v; i I IZ3 siiniuai teuti PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY- J. J. STEWART, Editor and Proprietor. BAXtSBOBT, V. 0. PL2ICE OF SUCSCIXIPTIOW. On Year - 1.5 Klx aiotitha 1-00 Three Months to - C3T Advertising rates by contract reas enable. ' , GX-OFFICE OF THE TROTH is on Uaia Street two doori below the old Market House, up stairs, steps leading ap from the --street. " - Entered in the Post Office at Salisbury as second class matter. lUKSDAY NoVEBMERS. tity p , : 1116 trobe, Democrat of Balti- ?uth , elected Mayor of the city us increased majority over the count . . )DUtS. Ca acting Chairman of the State reaciti vejwmmUtee, his called a .mtingtbr-Decrir to decide the time and place for holding the State Bepublican Convention. It ia said that there are 2,000 mem ber of the Farmers Alliance in Wake county; and that from infor mation derived from some of the more prominent, they are of opinion that there are. certain economic questions of far greater imiortance than mere party. That's good as far as it goes. . There sems to be a sort of mutual admiration society in this State com posed of the representatives of the organs who constitute mainly all the virtue, all the intelligence or all the wealth of the press gang in this State. "We 'are glad to note, however, that the more thoughtful, reliable, and practical editors do not seem to be members. An editor may have the right to Je heard, but has he. really any right to abuse the most honored of South ern men because it will tickle the .JNorth and win him praise? Wil mington Star. Just the same right that a pom pous, know-all paper of the South has to denounce the great leaders and favorites of the North as thieves and blackguards and liars, on no bet better evidence and for no better reasons. Let high taxes go! They are eat ing up the substance of the people. Down with the surplus! Wilming ton; Stan That cry is like the order to lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen. Wo told the people six years ago that the taxes were too 'high but the organs said we didn't know any thing about it. The peo ple have been bankrupted, and the cry is raised to reduce. Oh shame! JO JO, ONE OF THE BIG CARDS. Votar:Tiof Jiorse opera" herea bouts l$v rased to learn that the 5ibi pVlf fovrman, S. H. Barrett, will T2n his Consolidated Shows io SaUs'ry Monday Nov. 14. Bar rett la al to have the strongest and most briant show this season that haseveorne his name. . It embra ces tie-ring circus, a theatre atage fdadiatorial feats and vaude ville ai a grand racing circuit for hippocaatic sports, and a mam . moth pagerie. Much that is new, novel,! startling, in the way of ( acrobi gymnastic and equestrian ! innovns, Is promised, and, judg ing i tne imposing array ! of areairtin&ries, Manager Barrett will lUttle difficulty in demon strate is claims ' to superi oritynE performances. Promi rdjhe recent foreign acqui sition ar Donald McKenzie's troupe of n Jted Scotch athletes, six teen in number, who appear in a a stirring succession of Caledonian sports, Olympian games, and broad sword compats on horseback; Nubar Hassan's famous original Arabic ciiM cus, ana a commnation 01 J apanese jugglars, rope-walkers, wrestlers and swordsmen. Realistic represnta Uons of life in the Wild West," and a historically-correct revival of clas sic raceng' tournaments, take place on the enormous track that encircles the rings and stage. Barrett's men agerie has long been conceded to be one of the finest ! zoological collec tions extant; ana, as it has been re cently augmented and perfected by numerous and costly European, im portations, it will be doubly attract ive on occasion of its approaching visit. Probably the most strikingly notable of Manager Barrett's just-ad-ded features is the dog-faced Rus sian boy, "Jo-Jo," whose resem blance to askye terrier is remarkably complete. Jo-Jo" is undoubtedly the most wonderful and inexplicable human phenomenon that this age has yet seen. That Barrett will draw big crowds here, can be set down as a certainly. -The J ournal believes it Is i mnor- Carolina j&ould remain in the ascen dency, but the managers of the party Siust be made to uuderstand that iey must adhere to Democratic liiu-lples; that partisan legislation, ste and extravigance Is but fol Ving the footsteps of the Republi cs, and if they . persist in it the Sle will turn them out as they vhe Republicans. The Jmimnl lh I JUevea it of the utmost impor- uie people tnai . the Deiuo- cratic party should continue in pow er in the administration of the gen eral government until it is able to correct the many abuses intioduced into the public service by the repub lican party, among them the accumulation of a dangerous and corrupting surplus of money, and the gradual encroachment upon the right of local self-government by federal authority. New Bern Jour nal. Did any body ever see so much ef fort put forth to express something and so complete a failure to do it? Such starting and halting, such hedg ing and cringing. The Journal start ed to say something and forgot it. It started out to lam bast the Demo cratic party for its many short-comings its contempt for popular gov ernment but it took counsel of its fears and hobbled back under cover. Any one sentence is a confession that it t hinks the Democratic party is a fail ure and is on the broad road to de feat. Its irony is unmistakeable, for it knows that the Democratic party has corrected no abuses, as it prom ised it would. It knows that the Democratic party, Instead of reduc ing the surplus has added nearly two hundred millions to what the Re publicans had hoarded. But the closing sentence "Claps the cli max." The Idea of any one talking about encroachments upon the rights of local self government, that is in favor of the present monstrous sys tem of county -government! Yes, indeed the Democracy has proved as big a failure as did the Re publicans. Why not, then, try the Independent shoot? We have not met a man of late who is not an of fice holder or an office seeker that does not think that it would have been better for the State and people, if the Independent or Liberal move ment had succeeded in 1882. The following is good and we sup pose it is true. An exchange says : "State Treasurer Bain says, 'Taxes are lower in North Carolina than in any other State, accoaing to wealth and population." If that is true, it speaks bad for the party that has had control of the South for these many years. All know that taxes in North Carolina are too high higher than ever before in the history of the government. If they are higher iu other Southern. States, the people should pray for the return of the rule of the "Radi cal thieves" of 1868 'G9. The Hillsboro Recorder, one of the recently stated that no bona fide ef forts had been made by the Demo crats in Congress to Tepeal the reve nue laws. REPUBLICANISM VS. DEMOC RACY. Under this head the last Herald has one of those drivels put forth as editorials which scarcely contains a single statement of truth. The wri ter is evidently a ignorant of the politics of North Carolina as a dog is of latin. Such stuff has been thrown to the people long enough. While we believe both parties have utterly failed in their obligations to the people and are equally responsible for the hard times, we do not intend, while we run a paper, to allow gross misrepresentation to go unchal lenged, which is calculated to arouse bitter party feeling, and set the peo ple at each others' ears for no good purpose tVe are obliged again to call attention of those who desire the TBUin that our terms are cash in advance. We cannot afford to furn ish such a paper as we are issuing now without the mouey in hand. Those who havejiad their names en tered will please take notice of this and be ready to meet us this week. Just, now one dollar is worth more to uf than two a year hence. Be prompt, friends, aud you shall have t he paper at its present size every day it is paid for. ' . Gen. Henry R. Jackson has been explaining elucidating his speech at Macon that, as the Star prophesied, would be misunderstood and misrep resented. A correspondent of the World reports him as saying: "Will you pardon me. since von deem this subject of enough impor tance to seeK inis interview, for re peating briefly my position? I at- temDted to make nlain two thincr in my speech. First, that the South did not fight for slavery, but that she fought for a governmental prin ciple in spite of slavery and to the ! . 1 -a . . . .. - pern oi slavery, oecona, that this governmental principle, which is not local but world-wide, is the prin ciple upon which successful human government must finally be .built; and incidentally, and purely inci dental, that Mr. Davis, having lep resented this principal of State- sov ereignty, when that, triuirmli ctimA to the world will take precedence of iur. Lincoln, who fought for the op posite and, as I believe, unwise and pernicious principle Of centralized power. You may understand how incidental this personal allusion was when I tell you that I yield to few men in my admiration for Mr. Lin coln as a man." That explanation is not in accor dance with the truth of history. Ed. of Truth.1 Concornd Times: A good many farmers of f!nhnrriia anti TJuvo n counties are posting their lauds. fPL.. . it 0 Aiiey bay iney sunerirom tne depre dation of huutersand and fishermen, and also they say they do nofc want the partridges killed, as i hey destroy the dreaded chinch bug and render them safe nfminst Hm common enemy of the of the farm ers. - The title of Joaquin Miller's forth coming volume of poems, in the press of Robert Bros., ia . "Songs of the Mexican Seas." The New York Sun is possibly the most maliciously aetive protection ist newspaper in the country. Phil. Record, Dem. Secretary Bayard's halting timid ity" in regard to the fisheries con sisted in his refusal to strike a blow at the countrys prosperity by pro voking a causeless and wanton war of commercial reprisils with Canada. May the country always have that sort of halting timidity in its De partment of State! Phil. Recotd, Ind. The Supreme Court has decided that can vassing boards cannot throw out votes or boxes as illegal. They must take the count as it comes to them, and declare the result on that. This is a step in favor of free elec tions and against tyranical power of returning boards. Now we hope to see a full and unbiased decision in the Holton magistrate case. North State. A Pennsylvania judge has decided that a. man who doesn't read the newspapers is not qualified to make a decent juryman. The judge has caught up with the procession. In telligent laymen have known this all alone:. Charlotte Chronicle. It is believed that Judge Settle is laying his plans to be the Republi can candidate for Governor. He has recently been in conference with John Nicholas and other Republican leaders; If he is nominated he will have to learn over again the lesson which Vance taugh him in 1875 "there's walking ahead of you, Toin mie" Ex. One of the most significant results of the General Assembly meeting at Minnieapolis, was the union effected between the Farmers Alliance and t he Knights of Labor. It sounds the "death knell of old political parties," for the combination thus formed will be irresistable. Craftsman. SENATOR VANCE, Senator Zeb Vance, of North Car olina, who is resting at home among the mountains of the State, puts in a good deal of his time playing on the violin, an instrument on which he is a skillful and enthusiastic performer. The Senator despises civil service re form so called as heartily as ever and has composed a march, entitled the Mugwump," which he executes on one string in a way that draws tears even from a glass eye. Phila delphia Press. " o . ' It is said that the Executive Com mittee resolved to appoint a com mittee to go to Washington and can vass for the repeal of the Internal Revenue laws. We trust that the Executive, Committee will not as sume to send a committee to Wash ington. Representatives of Congress are responsible to the people, and only to the people. Whenever the authorized declaration of the North Carolina Democracy is made, it will be to us as the voice of God; but, we shall advrcate no line of conduct at the suggestion of committeemen, however honored and respected, sim ply because it has the sanction of distinguished names. Wadesboro Messenger. o Mr. Powell Democratic candidate for Governor of Ohio, was charged by Gov. Foraker in a speech at Cleveland with not having paid on his homestead in Delaware county ror twelve years and that it had been forfeited to the State. On Thursdav last Mr. Powell paid all the taxes amounting to $550 and redeemed his property. o The prohibition cases before the United States Supreme Court from Kansas, Iowa and Georgia, involve the question whether a saloon can be shut up and the sale of liquor stop- pea wunoui compensating the own er whose license has not expired at the time prohibition goes into effect. This Question has never been divi ded and is looked for with great in terest. Business failures throughout the country during the past week num berforthe United States 193 and Canada 23. Total 216, against 201 last wees and the week previ ous. Later information from New Or leans in regard to the strike on the sugar plantations, is .to the effect that all difficulties with laborers on sugar platations have been adjusted, and they have agreed to resume work. -::- J. E. Smith, the express messen ger Who recently killed two train robbers, near El Paso, was paid $2, 000 yesterday, by order of Governor Ross, as a reward for his act. Smith will probably get $2,000 more from the Railroad Company, makinsr a total of 5,000. ROTTEN MAIL SERVICE. Postmaster General Vilas shnnld hasten to look after his mail servino in North Carolina. It needs -patch ing up. There is rottenness some where between Charlotte and Ral- elsrh. . Detectives hnvfi hwn in Pilar. lotte, but they did absolutely noth ing in me way oi suppressing the stealing of letters If anything it is worse. Letters are broken open, sealed up again and gent to their destination. Such rascality should uuu uc miciaicu auu lb la a matter OI surprise to us that the government. does not take more notice of these things down this way. It has cer tainly had complaints enough. Peo ple are growing impatient. They want relief. Thev want nrotertion for their letters when they are mail ed and they want them delivered not stolen or read and then delivered. "Don't say any thing about it," says one. "VOU foil the crovernment in ita attempts to remedv the the ovil Foil or not foil, the people are dis gusted and exasperated over such conduct. Let the government take visrorous means to nnrra tho mail service. Charlotte Chronicle, Dem. THE BLAZING SUN OF THE EXHIBITION SKY 1 Outsplexdoring and Orutebatixg All Past Records. Kst MM-- tb M7 Mi Sbi thai rifl .rial SALISBURY t&is sri TWO UNPRECEDENTED, COMPLETE EXHIBITIONS, BAIN 0E SHINE, AT MONDAY. NOVEMBER THE UTH. The "World's Greatest and Most Famous Tented Aggregation ! B. I i ll l.l ft Ul u CD New United Monster Shows ! Great 3 Ring Circus ! Enormous Menagerie ! HUGE THEATRE STAGE ! WORLD'S MUSEUM! CLASSIC RACING CARNIVAL AND JO JO! - AN UNPARALLELED CENTRAIZaTION OF THE- WORD'S ILLUSTRIOUS ARENIC METEORS! 290 ?HDl CHANS ! 80 MATCHLESS AND MMl ACTS I Glorious and Stupendous $wig gufeittflttk DONALD McKENZIE'S FAME CROWNED ATHLETES ! NUBAR HASSAN'S NOTED ARABIAN CIRCUS ! THE ROYAL YEDDO JAPANES CIRCUS! THE JUST ADDED EUROPEAN VAUDEVILLE COMBINATION ! 3 Big Rings, a Magnificent Theatre Stage, and a Grand racing Circuit that Blaze with an Uuinterrupted Succession of Marvelous and Perilous Deeds I Notably and Triumphantly Reinforced this Season with the old World's Most Startling Human Phenomenon, the Czar's Own Petted Prodigy THE HUMAN SK YE TERRIER ! AN Unsolved MYSTERY and SENSATION of TWO CONTINENTS Beyond all question Jo-Jo is the mos extraordinary and absorbingly interesting cu rinsity that has ever reached these shores. New York Herald. A playful, brown-eyed, Dog-faced Boy Covered -vith silken Hair from Head to foot. A prodigious Intellect veiled dehind the visage of a Dog Four Languages isuing from Canine Lip8 1 No picture can portray No pen describe Him. Your only chance to see Jo-Jo- He Comes no more. By cjmm.md of the CZar he returns to St. Petersburg at an early day. ' SUMPTUOUS AND SOUL STIRRING REVIVAL TFE IMPERIL ROMAN HIPPODROME! 40 English and Kentucky Thoroughbreds; Professional Jockeys and Drivers; Histori cally correct appointments; Longest and Grandest Racing Circuit under Canvas. Reproduciion of the Olympian GamesThrilling Broadsword Combats on Horseback. Vivid and Realistic Representations of Life in the Wild West. Monster Gathering of Famous Scouts, Cow Boys, Indians and Bucking Bronchos THREE TIMES THE MOST STUPENDOUS MAMAGERIE Ever Gathered And Exhihiled Under Tents Huge Wo horned, black Rhinoceros, the sole specimen on this Continent. Only Group of Lordly Girafw; Priceless Drove of almost Snow white Camels: Blood-exuding Hippo potami, Only Nursing Baby Elepant; Living formidable Deep Sea Monsters. Plumaged Beauties from every clime on the face of the globe, Fifty cages of rare and costly wild Beasts Greatest, grandest and best trained herd otElephats Extant. Including Bismarck and Juno the Colossal, 11 oversadowing cenrtal figures of their race an Doc and Ben Butler the Rollicking pococioos Elephantine Clowns. Every Morning at 10 o'cleck passing through the Streets of the Cities where we are to exhibit, will be seen the most Glorious Pageant that ev , er Delighted Human Vision. An niimitable Line of Georgeous Pomp and Solid Splendor, Unapproachable and 1 Indescribable Worth coming 100 Miles to Witness AD3IISSIOX To the Entire Combi ned Shows, as usual CHILDREN Under Nine Years of Age, Half Price. 1TO E2ITBA CHAEG-E TO SEE TO-TO. TWO EXHIBITIONS DAILY. DOORS OPEN at 1 and 7 P. M ? PERFORMANCES BEGIN AN HOUR I.ATER Cheap Excursions on all Rail-Roads. See Agents for Particulars. Greensboro, Novem ber the Oth. Charlotte, November the 15th. GU 00 THE DOG-FACED RUSSIAN BOY III ! ! f jji lj t Raise eyerythlnj that vou need grown on your larmsi look alterjall the leaks, buy less gu nuu attu save cvci j vivnar limb can, arid soon you will be securel: ou estaomneaon soiiu iiuanciai groun JOHN A. RAMSAY, CIVIL ENGINEER, Salisbury, GIVES ATTENTION To Railroad construction. Surveys and Mapping of Mining properties a specialty; Surveys and intimates Of Water rowers; prepares plans for Drainatre of Swamp lands by both open and covered Drains; Plans for the erection of Mills, Dwellings, &c; and attends to the purchase of al kinds of MACHINERY, Building Materials, &c., &c. ROSS ZMcCUBBINS; FOR MILLS AND EXPORT, SALISBURY, N. C. J. A. BOYDEJS'. M. C. QUINN. BOYDEN & ftUINN, Cotton and Cotton Seed DEALDRS IN CARRIAGES, PHiETONS, J5TJGG1ES, EOAD CARTS, Ac, AGRI- 1 i .... CULTURAL IM PLEMENTS. A line of Corn Shellers, the yery best ever oiTered in this market. We make a specialty of the celebrated "OR CHILLA" Guano, an unmanipulated and unadulterated Guano, equal to the Old Pe ruvian, at less than one half the cost. No rock ground up with brimstone acid that burns np your land, and available only for one crop, but a Guano that steadily enrich es your land, year after year. Those who have used it once never fail to try it again and again. We also have on hand The "Nation al," a Fertilizer which gives quick results on Corn, Wheat, Clover, To bacco, &c. Some thing equal to any ammoniated goods ever offered to this market. Prices and terms to1 suit the times. Give us a call. Respectfully, BOYDEN & QUINN. SALISBURY N. O, Near First National Bank. l:lt Furniture. Repairing. R.M. DAVIS. MATTPE88E8. UNDERTAKING. SAT TRB'O ItT, iT. C Mattresses made to order and all kinds of cabinet work and Bepairiner done at ft. M. Davis' fun iture room. E. X- J A M E S . Livery Stable. Fronting First National Bank where you can hire first class vehe- cles cheapest. MOYLE BROS' Per? Vts, Liirs Ari Ci?n MAIN STREET. One door below the Opera House. Xwpper AdrertitoSf Bureau (10 Spnei grg3ga .vans. GI T T I SALISBURY MARKETS - TOBACCO MARKET. . Corrected weekly by Hanklnt Bro. Co Damaged & Frosted. . 1 60 to 8 00 Lugs. Common, . $ 3 00 to 4 00 44 Medium, ... 4 00 to GOO 44 Good,.... 6 60 to 11 0 Fine, ....... M to 20 Leaf. Common, ... 4 50 to 6 50 Medium, ...... 7 to 10- Good. . . . . 12 50 to 18 00 Wrappers. Common. 15 00 to 18 0 WUIUJVUi V vv Bv v A Medium. 20 00 to 25 50 Good, . . 26 00 to 35 00 Fine, ... 40 00 to 60 00 PRODUCE MARKET. Corrected weekly by McNeely k Tyson. Bacon. . . . . 10 to 12 J Butter. . . . .12 to 20 Chickens. . . . 10 "20 Eggs. . . . 12J"15 Cotton. . . . . 8 "81 Corn. . . . . 35" 40 Flour. . . . 25 to 326 Feathers. . . 25 to 50 Fodder. . . . . "75 Hay. ... . 8540 Meal. . . . . ,65 75 Oats. . . . . 80 "40 Wheat. . . 60 to 80 Wool. . . . . 15 to 30 GO TO THE STORE NEAR THE w PUP To Buy Cheap Goods. ' " v JULIAN & WATSON Are decidedly in the lead with their low pri ces aud honest goods. j Their rttaij department' is '' ,.- ' FULL OF BARGAINS, and their line of , Dress feroods, Shoes, Domestics, Hats and Notions, ABE COMPLETE AIpo, Laces, Gloves, Hosiery Embroidtr. ies, Handkerchiefs, Neck Wear, Blnnkats, Comforts, Counterpins. Flannels Table Lin ens, Houf-e Furnishing Goods, Ac, &c. Bacon, Lard, Sugar and Coffee, Salt and Flour, in short a full line of GROCERIES. TbeaLove and a dozen others betides are the Stocks they offer at figures which make every article a bargain. ni. . t. .nil rvt . IVaIik. A ll'J WJ B.a jv u . j - - Hides, Bones, Wool Old Iron, Loose Cotton Ac, Ac. They are also agents for the most popular brands of In short, at thnr Store yoSiT12!iLm ever you want at Dotiom prices. All tasy af k is a chance to prove what thy say. . JULIAN A WATSON. THE NORTH CAROLINA II 0ME INSURANCE COMPANY. Or Raleigh, N. C. This Company has been in Success ful Operation for Sixteen Yean. W. S. Primrose. Pres. Chas. Root, Sec. A, Treat. W. G. Upciiurch, Vice-Pres. P. Cowper, Adjuster. J. ALLEN BROWN AGT. NOV. 84. tf. 88. . " JR. KEEN, Agent for all kinds of 3IANUFACTURING MACHIN ERY, -o . Prices Rock Bottom, and Terms as liberal as any. Salisbury, N. C. Oct. 1st 1887. THE WILMINGTON STAR. .Reduction in Price. Attention is called to the following reducd rates of subscription, cash io advance: 3 THE DAILY STAR. One Year . . . . . $6 00 Six Months, ... . 800 Three Months, . . . 160 One Month, . . . . ,; 5a THE WEEKLY STAB. Oae year, . . . . . Six Months, . . . . Three Months, . . . $1 00 to .so Our telerraph News service has recently been largely increased r and it is our deter mination to keep the StUs op to the highest standard of newspaper excellence. Address. WM. H. BERN ABB, Wilmington,