For Rent! Five room cottage on Steele st., near North Main. N. P. Murphy. VOL. XV. THE PARADE PRIZES. LABOR DAY COMMUTE ARRANGES Sixty Dollars in Gold Will Be Given For Featurs. The various committees in charge of Labor Day celebration in September are hard at work and at a meeting last night decided upon the prizes to be offered for . flints42ssdf during the parade. The -following prizes wrrc->rcrreed upon; For best labor union float, i^0 in gold; best display of union men, $20 in gold; best float representing a business house of Salisbury or Spencer, $20 in gold; beet ladies’ equippage, providing twelve or ^ ore participate, solid gold watch. ■ .11 ladies who wish to contest for B he last named prize are requested B ,0 notify M. A. Shank, S. A. B Grier or T. E. Conley at once. Mr. G. E. Brookshaw is now K receiving bids for refreshment B privileges and the lawn party to be given on the evening of celebration. the IRUELTY TO ANIMALS. Jones Indicted For Driving Horse Too Hard. a On complaint of Harper Broth ers, R. L. Jones was arrested by Salisbury officers last night. Jones hired a horse from this livery firm and drove to China Grove and back to Salisbury. When he re turned the horse was in such a pitiable condition from hard driv ing that a warrant was immediate ly issued and the man locked up. It is believed that the horse die. will CLERRKS W: 1 STAY OPEN. OpSB—tip at Night Tournament. he here at- tourname; t. .The con- the me. ^^^ an d it is agreed to close is voluntarily waived Knaaaaaax* . , for these three days. Adu J Having 7ICAL SIGNAL, of the esU _ - ceased, late or. It Will be ‘ifrrkh^ed For the Race Course Here. SALISBURY, N. C., SHIWAY BENING, JULY 23, 1904. AN IMPROVED SERVICE THE AUTOMOBILE LINE THE BELL COMPANY’S PLANS. Superintendent Speir in Salisbury Yes terday Looking Over Field. Mr. M. B. Speir, superintend ent of the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company, stated to a representative of the SuN yester day that his company had already taken the steps necessary to make tho service in Salisbury and Spen cer first class in every p:.rtn.u!ar. Mr. Speir says that a represent ative of the homo office of his company, in Atlanta, will meet him here on Monday to lay out the improvements, which will consist of complete new switchboard for the central office and new aerial cables on several of the pole lines. Many of the pole lines will be re- builtand the whole plant generally improved. The work is to start as soon as the equipment and material can be laid down in Salisbury and no effort will be spared to make an early and permanent improvement on the service. TOLD IN BRIEF. Items Personal and Otherwise Picked Up on the Rounds. Theo. Buerbam and J. H. Reid have new ads in today’s papar. Mr. J. D. Eliott, of Hickory, was in Salisbury this morning. Mrs. M. Saskin, of Newberry, S. C., is here, the guest of Mrs. H. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Norman left lasv night for Atlanta to spend a week with relatives. Miss Alva Tuggle, of Atlanta, who has been visiting her uncle, Mr. C. J. Norman, returned home last night. Miss Trixie Souder, of Wash- Eis ingten D. C., wnb has been visit ing the Misses Kerns, left last account of night for Washington. The Salisbury Fire Department has arranged with the Salisbury Gas and Electric Light Company to place electric signals along line of the race course during tournament week after next. the the A New Record on Sweet Potatoes. Mr. M. N. Hall, a tenant on the farm owned by Mr. W. L. Kluttz at Granite Quarry, makes a new record for early sweet potatoes. He brought to Salisbury today a quantity of potatoes of desirable size. This farm has heretofore taken the palm on this vegetable but this year eclipses all previous records by three weeks. Miss Ethel Ward, who has been visiting in High Point for the past five weeks, returned home this morning. Misses Bessie Henderson and May Boyden returned this morn ing from Wrightsville, where they have been for the past three weeks. Ice cream will be served at Lee Street chapel this evening from 6 to 9 o’clock for the benefit of the sunday school. Services at the chapel tomorrow at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Mr. J. R. Kluttz, better known in this county as “Little Jake” who is now living near Royse City, Texas, is here with Mrs. Kluttz on a visit. He has been away for the past sixteen years. Mr. Richard A. Harris, former ly of Salisbury now in business at Gadsden, Alabama, has been here for three days, the guest of Col. F. F. Smith. He went to Waynes ville this morning to join Mrs. Harris. IT WILL OPERATE TO LEXINGTON Will be Put in Operation at an Early Date. Correspondence of SUN. Spencer, July 22.—The Yadkin River Park Company, which was recently organized here for the purpose of operating an automo bile line between Spencer, Salis bury and. Chestnut Hill, has , de cided to extend its line to Lexing ton, High Point and other towns in this section of the State. The line will be put in operation at an early date, arrangements for the initial trip now being under way. Mr. J. M. Brown, who has for some time been conducting a mer cantile business here, has decided to sell out his business and take the personal management of the automoble line of which he is sec retary and treasurer. The ma chine, which will have a carrying capacity of 16 passengers, is now being erected especially for the new company. Rev. J. E Gay, pastor of the Spencer Methodist church, return ed last night from Asheville, where- he attended a special meeting of a committee which arranged for the holding of an Inter-State Mission ary Conference at that place next May. Ths conference will em brace the two Methodist confer ences in North Carolina, the South Carolina and the Holton Confer ence. Prof. J. P. Furr, of Charlotte, with a corps of assistants, is in Spencer conducting a writing school, the sessions of which are being held in the Spencer public school building. The school open ed last night with a total enroll ment of over 80. Information was received here today that Mr. J. A. L. Lindsay, the fireman of this place who was so seriously injured by falling if;^ 'an engine at Lynchburg, V^, a week ago, is improving’and it is thought now that he will re cover. He has been unconscious since the accident. JOHN THOMAS WYATT. Venus Discards the Old and Takes on a New Style. SPENCER TAX CASE POSTPONED UNTIL NEXT WEEK. 3 WER M Judge Cooke Will Hear the Argument in Salisbury. The Spencer tax case in which a permanent injunction is asked for has been continued until next Saturday, when it will be heard by Judge Cook in Salisbury. CHURCHES TOMORROW. Where Services Will be Held in Salis bury and Spencer Tomorrow. First Presbyterian : Morning service by Rev. J. H. Grey. Night service also by Rev. Grey. St. Luke’s Episcopal : —Usual services by the pastor, Rev. Dr. F. J, Murdoch. Faith Reformed church:—Ser vices at 11 a. m. Bible school at 10 a. m. No night services during July and August. St. John’s Lutheran: Services by the pastor, Rev. J. H. Wilson at 11 a. m. Special services by ^-Children’s Missionary Society i/8:15 p. m. East Salisbury Methodist:—Ser vices at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. by the pastor, Rev. R G. Barrett. Chestnut Hill Baptist: Preach ing at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Spencer Baptist:—Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m-. Preaching at Lae street chapel at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Church of the Sacred Hearti- High Mass and sermon at 10:30 a. m. Devotions in the evening at 8 o’clock. Church of Our Lady of Refuge, Spencer:--Mass and sermon at 9 a. m. Rev. A. S. Caldwell, of Barium k pri ¬ ich M^hi house at Spencer tomorrow morn ing at usual hour of service. CLOSE SCORING. Salisbury Wins a Good Game by Score of 2 to 1. ROBBERS-GET IN WORK MR. HENRY ROBBED OF $135. A Skirmish Yesterday. The printers and clerks, are to play a mateh game of who ball at Fulton Heights Park next Tues day, had a preliminary skirmish at Henderson’s Park,yesterday after noon. The clerks got the beet of it but the contest demonstrated the fact that Tuesday’s game will be worth seeing. Mr. Lewis Ritch Very Low. Mr. Lewis Ritch, who was with Harper Bros., until confined to his home about two months ago by a fatal illness, is very low today and is not expected to survive more than a day or two. Orphanage Picnic. The annual Mocksville Baptist picnic takes place next Thursday, the 28th inst., at the tabernacle in Mocksville, an ideal place for such an occasion, there being an abund ance of shade, excellent water and a building that will seat a vast crowd. The railroad gives reduced rates. All are solicited to attend and spend a delightful day and aid a worthy cause. Addresses by elo quent speakers,'-entertaining exer cises by orphans and music by a brass band will be on the program, A most sumptuous dinner and de licious refreshments, at reasonable prices, will be dispensed. J. T. Wyatt, of Faith, known far and wide as a granite dealer and newspaper correspondent, has parted forever with the plain and meaningless J. T. and in the future it shall be written John Thomas. We are authorized by Mr. Wyatt himself te make this statement. Notable precedents govern Mr. Wyatt in his determination. J. Pierpont Morgan, he has been ad vised, would have never been con tent with a plain part in the mid dle had the J. not been the first letter in his name—Jehosophat. Other celebrities have been simi- irlyafflieted and have gonethrough life bearing the burden of an un pronounceable prefix to their sur name. But who would not glory in John Thomas? John Thomas it is and John Thomas it will re main. See it as it shall be hence forth and forever: John Thomas Wyatt, Esq , Faith, N. C. Salisbury and Spencer played at Fulton Heights Park yesterday af ternoon and the game was good throughout. The score was 2 to 1 when the game ended. Other good games are being arranged by Salisbury team. COUNTY CONVENTION. The Rowan County Sunday Convention at Shiloh. the School TWO INCHES OF RAIN. ARE KILLED AT FRANKLIN JUNCT’N .-,D - CAI Y FREIGHT CAE DOOR, vow'll $ Engineer Charlie Hall One of the Vic ¬ tims of the Wreck. Fireman Millo- way Was Another of the Killed. The Engine and Three Cars of the South ¬ ern's Passenger Train No 9 Derailed Yesterday Afternoon. Pascenger train No. 9 on the Southern was wrecked yesterday afternoon about 4 o’clock at Frank lin Junction, Va., and three men killed. Of the wreck the Spencer corre spondent of the Sun writes: Engineer Charlie Hall, Fireman Millaway, and Brakeman McClan ahan, all of Spencer, were instant ly killed in the wreck of North bound passenger train No. 9, near Franklin Junction, Va., at four o’clock this afternoon. It is learned the train was making sixty miles per hour when the engine struck a box car shutter which had fallen from a passing freight train. This morning’s Charlotte server says: Near Franklin Junciion, yesterday afternoon, local Ob- Va., pass- enger train No. 9, running between Washington and Danville, was wrecks passi An Unknown Bobber at Ludwick and Black's. Mr. S. W. Henry’s home at the corner of Council and Shaver streets was burglarized last night and Mr. 'Henry’s purse, contain ing $135, taken from his sleeping room. When Mr. Henry retired last night ho placed bis trousers containing the purse on a lounge near hie bed. On the discovery of hie loss he instituted a search and found his trousers and puise in the yard. There is no clue at all to the thief. Last night efter midnight some unknown thief stole from the room occupied by Mr. Charles Houston in Ludwick & Black’s stable a pair of trousers in which Mr. Houston had placed his watch and a small sum of money. Officers were discovered and Policemen Torrence and Beaver surrounded the stable. They tracked the offender to a near by stable, where he had concealed himself. Leav ing a negro to hold a lantern they made a detour of th j buiding when the thief struck the negro on the head with a block and made his es cape. Only 20 cents was taken from the trousers. KILLING CHRISTIANS. Trouble in China and Soldiers Sent Out. Shanghai, July 23.—It is are re- ported from Ichang that a French bishop, a priest and two converts have been killed, another priest taken prisoner and three chapels burned at Sichuan near Singaufu. Two hundred soldiers have been at 4-05 o’clock , The door | sent from In Y a Ooh 'on a :i tram t^ 20 minutes befe^ V fall- me murder's. Ung to.the scene o: Bible Class Meeting. The Bible Class organized at the Baptist church on last Sunday meets again tomorrow. Visitors are welcome. Bring Prescriptions Here. Our facilities for filling physicians’ prescriptions accurately, skillfully and \ correctly are unsurpassed. There is no drug store on earth that does bet ter prescription work than we do. Our prescription compounding is perfect— that’s all. Our prices arenas little as you can afford to pay. Tiie T. W. Grimes Drug Co. NAVAL BATTLE IS ON. THE OPPOSING FORCES MEET. Japanese Report a Victory After Long and Hard Fight. St. Petersburg, July 23,—The steamer Malacca: now at Suda Bay, Crete, will be under examination for contraband r f war by the Rus sian and British consuls today and NO. 124. STRIKERS ARE UGLY. ANOTREN CONFERENCE ASKED FOR The Final Eftgrt For Settlement to b Slade. its release w: . , ■ Slow loimediateiy. 11 The British government stores on board will not be exchanged. Admiral Birileff, in command of the naval forces at Cronstadt, has started on a tour of the Baltic ports. This is. regarded as an indication that the first division of the Baltic squadron is now ready. London, July 23.—The British cruiser Venus has arrived at Suez from the north on the cruiser Furious and two destroyers have reached Port Said. Tokio, July 23.—Japanese fish ermen saw the Russian Vladivos- tock squadron eighty miles off Ish- oama, sixty miles north of Tokio. Count Benickendorff, the Rus- siad ambassador, has received offi cial notification from St. Peters burg. Two more British ships captured in the Red Sea were in structed to notify Great Britain that the ships would be taken to a neutral port for examination by the consuls of Russia and Great Britain. An official report has been re ceived from Gen. Kuroki giving the details of a two days’ battle on Monday and Tuesday about 25 miles east of Liaoyong. After desperate fighting the Japanese drove the Russians from several Chicago, July 23. — Another conference between packers and employes has been called for this afternoon. An effort is to ba made to settle the grievances and 'a :ompromise. Should the effort fail all other trades em ployed in the stock yards will be called out on a sympathetic strike. The strikers are in an ugly mood and several riots took place today. Policemen in large numbers are around the packing houses and Mayor Harrison has been called back from a pleasure trip. APPEAL TO ARBITRATION. 30,000 Garnent Workers Have Been Out Over a Month. New York, July 23.—A con ference is to be held today to make an effort to submit the ferences between the tailors manufacturers to arbitration. dif an d The strike, which involves over thirty thousand garment workers, has lasted over a month. SHOWERS, The Weather Forecast for North Caro lina for 24 Houre. Washington,D. C. July 23.-The weather forecast for North Carolina for the ensuing 24 hours is : Fair in western, showers in the eastern portion tonight and prob ably Sunday. A NEGROS'S SERIOUS CRIME. The thirty-fifth convention of the Rowan County Sunday School Association will be held at Shiloh, German Reformed Church at Faith on the 25th and 26th of August. All Sunday school superinten dent are respectfully requested to send their post office address to Capt. John A. Ramsay at once so chat programs, etc., may be sent to them. By order of the Ex-Com. J. A. Fisher, Chm. A Half Month’s Supply Fell Here Last Night. Mrs. J. M. Boles, formerly Miss Daisy Lingle, who has been visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L Lingle, at Crescent for the past two days, left this morning for Washington, where she will join Mr. Bowles. Thornton has several watches to sell for repair charges—big bar gains. tf. For Rent!--3 good farms be tween Gold Hill starting at Gar field, N. C. Good tenants and stock required. Will lease for a term. Apply to Maupin Bros. If you want a real good tonic take I teaspoonfull or more of Liquid Electricity in a glass of water just before retiring and soon after arising in the morning, tf Coal: Jellico coal for sale by C. A. Montgomery. Leave your ord ers at Plummet’s drug store. C. FRST BALE FROM GEORGIA. Special Sale Today. Special sale on bananas—10c. a dozen and 50c. up per bunch. Come early to Siteeby’s Candy Kitchen. Phone 17, A. Montgomery. Ice Cream Manufactory! Wholesale and retail. en across the track and ‘the train running at a rate of 30 miles an hour, encountered the obstiuetion, derailing the engine and three cars. The train was in charge of Con ductor Burgess and Engineer C. E. Hall. The latter was killed, as was his fireman, W. 0. Milloway, white, and Ed McClanaean, white, a flagman, George Burke, white, baggagemaster, and a newsboy, were slightly injured. No passen gers were killed or injured. Trains Nos. 29 and 35 arrived three hours late in Charlotte. It is reported in Salisbury to day that Fireman Talley, who was returning to Spencer dead head on the engine of the ill fated train was also killed. No confirmation of this report has been received. Raised by Negro Farmer, Sold for Fif teen Cents a Pound. Salisbury had 2 inches of rain last night, the average supply for two weeks. The rain began falling about 11 o’clock and continued until 2. The streets were washed into gulleye in many places. This was the heaviest rain that has fallen for a year. Notice! Examination for entrance to the Peabody college for teachers at Nashville, Tenn., will be held for this congressional district at Char lotte on August 4-6,1904. They will be conducted by Miss Sallie Boyes in the office of the county superintendent. A. C. Reynolds, Pres. Alumni Association. Im. Will be delivered in small or large quanti ties in or out of town. A. B. Saleeby & Co, ’Phone 17. ANOTHER CARRIER HERE. The Postoffice Department Grants Ad ditional Help For Carriers. JUDGE PARKER’S NOTIFICATION. The Tenth of August Has Been Deter mined Upon. The Post Office Department has allowed another carrier for Salis bury. The following letter re ceived this morning by Hon. Theo. F. Kluttz is self explanatory : Hon. T. F. Kluttz, M. C., Salisbury, N. C. Albany, Ga., July 22.—The first bale of Georgia’s new cotton crop was brought in today by Deal Jackson, a negro farmer, who has marketed the first bale in this sec tion for several years past. The bale weighed 351 pounds and class ed as good middling. It was sold for fifteen cents a pound. For rheumatism, neuralgia and like pains use Liquid Electricity. We have sold out our feed busi ness and all persons owing us ac counts will be expected to settle them at once, as we are badly in need of the money. Our collector will present all bills within the next few days and we hope that they will be paid promptly. J. P. Harper & Bro. at John Nooe, the best sign writer and decorator in the State, will be in Salisbury next Tuesday. Parties wanting signs and decoratic work for the Firemen’s Tournament will please call on him at C. H. Swinks grocery store. It Esospus, July 23.—Judge Par ker has fixed the date for his offi cial notification of nomination for August tenth. compelled them to retreat in dis order. The Japanese lost 53 killed and 370 wounded. The Russian losses are much greater. At 10:30 o’clock this afternoon heavy firing was heard east of the entrance to Tokio bay. It is be lieved a naval battle between the Vladivostock squadron and Japan ese fleet is now in pogress. Louis Ruffin Arrested at Hillsboro Burglary and Attempted Ass»«.v. a Durham, July 22.—Louis Ruffin, negro about 40 years of age, was BLACKBURN AFTER DOUGH. ARRESTS AT DANVILLE. Calls at Republican Headquarters and Talks Campaign Funds, Sir: Referring to your personal call the Department, relative to the The Washington correspondent of the Raleigh Post wires: Ex-Representative E. Spencer Blackburn re-turned today from Atlantic City, where he has been for several days past and left tonight for the state. While at the seashore Mr. Blackburn saw Chair man Babcock of the Republican congressional committee. During the day he called at Republican headquarters at the Arlington Hotel and saw Secretary Dover. The Republicans are claiming that they will carry the eighth and tenth districts, and it is probable that the national committee will turn loose much of the sinews of war in both of these districts. appointment of an additional letter carrier at Salisbury, N. C., you are iniKjfnbd that in accordance with the recommendation of the post office inspector who recently investigated the free delivery ser vice, the postmaster has been au thorized to employ one additional carrier on September 1st, next, to enable Lite to obtain satisfactory service within present limits. Very respectfully, J. W. Bristow. Fourth Assistant Postmaster Gen. Received! 50 mountain lambs and steers for Holmes meat mar ket. Come to Big Sale. Fine Bananas 10c. dozen, 75c, a bunch today at Saleeby’s Candy Kitchen. Phone 17. No Services at Christ’s Church. There will be no services The Men Who Tried to Force the Jail. City at Christ’s Lutheran church at Spen cer tomorrow as the pastor is at tending conference at Faith. The communion service has been postponed until the third Sunday in August, when Rev, Geo. H. Cox, D. D., of Granite Quarry, president of North Carolina Syn od, will be present to administer the holy sacrament. There may be wars and rumors of war, and our darling baby boy may sicken and die and never be soldiers unless we give them Dr. Moffett’s “Teethina” (Teething Powders). “Teethina” aids diges tion, regulates the bowels and makes teething easy by Overcom ing and counteractng the effects of the Summer heat upon the dear little ones. Working Night and Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King’s New Life Pills. These pills change weakness into strength, listlessness into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They’re won derful in building up the health. Only 25c per box. Sold by all druggists, Melons on Ice! I will deliver in any part of the city watermelons and canteloupes right off of ice in my big refriger ator. W. A. Brown, ’phone 111. If you have a torpid liver, a dis ordered stomach or any kidney trouble use Liquid Electricity, tf 1,000 pounds home made lard at R. M . Price’s market, Danville, Va., Juls 22.—Wicker Armes, Solomon Hutchings, W. Bal. Ragland, Frank Childress and William Harris, participants in the late attempt to force the city jail for the purpose of wreaking ven geance upon a negro charged with murder, were yesterday arrested and the first three bailed in the sum of two hundred dollars each for their appearance before the mayor’s court on Tuesday next. Childress and Harris went to jail in default of bond. The arrests were the result of the investigation by a special grand jury convened for the purpose of fixing the blame for the riot. The jury found in dictments against these parties and others, which indictments were re ferred to the mayor for trial, they being misdemeanors and not felo nies. brought herefrom Hillsboro- this afternoon for safe keeping and to prevent lynching. He is charged with burglarizing the home of Mrs. Katie Latta and attempting crimi nal assault this morning about 2 o’clock. His arrest caused much feeling and in order to prevent lynching he was brought here by Deputy Sheriff Hughes. This morning about 2 o’clotk, Mrs. Latta, who lives in the heart of town, heard some one in her room. The person came to her bed and placed his hand on her person. She thought it her who walks in his sleep, grabbed him by the hand called him. She then found Mr. Oscar Vaughan, a young white man, fell from a window in the second story in a building in Oxford and received injuries from which he may die. Special Notice to Odd Fellows. To the officers and members of the I. 0. 0. F. of Salisbury and Spen cer; a special meeting will be held tonight at 8 o’clock in the hall of Cordon Lodge, for the purpose of receiving instruction in the un written work and floor movements of the degrees, by W. II. Bailey, Past Grand Master and Past Grand Representative, of Virginia. All Odd Fellows are urgently request ed to be present. Ed Ryan, N. G., Cordon Lodge. J. D. Bivens, Sec., North State Lodge Glassas fitted correctly. Office Swicegood’s Jewelry Store. Dr, M. V. Lomax. tf A $75 00 Per Month Position is desirable. Do you want to fit yourself for such a place? Ad dress P. 0. Bjx 75, Salisbury, N. son, and and that it was a very large hand with the thumb gone. Her screams aroused her son, 18 years old, who rushed to heiroom. The intruder knocked him down in making his escape. Ruffin worked for Mrs. Latta and the fact that his thumb was gone caused his arrest. He could not account for his whereabouts and it was proven that he said yesterday he was glad some person had left the home of Mrs. Latta as the “damn scoundrel had been in his way.” Examination was waived and the prisoner rushed here for safe keeping. Ruffin is a bad character. He was but recently released from the penitentiary for shooting his brother-in-law and se riously wounding him. He has been on the roads several times. The Market. Furnished over private wire to Gattis & Grimes Dealers in cotton, stocks, bonds, grain and piovis- ions. Room No. 7, Washington Building, Salisbury, N. C. Send in all bids for lawn party and grand stand refreshment priv ileges on Labor Day September 5 at once to George E. Broodshaw, Chm. Gen. Committee. Fok Sale!—Good combination horse; young and gentle. C. W. Windsor. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera And arrhoea Remedy. This remedy is certain to needed in almost every home fore the summer is over. It Di- be be- can Opening. High. Low. N. Y. Cotton August 10 25 10 34 10 22 September . 9 75 9 94 9 75 October 9 60 9 72 960 December 9 58 961 9 57 9 to January 9 61 9 71 Wheat- July September Corn- September December Oats- September December Pork— September Ribs— September Lard- September Spots 10.90 GHICAGO Open 87 1-4 . 865-8 49 1-2 45 1-2 327-8 33 1-4 12 77 745 COO Close 10 27 990 9 71 9 04 Close 86 7-8 86 1-8 49 1-8 4'43-8 32 7-8 : 3 1-4. 12 82 750 693 When bilious take Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by Jas. Plummer. always be depended upon even in the most severe and dangerous cases. It is especially valuable for summer disorders in children. It is pleasant to take and never fails to give prompt relief. Why not buy it now? It may save life For sale by Jas. Plummer, See Maupin Bros., for real tate and fire insurance. Ga to W. P. Thornton es« for optical work. He is painstaking —dies not claim to know it all . but will guarantee satisfaction or (no pay, ' tf.

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