Alexandria Steam Baked Bread rec'd every day; none bet ter. At ' scfiptions Called For and Medicines Delivered. Telephone, write or call at any time and let us kno wbat drug store grn ds-you need and we will s-cd liiem right out without ex tra charge. : r N. P. Murphy's. T. W. Grimes Drug Co. iscxx, jjoor to I'ostomce. NO. 42. . : : : : " "r" 1 - 1 1 . . - - - ... . ini ,. r VOL XV , I SALISBURY, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIl 19,41904 ' " ' i I ' 1 ' " 1 " . 1 i , , I SPECIAL SCHOOL TAX. IS ELICTIOS III CLETEUIS. , 1 Many Other District Will Ask for Order for Election. mi r- T1 , . T7 1 if met m special session on aionaay. . 1 . 1 1 The most important matter before the Board was the discussion of the boundaries of district No. 2, Gold Hill. Inasmuch as the Peeler school house in this district is in conveniently located for the ma jority of the patrons it was ordered that a more central and otherwise suitable site be selected and that hereafter all children of school age reading within the district be numuereu m iu suuou. , yruTiueu, that those patrons living within more convenient distance of Crea- cent be allowed to attend the i j il: l i . i.i-j I fcnooi ai mi; piace, m uoaru me uounty coara oi location da. Hft thob-ands of work making provision for a uMion of the city is beyond descrip monthy term for those attending tiorj th(J ntira hu9i ieg3 aection of this school thrcucrh their per capita th. mnnumental citv beini? nothinsr and other means. The board, through a committee appointed . i. - I ior me purpoee, wm a. an eany a. an date investigate the matter of con solidating districts in Steele and TTI. l ? flt " mi. una lownsmps. aoe petition from cituens of Cleveland, Mo. 3, asking for the formation of a 1 l i- i:AIa. 1 A 1 Bcauoi lBI "iBirict uo iur u eirc- turn to be held in that'district to vote on mis question was enaorssa j ..r. i ii uy me Doara am me county com missioners will be asked at their regular meeting in May to grant the fame. Other districts will soon ask for the same privilege and it will not bo long, untiL many of cur rural tcbOols, through lpcal taxation, wi.ihuppiomenttneiUDasr . ... , i . i 4 r va ' j ,J . , , " kfep pace wiih this many rural . . . , 0 . W l adopted this methed to-lengthen "NiiA-,- There will be a reunion of the Organ Church Camp of ConfeJer ate veterans on Saturday the 21st day of May 1904, at 10 o'clock a. m , at Organ Church. Everybody is invited to attend with baskets well filled. Speakers are expected to be present and a general good time. . -The grves of the old soldiers will be decorated on this occasion. By order of G. A. Birgek, Capt. of Com. MR. RICKERT LAST SIGHT. The Pjthiana Turn- in Greet Him. Numbers te Mr. 11 H R ckert, of SUtes ville, rpresentative to the Grand lodge Knights of Pythias, address ed a large number of Pythians in the lodge room last night, all of whom were delighted with his talk. Rowan and Salisbury lodges -met in jjint session on this oc casion. AK9THER LARGE CROWD. Rev. Fenno Preaches Again to a Large Congregation Rev. W. E Fenno preached a most inspiring sermon at the Bap tist church last night to a large congregation. He preaches again tonight and tomorrow night. Wo Gas Last Night J Salisbury's residences were in comparative dsrknesa last night, the gas supply failing at the last nument. Lamps and candles were resorted to in public buildings. .Mr. Shober Here. Mrs. F. E. Shober, one of Salis- -bury h best loved women, wno is ; at present making her home with her daughter, Mrs. Laac E. Havi laid, in California, is in Sulinbury on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. A. II. Bjyden. Lost 1 - Black pig 2 months old TTinder will please call at the Sun nfflcn.' It. Wantec ! Energetic young men to sell an article of utility in Wes tern N. C , and Tennessee Expn-&ua-atiue i. Apply io VV. R Cox. 230 S. Main bt , Sa isburj , N. C. 5td ltw DUSTY BALTIMORE. The City Awful Dust From The Bum ed Dist Hot Mr. F. B Irvin, the Sun's fore man, "returned this morning from Baltimore where he enent several I -I. I J J 1. d hundredJ oi carta are busy cleaning away the debris from the burned district. The ashes scattered alotz the streets . . 1. -.-.i., i oy ine scores oi carts ana me uusi raised by the thousands of work I men is awful. The least wy The 'alb least dust. fills the air with The trrtinn nnmnanv isl runninc elec fl-l-. onnlor. nnr i;). l nAB BTyA r- J 1 ; r-. v du au aiVi a xj v vs. i t M.mmw sireams of water arb being played by the fire department on the debrj9 afi endeav )r to mmimias the dutt raied in cIearing away the ruins. I f Mr. Irvin says ev an at this late date hm ((jane in tfaj deTMted sec- bot . blackened, bariren desert. iffhtseers are stiEl numerous in I 1: & the ltri(,k,n Htv. atd the nolice . ( ...j , - r force is kept busy s preventing pedestrians . from entering the ruin9 of the'buBinesisection. Ia gome ins5UnceL women and! children can be ieon I searching the wait pjafce8 of the ry KOods and de partment 8tore8 f fc remnants of goied zoods . COL. TURK'S SUCCESSOR. Sumored That Maj. i Hardwick is to Succeed A nnmhr rvf nrnminnnf nfflc.ra - - i r . f ... SrtnlKirn Ra " ashlngton Times are being men tloned in connection with the , . vacant passenger tr ffic manager- 'NP' cant b the 'death of Col. W. A. Tur'c. There was Jspme gossip concerning" an alleged 0 . Oenejal Passeno X)mTntxrmTo the vacant tscoT "-tna management oi toe railroad has ; not yet . reached a uecision in the matjter, and it is i said nothing definite is going to be done for another week. Miss McCrary is Out i Miss Lillie McCrary, who was so seriously injured t y being struck by a train at Lii wood several weeks ago, and who has been in the Whitehead-Stokes sanitorium for treatment, is al le to be out again, having almos : entirely re covered from her- ii juries and the shock consequent upon the death of her mother. M SB McCrary ' escape from instant . death was and was little short of miraculous her many friends throughout the State will be delignted to learn that no permanent ifjury will fol low, j A Tiny Wreck. The Southern's local train No. 7, and the fast mai No. 97, were r delayed yesterday former about two afternoon, the hours, on ac- count of a blight w reck at Brown Summit. No one Was injured but the track was badly obstructed. Delegates to Sunday School Cenven- tion j Delegates i from (the Salisbury Sunday schools to the State Sun day School convention to be held in Greensboro the' last of this month, were elected Sunday. Candidates Suggested A correspondent . suggests the following ticket: For Congress, . I W. C. Newland, oi Caldwell; State Senate, R. Lse Wright; Members of lower house, W B. Smoot, of Salisbury, and Prof J P. E. Wright, of China Grove. II Meeting of Sed.Mo A meeting of lapona tribe of held tomorrow Red Men will be night al 8 o'clock and every member is requested to be. present. Fok Sale Chkap! 1 Sewing Machine. 1 one horse wagon and gearing, one top tjuggy and har ness. Apply to r o. 12SS. Fulton Street. Graphopbones: On installment. $1 permonth. Address Drawer D, Spencer, N. C. sot. Room and table board furnished. Location unusually. favorable. Ad- dro;S Lock Box 205, tf I - I t - : - - 11 REAPERS HARVEST. FOUR ADULTS PASS AWAY. - Mrs. Hall, Mr. Hart, Mr. Browm, Mr. Gobble Are Dead. Mr. Joseph A. Brown, a son the late A. M. Brown, died this morninz at 2:30 o'clock after an illness of ten ; years. His death wa8 Pcted-the light had been . I steanilv flirkanncr fnr mnnth anrl - . i . - ucu r sen. . Mr. Brown was 34 years old and .. , .j I iU YUUUK U1BUUUUU KTO UfUUl I . . U3DiUluco" l,ul "u fcUC ear'v ae OI 2 consumption com pelled him to eeek a life of inac tivity and his remaining years were spent under the old home roof. He was a brother'of Messrs. C. M , H. M , andC. N. Brown of Salisbury. The funeral cervices will be held tomorrow morning at ; 11 o'clock from St. Paul's Lutheran church, cf which Mr. Brown was a memler. Mr. Robert: Gobble, a well known farmer, died last night after a .brief illness from pneumo nia. Mr. Gobble was 69 years old and his was a familiar figure in Salisbury. He was fa brave Confederate soldier and his remi neecences of the. war were ever interesting. His passing takes from the country one of its most unique and oldest citizens. Mr. Gobble is survived byj a large number of kinspeople. The funer al services will be conducted from Sandy Creek Lutheran church to morrow morning at 11 o'clock." Mr. Samuel A. D. Hart, a well known citizen of the county, died Sunday night at the age of 70, at his home near 'Wocd'.eaf. Mr. Hart was; recently . stricken . with I and bis deatljOwas vrU ii tflicticau';;: In oT worth and aqa commanded the . es- br all who knew him. - Al though his life was spent in com parative obecurity he was widely known throughout the county and his circle of acquaintances will share with his ; family the grief that attends his passing. ; The fu neral services were held at Wood leaf Presbyterian church yester day afternoon, Rev. R. S. Arro wood officiating. , ' ' ' - - '. j Mrs. Mary Hall died at her home near Cleveland yesterday morning. She had not enjoyed good health for several years and her falling condition gave premo nition of the early end. Mrs. Hall was the widow of the late Major N. F. Hall and belonged to one tf the county's most prom inent families. .She was a good woman good in every application of the term. Solicitous always for those who surrounded her in , her own home, dutiful to every obli gation even to the remotest stran ger, hers was a life well rounded and mainly characterized by. lov ing ""kindness for all humanity. She was the mother of County Commissioner Joe S. Hall. : The Revival at Mt Zion Baptist Church. The colored population of Salis bury is greatly interested in a re vival now being held at Mt. Z on Baptist church. Rev. Maso, the pastor, and Rev. J. D. Brooks, of Philadelphia, are conducting the meeting. Makiag Preparations The Salisbury Woodmen are making preparations for a big time at the social session to be held Friday evening after the initiation of candidates. T We are not selling out,' but we are giving the "Salisbury public the greatest grocery bargains they ever received. Ihe popularity of our store is tneproor. nave you tried' us i If not, do it now. Max Moses. A Thoughtful Man. ; M. M. Austin of Winchester. Ind., knew what to do in the hour of need. His wife had such an unusual case of stomach and liver trouble, physicians could not help her. He thought of and tried Dr. King's New Lifa Pills and ; she got reliet at once ana was finally cur ed. 25 3, at all drug stores. Fine meats, at the lowest prices, at Rusher's cash meat market, tf TOLD 19 BEILT. Items Personal and Otherwise Picked Up on the Bounds. and Deputy Sheriff A. M.Rice went to Cleveland this morninz. Mr. Joe Williams, of Charlotte, of if in Salisbury today. V - Sample shoes of all kinds and sty les at Belk-Harry Co's. I ci :a T..t: .j ouwmuuu.,Uuq iuwuusw l Pncer coll.ctinr taxes. Rev. Fatker Francis, of Char, . lotte, is in Salisbury. Enquire F. If. Tarrh went .IT t .1 i j h- Mr. G. A. Jackson went to otatesville this morning to attend Federal court. J. L. Rendleman, E q., is in at tendance at Federal court at States- ville today. Fresh, new lot of sample shoes 1 and oxfords to go on sale Wednes I day at Belk-Harry Cj's Mr. Richard bmith, of Concord, his brother, Col. F. F. Smith. Mr. J. L. Millar, a prominet citizan of Concord, is (pending the day in Salisbury. Mr. Lonnie Harrison, of South Boston, Virginia, is here for a few days on a visit to his mother. v i. u T H Mr. Frank B. Irvm returned I this morning from n ... - . where ha has been on a business irii'- ; Mrs. W. A. Thaxton, of Green- ville, S. C. who has been visiting in Salisbury, returned home this morning. - Mr. H. R. Rickert, who was in Salisbury last night as the guest of the two Pythian lodges, returned to Statesville this morning.' r A large party of students frcr Livingstone College went to Char. wits f4air.?. of., ball tb pbetween Living8toneiiuTBiddle. A 'phone message from Wood side -says the Democratic primary there tonight will be largely at tended and that the nominees of this primary will certainly be elected. r Mr. Claytdn Brown, who has been in South Carolina, wires that he will be in tonight to attend the funeral tomorrow of his brother. Mr. Joseph A. Brown, who died this morning. FOR THE ORPHANS. A Silver Tea to be Given at Mrs. . B. Neavs's This Evening. The Silver Tea to be given at Mrs. E B. Neave's this afternoon from 4 to 7 o'clock is like a rail road telegram No. 97. That means "rush." 0.her things must need to, but this call has the right of way. It is for the orphans. A silver coin for admission, from 10 cents to 100, just as you are in clined. You will have a cup of tea a la Russe," or a cup of coffer with sandwiches; mayonaise, let tuce, &3 , served by a score of so ciety girls; Music all the time. The great favorite, Miss Crouch so will p'ay so will Miss Eliz ibeth Bingham besides others equally popular Miss Addie White, who has been under special training for three years, will sinf. Mrs, coy den, with her deep tot;a to, will sing. Messrs. Thomson and Beverly will add their talent. Come and stay a few moments or an hour. " All are welcome from 4 to 7. TO ORGAIiZE THE TEAS. Mr. Edwin C Gregory Asnrees to Take Captaincy of it A meeting will be held this afternoon at 5 o'clock to diecuss the organization of a base ball team for .Salisbury. It is stated that Edwin C. Gregory, Esq., has agreed to assume the captaincy of the team in the event of its organ izition. I will furnish you from now on The Raleigh News and Observer for only 3cts. Israel Feldman It For Sale! 1 Second HandPhae ton, 1 stone horse trough and a lot of household furniture. W. S. Blackmer. 5t GAME EGGS for sale $ 2 50 per retting. Mug wump8, Warhorses and Shawls, tf, G. A, Jackson. THIflKS PARKER Wins. 05E. AGAim FIFTEEI- SEIATORCARIIACX II SALISBURY. ays a Southern Man' Might be Put Ticket. -'" f Senator Carmack,of Tenneeseee, wm in Salisbury this morning: msiway rrpm wasningtori i Knpxville. I M W hp, in your opinion, should l.- w T i - . tne democrats nominate for If resi dTenl ? Senator Carmack was afeked ty a Sun reporter. - 1 S ;i.t -r. . . -i . juage; rarser, oi : Jew Xork, in my estimation, is the most riioio canaiaaie. "flow about! a Southern pnan I for t n i o -.4 -. uuumviiu man should not be nominated.1' t . t. . i . ' Uan rarker, as the Demcraticl nominee, defeat Roosevelt 1" j 4 What will or Bhould be leading issues in: the coming' cam- ru-' 11 i 1 . an . - "I '-Well. I would rather not cm in data Is at this time on that Sub- 1- ODD FELLOW EHTERTAHHEHT. Ssrmpn Sunday Morning and Ipeakinff - T.nrii, . I " Tuesday Sight TT vm mioyB arB requesiep to meet at the armory on Innissstfeet RnnAv Ann oiw .t1 iUWw -ji-f"'""- w.w u vuiva ?rmptk iD 0rderto form TA aManrl fh. oawiAaa Ik, kM.uu B&vicvo ai iuo:iMiiiMi uinvpn r innnwnr a 1 1 nr.. nwav . Methodist church, .which wil conducted by the pastor at o'clock. It;?s. important that rieet promptly and on time be li all On the night of the 25tb; ;.' begin lllng at 8 o'clock, the will be oaking at the opera house. The 'rogramme will consist of music, tori address by J. L. Rendleman - llowed by W. R. Barnes, of At- Hf4ita, and Jno.jM. Julian. f Re- esnmenw win oe. servea ana a " cneral good, timers expected. WCl-bhc i mviUd to attend the services at the church and all QJd Fellow and their families arejin- viteI to th opera house. TIE SPEICE1 PRIHART. Mr.. B. F. Lively is Nominated For Mayor. xuv ur"iscujucraiic primary at Sparser was held yesterday, f nd was a success as tq the number participating and enthusiasm dis played. The result was a strong ticket as follows! 1 . Mayor, B. F. Lively. f Aldermen, S. T. Doreett, W Hjtrchins, A. W. Hicks, H. C. T. J. Holshouser, A. D. Smith -and W. Cajlton. At a meeting of the executive before the I polls committee held were opened, Wj. D. Pethel, with drew as a candidate for mayor, pledging hia hearty support to the nominees and using his influence to make the primary a success!! TO LET THE COITBACT. The Sskool Committee Meets this Afternoon at 5. ' t The. graded schools committee f - i " . . ii meets this afternoon at '5 o'clock ti let the new contract for the new school building. , r. Mr. Martin's Case.- tf. The case of Mr. W. H. Martin was tried in the Federal Court yesterday and) Mr.; Martin was lined -f 100 for illicit distilling. Mrs. Crawford Still Critically IIL Mrs. W. H. Crawford still lies in a rery critical condition land hopes for her recovery have! ' been abandoned. Her patents, j Hon. and Mrs. Theoi F. Ktuttz are here with her. .: '. ... The Checks Here Today. The checks for i the Southern employes in Salisbury and at Spsn- - 3 m -l- - . r- - cer arrivea vnis morning and Capt. Buford is at Spencer this after noon paying off. . ! j , Anti-lalooa League Meeting, j j The friends; of the temperance cause are requested to meet this evening at 8 o'clock In rooW 105 West Fisher street. . 1 I Have you tried Chase fSan borns fine teas and coffees, if not you are missing a treat, k is the most economical tea and i coffee you can buy and the quality ia un excelled. We also sell the f best flour money can- buy. M. Moses. I Capt McLean Relates an Experience . With Tramps. on . I wasMn the caboose several years ago when I was conductor on a f reizht." said Capt. T. j McLean, one of the most genial on all the Southern condoctors. this 4o momin?. "when a brakeman in- I " I formal mm that fifteen hnhnpx ( were ensconctd in one freight car. - I had no idea that more than two or three were there but the ina!fitn,i ha a r 1 i up an unloaded pistol and went to the car. thinking that it mio-ht be loaded with merchandise. When I reached the car the door waslnl nncf IHa lirtA tKn SiKorin vail Dartiallv open and aslslarmed nn I i uauu UU IliO olUo WUal HO VOu BUD Lose hannenerl t" I i-1- - 'FeIIow hit vou." ventured J Ed Hennessee. Run the door against your hand) - - ' r- - thejand mashed it," said Clerk of thejfrom St. Petersburg that the Czar Court J. Frank McCubbins. t "No. neither riaht" de!Rrrl fro iwr .tu haA ,iODTw u0f er-ertarand my left hand was stuck fast. In the right I held that old pistol that didn't have a charsre in it. But I bei?an snanninir and t,ampa fell over me, und me L . Li . . bill where they fell and I'll swear that I could hear the stead y rip, .. . l . i ni. rip oi iDoir pan is as eacn Vic t' net the barb and deposited - i .1 1 . 11 . T , . ... and wan nrermrinor tn r.lnma tha wnen l nan torn mv hand rw"7 door of the car when a stately though tattered individual delib erately walked from the car and pointing to my empty pistol, said, 'Look here, captain, don't ever try to tIav that ; trirk acrain. vnn might get hurt With that the tramp walked away in the darkness and I'll promise you I have never of fifteen thousand reserves, mak again tackled a party of tramps ing communication arrancrements with an unloaded pistol." ANOTHER CANDIDATE. One of Blackburn's Opponents Says Another Will be Named. A Winston special says:. Sun Marshall, tf Surry, a mean I .1 il '- tl a I oer oi me anii-oiacaourn Taction, officially reported, that the battle was here this evening on his way LM xrKu anA n;a to Statesville, presumably to at- tend a meetinglcf the clans. Mar shall expressed confidence in the movement to nominate a candidate I for congress in the eighth district. claiming that Blackburn was not legally named at Witkesboro. A local Republican predicts that if another convention is held Mar shall will be nominated to antago nize Blackburn and that then the contest will carried before the state convention. NEGROES AID OFFICERS FIGHT. One of the Negroes Dead and an Offi cer Fatally Wounded. Knoxville, Tenn., April 18. As a result of a pitched battle Sunday night between -officers and railroad men on the line of the Knoxville, Lafollette and Jelico branch of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, forty miles north of here, Sam Hardin, a negro laborer, is dead and William Wade, a posse man, is fitally wounded. Two deputy sheriffs had warrants for five negro laborers on trivial charges and summoned Wade to help them. The negroes fired on the officers and shots were returned with re sults stated, i Mr. Miller at the Sanitorium. Mr. John L. Miller, of Concord, arrived in Salisbury this morning and tomorrow will be operatedl upon at the Whitehead Stokes sanitotium. V An Infant Dead. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sencinderer died yesterday and was buried from St. Paul's chapel today.1 Fresh lot of lowney's candy st Kluttz &Co's. 3t. Ice Cream Season! You will find richest and purest ice cream, made every day, nt Saleeby's Candy Kitchen, 113 N. Main st, 'phone 296 Flavored with pure fruit juices and made with freshest cream. . If you can't come, we will deliver at your hom 3 no" matter how small the quantity. When up street stop and try it 12 SPIES HMGEB. RDSSIAIIS CATCH THEEI of THE JAPAIESE I!f A VMliT I I Eussiani are Forcsd Sack With Prac ically no Besistance. St. Petersburg, April 19. Two J Japanese officers found spying I i . . j , iuu TToio uuiurcu suu naogea at I u , . , . , Harbin. One claimed to be Jrrince oi me imperial iamny m I r: i t Japan. ! I . Paris, April 19. It is reported has expressed a wish that the Baltic fleet be ready to start for the far East by the middle of July, wand uuke AUxeiii, the head of the Russian navy, will expedite preparations to ruke his departure u-i . ' .-ui. V 1 o . . . . Shanghai, April 19 Authentic news from eoul xoanrms the re- M. 1 1 . .1 T P"" in" lQB Japanese are in com- plete control of Corea. Russian . . .;, Bcontino- rtartica nt arrnsa the, Yalu ,or IfiCOnnaiiDCf nurn3tes. I - r 1 1 nave oeen unven Daca by the I Japanese forces who occupied Wiju, without resistance. The Japanese army is said to be divided in two forces, one for expedition ary purposes and the other ,for occupation. -The former numbers fortyfive thoasaild advancing to "arl Yalu, and the consists , with headquarters for tranl service at Chemulpo. The build- ing of railroads and roads is pro gressing rapidly. The fortification at Kojedo Island at the mouth of the Masampo harbor protects the Southern terminus. St. Petersburg,. April 19. It is , were btd1 dama2ed m tne last battl at Port Arthur. The Bayan is in a serious condition TO ARRITRATE TROURLES. The Lithographers Strike iu York May be Settled. New Now Yoik, April 19. There are sa'd to be good prospect s that the lithographers strike will soon be settled by arbilrition. The local lithographers unions have voted against arbitration agree ment bnt returns from other cities are most I v in favor' of nrhitralinn . ... . ,; , " aew iorK Dniona wm Deiorcea to 8ubmit in case they are put voted. A committee of the Central Feder- ated Union and representatives of thB AnhaH fVmn.n h.v. a ... .. , f '""J. the PProTal of the unions. The pln covers all questions of wag- les, houra and conditions of work! Crawled Through a Flue. . Goldsboro, April 18 Will Har rls, a negro who. was in jil here awaiting court this week to answer the charge of bigamy, succeeded in making his ef cape from jail Satur- J "V"1" "j l anuu mrougt b owid uuo. no xurmeriy woraeu for Mr. T. C. Bryan as a tinner, from whom he was accused of taking a quantity of tin and tools Raleigh Post Mr. Hennessee to Build. Mr. J. E Hennessee will shortly build two modern cottages on Jack son street between Council and Kerr. " For the finest fieh, every day in the week, call at W. A. Brown's, op. postomce. "I have used Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets with M. - - i 1 . ... musb Btuibiaciory results, .says Mrs Phelps, of Houston, Texas. For IT. : i. maigfcstion, niuoness and con stipajion these tablets are most ex cellent. pold by James Plummer, LEGATION BUILDING AT PEKH Corntr Stone to First Ever Erected by United States Laid Today. Pekin, April 19. The corner stone of the first 'czation buildicg ever erected by the United States was laid here today "by Mrs. Con ger, wife cf the American min's ter. The entire legation and many American residents were present. Minister Conger-and the architect of 5 he building delivered the addresses! AUTOMOBILE COLLIDES. Two Women Belonging to the Scyalty Were Injured. Turin, April 19. An automo bile containg Princess Von Hohen- ohe and Countess Chauscy collided with another vehicle today. Both were siriously injured. FAIR TOMORROW. The Weather Forecast for North Caro lina for 24 Hours. ' WasMngtca, D. C. Apr, 19-The weather forecast for North Carolina for the ensuing 24: hours is: Fair tonight and Wednesday. Colder tonight in northwest por tion. . Colder Wednesday. HARRIIAH'S PETITIOI IS DEHED Court Eefuses to Interfere in Govern ment Suits. St.. Paul, April 19. The United States circuit court today denied the petition of Harriman and Pierce to intervene in the government's- suits against the Northern' SgcuritieCojprjany. --r NEGROES HUNT HURDERER. Posse Grom Jimtown Settlement Near Southern Pines. Southern Pines, April 18. More than 25 colored people in the Jim town settlement,armed with pistols and gune, yesterday went in search of Neal Austin, alias Smith, who killed a colored woman in Hoff man last December. Every house was searched, but he was not to be found but "later he was caught sight of and several 6hots exchanged- by the searching party. He made his escape, bowever, and is said to be in hiding in this imme- diate vicinity. Astin carries a 38 revolver, "44 Winchester and is well supplied with ammunition. . He is a desperate character and the objecVof killing the ' colored .wo man ' at Hoffman was to get some money he thought she had. Austin is being bhadowed by Dective Peck a colored man from ihe West, who exchanged a few shots' with him near Aberdeen on Good Friday. Charlotte Observer. ABOVE . THE DANGER LEL The Mississippi Eiver 16 Feet High at New Orleans. Washington, April 18. The Weather Bureau tonight issued the followisg special river forecast: The Mi3sissipp river is 45 8 feet 0 8 foot above the danger line at Vickhburg,and will reach a stage at Vickburgof about 47 feet within a week. At New Orleans the river is 0.2 feet above Ibe danger line. 7 1 1C 0 feet, and rising slowy with a prospect of 16.5 feet by April 26 th. . Won't Bet on Blackburn. Parties who were offering money on Blackburn's election two weeks ago are now refusing to take any bets on that proposition. Serious Stomach Trouble Cured. I was troubled wita a distress in my stomach and vomiting epulis, and can truthfully say that Cham berUin's Stomach and Liver Tab leta cured me. Mrs. T V.Will iams, Laingsburg, Mich. These tablets are gu anteed to cure every case of stomach trouble of this character- 'For sale by Jaa. Plummer. Don't Wait Buy Now I We are selling' real estate every day. Bargains ettn be had if you see us. . Every one that buys from us makes money. Maupin Bbqs, : ' jl , ..'if :. . :j .

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