or Rent ! Five room cottage on Steele st. near North Main. N. P. Murphy. Fine Flavors Ever f rait flavor at our foun- tain is from real, fine fruit; ' that's why they are so. deli-.. - clous. The rare delicacy of t very flavor Is 'true to nature' The T, W, Grimes Prog Co., NO. 105. SALISBURY, N. C, FRIDAY EySfflHCf, JULY Yi,! 1904 VOL. XV. 'l SALISBURY A WIIIHER. 15 THE BALL GAME THDBSDAY. Mc Adenville and Salisbury Play This Afternoon at Fulton Park Ihe score of 7 to 11 when the game between the Spencer and Salisbury base ball teams -was ended yesterday 'afternoon in favor ox me Ba lsburv team was not fair indax to the battle royal that -j . lhore were errors and errors but thay wore fortunately bunched and until ' the-last half of the seventh inninrr lha result was djuhifnl. Thft iliamnml wa v ceedingly slow for five innings and to this cr-n lition may be credited half the errors. But both teams - I - 1 ii -. . ... ... p.ayea oau ana piayea it with a vengeance. The Spencer bovsL,- a k iom Tho never despaired for a moment and fought for a victory to the last ,aD7' oomeoi ineirlar Play- m . i uuwever, were noi in ice oesi t ,.u , i i .i Buu.wrerni uusi.y Kv oiuury mree runs, xne teams are well matched and not 4", tl 1 a . I 1 1 i I . vx iuo uvo uuuuiou peupie H. ",lueajeu ytwwruayi game i. ri i i i f wm lose an opponunuy 10 see me next contest between these well maicnea teams. oiiibDury nas every reason to feel proud of her ball aggregation. It is to be doubted if a better team can ba found in the South. The only essential lacking is team work and that Salisbury did not have yesterday for three innings. This wts Jus ia a great measure, however, to tho tact that many of the plajers were brought together for tho li st tio:e. Keguiar prac- tic3 will give the snap and under standing necessary to eatirely clean work. Yesterday's attendance en couraged the Siliburians who h?ve invested their money in: the park and employed p'ayers anj the crowsd sbould be even larger at every succeeding game. At 4;30 thia afternoon Salisbury crosses bits with McAdanvtlleat the park. w GYPSIES' FESTIVAL Will be Repeated To-night at Mero ney's Opera House. Some of the numbers on the program, to be given again tonight at tho opera house, are worth alone the price of admission, for instance: Mis?" Genevra Bradley, in her Darkey Dialogue, ''Kentucky Philosophy." She is bimply fine. Mis'J Mary Rjueche, in her charac ter readii g, "BetsyiBate?," will make even the most sobers to fchake the Sun, in Grecian costume. Get your tickets at Salisbury'-: Steam Laundry. Admission 25 cents. Reserved seats 35 cent?. Caitain rUes at 8.3). Another Transfer Clerk Appointed. Through the 'i ffjrts of Senator Overman aio her transfer mail clerk" hn been allowed tt the depot ift.SAlibbury by the government. Mr.'R. L. Mauney, who is now running between Salisbury and Chattanooga as mail clerk, has been Appointed and will assume his new position in a few days. Mr Krider's Funeral. The funeral services ove the re mains cf Mr. Wood W. .Krider will be held from the residence of Dr. J. B. Council this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. Rev. Dr. J. Rumple will officiate. , No Local Freight July 4th on Char lotte Division "The Southern will not oparate a local freighton the fourth of July on the Charlotte division, Capt. A. Baford, lhe Salisbury agent, ad vises U3 today. For aches and pains of all kind use Liquid Electricity. tf. Privileges to Sell. We will sell to the highest bid-: der on Saturday, July 2, at 12 M. the exclusive right to peddle lem onade oil the streets of Salisbury during the Firemen's tournament, Auffust 2, 3, 4 and 5. lhis privilege includes the sale of other articles as peHuuis, boh a water, fru'.ta and the like. We will al en at the same time sell the exclu sive privilege t j peddle unobjec tionable novelties of any and every .haracter on the same days. Rub- hnr halls and confetti will not be norm tted. Bids should ba sealed and addressed to be 'undersigned Half the amount must accotnr.v bid, balance payaoie August xsi. Jno M. Julian, R. M. Pendleton 4t Committee. GUN TOTEES. A Serious Trouble Nafrowly Averted This , Morning:. Two well known Salisburians armed to the teeth do serious damage w threatened to th their gar this morning and buufor the inter position of Chief-of-JPolice Miller anm .Umaa wnnl.l have resulted, 0m3 of lhe combatarAs had a rifle, . wvu.v - -i - h ri.uu a; una oiner a uislui. uutu nsio uis- armed however, add peace re- stored. The , trouble occurred on Main street. HAS THE CRAZE. -If The Baseball Fever Strikes Salisbuiy With a Vengeance. RilUhiirv hn.-i the base ball fuver I - J T with as much vengeanbe as Raleigh PTnariflnrfid in the veir 1901 material scared by tie Salisbury matia2ement (and this relates to i t the splendid respectability of every man nn thet..m Ra well as olavin? I r " qualitieb) captivated every ftaus - barian who witnessed the game of vaatarAav srnnnn. If the team I J J . m j, heM tno-ether nnti September I " Df..j. M. Flippin, the manager, Dredict8 thftt it w ill win the championship of the South t fiaUcK.lt.w ha the hasa hA f ' and b very, very h l 5 REDUCED RA S. The Southern Gives Reduced Rates on the Fourth of b-uly. R0Und trip tickets will 5ie sold to a!i p0int3 east of th b Mississippi nTUi Bnnth nf the Ohio and Potomac rivers on ac bount of 4th of July celebrations The fare is class fares on- and one-third first for the round trip Dates of sale, Jul? 2, 3 and 4, 1904. This return limit July 8thj is a good opportunity to visit your friends or make a snort business trip. ! ltound trip fares quoted upon epplication at I ticket mail. ! tffico or by Mr. Charles Woodson Graduates. Mr. Charles W. Whodson, who recently graduated frfcm the medi cal department of the Columbia University, New York, is at home or the summer months. Ha will return to NeW:York early in the Fail and engage in wq rk for eigh- een months in Lincoln hospital. Mr. Woodson is splendidly quali fied by training and inclination for his chosen profession land his sue- ceas is assured. ' . THOUSANDS OF TONS OF GRAHITE. Work at Dunn's Mountain Mrs. J. T. Wyatt to St Eouis. Correspondence of Sun. Faith, N. C July 1st, 1904 Mrs. J. T. Wyatt I ft last night for St. Louis on bukiness and to take in the exposition We were over at Captain J. C. McCanless' granite quarry the Other day and saw wh ere a big lift had just been made. Six holes 12 eet deep had been pht in the face of the quarry and the whole side of the mountain was lifted, lit run back in the mountain and con tains hundreds of tons of beautiful granite, now brc ke loose ready to work. Mrs Burt to Return to Norfolk. Mrs. E. W J Burt, who has been so 8)cz at tne vvniieneaa otoKes sanitorium as the Jresult of an operation for appendicitis, is out and rapidly regaining her strength. She will leave for Norfolk within he next few days. D. of L. Meeting Tonight An important meeting of the Daughters of Liberty will be held tonight at 8 o'clockJ : An address will be delivered by a prominent member of the order and several candidates will be initiated. LO. 0. F. Notice North State Lodge No. 26 will meet in called sea; ion tomorrow night at 8 o'clock in their new hall for installation and practice. A full attendance is desirecL C. A; W eliIman N. G. L. L. HOUSBHOLDEB. D. C. Panama Hats at $2.98, $3.98 nd V 4 98.' V. WalUce & Sons. For the finest fiafe, every day in the week, call at W. A. Brown's, op. postomce. THE TAX BOOKS CLOSED. A BrAt NnmW of Indictments Will be Made by Solicitor. , The tax listers for Salisbury and Rowan coantv closed tneir s I books last night and such persons las did not list will be indicted by Solicitor Hammer at the next term of court. The listers have poitive- : - ly concluded to take no further re in.ni, ; mnKnna ith tha nr ders of the county commissioners iuiuo, m wmuunuwu ...v vr. I and aldermen. MB. J. F. CABBIGAS'S DEATH. A Well Known Citizen Passed Away on June 17th. Correspondence of Sun. Mill Bridge, June 30, Died, on Friday. June 17. J. F. Carrigan, ? n v k, noor. Thyatira remains in Rowan county. The were buried at Thyatira church on the following day, the I fnnural hina nnndnrtAcI hv Rav. I - : j j. a. Uilmer, the pastor. De- ceased leaves three sons and oni daughter to mourn his death. Hon. Theo.F. Kluttz in New York- The Washington correspondent OI lhe ttiieign iOSt says: ; Tk 2ram for the Fourth of Julv cele- bration by Tammany Hill shows that Representative T. F. Kluttz is one of the speakers and nhat a letter will be be read irom ex- President Cleveland. The selec tion ot Mr. Kluttz, who is an eloquent and attractive speaker, is a very decided compliment to the splendid representative from the eighth. Returns Home Improved. Mr. W. A. Wood, who has been I in tnesaimorium ar Daiisoury, was brought hom9 yesterday evening, His many friends will regret to know that Mr. Wood does not im- prove and that his condition is far from jsatbfiictory.--Concord Tri bune. Mr. A. Saleebe'a Accident. . Mr. A- Sdleebee met with a very painful accident this morning. While handling a larse freezer at his store hid right hand was caught between the machinery and the index finger so was badly mashed that it will probably be necessary j to amputate it. Mrs Wilson Is Out Again. ; Mrs. E. A. Wilson, . of Salis bury, who ha3 been in Knoxville for the past six months will arrive in Salisbury within the next week on a visit to her son. Mr. Hugh Daggett. Five weeks ago Mrs. Wilson was thrown from a carri age in a runaway and was so badly it. jured that she is still on crutches. She is very much ; im proved, however. ' ' -t Rev. Mr. Ritchie 111. There was no service at Christ's Lutheran church , Spencer, last Sunday on account of the illness of the pastor, Rv. El. L. Ritchie! Though still unwell he hopes to be with his congregation next Sunday and services bjth morning I and evening may be expected.) Capt. Low Very Sick. Capt. James C. Low is very sick. He has been confined to his bed for several days and is threat ened with fever. Officer Cauble Has Fever. Office Frank Cauble is confined to his bed. He has malarial fever and will not be able to resume his official duties for a week or more. Music Studio. ' Mrs. Caldwell has began a new month with forty music students. She wants one hundred 'students. Has competent assistant engaged. Terms easy. Sue Mrs. Caldwell. Cor. Jackson and Harrison streets, Chestnut Hill. . r It One hundred Panama Hats, latest block, half price. V. Wal lace & Sons. Lost! Gladstone setter, shaggy black and white spotted. Return to ice factory for reward. tf 50 Nice Lots for Sale Cheap at Spen cer, N. C. We will sell at once 50 lots m th - Heiderson tract for $75 each. Terms. $10 cash and $10 per month. Seeu3 oefore all are taken. Maupin Biof. - iWb.en bilious take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by Jas. Plummer. TOLD IN BRIEF. Items Personal and Otherwise nczea Up on the Rounds ' E. B. Brittaiu has a new ad on fourth page of today's paper. Miss Daisy Brown has gone to Philadelphia, where she will spend a month::' Mr. J. O. 'Foy, editor of the Hickory Press, was in . Salisbury yesterday, W. H. Wallace's ad. quotis lemons at 2 doz for 20 cts. It should read 25s. Mr. V. M. Carter, who has been at Albemarle for the past month, has returned to Salisbury. Miss Lucile Bernhardt, who has I been visiting in Asbeviile, has rel turned home. Mr. 'J. X Roueche is slightly lmnrnvea tnnv. Ha is still nn able, however, to attend to his dnfclps .t. thn Rttw nffl-B. "'. I 1X1 1. U. XI1ULUBB dJUrgHU WttDl lO Mocksville and other points thia n nrninir T.n hi vnn i uh innrminn nr Jnlv lhrAt!nn At f?. u. v j i Mrs. Cramp Harris, who is so desperately ill at Winston, is not iiBruviu. oueuas cuusumpuon and hfir rftcnvArir ia nnt. lnnlro fnr I - iw;BaM n.J n nat- Rwino hava cmnA tn PHJIa.I- phia to spend some time with frfee'da. They will visit Atlantic n;t ..j k, nninia h,fA M turning home. Mrs. W. A. Lambeth, of Charlottesville, Va , arrived in Salisbury this morning on a visit to her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. N. S tailings. We print letter, note and bill heads, envelopes, shipping tags, "'un'Di u.b idvcijjis, cmuo uu almost anything in the job printing ,iQe. we give you up-to-date work too. ljretoar prices and see j4ur samples. Mr. Claude Williams arrived here yesterday, to take charge of the Antiseptic Laundry. Mr. Wit- liams comes to Salisbury highly recommended as an expert laucdry- J1 t A maD ana unaer nis management tDe Antiseptic is bound to please a11 who patroniz j it. Don't fail to see The Gypsies Festival" at opera house tonight. The same interesting program will be presented in full and no one need fear disappointment. Mies Roueche has done everything in her power to make 'The Gypsies' festival" a success artisttcally and of the 200 who saw the play Tues- day night, not one was disappoint ed in bls expectations, licketa are I on sale at Salisbury Sieam Laund ry. Admission 25 cents. Reserved seats 35. HIS LIFE GROUND OUT. Lloyd Staftord Mangled by Wheels Un der Which He Falls. Asbeviile, N. C, June 30. A fatal accident occurred on the yards of the Southern Railway this morn ing shortly after 8 o'clock, when Floyd Stafford, a white boy, 15 or 16 years old, of the Reems Creek section of the county, in attempt ing to swing up on a freight car of a westbound train was thrown beneath the wheels and crushed to death. , The fearful accu'ent was wit nessed by several parties, who im mediately went to the unfortunate boy's assistance. It was found that the right leg was crashed and mangled; the kf t leg broken and an ugly gash on the head ml that he was also crushed about the mid dle of the body and injured inter- naliy. When the boy wts picked up he was still anve and exhibited a wonderful amount cf nerve. He told those about him that his name was Floyd Stafford; that he lived Reems Creek townbhin and that he was making his way to Tennes see. He looked at his mangled limbs and took considerable inter est in his hurt. He lived about ah hour, when death relieved him of his suffering. ; tor. the next few days we will sell two bushel acks of two corn for 75c per bushel cash. ' J. P. Harj e & Bro. : 3t. Glasses fitted correctly. Office Swicegood'fl Jewelry Store. Dr. M. V. Lomax. tf For Sale! Nice five room cottage in jb. balisbury. J. frank Gas kill. - lm fO; HOBE silver dollars! MYY;,:.;- - - - : .Liioir Pu chased Under the j f -;rman taw is Exhausled. yFv.uaiy j.j-tjreorge j KoDfts, director of the -U.r S. mintt tcdy that there will! be po moresilver dollars tamed put f by the' United States unless a free silver'coagress Bhould bel elected The sifyeV bnjlion purchased under the Shejrman law'ta exhausted. ii $18,000,000 IN THREE,: II0STHS. Earnings tf the United States Steel Corporation. New York, July 1 It is stated on good authority that ihe fc&m inga of Hfie United States tce! Corporation for the three months ending June 80th were over $18,- j 0P00M ThmVr .Ath.V.F0rMAtfftrWArth if '. : I . !.?. ..ni it auu , Waabinoton.b. C. Julv 1. Tht waABT fnTtf NnrthCarohn - l . . . f "Ki ""io io 4 I - tfl? 4. .Lilt; 1 i a. rair wmgu cooierin nortneast portion, Saturday fair exeept I showers in extreme western f por tion. BROKE UP SOCIAL. Man Threw Dggs Through Window and Hit Two. . 7 Red Bank J , June .30.; An egg thrower caused a great' com motion at a church social that was held at Littlj Silver; a village near this place, last night. The affair was held in a hallv and every thing was going along nicely when two. ancient egg came sailiDg iato the room. Oie of them hit a I guest ! sqoarely- in the "mouth; and the other grxzxl the pastor' head . The social broke in confusion, and the men present huVried out to try to catch the eggl thrower, i - ? but could find no trace of him. One person is under Eusbicion and it is thought probable than ( an ar rest will be made, h I $736,484 FOR CREDITORS. - ' I ? - Life Insurance Checks Indorsed by the Plant Estate Macon, Ga., June 30 -t-The ex ecutors of the Plant estate 'having endorsed, according to the order of the United States couft, the life insurance checks payable to credi tors, Receiv.r i Corhin was today put in possession of $736,484 The court ordered this money'deposited in thirteen banks in different parts of the State. Of the; amount, about $400,000 is placed in Macon ban as, and. the remander ia Au gusta and Valdosta. - WILL BEAT HR. ROOSEVELT. Bob Glenn Believes Any Gopd Man Will 'tick Him. A Winston special savs Cant. R. B. Glenn, who has just returned from Washington, was iciterviewed on political gossip at the national capital, when the nextf governor said : . :. ! ' '. iS "While in Washington I was toldr by prominent Democrats and Republicans that if the Democrats nominate a good man 'for prefci dent and the party makes a united fight for him, the defeat of Presi dent R losevelt is Draeticallv as l m. i J sored." " :!. ' u.. Bank'Cashier Arrested. I i " . . Chicago, June 29 Col. Jacob H. Piain, cashier of the German American National Bank, of Auro ra, 111. , has be4n arrested, charged with misappropriating $60,000 of the funds of the bank. The specu lations have extended over a period of three years? during which time bank examiners have' several times gone over the affairs of the bank and reported all correct. Your girl wants Lowney's- She will take a substitute bm) you will never win unless you give her Lowney's. Tfceo. F. Klut'z &Co If you have a torpid lijor, a dis ordered stomach or any . kidney trouble use Liquid Electricity, tf W0ME5 THBEATEN A -LYSCHISG Furious Because a Man Wanted to Wed a 13 Tear Old Girl. Collinfcville. N. J . July 1 Frederick Hughson is still barri caded in the house of Mrs. James Hodges and armed to the teeth to defend himself against a lawless mob " of women and men who threatened to lynch him should he fall into their hands. The trouble arose from a rumor that Hughson was to marry the thirteen year ol 1 daughter of Mrs. Hodge. The women in the ..neighborhood were furious and are keeping strict watch to prevent, Hughson frtm ' T T m M. 1 escaping. JHa rciases 10 ieav. . , AFTER THE FISH TRUST. Ohio's Attorney General Makes a Move Against It. Columbus, O , June 1. The at torney general has begun a suit to out A. riootn &i company, repre a - r .1 n f sentinsr the fish trust, from its charter in Ohio. YALE WI5S TO-DAY. The Eight Oared Race Won by Them Today.; New London, Jane 1 The'Var- itv eisrht-oared race today was won by Yale. . NEW CABINET OFFICERS. Newly Appointed Cabinet Officers Were Sworn in Today. Washington, June i: Paul Mor ton 'was sworn in as Secretary of the Navy this f orenoon. About the same time Mr. Moody took the oath as Attorney General. MARY ELIAS BOYCOTTED. Colored Woman Cannot Get Provisions At Long Branch. Long Branch, July 1. Mary Elia?, a colored woman charged with blackmailing Johu R. Piatt out of nearly seven hundred thousand dollars, arrived here and is now living in the Van Note cottage. The neighbors held a meeting and tried to boycott the the woman. Storekeepers will re fuse to sell hr provisions and the liverymen will decline to care for her horses. The , woman is com pletely isolated "and compelled to get everything, even milk for her baby, from New York. 60 MILES OF DOUBLE TRACK Southern Will Soon Have Big Bridges Over Rapidan and Rappahannock. At the present time the South ern Railway is using exactly 60 miles of its double track between Alexandria and Orange, Va. , In a very few days the distance from Alexandria to Orange,which . . i . -?n i i i is about-su mues win nave oeep double tracked and trains will be running over the tnew track regu larly. ' ' ' The big steel bridges over the Rapidan and the Rappahannock rivers, are nearing completion and as soon as these are - turned over by the contractors, trains will be gin running over them. The big bridge that spans the Potomac at Washington is also nearing completion. Ia less than 30 days trains will be going over on this immense structure. The present foro of workmen on the Southern's double trace now numbers about 4,500 men. Of this riumbor 2,500 work on the day shift and about 2,000 on the night shift. All possible haste is being made to complete this gigantic undertaking. Charlotte News. North Carolina Gets $23,938. Acting Secretary Oliver, of the War Department, bes made the usual annual allotment of $1,000, 000 appropriated by 'Congress to provide arms and equipment for the organized militia of the United States. North Carolina will re ceive $23,937. Thornton will repair your watch, clock or broken jewelry in the best possible manner. He does the work himself. tf. WOIT SE1 T 11 CZARS - EESOLUTIOII. WON'T - inCLIASE THE BURDEN. The Japanese Land an Independent Eivision of 10,000 Troops at Illott Island. The Vladivostodk Fleet Does But Slight Damage in Bombard meat The Japanese Army is Re ported to be in Touch With General Kuropakiu's Communication. Seoul, July 1. Additional re ports from Gensan stale that only two Coreans and two Japanese were blightly injured and two houses destroyed by the bombard ment by the Vlndivottock flct. Chefoo, July 1 It is reported that the Japanese landed an inde pendent division of ten thousand at Elliott Inlands. . This division is to be used either to assist General Nogi at Port Arthur or General Oku in clearing the railway. Paris, July 1. It is reported from St. Petersburg, that the damage to the Ruseian battleship Nevarin, which was rammed last week by the coast defense iron clad Netron Menia and Crcnstadt was much greater than at first re ported. There is a serious breach in the iort side, hue win have - . - - ' to go to the dry dock. , f , Rom, Jaly 1. it-is reported to the Japanese legation that the Japanese army is how almost in touch- with General Kuropatkin's communitions. The Russian's po sition at Lia Yang is becoming un tenable London, July 1. According to reports from St. Petersburg it is stated in military circles that the Czar has refused to send an addi tional quarter of a million troops, to which General Kuropatkin ask ed for. The reason i3 believed to be that the Czar does not want to increase the burden of the country and does not dare to deplete the international dafenss?, owing to uncertain conditions. Berlin, July 1 A correspond ent reports an inteiyiew with Gen. Kuropatkin in which the latter made the statement 'that he had decided to -fall back on Hii Cheng. Headquarters have - already been established there. The first Siber ian Army Corps and the Thirty- fifth division are at Kai Chow to protect a retreat. It is not believed in government circles that the visit of King Ed ward to Emperor' William had any significance regarding the war situation. It is believed that neith er combantant . desires mediation now. Winston's Splendid Tobacco Sales. Winston-Salem, N. C, June 30. Daring the fiscal year ending July 1st, 1904, Winston-Salem manufactured 30,760,599 pounds of tobacco, this being an increase over last year of 6,938,309 pounds. While the result for the fiscal year has been so magnificent, even a better one ii confidently expected for the calendar year, expiiing December 31st, 1904. The heav iest increase has been in the past six months. The productions for this year will very likely reach thirty-three million pounds or thereabouts. . Oar buyer in New York'iust expressed us bargain lot of Panama hats. V. Wallace & feons. C0XE try Saleeby's ice cream, you will una it the best ana purest in city. the Brick Get the best manufactured from W'. D. Watson & Co. Yards on Yadkin railroad, 1 1-2 miles from city. Phone 340. lmo TAnn TROOPS CAT SENT BY HAIL Traveled From Philadelphia to Pas saic in A Ma 1 Beg. Passaic, N. J, June 30. When Mail Clerk Samuel Bailey of the Passaic postoffiee opened the mail bag, containing a number of let ters from Philadelphia and New York this morning, a cat, much the worse for travel, crawled out and fell exhausted on the floor. A torn tag was tied about the cat's neck. After examning the tag with a magnifying glass and pitting the pieces together, the e'erks found that the cat had been shippad from Pailadelphia. After being fed a good meal of milk and bread, the cat picked up, and this afternoon was running around the postoffiee as lively as if it had never traveled in a mail bag. Several of the letters in the bag were torn by the cat. STATE GRAND CHANCELLOR. Appointment of Officer by Pytbians Having Duties. - Wilmington, N. C, June 30. Grand Chancellor Wm. F. Rob-, ertson of the Knights of Pythias domain in North Carolina, today announced the appointment of Mr J. D. Nutt, of Claredon Lodge No. 2, this city, a! State Deputy Grand Chancellor. Tfie appointment is effective tomorrow and is made by authority of the Grand 'Lodge at its recent session in Winston-Sa- Uem. The duties of the othce are similiar in many respects to that of Grand Lecturer. Nutt is emi nently fitted for the position. Grand Chancellor Robertson also today announced the appoint ment of the following district dep uties of the order: No. 1, M. B. McAuley, of Clarkton; No. 3,, J. D. Pridgtsa, Durham; No. 4, W. M. Laurence, Jr., Smithfield; No. 5, R. J. Cochrane, Hontersville; No. 6, J. C. Neimeyer, Hamlet; No. 7, Whitehead Kluttz, Salis bury; No. 8, F. H. Volger, Salem; No. 9, J. W. Simpson, Ruther fordton; Nj. 10, Geo. L Hackney, Asheville. - DOWIE BACK AT ZION CITY. Would Not Soil His Feet With the Duit of Chicago. Chicago, June 30. After a trip which circled the earth, John Alexandar Dowie arrived in Chi cago today. ' When the train pull ed in at the La Salle street station, however, there were no cheering followers to meet him. He had sent word ahead that he would not soil his feet with the dust cf Chicago. Though many resident of Z'ton City were jjusy sl night making' the finishing touches in the prepa ration - for the arrival of "Dr." Dowie, the entire place was astir today. The Btreets were decorat ed with fUgs and bunting. Aside from a triumphal arch, the taber nacle was the chief object of dec oration. Another Bank at Thomasvillt. A charter has been granted the Thomasville Loan and Trust Com- pany, to conuuet 'a commercial bank. The capital stock is $10,- 000 and Robt. L. Burkhead and others are named as stockholders. The Market. Furnished over private wire to Gattis & Grimes Dealers in colton, stocks, bonds, grain and provis ions. Room No. 7, Washington Building, Salisbury, N. C. Opening. High. Low. Close N. Y. Cotton- July 10 20 10 10 8 7H U4K 945 9 49 10 10 22 97 9 49 9 17 8.V) 10 19 1010 . 9 57 941 9 40 9 41 10 12 1011 9 9 41 9 42 August September October December January Spots 10 8T CHICAGO Open Ml-! . KJ 7 8 47 1 4 4S1-2 37 -4 32 12 85 13 17 732 -767 700 720 Clot m 2-8 2 3-4 471-8 48 2-8 - r7 l-a 31 7- 12W7 13 2 74? 778 71S 727 Wheat- July September Corn . ttepttmoer Oats July September Pork July September Ribs July September Lard July Septe moer Do not forget that W. P. Thorn ton Is doing business at the same old stand. tf. If you want a real good tonic take i teaspoon full or more of Liquid E'ectricity in a glass of water j nst before retiring and soon after arising in the morning. tf