.") ' "-' m ' A ' - - - - if tf salissust mm. -fOBLIilE J. J. -sxfcw IE1 EVKK.Y THCRMDA.Y BY uWART, Editor and Proprietor. 8ALISB: sr, . a , PfCCIC OF SUBSCBIPTIOIV CAHH In advance 1.50 ) payment delayed 3 months 1.15 f per year " .oo) Six Months - - . i.oo Three Months - - - .suenta. Special notices, price and a half. Kdltoral mention, ten ceuta uer line. Auvertlseuienta inserted until ordered out. eau cntrea accuraintfly . Professional carua by contract. a2ua i I.' P I n t r i e-i Mao. woaa-w Kp-urriufc ur ittUIn la on Main Street, two doors below the old Market Houae, up stairs, steps leading op from the street. Entered ia the Post Office at Salisbury as aacona class matter. Tiiubdaa January. 19. Ex-President Hayes is dead. Gov elect Carr was yesterday at Raleigh. inaugurated Now is the time to subscribe the Truth and the Weekly World or any editon of the World. You will t-ave ex pense and trouble by getting them through us. The Wataujra Democrat is authori ty for the statement, that R. At Thomas, who was t-hot by Warren, lived. nine days after ball had passed entirely though his braiu. , .. " In the Weat and North the cold has been fearful. In thi Statethe ther mometer at different points has ranged from zero to ten and fifteen degree4 below. The temperature of thin year so far is by many degrees the coldest since 1831, if not since the early part of 18o7. While other towns and counties are hustling around to secure good men to till their postoffices and oth er potations under the incoming ad ministration, it would teem that no effort in making here to secure prop ermen to till the oJHces to which we aref ntitled." The Internal Revenue suffice should be located here, as it is the "most acces-ible and eligible point for those most interested, be ing the centre of the major part of the business. It might also with great propriety be run by a Rowan man il the proper steps were taken to secure his appointment. We do not know a more suitable or proper man for the pla ;e than Kerr, Esq. He would give general satisfaction- The New York World Almanac Ibr 1893,1 he mot complete compend ium of statistics, matters of general Intarch't, is now ready and may be hal through us or by direct order Up the world ollice for 25 cents. It i. work of about 340 pages and con tains every thing you want to knov. The South Carolina liquor bill is a mixture f law and religion, and it Is a travesty on both. Hut nothing else could be expected from Phari sees and pettifoggers. There are hypocritical pietists and there are ahyeter lawyeis. Every profession has ite baniacre every age its Phar iees. its hypocrites, its traitors and professional thieves. In this case it is the Scribes and Pharisees hobnob blng with the shyster, and the petti lVfTger mixing theology with his drinks. Matthew tells us what the Saviour thought of these two pests of society. What they were then they are today, only having evolved from the Irateful Pharisee into the equally loathsome and bigotted tern perance howler. The men who de nounced Christ as a glutton, wine- bibber and friend of publicans and fnne(rs, and who filially crucified Him, are still with us in the flesh and spirit, and are meaner, because Jess excusable, than their precursors, prototypes, of Palestine, in the days of Augustus Cwsar. They've learned nothing by age or exierience. They live but to crucify the Lord afresh daily under some new reform move meat the essence of which is bigotry levened with hypocrisy. That able, progressive and interests daily, the Wilmington Messenger, is now printed on new type. This de notes prosperity, and no paper in the State deserves it more, ; . Rbe Lenoi Topic says that hot a democrat attended the recent meet ing of the Caldwell count Alliance. And why should they? Butler, (the Gideoniteftnd hivh priest of ajf- rarianism, is at the head of the or- Jer in this State now. How can a iecent man have anything to do xh an organization lead by one so to honor and patriotisn as is the and trickster Marion Butler? uraud met here last week, or Vt of it called the Rowan VMliance, but the delegates yifilJlird ;artyites for the tlOCKINQ DEATH AT dtEEXSBOltO, N. C. am from Greensboro to the e Observer of date January bant, says; an horrible trage led here yesterday after noon clock on tbe outskirts of the H-ss Einii McDonald, a teach i.u ineiiew Domini and inrixtnnl io new formal 1 Sf.nbl, wasiiut Walking, ad was her m mm " -- - " j daily ntfu on j ne Cape Fear A Yad- Itin valley Uailroad. Hearing the rumbliug of the out going train, she utei-pP-1 lo iue fcide of the track, and as the place -where she stood, wasnear a felppery precipice, she tood too near the track, the cars striking heras they passed, throwing her uuttorneath iji cars following. The wheels cut her in two. The un fortunate wouiau wasnornbiy man 19. THP LEGISLATURE. It is impossibleor us to give even a liit of the bills that are introduced in the legislature. The majority of them is not worth naming, while r 9 there aie of tbe best an hundred fold too many. The bill to punish lynchers should become a law, unless the most cow ardly and brutal murders are to be connived at and condoned. And there ought to be a provision in it imposing heavy penalties on public officers who fail in the least to dis charge their duty on such acca-uons. Here isasuecimen of the work in the House last Saturday when the bills on the calendar were taken up: A bill to amend the law of 1889, re garding thes ale of seed cotton, pass third reading; to amend section 1077 of and suppress the sale of liquors to minors, laid on the table; to a mend chapter 1478 of the code, pass ed third reading: to amend chapter 54 of code respecting usury, laid on the table; to restore the tax list of all lands wheih have not been thereon for three years and to compel them to py taxes, laid on the table: to prevent treating to spirituous- liq uors, laid on the table; to repeal chaper 92 and 3oG, law of 1891, rela tive to executors and administra tors pleading the statute of limita tion, passed second reading; to a mend section 470 of code, passed 3rd reading; to amend the constitution in regard to homesteads and person al property, laid on the table;; for the promotion of temperance, laid on the table; to amend section 1.799 of code for the benefit of laborers, pass ed third reading; to extend the char ter of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad, passed third read ing; a bill authorizing the State Tre asuierto pay $G,G94.07, balance due or the purchase of patrol steamer Lily, passed. On Monday the fallowing, bills passed final readin in the House. To incoporate Ahoskie, Bertie co.;" to repeal the act of 1887, authorizing certain certain detectives to carry concealed weapons; to amend the act of 1891 so that deeds may be ac knowledged and privy examination of married women may be taken be fore any justice of the peace, and that the genuineness of the, magis trate's signature 'may then 1e certi fied by the clerk of the Superior Ct. or the Superior Court judge. SHINING SILK PETTICOATS. Not a white petticoat has been vis ible at Saratog this season. Only kitchen maids nowadavs dare 'an near in the erstwhile popular trim-t med and ruffled garments. Silk un derskirts of the daintiest shades of blue, cream, heliotrope and pink have usurped tueir reign. One deli cate gray frocK, upheld in artistic fashion, showed just a gleam of a pretty pink petticoat, lace draped. J)ark silk ones do duty with tailor made gowns. The thrifty girl will utilize the hint and her soiled party silks of two seasoni ago at the same time. Uharlotte Observer. J. J. Bell, one of that fast disap pearing class, "the' old stage-drivers, died in Salisbury at the age of 88 years. He is said to have first ap plied brakes to stage wheels but let some one take bis invention from him, by neglecting to secure a pat ent. Winston Sentinel. The death of this father in Israel has already been announced in the Observer. He was a regular old tim er, and it was of him, simie 40 years ago, when the combination suggest ed did not appear as incongruous as it does now, that he could make a better prayer and mix a better toddy than any man in Salisbury. N. Y. -Commercial Bulletin, Ind. The speech of Senator Vilas of Wisconsin against the so called Anti Option bill, delivered in the Senate on Thursday, was convincing and unanswerable. "It rightly placed the opposition to the bill chiefly on the broad ground that it is dishonest and unconstitutional; that it has no legitimate character as a revenue measure or any other within the power of Congress, and that it un warrantably seeks to cripple a great agency of commerce. When Jerry Simpson is at -home in Kansas he plays the f irmer rack et and dresses in plain style, but in Washington he cuts a swell in fash iona'de attire, and swings a silver headed cane. The silver-headed cane is the-solidest thing about Jerry. He himself is of th-j bogus buiid. Wilmingtwn Star. The bill introduced by Senator Slieriill, of Catawba, looking to a revival of State batiks, isa safe one as it makes the issue as safe as the U.-JS. JS'ational Banks can be. W. Messenger. . Mr. Ray in the House is' on the right line-as to tbe change in the Homestead law, except he dues not go far enough. Wipe it out is what honest people are clarroring for and rightly at that. Wilmington Mes senger. It cost far the quarter ending No vember 30, 1S92, $24,273,57 mure to ruu the State, penitential v than the convicts earned. The account stand expenses i,h9U 31, earnings $7,Gll.: . Uimngion Star. To preserve a youthful appearance 3 iuiis us posssoie, it is iudi "pensa- oie mat tne hair should - . V fcillll retain its ,,alu-"ai colpr and fullness. Tnere no preparation so elfective as Ayer' is isut. n prevents baldness, healtify. elean Coo, tt"d The Leaksville Gazette savs Webb Cox a white man, went to sleep to with a box of matches in his pocket bunied'him ,Uay th- '"ited au Durned him so severely tn at he died waSs.he elfeCt8 SeVei:i The Populist Governor of Kansas in his inaugural address says "the tifVule are greater than the law or KeSee" That's the old Repub lican idea which wa- expressed in the" higher law" declaration of Mr. Seward as far back as 1854 But the trouble is that the nierr wno talk that way have about as little regard for the Seoule as they have for "the UwUndthestatutes'Wilmington Star. world-wide reputation of The AVer's Hair Vigor, w uo w n healtv action of the hair and scaly. This 'incomparable perparation re stores the original color to gray a np faded hair, and imparts the gloss and freshness so mucn desired by all classes of people. V A N CE AT THE JACKSON BANQUET. Senator Vance, of North Carolina, in answering to the toast, 'Andrew Jac kson,a citizen and an American," made one of trie witty speeches fur which he is famous. He said that Andrew Jaskson 'was either born in Union county, N C., or o close to it that he derived from it all the vir tues for which the section is famous. After being born there, he removed to Tennessee, "the daughter of North Carolina," for the three Pre sidents Tennessee has given to the country, Andrew Jackson, James K. 'Polk and Andrew Johnson, were horn in .North Carolina. ' Whether, tlie art of creating Pre sileits is denied to North Carolina or not," said Mr. Vance, ''there is no doubt it isa happy breeding place lor persons who move away and as pire to greatness, and I may be ex cused from saying' that had I gone to some other State like Tennessee I would have so overshadowed the other citizens that there is no telling what 1 might have become." Continuing, he '-aid there were two kinds of greatness the great ness that is written in books and sung in history and the greatness that is kept alive by traditions in the hearts of the people. Measured by 'the -latter, Andrew Jpckson will be found to be one of the greatest, il" not the greatest,' Americans who has ever lived- There was greatness of intellect and greatness of moral qualities. Will and will power went 'far to make up moral greatness, and in the possession of these character-' itics no one could be mentioned in the same breath with Jackson." While he did not have the keen intellectual eyesight of Calhoun "or Webster, when he did see he acted and he leaped like a thuuderbolt, a,nd did what was needed while they were considering ways and .means. Senator Vance modestly claimed re lationship with Jackson, and spoke of the coming administration in glow ing terms. Regarding the oftices to be distributed, he exclaimed: "If the horse has faithfully pulled the plow, for God's sake let him have IA C It EAST, A ED. he Moore County Robber-Murder- er Riddled by a Posse. ..I iT?ol;K Ton Kannaii McDonald and two sisters, a'l oii and unmarried, lived togetner in Pocket township, Moore county, ua the night of December 18. an un known. colored man deiiianlel ii McDonald that he give up hi mon ey. The two Meters, Mary and C ris- iint un aarm. iot- irf, nnonorl fir a nil the women, Killing Olio it triti lit mil 1 mortally WUUUU- ingthe other, and McDonald was forced to give up all his monej . Ihere was p clue to the murder lor a long time but recently it was .-peeled that Bob Kay, colored, was the murderer, and a a tse was f.,rrr.,i to (-aoture him. Ihev learn-. . that was in a negro hut, a- bout a mile from Reyser, -w,t. w,iitinr to get out 3Ioore. of the State. About 7 o'clock last evening he came out. of the hut to start f.r Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE Keyser, when the posse demanded his surrender. He dashed at them, shooting right and left. They shot him dowu. killing him almost in stantly. New. Berne Journal. It is useless to ask if the Legisla ture will not do something much needed in behalf of sheep-raising and wool producing. A Legislature as now constituted is not equal to such a demand. It lacks "sand in its craw." It has not grit enough to withstand the howlings, not of the dogs that kill, but of the foolish owners wh keep them. In Tennes see, in spite of excellent pastureage, climate, etc., the sheep business fails, and all because of the destroy ing dogs. It is a disgrace to any ci vilization and is on a par with bad roads and poor schools. In the oast few years Hood's Sar saparilla Calendar has become such a favorite that the people anticipate its annual appearance with pleasure. The Calendar for '93, which is now before us, will utility. It is a little larger than ever before, and bears a beautiful picture of the "Young Dis covers" with a pad below in plain figures, all printed in harmonious and pleasing colors. To be appietiat ed it must be seen. Get a copy of your druggist or send 0 cents to C. 1. iiood & Co., Lowell, Mass. SECRET SOCIETIES, MILITARY MATTERS. Cor. of the News & Observer. Your short paragraph on "a mili tary organization by the Farmer's Alliance" and on "secret political societies," induces nio to send you a few reflections on the some lines. I was in the convention of 1875 and was active in securing the ordi nance forbidding "secret political societies." It passed without a vote again-t it. .My personal feel ing and basiuess. interests all favor the Farmer's Alliance and, but for tlie "secret" feature, I would pos sibly have joined, i think, too, it was the secret one-sided-influences that led the organization into such extreme and even dangerous means, never fully exposed. But, to speak the whole truth, 1 think all st rictly (so-called) "secret societies" more or le.-s ot jectienable. I never belonged to but one, and even that' one, though purely social and benevolent, had a constant tendency to political feeling and action. I soon withdrew. This was oeiore the war. ftinee the war to have known so called "clubs" 1 often move on party lines. All this is, in my. opinion, alike des tructive of free thought, free speech, and freedom of action, ami tends both directly and indirectly to weaken the proper influence of the church, the State and the family the only three divine powers. In this direction the great Chi cago University, with its high scholarship and broad culture, has "fraternities." Rufus Barringer. Hon. A. Leazer, of Iredell county, has written a letter in reply to an invitation from the President of the Catawba County Alliance inviting him to address the Alliance, declin ing to do so, and alleging as a rea son that the Alliance is no longer the Alliance it was before it went into politics, but simply a piece of the Third party machinery, and that while it is such no Democrat can consistently Belong to it or re cognize it. He declares that it has be.-n betiayeU and ruined in the house of those who claimed t be its friend, which is a fact well known to every one who has kept up -with the political movements of the past two vears. One might have thought.! that with the evidence before their eyes tnat turning the Alliance into a political nrichine was destrying it, the leaders would have considered and halted and- that at least alter the election they would have called offandletthe politicians run the party and the true Alliance men run the Alliance, without shoulder ing the party. An effort was made in this drectiou by some of the delegates to the National meeting at Memphis, but they were snowed under, and the partisan faction not only controlled the meeting but de clared that the Alliance must con tinue as a political machine. It was substantially notice given to every Democrat who belonged to it to get out of it, or bow to the mandate ef the bosses. Marion Butler, the liio-d offensive Third party partisan in North Carolina, is still President of the North Caioliua Alliance. W. Star. THE TI ME TO EAT. 1 There has been a good deal of di-!cii-itn n to the best time for eating certain articles of food. Fur instance we advised not to eat meat late in the day not to. take fruit just before retiring, and to avoid tea and cuH'e in the evening if a vakeful niy;ht is not desired. Men of mature yjt-ars eJ. FRANK MCCUBBINS & C.O., COTTON BUYERS FOR illLLS -'AWDEXPORT We always pay the Highest Cash Price for Cotton and Cotton Seed. Don'fc fail to call on us. ctace in ttc rear cf DaTls & Wiley's bank oj Inniss street UP. and good stomachs are not devoting mucn time to siuuying tnese ques tions. They will tell you that watermelons never tasted better than on n dary night when the dog was chained and owner of the patch was sleeping after the weary labors of the day. Apples never were so sweet as when an entrance was sur- repimonsiy enecieu into tne rear end of the orchard and the invader punished the stolen fruit with an a-surance that the proprietor was not within eyeshot. Lakes pes and pre serves were euten whenever the eyes of watchful and solicitous parents were temporarily off duty. Green cucumbers were smuggled to bed and eaten in the still watches of the night, while raw turnips were gen erally enjoyed on the top of a stake. Lenoir Topic. Just after the election "these re form concerns,". printed about over the State, masked their faces with a sickly smile and tiied to . swindle and cajole Democrats back into ranks and to get their names on the pay roll. -They failed ignominiously and are falling back on their "reserve froce," and will tug at the teats of what third party cattle they have left as long as they have any left. Pay up your dues and help Brother Butler. II Should He in Kvtrj House. J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps- burg, Pa., says he will not be with out Dr. Kind's New Discoverv for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, that it cured his wile who was threat ened with Pneumonia after an at tack of "La Grippe," when various other remedies and several physi cians had done her no irood- Robert Barber, of Cooksport, Pa., ciiams Dr. King's New Discovery has done him more good than anything he ever use 1 for Lung Trouble. No thii.g like it. Try it. Free Trial Bot tles at. Tiieo. F. Kluttz &, Co. Drug Store, Large bottles oUc, and Sl.Od. 5 Korlh Caroling In llie "Superior Court. 1W iiAN VOIlMl Ntice i hereby jiven tf tiie incorprra tion ot Sim! (ideal li ur il war company, that ih names of tl.u irxorporat'rs are U'm" Smilii'ieal, S 11 Vil-v.r., F J Murd..uii. llieon-'. Klutu O 1. ilavi.s. J. II K.uiay, 1 M llellihiirdl and .-ii. ii oihers as ti.-y may associat-e. with tliein; hai the. priiu!ji place of bume,-s .-'Iruil b-j in a!i1u-ry, 0., and -its ireiiora! purp)st and butsinws i i -in.g. lnanisfaciunng an t -selling hard ware. riiachiiiery vehicles agricultural implements, paints, mil supplies anj nil otlier wares a:ni Hifcii -ii;tuiisv iiciialiy haii'ilcd by haidware iiit rcboi.i-i tiiat t!i duration of corporation shall by Unity years; the capital Stuck 1 1 wni y-five to''iij.i n l D bar, with privi leg tu incr(:'.-o to One llui.died Thoii-alid Dollars, iiivi-!ed into shares ot the par vuimi of Outs Hundred Dollars each. calubury .. C Jany It th, 18)3. V. ii. WAltON. C. S. c. ADVJvRTISKD' LETTERS. Remaining in the Post office atFalishury I'.ie we-efc ending Tuesday, Jany l7, lb'Jo, FEMALES. Mrs S M Brown, MrsAlattie Fe.iver, Mrs J Gl-inent, Julia' Oaiiiip. Mrs ijuan Caine, Miss N J Levari, J L Hart. Mrs Mary liar ris, col, Mrs Elizabeth Robins, 5ism Iaura Holt, Miss R L Nickson, Mrs Siantor, Mrs I D Trout man, Mrs Ceo N White, Mr No bin Waiikworth, ;rs A C Tamer, Mr- M C Frzier, A. issSuda Davii, Mrs Mary A CailaA ay. ' , MALES. I J Holmes, Benjamin, Broom, Withron Giiminina Club, Moses G Karnhearlit, Mor ris. ijyu4i.-Moses Eagle, C A Kluttz, Jake Kluttz. F A Wilton. Eiv.i.J Morr. E O Un derwood, A Davis,. W 11 tii odmati, Lewis Raudio, V L Elliot, Frauii Jouest, J A Ket 'er. J. II. RAMSAY. P. M. CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESICN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS. eteJ For rnfor-jiaMon and free Handbook writ to MUN'N ii co 3C1 Buoadwat, srw York. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America. KTery patent taken oirt by tin is broujrbt beforo the public by a notice given free ct charge In the J'ricuttfic JUucrifau Lanrst ctrmlatimi of any Bcipntlflcpopcr tn tne worlU. Splenuidly illustrated. Ho lnteUlreat man eTiould be without it. Weekly, 93. GO a year; tUflsix months. Addrefs UCN.N & CO-VcaiiiMiEB-s 3U 1 Broadway, Aew lot City. r? wast v.TZ?.:nmn ascot Address a letter or TKr.l rarri tn .... TTTK PRESS CLAIMS COttPAXT. JOHN tCDDERBUBM, - - Managing Attorney. P.O. Sox 463. ASHIJigTOH.dTc? P??5I053 PHOCCEED Frni f SOLDIERS. vvinou.? CHILDREM, PARENTS. furvjTora of the InJUn wan of 1&3 to lwi - " -iu-.w., milieu. u.ginfirerctMcaimi f a sTerUltT. TnousarxU entl-.ied to K riwl i cmiiuccui: u,lce- ou r : 1 it Scientific American CHRISTMAS DINNERS , With over indulgence in rich food, and wines, derange the stomach, causing dyspepsia, indiges tion and all bilious complaints. These conditions are cured by HUM PH KEYS' SPECIFIC, NUMBER TEN. price 25c at all Drug Stores. Klortrle Bitter. This retried v is becoming so well known and so popular as to neen no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the iiverand kidneys, will romove pimples, boils, salt rheun, and other affections caus ed by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and pre vent as well as cure all malarial fe vers. For cure of headache, consti pation and indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire satisfaction guaran ted, or money refunded. Price 50e. and $1. per bottle at Theo. Kluttz & co's. drugstore. Richmond & Danville Rail Road Co , F. W. Huidtccper and R-uen Foster, Receiver. NOTICE- On ihe23rd of January, 1893. at 1 r m. at die Court House in the town o Salisbury, N. C, I will proceed t dl fr cash the following tock to wii: Fourtaaref.. brown ami hnv. utid two mules, blavk. to the highest, bidder at puWicauctui. the sid stock being fcncNiined freieht. shipped from Tex9 to Salisbury, via ihe Enct Tennessee. Virginia and U-oreia Railway Company Hnd.the Western North Carolina Division of the Richmond and Danville Rail Road Corn pany. This said stock consigned to F. C. Winders. Salisbury. N. C , who bas been notified f the arrival of the same at the de pot. and of the amount of freigiit due on ihe san.e, and chrge and which be refuses to paw The date of he arrival of said stock being the 9ih Decemler. 1802. TLi- side i made unler the auctions lV-8o and 198t of '.he code of NortU Carolina, tl? proceeda of t!w same to he appropriated to the payment of tln Ireicht f-n fcjune, charges Sc., nd ex- t ensefl as providt-d in said sections of the law. V. W. xjEicj. Agent. Richm nd t Danville Railroad. F. W. ITuidecoper&Reuben Foster, Receivers Unt'k.rli' Arnica Sulve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped bands chilblains, cores and skin, eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaran teed to give perfect satisdation, or money refunded. Price 25cts per bosc. For ale by TllEO. KLUTTZ Al JO. NOTICE Is hereby given that an application will bb made to the next Legislature to amend the charter of the town of Salisbury , N. C. By order of the Board of Comn issioner. T.C. LINN. December 29th, 1892. Mayor. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE CEN-fl.0ERMEN. And other pecialtles for Gentlemen, Ladles, Boys and Aliases are the Pest in the World. $ee descripttre adTertlse mtnt vrhicli will appear la. this paper. Take no Substitute, but Insist on ha-rlng W. Lu DOUGLAS' SHOES, with came and price stamped oa bottom. Sold bjr M. 8. Bnowx. A. S. HE1LIG, Attorney at Law. Offers his professional services to the citizens of Rowan and adjoining counties, prompt and careful atten tion given to all business entrusted to him. ' 1 22 91.3m. Stils cf Norlli Carolina, ? . KOWAN COUNTY. ) IN OFFICE CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. J. W. Powkus, Admr. of ) fenok Miller Trooeeding to Tf. 1 ITenrv Mill-r, C. B Miller, f sell Ul s J A. Linn Flonnce Miller. Mary C'Linrr, Lnndy Miller ( tat 'for w Milo Awdnian. Lowrina I Goodnran and Maggie Pow-Jet. las. , It apj-earinc to. I'.e satisfaction of the court that llei ry Miller, one of the above named Ileiendante., i a non reidut of this State and cannot after due diligence be found therein it is or.lerM that lublication be nuid in tbe Salisbury Truth for six sucres tive eek'. notifvini; th said Henry Mil ler to apj-ar at the . ffice ot the Qlerk of tne superior Lou rt ot sai l Co. on Thursday the 2th day of January, lrjll-3. and anwr or demur io ir; eom-.iainl tilel in smd plO ct-e ung. luif loth llfcc, 1'J2. W. G. WATSON, Chrk Superior Court. "- f i if af it m mi 3 TMt CHEAT PROGRESS OF ELECTRICITY. ' Medical & Surgical Icstitofs for tne Trentment ot rhroale, roaa, VenereaLllpcrtaL rnraLf, I'ranle, and alt Marsleal I)imu. (IBB Ul-ARASTEEII In all ctMt arm need and taken. Send fear renti in ntmp for toolc on above d'seaaes. and how to '; "ure iiicm. Call or address. JtX ALBERT F. SHELL I CO JTMImUuim. iMlrill, T... CsTssts-Tradwarb, Dedga PaJasIs, CopjrtgSi, Aad an Patent business conducted tor MODERATE FEES. Information and advice given to Ititi iiIsis wttDoat char-re. Address PRES3 CLAIMS CO lOHHWEDOERBURtl. Vssirng Attorney, 1 P.aBox4es. WxsHiaoT05.Ixa TCwrrpany to managed bj a combination of tne targest.a&d moat fnnmtl&I wiiimuji la tha tr&lted Statea. for te express purpose of pmmtmt ins tixrlr aulMserlWiw asxlast tmaerr-jmloa and twajpeteat Patent Agents, and each paper prtJt;i ttls d vcr-Uwsnent roaehe for lha nrpooMi. IdlUy tad ti uaUa of U Press OaUaa Company. KOT1CE, All persons havinv claims ap-siost the esiaU of Mrs E. J Nilh, deceased, are here "y notified to j ret en t taem to me on or be fore January 5th, 1894. Tr this notice will b- f lej-d in bar of tLeir recovery. Debtore to mid es ate are reqaestd to - m ake pay wfnt. Jan'y 2. 1793. J. A. NAIL, T io F. KLtmx. Atty ) Admr cl E. J Naab, . - w Richmond &Danville RRq, F. W. Hnidekoper and Recbea t . Receifert, CONDENSED STUEDULE. In Effect Novnrlet. U. m. nn,T. - &4ithbound. No 9 Ho. 11 Lv Richmond I. Rarkeville L KeysvilU Ar DB-viU Ar Greeasboro Hi f5 rx 725 am 920 av 300 rx 4t, Lv Goldtboro Ar Raleigh 1215 tu t" 45 nd 155 rx 11 10 rm Lv Raleigh Lv Durham Ar Greensboro Lv Winston 440 ru 615 AM 614 rm 740 rv 715 am 915 am f640 r 810 tx 950 pm 8 00 am 9 30 am 1104 AM 12 08 ru Lv Greentboro Ar Salisbury Ar Statesville Ar Asheville Ar Hot Springs Lv Salisbury Ar Charlotte Ar Spartanburg At Greenville Ar Atlanta 4 25 tu 557 rx 955 rx lllOrx 156 am 307 am 900 a 11 H AMI 817 am 925 am 11H7ax 1223 rm 455 tu 935 am 120 rx 425 m 11 40 rx 3 86 rM 4 42 rM 11 00 rM Lv Charlotte Ar Columbia Ar Augusta 1180T 600 AM 1000 jim DAILY. Northbound. I ft 59 It No. p..1 -o 12 No. 23. fiwX 290 pm 1050 57 S50fm 600 am 730 pm 920 rx 8 05 am i245m 640ax 7 00rM 805 pm 655 am 7 45 tm siSpai 817am 9 15 am 92 pm J2 39 rm 45 rx "' 47 rm 37 rm 827.am 9 62 pm 929pm 1010am -t 20pn 1142pm if SO am t W) am 1020 am -t 35pm 1211 rx 3 85 am 109 pm 6 Of) am 128 rx t8 45 pm 305 rv ';?5am 1020 ax i .opm 1047 ym 11.01 rx I 15mm 1201 am 2r5 rx 4 05 mm 405 am 325 rx 4 il am 4!i am 5S0 rx 7 60 am TOO am Lv Aueut Lv Columbia Ar Charlotte Lv Atlanta Ar Charlotte Lv Charlotte Ar Salisbury Lv Hot Springs Lv Asheville Lv Statesville Ar Salisbury Lv Salisbury Ar Greensboro Ax Winston Lv GiwTittboro Ar Durham Ar RleigH Lv Raleigh Ar Goldsboro Lv Greensboro Ar Danville Ar Keysville Ar Burkevule Ar Richmond f Daily except Sunday. BETWEEN WiKTI'OI-ITAMDClC Leave West Point 7 fiO A. M. ekily gar, 8.f0. A. M daily except SnndaT and MoM,, ilav; arrive Richmond .9.05 and 10.401. A -a Keiurnin leave Richmond fl.iO r; 21, A and 4 45 T. M daily eteit Sunday, arty- mTTtf f 4t We-t Toinf 5 OO and 6 K) F. M. ni.Twrj:.n imosn A,n rau via HKyayiLix I-re Riehmond 12 '45 A. M. tUnW Kev--ille.U M.: arrive Oxford 6.U0 A M., Ilea.leraon H 55. M.. DuTbam 7.20 A. H. Kalewh -6.O0 i'. M.,elm-a I03& A. V . Iletornung brve Selma 3.30 A. M.,' Ha4ey;n 1.40 P.M., daily. Durham 7 2r P. M., lrndeton 8.30 P. M.; Oxford 10.65 P. M.; wrrive Keysville 7 00 A. M., Rich. mnd A. M. r Mixetl traiu leaves Keysville daily except Sunday 9 25 A. M.: arrives Dnrbam 11 6ft P, M. Leaves Durnam .45 A. M. daily! cept iMonday: arrives Oxford 9 20 A.M. Additional tram leaves Oxford daily cept Sunday 7.00 p. ro., lUia. m. arrive Henderson 8.00 p tn and 12. '40 p. m., re turning leave Henderson 1030am aad22& t m daily except Sunday, arrvvsOacd 1 1.20 a ra and 8 15 i m. Nos. and 38 connect at Ricfcsaoj Ir-mt and to West Point and Bahiioore druly Sunday. SLEEPING CAR SERVICE. On Trains 9 and 10, PuIWa bmUt leeper between Atlanta and Xm York, between Danviil and Augusta, On 37 and 8. Pullman rrjfct Sleep' tween Ktchmond and x3Tiu uniting at Danville with Washington an Southwestern Vetibuled Limted' for At- lantA, carrying Puiliraa Sleeper orl ta XSew Orleans, and ew YcrX if a-I--ta, and Dining Car New V'ork w Montgo mery. . ua Trains U and 12 aDd fulimsn tm Sleepers bete ween New York. Waa.ono . and Hot prIng8 via Salisbury, aaa ville. and llu U uia sleepers betw ington and AtW.aud belwwuirMl)rr aud Pcriatoouta Va.. Atlantic 4 DnTiiiw R R e'. BERKLEY. J. S. THOMPSON, Sueriniendet. Supenouadeat, . tiaEtsitono.N.C Kicho. Va. W. A. 1 UKK. OeoeraJ Ps. Aaat. AVasbinotos. V. C S.H, IIAKDW1CK. Ass tGen. Fas. AgaaA, ATtAHTA. OA. w. n. green, hU.HfAf; fWl Mirr.. anajc-. WA8BWOT05. D.C. Wa1BI5WO, D FIRST GLASS BAR. FOR PURE WINES, LIQUORS. CI GAB BEER, AC.,oU A; . SHSPHEBD'S On lnnl street- one door below Klatte. WE WANT YOU . . oar exeat. We larniwi aa ex oatflt and all V .par. Uwcr ail Um. i eaTeara a rreat deal ot Hsy laatte. Ifeeiwss eT people la the ween are -main rul tal a tiioee at wark far as. pleasast. ttrietly hoaoraWe. aadjays aetter taaa I Mkrr effmd ia arena. Tea aaea a asawr flefd, with a U Ili' rA-Kh.if obeVei faltafalty. wtM dMu nratr. pciaiirj mwrm saore ssoney U-aa will W swj Drove yoer ptwpeeti ! Why jot r i it. mA ..r.lr at work for 1 ucaiB-i. - - MWMirt for abaolete Pamphlet elmilsr xilnc every part lea lar Is see free ta ail. la not lo serine for K. ACORGR fTINON CO.. to . . Portia, Bav i Te-saaa4s)a i. Eiaaatakle 5, I1- , .W '' a f f X,

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