IBS ra&T.TSSH' ( from Town Tonics." None but a j nian of the world, an artist, and a Tlltf IIBDAY iSKPTKMUER 14 j work of the Armv is now establish ed in thirtythreecountries; is carried Local News. I close observer could have handled ! on in twenty one language?; it has aiaay oinf'rent jnares 0111:0 ana j iorcy . nevspaer?, witn an auuuai haVe blended them ihto-suph a thril- circulation of 43.O0O.CXX) conies, it ) ling, cohesive whole.. To m'any read jers the life depicted in the story will -II. Wowfeon and daughter nor fcQ t) h traveIed nm . artd' the 'frequenter.of the' cafe and couIUse, as they exist in Europe. In the mU- have gone to the World's Fair Mrs. O. K. Hanger has return ed from Alexander. So has Sirs. Ed win Cuthrell. F. TJ. Arendell has returned af ter a prolonged, business stay at Washington, D. C. Mr. M. S. Brown is North buy ing goods. It will be seen by reference to an other column that the Qabarrus peo ple are going to have a Fair this year as usual, and the best of all, if possible'. - Our Rowan folks always enjoy themselves at the Concord Fair and of course they will go in large numbers this year. Very heavy rains have fallen in the mountains of this State since Saturday nizht, doing much damage to crops and railroads. I) A Coley has recovered his lit tle daughter, who was kidnapped about three years ago by B H Wood of this county. Sho was in Colum bia, S. C., where fehe had been taken. Her stepmother is Wood's d:,Mghter She was coming to town ibr.medi cine when she was met by Wood who forced her away. She Is about 15. W. II. Blaylock has resigned as head miller at the Salisbury roller mills to take elTect 30th Sept., but this will not effect the milling as the company have a 'competent man to take the place. What is the use to have a health Board here unless the citizens bestir themselves in such a way as to assist it in its duties, help it cleans the town and county of (l.-leteriou-, mat ter and reduce the amount of sick ness. There is no doubt that cholera and other epidemic disease have been kept down this year in this country ly the 'enforcement of proper sanita ry measures, and much sickness and suffering prevented. If our citizens will but assist our Board they, too, will escape much sickness and suffer ing. Dr. J. J. Siimnercll, who is kindly and disinterestedly devoting very much of h'n tiiiie to the promo tion of the . publiu health, will give all necessary information to such as may seek it. The Fisher Club of Rowan Vet erans now number over three hun dred They were out at the re-union dinner today in full force, and a r ea 1 j oy o u s ol d t i m e 1 1 e r e w as a m ong : the old boys. The dinner given and served by thc ladies of Salisbury to the Rowan Veterans was Very creditable: It was by far the host yet served, and so sa Td Vhey M, and was highly appre ciated and much enjoyed. Mr. George Craige, an old typo, who has been absent about ten years, made his appearance here today. We have rumors upon rumors of a revival of business, but it has not yet come in sight, " Honesty is the best policy " is an old adage but one as true as holy writ. We see an exemplification of the truism every day, and all around us. The man who deals honestly and squarely with his fellows is not only respected but generally prosper ous. In an. especial manner is it true of men who pay their debts. They are never at a loss for credit, and nevor worried with dunns. l,v ery prosperous farmer we know in this or adjoining counties is of this character. So is every prosperous and successful business man, me chanic or artisan. A man who is honest and pays his debts is blessed. The exceptions to this rule are composed of such as are given over to their natural hardness of heart, who spread themselves like a green bay tree and grind the faces of the poor. David says. "These areungod Iy men who prosper in this world." Paul tells Timothy, 14 Evil men and impostors shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deciev- ed." They are agents of Satan from -choice and are permited to prosper fir a purpose, just as many scoun drels have whose portion is well de fined. , The Opera Tuesday night was a failure so far as the play portrayed ' southern character or pave expres sion or style to the southern gentle men. The tout ensemble, plot and play, was Yankee in expression and style, and is about equal in effect to one of thoi-e love sick -stories that the pensive eyed and lugubrious school mams oi oiuen times ueu io mc, who came down here to eidfghten us from the Green mountains of New England. The acting was better than the plot. 'Bui the effort to portray thesouth- -. em gentleman was a signal failure. The Hall with its now dress and new arrangement is a credit toSalisbury. It is to be hoped that we shall now get better shows, and that there will be less effort to inveigle people into attending by fulsome puffing and a desperate effort to make something out of nothing. We doubt not the attendence would have been far bet ter if this thing had not been car ried to such extremes. . ' cellaneou matter that follows the story, the most desperate pessimist or the most enthusiastic optimist will find moch to his taste. .Town Topics, 21 West Twenty-third street, New York. - , Recent . experiments - at Sandy Hook, with the 300-pound Howitzer projectile of Ameriean manufacture, showed that it-wou!d pierce through nine inches of solid steel, backed by three feet oak, and through twenty feet of packed sand behind the oak, without being battered or showing that it had come into colli sion with - anything. As the pro jectiles are worth $140 each and the steel plates for the. experiments cost $.10,000, there is no foolishness in it. W. Star. Hon. Amos J. Camming?, of New York, said in a speech last week that "the men who nominated Mr. Cleveland ought "to have the manliness to stand by him." That is right, in so far as Mr. Cleveland is right. But vice versa, the Presi dent ought also to have the rrianlir ness to stand by the people v?ho Tjrm2ttl him. Let ail ? ?,ndL-1 get her on the platEormi he d numbers 3.070 statians, controlled by 10,810 ofljeers; and it reaches an es timated number of 7,000,000 persons every week. Raleigh Christian Ad -o- One of the eye-dampening feutures of this Congress is the unhesitating maimer in which Mr. Crisp was re elected after all the trouble Jerry Simpson had in finding a good man to fill his place. Wash. Star, Ind. It is a very common thing now to read in Alabama papers about coun try wagons going into the towns and villages loaded with home-made meat for sale.' This has happened in Tuskegee recently, while i is said that only one car load of meat has been sold in the town of Ozark - this year. This is the route to true inde pendence. Montgomery, Ala., Ad vertiser, Dem." -o- It takes) all the courage and back bone and-moral muscle and sanctifi ed grit that God ever putjntoa man to live a full, rounded, consistent Christian life. Zion's Herald. To be full of goodness, full of cheerfulness, full of sympathy, full of helpful hope, causes a man to car ry blessings of which he himself is Wuncons"cious as a lamp is of its ovn light. v Some Methodist" churches have ocracy is Under no obligations to parted from the usages of Method stand by anybody who does not ism in order to accomodate, a few stand by it. We believe Mr. Cleve- highly cultivated and fashionable land will stand by his party and we people whose tastes incline toward will entertain no other belief until the Episcopal communion, and bv the contrary is seen. Sampson so trohur thev have educated mnre Democrat. people for the Protestant Eniseonnl .denomination than they have saved to Methodism. N. Y. Christian Ad vocate. Our prayers and God's mercy are like two buckets in a well; while one ascends, the other descends,--Bishop Hopkins. -o- The weakest living creature, by concentrating his powers oil a single object, can accomplish something. The strongest, by dispersing his over many, 'may fail to accomplish anything.-Carlyle. CALADONIA STATE FARM. The editor of the Democrat, in company with Dr. R. M. Johnson, Rev. J. II. Fant and Mr. N. , Bigs, visteu me uaiaaoma tarm near Tillery Tuesday. The State peni tentiarv authorities have Ir-iieerl this A hermit in America once told me, farm for ten veare and t.hi i tho when I asked him whether he found cond vear. There re nonriv fha that way of life had lessened his hundred convicts there at work, and temptations, "Dost thou notknow, to one who saw the farm two years friend," said he, " that a tree that ago, the change is simply wonder- grows by itself is more exposed ml.. Eanre areas of land that had to winus ana storms man anoiner grown up then are now in cultiva that stands surrounded with other tion with the finest enrn anrl ret irees in the woous" ueorge wn.ice- ton. held. It is a ffrand si?it tn fet.Htnl nn th The memory is the first faculty high dyke along the river banks - ' i t i whieh -a ehiifi . eiiiMvatna. All I aiiu mult over mues ana miios or thrnucrh hi iif if i th t.m. irc.i ora, cotton and peanuts. Work on able. The great mistake of modern "i" " Kes, W,E ,aid -clearing education is the neglect of the mem, aHmg also, the whole farm is ory. Children's minds should be V uler inH supervision oiiuaj.j. li. saturated with the choicest poems, e ! wuo 1S. ciever ana courteous the noblest passages of eloquence. ,lu tt" ;Vi V 1ana, wnat 13 In these days, when we require so best of all for the State, - he has a few tasks of the memory, it is a l; "V., tyjl usiuta. n lflMnc iniiirv tn- the rhilrl if the UP Willi me WOfK aimOSl 111 very best literature is not set before detaiI ml JP ,the yhole thing in mm or sue i rasics. 'rue i noenen- fe" - dent. STONEWALB JACKSON'S DEATHBED. cipline as a modern Sunday School He is clever to the overseers, guards and all, and kind to the convicts and they all esteem him very highly. To get any conception of got magnitude of the work ojop must he . Then came the death wound,-and d see in person.- On the farm are produced corn, cotton, peanuts, wheat, potatoes and all kinds of vegetables. Whatever we might iav about the crop that will be bar but, Maj. Mclv6r said that from & acres oi wheat he harvested 443 bushels, and this is the first crop of wneat. He has (00 acres in cotton after neaily a week's unavoidable detention Mrs. Jackson reached her hushund's deathbed, writes Mrs. Jefferson Davis in an interesting sketch with portrait of "The Widow of Stonewall Jackson" in the Sep tember Ladies, Home Journal Spent with the anguish of his wounds lie lay dying,-too near the silence of the grave to do more than murmur to his wife from whieJv he exeets to eer. f.00 i-itt. iuuun, x wain, iu Deles. And the other crops . prom- niw dujuunnj. iccuij- w ia- ea to oe as aounaant. lnestocic is re-s his baby with a whispered: My very fine though some mules are sweet one, my treasure," while the bying now. The health of the con innocent smiled in his dying face, victs has been remarkably good for Then was the heartbroken wife and that place, Jhough some are having mother given strength to minister chills now.- All things eon sidered. to both these objects of her love, the record made in the two years is From her firm hps the dying hero quite remarkable, and with Major learned that the gates of Heaven Mclver's excellent management the were ajar tor his entrance. Control ling her bitter grief she sang for him the sacred songs on which his faint ing spirit reared upward to its rest- When all was over, and she had fol. State will realize still greater profits as the,- work .eontinuts. Scotland Neck Democrat. lowed him to his grave, she sought her father's roof, and there hid her bowed head among her own people, to live only for her baby. In strict retirement the young wid ow husbanded her means until her daughter was grown a pretty, grace fal young woman, and then, to pro mote her child's happiness, the mother emeiged irom the privacy To be happy at home is the ulti mate result of all ambition, the end to which every enterprise and labor tends, and of which every de-ire pro mpjs the prosecution. Johnson. Oneness with God is the sole truth of humanity. Lafe parted from its causative life would be no life; it would at best be but a barrack of in which she has lived since her hus- corruption, an outpost of annilila- band's death, and visited both the Southern and Northern States. In the course of time her daughter be came engaged to a young Virginian, Mr. Christian, ot Richmond, and a few months later was married to him. Shortly after their marriage jlr. and Mrs. Christian remove to California, whither Mrs. Jackson ac companieu inem. iney returned a short time later, to Cba'rlotte, N. C, tion. In proportion as the union is incomplete, the derived life is lm perfect. George McDonald. Since its fin-t introduction, Elec trie Bitters has gained rapidly in . -.1 . -. C .54 . I popular iaver, until now it is ciear iy in tne lead among puremedicma tonics and alteratives containing nothing which permits its use as a vv. v, beverage orjintoxieant, it is recog together. Now. however, the w.- . ; , ' . . i . . , -f i -i nizeuasine oest ano purest meaicine dow's next tna wa imminent. Mrs. for ainu,nt . of ytmnaeh, Liver or Christian was attacked byaprostr.it- Kiln rt xviU iX tt.i. mg fever and succumbed after bear ing her illaess with great, fortitde. There is much to commend in 4The Skirts of Chance," the prize novelette, by Capt. Alf.ed Thompj Bon, in the September issue of "Tales o- SOLDIELIS' DISGUST OF CA11DS. Miss D. asked General S- of Louis inna if it was true that many of our soiid citizens, while soldiers, regard ed eard playing and petty pilfering as among the accomplishments of camp life. General t?. replied: "A base iu.el, madam a calumny. True, neys. - ache, Indigestion, Constipation, and drive Malaria from the system. Sa tisfaction guaranteed with each bot tie or the money will be refund-id Price only 50c. per-bottle.. Sold by TlIEO, 1 . lvLV.TTZ &, i;o. 2 ADVKP.TISED LETTERS. Kt-maia:!!?, in th? Pist-ofBco at Salisbury FEMALES. Miss Mama Margbla, iIi.s Dora- Waltoa .."Tf--: PRICES FIR8T. " tk m, comj i' '" H MUM -4v AND 8EE WORK. NEAT, t ! CLEAN, CORRECT, STYLISH, 1 AND COM-I IMERCIALIjIPRINTING ;ial promptlyIII "executed M at the mUTjiiJlBiiOfflGEt RE! NEW GOODS! WE HAVE .. . ' . ;; - JUST RECEIVED OUR FALL STOCK OF DRY GOODS, pionsisting of everything kept in a first class store, for which we will sell cheap fir cash or barter. Pants goods from 10 cents per yard up, flannel jfrorn 15 cents lip. Full line of Ginghams, Prints, Notions, Domestics, Tickings, Drills, Alamance and Shoes, the best in the markef. Umbrellas rock bottom, also a nice line of TOWS BESIDES TWO BPAClOUS ADJOIXXNO ftOOM3 TJtsMb PROOC TlASS TO TOP WITir rURXITTJIUE, CX)3SI8TIXO IX PAltT . OP ' ' BED ROOM SUITS OF 10. TIECES FR03I Ml TO tT$3CP? TABLEOt . - EXTENSION TABLES WHICH AHE BfiAUTlES. " HALL TABLES, PARLOR TABLES. AND CARD TABLES.' HALL RACKS, THE NICEST LINES YOU EVERISAW. SIDE BOARDS at all prices. WARDROBES with glass dogrs in oak and walnuU CHAIRS. PI? EJt CHAIRS, HALI CHAIRS; LADIES' FINE ROCKERS. OF BeD LoUnOeS, cOuCiiS, sInGiJB aNd DoUabLe BaBy CaRrIa3eS CRADLES, CRIBS, BEDSTEAD, BUREAUS arid LADIES! In connection wit AND CENTS UNDERWEAR. the above we carry a complete line of CXOTERIES AND TIN WARE. Pure apple vinegar at best patent flour at $2 of the city. octs pergallou. We respectfully solicit the patronage of the citizAis of Salisbury and vicinity. We sell the 5 per sack and deliver all goods in any part Very respeetfully, hot? Oho' Now is the time to buy TER? i HOTTEST?' u your COAL for the Winter, at lowest summer prices. Having completed arrangements to handle the celebrated RED ASH JELLTCO ..GOAL. (BITUMINOUS) the coming season. I would now announce to my former patrons; and others wanting to engage their winter supply, that,they will be called upon at an early day to give in their orders, which will be delivered, couimencingVm or about August 1st. Having con tracted for Sole Agency of this grade of Coal, ofcourse it can only be " obtained through hie; Outers wilUalso be received at; same time for Anthracite Coal E?g, Stone and Nut sizes. Terms Gash ! W "AM Main & Fisher, Salisbury, N. C. AGONS'.!- -WAGONS ! S THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST ! George E. Nissen & Co., Sole Manufactuers of the original J. P. Nissen WAGON. One horse wagons; pony, without tongue; Two horse light and heavy; Four horse, Log Wagons and Carts, Wheelbarrows, Ac. All wagons steel tire, and all wagons steel thinble skeins, with nut or Linch Tins. . ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED. ' Write to or call ;on me for price, at Salisbury, N. C. . .1. O. WHITE, Agent. CALL ON km u Q U u Mc 3y Ci 11 Ls em NBSi' N5S" U JB For your SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS. I carry a large line of FIPIXQ, VlTTINaS. VALVES, BOILER FEEDERS. Ejectors, Steam Guages, Boiler Patch Bolts, rivets and . GENERAL REPAIRS. I am pTEpaxBl to.pTBBsttec Mces ra BOILERS. SAW XILU. Having the Agency of several of he largest and best companise, I ; an save you money in anything ay need in my line. I t?ke pleasure in quoting prices and can guarantee satisfaction. Write for prices, or call at the oundry or office. RKSPECTFULL.Y. P. H. THOMPSON. ,1 IIAVE TWO OFTIIEMUOESTSTOIIESJ UJNDERT AKIIN G A RTICLES OTP Ui V UXg.'g' DSSCIlIP'rlOlT , CASKETS, COFFINS, BURIAL ROBES, 8IJI1ER EMBALMNING A SPECIALTY. SERVICES RENDERED DAY or NIGHT My prices are low and in reach of all. I can Bay without boast.'he that I have one of the largest and finest ntocka of Furniture inNortk Carolina. : " WINDOW SHADES. I iLELTre a. full lla.e of TIiT3DOT7Cr SIT A TT i0 ; ICTC7RrEA3 aaaadLe to crd.er. OcaaaoazxAacaxxxaxop . tlie stools . . . . YOURS TO SERVE, Feb 8. FRESH DRUGS AND TORLET ARTICLES OF FVERY. VARIBTX AT THEOijF. KLUTTZ & CO'8 DRUG . STORE. They have burned all old seeds on hand and are novdn reclept of an. to tire Jew Stock. : DRUGS. . Their stock of Drugs is pure. They always take the createst turn ", jj y -selecting therri.-.They havortartd-every'arUcle Usual ly'kepl i"-' In a well appointed DRUG STORE, w . :"' PRESCRIPTIONS. Compounded at all hours, night or day, with the utmost careand.attentioQi --fv TOILET ARTICLES, . OtBjjty Ascription ni w ahd Leatiful suitable for presents jiV - ornament, Ac. ' Toifet Articles, Nail and Tooth Brushes, Spap,!c. Beautiful Articles for present or ornament. In short, you will find every article In our line of Litii.cs ft best quality. AT THE0. F.. KLUTTZ & CO'S East Corner Main & Inniss Sireett. Feb d.1893. H 0. o q. Ui 2 O Q CO. Q GO TO Hi RAM? FOR THE IATEST STYLES OP EVERY DESCRIPTION AND STYLE OF JEWELRY PPFCTACLE8, SILVER SERVICE AC. Ilr us telsrs cf 33 yeii3 Icxpgrieccs til he? t hi His pscpls dlih' They do all sorts of Repairing they never left a frieiufless chicken Catherine; Ikinson, Smtie 1'owell to nod on it:? uncomfortable roost: Syi7 Harringtcn, Mrs Ann, Frley, Miss never su tiered an overburden apple o" B.irn-u, Mis .Sara Hase, Maggie tree to brcak down from its load of iiarnson. Aii-LiUie Mctrry. fruit; never removed a bee gum un- MALES til tne snaucsoi nigni maue me re- ike Eobert.-on. J T Powell. Cart E G moyai more iu mt; cuuuuu ui uie 1 aiearw, Ai k Aatry uuCaey, V K Kivett oeets never perumu-i me mcieai iiuid to sour in batlly ventilaied unlk-ivou-e, and never no, never left a wounded shoat to bleed iU young life away by the roadside, and as for cards we give 30 u our word that before the battles of Seven Pines, of Perry ville, of M urfreesboro we saw cards strewu all along the road, so great was the soldiers' dis gust for card playing !' Confede rate War Journal. H..B0YDEX. P.M. o At the recent May meeting of th Salvation Army in Exeter Had, London, it was rerted that the IS Jt 5 V.alkor St. 5 El? YORK. ik- f -TiiM-ii MUSICAL MERCHAHDISE. Vloilns. Gcitan, Barjos, Accordsons, Kftrsmnl CM. tt Ind of Strings, tiz etc FOR TUB lVLCMn, Biliousness, tn We CSlV.VS IRON BITTERS. It cures cnickir. For Bale ty Jl UeAltrs k njodicinc. ut. tbj ca :1rx. K)cyyroooooooocKXX)oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooeoeoc 1 DcfYou " A. Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. take RIPANS TABULES :'tBe.ripakS TABULES I! SITFEH F20M HEADACHE, DYS- FEFilA Of IK&IGESTlCH, . . . yc w SH-lUS. CCSSTJPATE0. m fca,3 ikzs co;:piA;riT, " Totm aTSs AnVJir" TAKE R PANS TARUIFS t F6fS? :.L take RIPANS TABULES Hharr Tutuh's Zcjufais'tia CysfcTi and Preserve ibe Heallh. EASy TQ A ; Ui h-4 QIVES RELIEF. .QUICK TO ACT AND CLEANING OF WATCHES, CLOCKS. &C. All goods and all work warranted. AnY aKtIcLe NoT iN irAsf) PkOmPtLy OeDeIIeD RE8PECTFULLY. OLD STAND, MAIM St. Salisbury, N. C. tr r o 7S o u o r SAVE MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL. Sold By Intggists Ererywhere. bcooc)oocjcooocxJoocHbo6o AT TH Go to D It. J J1.1AJN 0JVS FOR WHAT EVER YOU WANT, The be4t line of Dry Goods, Groceries Shoes IlatsCaps, Jeaoi, Cbhi meres, Prlnte gents, and ladies' uiuleruare hauUkerchiefu, hosery, They can furnish Countrv Merchants with any article In there line at New York prices, freiKht added. Don'tforget this. t p, r. juuaw owo