m wsm IMS. - VOBUSHKO EVERY THURSDAY BY i. 5. STEWART, Editor and Proprietor. 3A;.IS37JtV, C. parttlerit doiaj ed months It year 2.W i'ix Month - - - - l.iift Three Moutba - " ' - ' - - ,5 cnt. i'Malnotic, price and a half. Kditoral iik k Ioiih. ten 'ent! jht lln. AlvertlHMiKMiTH hisrted until or l?red out, nlid chtr:rd ar-cordiiily L'rf-s4jual rar.lH by coi;trat. 'flaPOFFICK OF THE TitUTil i on Min Strfeet.tvrodocru l:JovtheoU Market Houe, jcp stairs, tes leading cji froia Uit treet. Kntered io the Post Office at Salisbury as Scond class matter. T J J U Its DAY S K IT EM BE K 14.' We are indebted to Senator John II. Gordon for a copy of his ppeeeh on the repeal of the Sherman silver hill. Gen. Gordon -.peaks and writes like he fought. Our Ihnuks are due Senator yance for a copy of his late speech. Jt is ublishedlin full in the Washington National View of last Saturday. ii i9hiu mac oenaior , van.ee is fighting the confirmation of both ivope Julias and Simmon; but the -tsenator cannot run Cleveland's ad uMUMrauon mis time any more than ho could before. We hardly believe the report. There are men who come into this yrnrld with big mouth- wide open, fipd their Ungues run loose like i ....it ...... i. ... i i . ... rt-u couirucieu nuiier mill on au unfailing branch, and the noise they jnake to the ear is not very dissimi lar. It soon grows monotonous, dull and painful, however. We have wo characters in Congress who were born to blow, bleat and bore. One is gilver crunk Stewart from Nevada, and the other is edueational fool Ulair from Massachusetts. They are pot only bores but public nuisances. They never know when to stop talk iujr when they begin ; and they nev er say anything fresh or worth lis tening to, though they talk a week. 6omp people arc still bellowing for mors money, for an increase in the circulation of the currency. Won fjer if they lived in war times when tdiin plasters were plentiful?, We hatfe no wymyathy with those who favor an inflation of the currency. Men who wish to pay off an honest fJebt with a currency that will not be worth 2o ier: cent, in the dollar pamparcd with the real value of the debt, would like to pay for a farm jjjat is aptuaily worth ten dollars per acre with a few bushels of corn or a jew sacks of iiour whose value had jieen enormously enhanced by the jssuance , of a spurious currency.- Is t honest? A increased ' currency -wdl help dishonest men just as bank i upt, homestead and stay laws have loue, and injure all others. The bootlicks, snobs and obsequi ous are still making fools of then. jwfing about Mrs. Cleveland's last fjaby. Men wlio have wives and mothers whom" they respect to write ueh sycophantic drivel as some of them about the President's wife and child deserve to be kicked across the continent. What is Mrs. Cleveland more tnau any other refined an de cvnt woman of this land? or her ba by that itshould fill the papers with the drivel of men worshippers and looU? Is it because she is by acci dent the President's wife and it the Presidet's child ? We have had Pres jdents before, and there are plenty jnen all over thi-- country entitled to a- much respect as Mr. Cleveland, a side from the olhce he holds, and women without number as pure, as good n nd as much entitled to respect ;is the President's wife. Evangelists seem to carry around With them reporters' to do their lowing. And they do it effectually. Their are certain Evangelists wlm rarely hold a meeting anywhere that forties, fifties or hundreds are not added to the church, not to speak of backsliders and those who have, fill en from grace ; but whether they are of such as are to be saved, we are not told. The credulity of some peo die. is wonderful. These truly aston-i-hingadditions or pious converts are jis hard to find as a fle: in a hay staefc after the "great preacher" is gone a' week or a month, and the commun ity is minus fifty, a huudre I or a thousand dollars that should have eH given to the local clergy. If men mast be trained to moral ity and faith, just and honorable principles, manly duties aud sacred obligations, true religion is a growth often uiatie worse instead of .'hetter. Not infreiiuently, even thus early -me ees in the State press sues ions of the oncoming of the 'next matorui campaign in North Caro liim'. Harvis is alrendy stripped and jrrd,ed for the flKht and Ransoin is ilwitj lad,V for the onset. It lias jieeti wispered that Waddell will nter the; lists niiia and in imiercir-4-les thre is h rumor th it Stodman iiiay sr'o tt th House from Run viuibe, .stand for Speaker, and if ele- und cannot he thrust into men hy i-ninnutina. ajraitt either metal, or! pi a X''t o'V;; , .k .-y ' FPTFIfRFl? 97 oq'.o lono i i . ... , , ch'ii'Ti t'r 1 1 1 i n t " '"" hpf rh, ii..n..r , -,. -A,lt-V la ' v .itizen says the ha- ofM liuSiDEili, 4, 5, In.md pictures of hades aud future -). J u VhtlS :151iut to ahnut "W ' : ! 1 torture. A religion which ro-uUs of eoual intrlu an! RACES, MUSIC, ; from fear, or any other sordid m.- I hie value, or ho adjusttnl throo-h ! i1 JS'2 res ; I AMUSEMENTS AC. &C. yivc is not worth the having. A m.i internatit.nal a-reenient, or by ueh ; uie tr.ct :;'o7-' "V.'tV, . iCr m'rrinv vrv .- ....v-n r. . . . saio.'ii'irfls of li rwl-diM.i .u i-i ' 1V'' U'H i, ..( io-, anu the stock of; , AUJIJftlOJN O.NLl CENTS. J jontv of those wrought uo into a 'dktr-naro oi itiiaum a i (mmIs at Aiox rider a it t ;,i i , , -, . ur-ure the maintenance of the tvo ! Tif t - . Bairn ; ntcraoDY c o;n:. liowlin-moh hyt,,,so land, noiy u.taN lU)(l Ule , ,)f , ; f V1- 'ETBost Pre R A Rrowv Tn. ! iiml nrenmot vo Kv:,M.r(.li ; .l.ai-.,n 1 .... ..... ..... -lutiu, attorneys. ( L l b(fcT, i ns, it A liKOw.N, Ires, f r - ......Vrf,B ij iiuii.-ii jii in nn c.. : i i ii iih I i v i ctected fun up a senatorial lightn ing rod.'- We do not know how these two last things may be; but as Vance said the other day, "the string of the bow of.Ulysses warned him of approaching danger by sing ing a Mr.g of battle and of strife." The song of the string of Ransom's bow is doubtless sounding, already, day and night, in his ear-, but he has heard it many times before, and has not yet been found disobedient of its warning, God bless him! Ex. Our esteemed Contemporary has neglected to mention one gentleman whom Ins friends may put in the rice and who-e popularity anil efiiccricy entitle him to highest consideration. As a true friend and faithful .repre sentative of the people he ha no equal in North Carolina, and never has had. He is not a schemer or a trickster or a man always looking out for No. one, but he devotes his entire time and eminent abilities to the duties he has been selected to discharge, and whatever he does is well done. Such a man we always need in the United States Senate, and such a man we will ere Ion" have -there. That man is -John Steele Henderson of Salisbury ;. C. HON. J.S. HEDERSON'3 VIEWS. Till; WILHO.V ASl) VOOUIiKKS. Charlotte Observer. The stall correspondent of the Observer, in his talk with me a. few days ago, misunderstood some parts of the conversation I am not "unal terably opposed to the repeal of the purchasing clause of the Sherman law." I voted against the Wilson repeal bill, because it not only pro vided for a contraction' of the cur rency to the extent of some 0o,000, 000 per annum, but it also removed from th .-tiitutRs of the United States any authority for the coinage uifwiMu. j ne v oornees uiii, now pending in the Senate, does not go' thi- far. It repeals the "purchasing clause," but does not repeal part of tlie Sherman act which directs that the Secretary of the Treasury "shall coin of the silver bullion purchased under the provisions of tins act, as much as may be necessary to pro vide for the redemption of the Trea sury notes" therein provided for. The coinage value -of. the silver bullion stored in the Treasury vaults to nearly 200,000,000. I do not ihink the bill which is to be come a law will prevent the coinage of the bullion in the Treasury I have never favored obstructive tactics to prevent the passage of the repealing act. I think one week's dihcussiong in the House, instead of two, would haver been suffioent, and I have always hoped the Senate would come to an early vote. With regard to ilie tax on State banks notes, I hope I am mistaken, but I do not believe there is any prospect for the repeal of this tax bv the Fifty-third Congn 83,whf ther the I resident favors it or not. The pie yailmg belief is that he does favor it. The President may not recom mend it, but he is also said to favor an income tax. My viws upon the' currency ques tion are well known, audi have seen no occasion to retract the.m. hut, 1 am "perfectly aware that good men ana go d Democrats can consintious- ly diner about this ouestion. A financial crisis is upon us, and every good citizen should be willing to do all ih. his power to remove the cause of tne panic. Leirislatim mav or may not be able to" do this. iur. Cleveland has alwavs enter tained decided -opinions upon the currency question. He ha never favored free coinage of silver. In nis letter to Hon. A. J. Warner. and others, dated 24th of February, io?u, jie sum: 1 hope that you concur with mo. and with the grout majority of our fellow-citizens, in deemim' ft. nm,f dedrable at the present juncture to ..... '.J -a .. maiuuun antt continue in use the mass of our gold coin, as well as the mass of silver alrendv 'Mine.l This is possible by a present susncn- sion of the purchase and coinage of silver. I am not aware that by any other method it is possible." ' in his hist annual message, dated December 8, 1885, he also said: "We have now on hand all the silver dol lars necessary to supply the present neeus oi me people and to satisfy tho-e who, from sentiment, wi-h to see them in circulation, aud if their coinage is suspended they can read ily be obtained by 'all j who desire them. Jf the need of more is at anv tune apparent, their coinage may Le renewed." ( As to whether "a general measure as to currency relief" will hereafter be brought to the attention of Con gress by the President, I have no means of knowing. He may not consider that it is his duty to d so. Hut whether he does does or not, me res pons limy will devolve upon a Democratic Congress to do every thing possible to keep th pledges to the people eonl-iiuol in the iem.icr:tnc pi.Uio:-ni in'-regard to i l lie currency. . Winil are' these pledges? "We ileiiounco t!e republican legis lation known a tiie Sheiu.-an acl of I i5X as .ix-. i vya.r V.y m a keshi-it , fra uggt possiin iiUu': ot danger iu tiie future S fell V- .-, an- j which hiu:M make all of' i 1 porters, as well as its ami Lious for its' spovdv renea!." '!:. : f : . .. .1 1 r .. . . -. 1 oeisKoiu .u- sue repeat .:-:. me enure act, curiously, however, ; as well :is iiuurt-'ctly expressed. "Y hold to the t;.s of hoth I gold and silver as thi standard ........... .'! ..1 :t .. -it . 1 ujof ii i.i'.' iu;u stiver witnout (iis-i moot nf .l,.lif. ' a "And we demand that all at pa Ii. i r per currencv shall he ketd v.rtK it .... , i .. . . " i "V" icuiiuauie ia .uai any r.Uionill tnste can ho Jsatitied 'i'IIii- , V u I iJds season, si::ce there Is more iati- 4-," e recommend that the pro-! tude than usual allowed in the -e-hihitorsio per cent tajc tm State lection, and the styles are, in coruse bank issues be repealed." quence. much more vri! th-,n l can attenuon to the fact that the! Ttwoin meiuttft ion" favoring the re- peal of the It) per cent tax on State; bank notes is positive and unequivo-j J &a I .... lv ...... . ... f ; I call attention to the fact that the ! l, p:ite a. much sop. aey other p.etim the platforo,. j 1 ranee wm, a popul,.i ,a of V ' 1)00,000, uses $S00,0CiU(000 of gold and $7W,000,000 of silver coin, full legel tender. The United States should be able to utilize, proportionately, an equal amount. On such a basis, e-tlmating our population at G8,000,- 000, we might use I,iVJ,000,0'.)), of Kold and I,0,KjQ,000 of silver coin. On Aug. 1, 1S03, our tix:k of gold coin amounted to S520,273,5w7 and our standard silver dollars to ?419, 332,400. Secretary Carlisle is reported to have faid that the United States could safely use $1,000,0:10,000 of sil ver and maintain it on a parity with gold. Until the panic is over, it is Lin- possible to predict with any sort of accuracy whether or not there will be any legislation favorable to silver enacted by the Fifty-third Congress, but let us a!i hope for the best. John S. Hexderkox. September 6, 1S03. HIGHER EDUCATION, AX ESTABLISHMENT WHICH IS EMINENTLY-WORTHY OP PATRON . AGE. Tiie JEoruer Slllilary School, Oxril. N. C. During the past month this insti tution has been the subject of closest investigation at our hands, and trained representatives of the Jour nal have pursued rigid enquiry a- mong highest unbiased authorities concerning its scope, method and and achievements. In fact all available information concerning its features have been sought. Those uirecuy concerned in its manage ment or ". hnancially interested in its success were not consulted, it be ing deemed advisable to obtain ex pressions entirely free from bias or self-interest. As a result of such fair and pitinstftking search we do not hesitate to select this admirable ins titution and to freely and unreserv edly endorse it to every reader who seeks the best and highest in educa tion and who would secure the greatest return upon his investment tor this excellent establishment has undoubtly solved the important question of maximum returns com bined w.th minimum of expense. It affords the highest practical educa tion at lowest possible cost More over, it is ably managed, thorough m methods and equipment; in fact, all that could be desired, hence we do not hesitate to commend it in un qualified terms. We have no great er interest in this institution than in any other of its kiud, but having by unbiased investigation assured ourselves of its surperiority and worth, consider it a duty "to subscri bers to make such supreme merit known.. Now is the time to consider selec tion of an educational establishment and the choice should be made after closest examination. This we have done and in all candor we say to every reader that the claims of this institution cannot be ignored. It amply meets the requirements of the most exacting. Chicage Ameii can Trade Journal. THE REPU13LICA LEGACY. Frf-niihe Boston Herald. ' That petty partisanship whHi hesitates at nothing in its efforts to make points againts, those opposed to, it in politics has already charged this condition of affairs to the party in power. That party has spent no thing not authorized' by law, and no law has been passed for four years that has not been Indorse'd by a lie publican branch of Congress and signed by a Kepublican Prfsident. The most important step in the les sening of the revenue winch, aside from t he panic, has caused this de ficiency, was taken bv a Congress which was Republican in both its branches. We state these facts that the truth in the case may be known and to expose unscruplous misrepre sentation. The railroad commission Thesday issued the following order: "When ever any goods or freight shall be received by any common carrier in North Carolina to be delivered to any consignee in the State, and a portion shall not be received at the place of destination, the carrier shall not demand any part of the charge for freight or 'transportation due for such portion of the shipment as shall not have reached the place of destination. The carrier shall be re quired to deliver to the consignee I such portion of the consignment as shall have been received upon the payment or tender of the freight charge upon such portion." The. Rev. Edward Everett Hale says that Ralph Walfco Emerson, on one of his ocean trips, committed Milton's "Lyeidas" to memory to while away a few otherwise unpro fitable days, and that he never heard of any one .else who did that on such a voyage for pastime. Gen. Cassius M. Clay, of Kentucky who v.-ill complete .his eighty-third y'?tr in Oeloher next, says he never indulged much in stimulan ts, not iw i::jr spirit., coffee, or tea habitualiv. looacco ,;e ::;s always echesve-.i. 1 He h:s required nine hours' sleep i nightly all nis i;f !'on :ml in th,.,. ! ...... . ------ i t;tirer ve rs permits iutaself to get even more thai an that. Gn. li. I). Vm nee and Id son, J. auct', w ho conducted the hotel AUTUMN WRAPS. In wniiK thp !n('i4ii-.i.j.. .. ' . nn- iiihi thev were lat ea-.on, Cain's still shown in new and pretty slims and will be verv poiiular til the reallv cold weather con . . thev were lat Vea-on. Canes ra de li n- but j, hav y u S the extreme favor that the caiMi en-it j,yel lt prinX. The comfortah I and becoming reefer front is back ugain, and will be one of the pretti est styles for plain jackets. Such jftckets have a smooth back fitted in at the waist, with the skirt so trored a- io nan? quite iuu, out witnouc plaits, ahd are finished "with a flat rever-Iike coat collar, and two rows of stitching around the edges. Perhaps greater popularity for general use, however, will be ac corded to the more dressy Jackets and coats made -of beaver, - broad-? cloth, or velvet, with the fancy cape collars, and trimmed, according to the design, in braid, passementerie, cords, or fur. Such coats can be bought in style and material suita ble for any occasion; and are made in all lengths from thirty-six inches to the full-length Newmarkets reaching nearly to the bottom of the dress. Brown, black, blue, and green are the colors most used, in the order of their popularity, and the materials are generally plain. novelties being seen only in a few of me most dressy jackets, which have a limited use. Narrow edges of fur win be more used than ever, but not to the exclusion of the neat cords and braids. The popular furs will be nutria, mink, skunk, beaver. seal, and sable. From "Review of rashions," in Demorest's Family Magazine for October. In Virginia, the Republicans hav ing dropped out, the contest in the political broil is to be entirely be tween the Democrats and the Popu lists. That is the philosophical re sult of al third party movements. There is no use but for two par tiesand no matter whether the op position to the Democrats are called Populists or Republicans, they a mount to the same thing. They are all of a feather'..; News & Obser ver. ; CYCLONE IN LOUISIANA. New Orleans, Sept. 8, 12:15 a. m. Cyclone at Lockport, La. Five persons killed, including two Sisters of Charity, and many wounded. Gov. Tillman "has issued an ap peal to the people of the United States for he! p for the South Caro lina sufiFiTerers. He places the num ber of deaths from the storm at a thousand. Bishop White, of Virginia, one of the oldest in the American Protest-1 ant Episcopal Church, writes froni Clifton Springs that he is goin? blind. Society Editor "Here is a wo lan writing to us to know if a grass widow ought to wear mourn ing. Ross Editor "She might wear a green lawn." Indiannapolis Jour nal. The Pennsylvania protected in dustries are protesting against a change in the tariff. The Pemtsvl- vania beneficiaries of monopolytaxes that they were not in touch with the majority of the country. New York world, Deni. ; ' Cuke voix headache.! As a remedy.for all forms of Head ache Electric Bitters has proved to oe tne very best. It etrects a per manent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its influence. We urge ad who are af flicted to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In eases of habitual constipation ElectricBitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Large bottles only Fifty cents at Tiieo F. Kluttz&Co's Drugstore. -1 FOB 'OVEJt .FIFTr Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their chil dren while teething, with perfect success. It sooths the child, softens the gums, allaysall pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diar rhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Drug gists in every part of the wbrid. Twcntyfive cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup," and take no other kind. 1-G-Do. one year. IlutUicil'. Arulc-a Kalve. The best salve in the World for cuts, bruises; sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, cores, and skin, t-ui iwu.s, auu positiveiv cures piles f or no pay required. It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfat'ioo. or money refunued. Price 25c ts per box. For sale by Tiu:o. Kluttz i C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having i ed AdrniT3istra'r tipcnine !i A !yri;k, iei-e.iS(e.l, nntict ji ht-rebj givti.11 to nil psrsus having clai:ii8 ag4iti.n the est-itf of f:tii d-eeat, to prfc."t-Dt them to Me wf.aymet-:i or t i'ore ihe 14th Jay of S:f -Ukot, 1S:)4, or thi ; r.o:j. - will be y-vi m bsir of thtir recovery All ptr:oh ictlc'i-trtl ta said batatc nr.-. rt-'jut-ted to male j.ioiiK.t payiaent with I out turt'utr uoiice. j.tviatit-r 1 lt.ii, I F. J. A1URD0CII. Adriir. ! G. G. A. & Uu FillR, I SIXTH ANfiUAL EXHIBITION.1 CONCOHD, . c. II T J Evdwig, Set. ADMINISTIlA rOf;S' UUTICE. Having oualibHl a AdK.ia:strtoi with will aam-ird. uwa he ite of Joim U l."j' 1. s- ". utceafci, nooca u n?re&v given W j all persons having claium aaaoit ij eitKte to present them to m for parnsnt o.i or be fere tue 10th day of Auu.-t" Ih'jl or. thi f notice will be f i-a-l tar of tUair recovery All frsota indebted to taid estate are ao?i fsed to make untatchat r.vi2tAnt, a.... E ITr r H UT T v tl Lrff Ta C r ttorny, FRESH MEAT. I have fitted up a first class Beef Market near the National bant and shall keep constantly on hand noth ing but the best fresh meats the markets affords, I shall have an ex perience butcher and meat dealer to conduct the business. Patronage is solicited and entire satisfaction is guaranteed. y J. C. SHEPKD Scrli tolas, Rowan Com;;y J In the Superior C?art. ) Social proceeding . ' John luowery, IS. Miebaol Eilw. Sylvia Ellis, hia T7;.f". Notice is hf-aehy r!ren to Michael E'lia and Sylvia KKi, the aciealanta above r.ame-i, that .at m-tion ha been began in the S u per ior Ccmrtof fto vr a n cca n ty rg ai a s t them, the oarpose of which is to have a Trustee appoin tel ia place of John JWMow ery,deev.$),.the f.treciosnreof several Mort gaga Trust Dc-eda rtct:M4 br tliem lor the heath of the pliiinJstiLe said defcn- J uauis trt- 1 t-ui rei --af yr .vj-.b toe crace 01 the CUrk of tha Supc-ncr CoJirt of sid coyn ty and answer ''sfUlonur t t'.e' petition on or before ihe 'Jiy cf 5ep!:rabt?f 1893, and let the defendants t Notice that if they fail .to arirw.-r ..kf petition at that time, tb piHiatii? will apply to tiw Court for the relief dernsindftd Givc-a under niy band this 14th day of VS. 0. WATSO", C. S. C -liowaa county THROUGH CARS TO CHICACO, VIA. Leaves Asheville R & D daily 4.0o r.M " Knoxville E T V & G 8.00 r.M " Lexington Q.&C 4.40am " Louisville PennalineS.15 am Arrives Chicago Penna. line o.I-j pm This line traverses ; the blue Gpass Region of.Ker.tucky; and the fa mous Natural Gas Belt of Indiana. For tickets, rates, or any other in formaticn, call on any Agent of the It. & D., or E. T. V. & .Q. Pys., or address B. G. Edwards, G. P. A., Cincinnati, Ohio. lir. S. JL. Ramsjiy, SURGEON DENTIST, ' SsimiDEAL's Row, Office No. 1, OFF WE HOURS From 9 to 5. Salisbury, c. HAKE YOUR HOME PlEASAMT I ! ! Patronize the largest nursery in the State, where you con get all the old and new, native and foreign varieties of fruits, Hardy Ornamen tal Flowering Shrubs, Evergreens and Evergreen Shrubs, Shade and Ornamental strees, Roses all kinds and colors. The finest colleztjon in the South, the finest varieties gathered as they aie. from all parts of the globe. Our low prices, first-class stock enable everybody to beautify their homes, and make home the most pleasant place on earth. Don't delav order ing your nurvsery stock for fall deli very. Your orders solieted. H. B. Varner, Agent. J. VAN, LINDLEY Prop'r. Pomona Hill Nurseries, April IS. Pomona, N. C. MWJ c I mm. mm MAIN STKEKT One door below the Opera House Salisbury, N. C. '. 1 ; DEXTER SHOE CO., Inc'p. Capital, If ,000,000. BEST 81.CO SHOE IN THE WORLD. "A dollar saved is a dollar earned." This Toadies' Solid French Dongola Uld Bat ten Boot delivered free any where in the U.S., on receij-t of Cah, Money Order, or Pootal Note for tlO. Equals every way the boots pold In all retail stores for $2.t0. We make this boot -j 1 uurneiven, xnereiore we cuar- X'tu u'lni - A arUf "e.tt, style and wear. we will refund the monev ur pena enomer pair, opera loe cr common sense. k wiataa V, C. & EE, Send your site; A 'tyX tea will ;U nt you. n m ' . a- Illustrated Cata logue FREE Dexter Shoe CoTMSKiS: Special term to Dealert. THE MILD POWER CURES. K h ;t i ti K b D &si U 9 Hr. li i:nr-irey. F f;-tficii cj-epc kntifiCaDyand csreiuiiy ipiuol ric-iii-.h-rt, um-1 t tr iere In prlva.- prasrt-: i-r '.-vtr il.lrtv y-sii ly he It;:!e with t-n'.ira sijesesj. ilt ry r..i.to ir'iclila' . EcL-il cure f ur the cjiseam) nitrcl. T.it.-y cure w!M:oct -Ircf j-unln or redueJn? t ho v ?!) n, cv-i f.re ia i.tt sud cuicu u. j i-a vereisa 5eittiSr of tlie VVurl t Fevers, CcrtttUnn. Ia.H?ianiatJM. .25 , 2 Werma, Worjn 1'evcr, ifurm lollc. 3-TcettancsCf!c. Ctyir.t, "S lcrfalxu.- 'i IilarrUcii, t-f Cili irca f.r At'iiltc... g-oyaierjr.uf-i., iuiie 2.5 y-Coeeba. oitJ-. -cnc-bltx.. US ! f it UhK, Erj;pc-isa. ifrort-i.-. .2-3 . I "t I?!:(nr,tai:ii;?.cr r.-ninatJc Pains.. .'Z-5 , XS-Malarla. Cl.l').. FcrauJ ... 37-i'iir.:ji3.i rti-&s. a is-OphthaiKT stretry,-ef.3rK-.... .25 ; JS-Ophrhala-.T. .c' r. : r v.-v v.-cv .25 If-r-a.rr!. ltrt rut, CdU.la Oislical .US feooplntr Conch .US 21 Aatisma, f:-YZc4, Preatblr? 25 22 Ear IHscharsrt's. Tx'-i-tlreJ Is taring .2-5 23 St-rofaln. ijcl-.rt ;l?r(X ?:;:r.R ,W 2 i-fiener&l Vel riilv. I hj-e Seal V. etkiit&a .23 2 l:svpT. txii i'CA.r.-.y ffKTtti.ia 2 H Sn-2 -ia". f UueSs ir-in liUllng ,2 5 27 K.t?to7 Iiirttii .2.5 2 Sort lleFtfc. or Caalcr 2-5 30 frlccry WttkBw, VetttcCed.. .25 31 i ?.'.fisl Pf ricrU .25 4 I-i5uieria, rio.-atMSorvTht . .25 S5 CLrcmc CoEse i.:icjj Hru;:a. .23 2S XfTAiOua UeliUHF. Fdftal Weak- m r lav4i!ury t ."fcarst- 1.0Q 32 t isccaeaof tiie iieert.P:putka 1.00 33 E5li.-r y, J-pfc.vni4. .'.. Vita' Iauc..l.uo Ca. Iursti!T MAr 044 pu.! a.u.ct rux. ET3rinET.r tk. ik.h i a 1 1 1 wits,., bi.. v Twt. S PS OI Fi OS. 1 H U M PHREYS' VITCH HAZEL OIL "THE PILE OINTMENT.- For PCcs F-jr-c-rral -In-ra!, TiiiHw Bleed Wt FifTca m .- i-calair or rked!sr taa iaww, 1 i xvii ji -iircjj cart ctTti. LS:ZF.2CTSL M4 Vy SnaW, M&t u fe-Ai'H-Aii?ia-, T:r ihicbe. jwefu? 9,s jenuiicai'U anu eutirelv j-uriN of. 0-Jon.XcLe. Wrte ra&Ube.XTiK S2fi j f r,,jn to " ') 'T-i .f v".li - ' SO !lrs?f-c1.r.. -i?r.rs. t r.tr ration .'X.', , . ' a" T-iaiiJ., iii- ii iav-?r.r.a cr Vutvfni Peri eti(. .s-5 ;-ter al otuer tre;;tinent? have fai!"d l-)Y.i:?Jyr 1 How thodliricuUvMr.-hod:,? . ADiS 1NISTKATOR S KOTICE. Having auHlifiI s. Administrator (with! tlHJ will annexed) nrn tne esmw m wr. Esther E. Daniel, deceased. I hereby give node tn-all persons Having .clams zhut the esUte of paid decedent ta present the same to me.on or before tha IC'di day of August, 18'il, or this notice will be plead ia bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to sai l estate are re qnntel to raake payment without farther notice. Dated this Angus 7th, 1892. W. A. .TITO MASON, Adiar. of Mrs Esther E. Daniel, dec M. UNIVERSITY OF NOHTH CAROLINA. EQUIPMENT:-Faculty of 3o teach ers, 11 buildings, 7 scientific labora tories, library of 30,000 volumes, 316 students. INSTRUCTION: -f general cour ses; G brief courses; professional courses in law, medicine, engineer ing and chemistry; optional courses. EXPENSES: Tuition. ?C0 per year. Scholarships and loans for the needy. Address. President Winston, v Chapel Hill, N. C. GREAT "DC1 iTiriT1! AAT IlLjDUUI10i IK PRICES. ' hi -'Saw Fn2 Espsrisssa : 7a "tea What - Wa h," W e Now O ffer all Our Goods A t Great Reduced Prices, ()IH)!I()IK)H) SUMMER GOODS WAY LOW DOWN! DOWN!! DOWN!! CARPETS. & MATTINGS At Priecs Ipx'4r EleiinX of Bofot e For GOOi QUAI-BTlr. A LOT OF FIWE W Hi TE GOODS at prices which will make you buy them, even if you don't need them. SHOES To close for 2S per cerLtless tjtxa-ri rrost. Lots of other goods at astonishing LOW PRICES. COME AND GET YOUR SHARE OF LITTMANN & l.ICIITEiNSTEIN. 9- & 6 or ATTOKN EY AT li A W. I oa.iico-0.r3r,. 2.-T.. I Offers his professional services to Jtheeitizeifc of Itowau aiid adjoining ! countitis, prompt and cp.refui atten J tion given to all business .entrusted ""a. 22 'UL'Sm.- ' t 2 F8" rh v ss ! Ixff La i 4 L Eti La j n ITS CAUSES AND CURE, Scientifically treated hy. ; n auristof 5 1 - 11- A ltiP repututlou. LUTdneM UK! e.tu-e removal, fully ex i laired ' in Circillr W'tts o fr., ! ; ..,.1 ' u !.;,. " ; 1 V air.llVlt,, and , le-uiiiojiiai- oi curt s.roiit prominent people, mailed free. W. L, DOUGLAS-! te. Mm m m v mjcmm V a .... a . 1 unw& MOT RIP. Do jroa -rear taem? When xt la try a pa. oe in mo wonc. ?7- V FSil lanirff tf T2 :.lr0R 33Y3 If TtW -rant tM DRESS la ft ff ' trjH Wl p2J ta to $3, try my $3, t3C, W.00 er ' aShca, Tbey it equal ta ovsten Biaioudbok ts J ear ts well. Ifyrw toecoooT bUycrfxrer, i fo to Siy.vjrchar.is? W. L. Doci Shy-.. f?ia uA fr,t 08 ihs 1-33, for It chsavaa b3Y. i $2.50 fi 2.2S K Mi Richmond & Danville RRCo Samut-1 Jiwpnrr, F. W. llnltlekor and Bnlf'n Ffwtor, Itecctvetw. ' Sicisssi 1 Dar2si Ssrii CawEaSirt COSE.SED SCHEDULE. IX EFFKCT AUOUSfT 13, IBM. IAII.V. ROlTllBOt'XP. V it S5 X. 1 1 VO..T7 Lv RichinoiKt . j SJBpn 1S0 ami I?urkme 5 41 P3 2 it AJf Kysv:lie SSlrMiSHAM Arlaville 5 40pm 535am Lv Danville i r 5 50 as hoau ArOreenstKro IMr 7t0 ak 651asi Lt OoldsH)ro , 2n5i'M V " Ar Kaleigh 4 25 rM Lv HaloiKh I 4 pm 1 am . . lurham 5 2JrM, 2:am Ar Greensboro T?0pm 5 31am LTN'iustoiT-Salai t4 4rT3ijt6UPM " " Greei:loro 7P5pm 6 00 pm (jjjixm ArPHltsbnry S5pm 9 45 pm i.tAM Stateville . 1106 am ' AHhfTlt!c 4 00 I'M " Itot M;riii!T3 j5S6PMj Lv jJallslTtry Ar Charlotte "' Siartanturr ' (ireenvilie " Atl.ViTP. 9t3PMl 9 50 am gn au UlirMjllSS AVf aJ 13S AM! 55rM 1197 4,, 2 JS AM! 46 iff, 7 Mam 1015 r t1 r Lv t1iarUtte Ar t'olumlila " Augusta ,11 S3 M! 5 l' AMI J 84r am I 913 Am i 10 I'm t 4 2f fill IAII.Y. VORTIIUOrD. j r. i 3a:i', k i Lv Anarusia Ar CLarl-jtte Lv Atlanta Ar Charlotte Lv Charlotte Ar S;.!iouvy Lv Ho Sri:fra " Astu-vii! " " .';ttfr.vir. - Ar .Val-ist-ury Lv S.ili.-lnry Ar Or!'t:i.l ri'o " WIllijt'MJ-.V.l? Lv Oro'tisloro Ar Durham Kaleii;ti Lv UaU'lfrM Ar UoMsiioro Lv Orciir'l.oro Ar l)ativill' ' Kiyvillrt ' JLui'Ki'Vlll.! " Hicanioii t f CO PM !i .,!.; 220A1I llfl I'M' 4 Ml do 8 10 do n pm! 9 so am, loo do 2:UM 7 IS ri 8 11 do 2 4 tl o 8 3" do! Hit do i iMiio KIOS doj 9 7do U 11 fk ?. H'l do T 11 do 8 00 lo I ;rilo 'lldo' 0 37 do i (K d -11 4" do 10 ia do- ?;G(o 11250am u. t j 7 r- lo 1201 d 9 "f do: S do 1'iJOdo! 6.!0d. li'Sr. do 1? 10 I'M eorAtf:iir,orM'io4:io 7 4'KIOI 1 AM 10 07 AM l(!'j:)dr 4uri do 4i5do 11 or. 'do j -4 01 do H'SPM! 7lH'dol 4 r.i d o 7 (Hi U O f Daily cxrcj.t ua-l.iy. kktv.:;.:; r am uu n- iom. Lav Wf.'.t ' yvjj-it 7 50 a. M. .ffaily. -and 8 BO A. M.aiy ..;. Stioy and Monur.y; ar riv li.ivl.io- !i; !f i a -id l.i.-;o A. M KcturnliiK l-ave KiCiiijioi.d :i lO JOit'. 4.4'. e. M. dfily v.'Id. Htoi iay; arrive Wot foiiit S.io nd '.H 1. Al. Leave Kichmoud ..'0 A. M.t Miinuay .n ly; arrive Wwt Point 10.48 A. M.v Ketiirutiicr luivo Wost 1'olut COO 1. M.; arrive Kltl.inona 7.15 1. M. ISB7J WEEX lUI HMOM) .XI UAMEI II VIA KEYSVIf.I.K. Lravf Ri.'-.m.Miu 12.1!! V. M dai:y;l, avp Krjn vfilo .t.lo t'. ariivf Oford .rj i'. M , 11,-n-d.Ts.iu T.JO V. M., 1url.i.Hi 1.;5 1", Al.. 1-.:i1.-i,jIi 5.:i0 A. At., Ki'turit.iig uave italotii l.tai A. M. daily. luin:ou U3 A. M ., Oatord 7.41 A M; nr n vt jveynvl'lie lo.l A. M-, UU Iinjoml l.ng 1. M. du.ly. Mixed Train No. 6t leaveit Kfyvlll, daily "l't Huuoay, 4,loA. M Oxford. .2i A. M . ami arrive lojrliani II.xaA. Al. Mlxd ' train No. 40 It avi-M iMirimur; daily c.tivM humlxv 4. W V. M.. tlxford, .. i'.-M.. r.'ml nrrtvA ivey-;vSlk'. 11 .mi P. 1,1. , MiM'it 'frivlu l". i"i K-ava Oy.frd. dally x-rei-.t tfniidiiy. i.sfi A. AI .and arri v.-s lurli:oii 4.15 A. lii. Atied 'i'aiii ha. ro I. avi-.s lHiri.Moi lai!y -..;. I ioiday,7.:-r. A. M.. and arrlven xford. S.LA. At. Viaiiif onb. a I. P.. K.t l. avo Oxford 6A4t A. daily Oitr.'jit Lil.uay, ll.j:. A. Al., daily, ana I' il-. dally ' Sunday, and arnvu il.iuWi d.rd a. ,M.. jk.iop. M aud 7 liip.M. daily Kt -il Kutiday, l.'tt, P. 'A , ua.lv, aid 7.:io U.ly vxcoi.t f-mjiJay r.nd a'rrivo Ox. lord nAxt A. ?.., :i.tY. M,.ai.d c. 'J, p. Koa. ,h ai.d coniu n H: Kluhujai'd fr.m and to A est -Point and Haltimors dally ex co.i t Minday. SLEEPINfTcAR SERVICE. ' On Traiiir.' M. nr, ami SC., Pullman lluffet Me.!iK'rkiWf(.':i .w Vork und Atlanta. On .Nos. 37 KJirl sn, Pullman j-l''idnjf Cara Aewlork tcNev Orl-ana , N?v Vork to An pusth and V.;d,Hiertoi. to Meuif.Jila, ana Dln I5ur ( arv iot4i to- Montgomery 'ira ns 11 and li run n..iM Utween Kif.i;ni i.d - .ijiit:i and carry PnHinan "li'ioi.ff Cats lit tween icichujond, Uanvllla ano lirfcr.h'o'ro. i'rainNos li anu-lS.'W. X. C. Division car ry 1 u.oij-its ParJor (Mrs l;twf:cu Hivliabury. Aahevitlt r.nd liot sprimrs. E. BlillKI.UY. J. H. B. TIIOMPHOX Hu5.rtim'n lent, biipf-riiTh nd-nt. ireJ'.I-rl'VP' N- (r- Kiclitn.ind, Va. vv. A. L.tA. (Jt-iif-ral Pasfw-ntr A Kent V'a:iimjto-. 1). 5. H. IIAUlJVv 1CK, Antt. lion psfl. AKent ATI. NT A, Oa. V.MI.OIIKU, MiLUAAS i' li lMfti.j'. r Tnillrc Aiai.ajfer, AiojlM.loN, 0. C. Wj5lil.v;riN, J. C. FIRST GLASS BAR. rou PUBEWISES, LIQUORS, CICARM SLEW, &C.f go to i. SHEPHERD'S O: Uifti i'r?.-t. .or below Kluttz. i r id T YOU V7 n to au !r ajrot. Wr fur'fdh aa tzwml.. fr.:tiit an 1 ail j iu jk ! f r. It ,vt nothlnr to try t.j,.r,.. Wr vill tr.ut you wtll, and Iw .j. yort jo earj- t-n t.jtt ordinary waV irti fx-, of id! nK -t. can live at Lome and Work in i-purtr !tfu . or all ii.- V.m. Auv u any where IL, ' ' iM :': yr'i!'- t:,!'" "' Many kae u,ade 1 'Vf Jl.in;ir.t Ioi:ar n Int!.- ;oela. or p-.j..,! t v--,k) a.f. ,.,tu4 much monry j. .-a ..ar.., -.:r:,-:y ho vr:.!.;-. and pay better tLau' M.r o -:,;r otj.rt-l o wUU. Von 'have a eW-ar r.' .'t.y.ti no vmrw:t;-,ii V.V o.dp vou with l ?itinr-whiH-.r? d taiO.full-.., will bring uv,f, rw,i..y fiia-; via anv r,t'.-r Lni4 i.J5 F rorr y if Why ,t ? V.i tnn do t-!.y u flu vir-ly r.t otk for .... iU-nm,nUl 1 un yurl tiu-u .r e,. his vry particular U .eLt kokc;k STIXMKN to, lloa .-.. ah, I'orlUiid. Ma. Gcicatifrt American Every peli-r.t Uiea out ij to U bSoSrlfS?' LrFt rfrcmJatioa f &nr aelcnti' nn.. for !uf omaiioa und f -1 0 M. S. Rrowv. rexrj U1 ' AriVfTViN-! . . . . . .... X I . if A I fr jr ri 1 - -I . ,