose my job." Tit-Bits. . . How to Prevent Croup. It will he good news to the moth ers of small children to learn that croup can bo prevented. L The first sign of croup is hoarseness. A day or two before the child be comes hoarse. This is soon fol lowed by a peculiar rough cough Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy freely as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the rough cough appears, and it will dispe! all symptoms of croup. In thife way all danger and anxiety may be avoided. This remedy is used by many thousands of mothers and has never been known to fail. It is, in fact, the only remedy that can always be depended upon and that is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by James Plummer. - r 'HIGH ART." Copyrixhted 1903. 8 ymm 8 8 FOR SALE BY Kluttz & have now ready 6 days in goods we have ever offered Our Dress Goods department is the most up to date we liave ever offered. We have a handsome ets and Furs. Our stock of Underwear hard to keep a supply, they A big assortment of our Wool Blankets, the best New supply of Carpets, and Oil Cloth. New stock of Shoes at Fancy Flour, the best in town. Leggett's Hecker's and Mountain Buckwheat Flour, remier, Hecker's and American White Oat Flakes. Maple, New Orleans and Sorghum Molasses. The best Butter, Cheese and Crackers in the city. The finest Apples, Pears and Grapes that grow. Fresh Vegetables and Cereals, the best that come 0 town. Fresh all Pork Sausage at 12 i-2c. Pure Apple Vinegar, 4 years old, at 20. 10 salesmen ready to serve you at IOjUTTZ&R Some of the Best Hunting and Fishing in the to be had in the territory traversed by Southern Railway. No other section ffeis to sports men such inducements .ami such va riety of game, Special attention givea hunting parties. ' Send 4c postage to S. II. ITardwick, General Passenger Atrtnt, Washing ton. D C , for copy of Hunting and Fishing Book The Gulf Coast Resorts, Mobile, New Orleans, Mexico and California "via SOUTHERN RAILWAY. " Winter tourist tickets now on sale to the noted resorts of the Gulf Coast and Mexico and Cali fornia. Tickets on eal9 via South era Railway up to and including: April 30 1903, limited to May 31, 1904, for return passage. Elegant train service. The route of the "Washington and South western Limited" and "Sunset Limited." Ask nearest ticket agent f.-r de tailed information and descriptive matter. Many of our patrons, are buying their so as to have it when the cold weather comes. Tht is proper, get it before the sizes aro broken. " . Gloves; Handkerchiefs, in cotton, linen ana silk; Neckwear in attractive styles and patterns; Suspenders in all styles; Rain Coats and Mclntoshes; White ar d Colored Stiff botom Shirts; pUin and fancy Hosiery, 10c to 50c a pair Umbrellas $1.00 to $6.00. In fact we keep everything for men to wear. Rendleman the week the largest stock of at prices that to see is to buy. stock of Ladies Coats, Jack has never been better; it 13 are so desirable. boys heavy ioc Hose. in town, from 75c to $5.00. Rugs, Matting Linolium any price. "ETJ7 A TT'C! Sun Office for Job Work. RAILROAD SCHEDULE. Departure of Trains From Saliibury. 5T0RTHE0TTHT). No.. 8, r,o al, Charlotte to Klch., 8:17 m 36, Fast mail, Atlanta to N. 16.41 am 30, N.V.-FU. 11m., Jack., to N.T. 11:80 a m 12, Local. Atlan.-Elch., ar 8.3S It 8:66 p m r. Vestibule. Atlanta to N. Y., 9:80 p aa M New Through Train, 11 IT p na 4 , Atlanta-Watth. Ex., At. to W. 11:43 p aa SOUTHBOUHD. So. 39, Wash-Atlanta Ex. to Atlanta S M a 33, sew Through Train, 7 36 a aa 37, Vestibule to Atlanta -New Or. 1:17 a m 11, Local to Atlanta I'M a m 7, Local to Charlotte 1.07 p aa 29, N.Y.-Fla. Mm., to Jackaon rile 8:80 p aa 35. Fast mail to Atlanta-New Or. 8:48 p a WESTBOUND. Mo. 11, Local to Oh at. and Memphis I IS a na 35, Through to Ohat.-Men)phla liSpaa FROM WIST. So. 36, Through from ChaU-Mem. 11:38 am IS, Local from Obat,-Memphl 8:88 p aa YADKIH R. JL, 5o. 21, PasseDRer and mall, leares, 11 SB a a 47, Mixed, leares U 01 p aa 22, ran-,r iiger and mall, axrlTM 7 IS p aa - 4, Mixed, arrives 8 00 a at 23 and carry day coaches between Wash inyton and Charlotte.