V i."-. -spaa V V-' -chael Curtain, Plainftcld, es tbe statement that she .UtU jkuVL whkh settled oa Jier ngfff h was treats for a nionth ,r-- y her family physician, but crew 'worse. IJe xoJd iier she was a hope iesa vlcUcn of coaflumption and ihajt 09 medicine eoufd cure tier. Her druggist suggested Dr.. King's' -New Joujfht a bottle and to her delight ound herself benefitted from first 3ose. She continued its U?e and flf- lor taking six bottlf, found herself - oud and well; now does her own Housework, and is a8 well a-i she v-!' r was-Fnee trial bottle of this Great Discovery at Tit ko, P Ki.mrrz afcCo'g lrug Store. fvarge bottles $Ocand tlJW. 6 - rOBOVEB EIFTV YKAf Mrs. WlnsJow'gSoothirig Syrup has been used far- over fifty years by iniHIcma of mothers for their chii aJren while -teething, with perfect uceoB8. It soothes the child, softens the fcuxng. allay all pain, cures wind olic, and lathe beat remedy for Diarrhoea. li will relieve the poor juue Bunercr lnjmeuiatel y. Bold by Druggists ia every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. - Bo sure ind askor'Mrs. Window's Sooth ing Syrup, and take uV other kind. :rora tu ous lo-Kaion vlne ayaQakf ilje, Napy Valley, Cal. -,tX;JXbB floes t orrthe market for purity, ; . , re,xceUence.All To-Kalon wines fire guaranteed to be the pure juice ot the grapeand ore strongly en dorsed by themedical profession for use of invalid and convalescents. MOYLS BROS., 51-FOR"T AehMveraents of Admiral Dewey.-" tbe world fr."w"i nsvflirtiro. am rat Jfaistad, the 'o"-ftend and a.lailrer of thn nation'M itrTJiirirofitandkbci, rookj over Wn; imjrpM. j8a!0 Inoheit; nearly KK tiav,!(j Jialf r .no Hlaat r- fiona. only ti.co. r;iifri;nHiH (lmaiil. Hij commlloii8. Outfllt fif.'. ciiMi ci .ifa life time. Write quick. XL" Domiitluii C'onii any Sxd Floo Cax ton bldg., i.iiK;aa-ot, W-iCC, 11H Koith Vryor St .CTlVJt solicitors wanted everywhere for AX MTb Story of the PhiliDpineH" by M a rat Hlntadil, romralaatotied br the Government 0M OlUclal Hlntonan to the War Departmeut. -The book was written In army camj8 at Han Francisco, on the Pacflo vrilh Ouieral Mer fltt. In the hoapltaM at H'ik1u1u, ni'IIoiifr "Koim, In the American trjnea at Manila, on the lunurgent camps with Aiii.a)rio, oit tli leek of the Olymi ia with Dewey, uod In thy roar of the l.attle at th fall of Manila. Bonanza for agents. Brimful of original ii; . area taken ty government rhotographerd OB tbe spot. Largo hook. Low j.ricea. lilg profit. Freight paid. Otedit given. Drop ill trashy uuoincial war books. Outtlt free. Addrcaa, . X. Barber, Hec'y... Ktar Insurance filig., Chicago. OUTHERW RAILWAY. THE STAN DA HD RAILWAY OF The South ho.Direct Line to All Points. Texas; California, Florida, Cuba anil -Porto Siico. Titicn.Y riiT.ciiAs-5 mmivLEWi- ON ALL TirKOIJOir AXJ LOCAL TllAINS; 11' LI. M A N I' A LACK .8LKKF INQ CAUS ON ALTi XKilfT TUAIXS'; FAST AND SAFK sCUKDULES Travel by the -Southern and you are assured H;if', Comfortable au(i Expeditious Journey. Apply to Ticket Agems for Time rabies, ltntes nnd General Infor mation, or aJdmsH 11. L. VEHNON, F? It. DAUBY, Charlotte, NcC Asheville, N. C. No Trouble to Answer Questions. JFiiamc S. Gannon,' 31 V. Y. Si 0mi. Mail. J. M. Gulp, -Tntf. Man. W. A. Tuuk, j. r. WASHINGTON, D. C Dr. 11. L. SIamsay, BURGEON DENTIST, mi mm, ora express office. OFFICE HOURS From t to' 5 Saliskuky, 'N: C. A, .-HEILI - r ' s ATTOlcNKY AT UW, G Offers his professional service to the citizens of Rowan and adjoining .counties, prompt and careful atten tion given to uli business entrusted io him. GO YEARS' rS: " f-r cvdcdibmcc A Tmnr MARKS VJ-G Designs tit O Copyrights Ac AnffW wnfllnff a nketf b and 1ertrtWn may auloKly a!wertin cur c-Jinu-m frea whrther an 4nvantion la m Vcblr rpte-tMn. Ooiumunlca tlonatrlcUnnaejrtCa. llanibtxikua I atnta aentfr: ohlent aansy for ecnrtnspatani. Pau-nca t'iken tbiMUnh Munli A; Co. iwtlva Scientific Jf merlcan. . - aRtiilDOtnely n'.aV'ravnit waeaty. JjiwI . cutnUun TS an? aci:iune J.mrTtai. I.rna. t3 a ..r- ttinf-m.-.l'Yt.SX. irclj fc ali tiewJrt.-ller. iUillf OVJ. "UWt! IWift llrs'M OSK-o. 5 F 3t Washiatftou, V. U ' iGSSwaiat ALL kLSt fWLS. il .prit CookA bj rup. Tastes bood. UM in time. tnii pt omtrgmt. . . . T7 . I MM BWS l.r.Uaf.etrFfie. li,W.-3.i,2 n m WOOL LEY CO. JSP V . X j -, fy.y"-1. ' 1 ""'3q - - t ...-XT ?! SALISBURY TROTH PUBLISHED EVKUY WEDNESDAY. And entered In the ioto3lee at Salisbury, !f. C, as jKefmd class mail matter. W.fr. Bf EWaRT. . . Editor and MDe-r. ' -. ' Ar.VERTisiso rates: j R'- for-i-vrt!!n;r will rejriran arn j ?,,',!l'"i,A!l viv-!it.othittrmi. f rw. 'J AnVKUXf.-ZMEXTS nhoala in ty sy ikvto to iBjiiTft appearance in the ? mxt ''"'' ier. tdfthtt office of Th Truth I on Main t., tiir-e door llow theOteraKoafl,ai0ta!rjs teis It ailing up from the afreet. - f S?STP JiO1" 4vnee, per year. Ldl ulu After aii month. l 00 1.50 W EDXESDAY, AUGUST 9. The Oxford Public Ledger wants Gen. Julian 8. Carr elected to the United States -enate from this State, and gives that eminent and admira ble citizen a strong send off in that direction. - - Mark Hanna once paid McKln ley's financial debts, and the latter is now-discharging Mark's political obligations in return by appointing negro postmasters in the South. It is probable that these unnatural ap- ooimments are a.siasteiui to Mr. iu eiv in iey personally, nut ne reels ) oounu to carry out Aia,rK's anti elec- tion contiact with the colored broth-! The pre-eminence of North Caro lina among Southern states for her ' cotton manufactures is so assured that the announcement of a new cot ton mill at Columbia, South Caroli na, to cost 1,500,000 and owned en tirely by home people, creates no jealousy up this way. New 'Eng land, however, may look askance at the enteiprise for reasons not hard to discover. The yellow fever, having' sbifte.l it, base of opera.i0 frm".he Kulf states to the Virginia coast, is con- iuctlnKifwIth amode,lo.,6n usual in that form of pestilence. The disease is oeing confined so closely to. the Soldiers' Home at Hampton and the death rate is so low that hopes of its entire abate ment long before frost may be rea sonably entertained. The disfranchisement of ignorance ho,.. u w r i , , , 1 er negroes born since the c vil war, happily and peacefully accomplished . ' . , ' io u . ..could be induced trt settle in tho.se in several Southern states, is one of . , , . .. e t. , ' i islands by an expenditure of S'?0 000 the L'reat reform movement .rthi ' . '"icni.j)wul . , nuii.il nin icicivc in; v;nt;cn. in old North Carolina Avhen our people vote on the constitutional amendment next year. That amend ment Will never be defeated. North f 'o nl J na tifiaJ Sf iirrrrtn f It o nl elm VC4 i in c i v- v iv ui iiCii ii r ii v one intends to have it. In some limited areas of the State dry weather is reported to have in- jured the crops, but North Carolina, especially the eourttry tributary to Salisbury, will make a heavy corn crop : abundant for all demands. With plenty of the staff of life and the practical certainty that the dem" ocrauc party win resume ousmes j at Ualeigli next year, croakers and ' - !ll .. calamity howlers will have the right-to. complain of dull times in ineir line oi ousiiie-s. North Carolina has contributed 38 young w hite men to one of the . new regiments of the regular army,' whfch is just 38 too many, unl ss . these vou.nr men are till of thee'er Ti i 1 i ,, do-Well class. Tins state needs all - i T. , , .. C 1 . . . ... tl i fviii in ti.imilat i.in i t ' ... ... - home and needs to have it increased t rather than decreased. The social, political arid industrial problems confrontiug u are made the harder to solve by the departure of each ca pable young white man from the state, and. besides, the career of a ! private in the regular army is a' very poor one for any spirited man. A rapidly growing senst; stupendous difficulties ahead of our army, before the Philippines can be eoiKjuer;d, together wi'h ourdoult-j ful -"moral right, in the "premises, s. Piuto . h i estrov mir even the., semblance of enthusiasm in every irnrt of the couutry for a "colonial empire" in the Orient. Disgust over thesiluation is deepeningevery day, and it is confined to no one party or section; If Mr. McKinley felt free to speak hisstriclly private thoughts on the etibj-'ct be would doubtless ask that the American people rise.as ne man and help hipi let lotise the tail of the Philippine bear. - j the West Indie-, and, came over to That inati Cryau Mill continues tij thjs COUIltry atn,ut 1700, taking up travel about through the North ami ja .,rge tract of land in Tyrrell cotin South, with apparently no parficu jtyj ttnd building upon it a historic lar end in view, addressing huge r ,uavion known as Buncombe Hall, and enthusiastic audiences and nev - er growing tiresome, or common- place Repuldiean shots of the heav jest metal rattle oiT his thtice ar- mo red personality . as'.-hanuless a peas and -in a vvay mo.-t -.exasperating to republican editors and poli ticians, by whose confident calcuia t ious -he should have subsided and disappeared long ago as a qonsriicu ous factor in national politics. There is a growing impression that this remarkable man will yet have to lift from McKinley's tired shoul ders the burden of solving the Philippine problem by. succeeding that gentleman in the White .House. The return of President George T. Wins! An from Texas to hi native North Carolina, while noted hereto fore, Is an event so Cprtunaie for the educational interests of the state that it will bear more than a passing rcfreoce. Texas returned him to lis1 most reluctantly, for, as president of her great university, he gave that it had never known before and which'iand VIrgfniftfs attracting general his succe-iHor will find . it no easy 1 atlentin It is considered the most work to maintain, ft is pleasant to!n,lHrtant exten?ion at is under know that President Winston's rare I way or C(ntemPIled anywhere in CxecHtivo ability, hn broad culture I lhe South th!s year- B' acquiring and scholarship and his ttnrdv tiniism w ill now be devoted -ti t ho j youth of this state,-and in, his new position a president of flie North 'Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts he ha a field for use fulness which he can fill as few men can and where his work will con tribute beyond calculation to the best interests of the state. Uniting the traditions of the OUtSouth with the inspirations of the New in a per sonality of uncommon forceful ness. ashedoes. North "Carolina is to be congratulated upon his return to her soil and the education of her youth Bishon Turner wants congress to appropriate 100,000,000 to be used in deporting the Southern negroes to Africa, where lh3; can have a finiiuiini i,w .nc:ijjrtTi Willi no white trash to molest or j iia-crow cars to offend."- The scheme is vis ionary and congress will not even consider it. A much more sensible view of the subject is that of Rev. : John L. Waller, colon chaplain of a Kansas negro regiment in the war with Spain, who has caught the at tention of the entire country by the publication of his plan to encourage negro emigration to Cuba and Por to Rico. ' Residence in Quba makes 1 ' '" T..'. ."'at three millions of Southern negroes ,,. , , 4L ... . "' tiat, numuioj;! iu iiif nisei veb anu the island, and -a' much larger num ber could be accommodated with out Undue crowding or congestion. He wants congress to appropriale 20,000,(W01o bring about this emi gration, the money to te exiended under pi oper safeguards and paid back to this coiifitry out of Cuban revenues. If-three million" South- 00, we dou!)t not that the South would cheer futly foot the bill rati. than see the scheme fail. But how to get the negro tide started Cuba ward is the problem. k. n ' nRbjifijlui iibiiiiiiciu. It is said that the,. Farthers Alli- a nee. in South Carolina, which a 'few . . . -. . years '.ago ''numbered 40.U00 now "umbers less thau 3,000,. and in j Georgia, where : they numbe're.tl i 75, 000. they are so few as to b'e hard- ly worth counting. Too much poll tics did it. Wilmington Stai . They who profess to be able to frm -m OI)ini(n say that the late Co, Il!g,rt,oll for . the past thirty years, had an income of $50,000 a year from his'law practice, lectures and writings, but left little save his life insurance,-amounting-' to about $40,000. Heputl,tle va!ue on ey, save for the uses to which eould he put, and was a liberal liver 5s we" ' a " needy and to chantanie ana nenevo - J v(1,.t . lent nurposes retrartlless oi setr, oi what people believed. AV llmington - 1 - Star 'Less-than twenty years ago the average number of the insane pro vided for in North Carolina was 1 about 2"0 erowded into one building conducted for 224 patients. :Now the three admirable hospitals for tne ln8iUlt' accommodate 1,537 pa- V ' . , ar V1B11(1 . i e of tbe der .treatment -the past year exceeds , e oi toe . ' ' . .d ofonrith s by i-evers hundred. It may ttients, and the whole numner um by be fairly estimated' that nearly or quite two thousand -people will re ceive the benefit of the latest mod- ern treatment i .uj ... the coming year in our State.-Ilaleigh i Jews and uoserver Robert Goelet. the New "York j mulfj millionaire, who died in Eu- : ro,e recently, through his mother WhS ;l direct deceudaut of Cd. Ed ward Buncombe, the first citizen of ! Xortii Carolina, whose name now appears in the dictionary to describe a boastful and bombastic form of speech. Col. Buncombe was a na tive of the Island of St. Kitts, iu j NV!llca ;. .... is still standing. vnicairo . j utCorii. s John Hatlman, Maiden, v n w rit-: iiave used Dr. M. A. Sim - - '.. Ta mon.Si.iver- letucine. iu years curcw ciiiils. sick headache, pains back and side. It is ; niilde takes Ics to work than Zeilin'j" a red Z," I used. Hfol-A hahVlj l.irlh ntiir-b- coar Ami almost psiuless by taking Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. STATE KEVV . The handsome home of Mr. Abner Misenheimer, in township 5, Cabar rus county, was destroyed by fire, with all its contents except two feather beds, at a late hour Friday nicrht. The occupants had a narrow escape. L4s4 about 11200, with no insurance. Hnm r s Mary. I I The ex,enson of the Seaboard j Air Line acn,ss-lne mountains toj the Iron and coal bed of Temicse i uie arrow auge road to Lenoir I rtn(1 lUc l"ler road from there to Collettsville and changing them tolrr several .-weeks v.iLh that droi.1od the standard gauge, there is only about 30 miles of new road to build. The comany is already working in this direction fromCranberry on the new link. This road will not only have a great business in through freights between the two terminal points, Wilmington and Bristol, j but it will go through one of the finest mountain sections 'of the South. It will be a great road, and Newton being the place where, it! OroSKPS f ll f. Croat Srttif linrn rnni. .,,111 i . ....... h.v...,Ui..v.u iau, win be one of the most important places on the lino.- Newton Enterprise, Chauncey Davis, the negro who last Spring burned the" Battle resi dence, Cool Spring, in Edgecombe county, has been sentenced to hang at Tarboro, September 7th. At a late meeting of the National Flower Commissiou at Ashviile it was decided to adopt the golden rod as the national flower, that being the only distinctive flower found in all parts of the Union. The new Concord cotton mill now being erected by the Cannon Cotton .'iuuui;n.iuiiu(i vMinjiiuy ai- nisi r-l o i 1 1.. .t n rv I 1j- . .i. . .... . ... .. A.. a. ' ot tjl 00,000, will have 7,500 , spindles and 375 looms. H. C. Eccles, Tof Charlotte, spent ' a few. days- here last week and had J" the remains of his father, the late John W. Keeles, removed from ' the graveyard at Society church, in Tur-; nersburg township, to Oak wood cemetery in' Statesville, Where the remains of his mother,", Mrs. Mary Eccles, were interred last 'Winter The remains were removed last Saturday by Mr. C. B. Webb. They j had been buried in a httavy .metal lie. . case and w hen this was taken up it was 'found to be in a perfect state of preservatbm. Some friends of the deceased were present and insisted on having the Ijd covering 'the glass removed. VC hen this was done the body was-found to be in -t remarka- ,.,.ll ... u the ftt"JZe ClOlU iiitr (n j r ii ii jut as it did when, the deceased was buried on July 23rd, IHoO. But tlie screws of the case were so' rusted... tha-t they liad to be cut, and this jarred the glass enough to let in the air, bringing about almost instant decomposition. Statesville Land--mark. ' . j The State Superintendent of Pub lic Instruction is issuing a circular, in which he says the apportionment. I'Jit tones. up the utjvsl which suffer oft he public school fund is very im- Ping and disease have slijUered; It Ls , ,. , ,. " : Stha most perfect remedy ever devised properly made, as is shown by lhe . 'en to rfact tae.t tliat while in the past ten years the school fund has increased 700, - , t ., , i 000, the. length ot the terms has not , inc;ci-ed, Charlotte Observer. j , ..A, ,. i A case out of the ordinary ,oc- j curred I ere this afternoon, when ,oon-JJufj?eUoMusunt after Uie (tr5aIof a man fQr asSault with dead-1 , jn whR.h t UeVfel j OI,ed that Policeman (ioidv oped tliat Policeman uoia-aon. at ter being hit in the face by lhe man, struck the fellow on the head with his billy, ordered up a bill against 1 iiiB otlicer. The affair ' hanoebtAJ some months ago, and Mr. Gohl.ston only hit him tiie one blow after re ceiving a considerable blow in bis face from the drunken fellow's fint..: I -Concord correspondent Charlotte -j Ot. server. . IVfler a conference with Governor ltussell. the Auditor Mid Treasurer have empbyedJohu W. Hinsdale J, 4, . and ('haries A Cook, of Warreuton, as counsel for them' in the- .cases which are toHje heard before Judge Simon ton at Ashviile, in regard to the injunction against the corpora tion commission in the matter of .,,,, s.jniii tne proposed mcrea.sea assess of railroad and telegraph property. Hon. H. G. (onnorwilr appear as! counsel lor me commission, io- . . t ... 'the fo:ii?wit!i: dcrujetl renl- estate, morrow tne commissioners go tnj w( . T , , ynr tj!l:i town.4iip.-de- Lenver. When they return I hey will go to Ashviile iu the it-Junction eas.t'harlotte Observer Mrs. Mary Davis has received, a letter from Mrs. S. B. Van Nss of If Lexington, Mass., wnuji-sires iuformatmu mother'? Statei Ness s father ishe desires infjrmatiou abut the (iiddins and N ichobon fumilies. ? unc rMlcnoison, wnw usoiiier f k - t . a 1 . , ia Giddins, wan a minister ' - . - If j of Giddiua is not familiar .-. jStatesvilld Landmark. about members of her Midi's corufi tiea-M oUr 7. T"n . - - 1 X , ' JwZ'um i family, who lived in 1 e- la cUlu- h u'sto; thniw! i : "i-'W. T r : N a tfoa t Thr.T w.iiwt.irri.t ville prior to 1S20. Mrs. Van u!u . eSi , u tbiu.it.. vrJ t 1 - t WTCTAUif Utct ll WiAtW tntl .,j, ',1,,,. ,W1 ,.,l OU -'ii' e.V till-; -thence , i.f I r.lir1T!1l '.V a aU.Aato aUaay aWy writes that her ;;reat crnntl- .,. . .,. .,- , ' t - i,r 1 WrVifvity ' i' A -i-n- ' cm. nia ncd barah Powell and f ,ii.. i . ,..,r ih. f ri . of tbi . V C- 1 VV- lxts a Wwaw. aoaaT aat; ftwuj 11 of the IjaiKlmarU7 reiders -cart r o ; . . :rr v-i 1 1 . e r ?r t ; . e.i j u iy , i tmz acme, cuefcw wt. u y. T'jv.-'rTT '"''t lt.' !.f.tr.t4H.vt'',ih,mt.- th;. s 1 J t- A. i'N 5 'fi ? N A'tWint f w. tui&i ihn iWwjM ila. . r anu . . .. ,;- 'ii,.V-'!.t-j I ti. TireiiMii iw d liH ai.i mm. nal wHiaaaHM.a aa4 akaMgM Lwith i ll'py w,u Plti ; co.ijiouini.vi.nT t sv.s j - , . ? j ia,.eMii M i.(i iwh ant wttuwrt. m.wi - .jM.Ul . . ' ... - - - - -T ,v . . . Anl a w . W.r It !) lkl)1114 n U li in.n..',.. . 3lrs. Mary UaVlS, tsiatVlJie. i iirre i rr .yK r i-W -H;i'.17t'- 'fl,H ku;uu ar .aMa- aa aV, - are many Nicholson in thU stion tffxi IfXt&M i st!T &3rw&viZ fe a?' y Jjct? etec o'y"' a St if?Siyfcy Va1"' Mi3,; Jarnes Sta'li wi cleaning her dry house cn Tat Thursday when a copperhead saake bit horf;n the hand., She killed, the 'snake. corded her arm' and then went to Mr. John Paris, . a t half-r.; fie away, and applied bis madloae. The stone tuck to the Ij.te for Oim time.Jjat Mrs. Siiic hecani:' tteJir ious soon after i.n.- uiti gi'Uv. She is still conoid ur herbT: bLi her condiMor. is :.r, .to'tdf r'l rious. !itatvI:!e''L.?t'iir. -- ' 1 The tiuuble over thr- Wilnutr.ii : j postoiike -has Iwi ttlfl. ii.- f . appointment orMi-c lr.ry u. Duri.' ' as postitilstres3 o! i:iy. ' Mrs. Eslella Lipe, x. wi-Jow v. iih h fa.'uiiy of thiifirt :!. i-u j southern edire of t-A,. wit;, f, -r .f ' her cTalclrea !u 1 bett ''f tfr-Tt',! UJ:r ij pno.u i-vi:. t.M ?uaay morning Uit one-of thv .chiidreti died and on Monday liicrning r Mr?. Lipe died, bcth being buried at the sacie time in the . to w ii ce m e t cry . The ether three, children ate still critically sick. Mooresviile Record Times. ' ' Everybody knows Li mini Mc Neill, ihe colored woman evange list, who took such au active part in j the Fire Baptised Holiness meeting n. i , . . - . . . jrea'iiuy nem m thm city After that meeting disbanded Elmira j took up a subscription to carry her I to" Africa, where she said she was going to carry this new Fire relig- ion lt is said she srot as fr leiiSh, found her-"; divorced "h'usba rid living vs-ith ri!QtSu.r woriidij, and is now iu'Wak.e. county yA awaiting trial ow a charge of munterin that woman by admiins'terlni? t.-oisnn , Frfv..tfori!lu m. , Men and , ..-iJney ti-ou.b.'a prejs upuu the m'lifi.-Jicouiagts aud-k-H a:-ti! ambition; bt-auty, vior C.Vid t'Titrrfu ;;u.-sa S;OU i-.ili . - of orjr;r (liaa'.f-d. cj rv-Hutt'ss U!o rr- Kiime, Pwsn i:-r..-.r.f ti f g:-"ut ki-'n. v remedy. At drupes.., rsrnii Lottie .y fwc, also .mj'hief . - - Aais6s, nr. k timer u c. Btugi;.MnHm,ii. y. "Sweet Bells Jangled ' r Out of Tune and Harsh.' afeespeare'a . description fits thou-E 1 Bwect dispositions ere goni tsutden top the; e Is a remedy. Tfcey can use McELREE'S Wine of Carcui It brings health to the Tromanly1 'oreanism. and health there means well poised nerves, calmness, strength. ! It restores womanly vijjqr and power. health, and to make tliem attractive? j and happy. fi.ooataUdrcggists.' ? For advice iu cases rentarice spec-E addrs, ivrngV! Stoma, "The- Ladies Advisory Do- ppaIte3tlt.,, The Chattanooga 2ledi-1 icineCo ... Chattanooga. Tena." -ast vis yi 1 TS.'rv.'.T W. BMT!f . f!.ir.!)-.n. S. fl fil -i Ac tdertiv sod -.Collecc. for Oirls aml'i Young women. B'ibteare, . togeth t er with full Oidiee instruction, i Special j-it.T in Music. Art, Elocutiou, Languajres, Commercial aiul ioo i trialSludies. Institution founder! in 'i he Hegister , shows 328. 1-st". vear. ..N'e term t-egins Wi dnewiay, - - , r- s J .a. pti 0,4iiy. ;&ynu in iiaiofcuyo Itf.v. J. H. CLK'A'ELL, Priucipai, hno. t. - b.iiem,-Noitii Carolina. SALE C? VALUABLE REAL; mffi By J'tutbority contained in a usort gagedeetl executed mi theUtlt day of September, 1S9-5, ' ly.J Alfred E. Goodman mul wite Anni E. O .d :i t,H to E C K:ti iy to secure the sum t'hereiu named, dei'auit having bvdi li;iudein ne paymer.t5 eou traded for m said !nort-, I wm exjo.-e ) . fuiirt huU.rtr, 'iu : ibexl 'a' follow: .-. : BegitirtUig at Jirifssfit ld's cornt r,;i stone iu too u-edow, tlienee North IK3 K. tl V1 c1i3-Uh to a BfitH tVidS von.'er; Ha nee Sornt h3 It ?M 0 i-iiitiii to a tolJ fi.'jnsfku'i's ... -........ A'tiVifui.iii lit...- f! i-f. J i. AWAt -.h,Mtt,:b.'as.:tat. brn.-h: theu;- Norib-51 .' 'W-tt 4.1i chain.-, to ii.r leginnt!,', bt ing Hi fecre' u: -re ,r P, and pemg pn t i h'- I -Mid -conveynl by the he H ill Uf! r n vMKtJ:r.t:. tu":":--! ti: i,Ttr lti.C.1'iI, iirjr, JM. lr-lJi c,, l ......... ...v,.. . x f f t -y v.f .'v ? 1 stkifiiv yrrfi;3i a wio. irx u-ic i a.-i.iu.s a trip tciie f'Hjri Hxpwuais, w g4 - - . 5'K u b life a ; t s r S, S. fee Ct3sJ Glasslf 2 v.! 1; liji!l r- f:J pWrA j jf r, iS '.V-sr ll'vi pir.Mh-y eaa f.-rt-y thtnwohts i; J UiWJ Ltl LUyi 6 "til V&p? tut. irfOuU if ail'uciitS lri.:i which V-y. M-Icr fOtAli) . t:. . is th re-taedy which vil! keep . their system $ yoanjx. by ptuifyiti tt.o tivv3, -r-i thorrtu it.lv rercuci nil wute e xuinutit;. Vs. '..-iJ frr.Tart.' i" iir firpiria una 1 tli ;rr- ti, bii!.'s 1 ' . . Civw.. t ioo l trici:; ' I vix svver.ty years fO ttPCUtV Vt. fwijiticti. hfi EcT?fiA trriliv on one cf mv -Icirs. Th "aI f- -ottr fe'ti-i tlmt j- CVr2l ' w"n ia a ii"''i eompiesy, sua t "s""i" I tec a.- wlt fea i CSX. J v. uorma.ot riquuc. vt., een years I fu"?rd- tortiU6t fom a ray I .tried '&!fncfc t-very-S-iwwn faded one by orie. &ad I -vo. totJ that eixty eix. was ngalret wc and -that I vr u v. i.-i4 uaiiiiy wwa o o. my tlooil thoroughly. en3 nc I am -s; TO THE la the 'only remedy -wbich "can bulbi ,.; free from pottish, tncrc:rv. areraic mineral It u 'made from roots and in It. S S p. cures the vorst e-see of Scrofula, Cruicer, Eczema. Rheutnatisxu, Tetter. Open Sore. Chronic Ulcers, BoUs,.cr any other dis3i of thebbvid. Boels oil these dtseaacs -will Lo seat free by Swift Specifics Co., Atlanta. Ga. 5? 1- I q P Our on v light weight goods in proportion -ate size with the season, but- we have more firmly established our tra di and also the reputation of doing just what we ad vertise sell ing the 'very BEST goods (or the least -.money. THIS TIME- AND THE LIST. We eall your attention to the fact our "Clearimce sale is -still on ines, Lames aim uenueiiuMiTrmr derwear. Neckwear, Jiight weight Shoes, Oxfords and Ties, etc. Is the last JL- lii o peeiallv. ! 1 ? f our Sr"?cfU"e'3 saie. .-.- -f S.X tit it. . -- -j -- t .? 1 1 regaTdavi 0 11 Wl: n"f;onn nil qiKUeii bargains sl -i3 si, ff l, . l. r i I i'-i Vv " " 'M' 1 Ii " " :; l"t rs'i "i " iP ;,.(. r...i11!iy-.i:!!fc,i a',1 ".j.i i. . Ml, a t i i. :h '' I it- :; . I ' o j.r;' ,., i. .,t .-.,-. .... , r mr ! - ' Pa TV JP 15 1 f A T-l ! V l:t."" ' ' a i . . r u . . t a 'n-r . rJ Zrl,.. ?. AJru ACWC. QVZX.H. tCUl) OWM MAKE.) toOHf- T r"" 14 -6-' !tt 5? ----' . iAr,Vu"i 70 a dayTaa tti,artUa oaftwo artry ara .lUtai toMU.1ia dtillr profit f UtTl FOR OUPtntEE SUCOr. CAitAC AIIO MARNKS9 CAraTitld aoJ 0EAR8tRO5SUCK &CO. (In C H ! C mmM. 13 . Ar! r!tv ret revssnrtlj mean f-Has. and ill health, nrd r.tiir!v all cf tKr r.rVfr emn.i i ; a;. cry suv; til It t illness .1 y-t. k, . . . ' . - T art. io i:ie ?-u LJ. it in'.-nwes lh- fadgUs, aui s t. li new hLj- htuit tun ecitiro fivstm l-r-dvray. South B.?tn. writ: old, and had not cnjoyi 1 -geI health' I -iekin dilcrtr.t u-rs . t ivcaou-t f my ace-1 vroaid lce;r ba. doitcJi bottle 'of S. S.uil it eurei m am riApny to soy mat ever tlia in my lif." ajw.-:: -for ?i&t . iky eruption ct r-me-ly. but tLuy my which ie jcv.dJ ' nefcr ht ixe (TV is., tkiiu li in pcrfK.t J rt health.- -4&$J$ BLOOD 'us and Ftrentrthen i'lzA&'ir-ij aaf ether damagiog borbs.aud has nr. iehernieals whatever mm e n I n 1 1 ' r;.i iz s wi.o.ir unntsoi'T. hv V.wv 12 i i it B 3 Ml Cleaniuco sales 'of. materials liave -- it success. Not . . - Vi3 SlH?!i(HMki ill oni:";,.stoi?k of ; inspire still left in -'r- time .we. will, is ttehtion to itr r V1 oe 9 i-. oi. 'C.ist,' vrj'7 . . .i-t!:;i-i. f;. ? 'r!l V H U IO i;QX the . Fiiriii'uf". H-twAr .carir'tii, t . fn-m !; v,-fcit ,v.i w:l't i' tf nn:n tuttlily f d'r't f ! tSi-r iri-i'iirn tur- r rrt wiu.'Wii'.r, mtw - tl . vnMrumoi t i 1s.lfaT tl our -rjMt t 85 ii . 'iwhr-l fl-r!'. 4 i worth or.rh rnur; down fin if -i I js s ibr shirrs Rp rr!trptl. Ami It ffrw im.Ii tr. jrv- s.Tirf3ciUM.. Osi-rirrnlnr r'- inr n.to v.i!if ! ;!-'ur' : -td "iH and Siij. :U ff1!nt!3 fort 5", J- tl &. If. tl is, t;.-rl & Wactio. Thy. W dail I- - ' .- i:y wjk'it you tfijr iire. wiir. w i! ; nrf-. tirt-'i coit trp. Tblf all We RK COT- TJ i' tM &4 rat s to a tn4 It yv iOiio ittvvir r-!.:R l-!t llf ' Unit ft . Oca lxi:vr bt wiu ordc . nmcr im cur owk rACToav in chicaco Oj t'.Mf r- t.,t PMiri&l Kf0T eaa bay. .MI la t-- "rr Ea.vj' C'.tj'j;?tte li,. Top dearie f4 by r 1 it..- t ll.SC, 423.? find S34.70 k .jio I '.-a-7 tlit are vn; br .r." lnrif Saicra. t MIM t t v a- w !:' .iriy it!.i r far atatt.M k .. COR ACMEQUiCfJ AT 5,00 la tha moat S7r.-Til r;r-tf, T'lil klUCST rait! fcl k. (tl rct ttiT ' i-s.1 TKT t 4 n Wa asalatala iivQ merr bitrgy tmetorr tor ' ll rv-v4 o( btul Un) :i:!a a IfTTH M44tff w cii blt tLArwatae ta aiTa HI eiU,Tm.mi uhhi-cti, 3av . Ticrtil ao4tli. WX FiiT AXtZ'Jj? POCbtZ (M rn aM mkn yy fm M. ttiM. it.M. Owl aaa In w, U.a.!l4lTTJl!T. Oar a. raar a4 y yr - r v"i'if7----'r e 70 bua wui aaurj aa. aavuaa aaaaaryvaaaa