SALISBURY TRUTH. WEDNESDAY, OUT. 11. JLocal News. Friday afternoon of last week Hubert ATnier-ioti. a ynunjj white man Jivin? t n the SherriH rovl. about two m;v from thiscitytw m feeding can? in o a misl, and vvh i?t eo entrap I C t -U'.i light, hand o badly ma-he I that amputation at the wrist wa necessary. J)r Whitehead and McKenzie, of tin- city, prrr,r:nfl the operation. Lie if I'D int Wood, of the army, Who was here for f-ome ,d;ys on re ' cruilinx beryice,' left last week for Jefferson Barracks, Mo., with two recruits. Atthe meeting of the city al dermen la -it Thursday a committee was appointed to see about ijureha sing a hose wagon and hook and ladder truck for the fire department. SafNhury w; I haveJi chance to fee Dewey. The fauiouj- adnrral has aci'Mj.tfd an invitation to vi-it Atlanta fme t i in? npxt moul h w hen his flag lieutenant, Crumby, wi!l be pre-jtMif -d w: h a sword by' the peo ple of Georgia. He ii is de.-iiiated the Southern as the road he wiil travel over, and this will bring him through Sa! stniry. Tne exact (late hasn't ben fi.;d yet, but we will all know in time. There'll be a crowd at the depot that day. No th M iin stt-et, between the city limits an I Spencer, has been materially widened and' otherwise improved recently under the direc tion of J. M. Ii. Rice, and the work of macadamizing it will soon begin. When fiui-hed SaUbViry and Spen cer will- be .-connected . by a very liand-ome bou'.eva d. Ivi:hien while and., four col ored couples were m t ied in this county during September. 1 .iyinc-tori C':!e. jn ihfs city, the, we', k low n intiiu!:oii f,,r the higher e duration of colored .-:ude-ts Of bil h f- ef oj ened J . i c .'u.-eo I) session !i-t week w ii ii hi ii',;en lance of t 10 puo-N, tiio iai.'-st'in the hi.-.'.o: y Of I he .-choo!, V t-1 Su i!,ty the Mi. Vernon hotel in I s c,ly w . ; h uije ;o: it tors, J. ..ti'U' !, a well 1. n n com ii. i-ii ' i veie i". f-jimiiig (i.e. Control, h.-iviiig le.i.ed l lie j. ; ,( My from ivimiifi, I. A. Fieiv-k-.' Mr. "Crowe :'" IrH been rece 'y a ie-'.dent of A ii v ' e, a n I i s i ejiu -d lo be a good iii i i.j -r who u . ! I k i'- (. tie io el u in c(v, e it .s e. i Mr. Fr. re; : ".'s fi o.ii man-U'-ieme ii I.muh he hh-in Lo taka rest in Ii s ,d aje ' f: om bu- m s care-, and, uil!i hi u , e, wi I con tinue In hve at tiielio.ei. 'I ii . COM being filled i mi Up W ; Un. v a er clo-ets of-niodei n de- Site- i(f Monroe wiil bein h's ttrtin; v at tax cj -c.:ngl m r of iJje y'.h. iie.t..M'n i Not he -ii j i witii I. E. H e . K'he Aim,;,', : e in got ii J sug l e pii.-clra e mine vii the for to llu'shon-ei- iiii;.;. ' i i a--! on J ,t nee w ii a resolution pa id i-y l he ? wo: k o-f v fcjiic i inenced K; ; ! j-chool botul the ii 4 the. pu j.!s coiu iy. I):". W. H WakefleM, of Ch t r lotte, .N. C , w i 1 i i Cen,:.r li. :e!. on S.i' "-!ui y , at i hu -t! -jr ( f i. lytii, i r iii'-? oiie tl-iy piac;.ie is liioiud to on y. II s Eye, , E t; , Nose. tnd Throat. Owing to the in't 'etiK-nt w ea' theaddress on t!e " ila: mony of the Itaces" by Rev. L. T. t ontun-, advertised to be 'tlelveied at the court house -ia't Thtir-day night, wras not given, but was postponed until Monday night, Oot. 10 when thespeikei will rein rn to the city j and deliver, the - ad Ire-s. He dolt i l ist Sainrd iy for Reidsville to till engagements there. r H. II. Ham, who was injured by a Southern train near this city some time ago and brought suit to recover $5,000 damages, lost his case on the trial at Durham a few days air. He claimed that ho was standing teide train withouta headlight struck him nd that he win permanently dis- ahled. The defendant denied this; nnu .Ham iniu nam tsieppeu un H track just ahead of the train and was r t "A ... i hurt. Next spriug' Edwin Shaver will have a handsome brick building erected on his lot on .Main street, bet.veen the Mansion House and the Holmes block. The building ...:u a. -i.; win coiiiaiu two siure-ruoms. -While wrestling with another boy at China Grove, Chester Sechler, fell and had his arm broken! I It S. Wilder, an employe at the, ly to - alisbury from Macoii, Ga. Last Monday morning J. H. Las-1 Klter. a e:ir insn'ector'at KnencerJ - i came near meeting wun a icrnoie death. In company with another man he was working under a freight car In the yards when it was set in motion so suddenly that there was no time to get out. Lassiter's com- ' nonlnn a hH anil auriMKrhim . fi4tllrij art v u CA ft w. Mr... w,...... self clear of the track, and by great effort held Lassiter partially clear, The latter was dragged along the ties and had a leg broken and was otherwise bruised before the car was stopped and he was rescued from his perilous position. j Smelting and concentrating ma chinery by the carload for the Union Copper Mine at Gold Hill, is being received here and shipped to Gold Hill. Kev L. T. Christmas, ,who Will ispeak at the court house in this city next Monday night, on the "Harmo ny of the Races," is engaged in the work of o ganizing the colored peo ple into an evangelical ; -co-operative movement to promote the harmony of the white and colored races in this country and for the salvation of the negro race, religiously, morally and industrially. This movement Is heartily endorsed by all the lead ing representatives of both races, and newspapers, and it is hoped and expected that a large audience will be at the court house next Monday night. Special seating ar rangements for white people. Huge poles G2 feet high have been put up on Main street by the telephone company. Drs. Newman and Long will es tablish a private hospital in the old. Snober home place, corner Fulton and Kerr streets, and went over to High Point, Tuesday, to purchase the furniture. The. Raleigh correspondent of Charlotte Observer says:: "The quar termaster general to-day equipped the Salisbury and Henderson com panies of the State Guard. He says he will equip the others as rapidly as possible." ' Fletcher King, col., caught in a woodshed under suspicious circuin stances, is in jail until the grand jury can see into his case. Deaths. The Infant' of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Council, of Chestnut Hill, died ..last Saturday morning. Mrs. Otho Van Poole, of Craven, thisc'tunty, died Oct. 5th, leaving a husband and six children, among the latter Drs. C. M. and G. M. Van Poole. The child of '.-Hay ward Redwiue died Sunday at Chestnut Hill, William Teiser, of this city, and .viiss Mamie .Morris, ofTarboro, were married in the latter city yesterday. Marriages- At the residence of E. W. Burt, of this city, brother-in-law of the bride, last Wednesday . night M iss Ell.iS. Rruton, daughter of the. la e Hew D. 11. liruton, of the Nortli )ai olina conference, was united in niiii r i a ire to Rev. R. II. Wilson, ofEigle Rock, Virginia, Rev. Drs. John R lirooks and J. II. Weaver officiating. Siuirtly after the ceremony the new iy married couple left by the South ern for their future home iu Eagle Rock, Shenandoah. Valley, Va. Milas File and Miss Laura Hart onn, of ('hestnut Hill, were married ln.-t Wednesday evening. Items From Faith. Ernest Bernhardt and Miss Lena Colley were married Sunday. Twins a boy and girl, have ar rived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ward. liev, Webber, of Salisbury, hfld servicer, aft c Ryforjned church here Tuesday night. ' J. T. Wyatt shipped to Chapel Hill, Tuesday, one carload of granite door aud window sills. A railroad is needed in Faith. If we should get one factories would go. up, because Faith has the bu-d ne-s men to furnish the monpy and do the building. JS'kho. Mast Vaccinate. Tne f liiuvvirig rules with n ler ; ion 'i of. jeoce t- the comoul-orv vairin:! of pupil--, W' 'e announced .by I Coon, sujiv iiHmi ie.ii of., the Cil V- school-, )a-t Friday: 1. All chil.liea attending ti-e ruiblic.srli !s nm-t b;; v.iccia t'ed. ; IrovidH I - h-.-y h ivo not b;; m v.t.-ci- naled wii.o i .ie la-t ( wo years. 2. i)r. VV. L. C umpajid h;s'as 'gchl)0is a.,. a e vacvlnitins all free j of,e wlte) wi.h . h.lVe it done at the hchools. The iiamci f n!l 1 ; (y;ieis a:e noted down. 1 :ie WiM btJ lVt. le:l tI;,v- U'iiiiin ' th's 1 evening at 3 o'cloc'k, in whk'ii t: be 1 vaccinated at home or ati.e pi:uo other than ihe pub! c cho !. 3.- 1 nose childiei now a::e:id;nc? ! the public schools, who are not mic cessfully varcinaled within le:i d.iy-, ii :.. .- i l l. ueinuiir mis eeuiu'i hi j o ciut u, wiM !,e,,difd from he ht' iinl if'! - t 1 .Aft rni'iii if ! iid fa n.' nr-i 1 - - . 4 " - A Mine CI hISiOry. A Salisbury correspondent of the : ... ii: ... J. .1... r .1 Ix'xincton Dispatch - sends the fol- lowing interesting matter concern-' iug our court hou?e and its records , k ma ywyvsi ""' j "This -counlySis spending some j 'eight or tvMsjj&unI dollars in re ; pairing and remofleling the county j court house. The work in - toeing'1. done by Ittner, the contractor, and Wheit it is t'Oltl l)I'ted the interior - I r Z Z i of the hands jinest mtca court rooms in will show one j and best appoint? ; the State, "This old court-house, by the way, contains a veritable mine of histori cal data and information, in the rec ords of the early, provincial courts, which wore held here in the last cen .tury , records which would be of in valuable service to one who would write a history of the State. - The court records extend back as far as 1753, wheh the first "court of assize, oyer and terminer and general gaol delivery" for tne counties t Rowan, Anson and Orange was held here in Salisbury, with the Hon. Peter Hen- ly presiding, chiv. Elliott, Esq , as the Attorney General, and the noto rious Edmund Fanning, of Hilis boro, and Thomas Frohock, of Row an, as clerks. At the next court Ed inund Fanning appears as attorney for his majesty, the King. It was at this court that Abner Nash exhibi ,ted license from Governor Dobbs to practice as, an attorney in the prov ince. The names of John D nn.'Ad lai Osborne, "clerk under the crown, and afterwards under the State,' Fro hock and Fanning often appear. It was in the old Salisbury" court that Gen. William R. Davie. Archibald D. Murphy, Governor Mont ford Stokes, David F. cauldwell and oth ers equally as fatuous, were practi tioners in this court, as the records attest. "In the register's office, among other old deeds, is--found one from Daniel Toone, who for a long time was a resident of this county. "In the year 1903 Salisbury will have reached her one hundred and fiftieth year. It is proposed 'at that time to hold some fitting celebration in honor of its green old age." Nartn CarcHaa's Victory. Atlanta ConstitutJon The coming senatorial contest in the state of North Carolina gives some idea of the victory whieh the people won in their election of one year ago. It was a pitiable sight when one of the original states of the Union fell a victim to a political conspiracyonly equaled by. the car pet bag governments of '18G8. In this conspiracy ignorance arid vice pushed aside the virtue and intelli gence of the state, and from the governorship almost to every office the men who u-ere the backbone of every cojnmunity were sidetracked and place hunters took their seats. The unholy alliance by -which a pop ulist and a republican,, so divergeu t in views, couid have been elected to the United Slates senate, proved that spoils was the motive power, and that principle had nothing what ever to do in the general carving up of offices. It was no wonder then, that when North Carolinians,, men of substance and intelligence and property, found how they had been handicapped and belittled in the eyes oft he world, they banded them selves together to restore the North State to the proud position when it had been represented by such men as Zeb Vance and Mat Ransom. There is now a contest going on for the United Slates senatorship to to succeed Marion Butler. In .Jhis contest are pitted such men a?tlfn. Julian S. Carr, Chairman F. Simmons, of- the,- iate . democrat kU.? committee, former Governor Jarvly and former Congressman Vddei. In reading over such a list of names as. this, representing the best colo nial blood ofNorth Carolina, as well as the best manhood of the present day, one can form some idea of the great revolution which is being made from the era of Butter and Pritchard. All thee men are first class in every particular and would worthily represent any state in. the Union. As it is, their candidacy -makes it certain that North Caroli na has thrown oifthe nightmare of Ruscliism, arid will henceforth keep in the middle of the road and out of the way of tricksters and political charlatans. Near Piney Grove, Surry county, a few nights ago unknown parties went to the home of Mrs. Cloe Gam bill, and carried off her trunk, clo'li ing, a roli of greenbacks and about ! a quart of silver. There is no clue to the robbers. Mrs. Gambill is an aged and highly respectable lady. 9 4; 1 f. need not lose flesh in summer 5 i if you use the proper means ! , L. ' t -L V... " 1L!L J 10 PrPeJv ,l 1 in,niv J i ! y'OU can t take SCOTT'S l v-jf EMULSION in hot Weather, J " 9 you C2n take it and di- i E n-ocl if wpW in cummer a in winter. It is not like the 1 1 je piain coQ-iiver oh, wnicn is , MfcuM to take at any time. j Jf you arc fosing flesh, ?j -" vnn ar lodntf- tfrntinr! and 3f ' 2 YOU need t jf 4 I Scott's Emulsion y ... . and must have It 10 Keep Up J J your flesh and strength. If f J you have been taking it and J prospering on it, don't fail to 9 continue Until VOU are thor- $ . . 2 oWy strong and well. . jf P J . 5 9 rM?'tT SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemku, Xew Yort EliasCarr, Jr, sometime -ago, so our informant tells, oil a warm, dus ty road, was taking a - young lady from Warrenton out to Bracebndge. The conversation drifted to f polite ness, when the lady -began to insist that the negroes in Warren county were so very much more polite than elsewhere. She was persisting in her contention till the carriage had passed a wagon whieh the two saw (drive out of the road when more than a-hundred 'yards ahead. --"As they parsed the negro driver, Red- dick Hines, he doffed his hat and said: "Howdy do, Mr. EH as; I stopped, fear in I was makin too much dus" Tarboro Southerner. It is conservatively estimated that at least one hundred and eigh ty cooks have left here in the last month. The last complainant and he is making an immense kick is John A. Rarringer. For six years he has kept the same colored cook in his family. She teamed all his little whims about the preparation of food. Who could cook an egg as she could cook it? Where was her equal on broiled steak? She was in. comparable on' a "biied" dinne And now she is gone. These em ployment agency people have sent her to the cruel Nrth, where .fehe will receive a few more dollars a week. Greensboro correspondence Charlotte Observer. Tuesday night when the 7:2" Southern bound passenger train was leaving several persons standing on the far end of the platform -.saw a figure jump upon the "blind bag gage" of the moving cars between the mail and the baggage cars. j They were quite sure that the per son wa a man in woman's clothes, and they communicated with the police. The police concluded that the individual was one of several men ' I hey had been wanting for some weeks, arid they wired the police in Salisbury to arrest the party when the train arrived there. The instructions were obeyed by the Salisbury police; and they tele graphed Chief-of-Police Scott, of this place, t hvst the arrest had been made on the arrival of the train and that their priouer was a woman, wore a man's cap and a man's shoes. Her name was not given. She is still in the custody of the Salisbury police, and it is probable she may be-tried for breaking the "hobo," or tramp-beating laws. When she boarded the train in Greensboro it was going about fifteen miles an hour. A woman wit h the nerve to do this should Greensboro Itecord. scot free S, S. S.'ls a Great Blsssins vtUa, IIFIIE'P Tftfl W People, it GSTsrTwrriififeiia- ' but it is - wholly .unnecessary. By -keep-. t&u Dlftnrf ftkri'l IM' ins their blood pure they can fortify . themselves DSijOU sCU '-Uldt so as to escape ;thr fourths of the ailments from which they .puffer so generally. S. S. S. is tho remedy which will keep their systems young, by purifying the blood, tilOVOUguiy reillOVlIlg :-' tS imilrla is ir ui-j Ofi;.T;ni... - fjT3,a.?j;i fflYiw: D'OOU tl:.f )UIJOUl, funic ujoiajts? 3 Mrs. Uvrah Pike. 47? Broadway, .SoHtfe Boston writes: iT g'li " 1 am so veritf years old, and had ot enjoyed good health J?g0i for tweutv ycai s I w.-vjs sick, iA different ways, and in vn i!--j? addition Jiad 'Gzemaiierrioiy on one oi my ie. ito K l' dortor said tht on well acain. -ltook a Xt-AC completely and I Us J W Loving, of Colquitt. Ua., says: ror eigni, een years I suilered tortures from a fiery eruption on mv skin I tritd almost every kno-n remedy, but they failed one by one. and I was told that my ag., which is sixty v.-us nainst r.s. and that I could never hope tohaweil aain. 1 finally took S. S. S.. and it cleansed my blood thoroughly, and now I am in perfect health." ia the cidr remedy -.vh:ch can build up and Btrengthen old pwple.'heoause it U the only one which is guaranteed r, tic!i -niflrfiirv: nrsonio and ether daniainnar ini-.el - it is from roots and . herbs, and Ita-s no" chemicals wnaever in it.'s"P S. V'ires the worst causes f Scrofula, ancer. Eczema. EheumaUsiu, et'-r P'v-n Stores Chior.ic Uicen. lioils, or nny other disease of the blood. Bool'-: cm the.o di.asas will bo snt free by Swift Sjeoiflc Co., Atlanta. Ua. l l tr I'.'.i.-i'i .J.iv..r m- - . $kmWm mmM &rj& teig kzm&? 4ggtr. m " The Best Housework Is Hard DICK 4DOR3EY, CEF?EF!Al PURCHASING ACESTS, Cedsr Street, 2 . Y Why ay TfR8 Goodttt hnrae whri the aortmcnt in ro ?mll? tpto dt:0!t the latot styles In Dr Ooods. Mattiai.-a. B5---l. Farnitr.r. lUr lware C;rita, rtc.. rrtn first lanil,- in New Yrk rit. at i..rics inarh Ih-!..w what yo woald py for Mine jaality ft gools at home What wo peti tomes direct from the nuniufactarr and wh,!al'r, ar ths Utst styl andffttsh'?-t ,t nil, and -ll at but litt! above -arfcf Tealc rrlcr. Oo Jaif-.w tnatt'.K? at UttuU tht yur&ctuaot bcluvatf ! t r?: cur rarjt at 63 i ch-!o- at " u l-sir 1 1 re sos. standard v1ots, 1 worth mn'-h iTjt.rt: a dozen fine sli'rts "rr.. W. !- sol! t H? .-lnyly U uot leMi tUatu tbre shlru re arderd. Aud Itpys ' -rH.-l- ran i-o di-j.fjid.vt a pen to . Vtaii; writ o f r ir. We s,;.:d Rr.-sa Goodd I3 L "" '1tn fia i w.i,t a Biri? ;aif.i antioiu m in' i;n. 'f-re.ia,.i? silxa, it f ai -will tirin-r ? hem. A flue salt or eic-tue lor -si tr. ti Haft rent, have :vn trwnl ati8factIon. They eai 1 1- Ca idi- l Want a jfjirv.? f-t ha ya pric tttt Jnu ril:t!iltf art SALISBURY MARKETS. PROD Corre A. W. Winecoff. Extra Flo&r sack. 2 40(250 2 25(2 35 Family Ffour sack, Hidesdry per lb. " green per lb , Wool washed Bacon hog round per lb " ham " sides ' " --"shoulders Pork Oats -32 lbs p;r bushel Peas clay " mixed a 0(3 15 24 10 0.3 G 40Q?m (50(a.(;5 50 MeaP-bolted 44 Ihs per bus. 4",o0 " unbol. 18 lbs per bus. Corn 50 lbs per bushel . . Onions select per bushel Lard N.C Tallow Ducks Hens per head Spring ch.ckens Roosters per head Turkeys Guineas Geese , Butter choice yellow Itiuiey strained per lb. " comb per lb. Eggs Feathers new Wheat GO . 2 15(18" 20(25 10(20 lf(20 1 10 to 15 2o3o 20(15 10 10 12 35(ig45 80(85 Q. Ur R M D Ia not recommended for otp- j Brf rtiiu rjtiinij; lutlfyou have kld P H HT 1HT. liver or b!ailter tronMe It nUUl wiil Ikj f.uudjast the remedy yuuiieed. A di ugirists Jti flitv rent a;sl dol lar sizes. You may have a sainnle lottlp of tli is wonderful new iliscovery1iy mail free, also pamphlet tUiusr all about it. Address Dr. Kilmer 4 Co., Biuirhampton, To Curo LaSrippe in Two Days Tsike Laxative Bromo Qi'inine rabiet-5. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure; E. V. Urovo's - signature, on every box. Don't Suffer, The Electropoise Cures nil diseases without the ue ofmediciue. A pure Oxygen. treat ment, by absolution. It cures where everything else fnils. It is needed iii every family, for it will relieve every weakness or ailment, to the most persistent chronic disease, and without the use of a grain of medi cine. Thousands of people all over the United States, from private eit izens to Lawyers, Doctors, Preach ers, Supreme Judges, Editors,-etc., even crowned Iliads of Europe have given written testimonials of these facts. Hook of testimonials, and mutter of great interest with price of instrumentsscnt free. Every fam ily should have an Electropoise; it saves money, induces health. Send your address at once and see what i people say who have thoroughly te-fed its merits. Agents wanted. 1,1 it'ttUi-KUt'OiHiii uo., ois, 1th St, Louisville, Ky. to Age does not necessarily mean ll tecijienc-ssi ana ill neaitn,- ana nearly all of the sickness among Uil w Ubit) ttu unuiiammo, ana iinpaiu- life to the -whole- bodv. It increases uri t.liA enercriea. antfc fit rids i5 new. life- ' -r o -. , - j - . - accottJSfe my age, I would never be dozen- bonies ot . o. o. ana w curcu me am happy to 'say that Work Without It. give eitfartlon. Our cSrcmar ? . , , ,,u" samples to all lrta of ma Vultea Mate. If jon would iriv os jea7 J . ; -V-f I. . o;i any whi Au may 4Us!r. whe ther you Where are yo going to buy them this rail? Do you realize the fact that leather has advanced in price lately and that you niust by your shoes from stores that bought them before this advance or you will pay more for them than last year? CAROLINA did this, and we are you with good shoes as last year. In these we have a complete line from the very cheapest to the bes-t. Our line ot KIP TIES at $ 1.26 are especially strong, and we will GUARANTEE EVERY PA III OK THEM to be just as good as the grade of shoes last year. LADIES' SHOES-CHILDREN'S SHOES. Th ese lines are as strong as usual, and we think that we can please almost any one. Now, buying 3'our winter slioes is a malterof some importance to you and a maWr of business WE INVITE YOU TO COME ANE SEE OUR LINE. Respectively, .. " WATCHES. eVcVS for Thirty- y 5C ll b, cnsnltetl Before MAIN ST., REPAIRING OF EVERY KIND. . J Jewelry of EveryDescription Constant ly in Stock. Novelties, etc. J, SELLS1 b. nissbn & mm -..W AK1S. , - Best made, best wheels in the world, rims soaked in boiling linseed oil. Heaviest round ede steel tire and guaranteed to stay tight. Bost skeins, sieel tongue cap that can't break and only half weight of cast caps. AIL clips and bolts made of Norway. iron at double cost of kind used by others, X made by best workmen in best equlnped factory ana or very nesl ma terial all through that money will buy. They are made on honor, guaran teed to erive satisfaction and edieaper in enl tlmn lower prlcet-wwagon!. All say they are lightest running and best, and several hundred more will bo sold this year than ever before, and will bo to your interest to '.get one, iiemember every piece in every wagon is Warranted, . 12,20 09 pd j i pv r m ..(hi DRUGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS;;;, .' v FRESH AND PURE DRUGS. ALSO Patent Meoicine99;Statibhery,:-Noveities Pcrfiimery'-Toiret;-Artic5lesf Ornaments, Lamps, Cigars, Tobacco, &c. MAIN HT., SALISBURY, N. C. r r Mt M I - ORGANIZED 1859. OLD SEEKING HOME PATRONAGE. Liberal and prompt in J. ALLEN BROWN, .ftgt. RACKET now ready to furnish at the same prices - to us. ; : CLOCKS. SALIHBUH'S IT i . r . i ..." , . - .).-... for. J. HOQDES BROWN, MVa. C. C0ART, . - Presf. ' Secy. The Georgia Homo Insurance Company. COLtTMOTJS OA, Total Aeset?, 1,157,002.97. Net Surplus I 361,753.52. -. - payment of all lossea. - - fc - . - r ii k a i. y'.ijt op -. - md rw h k km WM 1 rK -w m e go: , J" i .1 'A ;"