iee uudtct ram Thursday, September 11. Local News CHURCH DIRECTORY. LUTHERAN North comer Main and Liber ty fcitreets. Services every Suuday at 11 a. m. and 8:30 p. m. Sunday School 4 p. m. Prayer ineetiugr, Wednesday, 8:30 p. m. Rev. C. B. KINO, Pastor. ST. LUKE'S EPISCOPAL East comer of Council and Church streets. Services every t-iunday at 11 a. m. and 6 p. m. Holy Commu nion every Sunday. Sunday School 4:30 p. m. St. Pail's Chapel Near Cotton- Factory. Services every Sunday at 8:30 p. m. St. Peter's Chapel Brooklyn. Services Slid and 4th Sundays at 3 p.m. Rev, F. J. MURDOCH, Rector. BAPTIST North corner Council and Church streets. Services 2nd and 4th Sundays at 10:80 a. n. and 6:30 p. in. Sunday School at 4 p. m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday at 8:30 p. in. Rev. W: H. SOWELL, Pastor. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH South corner Inniss and Jackson streets. Services every Sunday ajt 11 a. in. and 8:30 p. m. Sunday School at 4 p. m. Prayer nwtin?, WWn.-s-day 8:30 x rn. Lke Stkkkt Chapel Sorvices 2nd Smuisy at 6:30 p. m. Sunday School, 3:15 a. in. "Prayer meeting. Thursday at :30 p. ni. Rev. J. RUMPLE. D. 1'., I'asl. r M. 13. CHURCH SOUTH--Church strtl h.?-twe-n Fisher an iink stccots. SrviCfs i'v ry Sunday at 1):S0 a. m. an.i 8:3 t m.' su s lay school at 4 p. ni. Prayer meeting.' Vd iicsiiy at 8:30 p in. , Rev. T. W. Outlirie Pat.r, iis-s A. Meares, of Lin woo 1, IS visiting Mis. Theo. Buerhaum. Mrs. Sallie J. Potts returned from Schenectady New York, last Friday. Dave Julian, J-tts just returned from the Nortlvh more and ter goods that evvY before. bet- Miss Mai Graves, of Mt. Airy is visiting Miss Annie Bingham. Mrs. 6. A. Osbone of Blackstock 8. C, has returned home Sheriff Hayes, of Watauga co.f passed through town last week with two white prisoners for the pen. Misses Laura Bingham, Alice Cald well and Nannie Craige have gone to Raleigh to enter St. Mary's Dr. J. G. Ramsay was in the city last week, . Mrs. Blumenthal and little son have returned from New York. The Jewish New Year begins next Sunday evening, it being 5.651 e.S. ftn the creation of the world. There wilf be a. grand Alliance, basket pic-nic at A. E. Sherrill's re sidence on the Sherrill Foard raod, about fifteen imiles from town, on . Saturday, September the, 13th, 1890. Everybody is invited to attend. Mesrs. J. Frank McCubbins and Arthur Henderson are. already in the field as cotton buyers and expect to make the market lively this fall. They now have large orders ahead which will require several hundred bales to rill, and they anxious to get , the cotton as early as possible to ' meet the demand. They always pay the highest market value, and their long experience as cotton buy ers, courteous manners and prompt business methods especially recom mend them to the farmers. Do not fail to see them before you sell your cotton this fall. Mr. C. F. Meroney has left the depot to accept a position with the firm of Kluttz & fiendleman, Mr. William Dardan will take Mr. Meroney's place at the depot. -Tom Rainey is" now clerking at the R. & D. depot. During the thunder storm Sat . urday nigt lightning struck the Cot ton Mill, and set fire to a pile of cot ton waste, but was put out by the ; night wateman before any damage was done. The young people had a very pleasant party at the residence of Dr Caldwell, Tuesday night. Mr. Vardell. a Princeton Theo logiirS filled Dr. Rumple's pulpit on Sunday. Mr. Vardeli is a player on Princeton's famous Foot Ball Team. Wake Forrest College opened last week with 150 students and the University opened with nearly 200 on the Hill. . .' - Cnt'D. N . Bennett and family were in the city Monday and Tues day. - . Gov. Fowle was in the city Sun ' - . day. Judge Bynum snd Solicitor Long were at the Mt. Vernon hotel Wedneday. We invite attention to the C, C. A. A M Fair. This will afford our people a fine opportunity to visit one of the prettiest rnd most pro gressive t )wns in the State. Many attractions are promised. But the Concord Fair is always worth seeing. Elsewhere in this paper will be found the announcment of the Sal bury Institute of Music, with Salis bury famed and talented musician, Miss Linda Lee Rumple as Princi pal, assisted by Miss Bertha Kuox, who is also an able and skillful per former. It needs no recommenda tion from our hands, for Miss Rum pie's musical ability is too well Jknown for us to attempt to add any thing to it. Walter Linton left Wednesday for New York, whence he will sail for London Saturday. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Harris, M. M. of the W. N. C, Shops, will shortly remove to Macon, Ga. Victor Wallace has gone North. At last one of Mr. Henderson's ap poinlees is successful. R. W. McNee- ly, the 7th appointed, stands the ex amination and accepted at Annapo lis."" - Mr. Parker, of Wadesboro, has moved his family here. Mr. F. Wells, of Richmond, was here last week on a visit. to his bro thers, T. & B. W. Wells, Carl Buerbaum is in town. R .J. Foster is at Mr. R Murphy's Miss Jennie Caldwell's select school for girls begins Monday next. Dr. Rumple's family is at home from Blowing Rock. Mr. D. a. Swink has closrd the Banner Warehouse and accepted a position as floor manager at the Ori noco Warehouse, Winston. . T. J. Lindsay is with Littmann & Litchten.iteiii. Mr. S. IP Wiley and family are at Balsam mountain. -The Dixie Lnwl Company have !.;0!ii?!it the Sam Harrison brik houe ! ami t;iik about tiirniiiic it into a male school. The cite and houee can -be well arranged for Hie purpose. The R. R. Magnate of the R. & I), system have nearly all been here this week looking after the big wreck at the Yadikn. it is thought trains will pass over by Sunday. Mr. Stockston Hall, son of the late Dr. J.AV' Hall, is visiting his sister in this city, Mrs J. D. McNeely. A terrific thunder storm visited this section last Saturday night a bout ten o'clock. Cols. Hauck and Stancill, J. B. Parker and other prominent farmers of the county are in the city to-day. There is evidently another new hand writing dashing editorials for Watchman. It would seem that the effort to make that paper appear dif ferent from what it was in the days of its glory and influence, is likely to bring about its entire eclipse. It only requires an opportunity for some folks to shovvf how clever and vesatile they are. For instance, see Capt Alexander's letter in this pa per. . : Advertised Letters. The following is a list of advertis ed letters remaining in the Salisbury, N. C, postofflce Tuesday, Sept. 11, 1890 : To obtain any of these letters the applicant must call for adver- j Used letters." If not called for within four weeks they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. ' J. II. Ramsay, P. M John McCrowell' Robt. Smith, Jas Dob by, Mrs Phttlis Dean, Nora Black.(,2)Frank lin Jones, Jno Killups, Fannie Moors, Mar tha March, Thomas Pinkston, Lewis Phillips Annie Stokes, Maggie Rasson, Selena Steele, J. W. Wilson, Franklin II. Hunt, L. E. Fisher, Ike McGhee, col., Henry Smith, Bel tie HoWs, R. J. Finn, Florence Faggart, Hanpah Isafl, Richard Crill, J. A. Cashion Martha Carson, Isaac Byass Mollie Lanier J. It. Leo, Eliza Morris, col., I- M. Osborne Caroline Pearson, Charley Riddle, Nullie Silliman, Henry Wyatt, col., Julia White, E D Walker. Mrs Dilla Williams, Carrie llartman, W. M. Galline EifeHy. This is what you ought to have, in fact, you must have it, to fully enjoy life. Thousands are searching for it daily, and mourning because they find it not. Thousands upon thous ands of dollars are spent annually by our people in hope that they may attain this boon. And yet it may be had by all. We guarantee that Electric Bitters, if used according to directions and the use persisted in, will bring you good digestion and oust the demon dyspepsia and install instead Eupepsy. We recommend Electric Bitters for dyspepsia and all diseases of liver, stomach and kidneys. Sold at 50c. and $1.00 per bottle by Theo. Kluttz fc Co., druggist. 4 THE FARMERT OPPORTUNITY We will club this paper with the Raleigh Southern Farmer, or both papers one year for $2.00 Tha Southern Farmer is the oldest agricultural par:er in thi? section of the coun try. Now is the tifne for the farmers t pfscure onu ol the be.t weekly agiiculiurwl & family newsprper?, together with this paper at the cost nearly of one paper. The South em Farmer has -no equal in the South, as a weekly family paper, and i9 especially adap ted to the present wants of Southern Farm ers who wish to be posted as to the chang ed condition of agriculture in the country. Sample ccpies wul be furnished by the pub lisher to any who wish to avail themselves of this liberal offer- SALISBURY INSTITUTE OF SViUSIC. Miss Linda Lee Rumple, Principal, Miss Bertha Knox, Assistant. The first session will begin Tues day, September 16th, 1890. Pupils desiring to enter will please apply as soon as practicable. Circu lars concerning Course of Study, Terms, etc., will be furnished on ap plication. Salisbury, Sept. 9th. 1890. 1-t. CCA&MFAIR CONCORD. N. C. .SEPTEMBER 30, & OCT. 1,2 & 3. Many Attractions. Low rates on all Rail Roads. Admission 25 cents. BARGAINS IN LOTS IN EAST SALISBUURY Shaver & Wharton addition. Now is the time to secure choice lots. Apply, to J. M. 'HA DEN. Highest of all in Leavening Power. J. F. McCUBBINS. SUicGUBBINS COTTON BUYERS FOR S a EOT SuWe always S price for cotton DON'T FAIL mm $5.00 Suit op Clothes for $4.00. J MEN'S SUSPENDERS for Sets, per pair. DRESS GOODS for Sets, per YARD to SOcts. - -J , . WE HAVE THE BEST STOCK OP DRY GOODS, GR03 2RIES, ClOTHIXG, Crockery, Hats, Trunks, Notions; Act, that we have ever bought HERETOFORE, AND NO MISTAKE. ...... , I WE WILL GIVE YOU MORE GOODS FOR YOUR MONEY THAN ANY HOUSE IN SALISBURY. COME AND BE CONVINCED. 1890. D. R. JULIAN & CO. COME SEE! BUY!! G. The Leading Furniture Dealer and Undertaker in SALISBURY, N. C. Is now offiering one of the largest and best PARLOR SUITS M OR II AIR CRUSH PLUSH AT $60,00 FORMER PRICE $75 00 Pi DTHT? CITTTvJ TT P PT.TTH . 1' (tnn VMD1IVD nntno .xn'nn PARLOR SUITX SILK PLUSH, PARLOR SUITS WOOL PLUSH, BED ROOM SUITS IN ANTIQUE ASIIR, : CHERRY CHAIRS, SOFAS, MATTRESSES, SPRINGS, BEDS, AND WORK TABLES - FOR LADIES, ' " VERY LOW. Pictures and Picture Franjes of every style and quality always in stock, or will be made to order at phort notice. BABY CHARRIGE3. . BABY. BABY CHARR1GES. A large stock of Baby Charriges with wire-wheels at $7,50, and Silk Plush Seats; and Satine Parasol Carriges with wire-wheels at only $16,50, former price ?22,50 COME AND GET UNDERTAKING : : ; 11 Special Attention Given in all its branches, at all hours day. and Parties wishing my services at night will find me at my resi dence on Bank street. Thanking my friends and public generally for past patronage and wishing ja contiaa , ance of ' j' the - : .r 7 same, I am , VERY RESP ME Gov't Report, Aug. 17, x 889. A COTTON STRIKE "lo, Boss I'll work bo more, 'less you leljli your Cotton on a JONES 6-Ton Cotton Scale (tl n A MOT CHEAPEST BUT BEST. u)J Beam Box, Tare Beam, Freight Paid." For terms address. JOKES OF BINGHAUTON, BIXCHAUTON, N. T. J. A. HENDERSON. & GHiENDERSON pay highest, cash and cotton seed. TO SEE US. in W. WRIGHT, assorted stocks of Furniture ever brought to - $50,00 FORMER PRICE $60,00. f 3-3,00 FORMER PRICE $45,00. AND WALNUT j AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. A BARGAIN. DEPARTMENT. night. jECfTFUL U. S. 5 MISS JENNIE CALDWELL'S. SELECT SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Will open Monday September 15, 1890. No deduction for absence ex cept In cases of protracted sickness. And DonH forget it J And remember, G T- MOWERY Having removed back to my old stand on corner of Fish er and Lee streets. I I WILL KEEP ON HAND A FULL LINE OF GRO CERIES, SUCH AS BACON, SUGAR, COFFEE, AND ALL GRADES OF MOLASES, ALL KINDS OF CAN NED GOODS, SEGARS, SNUFF AND TOBACCOS. I WILL BUY ALL KINDS OF COUN TRY PRODUCE, FLOUR & MEAL. THANKING YOU FOR YOUR PAST FAVORS I RE MAIN, . - -k Don't forget the place, on corner of Fisher and Lee streets. I deliver goods to all parts of the city. goods to all parts of YOURS TO SERVE G. A remedy by which the terrible expense of buying medicines in such large quantities can be avoided. Did it ever occur to you that one fourth of t -e medicines bought were never used? Examine your closets &c, and see. . We propose to offer fi remedy to avoid this terrible outlay of money. We have placed upon the market a full line of family medicines, which we offer for the uniform price of ten cexts each. We guarantee the goods to be as good as any Medicines on the market regardless of price. Family Ten Cent Liver Powders For bilious diseases, torpidity of the liver, costiveness, headache, &c, &w. Family Ten Cent Rat and Mice Poison For the extermination of rats, mice, roaches, moles, musk rats, &c, &c. Family Ten Cent Ointment Cures cuts, burns, chapped hands, old 3ores, ring worm, itch, &c, fec. . . Family Ten Cent Diarrhosa Mixture Unequalled for the cure of dysentry. diarrhcea, cholera morbus, summer comp't, pains in the stomach and bowels, Ac., Ac. , ' ' . Family Ten Cent Worm Syrup A pleasant remedy for the extermi nation of worms in children,, they will cry for the second dose. Family Ten Cent Cough Syrup For coughs, colds, bronchial affec tions, hoarseness, whooping cough, Astma, &c", &c. Family Ten Cent Liniment For rheumatism, neuralgia, sprains, stiff joints, swellings, Ac, equally good for man and beast. . - ' Family Ten Cent Horse Cattle and Poultry Powders Will be found efficient in distemper, heiyes, hide bound, loss of appetite, and all horse and cattle diseases. A wonderful tonic and preventive of diseases in poultry. jL Family Ten Cent Bed Bug Poison will destroy Red Bugs perma nently i J r X Family ten CENTr eye 'V 'TTrn- Family Ten Cent Dyspeptic Remedy, Removes Stomach, relieves Nervousness, aids prevents nausea, &c Family Ten Gent PiLLS ; Prevent and cure costiveness, Billiousness, Pain in the Head and Back. Remove Impurities from the system, Cleanse the Liver, do not gripe; can eat anything you wish Do not fail to give the FAMILY TEN CENT tMDICINES a trial, and you will be convinced of their real worth. Ask your druggist for them, and if he will not get them for you, send direct to us. THEO. F. KLUTTZ & CO., Wholesale Druggist. eb. ' . Salisbury, N. C. J S LM1. THE LEA JEW OR BRACELETS, BUTTONS, SPECTACLES, N short, every article of JEWELRY usually kept in the business. Stock daily replenished by the most substantial ioMble articles. All goods and ai IF YOU WANT ANY GOOD J. We announce to town and vicinity that we are now sell ing out our Spring and Summer siock at a great sacrinee in for our immense FALL STOCK OF L TIM! OiM WHICH WILL CONSIST OF The latest styles of suits of every shade and color for Men, Youths, Boys and Children Single pants a specialty. PRICES AND STYLES We also keep a full supply of Gents', Furnishing Goods. Hats and Caps. CALL AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES. In Cole building, corner Main & Fisher Sts., Salisbury, Ni C. . 3 -j-New goods! new store! just in side the yard at home on Ellis strt. Keep every thing usually found In a first class notion store. Blacking, blueing, pencils, pens, pins slatepen cils, candy, root-beer, hair-pins, 'Ac. C. F. & B. -A. Stewart, & R. T. Coit, Proprietors. Come to see us. the city. T. MowErY. "ng Bnrn Tirnin nil forms. eavmessTromtrKvr-frt-. , . v..n nnnn digestion in a wonderful degree, KlrtAKl DING THIRT Y YEARS Full line of "WATCHES, KINGS, CHAINS, ' PINS, their line c and fashf worr warranted. GOODS, COME TO SEE US. Respectfully & C4. HORAH. the people of the order to make room TO SUIT EVERYBODY I. BLUMENTHAL & BRO ART SGHOOLu Instruction in Drawing ana " Painting '; TERMS: Painting $5 per session of 23 lessons. Drawing ?5 " 23 Lessons Z hours long to be given five days in a week; or on Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning or evening, to suit pupils. For further particulars applv to MRS. J: P. MOORE. R LEE WRIGHT. Attorney At Law, " W ILL practice In the courts of Rowan and adjoining: counties, and in the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt and stric attention giren to all buaiit&a entrusted, it my care. . S. 7. '8' Dr. R.L; Ramsay, SURGEON DENTIST, Smithdeal's Row, OFFICE HOUSE AND LOT ion Ennis St. Price low en quire of W. H. Reisuer. One sword & Son's Brick Machine, capacity 25000 'per day, one Engine and Boiler as good as new. , Also a lot of brick first class, foi further particulars Inquire of J. A. Boyden. A. W.OSBORNE Salisbury, n. c. C AlYCElt C AJS BE cured A fter an experience of eighteen or twenty years by a simple pre paration of my own, I have been able to convince hundreds and hundreds of suffering humanity that A CANCER CAN BE CURED. In all my experience,I never have failed,when notified in effect a permanent cure. However, I do not wish the public to rely ufftm my testimony alone, but I take pleasure in referring all concerned to the fol lowing list of responsible gentlemen who have tested the truth of this as- ties named: ' Martin Booe,Mocksvi!le,Davie co.f N. C; James Gamble, Bird, Wilkes co., N.C.;Thos. E. Brown, Asneville, N. C; Jacob Isaac, Boone. Watauga co., N. O.;: Philip Ridenhour, Copal urove, Htaniy co., iN.u.jDaniel jLong, Yaamvnie, Yaaiiin co J. u.; J . T. Ray, Mill Bridge. Rowan co., 2S. C; J. F. Roberts, La ural Branch. Alle ghany co., N. C; Frank Kerr, Trout- man's, Iredell co., N. C; Caleb nees, Monroe, Union co., N. C. Respectfully, H. C. CRANFOkD.' ZEB, P.O.,Rowan Co.,N. C. 5 9 ly. BOOK STORE, THEO. BUESBAUH, SALISBURY. N. 0, Schoolbooks and. Jcookb -V Stationery. : ;; PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. NOVELS, ALBUMS, ETC. THE BARGAIN HOUSE!! The most goods for the least money. HEADQUARTERS FOR ol ill MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, .- J DYE-STUFFS, FANCY TOILET SOAPS, FANCY HAIR ANJ) TOOTH BRUSHES, PERFUME AND TOILET ARTICLES. f LETTER PAPER, . i . PENS, INKS, EN ' VELO PS, GLASS, -PUTTY, LAMPS, -CHIMNEYS, FRUIT ARS AND TURNIP KINDS. SEEDS OF: ALL Pijskiaas' Prsssripiiais Ar-uitslj Casjnnisi JHO.H. ENNISS, 8 2 tf. : SALISBURY, N. C J. P. McCcbbixs. J. A. Hendeesoh. McCubbins & Henderson, COTTON BUYERS FOR MTTJ.S Attn F.YPlifiT .v.. We always t pa;- highest ca3h price for cotton and cotton seed. DON'T- FAIL TO SEEUS. 1 -" A r ft . 4' :r ( v 1 3l ,

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