Salisbury -Evening! Su Published Daily, except Sunday, at 211 No. Main street, Salisbury, N. c. GLOBE PUBLIHING CO., Publishers J. C. CADDFLL Editor. r j : JOHN H. CURD, Business Manager. JXO. D. RIDENHCUR, Local Editor. SUBSCRIPTION IIATES One Year, . . Bis Month--Three Monhu-, One Month, , One Week, . . Ci. $4.00 2.00 l.cb . .10 Delivered by Carriers In Salisbury, Spencer and Chesnut Hill. T?rtered as Second Class Matter, Dfc - cember 23, 1904, at the postofflce it Salisbury, N. C. under the act at Congress of March 3, 1879. j The country can ill afford to lod " a man of the fine accomplishments, possessed by Secretary Kay. Ve hope the man to fill his place is m waiting. But to really believe th 5 such a man is ready is a severe tak upon those who know and appreciate the virtues and high excellencies-.c f if this really great man. i i Most people who know Mr W. H-4 Bower will be surprised at his parture from the Democratic party reteJi The hope of the party is its tion of men of breadth and sensibl li independence. It looks very much like the failure to get office was th straw that broke the camel's back .Nobody can quite run away with the press of the State. T True, there are a limited number who will open on whatever trail th; - i strike dog bawls on, but , the great majority of newspapers in the Stat i i i will be found standing on safe con servative ground, regardless of whaL the issue may be. j Plenty who will criticise Mr. Bovi er for changing his political! affilia tion would do the same thing if ' i they should loose their office as h 3 ' - - ! did. A man fifty years old must b i ' ! i careful about engaging in new bus -' i ; j ness; of any sort. He will find no ring for his hand; no fatted calf and no rejoicing over his presence in the Republican camps. . uoi. ijower is not tne sort of game the party is hunting. The Republican' party has all the sensible men it managers want. What they desire ik a whole lot of fools to vote for those who want to hold the offices Apropos of nothing as the saying goes we are minded to remark that no paper in the State has! shown withirTHhe same length of time the degree of Improvement that has marked the progress of the Winston Salem Journal within the past three months. It is a tip-top morning dail Mr. Follin is buckling to his work and the work he is turning out is o - ! the class that counts. Charlotte Ob i server. ( j We copy the above with our hearty concurrence. J The . Journal is one of the papers we search or, if it gets out of thej way. - If Dr. Ivey should wisely stori where he is in the Raleigh discussion of those brim stone . finds, j which have appeared at the capital of our i i State, he has at least demonstrated, what people may with profit note He has shown wha influence a reli gious paper, which has preserved ita own integrity carries with its' utter ances. If Dr. Ivey had been in the habit of swapping tobacco j with scheming politicians and trading his: editorial, space for any oldl thing to promote personal ambition and doubtful enterprises, nobody j would have cared what he thought,! not -what he said on this matter, nor anjj other. ' ! We Celebrate the Fourth This paper will not appear tomor- row, the 4th of July. We may have too many holidays, as some one has j remarked But .we believe L this day ought to be ob served, to do honor to that great event, the launching of the indepen dence of the greatest nation upon the face of the earth. Nations have from their, earliest' history recognized the wisdom of erecting monuuiehts to great men, in order that their memory and their patriotic deeds mis;ht abide in the hearts of tchir 'posterity. That this is wise and use- ful, ha& been confirmed by an atun: dance of examples of both Biblical and: profane history, The Greeks and thr Romans had stated times, (Which by songs and by oratory they j called attention to the great victories and magnificent achievements of their soldiers and statesmen. God himself was pleased when his servants stopped to rear stones and monuments which marked their prog ress in subduing the world, and in pulling down the strong holds of Sa tan. May we not stop for a day, andj retrace the rugged paths by which we have reached our present noble heights of progrss and prosperity as the world's greatest nation? Let us kindle anew the fires of patriotic devotion, by honoring the event which started us upon this splendid voyage to our national greatness. It j is , well for our young men to realize jthat true devotion to one's country. the highest examples of patriot ism, may be expressed in other ways, than by the roaring of cannons and bythe flashing of swords. Men may be great in peace as well as in war. The events which tomorrow- shall call to mind are many; and various. It suggests not only freedom from political, and social oppression, but; it may also call to our minds the blessings which came with religious liberty and Individual manhood. It was the beginning of Religious liberty, as well as jot political free dom. It changed the rude wigwams of a wilderness into Christian homes and magnificent mansions. If. was the event which drove out the worth less savage and left in his stead a great race of noble men and virtuous women. It" , brought ' intellectual light and material progress where once were stupid ignorance, and vi cious idleness. In short, a great na tion was born the splendid possibil ities of which hath not yet appeared. These are a few of the thoughts which can inspire our thoughts and elevate our aims and purposes for the future. i It is with these . thoughts in mind, that we lock cur machine and let the boys have a day off. CHINESE BOYCOTT GROWS I American Manufacturers Threatened With a Heavy Loss The advices to the State Depart ment shows ' that the agitaion in China against American trade on ac count of the rigid enforcement of the Chinese exclusion law by this gov ernment has -reached a serious phase. In fact, it is -now openly admitted that the danger to commercial j rela tions between this country and China has become a question of immediate concern and must be adjusted prompt ly to the satisfaction of' the Chinese government and the native business interests in the empire to prevent a considrable money loss to American manufacturers, shippers, and carriers It was learned the other day that the president, realizing the Import ance of the situation, and Sharing the view that the Chinese -have just cause for complaint had sent assur ances to the Chinesa j government that he would do his utmost to have congress modify the exclusion ? law. But congress wil not meet for many months, "and will hardly be able to give attention to the matter until the beginning of the year, and in he meanime the boycott idea is gx owing in China and the other portions of Asia where certain American goods have a, large sale. HAD $100,000 POLICY Secretary Hay Carried Equitable Policy in New- York, Julyl It was announc ed today that Secretary Hay had a'v paid up policy of $100,000 insurance in the Equitable Life Assurance So ciety. The policy was issued in 1887 and matured in 1902. Premiums to the amount of $57,000 were paid on it. A HELPING HAND Is .gladly Extended .by Citizens .Sajibury There are many enthusiastic citi zens in Salisbury prepared to tell their experimence for the public good Testimony from such a source, is the best of evidence, and will prove a "helping hand" to scores of readers. Read, the following statement: W. A. Monroe, who is a policeman and lives at the corner of Fisher and Lee streets, says: "I used Doan's Ointment for an ereuption on my body that had been bothering me for quite awhile. - It itched all the time and bothered me greatly. The oint ment relieved the itching almost im mediately and finally curd it entire ly. I also procured Doan's kidney Pills at the Salisbury Drug Co.'s store and their use proved mcst sat isfactory. I had no idea about my backache arising from . my kidneys until I learned that Doan's . Kidney Pills would cure backache. Mine hurt me all the time, but since using this , remedy there has been no re turn of the trouble." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's -and take no other. II. Orfgrln of 'the Postmark. Great Britain, it is eaid, can, without fear of contradiction, claim the honor of having originated the postmark. The first one, which was used in Lon- j don as long ago as 10GO, was a very simple affair, consisting of a small cir cle divided into two parts. In the top portion were two letters indicating ths month, while iq the lower half the day of the month was shown. No endeavor was made to denote the year, and It is only by the dates of the letters on which the mark is 'Impressed that it is possible to fix the dale of its use. The earliest known was on a letter written in . 1CS0. London Telegraph. Advice to Kicker. Kickers always attract attention. One clas3 of them sells high on the market The highest priced four legged kicker Is a hybrid creature, irritable and somewhat unscriptural. The chronic kicker is an amusing two legged "ani mal," not so dangerous, however. A kicker never builds up. He i3 great on tearing down. The world's happi ness has been promoted more by com pliments than by curses, so, good read er, when you feel like kicking Just re tire to the back yard and kick yourself a few times rather than join the knock era' chorus. Kansas City Journal, Pnlllner Ostrich Feathers. A man who runs an ostrich farm, asked the other day as to the method of gathering the feathers, admitted that they were pulled out of the birds once In every eight months. Was the process painful? "Well," he replied, "about equal to pulling out your eyeteeth." A good many ladies who wear ostrich feath ers do so In the belief that they are thereby serving the cause of humanity. As a matter of fact, they are encour aging: the most cruel and barbarous torture which man can inflict upon a bird. Sporting and Dramatic News. Women will discuss the divorce question among themselvs, but they are willing for the men to do the talk ing for publication. ; u o The greatest system renovator. Re store vitality, regulates the kidneys liver and stomach. If Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea fails to cure get your money back. That's fair. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. I'll brave the storm of Chilkoot Pass, I'll cross the plains of frozen glass, 1 I'd leave my wife and cross the sea Rather than be without Rocky Moun tain Tea. L A woman doesn't object to a man making a fool of himself over her but she does emphatically object to him making a fool of himself over other women. -. . o 1 Constipation and pills are twins. They kill, people inch, by inch, sap life away every day. Hollister's Roky Mountain Tea will positively cure you: xso cure no pay. m cenxs, Tea or Tablets. James Plummer. Why suffer with your stomach, kid neys and liver when Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well. a If taken this month,' keeps you well all summer. . 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. - JAMES PLUMMER CMOOSES MODE OF DEATI. "Will you walk into my parlor," Said the Spider to the Fly, " 'Tis the prettiest little parlor - That ever you did spy " 'No, No thank you" said Mr. Fly. I'll just step over ftere and Tanglefoot with the Decoys on this Sticky Fly Paper That Death is more to my liking. Oh ! Yes, can find it in every house since pot has made the -price so 6 14 50 500 Sheets Didn't know it could be sold so cheap since the combine? Well -partner, maybe there are other things we can show! you. I you want some cheap tableware for kitchen use, ask to see those seconds in Ironstone China, 12 Handled Tea Cups on a string for 10c 6 white Plates 7 inches across for 10c Its Spot Gash that tells the tale, V Your True POT ZShe Dollar Strr-her - and 5 and 10c. Store. V . - 9 Office Over1 Froneberg's Hardware Store. 9 9 PAUL JONES' SQUADRON Consists of Vessels Representing Each Section of the Country Providence Journal. At last theUnited Statessquadron under comand of Admiral Sigbee' to which has ben ' intrusted the task of escorting to these shores the remains of John Paul Jones nas set sail from New York. The squadron consists of the Brooklyn, Chattanooga, Gal veston and Tacoma, ships that bear the names of cities in far-separated portions of the republic for which Jones fought so desperately and well In his day . the Colonies comprised a narrow strip of land along the At lantic Shore and Chattanooga, Gal veston and Tocoma were yet un dreamed of, so that Admiral Sigsbees four vesels form a quartet of not a little significance to the philosophi cal student of history. They repre sent, moreover, the eastern and wes tern seaboards, the Gulf of Mexico and the Interior Was this felicitous selection international? YOUR HAT Mar B a Styllab One, Oat It XXakN Tremble. man usually buys a hat that's "I. style," but the modern hat for mea hat, lots to answer for. ' Baldheada are fro wine more numer ous every day. Hats make excellent breeding: places for the parasitic cerms which sap the life from the roots of, the hair. . When your hair begins to fall out and your scalp is full of Dandruff it la a Eure sign that these countless cerms are usily at work. There Is but one way l overcome" the trouble and kill the grerms that way Is to apply Newbro'B Herpidde to the. calp it will kill the grerms and healthy hair Is sure to result. Sold by leading drug-grists. Send 10c. in ttamps for sample to The Herpidde Co., Detroit, Mich. T. W. GRIMES DRUG COMPANY, Special Agents, Salisbury, N. C. Maud Isn't 5 and 30 too old to old to hope for any improvement? I should say not. One just begins to live. Take Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea. You will be blooming fair at 60. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. JAMES PLUMMER MS low. for '5c. 10c, 30c, Well, see usl Friend .GASH 111 East Inniss Street. 4 4 6 t 6 t 6 6 6 b NOTICE I I will continue my sale of summer hats until July 10. Call and get a bar gain in a hat at your own price, or I will sell all my hats by that time as I am going North July 10 for two months. LEONA A. MURPHY, dlt E. Inniss St. Hedrick Building. ADVERTISING NOTICE All advertisers in the Sun, who wish to change their ads. must have new copy in the ofllce ty9:30 o'clock on the ay of the desired change or ads will not be changed until the fol lowing day. CASTOR A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of oui?fl Mm Wanted How would you like to secure a commission as an officer under Uiicle Sam ? If you are between the ages of 17 and 35 years, pos- U Sess the necessary common school n education, are moral, persistent, and can pass the required physi cal examination send me four one cent stamps to pay postage, and I will mail you a personal letter, literature, etc., that will tell you of the qualifications required for positions leading to promotions of nigh rank as an officer in our army or navy. : n. w. raniips; Lonisville; Ky. THE Weaw Piano Is more than a mere Musical Instrument. It is an artistic conception embodying the highest possible ideals of the art of piano construction. FOR SALE AT r.lUGSC HOUSE, 109 S. Main St., Salisbury, N. C. When Driven to drink try our soda water. We've not yet been able to find any one wjio could find fault with it. We never expect to, for we know that no one can serve a more perfect soda than ours. We are extrava gant In the purchase of our fountain supplies, buying the finest materi a 1 s that money will'procure. Then in every detail of the making and serving we in sist on that care and cleanli-. ness that results in perfec tion, . The Salisbury Drug Co., n ' I!5 N- Main St., 'Phone 178 "ri flftlew Busines I have affain located in Salis bury aud will conduct a GENERAL SEWING MACHINE BUSINESS At the Brown Shoe Company's Store Wo. 107 N. Main St. I am prepared to furnish most any make of Machine from $4.00 up, and will keep Needles and Qil Supplies Src. REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. Respectfully , VJ. LI. RUTH. Dig results are accomplish ed only by intellifjent effort. Great things are net often the results of chance. This Jewelry Store is kept the best because we . are always striving to make it better, Past achievements serve only as models for improve ments. . That is wby our present offering of JEWELRY etc. is better than any ever made before, whether you judge by quality or smallness of prices. A look in to our store will convince you that we carry one of the largest and best stocks to be found in the entire State. We solicit a share of ?your patronage. Gorman 7gL Green Salisbury & Spencer, N. C. New York Office, 19 Maiden Lane N - H