Y Stuffed Cucumbers and Bell Pepper Pickles something new at N. P. Murphy’s. Prescriptions Called For and Medicines Delivered. Telephone, write or call at any time and let us kno* what drug store goods you need and we will send them right out without ex tra charge. T. W. Grimes Drug Co NextIJoor to Postoffice. VOL XV SALISBURY, N; C., WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 27, 1904 NO. 49 A MILL WILL ENLARGE ODD FELLOWS’ NIGHT. A SAD SUDDEN DEATH. HEROES DIE AT POST. |py r^ p£ggj A BIG SHIP ASHORE LEVEES ARE BREAKING 3,000 ARE JOIELESS. THE SALISBURY HOSIERY MILL. ANNIVERSARY MEETING HELD. YOUNG MAN DIES IN SALISBURY. THREE FIREMEN KILLED TODAY. ? CANNOT BE REACHED TODAY. THE DANGER POINT IS REACHED. DESTRUCTIVE WORK OF FIRF. THE SALISBURY HOSIERY MILL. Mr. L. H. Conklin, of New York City, to Move Here. Ths Opera House Crowded at Last Night’s Meeting. Swallowed a Piece of Steel While Drinking Water. A Wall Collapses ina New York Soap Factory. . ©nCW AKO UKI A ©nwn ! si ” nals 8h ° wMa “y Wengers Aboard Il U 001A Hu LKLAKulmLI an May Be Lost. Thousands of Acres of Fertile Soil Have Been Flooded Fire Destroys the Town of Buczacz Today. The capital of the Salisbury Hosiery Mills will be increased to 830,000 and the production to 300 dezan per day. Mr. L. H. Conklin, formerly of New York City, has bought an The lower floor and both side galleries of Meroney’s opera house were well filled last night when the celebration incident to the 85th anniversary of Odd Fellowship began. Odd Fellows and the wives interest h the .business and will of Odd Bellows Well as invited --lore hiJTatnily bare about May 5. guests outside the order manifest- JITo mill has "opr space sufficient ad the keenest appreciation to aecoEr;Iodate econgb. machiacB John I*. ”—“ " V "' John Randleman, Esq., then par Jay and the company I iiu to 1,500 dofen is the pur poa' of add mo re mar nines from time to time until all space is ufilixed. A WOMAN OF WORTH. ii-s. Chunn's Righty-Second Anniversa . iy to be Celebrated. Neat little cards with a perfect photographic likeness of Mrs. M. U, Chunn on the marginal sheet under which la dated 1822-1904. have been sent out. Ou the third page is an announcement that Mrs, (JSuijjp will be “at home” from 3 to 6 ’o’clock on May 1st. Owing to the fact iba.tr May 1st falls oh Sunday invited guests will be received Saturday afternoon as introductory. speaker anno-ja. the presence of Rev who offered the invocation, sup plicating especial watchfulness over the widows and orphans. Mr. Rendleme.n, at the the conclusion of the prayer, epok eloquently of the fundamentals of Odd Fellow ship and at the conclusion of his address introduced Mr, W. R. A r . R. Ware, I apparently f Mr. Henderson Stewart, sen of “Cap”j Sewart, of Davie county, died about 11 o’clock today at the hoarding house of Mrs. Holder on the corner of Inniss and Shaver streets. Two weeks age the young man while drinking water - swallowed rd small piece of steel and the trouble! resulting caused him to come to Salisbury for treatment. He was’ New York, April 27.—Three firemen were killed and one mor tally wounded by the collapse of a wall at a fire in the John Stanley soap factory of West Thirtieth street this morning. NO CREDENCE TO PARIS REPORT. News From ths Far East Today, “As Reported.” Holly Beach, N. J., April 27.-— During the fog early this morning a-big ocean steamship, the name of which is unknown, ran ashore near the brigantine beach and lies Item‘s though to frit :ry much improved ui’s he complained of a pain in his sheet, which in view of his death is construed to have been.a heart affection. This morning Mr. Stewart left his boarding place for a walk and greeted a number of friends woo since his death have remarked up- Barnes, of Atlanta, who in a speech.1 on his pheerfnl disposition. - Sbort- of 45 minutes delivered a speech by fitter his return to b conriueieg 'power. ruse boarding tilting lii TOLD IN BRIEF. Personal and Otherwise Picked tip-on the Rounds. Mr. W; F. Murph went to Con cord this morning on a business trip. Dr. J. Thomas Wright and little daughter, of Winston, are here London, April 27. —The general opiti.,/ in well informed circles that udmiral Togo is waiting for the vrtdivostock fquadron is con- fir-ned by reports from Tokio that the Japanese fleet is taking steps to cut off the retreat of the Vladi- in the fierce breakers. The saving crew of the brigantine tion made several attempts launch the* life boat through life sta lo the vostoc: that Ku: warships. stated on good authority ssia has made arrangements Although recently from a bed of|his room and a sickness Mr, ■Barnes gave to the 1 mediately soot order physical enthusiasm that lent added weight to the subject matter. He was followed by Mr. Jno M. Julian, who spoke upon fraternalism. Mr. A." Saleeby was one of the{ man only lived 3bout nan was im- The young 1 minutes ;e; his as discovered. Mr. Stewart would have been 21 years old next month and was a young man of eplehdid character. star attractions of Mr. Jethro Allman’s picture ex hibition company will be here Hex' weals Send in your orders for Job Printing—they "will have .prompt- attention. Art makes our shoes beautiful. | to coal the Baltic fl set at sea on its i way to the Fat East. Twenty : steamships arc said to have been I chartered to convey coal io certain ; point- where they will meet the 1 Baltic flset. 1 Sf. Petersburg, April 27.—It'3 (Science makes them comfortable|reported thatamiraculous icon of His father WAs immediately advis- ’ ^ ^h’ 6 ’ Barf! 'the Virgin Mary is to be sent to the evening, e j pf his death ano is tapes sung in his mother tongue and an Salisbury this aftwdoon t. from 3 to 6 o’clock. Mrs. Chunn is one of the coun- (exhibition with sword and shield ty’s most estimable women and the Mrs. Harris Atwell at the plan Mrs. Harris Atwell at the piar. ih’arge of the rem a: at:. 1 Mrs.. R. B. Ragsdale, of ' Rich- jPart Arthur to turn the .Russian t^j I mond, is in Salisbury, the guest of! Juck. iWu L. Householder. 1 London, A ’ rfl , 27 ._^ B Pftlis ( •tea in 1 Mrs. L. E. Meher and •children usefulness of her life justifies the host of friends who will rejoice that at this advanced age she is sill in possession of vigorous met- t I faculties and enjoying better health than fur tome time. A CHURCH CONSECRATED. Mrs. Shober Attends Consecration Church Founded by Her Father. of rendered excellent music. Ai the conclusion of ths program refreshments were served. The evening was an event in the history of Odd Fellowship in Sal isbury, demonstrating, as it did, the numerical strength of the order and presenting an opportunity to set before many who knew nothing of it or its virtues. . ^ THE NEW POSTOFFICE. I went to Newton” this morning. •(Mr. Fisher will join titers Sunday, Three Bids Have Already Been-Rej M ^ Daigy Wv wh0 ^ ceived for Building. k Mrs.F. E. Shober and daughter, ■Mrs. A. H. Boyden, the Rev. Dr. JIRarnrr/. Murdoch and Mise Mamie McNeely-went to Concord this morning to be present at the BUSY SPENCER SHOPS. Sixty Engines Were Handled During Last Night’s Work. , ;onsi AU Saints Episco pal church. It is a matter of especial local interest that Mrs. Shober’s father, the late Rev. Dr, Wheat, one of the most 'earned theologians in the country, was the founder i f this Some idea of the work dune at the Southern’s shops at Spencer can be gathered*from the simple statement that last night 60 en gines were turned ont of the rBnnd house and that twenty-one freight trains were sent "out tropes the Spancer yard last night, in addi tion to all the incoming passenger and freight trains. Three bids have been sent in to Postmaster Ramsay for the quart ers desired for a new postoffice. The bidders and points of location are as follows : - Mr. John A. Hedrick, in the building on Inniss street adjoining Dr, Caldwell’s residence; Mr. D. L, Gaskill, the Bell block ; Mr. T. H. Vandeiford and associates, a building to-be ready for occupancy by October 1st on Main street al most opposite ths court house. been attending the Smithdeal Bu siness College is at home for a few Weeks. Miss Minnie- Ryan, who has bans visiting in Salisbury for the past several days, has returned to her home at Greensboro. We’re not exactly looking for the hard to th feet we’ll be glad to show you how easy it is for us to fit them. Burt’s Shoe Store. report that the Vlgdivosiock squadron sank four Japanese transports with four thousand men is still unconfirmed from any other source and is nor believed to be Paris. April 27.—Itic reported Rowan HAIL YESTERDAY. County Gets Its Share Weather. of Mr. Hall is a Candidate. County Commissioner Joe 8, Ball, one of the county’s most val uable Citi ins, was in Salisbury to lay and Uc-trA. to friends that he would o ■-' himself as a candidate for legislative honors, politicians and others but incidental interest Far-seeing who take in politics yrifknow Mr. Hall, say he Isa fit man for the place. Residences Going Up, Mr. Wiil Porter is building a residence 0# North Main street Mr, W. A. Brandon th,. adjoining lot. will build on Mr, Henry Trexler has’nearly completed a nice brick house on the same street. Numerous other residences will be built on North Main short ly. Thinks Maj. Stedman Safe. Col. A. H. Boyden has returned from Greensboro, whore be went on private business. Col. Boyden lays all Greensboro is confident of Maj. Steadman’s nomination for governor. Senator Overman Returns Saturday. Senator Overman writes that he will return to Salisbury Saturday night. breakers but was unsuccessful. An attempt to shoot the life Jine also failed on account of the high wind. From signals it is infer red that the steamer contains a large craw and many passengers and that it is in a dangerous posi tion. It is believed the ship was blown out of- its c >urse by a high wind and lost, its hearings in a fog. Quincy, Ill., April 27.—The river has risen over four feet dur ing the past thirty-six hours and the levees are in great danger in this district. The liras levee above here is broken in two places and thousands of acres of fertile land are flooded. The levee south of here is also broken and water is pouring through the gap, filling low lands. The water is still rising at the rate of an inch and a half an hour. The Orange and Des Moines rivers are rising rapidly and the Missouri is flooding wide stretches near St. Charles, Lemberg, April 27.—Fire de stroyed the town of Buczarz, mak ing 3.000 people homeless today. PRESIDENT TO OPEN EXPOSITION. President Roosevelt. Will Touch a Cold Button, MAN DISGUISED HIMSELF. $300,000 FIRE. And Then Made a Murderous Attack Upon a Woman. St. Louis, April 27.—Arrange ments have been completed for the transmitting of a signal for Presi dent Roosevelt for the opening of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition to the fair grounds. Two separate circuits will be ready to make sure of the opening and the touch will not be interfered with by a break in the lines. The President will use a cold instrument for the pur pose, which will afterward be pre sented to Gover Francis, Business District of a City is Swept Awav.' St. Paul,-April 27.—The busi- nass district of Brainard w«» burn- ed this morning. The loss 8800,000. THE cmraroa mission, is Rapers Read at Yesterday’s Sessions _ia Washington Washington, April 26.—Today’s sessions of the National Florence Crittenton Mission were devoted to listening to addresses by well-. .known workers interested in its from Shanghai that the Japanese w0jfer fo p , acUcai demonsta- intend to occupy a portion of thefoion of the work of the mission Fahiein coast opposite Foremasa, and to reports of delegates. Mrs. with the object of prevent the ! Elora Greeman, of New York city, New Haven, Conn., April 27.— The police have discovered a clue supporting the theory that a man disguised in woman’s clothes made a murderous attack upon Augusta Peterson last week. A BOILER BURSTS. Wrecked Five Houses and Injured Six Persons. ,Pittebuty, Pa., April 27. —A boiler oa a Baltimore and Ohio engine bursted at Braddock this morning, wrecking five houses and severely ii y;iring six persons. A NEW SULLY COMPANY FORMED. FAIR TOMORROW. The Weather Forecast for North Caro lina for 24 Hours. Washington, D. C. Apr. 26-The weather forecast for North Carolina for the ensuing 24 hoursis: Fair tonight except rain in ex treme western portion, colder in eastern portion. Thursday fair. MURDERER OF MISS SANBERG. Henry Simmons,, the Negro Accused, Guarded, by an Armed Force of 200. The Wireless Telegraphy. Wireless telegraphy is an assur ed fact. It has come to stay. No such scientific invention as the telegraph or telephone has ever been developed at such a marvel ous rate as has the DeForest sys tem during the past two years. It has the stamp of approval from the United States govern- ment.and is being used in the army,-navy and weather bureau departments. Its officers are men of high standing in. the business world and ail those who have met with success in their other under takings. An ad.with reference to the system appears in today’s Sun. Trojan In Salisbury. Rev. J. C. Troy, cf Durham, better known through his interest ing work as special correspondent of the Charlotte “Trojan,” was in night and attended lows celebration. Obser ver as Salisbury laat the Odd Fel- Mr. Troy has been compelled, on account of ill health to give up active ministerial work and is now traveling for the Ballard Obelisk Flour Company, Salisbury had a rain yesterday afternoon “what was” a rain. It was accompanied by hail that in contradiction as to size, had no di mensions akin to a goose egg. There was- such slight hail that but little damage was done. The rain, however, was worth thousands of dollars to t dealers of Rowan county. MEETING OF SYNOD. truck North Carolina Lutheran Synod Meets Two Weeks Hence. Mr. W. C. Hairston, of" ~«6h- mond, a well known travelirrre ban who visited this city freqaenesy in former years, is in Salisbury fl-lay. W. H. Wright, E q., and his two sons, who have been visiting friends here for the past week, re turned to their home at Blocton, Ala., on No. 35 last night. Mr. and Mrs. W. S, Thurston, of Buncombe county, who have been visiting relatives here for the past two weeks, returned to their home in Buncombe county this morning. Mr. Jerry L. Shaping, fo rmerly of G ranite Qdarry’now of Monroe county, Georgia, 18 here for a few days. Mr. Shaping is operating several large*granite-quarries in Georgia. Ilff YOUE TOT read a paper entitled .“Who .is Eligible to Florence Crittenton Homes ■” in which ehfe answered j the question oJITND-Fg the doors Russian Baltisjleet from passing Formosa strait. -p- 0 —^MtSSAUHEB A COW, j of ■ the hfrirics were f pen to na/ AnUr&snalCase in theAabeviUe Police i woman or girl in trouble. q om1 . 1 Mrs. Fred Dubois, wife of the St. Louis Hears That One is Incorpo rated in New Jersey. Austin, Texas, April 26 —Henry Simmons, the negro who stands accused and self-confessed as the murderer of Miss Lula Sanberg, at Manor, on last Thursday, will St. Louis, Apr” sq" d ? IF was an- noaneed here tod" ^corporation for Sully Cotton Improvement Com- have his trial for murder on Fri- 4 s 8 ^ 54 ^^ °‘ ^ 8 V70S ^ an ^ * n the^gte^ feeing clo The annual meeting of the synod of the Lutheran church of North Carolina will be opened two weeks from today at Christiana church. PoII Tax Must be Raid This Weak if Yon Vote. five miles from Salisbury. The Lutheran church has made sub stantia! progress in North Caroli na during the past year and good reports along alllines of work will be made. For The Orphans. A recital will be given Neave Musis School on at the Friday A Track Blocked- Tile Southern’s main line was blocked between the Horan street crossing and the Salisbury Cotton Mill about two hours yesterday afternoon. The block was caused by cars breaking loose. Two"cars were damaged by the smash. The Musical Festival. Mrs. J. F. McCubbins, Mrs. M. C. Quinn and Miss Julia Gaskill left this morning for Spartanburg, S. C., to attend the musical festi val which is to continue for three days, beginning today. Furnished rooms to rent at 224 West Council, street 3t. Ice Cream Supper. The ladies of the Episcopal church at Spencer will give an ice cream supper at the home of Mrs. Ed. Patterson on 6th St. on Thurs day.night from 7 30 to 11 o’clock. All are cordially invited to at tend. 2t Notice! Ai a call meeting of the alder men of East Spencer it was resolv ed that under the general election law of 1901 no election will be held in East Spencer this year. T. M. Earnhardt, Mayor, For rent, 3 or 5 rooms, central ly located, modern improvements. Apply at Sun office. St If you have not paid your poll tax do not longer delay the matter as the time is very short. Unless this tax is paid by rhe first of May you cannot* vote in the corning election, the law requiring that the poll be paid by May first. Satur day, therefore, is the last day the poll can be paid and permit voting. Asheville, N. C.,. April 26 —A peculiar and unusual case was dis posefl of in police court yesterday in which a milch cow played a vary conspicuous part. The case was that of State vs John Tipton, a resident of West End. Mr. Tipfon was charged with assault on a woman through a cow. Ac cording to the evidence a Mrs. Coleman was leading her cow- through Mr. Tipton’s premises, and the latter told her to get off and take the cow with her. The man evidently did not think that' Hrs. Coleman was obeying his command with sufficient dispatch, so he kicked the cow in the side. •The animal lunged forward, strik ing ths woman and knocking her down. Mrs. Coleman's husband later swore out a warrant for Tip- ton, charging him with assault. The case was tried before Judge Jones and Tipton was found guilty. Tile judge did not put a fine on the defendant, as the assault was an indirect affair, but allowed him to Senator from Idaho, was to have read a paper on “Motherhood as a Means of Regeneration,” but she sent a letter regretting her inabilt- ty to attend. Jones, Dr. Louise Taylor of Washington, read a paper’on “The Value of Private Maternity Warde,” urging that evening, 29th inst., in the interest! of the Charlotte orphanage. The If-you want a suit of clothes, now is the lime to buy and save 25 per cent to 50 per cant. Brown Clothing Co. concert will be given by the dren of the school assisted adult musicians of talent, . chil ly Select Knights. . , The regular meeting of Select Knights will be held the to- night at 8 o’clock in ^.heir hall in the Hedrick building. Business of importance Jo every member will be transacted and a full attendance is requested. A. L. Cornelison, Commander. Some men are rich, others quire riches, and the rest of have got to hustle. pany, capitalized at 85,000,000, had been filed in Trenton, N. J., by Joseph De Forest Junkin. of Philadelphia, as counsel. ’ Henry L. Whitman, of this city is one of Sully’s associates in the new enterprise. The concern will manufacture an improved machine for bailing cotton and probably there should be a ward in every 9 ] E0 a new roller gin, the patent Florence Crittenton mission home. rights of which have been secured ______ _______ g Q || ATTEMPT TO BLOW UP SHIP. Sully will go to Little Rock on I Monday. There he will meet sev- Sensational Story Afloat at Cronstadt' . ntDl 00tt()u M 0f in the jail, surrounded by an arm ed force of 206 soldiers. This pie- caution was taken th give assur ance that no mob violence shall be successfully made The soldiers will be kept on duty until after the trial. This afternoon Simmons made a further confession to three addi tional murders, two being negroes in Texas and the other of a white man whose name he did not know, in the Greek nation, Indian Terri tory, on July 9, 1903. of the Actions of a Stranger. Cronstadt, April 26.—A sensa tional story is afloat here of an at tempt to destroy the battleship Alexander III. According to the reports a sailor saw a stranger, wearing the uniform of an officer, going down into the engine room of the battleship, followed him daw the stranger attaching some thing connected with wire, to the dynamos, After the stranger had left the sail or examined the attach- menS’and found T to be a bomb. i The sailor at once cut the wires, • 1 XUU DOJilVl. WU VLSOU OUV/ TXaW) gohis way upon payment of the , , , 1 I ran up on deck to toll what had casts. x . I happened, and found that the Arkansas. Later he will tour several of the Gulf .States Before, returning to Naw York, where the head ffices of this company will bi. Sully dsc’ines to say who are backing him in his project, but it is said they are New Yorkers. Sully himself will be president and the company will’ be ready business in three months. FIVE NEW ENGINES; for The Southern Received Five New En gines This Morning. A $10,000 BLAZE AT GOLDSBORO. Storage Building and Portion of Oil Mills Burned. Nrw Ads. ' Auction sale, T. IF Johnston. G. W. Frix & Co., pianos. American DeForest Wireless Telegraph Co., stock for sale. Globe Department Store. Carpet Samples at Reid’s. , Mrs. L. Fink. When Jackson Was Nominated. ■ Mr. Sanrl R. Harrison showed us today a copy of the Western forolinian, published in Salisbury Monday, August 13th, 1832, Many interesting references to Jackson’s Presidential campaign are found in this issue. stranger had hanged himself. The crew of the Alexander III, it is added, were instructed not to speak The Southern received five new engines at Spencer this morning, all built for shifting purposes. of the occurence, and said that the stranger was a mad man or a member of some revolution ary organization to whose lot it had fallen to blow up tha Alexindar HI. Three were kept at Spencer two sent to Charlotte for use the yard there. and on Goldsboro, N. C., April 26.—The storage building of the Wayne Agricultural Works and the ship ping building and hull sheds of the Goldsboro Oil Mills, with con tents, were totally destroyed this afternoon by what threatened to ba another very disastrous fire in the city’s history. The fire broke out in the storage room and rapid ly spread before a southeast gale to the hull shek of the oil mills. The fire department was seriously handicapped in its efforts because of no pressure, due to low water in the standpipe. Only a change of wind prevented greater destruc tion and damage. The loss will probably aggregate about 810,000. ac- us Room and table board furnished. Location unusually favorable. Ad- dress Lock Box 205. May 1st will be the opening of a new interest period with the Spencer branch of the Wachovia ’ Loan &’Trust Company. Savings deposits’received by that date will begin earning interest at once and tr For Rent !—8 room house. Ap ply to G. J. West or 502 West Inniss Street. 6t. All our new and stylish furnish ing goods, such as shirts, hosiery, gloves, suspenders, collars and cuffs go n this slaughter sale. yet the money will be available /FNow is tha opportunity to. buy. the depositor at any time 4 Brown Clothing Co. R Lee Wright for the State Senate. It is generally conceded by the Democrats of the county that R For Rent! - My house on North Main st., No. 417. Doctor Cald well.. 3r. Wanted to rent store in Spencer. Lee Wright, Esq , will be nomina- r t j c a J Write Confidential Box 39, balls- ted for the State Senate wl thout Q 34 any opposition, and we think such ’ tomatoes, cabbage, squash, lettuce ba the case _ Thig i nform a.l Graphophones: On installment, and spring chickens every morn-1 1 permontQ. Address Drawer D. ing. Max Moses. * St. t t!on comes from every. precinct. F - In a Bloody Mire. Johnnesburg, April 26. —The collapee of a cage in the Robinson mine precipitated forty six natives, two thousand fee! to the bottom. All were killed. The bottom of the shaft, is a quagmire of human remains. For Sale Cheap! 1 Sowing Machine, 1 one horse wagon ai d gearing, one top buggy and har ness. Apply to No. 128 S. Fulton Street. Home grown asparagus, radish es, cucumbers, green beans, new Fine meats, at the lowest prices, at Rusher’s cash meat market, tf For the finest fish, every day in] the week, call at W. A. Brown’s, op. post’office. With a capital of 8600,000.00 the Wachovia Loan and Trust Co., through its Spencer bank, offers the people of that place and sur rounding country all the advan tages of modern banking facilities. Interest paid on deposits. tf Graphophones: On installment, Spencer, N. C. 30b. Ice-Cream Manufactory ; You will find richest and purest ice dream, made every day, at Saleeby’s Candy Kitchen, 113 N. Main st., ’phone 296. Flavored with pure fruit juices and made with freshest cream. If you can’t Call at the Spencer brunch of the Wachovia Loan and Trust Co. and open an account on or before May 1st and let your money begin earning interest for you from that date. Interests paid on savings Depositors of the Wachovia Loan & Trust Co., at Spencer, will on May 1st receive the interest earned by their respective savings deposits during the period ending April 30th. come, will deliver at your deposits of all afhounts. tf •Stetson Hata, Howe’s Hats and all straw hats are included in our Several Bargains. .We can sell you several bar gains in real estate this week. Ap ply at once or you will miss a good thing. Maupin Bros Sacrifice Sale. Co. Home made Brown - Clothing A Thoughtful Mau. , M. M. Austin of Winchester, Ind., knew what to do in the hour of need. Hig wife had such an unusual case of stomach and Iiv.er trouble, physicians could not hel p her. He thought of and tried Dip. King’s New Life Pills and she g^t relief at once and was finally cuk ed. 25c, at all drug stores. Serious Stomach Trouble lured. I was troubled with a distress in my stomach and vomiting spells, and can truthfully say that Cham berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab lets cured me. Mrs. T V. Will iams, Laingsburg, Mich. These tablets are gua anteed to cure every case of stomach trouble of this character- For sale by Jas. Plummer. hom3--no matter how small the quantity. When up street -stop and try it. We .sell our cream wholesale and retail. Lard 12? eta Price’s meat market. at 1m “I have used Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets with most satisfactory results,” says Mrs. Phelps, of Houston, Texas. For indigestion, biliousness and con stipation these tablets are most ex cellent. Sold by James Plummer. Makes a Clean Sweep. Tnere’s nothing like doing a thing thorughouly. Of all the salves you ever heard of BucklenV Arnica Salve is the best. It sweeps away and cures burns, sores, bruis es, cuts, boils ulcers, skin erup tions and piles Il’s only 25c, and guaranteed to give satisfaction bj all druggists. Sciatic Rheumatism Cured. “I have been subject to s rheumatism for years,” says a. ri. Waldron, of Wilson Junction, lows. “My joints were stiff and. gave me much main and discom fort. My jointAwbuld crack when I straightened up. I used Cham berlain’s Pain Balm and have been thorough cured. Have not had a pain or ache from the old trouble for many months. It is certa uly a most wonderful liniment,” For ; sale by James Plummer.