SD T Apujrx 2I,? 1005. T5 UCGO (O) ' I W 1 IP TUMI MIMES IF WIWM STTlJTTTTTrTTr7" T TDcr.108! RcpiIlQPKa VWClD-tlCOCQ BlOOd ParlllCP PURELY This is the season tha show as the weather grows pimples and blotches, and tests the quality of 3'our blood, and if it is not good, then evidences of it will begin to warmer. Carbuncles and boils. numerous itching and burning skin eruptions will make their appearance, and are sure in dications. of bad blood. It spring-time finds you with im pure, sickly blood, then 3roti are in poor condition to with stand the strain upon the system which always comes at this time of the year. A failure to look after your physical wel fare now, by purifying, the blood" and tonirfg- vap the gen eral system, may result i 1 a complete breaking down of K health later on, and you will find yourself weak and run down, with no appetite, and a prey to indigestion and ner vousness. It is poor i blood that makes weak bodies, for it is tnis vital nuid mat mi purity rests our chances for l h r m m s in ti 1 1 -rn 1 ri LA mm, THE GREAT. . st supply vigor and -strength to our systems, and upon its health. Any impurity, humor or poison. in the blood acts inju riously upon the system and affects the general health. It is to the morbid, unhealthy matter m the blood that chronic sores and ulcers are due. The pustular and scaly skin eruptions so common during spring and summer, show the blood to be in a riotous, feverish condition, as .a' result of too much acid or the presence of some irritating humor or acrid poison in the blood. I A large per cent, of human ailments have their origin in a polluted, diseased blood, and can only be reached by a remedy that goes into the circulation and uproots and expels the poison and restores tlie blood to a healthy, natural condition. If Springfield, Ohio. May 16, Lk 7 have anysyniptomS wheeling. W. Va.. May 28. 1903. On two occasions I have sdjyour P Da- blood,- and are j have used your 8 s Qm thi8 spring. S. S..S. in the spring with fine results. I thinking 6f a blood puri- and found it to be a blood purifier of the can heartily recommend it as a tonfoand v tl-iinV rf Q Q Q ; :est order. My system was run down blood purifier. I was troubled with nerj 11C" U11U.K U1 O.O.O., and my joints aohed and pained me con he adaohes, indigestion and liver tr auble, a remedy -With a long- siderably, and I began to fear that Z was Which all disappeared under the use of a of 0K1 1'eVirl f ; going to be laid up with Rheumatism. . I few bottles ofyour.great blood re nedy, estauiibiieu reputation had used s s 8 before, and knew what S. S. S. My appetite, which was poor, and that has 'proven it- it was; so I purchased a bottle of it, and was ereatly helped., lean eat anything ir nan;c .j;,; ? have taken several bottles, with the result I want now without fear of indigestion. 41J oleansed of impurities and made ridh and strong again. As a tonic and blood pur ifieritis all you claim for it. MRS. GEORGE WIEGEL. 771 E. Main St. that the aches and pains I had are cone: my blood has been cleansed and reno vated, my general health built up, so that I can cheerfully testify to Its virtues as a blood purifier and tonio. ; JOHN O. STEIN. 1533 Market Street. and my blood has been j thoroughly eases of the blood, and a: superior tonic and sys tem builder. S. S. S. con tains no. mercury, pot ash, arsenic or other mineral, but is composed exclusively of vegetable ingredients, selected for their medicinal properties and gathered fr Dm nature's store-houses the -fields and forests. The thou sands who have used S. S. 3. and know from experience what it will do in blood troubles, do not need to be'reminded of a blood purifier now, for they know no better can be found than S. S. S. If you are thinking of a blood purifier, think of S. S. S., which has been sold for nearly fifty years, ; while the demand is greater now 'than ever in its history, remedy without merit :ould exist so long and retain the confidence of the people. Write us if in need of med cal advice, which is given without charge:- 4 THE SWIFT CPZGIFIO GOr.ZPAfJY, ATLANTA, QAm ... . - I - - - ..,J, ... ... . . ... . Do you want :o live where the climate is mild the year round v where labor lis fever oppressed by stress of weather, and where animal vitality is never lost by mere conflict with cold? ; Do you want to live in a region .where the resources are more varied than in any other equal area in the world, where the division of great ranches affords, a fine opportunity to get a small farm that will assure you a competence? Do you want jto live where, with a minimum of labor, you can grow profitable crops of grapes and small fruit, oranges, lemons, olives, prunes and almonds, alfalfa and grain, where crops are sure, businesses good ajnd capital easily finds profitable investment? Then go to California, where both health and opportunity await your comingl " , . -,v - 8ft Mm is the most direct route to the Pacific Coast, and there are two fast through trains daily via this line, over the famous double-track railway between Chicago and the Missouri River. One-way Colonist v k tickets are on sale daily, March 1 to May 15, at hjp the rate of $33.00 from Chicago, with corre- apuiiuuigiy iuw raics iruui au puuus, give yuu an unusual chance to make the trip. These tickets are good on daily and personally conducted excursions, on which a double berth" in a Pullman tourist ' sleeping car from Chicago costs only $7.00. Round-trip tickets are always on sale from all points at reduced rates via the folcao-Q! WisrfiSi-rjGGSQB'Bi, tOipiloii aenie ansa Southern (PaGiviG Railrjaj;: Urn FILL IN THIS COUPON AND MAIL IT TO-DAY. NW484 W. B. KNISKERN, . . ' . Pi T. M. C. & N.-W. Ry., Chicago, 111. , Please mail free to my address, California booklets, maps and full particulars concerning rates and train service. LODGE DIRECTORY Where and When j jthe Secret Orders Meet. SAPONA TRIBE RED MEN, NO. 33 Meet every Wednesday i night In their hall over the 'W'achovla Bank at 7:30. . , " ! ! A. R. SHINN Sachenl.: . s GABE M. ROYAL Prophet. C. MD. KLUTTZ, Sejnion, Sagmore J. C. KESLER, Chief of Records. M. S. PARKER, Deputy Great Sachem of Salisbury District. CORDON 'LODGE, No.168, 1. O. O. F. Meets every Monday" "night in the I Hedrick building at, 7:30 I Officers for ensuing term: W. H. Stewart, N. G ' J. A. Howard, V. G. I r M. D. Ferrell, Rec. Seq. J. J Stewart, Fin. Secj. J. H. McKenzie, Treas', All visiting brothers attend. are invited to HICOREY CAMP W. W. NO. 49 Meets every 2nd. and 4th Monday night in each month in! the I. O. O. F. Hall over the Wachovia; bank. ' R. M. PENDLETON j Consul CJom mander. 1 j j C. H. SUINK, Advisdnf Lieutenant. LEROY SMITH,; Banker. W. H. HUFF, Clearkl j G. C. BECK Escort, j J " O. M. CLARK, Watchman. J. A. SUMMNERSi Sentry. ! 1 SALISBURY AERIE NDJ 922, F. O. night in Hall t8: 00 o'clock. Meets every Friday over Wachovia Bank ai M. L: PARKER. Worthy Past Pres. WALTER MURPHY,! Worthy Pres. I '5 " 1 PAUL H. BERNHARDT, Worthy Vice Pres. . 1 l' , FRANK SMITHDEAL, Worthy Chaplain. j J. C. KESLER, Worthy Sec A. R. SHINN, Worthjyj Inside Guard J. T. MORGAN, Worthy Outside Guard. SALISBURY LODGE, No. 272, ROYAL ARCANUM ). Meets second and ifourth Monday night of each month lrl their hall over Davis and Wiley bank kt 7:30. M. L. CAUBLE, Regent. ", , W. T. R. JENKINS,! yice Regent J. T. BARBER, Passed t Regent. T. B. BEALL, Secretary. J. M. BROWN, Collector. C. T. BERNHARDT1, . T.. M KERNS, , i y ' ' THEO.BEARBAUM,, Trustees. SALISBURY LODGE, No 699, B. P. O.i E. . J. M. FLIPPIN, exalt f 7 ; ruler H. T. ASHCRAFT,'; e'steemed lead ing knight I ? , : W. H. WHITE, esleemed loyal knight I , i i J. M. MAUPIN, esteemed lecturing knight i.;1 JOHN W. DAVIS, secretary JAMES M. DAVIS J treasurer AARON CLARK, inner guard . J. G. CROWDER, ouer guard."" Meets first and tmrd Tuesday night in each month, at Elks" hall. "Starts to work with the first dos." Let Rheumacide begin today the cam paign against disease In your body. At all druggists. . j There are mighty few divorces in the families where three good meals a day are as regular as the clock. '. A woman seems to; think that if she scolds a man for. coming home late it would make 'him glad he came at all. f. amice; LaFRAfJGO'S 0 COMPOUflD. Safe, steady rirntato)'r: 25 Jen'ts. Drujrglsts or malL IN THE SUPERIOR COURT R. P. Reavis, vs Maiey F. Reavls, No tice to Defenaant. J;f The defenaant above!: named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Rowdn County for the dissolution of ; the bonds pt matrimony between the plaintiff and the defend ant; and the defendant" will further take notice that she is required to ap pear at the next tern of the Superior Court of said Counter to be held on the 9th Monday after the first Mon day in March, 1905, at the Court House of said county. In Salisbury, N. C and answer or demur to 'the complaint In said actionpr the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. ' . : . This the 30th day ql January, 1905. . F. McCUBBINS, , Clcr!: of Superior Court. WRIGHT & CARLTON, Plaintiff's Attorneys. 131056t MEETING TO-NIGHT? FFee2 Fi?e22 The following Directory Is for ref erence for Union men, and all others who may be interested In the organ ized labor movement in Salisbury: C ENTRAL LABOR UNION R. E. LUFSEY, of Machinists President. G. E. BROOKSHAW, of Boiler makers, Recording and Cor responding Secretary. Meets first and third Wednesdays of each month at Machinists' hall, on South Main street. -riololoj Brotherhood of Blacksmiths.' C. CUMMINGS. President. J. M. COX. Secretary. Meets second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in Machinists' hall. x oJoo Brotherhood of Boilermakers and Iron Ship Builders G. E. BROOKSHAW, President R. W. TIERNAN, Correspond ing Secretary C. B. HOUSEHOLDER, Finan cial Secretary. Meets second and fourth Fridays of each month in Machinists' hall. ' jojoloj r Brotherhood of Railway' Carmen of v America F. J. BARBER, President. A. F. PI CKLER, Secretary. Meets first and third Mondays of each month In Royal Arcanum hall. HM! Carpenters and Joiners. T. R. JENKINS, Secretary. lojojol : International Association of Machin ists S. A. GRIER, President. R. E. LUFSEY, Recording and Corresponding Secretary. Meets every Thursday night In Ma chinists' hall. IM1 International Typographical Union. G. V. HARRISON. President R. M. PENDLETON. Secretary and Treasurer. 321 South Lee street Meets first Monday In each month at Machinists' hall (expected.) lojojol Retail Clerks Association. T. M. KESLER, President W. C. SIFFORD, Secretary. Meets first and third Tuesdays oi each month in Machinists' hall.. : ooo 1 Sheet Metal Workers. .E. FRALEY, President H. W. LIMERICK, Secretary. Meets second and fourth Mondays of each month in Machinists' hall. y v7cnii JL mm AND Sproong . Ce (too vol SPERICE0 BJ. C. ON THE STUEET kww n to Auspices Public School. ONE SOLD) WEEK FUTJ ATim AFTIIQ17T1S Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer Fewer gallons; takes less of Devoe ead and Zinc than mixed paints. Wears longer: twice-as long as lead and oil. Sold by Kesler Sons' Hardware-Co . Wood's Seeds. Twenty-five years' ; practical ex perience, and the fact that we do the largest business in Seeds in the Southern States, enables us to supply every requirement in GARDEN AND FARM SEEDS to the very best advantage, both as regards quality and price. Truckers and Farmers requiring large quantities of Seeds are requested to write for special prices. If you have not received a copy of WOOD'S SEED BOOK for 1904, write for it. There Is not another publication anywhere tnat approacnes it in the useful and practical Information that It gives to Southern farmers and gardeners. Wood's Seed Book will be mallod free on request. Writ to-day: do not delay. t T. V.Vood & Sons,, ' RICHMOND, - VIR3INIA. The Barkout Carnival Company la one of the best institutions of its kind on the road and the attractions are all clean and of an exceptionally high order. Among the attractions to be put on by the Barkout Carnival Com pany are the following: The Streets of Cairo, where will be seen some of the people from the far East, dressed in their native costumes giving one an ppportunity of studying their customs, mode of living, etc. The "OJd Plantation Minstrels" will give your money's worth in comic songs, dancing, up-to-date gags, etc. Then comes the Electric Theatre, the greatest ever seen In this country where you will see the great Trln Robbery, which will make you hold your breath. - If you are suffering from melan choly, go into the Laughing Parlor, laugh and grow fat. Don' fail to see the Flying Lady, who flies in the air like a butterfly. "Esau" with his thousands of differ ent reptiles, gives some wonderful per formances with them. Get off the earth'by taking a ride on the great Ferris wheel, which will give you a fine view of the town and sur rounding country. . Then there is the "old reliable" Merry-go-round to please the children and all who want to ride. AMONG T1I11 Free Atiractlois I will be the following-: LOTTO - The Wonderful Champ ion High Diver, at 4 and 10 p. m. ev ery day. There are very few allusions to storks in Latin authors, but one of these Is Interesting. The birds have a curious custom of snapping tbelr bills, making quite a sharp noise. Young andr old birds, both during and after the breeding season; constantly do this. In the writings of Perslus there is a reference to this habit. "There are,'" ae says, "three favorite ways of derid ing a manby putting the bands be side th head like asses' ears, by put ting out the tongue like a dog and snapping the fingers against the palm of the hand like a stork's bill." The first two methods of mockery are plain, but what. was-the cause of the last? Notes and Queries. Charles Marztila The Great Acrobat, at 1:30 and 8 p.m. V Tlie Snake Tonffne. The snake's tongue proves to be a most remarkable organ. A student finds Its chief function Is connected with a sense of feeling without touch and may be a finer development of the sense that enables some people to avoid striking 'obstacles In the dark. : The forked tip and the numerous folds be hind It greatly Increase the surface ex posure. The, cells of the epidermis are interlaced by a network of extremely fine nerve fibers, which center in s deep nerve plexus beneath the. epider mis and extending out Into the folds. MAMTJ MJSSEILIL The only successful lady in her Slide for life, at 3 an 9 p.m: The Barkout Carnival Company has with them a band of fine Italian musicians, each one of whom la an artist with his instrument. This feature alone will be worth going miles to hear. Don't forget to see The smallest lady in the world. Weighs only 30 pounds, is 28 inches In height and 23 years old. Don't forget the date. Monday; April 17-2205 J