FOR RENT: New 6 , . j ; - - . room house on North Main Street. Water, bath and sewerage. . N. P. Murphy. New Lino of Extracts Large Assortment of Stationery, At Isenhour & Bean's. VOL XV SALISBURY, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 25, 1904 NO. 22. nam TOinii hoi iml tra... r i a w .a v , & i ft i tuufr- .. ii ft a v - - .um m .k a sr . sr - s. -x. i i . i u i u w m s t x - I 2 A I- sT - -1 LEE STIREWALT DIESfPRIOE CARRIES BO WAIi AS RESULT OF ACCIDENTAL SHOT. Young Victor Lee Stirewalt Died Yes terday. Mr. F. V. Barrier received a message this moraine from his brother-in-law, Mr. P- N. Stire walt, stating that the latter's 11- year-old son, died yesterday as the result i of an accidental unary Tueeday afternoon. The boy pick ed up a gen, when it was accident- ly discharged and his right arm was blown off. Tho injury proved fatal, as the attending physicians feared from the first. Mr. Barrier went to Ebenezer chorea j this afternoon to attend the funeral. - . BIBLE IHSHTOTE. Negroes Holding a Meeting at Dixon- i pfiUeJBaptist Church. Rev. J. A. Whitted, D. D., a prominent negro theologian is in Salisbury conducting a "New Era and Bible institute" at the Dixon ville Baptist church. The pro gram far today is: 2:30 p.. ta. Devotional service, led by Mrs. Ellen F. W ade. 3:00 !?Tbe Woman's Place in the Home," Mrs. Fannie E. Mont gomery! - Other mothers will be asked to speak on this subject. 3:30 t'The. Woman's Place in Society,)" Mrs. Mary Q Bradshaw, and Mrs. Thena Hargrave. 4:00 rhe W. C. T. U. What it as done, and what it is destined to do," Miss M. A. Lynch, Mrs. E. R.1 Crosby and Miss Hannah Stand ard. .,. ' "j1 ' ' ' : - -" 4:30 ;'The Ladies' Baptist Home Missionary Society," Mrs. Ellen F. Wade, Mrs. Julia E Freeman, Mrs., Ida M. Miller, Mattie File and others. ' 7:30 Prayer Service, Sulject 5'Frayer" Rbv. J. P. Alexander. . SiOO 'j'How Error Crept into the Early Churcb,' Dr. J. O. Cros- by. i " " " ' ' Sr:8.Mteef3rnaaTug JeuS Christ," Rev. M- E. Parrish T- Sl 1 ft ST TT T 1 I 9:00 j'The Cause and Effect of Inhbspitality," Rav. R L File. Tcm Shedrick Finishes His Time.' Tv.r :Gr.A;r -n -4. j lxi ijtuiit&) - cm nvii u Salisbury negro, "c mp'eied a six vear term in the penitentiary Wednesdiv and returned to Salia- I bury yesterday. He was sent to the penior7En&!eBrown, .9gedco"lored'' mln, but"5eVefal charges bad previously been lodgT 1 I tHi kaiUDi utuif a,sj uiio w - , nent of which was the slaying of another negro named Henderson. Yost Wants Free Delivery. The Concord Times says: The people in the Yost neighborhood are trying to get the free delivery the route which goes out from Cnina Grove by Ebenczsr Church: !he county of Rowan has had a good bridge put over Datch Buf falo creek. We learn that the rosptcts are good to have the route established. First Degree Work. u . A refirular meeting of Fulton r Lodge No. 99 A. F. and A. M. V will be held tonight at 7:30. There I "will be work in the first degree and every member is invited to be present. Livingstone College Plays Ball. The , crack baseball team of L'vingstone College left this morr iag for Greensboro, where it will plav this afternoon- with Bennett College. .Miss Minnie Eames Improving. ' MIsj Mionie Eim?8, who has been so sick for eeveral months, is very much improved, information extremely gratifying to a wide . circle of friends. T Knsa8 Citv Tenneessee, and native Beef. Presred Ham, Ham . a Vienna Sauaee, Cured Ham ll.imfHired Breakfsifct Strip snd 6U assortment of Fish fur Satur daB trade. Jackson' Market. 2t GAME EGGS v riar sale 1 2 50 per dotting. Mug 1 G. A, Jackson. Real Estate. 'a is the time to purchase real tn xou can mase moiey ii hnv at once, bee us for bar- -ams. Jxiaupiu xjiuo. , . . . T - - I IN THE REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES - I A Hotly ( ontes ed Battle in Salisbury Township. A. H. Price, 'Esq ; of Salisbury, assietant . district attorney for Western North Carolina, . carried Rowan counts : in the K publican J primaries yesterday, though I Blackburn gets a nice slice of rotes. . i Mr; Price carried two out of the I four Salisbury precincts solidly, lost one and i the two votes eceived one out of n the fourth. Just 1 exactly what ms majority in tnei . a county is is not now known but it is stated today byaleading Repub- lican mat tne i unit ruie win do adopted in tomorrow's Kepublican convention ana that a .solid dele-j gation will go o , the WilkesborO convention, wll i ;h is to be held on - - next Thuredaji The vote bjf precincts so far heard from Lj as follows: , r . Salisbukt, West ward, Price 1, Blackburn 1 East . ward, Price Price 2;, South iJ; JNorth wara ward, Blackburn 1. ' Franklin. Price 4. : China Grovel,! Price 4 i a : ' Locke, Bracibum 3, Price 1. Bostian's X Roads, Blackburn 3. Gold Hill, Price 4. Hatter Shopi, Price 3. Spencer, Price 1. East Spencer Price 2. Bradshaw, Price 4. Mt. Ulla, Price 4. Morgan, Blajckburn 4. Cleveland, Pa-ice 4. ' Ai GRADED SCHOOL. Pro! Graham Addressed the Teachers Yesterday Afternoon. Prof."; Edwafd Graham,' of the faculty of the University of North Carolina, and Snperintendcnc Thompson, of jthe Concord public schools,' were in Salisbury yester day and visitea the white . graded schools.5 At tiie conclusioA Of the hour Prof. Graham ad- Vi T t dressed the teachers, brit fly but wisely. DOG AF ER OFFICER. Officer Torrence Has to Make a Quick Pull f Trigger. . Officer Torr6Bce was called Upon this morning ti shoot a do? be- longing to jonn uorreii, a coicrea drayman and if hen Mr. Torrence arrived upon tne scene tne aog was f oamiosr at the mouth and - . I snapping viciously at every on m stent. As the officer arew ms pistol the dog jumped at him and only quick action with the. weapon saved Mr. Tor rence from a bard struggle with he dog. The first did the work, most shot, ho weverJ ' . ! ! TOMORROW'S MEETING. The Democratic! Executive Committee of Rowan Meets Tomorrow: The Democratic Executive Com mittee of, .Rowan county meets at the court house tomorrow at 12 o'clock and the tim of the primar ies and convention will be determ ined upon. There is every indi cation Ithat anj-early conveation will be called, is expected at A large attendance the meeting. 1904 Crop of California Fruits. Fine oranees, pineapples, grape fruit and fine apples 10c dozen. Come or phorje. . ' 25 . Bileeoy Candy Kitchen. The Merry I Go Round was , a great attraction last night and had a large crowd! It will start; early tonight. Dch't lail to come. Just only a few more nights to run. Will beenn running aturoay at 2.30 o'clock. Cut Flowers fot Easter. Roees-Cor nations, Calla-Lillies i and Easter Lit Hies. Orders must be received early. Call or 'phone Mrs. M. O Linton for prices. Aeent for J Van - Lindley and Northern Florists. 3t Wanted I Shaver and der. I Boarders at corner of nniss st. Mrs. Hoi ' 3t We are overstocked on fod ler and for the next ten days will offer first-class fodder at 90c per 100 lbs Come to see us. J. P. Harper & Bro. S I . 6t Cot tags for rent. . ' Opposite iity ball. McCdbbin & Harrison. 3t detwiler odt. Rev. Dr. G. H. Deiwiler i Able to be .- Out Again, jjev; DrQ. II." uatwuer, pre i-linr clQT" ry4 K?a lofJf la aKlafftt. tha Firtt IVf pthrwlliat fthnmh. to be out again, after undergoing ftn-operation in a Charlotte hos pital. He Twill shortly be able resume his work. S " AT LIYINGSTONE COLLEGE. Mr. Thornton and Kev. George Schutes Deliver Addresses. T.iirfnafAo lr-i I larva nnaf Air1ew1 i was the subject of two pleasant treats in the nature of instructive Undresses. Mr. W. P. Thornton jeweler, visited some of the classes in tho mnmin tr. tn which of whom he made a short: but very interest - ino-fallr. Th stndenta wsreverv appreciative and gave him the closest attention. Mr. Thornton said he was very pleased wjth all he saw and, as bin time was lim- ited, intimated that be would call egain. - ' At night a special program was rendered by the College Y. M. C, A. in the chapel before the student body and friends, 'After the pre- liminariesRev. George. chutes, the principal 1 speaker, made a strong address, his metaphorical subject bein'g "Oo. Silver-Wings;" He got hia subject from ? Psalm 68:12, "Though " ye . have been among the po'.s, yet shall ye be ast the wings of a dove covered with whica union was born three chil silver, and her feathers with ye low dren, a son and two daughters, all gold." He contended that as the angels whom Isaiah saw had three twains of winge, he also would auggest three wings with which I and women may soar from the pots of sin and ignorance to the lofty heights of Christianity. A SPECIAL MEETING. " Mayor Eoyden and the Aldermen to I Mee't With the Firemen A special meeting Qf JJiSafat-Bie bnrial took place. s bury FfreDepartment is to be held at the cit7 hall next Mondav night at 7 3 o'clock 'and Mayor Boyden will make a short talk, All the aldermen are invited to be present, as a matter very mater ially affecting the department's interests is to be brought up. I , A Child. Burned.- " : The; four months old child . of Mr. U. G. Scott, manager of the Salisbury Telephone Exchange, was painfully burned ! yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Scott had left the I room for a moment when the child managed to free itself from res traint and lall upon the hearth. The hot bt:'ci left what at first ap-peared-toabe very Lserious scars but which later proved to be only slight injuries. - A ii' Rev. Stickler's New Charge Says 'the : Lutheran , Visitor : "Rev. ;Vw;R.fSHckiey has entered upon his work in the Sbennandoah pastorate, having preached in each of the coqgregations and met a number of the church people. All he has seen and heard so far seem well pleased. His health continues to improve, but his wife contract ed qtiite a cold on their recent trip rom North Carolina to Virginia. and Sbe is improving, however, we trust will soon be well." A Children'sService. A children's service jWill be held At the First Methodist church to morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. All children are invited. Rev. Mr. Comann has a special talk .for the little ones. -! -:a' t Yon Want the Best. We Have It Headquarters for all kinds of greets.- Freeh home made Can dies made daily. ; We also have a fiie line of foreign and domestic fruits received every day. Come and try us and you will saye mon ey. We deliver; all packages, large or amalL...... ' Saleety Candy Kitchen, Phone 296. 113 N. Main Sf. For Sale ! At public auction Saturday, March 26th at 12 o'clock at court house door, two houses and lots on North Clay st. near corner Council; one 4 room, one 5 room, both in good condition. .Ex cellent water. For information see D R. Julian. . ' ; 3t. ' Pure Brown Leghorn esrgs for ale. 75cts per setting of 15 eggs. f. T. Kobmson, 408 S. Ellis St. '? Fine the lowest prices at Rusher's cash meat market, tf THE REVIVAL HEETIIG. Special Service fer Children Tomorrow Afternoon. - xomorrow anernoon ai o o ciucki "inere is coooes on every special sermon will be preached - lthe children by Mr.'Comann. to is hoped that a large number little folks will be present. ' A good sized congregation was present last night. Ihe subject of -! the aermon was "the danger and sin ci conformity with tne world. It was a most practical talk on l.!..!. L.i riSr:-l. it. Duujevb iuai nuccta iuu wuuio i pines in xsanimore requireci .casoi Mk.,tM.u " x i j it. ; ' iVi'i -? church. : vlia advance and that' what let so I Rev. Mr. Comann came here Rev. Mr. Comann came here witn tne reputation ot being one J of the very best preachers in the! Western North, Carolina Confer - ence ana ne is eubtaining mat 1 reputation. . Services continue to be held at 0 na o o ciock, ice evening servi ca being preceded by a short song and prayer service. ' MR POWLAS' DEATH. A Good Man Gees to his Eternal Be- U:sV-,-i . .. ward. correspondence of Su. Organ Churcb, March 23 -Mr; Alexander Powlas, of the Organ f Church congregation, died Sun- day, March 20, at the ripe old age of 79 years, 6 months and 22 days. Mr. Powlas was married twice, first to Miss rxachael Boger, to of whom survive him. His eecosd marriage was to Miss Mary Jane I Honeycutt, who survives " him. She, his three children , twenty ee great grand-children and three grand children mourn his death, In his death Organ Church; has lost a faithful member for he has beon laithful and conUteny member of the same since her confirmed at the age of sf years. . ; " - - 'v;. second day j:oiiqwin burial services were conducted his pastor, Rev. C. A. Brown, in the presence of a large congrega-.V tion of friends and relatives who gathered at the church to pay their last tribute of respect to his .mor tal remains on earth. - Bereaved and sorrowing ones, you mourn but not as those who have no hope,"BlesseJ are the dead which die in the Lord." X. FLORIDA LIMITED WRECKED. Passenger Train on the S.A. L. Knna Into Open Switch. " Henderson, March 24 '.The fast estibuled Urain on the Seaboard Air Line. No. ': 31, known as the Florida limited, ran into an or. en switch here early this morning and was badly wrecked. : Not one of the fifteen passengers on board suffered injury. Engineer Tucker, who stuck to his engine, was fatally icjured, both legs and both arms being crushed. Other members of the train crew arere ported to have sustained injuries. The Florida Limited is due to pass Henderson shortly after mid night, but does not stop here. The train entered ' the town at high speed and plunged into the open 8witch, colliding with -shifting engine. . ... , . The wreck caught fire from the overturned stoves and two Poli- man sieepers ana two box cars were burned. Three box cars were smashed into splinters and the two locomotives were entirely wrecked. Pythress coal chute, which stood close to the siding was demolished. The fire sale Is the largest in the history of Salisbury. It was neces sary to close the doors twice dur mg the day to keep out the crowd. The place is Feldman's, 125 South Mam st. : Elevate yourself temporarily on the Ferris Wheel in rear of Sav ings Bank building. 3t. Double Violets One half cent each. Ten for 5cts. Will sell any number. Mrs. H. N. Woodson, 317 North Fulton Bt. 2t. For 4ient, 8 room house No. 224 North Main st. Apply at Brown hhoe Co. store.- tf. ... : i For Sale- At once 7 room cottage; water and k sewerage, stable and wood house; good buildings, good loca tion; West ward.' 'Apply within 10 days for tbe low price of $ 2300 00 Apply at Sun office or Box 223. care H, -6t. BALTIHORE FULL OF HOBOES.'; J Ernest Murphy Says That 25 Stand oa I Everv Street Corner. . . R I nnhlin ctroat nrtmAf iwi Dallimnrai V to I said Ernest iMurphy to ga ; Suk Ill representative who took his state- of (ment with reference to the indict- menft aMin8i-hit'.for"'?f Atwell'g store and shooting ' two I ofScers. i phy, "at f 1 25 per day without a any trouble but every boarding lt: . -r- , ,r man v fellowa down. ' DidnH hav many fellows down. .Didn't have tne cash in advance, couldn't work without eating, so they did not Jwork. ,9 V a. V : '4 TOLD IN BRIEF. litem Personal and Otherwise Picked 1M- '1' !. Up on the Jtoands. . , v- Mr. P. B Beard went to State Ji ville this morning, i ' , f H Fetching featu res . to fr ch bp si ness. isuu s ohoe btore. 4 , Mr, Thomas -Robinson went t Greensboro this morning. f ior ooutn uoston, y irginia v-' Mrs. ISagene Hauser, who has much improved. Mr. Hi hompsoa. returned j last night from a business trip to -7 : The Sun is Indebted to Mrs. H." Ni Woodson ffof two handsome I bunches of double violets. f i i " Fashion's demands were reltgi- ously Jlowed in . , buying our spring 'x of shoes- Burt'o. , ; f ""dertrudd and Mil-j. have been very f out again. liixclustve .d Tuesday;' ira.; ;W. R.i f and family are ikying ' l recently moVE om Marshv: lie. They live on Ca Main street. ; - ' j Mr. iahd Mrs Oliver Whitaker,' who have been living at Hamlet, hav6 ' returned to Salisbury and will again make this their home; Ihe Woodmen will hold an im portant meeting tonight at 7. 30 o'clock, and- every 4 member is, urgently requested to bo present Rev.: C. M. Caldwell has' pre-' sented the Sun with a quantity of his excellent mineral c water...; He is finding a ready market for this water in S .lisbury ToQig Moore's Condition. Mr. M. L! Cline, of 5 No. 5 tells us that bis little 10 year old grand-: son, Fred "Moore, son of Mr.' Cbas. Moore, of Granite Quarry, got his right eye put out on the 22ad and his face badly cut, due to a discharge of dynamite. The little; ellow struck the cap on an anvit, and it exploded with the ' above result. He was taken at once to Salisbury" for medical "attention.; The sight of the eye is destroyed auu ine ooy is in a serious conois ion. ConcordTimes J Rowan Uniformly Right Says the Charlotte Observer ed4 itorially: u' The Salisbury Sun says: "Messrs. T. C. Linn and Walter- Murphy, who were in Raleigh last week, were asked as to preference for President and both declared unqualifiedly f or Cleve land." - - ,v , $:t. : We 'honestly believe that thi Rowan folks -come ; nigher- being uniformly right than any other people in the.State. Jackson's Fish are extraordinarily nice. --. ' ' V .:-: :; " ii 21. . i i ; ; : 1 ; A high class, refined annua ment for young and old. Children 5c. The Ferris wheel will run tonight. and Saturday : afternoon at i2 o'clock. i . '. x : It I WILL GARHISHEE WAGES. i v - - 1 . . ! City Taxes Mhst be Paid by the First The city taxes are past ' doe and all who have hot paid by Apri 1st win oe aovertisea or .garni sheed and all delinquents will be taxed with costs : 1 1 f James D Heilig, mi J a! ChnJ Finah6e Com. Nice Furnished Rooms for Rent: 229 E. Inn iss St.. hear fountain J tf i DIE M A STORE VhELlil ill A lUUIIAUU. nnimn ttt a mAnninA BIG WESTERN STORH RAGIIG Lines .are Down in all Directions, , . - Storms Still Raging Chicago, March " 25. Reports from Milw&nkAR. Ririne. EaatSt. Louis and other Doints indicate w o, i.-. f-iv- .u ulu ... MlI1 ..v.u..,. . , . enormous date a? e has been f i -i, t ?. aone-1 fAnei, are jaown m every T i ,tT I "f fuirecuon. Addit'onal -reports about the work, of destruction by, last night's tornado indicate that the loss is much greater than at first thought. Telegraphic communication is still interrupted in several directions but.the present estimate of dam age' is about five millions. More toia- n?e muntireu houses were wrecked - and tsiruen persons are known-to bei killel. Scores are still miseing. -' ' ' Grand ForkP, N; D March 25. " RenorW ' from - North Dakota. worsts blizzird.ox the season is ,K.rft .nw ne snow drifUy are " from deep five to ten feet I STRIKE STILL ON. Express Agents Along .Lines of the, 9. & W. Railway. The Southern express ' agents a'ong. .the Norfolk & Western K ail way Tines," who went out on a strike recently becausa the. com pany pay Ihem state! salaries, are still out and there is ha sign of an agreement. . . Will Compromicse on Price ' . Says the Stanly Eaterprise: Dr. J I. Campbell, of Norwood, was in' town yesterday. While being originally Linney man, he thinks that the factional' fight that has" arisen between Mr. Linney and Mr. Blackburn will result in a compromise among Republicans in this county en Mr. A. II. Price. Gets a. Regular Ren. Mr. W. L. Corneliusj of States ville, who has for some time been running as a sub clerk in the rail way mail service, was this week appointed to a regular run be tween Salisbury and Chattanooga, says the Statesville Landmark. - Mrs. Mosef injvred r C - Mrs. J. M. Moser; of the coun ;y, was painfully 'njured yestir- day by falling from a parch. Her right arm was broaen and she was otherwise injured. . physician was immediately called in and set he Broken limb. . Farmers Sebiad. .,. , Anumber of . farmers who were in oansbury -today report . that they are badly behind with work on account of the long . continued unfavorable weatoer. Wanted: Good road horse. Ap tf ply toT. J. Rabe. For Sale: Fine chrysanthemum slips. Mrs. A. W. Winecoff, phone 74. ' . ; ';;-" 2t. An experienced saleslady wanted for a dry . goods store. Apply through this office. 21. The Ferris Wheel caters especi ally to ladies and children. It will run tomsht and tomorrow after noon at 2 o'clock. Children 5c. It Dr. W. H. Wakefield, of Char lotte, N. C, will he in Salisbury at Dr. Councils office, on Friday, April 1st, for one day only. His practice is limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and Fitting Glasses. . , Eest Remedy For Constipation. The finest remedy for consti pation I ever used is Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets," says Mr. Eli Butler, of Frankville? N. Y. ; "They act gently and without any unpleasant effect, and leave the bowels in a perfectly natural condition." Sold by Jas. Plum- mer. Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured. William Shaffer, a brakeman of Dennison, Ohio, was confined to his bed for several weeks with in fUmmatory rheumatism. "I used many remedies," he says. "Final ly . sent to McCaw's drug store for a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, at which time I was; unable to use hand or . foot, aod in one , week's time was able to go to work as happy as a clam." For sale by Jas. Piummer." -- BDSSIAIIS STARVIIIG. POET ARTHUR'S BAD CQSDITIOJ. AnotheriLttaclofJPan Expected in a lew Days. Cheefoo, March 25. A Japanese newspaper correspondent who vis ited Port Arthur, in disguise has returned. Ha sava nrovisinna am ... r . short, prices exorbitant and the snnnlv from th ont?da nrartirallv j- g j t Mr " " " ' J I cut off. j He thinks the Russians will be comDelled to eive up Port Arthur without resistance, owing t) starvation. Ha AHtimatofl Ihfil ' garrison at five thousand. am MV town has suffered much througli Japanese shells and hundreds of nooses are in ruins. St. Petersburg, March 24. The Russian fleet under Admiral Wir- enius has been ordered to remain . . i at Port Arthur. - . ...... . : Rome. March 25 A telecram received here from Chefoo states that five thousand Japanese landed at Chenampho, Korea, Tuesday, maaing a toiai oi nineiy-eignt thousand in Korea. St," .Petersburg, March 25. Gen. Altevater. inppectur of ar- tillery of the il iifiati army, has been banished to a remote post in Caucasus, because the new quick firing guns which he said would be ready in three months will not I YQ avait.Kla KafitA Ida rf ft Vt A f year. Altavater gave as an ex- lease that he said 'no more about the m alter because he did not want to worry the Czr with de tails. ..... FORTY FACTORIES CLOSED. Disastrous Eemlts From a Flood . tation. Visi- Grand Rapids, Mich., March 25. Forty factories have been closed here owing to a flood and thous ands are out of work. 1,000 hei out or WORK. Eighteen Minneapolis Floor Shut Dewa. Mills Minneapolis, Minn., March 25 Eighteen fl jur mills in this city have been shut down indefinitely. Over One thousand men are thrown out of work. , j Emperor to Go to Some. Rome, March 25 Emperor William Feat a mesea je of salute to tbe Pope and said he would soon meet bim in Rome. Bcssia's Spaee Gone. St. Louis, March 25. The space originally allot t d to Russia on the i .......... -. . exposition ground has been a ward ed to Holland. Taken Up. A yellow calf at W. C Houchins. Owner, can recover by calling and paying costs. 6t . Ambrose Sharp, the polite cab man, has a first class cab and ready to serve you at ahy time. Leave calls at W. A. Browns, phone 111. Canning Machinery For Sale. Complete canning outfit for safe, 25 horse boiler, large process ket tle, boilers, cooling tubs, &c Ev erything mat is needed, oee or address S. F. Lord. Salisbury. N.C. . tf. If troubled with weak digestion, belching or sour stomach, use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and you will get quick re lief. .tJor sale by Jas. Iflummer. To The Ladies. Call and take a look at my Eas ter Millinery. I have a full as sortment, stylish and pretty. F. M.; Watters, 116 N. Main St. Up stairs. .. ti More Riots. r ' Disturbances of strikers are not nearly as grave as an individual disorder of the system. Overwork, loss of : sleep, nervous tension will be followed by utter collapse, un less ! a reliable remedy is imme diately employed. There's nothing so efficient-to cure disorders of tbe liver or kidneys as Electric Bitters. It's a wonderful tonic, and effec uve nervine and the greatest all around medicine for - run down y stems. It dispels nervousness, rheumatism and neuralgia and ex pels malaria germs. Only 50c and satisfaction guaranteed by all drug gists, mmi's rnnmvm a A Body of 50000 Men is Being Fro- oared for Embarkation. London, March 25. It is .re- ported from Vienna that the fact that transports are prepared for the embarkation of the third Aus- tmn army corP3 of fifty thousand men at Ineste next month lacaus- 1DK considerable comment in di plomatic circles. The destination 01 ine troops is not known and va rious stories are advanced regard- inK0the meaning of the movement. i I rnv rnnntwQ ernrnnfftv tit Iowa.i0oyeraorUinaCritIcal Cosdi. I tion Today. Des Moines, Iowa, March. 24. Governor Cammms' condition Ihii I morning was quite serious. He is fsaffering from pneumonia but his physicians still hope for his re- covery. THE REFOUT IS EETIED. Hsrriman and H1U Have Had H DiaairrAHTnant Wew Iorlr March U5-Ueporti OI a disagreement between llarn- mn anJ concerning tbe plan iox carrying out the order of the Supreme court, in the Northern Security case is denied by parties concerned and is not given cred dehce in well informed circles. $2,000,000 L03T 03 FEACHE1- HW Ysrk State Farmers Htpsrt Great Loss. New York, March 25.- growers in the Hudson ILiv r Val ley report that the hard winter he killed thousands of peach trees. Tbe farmers are cutting down dead trees and planting new ones. It is estimated that the loss on this year's peach crop is f 2,000,00Q. RAW TOMORROW. The Weather Forecast for Eorth Caro lina for 24 Hours. Washington, D. C. Mch. 25-TU weather forecast for North Carolina for the ensuing 24 hours is: Occasional showers tonight and Saturday. Kaiser to- Meet Emperor Frances Joseph. Rome March 25. Kaiser Wil- helm will meet Emperor Francis Joseph, of Austria, at Abbazia April 9. Found Dead in Eed. Marion, N. C, March 24. Harvey Burgin, son of 'ex-Sheriff Burgin; was found dead in bed this morning. He had been drink ing heavily for several days. The young man was twenty-three years old. .Martins Were Early. Dr. R. H. Lswis eays that the martins arrived two weeks earlier than usual this spring. They ap peared on March 12th, whereas they generally make their initial flutter on the 28th. Rileigh News Observer. Baked potatoes are much lighter if broken with a fork rather than a knife; and pricked with a fork before baking. See Jackson before buying your Fish Saturuay. 2t. Bfotice. I hereby announce myself a candidate for alderman for the town of Spencer, N. C, sul ject to the action of the Democratic pri mary to be held April 18, 11H)4. W. U. lloucmss. 2. Tragedy Averted. "Just in the nick of time our little boy was saved" writes Mrs. W. Watkins of Pkaeant City, Ohio. "Pneumonia had played ead havoc with bim and 'a terribla cough set in besides. Doctors treated him, but ho grew worea every day. At length we tried Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption, and our darling was saved. He's now sound and well." Everybody ought to know it's the only sure cure for coughs, colda and all lung diseases. Guaranteed by all druggists. Price 50c a4. 11.00. Trial bottles free. i V 7

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