m wont nm THURSDAY MAY 7. Liocal News. V means that you are In arrears and that wo would be glad to have you call and settle. "We are in tLe habit of Bending and handing oat copies of The Truth, to those who receive them it i pa inyitationto be come a subscriber or band it to some one mho way and oblige. . See the Adof Scott's Emulsion. . j C. A. Itice is preparing to han dle Kenebec ice. Walter Harris is crowing over a new girl at his house." : -c. v. iMiiier has taken charge or tne store at the Vance Mills.. E. H. Miller's school at Rowan, will close for the season to-morrow. Mr. Tom McKenzle has moved out to his father's, C. H. McKenzie. filJ?n will be one of the largest in the I South and its incorporates are Sal isbury's. W. Smithdeal, N. B. and J. C. McCanless, and the Rev erend F. J. Murdoch. Much of the stock has been taken by the citizens of New London. - . There was a wreck on the South ern at the Yadkin river bridge Fri day. A vegetable train ran into a local work train, which had gone out to place piping along the line for the purpose of conveying water to the shops. The engine of the vegetable train was damaged some what, the caboose of the other train was demolished. No one was seri ously hurt. ihe Democratic county execu tive committee will meet; by order of the ciiairman, in Salisbury Satur day, May 8th, in the office of Mr. T. C. Linn. Probably the most im portant business before the commit tee will be the selection of a new chairman, as it is understood, Mr. Boyden, present chairman, will re- This is to be regretted. Mr. Boyden has been an able and effi cient officerand should be persuad ed to continue, if possible. Mr. JiK. Link, of Link & Rag- land, South Boston, Va., and Rag- land & Link, of Ilyco, Va., has rent nr .11 . . .. I ' J - xuuuuay win ue ooserveu; as the Quinn and wiU conduct an exclu si ve wholesale grocery business. Mr. Link has been all over Salis bury, put to the new shops and cot ton mills, and thinks Salisbury has a great future before her. He ex pects to draw his patronage from the surrounding country and towns There is to be a new bridge over the Southern at the Jersey City crossing, i .A. S. Heilig has let a contract for the erection of a two story dwell ing on Fulton street. What confederate memorial day are ve going to do about it. There isto be a handsome brick and stone rostrum erected at the Federal cemetery here soon." -Mr. J. O. White has let a con tract for the erection of a new resi dence on the site of his present one. as well William Shaw woo r.looi i- chants. - T aatj I'AUVUl All jail Monday, in default of a $50 bond, for disturbing the peace of Jersey City. Mayor Coughenour , sentenced James McCain to thirty dayspn the chain gang, Monday, for being drunk and down. . Mr. Shelly, manager of the Salisbury steam laundry, has arriv ed from Wilmington and is getting ready to begin operations soon. Gdb. Mathis, once editor of the Winston Sentinel, and who is said to have relatives in Salisbury, is under sentence of death in Cuba. R. II.; Johnson ami Miss Annie Sandlin will be married at the resi dence of the bride's sister, on Church street, Thursday, May 21st, 1S9G. The Superior Court of Rowan, will convene here Monday. There will be some important cases before the court. J Judge Hoke will preside. VV. II Carriker, of Enochville, became insane several weeks aero and was brought here and placed in jail until he can bo sent to Morgan ton. . ,: .-. i; ; H. A. Judd, E. B. C. Hambl and It. M. . Fames are now in at tendance at the Northern Settlers' Convention being held at Southern Pines, j The picnic at Trading Ford last Thursday 1 by parties, from Lexing ton and Salisbury was one of much pleasure to those who were in at tendance.) . W. J. T. Robinson, has been forced to close his barber shop, there beinjg no vacant rooms suitable for liis business. His friends can find him for the present at the Ciimax. U. S.; Gauger T. E. Frazier has feft this section and was succeeded by Mr. J. C. Low. This is as it should be. Mr. Low isacittizen here and should have the preference over disagreeable strangers, j; The directors of jthe street rail way company met Friday and de cided to ipush matters. They ap pointed a committee to Select a route betweeuJSalisbury and the South ern's newshops and to solicit bids for supplies. Mr. Jacob Feldman went to 'Baltimore and, returned with his little son Israel, Tuesday, who -has been very sick there. Mr. Feldman also bought a largo .stock of new goods. Read his Ad. in this paper and go to see lira I. The Fly By Night, Folly Co., which attracted, large crowds, Tues day and; Wednesday nights, was composed entirely of home talent. They surprised our people and had we not known them they could have easily been taken for professionals. Senator Pritchard has been in vited and is expected to speak here next Tuesday when the Republican Convention meets. By the way, the Senator voted to confirm Col. Coppinger, an Italian, pope's toe kissing profligate to a high position in our army. The once wealthy ;Mrs. Rebecca McNeely died at the poor house in this county, Monday, May 4th 1896. She was about 75 years of ag 3. FAITH ITEMS. B. A. Fesperman has started his quarry on his own hook, at Faith. J. T. Wyatt has Just paid out $214.82 among his hands for granite work. Six new buildings are going up in Faith now" a'nd several taore to go up soon. ! The Picnic will be a big thing on the 14th of Aiay,on Phillip's Moun tain at Faith. The string band has been engaged to make music for the people. NERO. "Rheumacide" has. not failed in a single instance to cure rheumatism. Stubborn and long standing cases cured with two and three bottles. Price $1 sold by T F. Klultz & Co., and Edwin Cuthreli, druggists, Sal isbury. - Injure in the American Union Life Insurance Company. Edwin Shaver, agent A new cotton mill Is to be built at 1 Spray, Rockingham county. Messrs. T. G. Wright, of Greensboro; Rev erend F. J. Murdoch, of Salisbury and W. R. Walker, of Spray, are the incorporators. THE IDEAL PASACEA. James L. Francis, Alderman, Chicago, aay: "I regard Dr. - King's New Dis covery as an Ideal. Panacea .for Coogb, Colds and Lung Complaints, having used it In hit family for tne uat nve yeaaa, to the exclusion of physician's prescriptions or other preparations.". Rev. John Burgos, Keoknk, Iowa, writes: "I have been a Minister of the Metuodist Episcopal Church for 60 years or mor, and have never found anytbingsa beneficial, or that gave -me such speedy relief as Dr. King's New Discovery." Try this Ideal Cough Remedy now. TriaV bottles free at Theo. F. Kttrrrz & Co's., Drug Store. 6 BJKE KII1K IT 13 NOT A FACT THAT For Jjroney Tou can. Alway get Honey! FOB OVEB. FIFTY YEARS Mrs. Wisslow's Soothing Syrxtp has been ased for over fifty years by miliums of mothers for their, children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays" all pain. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty five ceate a bottle. Be sure and ask or Mrs Winslow'i Soothing Syrup" aal take no other kind. .', - BFCAUSE YOU CAN BUY GOODS FROM JA1B::Fl1 University gammer School far Teaeh Chapel Hill, N. C. The third session of the scliool will begin Tuesday, June 23 and clo& July, 1896. Twenty courses are offered in Ped aprogic.j, psychology, history english literature, civics, modern languages, latin, algebra, nature work, music, drawing, vertical writing and all the public school branches. , Fifteen instructors, from the Fa- Alllfir ff tlin TTnltmanU.. C II... . i as a snaro rrom our mer- Nor"ma, SchoolUnfvUy of Lou Schools of Wilmington, Charlotte, Winston, Raleigh. . Prof. Austin C. Apgar, of Tren ton, New Jersey, the famous teach er of Science will have charge of the nature work. ' Miss Belle Thomas, of the Cook County Normal, will have charge of all primary work. Miss Little and Prof. Newland. Ragland. WJiile the Commissioners, next June, are selecting school books for our public schools, wouldn't it be best to pay little attention, to the many agents, and companies most ly northern who are striving to have their particular product chosen, just simply for the money there is in the famous teachers of Chicago and On- . - . i rkij"i it? ill 4-m? :Ai.K..Aa: J3 deal for them. Wouldn't it be a good idea to select a history and all other boqks as far as possible, by south ern authors who tell the truth about all matters, especially matters per taining to our soldiery, in the late war. Barnes' history, now in use, is csnsidered by all who are posted to be almost worthless. Mr. John Allen Brown's ware house, near the stand-pipe is now be ing torn down and lemoved, to make room for a brick store,, the Iron-Clad Warehouse is being torn down to make room for three brick f tore, the front of the Methodist church is being torn down to be re placed by a handsome new one, and the Southern haV been going right ahead with the work on the shops, the steel frames of two large build ings are now in position, the foun dations for the round house, which has room for 15 engines, and the turn table have been laid, in fact the old town now has a move on her. . - DEATHS. ' An infant of Mr. J. T, Horton's of Rowan,-died last Thursday evening, April 30th, 1895. Late Mondays evening while Charlie Deal, age 30, was hauling wood near China'Grove, his mules became frightened, ran away and threw him out against a log crush ing his' skull. He died Tuesday, May 5th, 1896. The coroner's jury has rendered a decision in the case of Henry D. Marquand, who was found dead in a wood-house here on the 2nd of April. It is generally believed he died from excessive drink. The coroner's jury says from "cause un known." Mrs. Victor Wallace, of this city, died Friday night after a lingering illness of months. She liked three days of being 50 years old. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Edward Cali?ch,of Richmond, Va., Sunday morning. Her remains were carried to Statesville for in terment, Mrs. Wallace was a good mother and wife and is mourned by her husband,! four children and many friends. . tario, will give instruction in draw ing any vertical writing. Prof. New lands is the pioneer of vertical writ ing in America. Dr. C. Alphonzo Smith, of Louis iana, will conduct the courses in English Literature. Full courses by Prof. Alderman Toy, Noble. Graham, Blair, Brown, and others will be given daily. Mr. Ellis of Clark University will con duct a Pyschological Laboratory. The University Library, contain ing '30,000 volumes, will be open every day, affording unusuar facili ties for private reading and intelli gent research. Free access to the scientific labor atories will be given to the students of the Summer School. Chapel Hill is delightfully situat ed in the hill country of North Caro lina, with a most salubrious climate. The campus'of 50 acres, well shaded the spacious buildings, and libraries, and the beautiful scenery offer a most attractive place of summer residence. Tuition Fee SG, admits to all couises. Board is reasonable, from $10 to 15 per month. Cheaper rates of board and tuition are offered to parties coming in clubs. A neat phamplet containing full information as to all details will be sent to any applying to Prof. Alder man, the Superintendent. ADVERTISED "LETTERS v Remaining urrthe Post-office; at Salisbury the week ending Thursday, May 7th, 96, Female: Mi?s A$aid Jackson, Miss D C Iladen, Mrs D. L Earnhardt, Miss Mary Harris, Miss Lena Thompson, iiias H S3 driver Male: Walter Scott, (col) , C II Cook, Dr S L Kelleony, Thomas Miller, Edd:e M Jenkins, James Taylor, Eisaerow Harris, John Harris, Sisserow Harris J R Daniel, Davie Carry, Lusios Johnson, Will Thrail kill. Frances Tirgo, W II Smith, J . L Gil more. John Graham, M D Lea, The Mor tindale Mercantile Agency, L How kinsC E, Cartie Greely. . : - A. H. BOYDEN, P. M. cores It reaches as nothing does to the hidden sources of disease in the blood and removes the cause. It does this with an ease and power that have never been equaled. For all troubles of the Blood, Stomach. Bowels, Kidneys and Nerves, and for all forma of MALARIAL POISON It stands pre-eminent without a rival or a peer. tar Bold by druggists, new package, large bot tle, lOSXtoses. One Dollar. Manufactured only by j THE ATLANTA CHEMICAL CO., ATLANTA, GA. TOUTS I0E 48-PAGE BOOK. XL&USD 72S& BTJCKLEN'S AKNICA SALVE. The best sal Ve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and skin eruptions and positivelycures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refund' ed. Price 25c ts per pox. For sale by Theo. Kluttz & Co, Dr. A. H. Dreher, DENTIST, MAIN STREET. OVER EXPRESS OFFICE. SALISBURY, N. C. Subscribe POE THE TRUTH ! There is a difference between medi cines and medicines. Those of to-day, as a rule, differ from those of the past in many respects. Fully as great is the difference be tween Dr. King's - t v ROYAL GERLIETUZR and the ordinary medicines of to-day. It is unlike them in ' r THESE FIVE THINGS: 1. It does not taste like a medi cine. It is as pleasant to take as lemonade and makes a most refreshing drink. 2. It never nauseates the most delicate stomach. 3. It does not swap off one dis ease for another. It does not set up one form of disease in order to relieve another as is so often the case. 4. It contains no alcohol or opium in any form and is always harmless even when given to a babe one day old. AT MORE Satisfactory Figures than from any t.1 an, When he Is attached with a large expense. CONSEQUENTLY If you care to get More Goods For y (mil liard earned -Dollar; j TO . I Calieos, Percales, Ginghams, and Pant Goods. Especially s. it does not paten simply, it Gents Furnishings at Your own Prices. ores. It reaches as nothing else i . , , o v . EaUnSlb FLAGS, HAffl RKQI, Cr?03IIB Mil ASO 8IA7K VS IIS. RESPECTFULLY, ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. JAW LI M A M" ivd k liJ Haviog qualified as administrator on the estate of the late Caleb iJareer. Dec d.. 1 hereby notify all penous haviDg claims against eaid estate to present them to me on or before April 11th, 1897, or this notice will be plead in bar ot their recovery. All persons indebted to -said estate are hereby notified to call and settle with tne at once This April 11th., 1896. JAMES F. BARGER, R.' Lee Weight, Atty; CU ' Admr. The "Twin Comet" ani "Little Giant" LAWN SPRINKLERS. . BEST MADE. Unique, Efficient, Labor Sav r ing. s Will Sprinkle 4 Times Gbeater Area Than any Other. GO TO THE ONE PRICE STORE of KLUTTZ & REJSDLEM AN'S FOK THE BEST GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY. WK NOW HAVE READY THE LARGEST AND PRETTIEST STOCK OF SUMMER GOODS. Ill SALISBURY. Msst hn A tb tlici;o Expo-ilioj, E. STEBBINS M'F'G. CO., . SOLE MANUFACTURERS, Springfield, Massachusetts. Can be seen in operation at this office FOR SALE BY J. J. Stewart. Jr., Poor The ! attempt to organize a branch here of the Daughters of the Confederacy, at the residence of Mrs. T. B. Beall's, last Friday, was a very successful one. Twenty-four of Salisbury's best ladies were en rolled. Now for a monument to Rowan's dead and living heroes. The County commissioners met in regular inoniniy session juonuuy.j NotMngf of much importance, more j than usual occured. A committee was appointed to arrange a proper location for the public road from Salisbury beyond the Southern's shops. It is understood that Main street will be extend, full width to that point. The Stanly the early erection or a 20,000 cor . It 1 Ecmomy Byf air means be economical, but don't be too economical where health or life is concerned. The matter of a few cents should never .count be tween the old, standard and reliable preparations and the new, obscure, and in many cases, almost worthless substitutes. . i JEmuIslon The Government Stamp. Men write to The World to say that it is the uovernment stamp which gives gold coin its currency by making it legal tender for its face." i But gold coin is not in fact either current or legal tender "for its face." It is both curretit and legal tender for what it is worth by weight, no more, no less. . The law is explicit and the custom equally so. The law says that A- merican gold coins shall be receiv ed in all payments, when of full weight, according to their respective values, and when of less than full weight, at Jess values porportioned to their respective actual weight." That is to say, the Government stamp certifies the quality and gen uineness of the gold, and ythe law compels you to take it, not at its face value but for what it is actually worth by weight. And, in fact, that is the only way in which the Government itself or the banks take gold or pay it out.- If your debtor offers to pay In A merican tendollar gold pieces you are required by law to accept them, not at ten dollars apiece by any means, but for exactly what they are worth by weigh L - The uovernrnenr stamp gives value only in so far as it pledges the Government to the direct or indi rect redemption of the metal piece or the paper on which it is placed. It makes minor subsidiary coins and paper notes good within the co untry because it pledges the Government to take them back, and because the Government reiuses to issue . more oi them than are needed here, or more thin it can take care of. It does the same thing for silver dol lars so lontr as their coinage is re stricted to the country's own possi bilities of use. it can do no more. I It cannot add one cent to the actual value of a silver dollar which con tains "only 52 cents' worth of ineal. The original weight or goia coins is fixed according to the actual value of the gold in them. As that gold is worth the same the world over, an American ten-dollar gold will pay ten dollars' worth of debt in any Country., The weight of a sil ver dollar is .determined by fiat of the Government, and so where ver the fiat of the Government is not law the silver dollar will pay no more of debt than the silver in it is worth. ' : . Under free coinage we shall be re quired to receive siivercomspt$l.29 For real blood diseases relief can only be obtained by using a real blood reme dy. So many people who are sufferers from an obstinate or aeep-seatea oiooa disease make the mistake of taking rem edies which at .best are only tonics and cannot possibly reach tneir trouble. It 7 . t i ii 11 A is in just sueu cases wiiicu. uliici sirtaiicu blood remedies - cannot reach' that S.S.S. has made some of the most won derful cures. Rheumatism is one of the most obstinate diseases of the blood, and there are few remedies which have any effect whatever upon it. Mr. Asa Smith, who resides at Green castle, Indiana, where he is well known, writes: . .. "For many years I have suffered from that terrible disease known as Sciatic Rheumatism, which the treatment of many physicians failed to relieve. I have also used nearly every known blood ' remedy, hut they did me no good, as they did not seem to reach my case at all. Possibly my con dition and the extent of my sufferings ATTORNEY AT LAW. AH Business Promptly Attended to SALISBURY, N. G. A. S. HEILIG. Attorney at Law, , Offers his professional services tc the citizens of Rowan and adjoining counties, prompt and careful atten tion given to all business entrusted to him. 22 '91. 3m. Dress Goods of all Kinds and at all Prices, fiom the Cheapest to tho Finest Silks, i See Us Before You Buy. Bleached and Unbleached 4-4 Domestic at 5cts. per yard. - Good Pant Goods 10c. to. 20c. per yard. The Best J5 SUIT hi Town. Overalls, a Big Stock:! Price, 40 cents up. The Best Shirts Ever Made for r25c, 50c. and fl. j Ladies Vests from 5c. to the Best- -1 A new Stock of Carpets from 20c. to 75c. per yard, f Big Assortment of Mattings from 10c. tb the Best. Straw and Fur Hats for -? Everybody from 5c. up. i Shoes at Prices Lower than Ever Before, a Big New Stock 25c.to?4per pair. We Still Have the Best Flour, Meats, Vegetables, Fruits, Coffees, Teds, Etc., in Town.! Good Itice 5c. Syrups and Molases From 20 Cents to 60 Cents; A Big Stock of Tin and Table Ware. J."'.' ITo-vars to flea.se, KLUTTZ REWDLESUPAW, The Peoples' Store for Big Bargains. FOR CO TO Dr. H. JL. Ra3isay, SURGEON DENTIST, SafiTHDEAis Rqw, Office No. 1, n TPTPTn V TMTTPSS KVm Q in K w. irminA jrt rTTvrrr o rr Salisbury, N. C. 1 Jtl lliU. r . rvLUilZ, Ot UJ., of Cod-liver Oil and Hypophosphites Is as much .the standard for. all con-, ditions of wasting in children and adults where the lungs are weak or affected, as quinine is the standard for malarial fevers. When, you go to a store to eet Scott's Emulsion, don't be fooled into taking something else an ounce, which we can use only at they say is just as good: isn L Scott's Emulsion has gained its repu tation by its superior merit, and noth ing of its kind has ever equalled It Enterprise tells of , Your doctor will tell you that. 68 cents an ounce in the payment of foreign debts. No stamp of the Government can.make them worth more beyond its own jurisdiction. MR. ASA SMITH, can be better appreciated when I state that the disease reached a point where it was a matter ot utter impossibility tor me to take my food, or handle myself in any way, and for several months the nurses were compelled to turn me in bed by use of the sheets. "This was my condition when S.S.S. was recommended to me, and I must confess that I . had little hopes of any medicine benefitting me. - I was soon encouraged, however, when after taking three bottles I was able to move my right arm. I continued to take the med icine and before long was able to walk across the room, and when I had finish ed one dozen bottles was able to get about asof old. : " I have been hale and hearty now for two yeais, without any sign of a return of the disease. I will never cease to praise S.S.S., which I regard as the most wonderful blood remedy on earth ; it broueht me out of a condition of utter helplessness to one of robust health, with a weight of 170 pounds." S. S. S. cures Scrofula, Cancer, Ec zema, and any form of blood troubles. It is guaranteed purely .vegetable and forces out the poison permanently. If you have a blood disease, take a blood medicine S- S. S. is exclusively Jor the blood and is recommended for nothing else. It has made some truly wonderful cures of Cancer, where death seemed the only relief, and we will take pleas ure in sending to anyone full particulars of these cures, and also our 'valuable books. Address Swift Specific Com pany, Atlanta, Georgia. KVIOYLE BROS., Leaders Iu Wines, Liquors & Cigars, FOREIGN anl DOMESTIC Beers, Ales and Porter, MAIN STREET , oo ' " . ALL GOODS GUARANTEED. & NEW DRUG STORE . lol I desire to announce to the citi zens of Salisbury and surrounding country that I have opened an entirely new stock ol LEADING and 0 AND DEALERS JIN FANCY ARTICLES, NOVELTIES, ETC, SUITABff SHIZ.F f9 THDAY PilESt .PLAIN AND FANCY LAMPS. PIBCB3.. TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONERY ANti PERFUMES MAIN ST., SALISBURY, N. C. : ' ' GO. TO SEE Jo S IHI0 DRUGS OLD AND SALISBUUYS on the corner nf Main and Fisher streets, in the store formerly occupi ed by T. P. Young, and respectfully sohct a share or your patronage. I shall keep constantly in stock everything usually found in a first class '' IF YOU DRUG STORE. iLNYTHINB RELIABLE IN JEWELERS. NEED THEIR LINE This is why free coinage at present; VAriTED-A?l IDEASsSSS dage factory at' New London. . All druggists sell Scott's EmnlsioO. Two sizes so cents and fi.oa ratios and Without international a- thlxut to patent? Protect toot Ideas; they may ! bring jyou wealth. Write JOHN WSDOEO 1 BURN A CO-, Patent Attorneys, Wythigtnn, i D. C-i for taeir Jloo prize oSer. I greement is an invitation to iand disaster. N. Y. World. THEIR STOCK OF 1 i TnRelpctiner stock for mv Drescrin- ion department I have selected, Wf r, Has ' Clnnks. DlfltllOnflS ' NllVOr- with erreat care, a line or . w , . r PURE DRUGS, ware, Rings, Jewelry, Etc.,' Cannot be surpassed in the Ktate. ItEPAlItlNG OF ALL: KINDS and with an experience of nearly I twent wears as a Pharmacist feelj reS'to tLrtailTdtUf-l GUARANTEED AND PROMPTLV ATTEND.TO. ment. Your patronage! will be greatly appreciated. - JAMES PLUMMEU. 1 July 16th, 1894. MAIN STREET, SALISBURY, N. C : '. ,; ! - ! GO TO 8EE. 'CS i,