in uu&un TRUTH. -PtJBUSIIED EVERY THURSDAY BY J. J. STEWART, Editor and Proprietor. SALISBURY, S. C. PRICE OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year ' 1.5 Mx Months l iO Three Months '50 j CSy Advertising rates by contract reas on able. G-0FFICE OF TIIE TRUTH is or. Mais Street, two doors below the old Market Houne, up stairs, steps leading up from the street. i - - ! EnJefled in the Post-Office at Salisbury as second class matter. Thursday Novebmer 17. I The wmterquarters of Barnum & Bailey 7a menagerie and circus were destroyed by fire last Sunday night with many valuable animals. j A Dutch steamer, V. A. Schotten, Collided with the steamer, Rosa Ma ry. ten milles from Dover, last Sat urday, sunk, and over one hundred bouIs are reported lost. Also, in this county, at his home, last Tuesday, Mr. Jacob Men i us. He was probably 65 years of age. The New ork World says it costs nearly $1,000,000 to secure city and county officials in the recent elec tions. It publishes a three-column article, giving assessments, etc. The candidates for justices paid $123,800 Very hopeful that o The Actiner Secretary of the Treas ury has appointed W. P. Ledbetter and W. C. Qmithdeal, to be store-, keepers and gaugers at Salisbury, N. C. -o - TIIE WORK OF DEMORALIZA TION BEGUN. The prty organs have already be gun the baneful work of 'proding and goading the people to get them exer ted, and stirred up so as to be the easier manipulated at the coming Presidential election, now nearly a year off. Some are this early sepa rating the States into distinct col umns under the head pf Democratic or Republican State., and showing by the number of electors accredited to each which side will win, accord ing to their judgment. his, appar ently, seems to be rather early, but in order to vote the people in strict obedience to the command of the bosses, the prejudices of the voters must be thoroughly worked up and - action. Thoughtless voters must be waked up and recalcitrant partisans must be whipped in. Every method Known 10 tne low cunning 01 tne huckster and the Demagogue, every art of political legerdenaain, every argument however spurious or so phistical will be brought into requi sition to excite the prejudices of the people and to get up bitter feeling between the members of the oppos ing factions all in the interest of a handful ofselfseekers. Such conduct is not only demoralizing, but unchris tian. When we come to look at it calmly and reasonably, it is a matter for wonder that rational men, men who boast of their freedom, of their intelligence and manliness should allow themselves to be somuch ex cited by selfish demagogues, and so much embittered against their fel- ,lows simply because they hold differ ent political views, if thev would think for a moment ff they would look back over the past they can see nothing but evil and evil contin 1 l 1 P 1 1 .IT. uaiiy m suen ioonsnness. wnere is the good that has ever come from sucn partisan Dmerness r wnere is the good likely to come of it ? Who is benefitted by it? Are the masses on whom rest the burdens of govern ment.? Noi at all. On the other , iiandythey are always hurt by it. The more violent and bitter thegreat er the hain done. Neighbors are - J - VH. 41 iVI.UO and. even families are split up and ' estranged by reason of political pre judices and uncharitable party feel ing. No one is helped by it, except the self-appionted bosses who start the unholy crusade aud the strikers who vein in at the word ofpommnnd. Surely the South has suffered e nough from bitter, uureasonable and lying campaigns of the last 25 or 30 years. ;.eii who vote under excite ment, or prejuaice ao not vote ra tionally ; and all strong partisans are influenced more by prejudice than reason. If men would resolve not to be governed by the fiery ap peals of selfish speakers and suborned scribblers; but would rather make up their own minds calmly,c ousid- erately, and honestly, we would soon see a great change for the better in the peace and happiness of the people and the administration of govern- : went. To have the best possible feeling and good will pervading: all ranks and conditions of the people ehould be a matter worthy of the highest consideration by every right thinking man. There is a strong tendency among - secular papers, especia y in North i Carolina, U) come out decidedly oil i give lts p'mPathT and moral sup the side of religion and good morals, j Port everywhere to such trades un and indeed it is time. To ignore i ionism as is lawful and is adapted to the? e subjects, or touch them in a imu-iicauru wwy, i, it appears io us, their members, and to carry on an to neglect the grandest opportunity ! aggressive, or a defensive, struggle to aid in making the men better in ,l with capital to obtain for labor a every sense of the word. Greesboro ' proper share for the products of in Workman. jdustry.-X. V. Star, Dem. -To send a man to the penatentiary ! for three years k r stealing a pig or a chicken, and suspending judgment . for an assault with a deadly weapon, where the life of a human being was endangered, carries contempt of law ! and its officers to the minds of the people who calmly think of these Uiaiiaim io i.uuiv.uimwv.. : these things year after year engen- ders disgust and gust and disregard of law, leading to self vindication e1 remedy for ail this is a change in the penalty for some OLten-ees and more faithfulness on the part of the ad ministrators of the law. Wilson Mirror. An attack with a deadly weapon, or with intention to murder, ought to be a penitentiary oifense, where there is injury done or not. Rev. J. D. llufham, D. D., man that made Dr. J. L. M. is the Curry cry until he was ashamed of himself Here is one of the things Dr. Huf ham said that made Dr. Curry crry "Brethren, thirty-one years of hard work for Christ and souls He behind me. I have never learned to rest; have never sought to spare myself. My only ambition is to go where is most to be done and suffered for Him who died for me. During these thirty-one years of toil,' I have not laid up enough to bury me, if I were td die to-day. Yes, the- brethren have given me a section in the grave yard where my dear boy sleeps. I am worth that much. The doctors gave me up and said I must die. As I wrfs lying thereon what all thought was to be my dying bed, waiting for death to come, I asked myself: 'What have I made of life?' The fact that I had lived for Christ, and not self, made me supremely happy. Instead of dying, God raised me up, and now I wish to testify to you that nothing pays so well as living for Christ." But you must hear Dr. Huf ham to know how to appreciate what he says. His voice is sweeter than that, of a woman. Richmond Religious Herald. A CURE FOR TYPHOID FEVER. Mr. John R. Cox, a citizen of Bal timore, publishes the following com munication: "Some time since & gentleman informed me that he knew of several persons who had been cured of typhoid fever by the spplicantion of mashed raw onions to the feet. Two patients were so ill that they were not expected to live over a few hours. Six large onions were pounded to pulp and applied to the feet of the patient, lie was relieved in a short timeand got well. The second case was a few weeks later and the result equally satisfac tory. The first opportunity I had I tried it on a colored ooy during one of my visits to the house ojf reforma tion for colored children.!, lie was very ill with typhoid lever. I nam ed the matter to Gen. Horn, who immediately ordered the application. In a few hours he was asleep, rested well and recovered. " ho is JenersonDavi- ! lie is a statesman, a scholar, an orator and an historian, whose defense of the cause of his people is unanswered and unanswerable. He ;is a great man. He lent on the field of Mexico imperishable lustre to American arms, gave renown to the Senate of the United States, and won, as an orator, the soubriquet of the modern Cicero' As Secretary of War he pre pared State papers, which by com mon consent of critics, friends and foes, are models for the study and guidance of statesmen, and as the head of a new government over came insurmountable difficulties, , swept away stupendous obstacles and waged an unequal fight, for con stitutional liberty, for four lon years. Birmingham (Ala.) Age. Some committeemen may be nar- rowminded, prejudiced, or not well informed. They would naturally prefer "birds of their own feather." Then favoritism, that "trail of the serpent, is over it all." A son daughter or friend will often be given the place without any regard to qualifications, to the exclusion of more deserving candidates. It all rests with the committee. Some are contrary, will wrangle and dispute, and will have no school because they cannot have everything accord ing to their own whims. Such men should not have it in their power to decide such matters. We cannot quarrel with them because their far thing lights are not eletaic jets; be cause their tallow-dips do not give out the glorious blaze of Nature's grand illuminator. It is not given to every one to rise above his own petty interests and from the higher and broader plains of a sublime philanthropy see and desire what is bet for the community, the section, our State, our country. Yet only such should have charge of the ed ucational interests; only such decided questions of such momentous im portance as who shall teach t he rising generations. From a Communi cation in Rockingham Rocket. Mr. Manning was right when he said: As the more numerous part of our population, our wage earners are of course the first, the last and the most to be affected by injurious laws. Every government by true states men will Watchfully regard their condition and interests. If these are satisfactory, nothing else can be of very momentous importance; but our so-called protective statesman ship has disfavored them altogether. The Democratic party, so long as it 1 is trn to th faith of TiflF-n-. ,su J aid the sick and unemployed among Political treachery, like private dishonor, never pays. That honesty th b t H k isnotm0re worthv th bfi 01! ZZ?- w uc iuW u.c ca.ioi trusting childhood than in to all the pursuits of public life. But honesty ; should be taught because it is right, i not because it is expedient. A man who is honest. simDlv because hon- ptv is the best nolicv. is a thief at heart. Wadesboro Intelligencer. ! r A woman awoke her husband dur ing the storm the other night, and said: "I do wish you would stop snoring, for I want to hear it tun der." Otago Witness. o On Thursday night a strange pro cession passed through the streets of JSew York. It carried blood-red flags and banners of solid black and it marched to the music of mournful dirges. Never before has such a sight been beheld in an American city, and the frames of the United States could never have foreseen it. Two thousand men wearing the in signa of mourning, paraded down Oroadway in honor of seven con demned murderers. O tempora. Q mores! Who are these men? Our countrymen? No. Germans, Rus sians, Hungarians, foreigners, with foreign faces and foreign speech, out of sympathy with our customs and hostile to our institutions. The very fact of their being allowed to parade should have taught them that they were in a Land of the Free. Pedes trians gazed at them curiosly and passed on. They accomplished nothing. Anarchy can have no place in this country and the Amer ican people refuse to regard its vic tims as martyrs. Under existing laws the police had no power to pre vent this parade. They would inter fere only in case the. Anarchists be came riotuons. But thv? laws should be changed; for such a parade is a disgrace to New York city. True, the men carried the American nag. But they carried it furled, while the black flag of death and the red flag of blood flaunted boldly m the air. o- Mr. Jo Harris, the Air line en gineer, has returned to tne city irom Greenville, with his counsel, Mr. P. D. Walker, of the firm of Bur.weil & Walker, who went to Greenville to represent hini. The trial of the en gineer was not called in court, the solicitor failing to send in a bill. Through his counsel, engineer Har ris made a motion in writing asking to be tried then and there, but the case went over to the next term. Mr. W. T. Bailey, who was tried at Statesville last week upon the charge of forgery, and found guilty by the jury, was yesterday arraigned before Judge '.falter Clark to receive hi sentence. Judge Clark sentenced him to a term of ten years in the State penitentiary. Mr. Bailey, through his counsel, entered an an peal from the judgment of the court, as we learn by a telegram received here last night, and his bona was fixed at SI, 500. The case created a ereat deal of interest on account of the prominence of the parties engag' ed in the suit.- Charlotte Chronicle. o Every man has somo schedule of conduct to guide him. In biograph ies we find rules of life set down one by one as buoys for the keel. Is it not easier to order our ways by acting at home as if Jesus was always in the guest-chamber? Not the Jesus of the Polemic Theology, a cold doctrinal cadaver, for dissecting and demon strating His "perfections," but the gracious, noble, tender personage seen in the sacred memorabilia How considerate in Cana to pre vent a-domestic humiliation He sup plements the exhaused wine jar TT I 1 i now cnarming ine iace mat wins to a stranger's arms babes from the bosom of their mothers! Peter's child sits on His knee a sermonj in itself without the precious words uttered then. Martha must not be anxious about the meat one dish only is needful for Him. John lean ed back on His breast in loving fam iliarity. Women saluted Him by touching His person, as Mary let us see when she attempts to embrace His feet, not yet gone above the clouds. And so, often and often it is told how He touched the sick. caressingly and to cure. Creeds, Con fessions, Commentaries, Moses, Elias all fade before the faith that sees all in Jesus. The saint, aged or child, dying, catches visions of Him and leaves a whisper of joy on the air Jesus." Rev. Dr. Lafferty. The following note, in a bottle, was picked up by fishermen in Fort George Inlet, Fla., yesterday: "The good shiji Mary Whalen sunk off Barueyget light. All hands perish ed. CaptrMcWhalen." Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. Gnomical than tberdiary kinds, and cai ty, strength, and uuiesuiueufss. aiore not be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, Fhort weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal Baking x owdek Co.. 106 Wall at. N.Y. For Bale by Bingham & Co., Young & Uostian and A. C. Harris. ROYAL. PS&'JiJ Nj I . I J J t J L 1 11 l! In the front as usual with low prices in Leading: Goods. BOOTS, OVERCOATS, AND TRUNKS MUST We are selling all of our HEAVY BOOTS at ten 10 per cent, on actual cost, ranging from $1.75 'oxm 52.00 to $4.00 Youths $l-2oto 52.00 -worth $1.75 t o $3.00 Childs for $1.00 These are all good, solid OUR line of OVERCOATS is too LARGE and must be RE DUCED so every one who buys one gets advantage of the low prices, and we will give you real and not im aginary value for your hard earned dol lars, and you will save enough to buy a good HAT, which is an ever essential to a man's good looks. So come to see us, and SAVE MONEY. L I HATS UU :( -o- bottom goods and must go. M. S. Browiv. that can be grown on your farms, I look after all the leaks, buy less gu- i ano. and save every dollar that you can, ana soon you win ob securely established on solid financial ground. Milton Advertiser. iiiv ni fan uowiTix a wi Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spmca JOHN A. RAMSAY, CIVIL ENGINEER, GIVES ATTENTION To Ttflilrnnd construction. Surveys nnd Mmirnno' of Mininsr DrODerties a ---rr-'o specialty; surveys ana muuaies ui water rowers; prepares piaus ior Drflinne-P of SwainD lands by both open and covered urains; -ians ior the erection of Mills, jjweinngs, xe.; and nrtinrl3 t.n thfi nurchase of all kinds of MACHINERY, Building Materials, &c., sc. , ross & McCUBBiNS, 11 UY FOR MILLS AND EXPORT, SALISBURY, N. C. J. A. BOYDEN. M. C. QUINN. BOFDEN & ttlllNN, -O- Cctton and Cotton Seed Buyers. DEALDRS IN CARRIAGES, PHOTONS, BUGGIES, ROAD CARTS, &c.,- AGRI CULTURAL IM PLEMENTS. A line of Corn Shelters, the very best ever offered in this market. We make a specialty of the celebrated "OR- CHILLA" Guano, an unmanipulated and unadulterated Gnano. equal to the Old Pe ruvian, at less than one half the cost. No rock ground up with brimstone acid that barns no vour land, and available nnlv fnr one crop, b,ut a Guano that steadily enrich- i es your land, year alter year. Those who have used it once never fail to try it again and again. - . ' We also have on hand The "atioiv- al," a Fertilizer which gives quick results on Corn, Wheat, Clover, To bacco, &c. Some thing equal to any ammoniated goods ever offered to this market. Prices and tfcrms to suit the times. Give us a call. Respectfully, BOYDEN & QUINN. SALISRTTRY f! Near First National Bank. 1:1L Furniture. Repairing. R.M.DAVIS. Mattresses. Undertaking! SAT .Tf?33 UK, 3T. O. Mattresses made to order and all kinds of cabinet work and Repairing aone at it. UAVis'funiture room. E. K. JAM E S . Livery Stable. Frontirig First National Bank where you can hire first class vehe- cles cheapest. MOYLE BROS' Pwa 7is3, Liqo Ad Cigars. main street. One door below the Opera House. T I tt9 SALISBURY MARKETS TOBACCO MARKET. Corrected weekly by Hankins Bros, k Co nnmn-pd fc Frosted. . 1 50 to 3 00 Lues. Common, . 3 00 to 4 00 , 4 00 to 6 00 it Medium, . Good, ... Fine, . . . . Common, . Medium, . Good, . . . tt tt 6 50 t o 11 00 ... . 14 to 20 ,. 4 50 to 6 50 7toW 12 50 t o 18 00 15 00 to 18 00 20 00 to 25 50 2G 00 to 35 00 40 00 to 60 00 Leaf. tt Wrappers. Common, v Medium, Good, . " Fine, . . PRODUCE MARKET. Corrected weekly by McNeely k Tyaon. Bacon. Butter. Chickens. Eggs. Cotton. Corn. Flour. Feathers. Fodder. Hay. Meal. Oats. Wheat. Wool. .10 to 12 J . 12 to 20 10 " 20 12 " 15 , 9 " 9i 40 " 50 2.25 to 325 25 to 50 . 55u60 35 " 40 . 50 44 60 30 44 40 80 to 100 . 15 to 30 GO TO THE STORE NEAR THE To Buy Cheap -Goods. JULIAN & WATSON Are decidedly in the lead with their low pri ces and honest goods. Their retail department ia FULL OF BARGAINS) sand their line of Dress Goods, Shoes, Domestics, Hats and .Notions, ABE COMPLETE - Aleo, Lacks. Gloves, Hosiery Embroider ies, Handkerchiefs, Keck Wear, Blnukets, Comforts, Counterpins, Flannel Table Lin en, Houe Furnishing Goods, &c. &c. i Bacon, Lard, Sugar and Coffee, Salt and Flour, in short a full line of GROCERIES. The above and a dozen others besides are the Storks they offer at figures which make every article a bargain. , Tb-y buy and sell Country Produce, HideF, Bones, Wool Old Iron, Loose Cotton They are alo agents for lUe moat popular brands oi FEET1L1ZEBS. 1 In sl'ort, at their Store you can get -fbat-ever you want at bottom prices. Alt they afk i a chalice to piove what they say. JULIAN & WATSON. THE NORTH CAROLINA' HOME INSURANCE COMPANY. Of Raleigh, N. C. ; him Against .Less ty FIRE,: This Company has been in Success ful Operation for Sixteen Years. W. S. Primrose, Pres. Ciias. Boot, Sec; & Treas. W. Q. UrciiURCii, Vice-Pres. P. Cowpeb, Adjuster. J. ALLEN BROWN AGT. xov. ii. it. 86. J R.SKEEN, Agent for all kinds of . M AN UFACTURING -MACHINERY, Prices Rock Bottom, and Terms as liberal as any. Salisbury, N. C Oct. 1st 1887. THE WILMINGTON STAR. Reduction in Price. Attention is called to the following reducd rates of subscription, cash in advance: TIIE DAILY STAR. One Year Six Monthn, Three Months, One Month, 3 00 1 50 50 -:o:- TUE WEEKLY STAR. Oae year, . . . . . . Six Months, . . . , Three Months, . . . . $1 00 60 . 20 - o Our telegraph News service has recently beer largely increased, and it is onr deter mination to keep the Sta trp to the highest standard of newepapr excellence. Address, VM. II. BERNARD. Wilmington, N. C. IT A MP m!