. NAEfiOW ESCAPE. t hankful words written by Mrs. jid E. Hart, ofUrotoo, S. D. "was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungseough set in and finally terminated. in" Consumption. Four Doctors gave me up paying I could live but a short time. J gave my self up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New 1 ) isc v ery for Consumption Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bot tles. It has cured me, and thank God lam saved- and now- a well aud healthy woman" "Trial bottles free at Theo. F Kluttz, A Co.'8,-drug etore. Regular size 5i)e and $1.00 Guaranteed or price refunded 1 FOB OVEU EIFTY YEARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used fr over fifty years by millions of mother, for their chil dren while teething, with perfect success. Jteootlits the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Kohl by Druggists in every part of the worid. Twenty-five cents abottle.' lie suro and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup," and take no other kind. SWEET WINES. M WISES, Just received 30 cases of wines from the famous To-Kalori vine yards, Oak ville, Napy Valley, Cat. The finest on the market for purity, age, excellence. AllTo-Kalon wines are guaranteed to be the. pure juice of the grape, and are strongly en dorsed by the medical profession for use of invalids and convalescents. r.TOYLE BROS., Sole agents. AOBNTS WANTED FOR "THE LIFE AN D Achievement of Admiral Dewey," the world's f reatest naval hero. By Mural Ilalistead. lite If hmif friend and admirer of the. nation's idol. B'fSPSt aud lien., book; over 500 pa-e.s. 8x10 inchex; nearly Jim ao.-t halftone illustra tions. Ouly l.fK. Fnorinus demand. V,'t onnntnioi.K. Outliitfue. OnaiiC of n. lifi; time. Write fjuick. The Dominion CuUija,;, rd Floor Cus ton UUg., Chicago.' 1 StWiSSSSBtVU. CM. Wt.OLLclC CO. Atlanta, 0;. Oilice, 101 ITorth J'ryor tt ACTIVE solicitors wanted' every where for "The Story of the Philippines" by Mu rat Halnteadd, eomiDUaioned by the Oov rtiment AH Ofllctai Histor an to the War Department. The book waH written in ariny campa at San . FranclHCo, on the Facflc with General Mer rltt. In the hospitals at Honolulu, in IIou Kong, In the American trances at Manila, oil the lnurKent cainf's with Aguinaldo, on the dck of the Olynuda with l)ew?y, and In the top of the battle at the fall of Manila. Bonanza for Bgents. Brimful o1t ordinal pic tnraa taken by government, photoyrapherd nthoapot. Larffe book. Low prices. Bi profit. Freight paid. Credit given. Drop U trashy unoiUcial war books. Outfit free. AddrflK, F. T. Barber, Sec-.. Star Insurance Bid., Chicago. I - -Railway. THE STANDARD RAILWAY OF The South The Direct Line to All Points. Texas, California, Florida, Cuba and Porto Rico. FI3 3fVi? and Whiskey Eabits iuna curerl at l,on.! vith- H U ! mt palu Hws. of i.a r- B K& 4 J H t 'enlarB se;i t. f-' P r F.. BriidQTLY FIRST CLASS, EQUIPMENT ALL. THROUGH AND IOCAIi v : TRAINS; PULLMAN PALACE SLEEP- JflU WHS UiV ALlj JNHillT TIU?, FAST AND SAFE SCI I EDULES ? Travel by the Southern and you are assured a Safe, Comfortable aud Expeditious Journey. . Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Pables, Rates and (Jeneral Infor mation, or address B. L.VERNON, F. R. DARBY, 1 T.'P. A., C. P. & T. A., Charlotte, N. C. Asheville, N. C. No Trouble to Answer Questions. Frank S. Gannon, J. M. Culp, 3d V. P. Oen. Mau. Traf. Man: V. A. TUKK, G. P. A., WASHINGTON, 1). C Dr. 11. JL. Ramsay, SURGEON DENTIST, mi STREET, OYER EIFBESS OFFICE. OFFICE JWURS From 9 to 5 Salisbury, "IV. C. A. S. HEILIG, ATTOliNKY AT X.W, Offers his professional services to the citizens of Rowan and adjoining counties, prompt and careful atten tion given to all business entrusted to him. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE w .vm awi'1 'J J 4 u Ih EpJ'jJL tjai3&"M"ta Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyone tending a nkctch mid description rr.nj qnlokly asciriln oar opinion frco wfu'ther an inTontlon' la probably imtontulilo. Coicmuniftiw nans Mrtcuy cKituoiniai. tinBarxx-Kon iKtuu sent I roe. iMaest aijoncy ror F.coiirntp patents. rat outs taken throuirh Mann A Co. reoelve teial notice, without chareo. In Iho Scientific Hmcfican. A tan4aomty inuatraiAd wertclr. T.nment o1t. (imvin of any strUnitiUa Journal. Tornis. fa a T"ri vruT manuu, u eoiu uy oil newMniora. -1 COtBro.dwn,l iMaUL (Jt OOloa. 3 r BU. Waahlunton, U. ua'ntati Ba -t .utti By nip. 1 .-joO. Vao I iiaut Vfiithc ftu. ttbc aa.a. r In I r SALISBUR TRUTH PUBLISHED EVERT WEDNESDAY. And -ntered In the pogtoffloe at Pallslarjr, C , as second c1bh mall matter. Wm.H 8TRWART. . .. Editor and Manajrr. AOVKHTJSIXO K.VTF.S: Rats's tor artvertlniny will be (riven npon lt:it-ation. Ml ad apjwsr In l-oth iv!itin. ;iiser1v1 until oreU rl ont -hart?-d ac cordingly. Yrotcr.xU ua eards liy contract. ADVERTISEMENTS aboald be In l.y Tneadsy noon to liisuiv apiearance in th liext ISHiie of j-afr. WThe ofScs ot TV.e Truth Is en Main t.f three doors below theOera House, up stair. stej. Un'iiun m fromfhe street. Lsrp.Sizel In adv'anee. ieryer. After six month. l fifl V KDNESDAY, OCT. II. That little daily .paper up at StHtesville the Keporter, is an un commonly good one for its size, and seems to have the qualities of a stayer. - The North Carolina State Fair opens at Raleigh next Monday, and the indications are for a large atten dance. The fair -'promi-es .to be a way-up show'.' with many high class attractions. And now the scheme is to get Schley for a running mate with Bry an on the national democratic ticket. That combination would give Mc Kinley many a sleepless "night du ring the campaign. IJryan a:id McKiuley met at Can ton, Illinois, the other tiny, each on a spe;eli niiikiri tnr in opposition to -the other, and Mack shook hands -with liiily as cordially as though he" recognized in him a long lost broth er. It is not improbable that Mack will shake hands with him again on a certain Ith of March when he will say "Mr. President," instead of "Mr. Bryan." ; ' There doesn't seem to be, as yet, much visible popular inttrest in Salisbury over the election on Oct. 30th to settle the question of a bond issue of 100,000 by the city to pur chase public improvements. But doubtless our taxpayers are doing the necessary thinking and will vote wisely at the proper time. Atlanta's usual good luck follows hard upon her enterprise and audac ity, and she has secured what Chi cago tried in vain to get. Admiial Dewey has agreed to vinit that city next month and present to his flag lieutenant, Tom Brumby, the sword which the people of Georgia, his na tive state, have' had made for him, -The Stanly Enterprise refuses to join the chorus that shouts for Col. Carr for the United Slates senate. In -its last issue that paper, curtly dismisses the colonel's senatorial a-piiations with the following para graph: "Col. Julian 8. Carr has an nounced Unit he is in tlte race for the Senate to succeed Marion But ler. The statement so far has elicit ted very little comment, and, it is to be hoped the Democratic party will not treat the aunouueejnent seri ously." Marion Butler, who will soon cease to be a fat-tor of much conse quence in North Carolina politics, has declared against the constitu tional amendment. As Marion in his olheiai capacity is one of the nio&t conspicuous products of bad government in North Carolina", it would have been ingratitude to the agencies that made him if he hail taken any other position. His hos tility to the amendment ought to materially increase its chances fur success, Our neighboring. city of Concord is just now rejoicing in a season of much prosperity, and we are glad to know it. , We are especially glad' to know that the "bucket shop" imius try in that, city d'ntu't live long enough to do the "prodigious, harm it would inevitably have done had it become a permanent institution. There are hundreds of mm iu the South today, with broken hopes and shrunken fortunes, who would have been rich by !cj-,ntinrUe methods' out for the. insidious iullueuce of the treacherous bucket shop. - - -- Tho Chailotte Observer thinks thai Dewey is a shattered idol be- -'aust' be didn't refuse that house and lot offered him in Washington City, but, u the contrary, very promptly and cueerluliy acccptco K. To our thiuking it would have been both absurd and olfehsive on his oart t have refused it. More than 40.000 American citizens . coutributed to ... .... i lefund for the popular hero, aint we have not yet heard nor can we magine any good reason why he should decline t his spontaneous trib ute of regard from his fellow citi zens. Receiving the gift places him under obligations to no party, no sretirn, no faction or clique, and leavts him as independent and un eml.ariusaed in bis personal aud of- liumt relations as no was before. Be v. Junius Mobley, a regra min ister of prominence in Bouth Caro Una, made a very sensible remark the other day when M said that the white republican leader were stand ing between his race and the South ern whites. The alienation of the Southern negroes from their natural friends and allies, the Southern whites, is responsible for the worst phases of the negro problem, and the white republican leaders, both North and South, are responsible for that alienation. ye wish Bro. Mobley abundant success in his pur pose to have a convention of South Carolina negroeg iu Columbia next month to devise means to "shake" these fal.e friends and leaders, who have been "working" the black man ever since the war for their own t-elfish purposes. President McKinley, while ma king a speech at Me'Comb, Illinois, the other day, threw this pretty and fragrant bouquet at the. South: "No more-splendid exhibition ot patriot ism was ever shown than was shown a few days ago in the distant Phil ippines". That' Tennessee regiment from our Southern border that has been absent from home and family and friends for more than a year, was embarked on the good ship, .Sherman, homeward bound. When the enemy attacked our forces re maining near Cebu, these, magnifi cent ' soldiers disembarked from their-ship , and joined their com mands on The firing line and achieved a glorious triumph for American arms. .That is an example of pa triotism that should bean inspira tion to duty, to all of us in every part of our common country." It is reported that the insatiate Trust, having swallowed pretty much everything else in sight in this country, has now fixed its evil eye on the Southern cotton mills, jealous of their remarkable prosper-' iry, aud will seek to "assimilate" them after the manner of the boa constrictor assimilating the rabbit. The Lord forbid! Owned by home capital and under home manage meat, thei,e mills are doing more to lift the South out of hard times in to prosperity than nearly all other causes combined; but once in the belly of the Trust, with headquar ters in Boston or New York, our great cotton milling industry, now just beginning to realize its vast potentialities, will have voluntarily shackled itself and delivered itseif helpless to aliens, if not enemies. The Trust cares nothing about the development of the South nor the prosperity of the Southern people, and if it is permitted to absorb the Southern mills they will be worked or shut down -as the dominant New England milling interest may de cide. We are glad to see that Uen. Carr, a large stockholder in many of these mills, is against the pro posed trust, and we hope his views will prevail. Newspaper Comment. Where is the army Of the unem ployed? There is not a laborer., in this whole section who goes begging for work. There is employment for every brick-worker from the green est hod-carrier to the finest mason, and from the roughest carpenter to the finest artisan in. wood work. Farm laborers are in demand, aud the laborer who is witiiout employ ment now has no one to blame but himself. What are the calamity howlers going to d.o about' such a state of alfairs? Howl about what hard times we are to have in the future, we suppose. Monroe Enqui rer. 62a. Garr Annaunces for the Senate. Hh hiuoml Timi;s. . "Yes, I am a candidate- for tho Senate to succeed Butler, and am in the race to win." said Gen Julian S. Carr, of North Carolina, at the Jef ferson last night. "I have some good men against me," l-e contin ued; "there's -P. M. Simmon-, chair man of our state democratic com mittee, a.ul a thorough-going, astute politician: ex-Governor Jaivis, twice governor of North Carolina, and a former senator, and Mayor A. M. Wad'leil, of Wilmington, who has also" served in Congress, and whose part in the late troubles gives him a good place in the hearts of the white people. "If 1 win I shall feel tiiat I have been greatly complimented, for all of theotheraspirantsare high-toned. Christian gentlemen, who stand well with the people. "Our campaign will not be char acterized by a display of acrimoni ous feeling -Certainly so far as I am concerned. My opponents are my personal friends." Colonel, Carr felt confident that he ; could win in a contest before the people, but he was not so sure the opportunity would present itelf for such au expression of the popular will. A traveling man named e. j. Ferguson, who lived in Wilson, shot himself fatally at Kinston last week; He left a letter to his wife saying that he committed suicide because he hd violated his pledge to her j aud commenced drinking again. STATE HEWS. II. M. Hockett, of Guilford coun ty, had ft stalk of c"rn on his farm this season that measured 'fourteen feet to the tassel. It had. two good ears of corn, the first one ten and a half feet from the ground. Editor Bivens, of the Si anly En terprise, announces in the last issue of his paper that ho will at once be crin the nractice of law.- He will. however, continue the- publication of tho Enterprise Avaieigu . showing this year. J here are 4,o00 students in the public and private schools of that city. Splenic fever is playing havoc with the cattle of Halifax county. One farmer lo3t 43 out a herd of 290. The Wilmington city council has demoralized the bike riders by pass ing ari ordinance prohibiting cyclists from riding on the sidewalks any where in the city. George Lee, colored, is in jail at Raleigh, charged with causing the j death of his sister, Juiia Hobby by administering poison to h.er. On Friday night of last week at a distillery three miles from Greens- ; b.ro, lien Wilkinson, white, got in to a row with Ben Jennings, also white, and shot him through the side. Wilkinsou is in jail and Jen nings is about to die. Both parties were drinking when the shooting occurred. A Winston negro who enlisted in the army at the recruiting station in Greensboro a few days ago, was arrested on the advice of Winston officers and is now confined in For syth's jail. It seems that he was out on bond and conceived the idea of enlisting in the army in order to escape punishment. - . R. B, Crawford in for met! the Greensboro correspondent of the Charlotte Ob-server of the following odd incident that happened in Win ston one day last week: A plumber walked into the store of H. B. Craw ford & Co., and asked that some one take him to the lockup. Evidently he had been drinking heavily and he was very nervous. Quite seri ously he said that if ho was -not con fined he would murder somebody before night. Not .that he had en mity against anyone, he declared, but that he was afraid of himself of the nervous instinct to kill. He was taken to jail and confined. He further requested that' he be dented meat and drink for 72 hours. It is certain that he whs "dotty" in the head; but a Bejigal tiger may be a safer animal than a man with a ho Lmicidal mania who is acting as pace maker for delirium tremens. A drunken' crowd smoking in a livery stable at Troy, Montgomery county one .day 'last week, started a fire that destroyed a good part of the town. Rufus Eller, aged 18, was found dead in the' road near his home about 16 miles from North Wilkes boro, on Tuesday of last we'k. No indications of foul play. The youth had been drinking heavily, was overcount on his way home arid doubtless died of cold and oxhaust- tion. - Rev. ' George Stuart, the-.noted j evangelist, is conducting a revival in Charlotte that is growing in mag nitude and promises to do much good. . Uncle Antlumy Grissom, of No. 2 township, a well known colored man, died rather rather suddenly last Saturday afternoon. He was about 70 years old, aud was a gen uine old time darkey. He was ex ceedingly polite to white people, and always removed his hat .when speaking to them He belonged in slavery times to Dr. Columbus Mills nd was his body servant. He was with Dr. Mills in three wars, the Florida war, the civil war and the Mexican war. When Dr. Mills was! a member of 'the legislature f ! I (Mil i this county Anthony always accom panied him to Raleigh and remained i with him. He was faithful and true to his master. After the doctor's death his widow, Mrs. Susan Mills, now living in Atlanta, presented Anthony and his. wife, Aunt Syb, with 50. acres of laud for their own use as lyng as either of them should live. Concord Times. A recent historic relic of value re ceived by the Museum is a wooden canteen carried in the ltevolutiou ary war ty William Joiner, of Nash county, and donated 'to tho Museum by his grandson, W. T. Griffin, of Nashville, 2i. C. The canteen is cylindrical in form, is GJ inches in diameter by 3 inches thick. The heads and staves are of pine, the two hoops of hickory and its capac ity is two and a half pints. Raleigh News and Observer. Mr. J. D. Troutman, who has been living in Ohio for twenty years, has from Ohio to Mooresville, where he and his brother, Mr. B. A. Troutman, will establish a furnituie j keep time for many 3ears as atvu ilwtorv. Thevarftsons of thft latp ! ratelo a. a $100. And for a little t k;,. vri,,.im., r n.i.iwoik we give Gold watches. Bicycles w.u.u- . v...., township. A furniture factory will uumucii lor ooi.c, auu we orao ml that the "ramta nr annth Xre,iu is to have oae.-Statesville Mascot "aC wuc kr"a",'' ' . A worthy old colored woman, and by the way a most -excellent? cook was asked by a lady recenvV lf hl could enaee her serviced f, couia engage ner services fur lhe winter; The reply was: "Until them I llark days come, missis. Tliey is j comin the first of next year, and last three months; the sun and the moon and the stars alnt gwine to shine, and the judgment is gwine to come." It is said that this super stition is more or less general among some of the colored people. Oreens boro TelegTam. ; " - . - The debt of $6,803,33 on Trinity ' i l l l i ? J t ;""":o as ""euanu iue iue- oers now leei inai iney are at nuuie in the fullest sense of the term- A aniw.irt flT..rt u.- mnrinHv the mem- wt .... . w .. v-. . bers and after having raised all that seemed possible, Gen. Julian S. Carr, who has contributed more to ward the building than the balance of the whole membership perhaps, contributed an amount sufficient to pay the last dollar of the indebted ness. Durham Herald. To promote the study of North Carolina history and to encourage our making a home literature, Gen. Julian S. Cnrr has offered a prize of l00 for the best coinj)end or epitome of any decade of our State's history within the period embraced between the years 1782 and 1882. The con- test is open to any resident North Carolinian. No more than fifty will be allowed to enter, and these will be the first who apply. The sketches must not exceed twenty five pages 400 words to the page. They should be written in simple, direct and logical ?-tyle, for style as well as facts will count in the coutest the purpose being o cultivate both a literary and historical spirit. The sketch winning the prize, and some i f the best of the others, also, may be published. At the request of Gen. Carr the Noith Carolina Pub- lishing Society, of . .Raleigh, will take charge of ttie contest, and all communications must be addressed to them The manager of the Tom Thumb railroad, on which fs the smallest train of cars and engine actually drawing passengers anywhere in the world, writes to the 'management of the State fair at Raleigh that he will arrive next week to lay his track on the fair ground. His cars take two passengers each, who face each oth er. The engine is a liUie beauty and a great curiosity. The new . military instructor at the North Carolina College of Agri culture and Mechanic Arts will be Capt. Edwin L. Fletchnr, a retired army officer now living in Virginia. Capt. Fletcher is a native of New York State. He entered We.-t Point in i808, and was retired as captain in 189 for- physical dability. He served on the frontier, aud in early life served in the Franco Prussian war,, his' father at that time b ing in the diplomatic service in Europe, as secretary of legation. The Greensboro correspondent Of the Charlotte Observer tells this rather good one: "From this' sec tion of country there ha been im prisoned in a Federal prison for two years a man convicted of blockading. His term expires very shortly Yesterday his poo received a letter from him, in w,hich the old man tt ttted he would be home soon and he want d everything in readiness against the time of his arrival, "(jit all my diMillin' tilings out and ready, for 1 don't want to lose no time gitiiu' to work," he wrote- "1 has wasted a lot of time here.'" lie added. Aud then the lelter went on to explain that worms and pipes and other paraphernalia could be found under the barn, "down at the crick," and in the "left hand corner of the garden." The Southern Railway Company has a pile of slag on the line of its road, in this county, near the Ca tawba river. On last Saturday night! a piece of this slag, weighing about 100 pounds, and measuring 30 inches I long, was placed across the rail, aud i ..I ... ..it.. ,.i Lai ..i.i-.i.- .it , . at?y oevcti I'ictcr , ai strji l ui.v lances aiart, were placed on the track. A citizen of that section ! i..-. .......... I .. ..I ...... i r. "" minutes before the morning vesti bule was due and removed the ob structions ill time to prevent a wreck. A detective was put to work on the ca.e, uiid a warrant was sworn out Tuesday lor Chat ley Black, a young negro of the Lodo neighborhood. He was taken be fore 'S;puire H. 1). Stowe that night for a preliminary hearing, lie made a full confession, and was committed f to jail to await trial at the next term of the Criminal Court. Char lotte Observer. DOIT'T WAIT A. MINUTE. Good Watclie3 absolutely, free. We waut your name for PAS TIME, a bright, clean, illustrated story and humorous pa tier for the family circle, 1G large pages, only 75c a vear; on trial 4 months, 10c. i tfriir. n n..,ii i watch guaranteed for one year. Will SHWiI1.r.nae1iliep Gun?.-etc. Sara- plea ana particulars free. Send us your auurras luuuy m yUu uo more, auu see huw easily vou tau get someling nice you want, e will surprise you. Please don't wait a minute, send now.. Betterenelose ' 5 stamps for trial subscriptiim and Preseut or 38 stamps for watch and ' ,al'er. whi,e ,he watchei are goirv ifre,s Addie .sThe PAS TIME Pub. Louisville, Kv. buckles's aksica salvk. The . best salve .in the world for cuts uruisee, Mjres, uiwrs,8auiuouui. fever sores,' tetter, chapped hands4 chilblains, corns, and skin eruptions and positively cures piles or uo pay reouired. It is guaranteed to give . . . I ..ll.knnm perfect satisfaction, or money refund ed. Price zocts per pox. r or saie uy Theo. F. Kluttz & Co. "Sweet Bells Jangled Out of Tune ajid Harsh." Shakespeare's description fits thou sands of women. They are cross, des pondent, sickly, nervous a burden to themselves and their families. Their sweet dispositions are gone, and they, like the bells, seem sadly out of tune. Cat there is a remedy. They can usa McELREE'S Wine of Cardui It brings health to the womanly organism, and health there means well poised nerves, calmness, strength. It restores womanly vigor and power. It tones up the nerves which suffer ing and disease have shattered. It is the most perfect remedy ever devised to restore weak women to perfect healUi, and to make them attractive and , happy. $1.00 at all druggists. For advice in cases requiring spec ial directions, address, giving symp toms, "The Ladies' Advisory De partment," The Chattanooga Medi cine Co.. Chattanooga, Tenn. KEV. J. TV. SMITH, Camden, 8. C, says 1 "My wife used Wine of Cardui at home for falling of the womb and It entirely cured her. State ctkprth Carolina, J1, R.wAs- Coi nty. . - J 1.9 r Court r Term, J." A. Shores, Plaintiff, ' vs V Notice, Ada Snores, -Defendant, j The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled 11s ubovehas been commenced in the Superior court of It'iwan county to dissolve the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing between plaintiff and defendant; and 'the xaid defon dant' will take ntitice that she is re quired to appear at the net term of tli Superior court to be heltl on the 11th Monday after the firt Monday in September, 18S9, at the 'court house in Salisbury, N. C. and an swer or demur to the complaint in said Hction, or the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief de manded in said empJaiJit. This 9th dav of Oct., 18'J!). , t VV (J. vVA I SO.V, ' Clerk Superior Curt. Joirx L Rendlkma.n, Att'y. (It For filo: A Washington Hahd Preas, 7-ccImnn; and 3x12 job press. , Address The Skntinh., Salisbury. N. C Reliable persons of s mechanical or inventive mlml dcsir!n a trip to the Fails Exposition, wlih good salary and exoonees paid, ehou'd vrrite Xho I'AXif T IIKCOIUJ. BalUmore, lid. Kt ANTED- SKVEKAL TltUSTVVOKHTV a icrs5is ni tins soif" re na'iaff -ur liusi- ess in tlioir own and nearby counties. It is mainly olHC'1 work c.onductei a lnme. Sal.'iry afra'ijriit "S.i- a ycdr and fxpeiisc.- de fliiijjlo:a:ld. no more, no :ss fb ai-y. dr'F8Cd stsiujd envelops,- Herbert 1. Hss, 1 I'russt., l)t"it. M. C'hi rzg. DO YOU If you do not, whose fault is it? rubbish and shoddy stock, because 0 . : ' " - I .11 UlljJ i U Some folks claim that it is cheap 'shoddy" good (bargain) that count and wins the.trade. We antagonize such statements aud argue that good quality and low prices combined constitute a bargain. , ;- It has always been onr aim and honest effort toell the 'puallty of merchandise at the least possihe profit. - We refund money on all merchandise except cut goods aud ask no questions. FALL AND W are continually arriving-in a few more days our entire stock will be in ami onened for your in-jectiou. j Ladies' fine shoes, the bast ever offered for 50 ets, Meli'-J fine bhoe 75 cs. The host i. 25 plow shoo ever shown iu Salisbury. MenV sock 10, cent grille for 5 cents. Men's heavy- underhirt- 10 cents, a regular hum mer. Ladies' heavv undervesfs 10 cents, can't be equaled. Ladies' ho-e black and grey, good values, 5 cents. Bed flannel 10 cents ier yard. Dress Plaids 5 ceuts, outing, good quality all colors 5 cents, calico 2ieeiit. These are only a few items mentioned for your benefit. We are too busy opening and arranging new goods to give U the jdetails and, prices of our Mammoth FALL and WINTER ftock of Dry Goods, potions. Shoes Hats, Caps, Ladies' and. Gen ts furnishing goods, Carets, Mattings, Bugs, Crockery, Glassware, Tinware, Stationery, elc. - W e will greet you with a more lengthy and complete description of these gooda in a very short time, but better still, call to see u and allow us to show you through our place or - . a. m. !? i;Mmont on,i i.nt ,lB!.linw. j You can choope wth ftatufoction hnd the crowd. Fiwt come Orst servetl at J1 Young's NOftTH CAROLINA," Rowan County. otice. Philipp Hannah, V3 ' : . Lina Hannah. . . The defendant above nnraed will take notice that an action entitled ts alKve. has been commenced in the Superior Courl of llowarr Cum ty to dissolve the bonds of mat rl iiiony heretofore existing between plaintiff und defendant; and the said defendant will take notice that she is required to pear at the next term of the Superior Court of said County, to be held oiviho Hth Mon day after the 1st Monday in Septem ber, 1890, at the court !rous of said -......... i 0s.s .t n ... wuuif in oausoury, xv. mi'i an sweror demur to the tMmplainJUju... said action, or the plaint iff.., will ap ply to the Court for the relief de- tnanueu m sam complaint. This 20th day of Sept. IS') W. O. WATSON, Clerk Superior Court. John L. Rex di.eman, Attorney tit WANTKD SEVERAL TRUSTWORTHY jx'rsons in this ta:e to luau.ijrtt car busi ness In thflr own atid nearby "onutles. It la j mainly ofilcft wuVk conducted at home. I Salary t ralht W and exieiiaoH -deflutte. Iionatlde, 110 more, no 1ms salary. Monthly 75. Rcferene-ea. Enclose swif - aditrtted stamped envelope, Herbert li. Mom, Pvt., Dept. M.Ctiicnjo. - ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator upon the estate of Geo. M. Ihirtuian; I hereby notify all creditors to pre sent their claims to me for" payment on or before the 17th day of August, 1900, or this notice will he plead in bar of lheir recovery. All persons indebted to the said etate are here by notified to call and make Imme diate settlement. JOHN. J. STEWAHT, AduiV. John L. IIendleman, Atty, C t, Aujr. 1G, a ADMiNIS'.RATOR'S , NOTICE. Having tpialified as administrator upon the estate of Mnrcus Trexler, I hereby give notice to all creditor to present their claims to me for payment -on or before the 20th day of September, 1900, or this notice will be plead in liar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to the said estate are hereby notified to all and make immediate settlement - John J. Stkwakt, Adin'r. Sept 20th, 1HU9, Gt. Sale of Valuable Real Estate IN ATWELL TOWNSHIP. In pursuance of a judgment of the Superior Court, rendered at August term, 1HU9, the uuder.-tened com-uji.-sionerri will s( II at publi(! sale at the Court House door iu Salisbury, N. C., on. Saturday, U13 Utii Day o! .Ostolier, 1899, the following tlescribi'U real esta'e: Iieginuiog at a xtake, corner to No. 4, thence S o9 E 39 cti's to a Make corner to No. l on the line of No. 4, thence N 89 W :W5 ch's to a stake, thence N li W 37 ch's to the begm niiiL'. coiitainini; I'ii a ere it more or lens, the same, being lot No. 3 in the division of the-Chamber.) .McCon nantcliy lauds. Ttie above trai't of land is conve niently located to ehurelp's mid schools, and is thu.old ciiamkkks MCCONNAIGHY HOMI-TKAiJ. On the land is located a goiHl dwelling and all the necessary out houses. T HIS IjAX D ; IS SO liD HY ORDKltOK oi'kt; axi) thi; pii:ciiahkk WfLt, ItKCKIVK A FEE SlMIJ,i: TITIK. 'I rui 4f ftult I fiih. 1 hi wlr . - - - - - a j . . - . -. , n nil J in twolve inonihs. Tillo rest-rvetl till purchsi!-'e nnney is paid. John 8. Hkndkuhon, T. C. l.ix Commissioners. Sept.C, 185)9. GET YOUR Yot can't get your moneys worth, 6f there is no worth in it. Cr - V MIR GOODS bubiness you can leei assureo o . : t. here, but hurry or you will get be- TP (7, old stand. Main SI., Salisbury, N. C. COUNT!

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