Salisbury Evening Sun . - ; : j Published Daily, except Sunday, at 211 No.' Main street. Salisbury, N. CJ GLOBE PUBLIHING CO.. Publishers SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Tear, ....... .. $4.00 Six Months, .. . .. .. .. .. 2.00 Three MontL. , .. .. .. .. 1-00 One Month, . . . .' .. ..... -35 One Week, .... .......... .10 Delivered by Carriers in Salisbury, Spencer and Chesnut Hill. Entered as Second Class Matter, De cember 23, 1904, at the postofflce at Salisbury! N. cj, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. j NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS . .Subscribers who fail to receive THE SUN will confer a favor upon this of fice by notifying us at once. j Unless any irregularity In service Is reported, it Is assumed that all sub scribers are receiving the paper reg ularly. 1 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS j In order to insure going to press tin time for delivery of The Sun to Its readers at a reasonable time of the 'evening, advertisers desiring a change are notified that their copy must be at The Sun office not later than 9:30 o'clock on the day the change Is de sired. It will be necessary to enforce this rule to the letter and advertisers are requested to kindly cooperate with The Sun force In maintaining it. There is a store up in Greens- boro whose every girl clerk gets married soon after accepting a position there. Six of them have caught husbands within a rel itively short time. In the interests of public safety there ought to be danger signals displayed in front of the plant and a trusty watch man stationed there to flag the unwarv hefore it is too late. Apropos of the query . yhat is the shape of "a kiss," inoffendirg innocents are being asked to take the letters composing the word "enough" and make two words whieh are not enough. And when they give up, they are told that the answer is "one hug." And then it's up to the man. : If all. reports about the visions of feminine loveliness that are to dazzie our eyes on Sunday are any where near true, the only prudent course for us unmarried men is to take to the woods early in the day and'not come back till midnight, j After all, why should there be surprise that there were some'cat calls at the election of the Presi dent General of the Daughters of the American Revolution? . There had been a plentiful -showing of sharpened claws. Even if there are going to be lots of disfranchised voters in Salisbury, it's hard to see where it will make any difference at the polls. The President has at last killed a bear. Those of us, however, who are not such good sportsmen will have to bear up. STIMSON AND ALEXANDER Photographers. j We have taken charge of and com . pletely remodeled the gallery formrly conducted by Lenon Seay on North Majn Btreet, next to Central Hotel. Fine photograph work of all kinds. All of Mr. Seay's old negatives are In our possession and duplicates can be furnished on short notice. 1 v STIMSON AND ALEXANDER Successors to Leon Seay. j . - j ru - ' AOTCE We want every man and women in the United States interested in tie cure of Opium, Whiskey or other drug hablts.either for themselves or friends to have one of Dr. Wooley books on these diseases. Write Dr. B. M. Woolley, Atlanta, Ga Box 287, and one will be sent you free. i Full Advertise in The Sun, It pays OTPPENIRIGS Tt e proposed dispensary was de feat d -at Durham yesterday by a majcrity of forty-one votes. Tfcere was intense interest In the election throughout the day, but everything passed off quietly. Tl e Anti-Saloon League met Wed nesday night - and was opened with prayer by Dr. Harrell. Rev R. C. Beainan, of Durham, was introduced to a. large audience by Mr. E. G. Davis Dr. 3eaman made a powerful speech before the league in favor of prohibi tion, 'winning many votes. . . . . f .- . F r two jjears or more Guilford College has been raising an endow- ment fund with gratifying success, comes the announcement that Now And ew Carnegie has offered $45,000 on condition that friends of the college will dom the duplicate that sum. This liberal tion was granted in response to application of the trustees of the college through President Hobbs and Mr. U. Elwood Cook. Supporting these gentlemen and the application were CarB Schurz, Vice-President Fairbanks -it . Speaker Cannon, President Charles D. Mcl reu President Sharpless, Colonel Sard Hill, of Washington, Congress Dixon, of Montana, and other man proi lintent friends of the institution. In t.few hours after Mr. Carnegie's offer had become Known, several ! housand dollars additional was b Private subscriptions, and frieAds of the college are confident that lit will comply with the condit ions.f When this $90,000 is secured, witl Uhe fund already subscribed, this ! ' s splendid old North Carolina Educa- tional institution will have an endow mec t fund of $150,000 fully guaran tee i . " i : - Y jsterday's primary at Raleigh was t . - . ' - ; remarkable chiefly In that it .demon- stra ed the worth of the "Australian ballot." Raleigh was delighted with the iinnovation. All day yesterday, LABOR Ahtracite miners will demand an eight-hour day and the sliding scale, the present wages and a number of mini br concessions next year. Carpenters at Montreal, Can., have made a demand for an increase in wages from 22 l-2cents an hour to 30 cents, and a nine-hour work day. bill has been introduced in the As sembly of British Columbia tt amend the Master and Servant act by making weakly pay-days compulsory. Union labor will be employel on the Janestown Exposition if the central body of Norfolk,- Va., succeeds in en forcing its demands upon the commis sioners. ' President Gocklin, of the Book- bint ers' International Union, has been honored by the Canadian Government Willi5 the appointment of Labor Corn- 1 im. Hyie insists that he won't res gn, nor would any other sensi- ble man do aught else but freeze right fast and jfcight to so well-paid a jqb. v he kind of Australian ballot they have up in Raleigh seems to be all right only that they have to hold three or four primaries before anyone is nominated. ten boils begin, or pimples appear on tjhe face, it is proof that the blood is trying to throw off through the skin the impurities You will find Vick's Tar Heel Sarsaparilla a pleasant, sure relief in such cases. It directs the Im purities through the proper channels. size one dollar bottle for Fifty Cents, at all dealers. 5 i Rubber Tires See J. O. White & Cov for prices best! grade on the market. Old rub bera repaired. IB TOE 'STATE fts advantages furnished Hfxe tjopic of favorable conversation by pleased voters. The vote was cast without a ripple. The workers were on hand but they found ittle to doT The voters seemed to appreciate the novelty of voting in private without the curious heelers' eyes over his . shoulder and, for the' most part, they kept to themselves the details of thelrballots. The work ers had an air of not knowing where to begin. They set about twiddling their; thumbs and engaged for the most part in idle speculation. The reason was obvious and that was the new ballot. The certain element of the voters is not swayed to any ex tent by the workers and it was known how most if these would vote. The uncertain element; on the other hand -i had as usual been prodigal with pro- . mises and there was absolutely no way to ascertain how the voter of this sort really did vote, unless one took his word which was at the least an uncertain element. As a general rule the ballot was cast as it was itended is should be, secretly except as It was voluntarily1 divulged by the voter. Of course the workers at the(vtrious polls did some thing and in one way or another in fluenced a few votes. The point that was most gratifying established was that it was next to Impossible for any voter to be intimidated or embarrassed in the casting of his ballot. Booths were provided in . which the voter, who entered the enclosure by himself had , the utmost privacy. No tickets j were on the outside of the polls and I could be obtained only from the poll- J holders and them only one at a time - - - . i by the individual voter. The workers i '. - i were worried and the game was play ed with less exactness than has ever been known there before. In only one or two instaces was there an evasion of the Intent of the secrecy if the ballot and the devices used were too intricate for general practice. NHWS missioner for that country. While the death rate from consump tion among all males in Massachusetts is 2.5, the rate among marble and stone cutters is 3.7' and among ma sons the rate is 4.1 Duluth (Minn.) Building Trades Council has been dissolved and a new building trades organization, tlo be known as the Structrual Trades Al liance, has been formel. A carpenters' strike for the closed , shop" is in progress in Pittsburg, Pa. The union has sent out a circultr let- oowJ , . . ' ' tre asking affiliated organizatons to take notice of the fact. The scale of the Brewery Workers' Union has been signed by the various firms in Reading, Pa. There will be an increase in wages of $1 a week, with an occasional half holilay. T No mercury, no minerals,' no danger 2n Hojliser'sl Rocy Mountain Tea. The greatest family tonic known Brings good health to all who use it. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. The anti-tobacco girls never choose a man who chews. A delightful Spring Tonic contain ing the active principles of Cod Liver Oil, with Malt, Hyphophosphites, Wild Cherry and Sherry Wine, f will be found in Vick's Aromatic Wine of Cod Liver Oil A perfect tonic and perf ectDiy harmless. In pint bottles At one dollar, at druggists. 3 Some people wear out their welcome more quickly than their clothes. "One ounce of prevention Is worth a pound of physic" is very true about vick's Croup & Pneumonia Cure- the Mother's comfort, and Childs friends In every household rub it on, and the disease is checked promptly twenty five cents, at druggists. 1 If you are going to-put' up a bluff, see that the foundations don't wobble. INCITED MUTINY. &a EnRliih Admiral Once Old Thft by Royal CompianfL Not only did an English admiral once receive instructions to incit his in en to mutiny, but he actually carried '.his Instructions out. 4- i i On the eve of the death of James I., and as a result of Prince Charles mar riage to Henrietta Maria, Buckingham agreed to lend the Vanguard and sev en merchantmen to the French. Be fore his promise was fulfilled the Hu guenot rebellion at Rochelle broke out, and by the" time Sir John kennington, who had been put in command, was ready to sail the authorities in England became disagreeably aware that their ships would be used against the French Protestants. : ' Buckingham was conscious of thf. storm of indignation this wpuld arousv In England. In his perplexity the only solution that occurred to him i was to instruct Pennington1 to get f his men to mutiny. A secret message! to this ef fect was sent him through Cthe' Earl of Pembroke, and Sir John, who had no wish to hand the ships oyer to the French, obeyed and allowed his crew to carry him and his officers back tc England. NATURE STUDY. Earthworm and Legrnme Rootlets Mellow tlie Solll The burrowing habits of p the earth worm and the penetrating character of. the roots of legumes exhibit a beauti ful harmony of method and; a striking example . of effective co-operation be tween two ameliorating agents. An effort was made by a scientist to trace the roots of hairy vetch to their lowest extremities. ' " ! fi ,- The soil was a tough sample of . yel lowish clay. It was astonishing to ob serve how in this hard clay y etch root-7 lets were found traveling j downward In tLe burrows or tunnels... of j earth worms, occasionally throwing but lat eral! at a depth of fully fopir feet be low the surface. It was curious also to note that when a small ffhd Stringy ROOTTjTTf? T OriLOWIXO WORM B0BBOW lU30i:i ASI1'JS TO SHOW THE pUBKOW. rootlet found its way Intoa worm burrow it suddenly developed. and be ca:.:e c lothed with a great inass of root hairs, a miniature illustration of the action of the tree root which effects n entrance into the tile drain. It may that j available plant food is found in coraparatlve abundance ' on the some- i what slimy walls of the tunfael. It is j 1ir!icult to estimate the benefit to the j. physical properties of the soiLof this co-operation between plant and animal.' Certainly porosity and humusare much increased. Cliiltlren, Weeds, Cow. and liens. A Tennessee woman says in an ex change: The children are given ground and seeds and are encouraged, to watch things grow. They canj be of help in j puiiing weeds good for pigs. and cows, i Purslane is the only weed Is let grow ! In my garden, for the only "good weed Ms a dead weed," but I always, like to , ,n Kl, h,inoa ;,il - cows and chickens, both of which like It. As the cow. the hens and? the gar den rare three inouey makers each should hJA the other. A woman Would almost ratler write a letter than a man would rather have somebody write him a check.: The Farmer and the Boy (Minneapolis Journal;') A number of farmers are looking for boys. This is about the time of the year when farmers btecome inordi nately fond of boys. But infthe win ter, when the boy's appetite increases in the Inverse ratio of his usefulness i the farmer man finds his seething love for boys cooling on his hands. 'Boys, if you are going to intrust yourselves to farmers, have a twelve.! months' contract. It fills the arteries with Tich, red blood. Makes new flesh and healthy men and women. That's what Hollia ter's! Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. r The world is constantly making his tory, whereat the book agent re joices. - ' . - . - Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is positive, never nauseates or upsets the stomach. Cleanses and! purifies the entire system. A great g blessing to suffering humanity. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. ' " ! THE DOLLAR STRETCHER AND 5 and lOcts STORE 118 & 115 East' Inniss' Street (Differing Special inducements FOR YOUR flPRIL BUSINESS In Glassware, China ware, Tinware Lamps, Lamp goods, Brushes and Dustersv t ... Baskets, Brooms, Woodenware Hardware Novelties Table Cutlery Spoons, etc House hold 6c Kitchen Fur nishings, Pitchers Brick-a-Brack Neckware Underware Hosiery Notions, Novelties Toys. And Small wares of every Description WE UNDERBUY '. WE UNDERSELL YOUR TRUE FRIEKD POT ft Uhe Dollar Sireher. 3 HOFFMANNS MARKET Is the plaG6 for you to come when ijou are looking for something nlG ln Fresh Veats Fish and Ousters. Full weight and SQUftRE DEALINGS. 104 West Inniss n m WMETE a COMPANY F I JV E G'ROCE'RIES Cucumbers, Egg Plant, Tomatoes. Snap Beans, Asparagus, trawDerries, Squashes, Ilor Fresh Florida Vegetables Arriving Daily. NEXT TO POSTOFFICE PHONE 342 Olie Cdlt a Word FOR RENT Two furnished rooms; iff for gentlemen. Apply at Sun office. i DRESS MAKING by Mjss Alice Earnhardt, at Mrs. J. F. Conrad's, 6th street Spencer, N. C. 13t3 WANTED to rent 6 rooms for house keeping or roomers, No. 120 South Long Street. 13tf Chrysanthemums, double white- and purple violet plants for sale. Mrs A. W. Winecoff, 'Phone 74. It6 run Ktnr-iwo iurmsned rooms for ladies or gentlemen, centrally located. Address, H, Sun office 12t6 BOARDERS WANTED at No. 224 North Jackson street. Can accomo date J.0 or 12. House has all modern conveniences. Mrs J. A. Thomason 15t6 WANTED A" good man to travel In North Carolina for an old and es tablished house previous exper ence notessentiaL Call or addres S care of The Evening Sun. lltf FOR RENT A new six room cottasre with all modern convenences, ap ply429 So. Main St. ' 13t4 IT will pay you to stop In at Jacks cms Market and get his prices on fresh meats and fish goods, phone service prompt delivery. ' f It's good drugs, you ' find them uere. SALISBURY DRUG COMT. GASH ac St. Phone 222. TWO Furnished rooms for rent 425 North Main street. 19t3 LOST Friday night on Main or. Coun cil Sts., a pair of eyeglasses in gold frame, finder will be rewarded by leaving at Sun offlce tf. WANTED Lady or genieman of fair education to travel for a firm o $250,000 capital. Salary $1,072 per year and expenses; paid weekly ad dress Geo. C. Clowes, Salisbury,N.C. DANCING SCHOOL Parents send your children to Prof. Allman's School at the Armory on Tues day, Thursday and Saturday after noons -at 4 o'clock and they will receive a thorough course of Instruc tions in all departments of this school. 1512 LOST Railroad check, payable to E. -W. Turner, for $48.15, finder wilt please leave same at Sun offlce and get reward. 20tl FOR RENT A 5 room ent.ta.firA nn, East Franklin street, apply to 60S: NMain street. Whether; you wish to buy or not. come and see what tho Horn a FioHst a have, phone 271, or 421 West Bank St. A premium will be given to one buying $1.00 worth. Colenais, Geraniums, Scarlet Sage, Heliotropes. Pansy Plants, Hydrangeas, Dahlias. Coleous, Tuberoses, Cannas . an Tomato Plants.- Double Violet -nTant almost given away. Leave your Easter orders now with us or at Cornelison and Cooks. nt

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