i 1 J?" FOR .RENT: -New 6 room house on North Main Street. Water, bath and sewerage. $12.50 month. N. P. Murphy. 1 .. VOL XV SALISBURY, N. C; TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH- 20, 1904 NO. 25. jjj 'l I I WILL ADOPT A SYSTEII TEE FiKEHEH. C1THEB IS HECTI5G Mayor Boyden. Urges the Systemiza tioaef the Firemen. An important meeting of the Salisbury Fire Department was held at the city hall last night, Chief Wallace called upon Mayor Boyden, who was present, to ad a ress me meeting. voi. Dovueus . tu- a it . - tt J uujoci, ju oitouutu lurj uicctiu was to urge upon the firemen the adoption of a systematic line cf bcuoq ac uret. a iuuiiuu was t ' a.- a a: made and unanimously passed that m iqb luiuro vniy reujJuuBiuie parties oe auoweu to nave cnargei - . Ol me u re teams sna mat it ue a. a r m 1 a 1 . 1 come incumbent upon such per- Bona to report at once any , person or persons getting on a fire wagon, other than firemen. Mayor Boy- den stated that he would inflict the full penalty of the law on all out- iders for getting on any fire - wagon. It was resolved that" in the fu- ture all firemen shall go through the main entrance of ths . city hall and through the hallway to the door connecting with the city stable to secure fire suits, This is done in order to prevent the horses - demoralization, of the bv stoDDiner them after they have started from the hall and also to avert danger to by standers. Chief Wallace was authorized to prepare a set of rules with; refer- ence to the conduct of the individ- ual members at a fire, specifying the, part to be taken by every member. These rules will, be dis- cussed and passed upon by the firemen at their 'next regular meeting. ; It was ordered that every member of the department be req lired to attend the meeting to be held next Monday night. HEARING IS HEW YOBK. The Gold Hill Copper Suits. w Company's The hearing of the Oold Hill Copper Company's troubles was resumed here this morning but the .hearing was continued and will be resumed in New York on April 19,h before B B Miller, Eq , re ceiver. The books of the company willl be gone over at this hearing. Eeproved for a Contentious Life- This was the subject upon which Rev. F. M. Harr addressed aiull bouse' at Chestnut Hill Lutheran church last night. Rev. Harr pleased his audience, and clearly demonstrated that the strength of tbe church lies in the willingness of her members to serve ; and that the weakness of the church lies in the fact that there are contentious members who desire to boss and rule everything, even if it ruins justice ard the Christian spirit. ' . Rev. C A. Brown is programmed f r toi-i;ht with tie ubjct, ''Re buked for a Hypocritical Life." Who Will Come to the Rescue of Venus? Our very own Venus (denomina ted by thoughtless ones as J. T. Wya.t) adds to the gajety of the times by submitting the following: Who can tell Venus through the Sun how much our granite belt here weighs; It is 40 mile long, 2 miles wide and one mile deep. It weighs 160 lbs to the cubic foot. How much money would it bring if sold at $ 1 25 per cubic foot; Attention Sir Knights. You are requested to attend a special conclave of our Cjommand ery Wednesday afternoon at 3:15 in full uniforzr. Worki in Red Cress in the. afternoon ! aod the Temple at night; Sir Kn ght J. T. Barron, of Columbi. S. - C will be with us to confer the orders. By order of 'Eminent Cmmander. R..G. Kizeb, Rec. The nmimr for! in an Easter shad. Leave y ur order wnh W. A Brown. 2t I Avaaw . -sr Pure Brown Leghorii eggs fox Bale. 75cts per netting f 15 ggs. P. T. R jbinson, 408 S Ellis St. Fine meats, at the lowest prices, at Rusher's cash meat market, tf If troubled with weak digestion. belching or sour stomach, use Chamberlain's Stomach aud Liver Tablets and vou will get quick re lief. For Bale by Jas. Pluminer. PARKER. SO SITS HCS. THEO. F.' KLUTTZ. LOOKS LIE' BeUeves the Platform Will Eeprtsent! The Counties Which His Followers I Old Time Democracy. Hon. Theo. F. Kluttz, perhaps the adlest man North Carolina has in 1 the House of Representative?, lis at home for toddy, having been - called here by lega business, I IkTTTl 111 at m a Z -rno win lue uemuwniB uuun- x-Mj r m -irinff. ui,d mi itoomcui i aui. umviu was asked by a Sui reporter. "It looks now ery much like 1 1 1 1 1 iivTm vvW 1 uuga jrr&r, ui pon iui, w least : that is the sentiment in 1 r aeuiuiuu. jj mm nai, 1a your quioiou, win 1 1 - 1 ine leading isbue iui iue ueii cui- 1.1 1 1 - - r ! a 1 l paign on the partJ of the Dem- ocrats 1" "The old Democratic doctrine J of honesty and economy, was Mr. Kluttz's ready replyif "The trusts and reduction of tariff in conse- 1 1 - quence will Ije the slogan Mr. Klutiz thinks that Congress will not adfourn until about May let and that both the Sraoot case I and the postoffice investigation will I be laid oven until after the next I election. MR. BESSON BADLY HURT. Mr Felix G. Benson,! of Mocksville, Seriously Injured. Mr. John O. Benson left this I morning for Mocksvjlle in response to a telegram whith announced that a very feeriousl accident had befallen his father, Mr. Felix G. Banson, who has been miller for for the Mocksville Roller Mills Mr. Benson was pursuing his work when . his hand was caught in a machine and the bone in the right arm snapped a3 ah.hr ead. The bone was j propelled . upward through the flsh ten inches and the injured man is in a very seri ous condition.: Spencer Beal Estate. Maupin Bros, so Ed Mr. T. E. Gonley'two yalaabl cer yesterday.' Mrs J. D. McCormick.of Speh- cer, let the contract ryesieraay ior .A .hi 1 two five room cottages at Spencer. Mr. D. C Eagle of Spencer, who haB been conducting a mer cm tile business in a iag, will move 'his frame build- present house and build two twd story brick use one of buildinsrs. He will these buildings as a storeroom At the Methodist Church. Rev. D. W. Comknn preached it an intensely practica and most ap nropriate sermon bt the First Methodist church las night on the by Christ to ! service was doing of things given be done, . An after held and it oroved very helpful to those who remained And took parf ia it. An invitation is given every services at 3 day. body to attend; the and 7:45 o'clock eaca Mr. and Mrs. ThomasonlEeturn. Mr. tni Mrs. witson Thoma- s m returnea tnis morning irom their bridal tour in Florida and are spending5 the day with Mrs. Thomason's parents, pi r. and Mrs. George A Kluttz. Tbmorrow they leave for Z3b, where they will make tbeir future home. Dr Detwiler Entirely Recovered. Rev. Dr. G. H. Detwiler, pre siding elder of the Salisbury d;s- trict, went to Charlotte this morn ing. ; Dr. Detwiler has entirely recovered from the .effects of an operation recently pe rformed upon him at a Charlotte hi )spltal. Anti-Saloon League Meeting. The Anti Saloon meet in the room Fisher street this League will at 105 West evening at o o'clock. Every member is request el to be present. Don't Wait, Buy How ! We are selling real estate every day. Bargains can be bad H you hat buys from sae us.- Every one us makes money. ,1 Maupin Bros. WILL GARNISHEE WAGES. City Taxes Must he Piid by the First iof April. The city taxes are past due and all who have-not " paid by April 1st will be i advertised or- garni sheed and all delicouents will be taxed with costs. ! " James t Heixig, ; Cn'ml Finance Com. I BLACKBORH FIGURES. CUIUS THAT HE IS SOMINATED. I Here Claim Mr. U. E. Mdls has a te e gram from Hon. E. Spencer Black- burn stating that he had carried the district. The counties and their voting strength claimed for I U T 1 1 a 11 1 rr A l umc&uuru sro Aiieguaay 4, asne Ion p0k... it- P.um.in9 t. vouoiiuo iu, vBiuncu ajj, no. dell 18 out of a total of 24 votes, Surry 26, Wautauga 15, Wilkes t ijv a f i3o. i'u a a I at a iot ui xoo, iub tuiai voung strength of the eleven counties in t ltb 10 UU,J AOV auu 11 uoiuiacnuuru ciaims are accBpieo oe 1 - t- at a a. i rri una ii . vu.bs iu timru. j.uere is every indication that the cocven tion at Wilkesbbro Thursday will J be productive of some lively scenes. MR. THOMPSON'S BIRTHDAY. A Surprise Given to.Prominent Cleve . land Citizen. ; Oorrospondenca of Sun. Barber, N C March 28 A few days ago Mr. Willie Can-, ble had the misfortune to break his arm. Misses Lizzie and Alma Powlas, who have been teaching tchool in this county, recently, have return ed home, their schools having clos ed. ' ; The Barber school, which was taught by Mr. E. J. Abernethy, closed last Tuesday. Without having given the teachers any special notice of their kind inten a. 1 r.a uons h gooa numoer or tne pa trons of the school canJe in, about noon, erected a table on the ground and spread a good dinner for all After this, the young people en joyed themselves at ball and other garres. Mr. Abernethy is now conducting a writing school at the same pTaca. s The Woman's Foreign Mission ary Society of Lebanon church will have some missi ircllfch next Monday night. Last Saturday more than a hun dred friends of Mr. Turner Thompson met at his . hospitable home to help him celebrate and enj jy his sixty second, birthday. More than one hundred were pres ent, and had come as a surprise. One of the first and most interest ing things on the program,! in which none refused to take an ac tive part, was an exceptionally fine dinner. After this, came mu sic, then the large crowd - enjoyed hemselves for the rest of the af ternoon in various ways. In is was a pleasant day, and we trust that Mr. Thompson, who is one of Rowan's best citizens, may - be spared many more years. ; Work at Catholic Church. Extensive and very pleasing im provements- have been made in tie interior of the Catholic church. Parts of the edifice hay e been kal somined while the skilful work j of experienced painters has entirely altered theappearencepf the walls. The repairs make a strikingly favorable change ia the appearance of the whole interior. Ko Trace of Missing Jewelry. Nothing has been learned by the officers of the jewelry which Mrs. Noyes alleges was taken from her satchel, which was stolen from a Pullman car here Saturday night. The satchel with such contents as it contained when the ' officers found it, is still at the city hall. Quarterly Conference. ; J Quarterly conference was ; held at the' First -Memodist church yes terday afternoon. Only routine business was transacted. Hew Ads. - ' Brown Clothing Co. J. H Reid. ; Maupin Bros. W. B. Summersett. I . : GAME EGGS I ; for sale $ 2 50 per netting. . Mug wump?, Var horses and bhawls. - tf. . G. A. Jackson. Nice Furniehed Rooms for Rent, 229 E. loniss st , near fountain, tf Just receivedl More Red and White bliss, Early Rose, Burbank a d Pee i less seed potatoes. Also Onion sets and all other kind o: aden seeds. MtX Moses, APPOIHTJIEIITS AISOUICED. Official notification of Changes on - 0 ' Southern . : ; . a Official notice of the chances on this division of tbe Southern has been made by the Southern and the following circular has been received here i "Mr. P. S.McMsnus is appoint ed general superintendent of the Charlotte divi ainn with . nffiea. I . , .u onA i im, h... d.l mat city, ana , Mr. Horace uaier will on the same date become a6Bi8tant general superintendent with headauarters here in Greens- . unrn rr p j Q -MfMnnrn tvnn j eral superintendent of the system will go to 1300 Pennsylvania Ave, w0kinn n n lie noaaaajaf &.vfaa. - I ' HIS POCKET PICKED. A Visitor in Salisbury Touched Last Night A well dressed individual who refused to give his name but gave his home as New York claimed at the depot lakt night that he had been "touched" for a 1 150 watch. I The party stated that the disclosure of his identity might lead to his I detention as a witness and that he I didn't "care a d about a I watch anyhow." $150 1 HAD HIS FOOT CUTOFF. Young Man Beating His Way Meets With Serious Accident Lewis McLeod, a young man aged 20 years and living at Ram- seur, had his foot partially cut off last night while in the act of jumping from No. 38 as it came into tho : fitAtinn lia hd haan J beating his way from Rimseur to- this city, and fearing arrest by the officers when' he arrived here, he tried to . jump from the moving train as it approached the station. While in the act of jumping he fell and both his feet went under' the wheels. Oae was pushed aside.A portion of jb--" g Tna ipurp. -lireensboro xeiegram. Coca Cola. The Coca Cola Company pub lishes a pamphlet giving then um ber of gallons of Coca Cola sold by various drug stores in the United States. It gives the figures of only two drug stores in Concord. Johnson's drug store during 1903 disposed of 500 gallons, and Gib son Drug Company 416. One gallon of the fluid makes about 123 glasses, so that tbe two drug stores named sold about 117,248 drinks. One drug store in Win ston sold 940 gallons. Tne other drug stores have .cold large quan tities also, Concord Times. Measles is Still Baging. There is no abatement of meas les in Salisbury.' A child with a well developed case attended one o! the Salisbury Sunday schools Sunday and it was not discovered until after she was in class that she was ill. Meaoles is in very mild form here this year, how ever. Three Raids Made , , Says the Asheville News-Ga zette: '..,.! Three raids on moonshine stills m . . were made in this district last week by le venue officers and a total of 3,100 gallons of beer, 30 gallons of low wines and three valuable appa a'ts captured and destroyed. Meeting of Teachers. The executive committe of . thej North Carolina Teachers' Assem bly has uecided that the annual meeting of the assembly will be held this year at Morehead .City during the week beginning June 8. Mr. Grimes Opens Tomorrow. ' Mr. T. Walter Grimes, vho bought Isenhour & Bean's stock cf drugs Saturday, will openuprfor business tomorrow morning. SlBB.3BBiBliBBlBMSHieKSEeiiBiBMBS ' Graphophones: On installment. $ 1 permoDth. Address Drawer D, bpencer, N. C .30U Received this week best assort ment .of fish I have had this Bea son. See me before buying - and leave order for Easter shad. 'Prices always the lowest. W. A. Brown, phone 111. Wanted: Good road hors1. ply to T. J. Babe. theTf.,. J . . . ' L I Items Personal and Otherwise Picked : Up on the Bounds. Mr. E. B Neave went to Lex 1 ington this morning on business. Mr. J. K Link went to Lexing ton this mofning on No. 36 j K- 1ee Wright, E-q , went to t Landie today on leiral business. - I . r ! K9V. Ur. li. H. Detwiler went to Concord this morning. Mr. Wmj H. Julian's condition r U unchanged today. : . f r Mr. T. . M. . Kerns is spending . 1 the day in Charlotte on business. Mr. II. A. U,AI,Wl. hn?M a capacious storeroom on Chestnit tr:n 1. uill. ; i : L The Merchants Association will meet tonight at 7 30 o'clock at the city hall. Expend your money here where i i l I it will bring its utmost.; Burt Shoe Store. Easter Monday will be generally observed next TOLD II BRIEF. week in Salibburvla'an flt n Baii r,. as heretofore. Look at T. W. Grimes box ad I on the first page of tomorrow's Sun. jar. i . iv . Ajriover leaves for ll t xrr nt . 1 States ville Sunday with his FerHs Wheel. Mr. Sherwood Lewter, a j form er Salisburian now of Aberdeen is here for a few days. 'Mr. M. Si Brown, who has been in New York for the past two months, will return to Salisbury this week, j ; I Mrs. Crowson and Miss Annie . ; a I Hutchinson will have their display of patterns tomorrow and Satpr- Mr. W. T, Songer, of Phil&del- . ., I phia,: who ; frequently comes to Salisbury, is here today on a basi nesa trip. ,---4ir?rUuIawno nas been aT the Whitehead-Stokes sanito- riuuT for the past; two weeks, improving. . ..L 18 MUrf. Clara. .Ware will arrive in Salisbury tomorrow morning frm Salem. Female Academy and spend a week t home.- - Earners will appreciate the power of their 'money here. Read bur Easter ad. in tomorrow' paper. Burt Shoo Store. j Robert Johnston, the well known cider man, will have on the market omorrow a wagon load cf j fresh. weet cider. I i j -I ! " I Mr, CL A Sbpman and family have moved to Crescent, wberej he has a position as foreman in a wood working establishment, j Mrs. ClaraBrown, of Green ville, N. C.,is here, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. W. K. Wire. Mrs. Brown: will probably spend the summer here. " ? i Mr. John itV. Davis, formerly a resident of Salisbury now of Gop pir Ridge, Tenn , was bere'last aight' and left this morning for Hickory. 1 - . ! "j ' rrof. J. DJ Hodges, at one time a member of the faculty of Trinity College now! Superintendent of Public Instructions of Davie coun- y, was in Salisbury today. ! Mrs. W. A. Holter left today forJ Charlotte, having recsved word of the death of her moper, who has been a consumptive! for ias. Mrs.! Holter will proba bly remain in Charlotte for weeks. . - ! two Ilawes hats cannot receive too much praise. Brown Clothing Co. Runs Tonight I - The merry-go round runs tonight. Best cf order preserved, everyone invited - For Rent, 8 room house; No. 224 ' North Alain st. Apply at Brown hhoe Co. store. tf. Taken Up. A yellow calf at W. CHouchins. Owner can recover bv calling and paying costs, i 6t To The Ladiea ' Call and take a look at my Eas ' - i ter Millinery. 1 have a xaii as sortment, stylish and pretty. F. M. Watters, 116 IN . Mam Up stairs. Kotice. .. I hereby announce myself a candidate for alderman or the townnf Spencer, N. C, subject to tbe action of the Democratic pri - ary to - be held' April 18. 1904 ' .. : W. C. HoccHiN3 HO COEEESPOIIDEnTS. ALL EXPELLED FfiOH POET AETflUB St Petersburg . Expects land Battle Within a Week. .Lien ism, March 29 A French! Houston, Tex , March 29. Re employe of the Russian Chinese Bank has been appointed French tuusumr agent m jbw nwaag 1 a. a. far m and has hoisted the French flagl have fallen and the weather is per over the bank building. Thif, is believed, is a forerunner rf movement to fly the trench f ig oyer all Russian buildings at New Chwang. Fri9 March 29.-II is reported ,rora St. Petersburg that the war I T;-, - a aL a? a 1 j lumw cAictia iuouriiauu tn7PB ti-a.r, '...t ' UiCUt m lHe A r E'sl in do a he week. Ihe total strength of tbe week. The total strength of tbe Japanese army in Pin? Yam? difulThe anneal of CTm J. Rnn fi-nm l I trct under Kuroki is estimated I seventy thousand men. inclndinor the brigade cavalry and one hun - dred and eighty guns. The Rus- about the middle of June will con- cruisers and a large number of torpedo boat destroyers. St. Petersburg, March 29. All war correspondents have been ex pelled from Port Arthur. Seoul, March 29. A report has reached here that fifty Japaneee and one hundred Cossacks were killed or wounded a SKirmuh . . . in between An ju and Tieng Jne. Berlin. Maroh '29. It ia renort Ui from an effisial source that the ' - i German government has instruct-1 t(j its consul at Tien Tain to go to Man PKoranrv on1 PAiAi-f - tU v u rw uu nuu a VLva m JkA fuo 1 Bitnition. TOrticularlv hnwr Knul. . i " , .. - . I an.maruai law regniatrvns antct llpdrtJaermanyook3 to Atrerica to take the letjl, should any "protest against Russia action be considered necessary." " ' London, March 29. The report aent from Wei Hai that eleven Russian warships had been sighted off that point quite near to the Japanese fliet and 'that a battle between the two fleets was immi nent is not credited here. The lastest reports from Port Arthur indicate that the Russian fleet is still there, though not bottled up. KILLED HIS SWEETHEART. Couldn't Bear to See Her With Another Man. Roanoke, March 2S.-J.E Par sons, a deputy sheiriff of McDow ell county, W. Vs., yesterday ar rested William Hughe?, who some weeks ago killed his sweetheart, Edith Ne'son, at Eckman..W. Va. Hughes admits the crime and gives as his reason that he could not boar to see Miss Nelson with another man. He was captured at Nelson ville, Ohio, where he lived" under he alias of Charles Craig". - The largest chub fish ever brought to Salisbury was received this morning by Mr. W. ABrowh. t weighed eight pounds while the average fish ol . this character weighs about three pounds. Justice .Ware, of Asheyille, has been bound to court in a bond of 1200 for failing to turn over to the school fund a fine of tS which he had collected. Dutches guaranteed pants lOcts for a button, 51 00 for a rip. Brown Clothing Co. 2t. Buy Eeal Estate. Now is the time to purchase real estate. You can make money if you buy at once, bee us for gains. Maupin Bros. bar- Canning Machinery For Sale. Complete canning outfit for sale, 25 borre boiler, large process ket tle, boilers, cooling tubs, &c Ev erything that is needed. See or address b. r. Lord, balisbury. N. C tf. It Saved His Leg. P. A. Danforth of LaG range, Ga , Buffered for eix months with a frightful running sore on his leg but writes that Backlen'a Arnica Salve wholly cured it in five days cor Ulcers, Wounds, Piles, l tbe best salve in tbe world. Cure guaranteed. Oaly 25:ts. Sold bj all diuggigts. A GREAT G0TT0II CROP TEXAS PLAITEES WISE EAELY. 200,000 Sales Expected on the Market i ports from all the State indicate that the cotton crop has been I 1 11 l . . . , I uomij a.i piamea. VxOOCt rains it ect. It is expected that two han- a I dred thousand bales of new cotton win be put on the market during I August owing to early planting. BRTAI'S APPEAL HEAED. n Bemnstt Will Cm i.. tt I r - l Aim. amAoaay. New Haven, Conn., March 29. I - - w -m j mmajk. A WUJ I the decree of the probate court, Irn'sctinc the seAird lttr in rkiK 1 Philo S. Bennett directed his widow to pay Mr. Brvan 50.000 I will Ka k,. - k r.. j I Hahar. of thesoDerior ciurt. Mr.iDMsn,totjett5w Ycrk Aaestatat I of whom is to be a witness, are now in towr. 9 STUDEIT WAS A LEPEB. A Filipino Stadent Comes Here With Leprosy. Washington, March 23. Tco- I J.li. 1 r . . a UUilu i-'aga, one oi .ne ninety-lour Filipino student who came to this country in charee of W. A. Sun- derland of the Philippine instruc- lOB department, and were -placed Ma cerUin Amerian schools to I COmnlfltA thfilT AtflnrAtlAn Vittsi VkAAn nt back to Manila beean?e . a w -wu j Mtw iwu v,.- 1 mi. At "cFi"B-fevr-7 six week8T" igo and were assigned to various colleges in the west and east. It ws not until after, he had been at school a short time that it was dis covered that he had leprosy. (BBlBBaBaBBMBHBBIBeaBaBaHSaBBMBBHBBB EOUBLE DELEGATIONS. Heaps of Tun Promised in the Wilxes- bsro Convention. Winston-Salem, N. C , March 28. "Everything has gone to tbe devil," said Mr. R. H. McNeill of Washington, D. CX, when asked his afternoon to give the situation relating to the warm contest in the eighth district over the Republican nomination for Congress, which, being interpreted, means that Mr. McNeill said that in the Wilkes Republican county convention to day two. seta of .delegates were elected to tbe Congressional conJ vention Thursday. He also stated that Ashe and Watauga would send two sets of de'egates. In the Ashe county convention pereonal combata were narrowly averted. Mr. McNeill expressed the opinion that Blackburn, if nominated, ould never be able to heal the breach which is now on in the eighth district. Threw Away Their Clothes. St. Louis, March 23. Nearly 300 Filipinos have arrived at the World's Fair grounds in a special tram. In one car were the Lror- rotea,the savage head-hunters from the mountains in the north of Luzon. They had thrown nearly all the clothing provided by the government out of the car windows. Whi'e trying to shoot some rats in ms oarn, w.ij. iiouem&n, a prominent farmer living three miles south of HolIySpringa,Wake co ant, accidentally shot himself. Thehot passed through one jiw and a part of the nose and loiged against the opposite cheek bone. He may recover but there is dan ger of the loss of the sight of one or both eyes. Have you Been the boys hsts and straw caps, are the latest for boys. We have them. Brown Clothing Co. - 2i Working Overtime. Eight hoar laws are ignored by thoee ti relet, little workers Dr. King' New Life Pills. Millions are alwavs at work, night and day, coritfg Iadigeetion, Biliousness, Uonciipation. bick ileadach and 11 Stomach. Liver and Bowe troubles. Esy, pleasant, safe. -ture. Only 25c at all drug stores 40,000 YIOTinS FALL. TEE BUEQ3IC PL1GUE II EIIA. During One Week Over 40,003 sons Died From It Per- Bombay, March 29.Itia staUd that during the' week ending March 19th, over 40,500 persons died of bbonic plague in India. This means an increase of .seven thousand over the precediDgst.- POPE'S LITE II DAf GEE. Soldiers and Police Guarding the Vat ican Gardens and Apartments. London, March 29. It is re ported from Rome that Italian sol diers and police are closely guard ing the Vatican gardens and apart menta in consequence of tbe dia- eovery of a plot against the life of the Pope. CARSTGIE HEAVIEST TAXPAYER of $5,000,000. New York, March 29 Andrew Carnegie, who will aain be the heaviest taxpayer of this city, left for Europe without objecting to an assessment on to.OOO.GOO. Rus sell Sage, who is assessed on . f 2, 000,000 wants the amount cut down to 1500,000. EAII T0II0EE0W. The Weather Torecast f or ITerth Cu Una for 24 Hours. V Washington, D: a Mch. S3-T weather forecast for North C---' - "axr lomgat, warmer ia wtaitra v portion. Wednesday showers trilh risirfg temperature.. J. W. Mullen Assigns. Mr. J. W. Mullen, who has been conducting a mercantile business at 321 North Tryon street, has hied, hrough his attorney, Mr. T. C. Guthrie, a voluntary petition m bankruptcy. Mr. Mullen schedules his aiseU at about f4,000, with liabilities to the amount of about $4,500. A ack of capital and the inability to secure the stock required by the business forced him to Uke this step. Charlotte Observer. Manetta Cotton Mill Earned The Manetta Mill, at Lando, S. C, and owned by Mr. B. D. Healb, was burned yesterday afternoon, tteloss bein estimated at f 100,000. The Manetta Mill b.d been built within the last four years, and had about 10,000 spindles, on coarse yarns. Most of the .machinery was new. The Manetta Mill employed about 125 people. It was f ally insured. Charlotte Observer. The largest walnut tree ever ound in this state has been ship ped to the St. Louis exposition. where it will form a part of North Carolina's great exhibit. The sec tion of the tree taken is 14 feet square at the smaller end. it is said to be worth, at least 3,000 as the grain is uf the finest char acter, known. Letter to Hen, Theo. P. XI -tlx. Salisbury, ff. C. Dear Sir: "It costs as much io put on poor paint as good" a ecu.-, mon saying and true :t cos's much more to put on poor paint; more gallons. Poor paint is paint and barytes A or pain t and coaic or paint and becsme or paint and water; them are tbe usual cheats; there ar others. It takes more gallons of paint and a cheat than of honet t:nt; aod the cost of the labor cf paint ing is so much a gallon one gal lon costs as much as another, for Ubor. This is the way to reckon your cjsts ftr his year; but how aboct next year! Pa nt Vtroe. and next year coils nothing; year after next the same; the sme for several years Paint anything elie, and yocr costs recur accordicg to what yoa paint with. Some of the mix tures wear onevear; some two; some three. It costs twice, three times, four times, five times as much to pilnt with a cheat as to ptint with Ddvoa. - Yours truly 8 F. W. Dxvox & Co Sold by Hesler Sons Hardware Co. V -I (