V SALISBURY DAILY SUN. 300,000 TBOOPS IJ THE HELD. NEW 1 - V V DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. joe z. KotiBcaa. CURT. H. SOWN, Morement of Banian Forces Suapsnd ' '"'. td for (the Present Oftic ot Bart'a ho or. o Vila itrti, tjaSCKlPTIOH 2AT5i Ob r&r, rtr 04 Mouth, Oo Wwk, i LOO so Uvrd by OtnlMU ta pari of b mj witao at & xrt. oitifiBOBT, N. Cv, April 20, 19 4 You can't depress the Pennsyl vania Demccras. They met in convention yesterday and j ibilated over prospective Democratic sue cess. ' Mr. Carnegie has given away, it is stated, $20,000,000 in the paa five years. In view of the fact that he pays tax on only $ 5,000,000 in New York it is fair to assume tha he 'can do a little more charity work and1 not go broke. The Republicans are determined to drop proposed investigations until after the election, as the an nouncement that Congress will ad journ on the 28.h demonstrates tiusc ine same they will nave no little bit of explaining to do to the people. Journalism in the Queen City is not wholly lifeless. Mr. W. I Underwood, city editor of the Chronicle, refers to Dr. A. J McKelway as "an ecclesiastics and political scold" to which Dr McKelway replies by calling Mr Underwood "an insufferable cad and contemptible sneak." The amenities of the profession need looking after in the Qieen City. The Cor cord Times, too, has re fased to continue to G load its col umns with communications en- dorsing political candidates and announces that in the future such communications will bo charged for at the rate of -5 cents per line Sun was one cf the first thete trniopt t$J it1 has succeeded admir- .my. Where four years- ago it carried free of charge from one to f jur columns a day of such matter it will not now average a column a week. The Southern's Great Loss. It is a strange circumstance that within a week the Southern R&il wajf Company should have losttwj of the three men through which it was most directfy bound to the people cf North Carolina Capt W. A. Turk and Capt. William H Green The third and may he long survive is Col. A. B. And- rews. In these three the Southern had the strongest trio of officials of any road in the country, North or South. Toe death cf Captain Gresn, so closely following tha't of Captain Turk, is a great loss to the Southern Railway Company as well as to the South. Charlotte Chronicle. ' St. Petersburg, April 19.-7:27 p. m. It was (claimed by the gn eral staff todaV that General Ku ropatkm now Las $00,000 men at the theatre of war, sufficient for present requirements. A promi nent officer of j the staff informed the correspondent of , The Asoci ated Press that the dispatch of far East has been the present. Gen. berg has been given the First East Liber- which belong the troops to the! suspended for Baron Slake! command at ian Corps, m advance forces, - General Kaehta- iinsky being third division an command of the at the Yalu river. It is positively aseerccd that the Uircum-tJaifeai Kailroad was con nected a few days ago. Construc tion trsins can now pass around th8 lake, but j the line will not be opened to troop trains or passenger traffic for twd months. BIG DEMONSTRATION IN HONOR OF makasott's SUCCESSOR Petersburg, April 19 Vice eydloff arrived here way to the far East, 1 take command nf fleet at Port Arthur. He was hccotrded an enthusiastic reception bv the neonle whn thronged th Skredlcff led St Admiral D Skri today I on hid i where he wi the Russian e streets Admiral a popular demonstra tion, the tcenes rivaling those wit nessed at KuropaU ia Eit. n:ed brotner w& he time of General departure for the far Tne admiral was" accompa ny Lieu. Shishlo, whose lost oa board the -. j waf VUV Petropavlovsk, and who begged M . a ror tbe pri brothci'd pi Skyredlcff W lege Port Arthur enemy until of taking his ice. lo his friends has declared that his aim will be tp conserve the flact at as a menace to it is re-inforced. the u u vw ii w i - ii Oxfords . ! l .... i: i SI ) I . I COMING IN DAILY. $2. $3. $4 $5. t " -A ' "P 1 $1 25 1.50 2.50 3 50 A StraMtforwa f: Business ! needs in Its Strikes in 1850. oiriKes wpre not. unfenown in this locality as far back as 1850. for in X)verhaulinBr the nanern in " 1 the clerk's omcs a case was found where the hands, some twelve or fiifteen, at Fintress mine, went out for eight hours a day. presented a demand telling the com- that if their demands on a strike The men in writing pany them were not granted they expected to close up the mine, whereupon they were indicted for conspiracy, convicted aid fined, after which peace seems to have reigned, for work went bn. Strikes and lock outs are deemedf rather recent date in this country at least, but I " the court record shows differently. ureensboro Kecord. When a man has more money than he knows what to; do with, let him go to law. There was a big sensation in Leesvllle, Ind., when W. H. Brown of that place, who was ex pected to die, had his life saved by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. . He writes: "I endured insufferable agonies from Asthma, but your New Discovery crave me immediate relief and onnn thereafter effected a complete cure." oimilar cures of Uonsump- nuu, iueuiuuuia, joronenms ana Grip are numerous. Ii7 the peer- jess remedy tor all tbroat and lung a. T I n -- - iruuoies xrice ouc, and $100 Guaranteed by all druggists. Trial bottles free. j Child Fatally Burned Concord, Aorii 18 The little five-year old child of Mr. Pless Williams, dear Glass, was very severely burned yts?erday. The child was standing before the fire and by somi means her clothing caught fare and was burned en tirely cffhet- body before assist ance came, the parents being away from home at the time. 'The child H no day. expec ;ed to-, lire through the A South Carolina lady got a verdict for j 125,000 out of the Southern R lilway because she ob jected to be ng hugged by a- man on the train J Probably the rail road will re ;use to pay the monev on the grouhd that it objects to r - being f quefezad by the lady. Wilmington Star. Makin&r a bid for oonular natmnatra no diplomacy, finesse or sharnhasc management. Plain, clean, honest meth ods are what the public tie to. These meth ods you will find in force here at all times. We attribute our success in a great meas ure to their practice; We are here to serve you faithfully. Want this store to be pointed out and spoken of as the place where all classes of the community may come and feel that they are being dealt with in abso solute fairness. All ready for the spring bus iness now; got a store full of bright, new merchandise to show you, so come and see and we will try to please you. Yours anxious to please, STYLISH - SPRING - SHOES for men women and children 50c. Tm - . V III North Main St , Salisbury. N. C. . Lots of Styles to Select From Children's English Bare-foot Sandals- odc. 75c. 85c. Now Ready a Feast of Big Bargains AT A. W WMeeoff, 118 cgcgDCDcg: MniiiimnnmmMiMMDBaBJwta X N. Main- Street 11 KLUTTZ & EENDLEMAN'S We have manv of the newest weaves in Taffetas. .TananpRo nnd China silks. Voiles Pomana& Sicileans. Mnh R1TH and Sflforfifl in mnnw colors and prices White gcxws from 03 to 50 in all the newest styles. . Drens (iinghamn and wanh eroods for evervbodv at nrinas ihn Inwpst. ftlftp.k A1.r!ir?.od abirta from KA f n KCi Pikknno cheapest all silk in town N 1. 9 at 5, No. 16 10c, No. 40 at 15c. The best 25c, 50c and fl corsets ever offered. (o) Umbrellas and Parasols A finft linfi - Tiinpn SriAAtinfr anil Viomctitnkd ornfa Pink TA Paper at 13a Der lb; EnveloDes to match it 5i ner'i'Mk..- R from 5c to 50c. New stock Carpets. Rugs Mattings. Oil Cloths and Emoltum. ' Big assortment of Straw Hats. We still h the city. The Best 4 year old P n dapple Cider Vinegar at 20c New Orleans molasses at 30, 4 ) and 50c. All kinds of fresh fruits and Vegetables to please your palate and make you happy. , KLUTTZ & RENDLEM AN. Soperstitioa Everywhere A numbar of reasons are given why this is a good Democratic year, reference being made to the proepect of electing a Damoctatic President, one of which is that no Democrat has ever been e'ected President who web fa vored by Tammany Hal?; onthe contrary it is said that Tam mny opposed with aU its might Tilden who' was e'e: tod h. every body knows, but was tat ated out of it, and Cleveland when bo ran and was elected, thongh it is said the Tiger favored him in 1888 wienhewas defeated. Supersti tion creeps in : everj where. Greensboro Kecord. : Salisbury Supply and Ccmmissicn Co. Mining and Mill Sup- slies, Boilers, Engines, Belting. Pulleys, Iron, Steel, Quicksilver. Ashcvillo Firo Drickand Fir Clay. Foundry cliinc and Tla Shop: , Storerooms and Shop near Pasen firer Depot, SALISBURY, H. C. Chartered 1883. First National Banff, of Salisbury, N. C. Capital SKO.nnn Surplus & profits $20.00 Kerb Craige, Prec' PIANO I Su7 You can not do a Safer thing than buy one of the J Old Reliable Weaver Pianos, which we have for can be removed from vour - vis?oT-H ! glasses We can fit them. We are erraduatev of 15 years' experience in the optical business ana"can correct ine most compiicatea cases of astigmatism. you can be fatted by us as well as in the cities. Satis- faction guaranteed or money refunded. . GORjMaN & GREEN, Successor to J. Horab. - Leadinsr Jewelera and Optician sale. Company's 1' These r,r:f "Z?-'- x"c "P81" ar? original with their own 3 Points worthy of j uonsideration m the purchase of a Piano. T,. Reflections of a Bachelor. i's awful reckless for peopW who don't believe in divorce le ge! married. i Being married is very expensive, but it is the highest development of economy cjn pared with beice engaged. Ii's funny how a girl could al ways let everybody know when she has on open work stc ckings supt, the actions are the best obtainable. Thev last a 1?e P10 you, deal Vth' the life time and Stay in tune longer thaW m tSiT1 rade pianos you buy, the terms is to voiir intt-cf f - T rw" .VP " "u price u oe naa. is to your interest to see us and ing else where. prices before- buy- G. VV. Frix & Co., 109 S. main St Growth of the Wachovia Loan & Trust Co Since organization June 15, V 1893. Dec 15, 1893, 1895, 18ff7, 18M, 1901, . - 1903; Jan 82, 1804, Mcb3H,1904, 37,708 93 320 184 73 327 859 41 781 018 11 1043 888 04 8 23107514 2 057 110 66 2 811280 89 S 139,36729 39 02817 469 751 16 937156 48 1 180285 70 2 863 99716 3 373 873 01 3442 655 98 HOW TO PE0500HCE HfOMEL Tneo. v. JUuttz & Co Tell of Thi B.e- she has on onen wnrk c'rinrra ii mar table Treatment That Cure Pa. .u ut. m . . , . . . ai iuc uuuuui vi a well tarrh Without Stomach Dosinff. , is woman never tias any doubt While all OUT CUdtomers vahn thRt th ronr,r. hai. KnOI,K,.!.l SpV SIT1 Ffe- 13 P6C86S were ver the estimate - v-7 ; vuu V&AU 1,111 i 1117 I 1 nAtRrrh Rndlntw . was Decaose tne gas bill was 40 - ii cenis 100 m&h. The thing for a man to Jo to be popular at home when the potatoes I are burned is to refuse to go to somebody olte's house to dinner ! next week because he never eets RATTAN ROCKERS HAMMOCKS. air passaged," says Klutlz & Co., vet mere nas oeen conMidflrRhi diversity cfl opinion as to how the name is pronounced." IkM It i nromeuM DrononncM mat oc a if it weresrieiled (hiorh..nmn ' nn'fh ri "nu me accent op me nrst syllable." A srreat manv come to nnr afrira . . .. and inRtPadlif Mfcfn fn, w" T - eai mere. wew on o tQ ro " -u-S- .11 xorfc 'res3 uur siocjc 3z tnis time is unusj uaily large and comprises newest styles. Come and looik them over and see if you can use some of these goods. -ii W. B. SUHEiERSETi, io8 West Inniss St. treatment for catarrh th. wn selling on a guarantee." "While kve know what they . . 1 111 m a. mean, ana an or oar clerks wi give; them Hyomei, yet we want every one tor know how to oro- nounce ; the name ox Hyomei,-so mat itney may run no cnanea of getting anything but Hyomei, no matter wnere tney go. I A l 7 A . I . jl in uoiuloo uuu cure inr mLBr a vnnnor man m b-a nn u-i ,J. , . . ..w. I.. V " f umrrDai irouo es. ii Kins tne his mind that he is not a genius he ux iu u.scaoe, Huuines ana Utand - ohiiT,r tn Mrn h?a Deals the irritate! mnenna' mam. brane and leffectuall v drives all When a woman wants to indulge in pleasant reflections she consults u X III II I III . . jlu9 papers cnronicie as a fact n... ...umiuttie lue ugaiesi ned eeven times in nine vMf U ! I -. j heart in the darkest parlor. There are enough ex husbands to bjgm holding annual reunions no w. Wilmington Star. Wachovia Loan & Trust Co, Salisbury Savings Bank Building. J "We have1 the value of are sfilJinsr i ing that we if it fails to know that agree." to pay it back. catarrhal poisons from the system, j It's funny how big All the stomach dnRincr in 1 ho I i 1 ii 1 . 4l j i r . . uunui iuu&s nueu luu wiu can un no lasiino' cnnri in the treatment of catarrh unless the nose i and throat are free from catarrhal microbes. Thers ia t stomach dosing with Hyomei; just Dreame it. so much confidence in the treatment that we with the understand hvill return the money pure. All Sun readers kve do exactly as we a borrowed time comes Makes a Clean Sweep. There's nothing like doing a ming tnorugbouly. Uf all the stives you ever beard of Bucklen's Arnica Silve is the best. Itnweena away ana cures burns, sores, bruis es, cuts, boils, ulcers, skin ernn. tions and Diles IJ onlv 2w nr1 guaranteed to give fefttisfaction by all druggiol, . Fate of Jim Wallace! Chesterfield (S. C ) Advertiser Times are all ok. The girls are taking advantage of leap year, and because one Ctheren West- 'stoled a man by the name of Jim Wallace poor The Parker Gardner Co. are the largest dealers in North Carolina nl can naturally g;ve you better w ins Bp.d prices than agents who aai.iiln pianos and organs on con- "ipoment. ' ' ln consideration of the grade piano you buy ; we respectfully call your attention to the Peerless .Knabe; the time honored Cbicker ing, of which there is over one hundred thousand in use. The Ideal Ives &-Pond. endorsfd hv the largest conservatory of music in the world, namely : the New Eagland Conservatory at Boston, within whose walls are over 299 Ives & Pond Pianos. Everv school and college or public institution of learning of any importance in Nor$b Carolina use the Ives & Pond Pianos. The best advertise ment that we have on our pianos in this section are tbe 56 pleased customers to whom we have sold pianos in Salisbury, in the last 18 months. In addition to tbe above we handle the Packard, Everett, Wegman, Harvard and Dayton. If you want to buy an Organ buy the Famous Ferrand & Votey. We-sell it. For further informa tion apply to B. P. JARRETT. LOCAL SALESMAN. Card of Thanks: The Auburn Wagon 1 and 2 horse. Oliver Chilled Plows, Walk ing Disc Plows. Globe CuItivators.Cot- ton and Corn Plan ters. Disc anri Smoothing Harrows. Don't fofget the fine line of Paints, among th-m the celebrated Egjptlan buu me Jiiconomy. j. h. Mckenzie, Tl Harflware Dealer, Our, New Is Ready For Business FRESH HUYLERS. S. a. PURCELL I take this method to thank the gooa people or Baiisburv for the kind. -Tim ho hr,f,i "i.j l. 99S shqwH me during my term of of- - ' lilm I Tirj and will oo. 1 -o. .4111 - yes opeD, and Ben Taylor! boldly Bread business and am prepared to but kindly took possesaion pf Mis. SalJsbSr?6 CTer 801(1 fn s Effia Rodger s. Nothing Equal to Chamberlain's Colic, cnoiera ana uiarrnoea Jiemedy For Bowel Complaints in Children. ' "We have used Chair berlain's Cflic. Cholera and Diarrhnfta Raid. edy in our family for-years," says Mrs. J. B. Cfnk nf VoH Texas. "Wa havn mvnn it fn. oil of our children. W h - ' w w uovu I Pose bnevrf equal Chamberlain. If vnn Zui Sar?J'il nP"e Doner, larsre process ket uJeitas directed it -will w.; -T1. -JP. ?are. tie, boiler, cooling tubs. &. Ev- cure." For sale bv Jan nVZ J7:Z See or J ' "-i luHi.tamicajf.. nor BaiO DV .IB.. I Rdflrpsn K I j-.rA k Plummer.' J NH . . uiy mer. Serious Stomach Trouble Cured. if'-- :"; - :' - i.l - I was troubled wit'd a d my stomach and vomiting ani!a ana can xratnrutiy say tbat Uham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets cured me. Mrs. T. V. Will. Can bake your Christmas cake for you in any styie. send your-orders. T. L. Swink. j " Corner Main and Council Sts. Canning Machinery For Sale. When in -Neea of.s Doors and Blinds Call ar d get an estimate froia me b--lore you rtfiriH wi, will be money in your rocket, as 1 can guarantee you lower Wures aud a jBt.Lr quality., or malerial than y-i can possibly Kct elsewhere My sto k tsconip ete and ray motto Is, "Dvo and let live." Oiveceacall Or? . V - If I'll Laandry Talk Smootli Work. You'll like the work we do on youi snlrts, collars and cuffs. You'll lkt the cleanness and life of the article when we handle them. We do work tnr h It-O TAATtl A nnln We nake a specialty of Lace Cur Kama, vrive us a trial. Antiseptic Laundry Phone 250. a Mam . wa hV-UIlher. pIof to hat e a - "SIS navf nsoarl ut do a c,as3 of UuadrwrrkhalS: illITl0' to othor, because yaj vivav attention to every detail Salisbury Steam Laundry The Daily Sun, deliv ered at Your Door for IOc oer upoL' - - - X Motorcycles, Bicycles, Buycie Supplies. f ave the best that mnn buy m Bicycles and Sunnily. t that cannot be beat. Second-hacd Wheels for a song. We E'alr your Bicycles rlht. S-jsfactlon guaranteed at G. S. WILLIAMS Bicycle Shop, 107 W. Fleher Ktrt. near standplpe. COME AND TLTTT T u. We also retire your Fab7 Carriages I s

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