7 ( 1 i mi 6Ul Thursday July, 7. J.ocal News. r- A fight between the employes of Carnegies' Iron work- Pcnn-ATvnia -'" sind Pinkerton detectives ro-nlfctl ' in some death and ''v'ral woiuled. , ... cj ' J JM" IrtUM1 JS lilt: I l-'J .1'. ilJ-iU Hk - ; . scft in -wnges..'' mm. ... ...., r:ii. n' 11 Hill r ute ll.ili h i V . 4 ti. i. e .: I.. ... r i - . i- I srgood farmer and' eminently nracti- Cable and fcensihle. ' ''. J. YV. Rumple, E-'i., ;was here ,li-t week. V. ' T 1 , ,., . ' Jn everv .-locality in Rowan conn-:. . i , .. e . . , ty wheru tl;" la in"i s have he-ii -ni'l , i , areraisiiisth.eir own -meat ami un-ad tHoy are comparative ly l-rf-jierou- 'and independent In tho Houvk .and - Line mjjjrhhorh1d the Utu don't , . . . , . , , " . .. know whflt it m to to' huy wnjte meat or Jiichmond flour, 'i hey ah ways. have money ' uva hay their deh". romfdly. The-people of Mor-' Kan town hip is another pr-nporous ' section. Rome fo-fditie, in '"rf ':'-l'i. in Steele, Atwell Litalcc r and per-; r- , . ,. f fiMI' iM.it tTw: "tro 'lMP'l'U lhl'0. jti.i v- v-". . ..-J - 1 of the hound3. - .Ylr. .Jolm .ti' rro, tiie '''i .'an'l I 1 a 1 .11 1 i.ii i ii iVi -rir 1 i:K-.fi f v i t . 1 - ... ' br liiiim- nf Mr ( 'alieut Stiik! :i v " wi.v - - - . - - . . ' ' ' morning. He wa- a r'd 1"Y, and ; " fit last. . ! Ihiying -Wtlern white meat at fx"; ten to twelve cents p r p'mtid and 4' P raising Tobacco and Cotton at; four i 'Xo eight cents with which to pay tor, Ve-tenl iv -morning Superintedent isa r.hWtion uprnt-the i-t'elMg- 1 ";:,-"h'1 Uft Columbia and Green-'--' , .. , " s iin' atid o.uth ('anuna divisions enceau.jem-inn.e.,! .mr iaynier-.. - -Dr. ai d Airs, iiuM.pl.. have gone . . ,,. ., . .. . ..- . - to Hlowmg ltock, ti.ejr Snmmo! home. . j We pear that there .are. three i h to urd partyite-j only in. 1 raio.lin ; township. That -j , :d- s well for the ' irdud, thrifty -and sensible :peopH 'of! I'rankl in. , TJie new brick llouriiig Alill to' guj in 1'ast Salisbury w ill doubt less he ready f r u-e in three or four moid h-yjudgi tg from the etderprise of the parties iiiterilei'l in it. Mr. Henry lleiHg has had cot ton blossoms for some time. It is naid he has th finest Cotton crop in the 'c.ounty; hut -others are boast ing also. ( iilad let hear it. I Misses y-IJesio HMiderson and Duisy HeaJ-es a're home 'after a visit totAsheviiie. Air. J. Frank AlcCubhins A Messrs .Cfuwfonl A -(task ill '.are back from ij(rehcail. , The Almanacs say Mary .left-j ast S.nd .y lo visit her country ! . , .,, , r . . , 1 cousin and w ill be gone forty days. Ah it rained the day sin; lift, accord ing to an old adage, it Will rain every tlay tmtir .-he returns. Air. II. S. Trot t, of New London, I was in tow n to-d ay, looking as much like Uie late Vull Trott, .Lsq, as oil relative ean lo.ik like anotlier. ... -The De'mocr-di" ratification meet ing last Thur-d:-y night far exceeded the expectation-, of all. All though an "angry clouds u:- gathering over the city a large number of Democrat-, young and old, met at the' Court house and there remained to a late hour listening to speeches ami ca rolling their name's as members of 'a Democratic Ciuh. Mr. A. II. Rovdeu ,, . .. . J , called the ti;. -i-ling to order and pyt- in nomination Kerr Cra'jge, Iq., as chairman. On taking the chair Mr. Craige m.t.h' a tliie speech and -was , , ., , , succeed by Me-. S. J. lVmi-erton, f Albemarle, . who happeiui to he present, L. H. Clement, V. V.. Shoher ."Vl Lee. S. Overman, Tiie .-peeches i 0K1II were spirited and to the point, Air.- Cleineiit brouiihL. down the ' everybody knows 'about them." - Do houle bv hi-i haiu orou- allusions f you 'tisc them?" No. Then that's thenteieting part the X. C. .dele- iiy. Try the,,,. - gathVitook at Chicago. IMr. .John W." Daviivas eh eted PreMdenf of ti,e UiVEBSlTY W N3BTH CAHO" . Club, fter which live Vee Pre-i-i 8 'MA "' de.nts-l 2 secretaries were -lctde'e .'! ' LiJli TJieyiirollment of names ran u Instruction is oifered in four gen . ir 1 1 1 . 11 . i-ral courses of studv, six brief to ntjffy a hundred. All person wh rourst,S) a nnm of desnj to connect themselves, wit d v.,HiNes and in law, .medicine and this if ub (and all Democrats are-i:: engineering. The Faculty includes vite-' to do m) can regi.-ter their na.os at Then Klultz A Co's Uru--" . , - , .Moreaudat L1uri,ium's Rook More. 1 . . In- eld .time-- it s u Tned to 1 o thot-uht : that :s medicine nii:-t be. nauseating to be eib-ciive. "Now, all this i cluuigcd. - A yer's' Sar-a pa ri ! la, one n" the most pro v.-erf ul alteratives is agreeable, to un.-t p.l.ite-, the flavor heihg'by no iin-aus medicinaL O- Sutreres fmtu chill-i and fever, w!io have ust-d ij-uii'.ine a a remedy, will appreciate Avo--, A gee Cure. This preparation, if taken acc-rding tojdi rect i side no I W C' W :-. .Itrm Oi:r T '. ' I .1 ...'.,-!.. ., I,' . r, S. th ' -' ! ' n t ii.; ! . . (;i . I. . 1 " I. ' - -n jni 1 nt . i.i. .uat. Nb "r' t' ii m. u it !- i '! i ul- . I" . il'.C 5 V 1 .ii,.r. 1 1. 1 .-nt' ii .iiit r tt-m . i. .ii.m. : . r i-yrv. 'l nun m ,,-r . r r " l. I: , KW ' MU.l l. V -:l, I , I.e.-',.!- fli I". K. .Vt.il. ..i. r, Al.Li:.V. :n 4irt, . Mulnr. ; K -4 ;-. ti v ii s. v I: ' r..iT -tr. tfi l-i wl Vofc '4 " ": 4 ' ,:-r;- "-2 B' " - .- SJ ii !ii , ..'.. lii n in f -SJ f JV fi m . V I. ill C Hi:. , t . t - P il .our '.'U.tv r i i i;sn. ... t' U' wafk. a " i . Htt i r tr iv.-k.'f. V -.i.it .:'.. frr.ifclih fj e.r'.-t'.-.njr. KA&li-Y, tl Ktl-ii Y Irmmnu VA!U l"l !.AI. Rtl'. A.!.irMiIfi.,, bil.'.hOS --. . vK1U.!llJ. Ka1. roil Tin: m.ooir. Wiant?-. Malaria, ladigestioa ais-1 liilioit-'titsK. ;,kt' l!HHV"S IRON KITTKItS. It run-; ,:it-klv".- Vor alu by til dealers If" Cicd.cil.-.. Ctt the gciiuiior. . . ons -warranted a sure cure, lie- l-"A deitipUT drert-v" , A2CD. roctTsy - ' w Mts is maiari.it districts should U a-,pear to ''500 Pace IWc n Tr'ri,.r.f f lnima!, .eUitbiMit it 1 ' j'-.- '- aMl ri.vwl'r,.,..- :. . . fe Tko no substitute, Krii?r;:i!i-,on . . a i . i tits. fr fl ri A i V:r !,.w.i.t..i.,- . A -Sytjfl "nng W. J ! " :ra"s '.': HiifuiflatisO. is!nH-'' - . i'r 'j':' " - " ; : noi c;i.AssHo.Ks.with : UA, ,,u"-"p 'lr- res. -.. ;c anford Express says; Madam f rumor -ays a great many of the f, i farmers ot the county who have for . ' the last three mouth . been afHIiat-; i ing with the Third party, arc returr -i in: to the old Khip of Democracy. Thov see thatdivision means fore hill, negro rule, blood-sheAl am: ln"-c (jVneral Wade IlamHon pr-l nounees hfouth Carolina.' safe fori . 't I . 1 ... J...... . til 1 jevej'iij'i Miifi .itrvvii.-uu u;titiiu '.n')t V,in.j',j,.r , t.ei e-r-iiry for him toj, i take a hand, in the campaign.-. I : . ' ' i V.S!ar. There-were two- ne,rro delegates . v frorsi ! j; South at I h" Mimie:t;oi !' , . , c m v-!;ii'!i Alio have nut tT"t h'trrie y t . Tli.e. ,VJ:l,(n., th.-y Are .in th. n-iut.Mtiary. i'icy r.ut ,ut of tiiuiey. at ( Jii'o, tried to I; eat ti.eir;Aay i.ie, wtn? ej.-ciI from a tram in I ndi ina; luunlTnu-ly a- f.ViVtlHl ti runl,1;l((rj w,'rv arn .t..,, ,rj.,i and rrent to the penitcntiarv for tun yt-ar.-. o AV A 1)1) JIAMI'TOX. sta-e Cinoiiirio. I n -i !.'. lit iniip'tfiu' Clfirttr 1 ; iiui i. n vji wi.4'UftC4 t . i;tr?Li l.it i- r.t-orted. to Jiave satl tiut .South (aroiina would cast '.her j l.Xtift 1 1 Villi. fur I 1f utfI'ITljl ; lt-irfl 4 . . K..11M1 I'-imlmhiniiV aru i . . 1 ; 1. . . .. . . i - . . . . t i.v. . .. j i. ii,)Uim i) u uiiuu ua inu vine oj j t ln-i r r a t o :tt :i tiiilo vvli?i . liitertv 1 - - - ....... . . . . w - - ' ' ' " . . ... ! UU(l elect umim are the issue. 1 he i. ..(.....M,. C'..t,i !-.k...ir.r'-tftlAfT4v,lfii.(- rub: means. ' ' f . ... -o- M'iU:!; .SUCUhJIJDrf-.DODSOX' ; ('! mhi a State, 1-t nt KirjIM,,,ii(l and Danville road, ,.'"! over his othVe, of General . - !!.. -nntendentto V.3j.K'IJee who HH,V(,is him and takes charge of the - Western X'.rth ("aroiina Divisipn as . 'ii .iT. i tij ijiilc uiki .- tr.v ir:v;i3 tt bui.ness at once and' ."expects to 'ac-1 . v..;,... ....-i ....At.. eim jdiIi much- He assures all the-, rt-sen t 'etii i)Joyes that theywill k'ee ; positions and Jhe;viUinake;iJu) ; ch.attges in the iiresoat ; arrange-' moots. Many Tersons ft l.:'2. Arf. broker d v.vn fror? overwork or hrnisehold ' ,s ISrowira Iron liittcrs ' Ti ijuiii'ih the system. aids dipresOon; removes ex-. ii bile, uad cures lualuria. Gut the rcauiue. inrantl Cr.. ::ti ' j AVe authorize our advertised drug- gist to sell Dr. King'a New Diseov ery for Consumption, Cotiglw aiid Colds, upon this condition. , If you are alllicted with a Cough, Cold or any Lung, Throut or Chest trouble, and w ill-use this remedy as directed giving it a fair trial, and experience no benefit, you may return the bot tle and have your money refunded. W-e could not make tins offer did we nnt Know that Dr. King's New Discovery cculd be relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free TiIEV F TZ-ACr Stoic, Large sizeue. and 1.00. 2s ADVERTISED LETTERS. KeiruMii'ing in the post-olfioo atPalishury j the week eijiim Tueclay, July 5, 18U2. ' - FEMALES.-'' Visa Fllj Wiknn V!i P.n; T T V. M;lrUia j I;u Jtotl, Sarah M Sand,. Hattio J pri!tts, Mis M Vm, Mrs .TSallie lleilig, Mr-bs Waku.sMn. ' ll II Hall, Chris B.er, L M Harrison, Sam Baldyi. Grtore Spurro-a, Kev A F i.-ieti, David fnk. Paul Miller. J. H. 11 AM SAY. r. M. aTSl in limivto rs n oti ck TO CREDITORS. 'Having qnalified as Adtniuistrator, with the will annexed,- upon the estate of John hYv" - -dauney, dee'd, notice .is hereby given ' V aii, l,("rs',IiS! UlUi" cl:-i!D-!i said '. - lecedf nt to cxnil it ti-.e fame to me on, if ti.lt before, the 7th .lav of.Tuly, lbOl. All p-Kjons in deb'.ed u estat.e are requested ; o without furtb-r notica, j Vr M AUXRY Alran with the ! will aniif-xc-i of J. U- Mauney. ! tV-ltf ,t j,.v 'n,! juo MANY HAY "Why does DR. HUMPHREYS continue to advertise his 8PEIFICH !' UVtM,t" teavhers.' Scholarships and! f"r'i,i available for needy young isuni ot talent and character. .;.The n-xt ses-ion begins Sept. 1 For j catalogue with full information, ad- 01 f.S. PR KS I DEFT WINSTON.- . Chapel Hill, N. C. DOUCLAS? w w a aixaa C Cii'tl'P" t FOR & & N T LEfI E fi . ! At:d cfer spcclaiilps for ' Cfctloru, a. Ladies, Boys aaj s are tbo f V.I nam,-ftal r,r-' 6ta-xpl oa AI. S. Buovvx. 'Kce !lr. a t ?nic, cr chikircn who want tnCd iv.tr ju fr'iOuSd U'Ae i ii it v i i-i rr f ? . - "t U.-iHt : cares Malsna, l:;:it --, I'-.iUiii.ws, Liver ccmtiiiiitA a d curii.e';. O ; JOBS F. STB1TT0S SOS, 43 45 Walker St. 5EW TOES. 3 . jCVIv"' "-5 1 . - i .. Wwve n;fM"- lsprraalVrboJier5i;a i;iteljfif j MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, t Vot'ns, Guitars, Banjos. Accordeons, Harfirtjri- I ess, &c, ait kinds e! Strfaos. ttc. ttc. ; OlIFBS ifilFS TTill cure Yon, is a true statement of the action of A,YEC"S Sarsaparilla, when taken for di&eaes origiuating in impure blood ; but, while this assertion id true of AVER'S Sarsaparilla, as thousands can I attest, it cannot he truthfully applied to ath.pr nrotifiTitintu w-hifh imnrineinlftit tj ffin rerommwl, am! trr to in- tipon yon, as "jnst as pool as Aycr's." Take Aj er's SarsapanJIa and Ayer's only, if you n;ed ahlool-purifier awl woul.l l-e tenefitett. ptrmanently.; This m;lieine, for. nearly fifty years, has enjoyed a reputation, and madt a record for cures, that has never been equih-ffhy other preparations. AYEIi'S Sarsaparilla eradicates the taint of het reditary ncrofula and other btood dis eases from the system, and it lias, deser vedly, the conCdenre of the peopla. "I cannot lor bear to expreKS my joy at the relief I Ii&.vc.oht iiiiyd from theuse of xVYTIl'G Sai-apar;Ila. I was afliieted ap with kiduev troubles for alout six liTOJilli. surfi-rin:' 'Ti::itiV with miin in " r? ,- i' ------ .1 . . .. . the birall of mv hack. In addition to 'thi.s, iny body was covered with pimply fl,nnfi(.na T'. r...;M:.a T.r.c.-T'i I fafui 1,0,,,,, n'.-,, w.m f,i-Q ir . r.. ., . ,-. , 1 , , , - e axilks barha;:anua, ana, in a snor 1 k,i .a,. short . li ii.iv t Ciiu j ' , . i 1 ) 1. .i.H'l ltiVA t.iiu s disapin.-ared. 1 I advLs use every young man orrwoman, in c;be 'of sieknes3 result . Ing'frora impure bipod, no matter how -long standing the ease may be, to-take ".AYEIi'S Sarsaparilla." ILL. Jarmann, .S3 William St., New York City. , Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver t Co., LoyclJ, Mu3s. - - - it .- t j-" . ' Itnf lii'.is' Aii.-a Salve. ' i ' - The best salve in the world for cut. -ibruies, --oics, ulcers, salt rheuni. fever seres, tetter . charmed hand - ', 'chilbhuns, enivs, and skin, eruptions, and positively cures piles or no nay required. it is guaran teed to give peid'ect sati-lation, or money refunded. Price 2"cts per box. For bale by Tni:o. Km'ttz A Co. ''ADMINISTRATOR'S X )TICE. .. '. Having been qualified n A itninistrator with the wilJauii'-Xrf i, el L ir..ra Suiijiu-r, ail persons indebte i to tie tstt'l.e are requited tn. ni ike prnmot -s-ett'eiuent ; an I i.e:or.H b-vn claims ain.st.t:iid estate are hr.by nouuea id tiTeseat. ii!e:n to ire on, h nut. re forothe .24th-day f L'av, 1!:5. or this notice will bfe ph-ad in. har of recovery, "YVili.iam C, Bwckmer, Adm.. of Lruira. Suiijner. In the Superior Court. Rowan Comity,. Pursuant to a judgment ef the Superior rourt, in the caie ni V.arHr-t J. Walton Adminietratrix' of Goori'e S. AV ahon. d.e-M, t.'Ev'fnius Walton ai.-d Henry Wa.ton, thn uiidorf-tgtied Cofiiudiouf-r will sell at the Va urt Ileuse'door, ii .Saiibury, on Mo'X- bXX'tRnndlday of AUGUST, ls!iti -at public; cillery ,: to the b itcbost bidd.-r, the follcwing ;'dfc?cnhpd land siunte m Rowan connt aid hounded as .d?o-w : ; - Beginning at a post -.k Conrad flapper's corufer(apw LCI rats') thence with bis line East - Oebaineto- a stake, thence So.)t!i 4 Ea.t 75 chains to a stake, therce W st 10 chains to a stake!, thence South 175 chains to a SiMir wood, thence 3-3' chaitjs t a stake, thence Nrtti to the beinni!; containing rn hundred and ninety. -one acres, being the )nd couveyed by Atlas Kirk to Gtorge S, Walton- - ? ' Teruis wiU he mala rnown or. day ofpalu Daed this Junu lltii. tJ. MARGARKr J. WA.bToX, Com'r. TOVN:ORIdXA.Ci:. Be it prdained by the Boar-i of Cam mis don era' of. the town"'f Salisbury, Sec." L That every per.-on in the town of !??lisbary.rhall h requirtd to iep the gra.-s and wleds cut down en. the Mr-ot in lront of his or her lot, or the lot occupied by him or dver,,, and on failure to. do so iie or she shall be guilty of a u;i.sd..-:-ne;tnor and shall be lined Jive .dollars. Sec. 2-- Tina? ordinance shall he in force and take effect from ain i auer iht of Jan nary, 189'2- Passed September 2-3, 1802. iist day V p Preach Y rt 1'i'flf lif e. In oher words, w w ill Teach you rlir F, huiI start Ton in Luinas, at iiieh ytiti can rr.iddlv t.ithcriri the .I dliir. mil itd Vi l'l. if you le;?tt-iub you ijuit k Sy br.w tC farn filil Si,J to SIO it day at the Ktnit, nnd Cti. lb.tb f ad nge. lu cny, j art v-f America, you yon com; tnence t lime9 piTinp bl your ii r i'P"- -v?v. $ e " ",'V '"i V V- v rSt ' ' - ,rr only 0- l-T 0r, rpc isceesa rt roa. PCSJTOIiV ttl pr8?t -;T''it ' T (;;;. r: ft I-.. t.: nif - nuw ia. ii x.rr.t. I't uT iif. in ... l. .;!. .... i ?-ji I vl '--Xfc .o..iIo. IM.Poriiaui Muiuc sHO MFM REVS' : VETERilARY SPECIFICS ; K.t.-!'cot!i.. tt'-'itifs. t'u.-ti iiii.rla. 1 V..Coji'' r t;r;?o. IJi-Sliurue. j ;.;. .'I Ut-urrVari Il-KorrhaK,. j ILlLl rsrairy mid Kidney liirna. I J.H. lifefa..-! uf Dttet siitoii, Ca'rali dl. I f r.'Cki-- oterViii.ni, - j Stable C'awe,-witi ."-ilfl-Ti. Mam- L " i Jar Vcicriaary C ure Oil. - . J'JJJ j Soli ty Ernjrsristrs: or Snt Prfra:-i acrsrh-Ts I CBd ia any tUAiC.ay ca Htcc;i t :' Fr;c? I HtTMFHRETS' MEDICINE CO I Corner WUiiam ar. A Joiin S:- K-LYoji. I FIPST CL .SS B VP von PURE VVINES, LIQUORS. CiCARs BEER, C.t jt to a.. reel. 1 PASPI fp1.,V-K Ma.. I , P ti M i : r, t- J y p e fc s 1 1 h p 1 f Q - 9 gig - - - - t' - r- "A.- ?J to O e work. h,z 't; -jr1b" " Rr-. V-y c"r m 5 V V' J 'A'-I K, V "pa n tint IX each month. n1 artie!rs on Fa.sh- anTIHKS M1UHI matter 10 in jil.ME MOKIl Fine ly illtiMratc-d. l..V) a year Mhumsk A j1 FLh cjiy for tiV tw-pttt siaiujs Fhilirteii hia. Pa. A LI GOAL! eep , onifortablc. Having grreatKy inerciied my j facilities for handling and torIn i COAL the coming seon, I would j . - now again rtix-ct fully solicit any : (and all orders entru-ded to me, prom j i-ing to furnih you promptly with j j what coal you may want at the low-. ' j e.-t market price. In order to oh" t i f ' tain advantage of the,utiinier prices, , , , , , yon Mioum ;u tnia' nu rut; uiui orders. Hemember that f handle only the best grades of screened Coal, including the'. Red. Ash, suita-: hie for grates, staves, heaters, Ac. ; Also keep on hand all times the finest grade of blacksmith coal. J. ALIEN BROWN. Trn r 1 L WHEAT, OATS, C03M AND RYE, I have for sale a lot of choice I i seed Oats and Wheat. Alixed Feed a S(ecinlty. Call on me at the Washington Building. Siespectifully M. C. QUIN.N. Coon and Grain Buyer, m s.-: PURE, 4 Lit JL .LJ Mineral Waters,Soda,Sherbet,and the most delicious summer dtlnki.t. i 5 ' . " ; Toilet Artictcs, Nail and Tooth Brushes, Soaps, tc. Beautiful Articles for presents, or ornament. In short, you w ill find every article, in our line of business and o he best quality. AT THEQ. F. KLUTTZ & CO'S "as Comer Main & Innlss Street. PALACE xox- Having replenished, our Bar with th j best brands of Corn and Rye whiskeys, Apple and Peach Brandies, Foreign and Domestic Wines, Porter, Ale, Beer, Rum, Cigars and Tobacco, we con fidently, assert that we have the I-e-t assortment ever ollered by the trade in Salisbury, (jar stock i- strict ly first class, and our skill in preparing' fancy " drinks cannot be equalled. . We invite a trial, and guarantee satisfaction. CHAS. A. TRAVLOR,; l .-. Corner Council. an. Leo ."streets . ST.R Tand InstrnnuiHs, Saarcand Hi Drums. r. PCC Clr(-0-. Cjrjls Jfl Jr'.T!!ntl fS'- f-TT -- ' -.:, 0S f. STJL4TT03I SO 3. U A U Wr SirwJ, Ht Stfc, WOW THE RACI o to I) potf WH AT Cffee 2!J cents per pound, Broiran shoes The !est line of Drv Gools Orr-ceries, Mices Hat-, Cais, Jeans. Cai- ert rim Kents, and iaics unuerwaip liaimKerchit-fs, hosery, tc.t iney can lurnisn uouniry -icrcnants wnn any article m theie ine at New York Ibices, freight added. Don't forget this. ' '.' NoTeuiber 5. . A, S. HEILIG S Attokxky at Law. Offers his professional services to the citizens of Rowan and adjoining counties, t-rampt and careful ntten tion jjiven to ull 'business entrusted o him. 1 i! nJ1.3m. Dr. H. L. Ha3isay, SUJlCrECiZ DESTIST, Smitiidiat.'h How, Office No. 1, OFFlL'E ilO URS Frvm 9 to 5. Salisbury, x. c. !- P"( Vfiji 'i 'f' t Vstv? 5iIX STUKIT 'OnedoQr 'dow the Onorn House .SaiiI5U1:y, X. C. I! s o a a S3 a -s a s a ?s Or Palling Sickness can be cured. Our remedy euros after all others fail. d S S Ci Si i O i S Q That you may try it wit trout expense we willscnd you one bot tle free. All CUAHttESt'EE- PAID. Givo Age. Post OfHco and, State. Address Hall Chemical Co., WEST P JUL A., PA. 17 3at- SALOON.- 00000 000?1 and get your FurnitV . jT , I Frames for Pi itfifc-H V T - - ;f . maV.to..rder , "f ' 1 j 1 j J Thalargpt X v . ' ' . stock of wis- a iiMiiPsi ':.'-,'' m : I AM YOURS TO SERVE, I hury.v; j r. '""' " '""' : ' '' '1' . ' i' '. ' FRESH DRUGS. V : : ' '.v.-- ipv AT TOM R JULIAN Si jer pair. JULIA' GU81TY OF THE PRISES m are certaingly v. dorevlltyo: for Furnitura of of THE BEST Jtur the Jeajt now is your tiuicf buy for I i 7 alUhds. TIIE will do it. Don't rest a minute until you 1 I i It LiliL4l.kJ All KJiASJli Ul They kcep a ful and assol - ' .f ' WATCHES, CHAINS, KINGS, r THEY DO ALL SORT i nT T7 4 TTT1 h7 VJ V ";-- AM ARTICLE MOT' WILL BE PROMPTLY i rv OLD STAMj . M 'y. A goods and am exic lyli: .. ... .- ..... v ':;-:- :; ' : : .;1 A Cure for the; Ailrj 1 ar A long-tested j i:n r Its use is almos niv Farmer, tb . requiring 2. ct No other 3pp!ica: Xhis well-known . years, almost gc. No medicine chest is cc M USfrANG 1 LlNIMENl . Occasiori arise for its use All drugAsts and dealers ha PIUBDER 1 1 r- I' v: WIUGIIT. Ilisf L.VU0G31.U'0CI CC.il money, v. I must deerca? V pf ... fr . m QJ30 i. m i .- .. Men in their 11: :.: PCCTAC . 7 r c :llt pents of Man st. . 2 Housewife; the jny every one ..rZ'X? r jilh it in efficacy; Pd.the test of t it:i out a bottle of .t " T day. . ' ' - - V I : - t 1 T M ihl ? -..1 -'t,. i

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