r. a - ,- - V; .- . i i - r t i . t i , r i 1 . 1 5 1 i x1- (VvA: ,a i i ! 'I it Vol. 13. "No. 21 SAXISBTJR Y, 23V C TUESDAY, MJROH 26, 1900. . ;:;' V . ;v . s c ni 11 II ORONER ASKED TO INVESTI GATE DEATH. P.:;!I:r U;:a a reck iiii cplakli e:it. :'-"-CViv - I THE PEOPLE WHO COIIEAND V GO, LIHLE LOCALS.; The following newt item appear- d in Monday's Truth-Index : . 4Mr: SL A. Keunerlev. of. the .Vance Mill . neighborhood;: died ast night of paralysisV Mr J Ken lerley was quito an aged gentle rian and has been sick for some iine.' He haa Buffered several itrokes of paralysis." :1 ' ! It wm proposed to have Mr. kennerley's funeral yesterday af- moon at 2 .o'clock; but circum- Kances arose tnat causeu mo inn- ral to be postponed. j The first known of Mr. Kenner ey's death by any one otherj than lis family jwas Nvheu Mr. ; Jack renningor passed by his home Sun- Hay afternoon. The young sou of LIr, Konnerley who; was sitting on the porch said: "My old dad's Ths gentleman entered the house hut found the door td the rooih Hn whicKMr. Kennorley lay, locked. iAn entrance was finally .'forced md the old man was found lying on be4 witn a. rock, wrapped in an old and tattered coat for a pil low. It was1 said, that there marks trn the old man's throat and it was lecided to have a coroner's in quest before the remains buouIq interred : ; ' . ' i. ' : j. Dr. Dorsett, the county coroner, hold an inquest at 9 o'clock this radfning. ( - . " (COBONER'S LISQUEST. . Dr. Dpraoit was assisted in hi oxamination by Dr W.. Crump apd I. II. Foust antl tho examina tion continued until 2 o'clock this afternoon. ' 'v ; At th conclusion of the- jrives ligation Dr. Dorsett announced that there was somo ovideqee of maltreatmpiit of tho old man am that the circumstances surrourid- ing his deatii wore very suHprciou. Mr. Kennerley yaa buried this afternoon and no action has j beeit taken by the.oflices in "the mat ter.- .:: ; r : '- . .-! i- Ito cf. Interest Zziiiiiii lii Dsn. Perscsili vAlii Ken (tens cf a Daj. " . ' ; -' " - ... ' J. M. Rice returned - last night from Woodleaf ' v'L.-.K'Stoore, of Winston, ; was" in the city last night. . , -: J, A. Hendrix, of Marshal, was in the city last night.". V u '. J. B, Bailey, of Davidson-," was in' the city today, - ; ' E. B.: C. Hainbleyi ofJ Rock: well, was in the city this morning on business. : " , Mr. T. E. Franklin, who has been sick for several days, is out again.. ; V- - -' ; Mrs. Payne, of Pilot Mountain, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. M. Flippin. . -, , . ' Mrs: Oestrecher, of Tarboro, is visiting her father, Mr. V. .Wal lace. ": ' .. R. L. Smith, of Albemarle, was in the city last nigh on his way to Raleigh.. Dr. L. W. Coleman, of Rock well e am e, up on ' the Yadkin train this morning. ' . Capt. Reuben Moore was in the ciry last night returning to Char lotte from a trip to Richmond. . Joe Eagle, who lives near Salis bury and wbo has been critically ill with pneumonia for the past two weeks, is lorproving. V SHIS' i 10- GO ON A BDSIHESS AND PLEAS . URB TRIP.- - " 8IIS I1U IS FELT. IS O DIG B Wl ENGLAND WORRIED AT.-RDS- HE HAS ENTERED :CITY OF NEW YORK "HAS A 8100.C00 SIA NOW. ' ' r PRIESKA.: ' - J . FIRE i. MAY BE ANNIHILATED. THE TR AYELEBS PROMPTNESS, Oilf On Week Cinsurned In Securing Paj Tho following letter i K:rtiCm!i:j CcstisUJ E!2:t!:a Ci - nzsztxtliss c!U h caE::3. . -7 Washington D. C, March 20. : A number of United States Sen ators have gone to Cuba on a trip for investigation and pleasure, the party is composed of Senators Nelson E. Aldrich, wife, daughter And son ; Teller of Colorado, and wife ; Piatt, of Connecticut,- and wife, and Mr. John D. Rockfeller. It was the intention of the par- ty to stop over at Palm Beach and also at Key AVest, Florida, before going to Havana.' The object of the trip is partly for the puxposen of investigating the conditions in Cuba, andto ascertain the course which shoul d be pursued by xhe United States Congress Howards the Islands, The Senators desire to gain all ' information possible, and prefer to visit the Islands per sonally that they "may ascertain the true $tate:of affairs, and it is expected that when they return to Washington they will be . able to give the Senate and t he country the benefit of the knowledge gain ed by them, which will be impor tant to themselves and the coun try in the coming debates in - the Senate concerning Cuban matters. In speaking of Cuba, it is not the belief that during the present session' there will be much direct legislation concerning Cuban matters. It is expected that there will be an early adjournment of Congress. That is", at least, , the desire of the larger majority of the Senate and House, and the opinion is among most members that the discussion pf Cuban mas ters can best be postponed until after the presidential elections. After Congress.' reconvenes after the summer recess, for the short session, it is felt that the disouss- lon can be undertaken more pro itably than at the present session. Pnvate Secretary Jr Addisoln St:isH:rEss! 7mt!;sS;::f::: C:t ti Kri n: C;;::in:3f Wt:t:::r, tzi Cab- L'L'.'Isi:, tu Ycrk, t:$ $4D,C:3 E:!:3 C:!:i-i:r-R:ri. Ii Ft:r cf Tr::I!j t:rr.:t: t:;s ilit:zi C:!r Arzs clli- U? tj lis (I::s. V:;!:raSt:;j t:ra Ki.: . : c:lTr::i!s.i . -e3(!:n. London, March 20. rSerious London, March JO. Kitchener New York, March 20. The big alarm is felt here over the .Anglo-1 has entered Prieska without oppo- buildings of the National Vhito xuxan aabib. xxiv iww ,uanie i 8iuon. ( . ine insurgents iaia aown i xeaa uompany.ai ron liicnmona, snip, uoiiatn, the cruiser Argo-1 their arms. 1 naut, the destoyers, ; Otter- and J anus, and ; the Sloop Rossario were today ordered to China. ' TYENTY-FIYE C30YKED, - HJLS TROUBLE ENOUGH. ' Paris,' March 20.-The Gaul'ois publishes the replies of promi nent Englishmen! to the question, 4 4Does. England I wish war . with France?' Cardinal ..Van g h a n,. Lord Chief - Jttice, Russeir, Sir Staten Island; ., were burned this morning ',-ghj, loss is 100,000 Middlotdwn; N. Y., March 20. The NewiYbrk Ontario and Wes- Ltern R. - R. machine- shops were burned this:inormnc. The loss is forty tliouS'and'tfdllars. :inn:,ak1r1!h,,-.'J-The crossing the'Danube village pakj. war The &03rs cannot bold their posltloi it London, March 20. Persistent rumors are in circulation tkat the Boors, fearing that they would, be intercepted by the force : sent up by Roberts, have abandoned the siego of Mafeking and retreated to Pretoria It is certain that Mafe. king must bo relieved shortly, and . , . p ' ' -Porter, and Mrs. Porter, andffam vestment thev are in dancrerof an- A t i , I -. i liy, wno nave oeen epeuaine sev- nihilation. The war office makes eral weeks at Camden, South Cat no announcement of Mafekmg's olina, will return tov Washingtdn eafetv but declares its belief " that City the latter prt Qf th present ' I 1 Tt I 1 1 A. ll. 1 1 1.1. weK, x. is siaiea ni wo uvmw of : Mr. Porte? has been greatly Drowned Ykile Crossing t!u' Dn:!ti Ti Vienna, March 20. Jwenty-five Charles Dilk4 and, Hon. Charles persons were drowned today .while I Russell declare .emphatically that f office has i nd'con&rmatiaii of - the she does not.i " . "." 1 report hat Mafeking has been re lieved. mi - 1'11 w it ?..Ho coVnuliTiox.' RAN INTO BOX CAR.: 4 I Mini TBIAL BOARD OBDEBED OUT. The Western Train Hits a Sntg it Bir- ber's Junctioa.. Washington,"- March 20. The New Y6ri March 20. March, trial board has been ordered to re- rAnril52. Mav '61 . June 48. Julv I port at Fort Monroe" for the offi- 1 42, Aug. 83. . aiJ, OQjtn r.::i WENT TO DURHAU TO SEE BEAU. The r Western train ' came in cial sea' fiali bf i the battleship about half an hour late last night Kersarge, scheduled for April 3rd. and the delay was caused by a box The ship will jbe kept at , sea two car being where it should not davs testine the sbundness of the have been. , - . I machinerv. a rid htill.: :V ; " - ' - Agentleman ",who . came down , ' ' '. I . , " V the 'Western tells us that the train SUgfetly tcprilti- : t V : struck a box car just as it pulled Th imDroVement into Barber's Junction, knocking today' in the t condition of Miss the car clear across to the depot. Q Crawfdrd, her many friends xueengmw was siiguuy uam- be delighted to learn. Ur. Utrsk Here.; , Mr. R. T. Marsh came' up from Gold Hill last night and is spend ing the day here. - "Mr.-Marsh will return to Gold Hill tomorrow morning on'the special . with. Mr. Newman. . ; , ; "London 1900." aged and the box car pretty ly torn up. . bad- Rsrt BjiTrct. -ft Already we begin to hear across the waters the hum of preparation for the great London- Christian Endeavor Convention, which is to terdat by; a falling. tree. He was be held next July. The Christian ing wnen me iree ien ana a jSndeavorfirs of the world's metro- Mr. sj. A. Halter was hurt-ves- T)e Brick Fictorj, . :, The brick machinery of . Mess, 1 cho Reynolds & McMichael will be in large llimbbitimBtiareljr on polis, aided by the Endeavor hosts operation in about two "weeks, Mr; the -sfioaldertHis' shoulder '.was of-the linited Kingdom, will make Reynolds, tells us today. - The badlyVbruisetf by the accident. ; ;.i the event one of surpassing inter- machmery is being gut 4n place " K ' ' ' ;. est and importance. tl :ntTi;sfi today. Dr. 6c! imciKigbt. "The. various 'committees in UISS HOWARD DEAD. are Thai fif.nmlnf - lJr.v K : fl . flnr. 1 rhfirirft. -rf th ' ATrjincrpmnt.a rant ati! the court house tomorrow j zealouslv at work. The music com- nicht vjill be-well worth, hearing. I mittee, for example, has formed a An AgCd Ladj Of tbl Citf DIei UOBilJ Every, tne. wjid caii: do so should pational choir consisting of more - Kigtit. - - attend lecture land hear this than three thousand voices. The I . l I,.ihinA nrlll! A 1T- Ml 1of rani 8 Fi,uujc',-'S " v i::r Fillrr C::s tj t!!: C!;l i:i.T::l'n:r.I::l-n::i-U:t- Mr. J. V. Moore, of ; Iredell - county, was in the city list niht with a wilful, runaway dahtcr, taking her back to the quiet and peace.of tho old-horne place on hii Iredell farm Trom a two day's ex perience with the busy, throbbing world. :, . . " : ThB girl wai blind and seemed utterly desolate. - We copy the story of her expe rience from the Durham corrcs- -pondence of the Raleigh Post, the particulars of which agree with & . statement made by Mr. Moore . to a Tbutu-Isdex representativejlait night. Saturday & younj lady got off the east-bound train at the Southern depot hero, who waa evi dently a stranger and somewhat verdant. - She was .apparently about twenty years of age,' had a woebegone expression, and vas evidently at a loss to know where to go, or what to do.' She waa an inexperienced Jtraveler, among strangers her cash amounted to seventy-five ctnta ; she had neither escort nor baggage but went into . the reception room of the South ern .in such manner as excited curiosity.,; Afterwards, th found her way. to the Y oods boarding house, where the police found her this morning and turned her over to her father, J. W. Moore, who lives, near Statesville, "and who came in on the 1:80 train this morning. The old gentleman says she has had a beau whom' he forbade to come to the house any . more about a "month ago. Since then the girl has been " sad - and morose. She took - a five dollar--gold piece belonging to her moth er, walked ten miles to Statesvillo and took the train for Durham. the position of the -besieged forces is satisfactory, a pen ex- planatory and-speaks'-volumes' for the 'promptness .with, which the claims of the Travelers- Insurance Company aro adjusted. Mr. J. M. Maupin, tho special agent hero has received the follow ing'3ottjr wliich he has forwarded to Rich- . mono : r , Salisbury, N-.'C.March 9' Mr. II. D. EicHELBEKQEiVffStale "Acent. Richmond, va. Dear Sir: I desi as to thaiik the Travelers Iuaufance Company, through Voui for their prompt sftttlement of niy claim. ; Mbrother, A M, Sullivan, was severely brnel, E eb; 22nd oy ine explosion oi u gnsuiuio can and died from the injuries March 2nd. f Your special agent, Mr. J. M. Maupiii, brought my .claim papers and very kindly assisted nie in completing them. My; claim mailed fo ypu March j 12th, wid today, March lih, Mr; Mau pin handed mo V check for ?2, 000 in full settlement of my claim, j -v I itsiuro you that such prompt ness is appreciated, and I cheer fully recommend ;; the.' Travelers Insuranco Company to all who wish good insurance and fait deal ings. v . Yoursvery truly, i i - Signed Jekie O. :'SpiuvA Will Meet TtodajKIght. The three councils of the Jr. O, U. A. Ml wilf meet - witK Wiriona Council No. 83 Thursday night at church of the Reformation, of this benefitted , by hja trip to South Carolina They will 8top pYer for SHck 6act8- a brier lime en route home at Ashe4 vijlle, North Carolina; ; i Rev. Dr. Parsons, pastor of the well known resident'of this city died last night about 9 o'clock. Miss Howard hasbeen in failing health for a number of : years, and her death has been expected for several days. . ' Miss Howard was about 70 years old, : - '"' : " ' " . - rYrrTiHIEMT . i . . . ! y -4 - s I 'O ox i wail street; 7 :80 o'clock; Ati this meeting the question of a banquet to be iven by the three councils will )0 ttiscusea. -a-iuu atbveiiuuuce i des ; Mr. E. C. Miller lost his : um brella at the postoffice this morn ine. He hune it" on a rail in tr br Excite New was wil ing on t! Avenue hundred last high liouiaville, Ky., March 19.". ? ..n,.uju Power. Davi3j Haxelip and Cul respondents, who on ;their examin tion today as promised ' by Judg Moore. When the prisoners were arraigned for " prosecution' they will -ass; -a continuance t ill Thurs day, on the ground that many wit nesses cannot be present till then; mi w ine itepuDiicans today, started a secret - organization. They will civic welcome will city, one of the largest Lutheran churches of the National Capital, has accepted an invitation to de liver : the i annual address bet ore the Literary eocieties,of the fam-t pus Newberry Gollege, at Newberr ry, South Carolina..:; It s under- Cha3. Tj. Currje, Esq., editor?of stood JIon.i Chauncey M, Pepeir, hft Ptrcriinw T?(T?afo-ri rf TTwrtHrifrl will r?olivyin rl(rp4 Vififorft ' Er- rnr, rn,M iiA Tttt.ttVv .tin 0110 nflmlinsi poers mew up a raiiroaa Dnaee at w" .'., , . 'i....... I . . . . 0 -.... . .':.. i I if. JJ. -T: . .. . , I KwtHa rn ' ArnoRS the Bretferffli-S his side but when he turned for it after writing a letter, it waa gone. The Me This game haar; been frequently j Rapid T played mithe postonice recently and the thief is. doubtless the pos seseor of several good umbrellas. . ninety press corr are to keep the "newspapers of the Unit? d Kingdom supplied with in; tormation. .. oix nunarea newspa pers are .to be reached in this way, :. . I i - u. I'm.. ' .! . . ' m . ' ' Tfe ni Iff S3 UZl aUEC sea nIiC.?-brill ana tnus tne news ot the conven- 'Excite Mt.'r ''t -i -'v- I tionwill be spread overjthe civil ,i'-::r I wed world. - . ' - ' '-- ! r5" I - "The programme committee has excitement this morn- already formed an outline of the , . , , I . L .ULXu u:2a L,;..:: mu. fl defend by all legal measures and; v i f- v ' j . i . -. .. - . . - I ov force if. nccessarv tho tuttmuM nmnj.;:.w -a .ttiWiUUW Republicans and alUnmwmf T 1 1f ...111, " 1 a I .w.a ,T m p;,.jr arrested by the Goebelites ing there will be the welcome meet mgs proper, two of them, one to be held in the great Albert Hall in London. ' "Sunday-will- be gainst1 eighty Aye 'close I :; J)ealings were heavy, politan nd Brooklyn hsit shared in the boom; BRIPOE BLOWN UP. Bloemfontein, March 20. The If trrtiira ir. ttr Ada Owe night at ' ' - 1 V , j j Mrs. W. Murdoch "'Wiley re ceived a message last night from ulasgow, . bcotlaud, announcing the death of her seven-year-old nephtw, Robert Lombie Patersoh. Deceased was a son of Mrs1, Wi ' ley's sister. A - ' , r :'p " ";j : a ; pleasant visit -this mornmg Mr. Cnrrio will remain in the South for several weeeks. Leans KextYeex. Mr. Ed Gaither, who goes to Charlotte to accept a position with the Queen .City Telephone Company, tells us that he will leave about the first of next week for Charlotte. Mr. Gaither is one of Salisbury Vmost popular young next Juns, '--).. Dr. Parsons is a well known pul pit orator, and has friends m al most every. Southern Stats.' . Congressman Atwater, has gone Modder River fourteen miles north last night. The law courts present. re-opened today. ' , . - B ATTLE-OBOUND MEMORIAL. To Etl 11j Sent lfrlfWi :.; SITUATIOX SEBIOUS; ' London, March 19. Mafeking ISt 1" VaI AM-k.3 mm ' l rrraa-f Utr I " 4 m iiunii - with;ChristiariEndeavor meetings here U " P.robable that the troop ' all over London, with chihln.. ' wnreiging wwara ilalekmg vere married Sunday Beni6es in all the Sunday schools ?nd !t ,PdlcatM . m more ser- : iviioui8t parsonage jXvthe afternoon, and with niiint "iuxin vuanmereiy iu renei. . . ' "i t.. r ir hour meeting at the close of the pw10 nuen sjresence . evening services . Quiet Hour -.VWuUu wkvueui meetings will bcTield early in the DearD7 P?? vaal fourteen day, and at eleven o'clock Rev. . ftreams keen observers believe that B. Meyerwill preach a convention f,.raiman fdvance of ScIfierS ta Setul lfl sermon. ' ;. ' "w Iorce n toria via Rutten- The general subject for Monday rg - lch je Itarteen is, "twentieth Ueutury Endeavor-1; 7 . " . ' "ti 'atni H. Link and Miss i laieviiuuisb parsonage tllill. The couple wilt "hestnut Hill for the' ; i , . -' March 20. The gov- home to pay a short visit. There , Washington, D jC.t March 20. ' m -m 'A '. " ' ' 1 I . 1 j is mi : -ii&ciuiuuQ' , ,'oi'-j wic r ciisw vi. I Tho Hniia( commitiee on xnint&Tv liOnaon. i i r pn in h ? na an;AA m r . . . ... - : J I ... . 1 L - a - . - r. . . 1 v . ."fj o 1 V7 Jl x-earsou vB. urawioru comiug up i affftirs today autnprizea a lavor- eminent' VTp A'y I Tuesday morning, July, 17, the Qunng xne present weex, as ine &ble report on the Din proviamg a Africa is to it1 1 Mei in? n umDer general theme will be "Demon- xxu usu u iu piugtauiiuo iui ui memorial parjc ior ior vue RriHuh mi, fVr tnere. The Datch strations of the AVorld-wide En- week fully arranged. Yesterday j battle-field in the world. It com-1 , in -prt minrlv deavor." . . - ttrtaugvu. r, xvotcAuajr pauie-neia in me wonu. . win- t ; t in a'great maioritr was District of ColumbU.day, To- prises Chancellorsville, Salem presenl i t TkJ ' day, tomorrow, and Thursaay will Chnrch, Fredericksburg, i Spott-1 Every effort will be made to in- ' VThe JnnloT. !allv come8 .ed A OLOUIOCSYAIIS. - (London, March 20.-Consider-able interest is attached to the men and his departure wilLbe ?r; nurcn, rreriuuiK, T Irvistsit ime expired nesoay morning. louowed. by the r. y ---g. mere is cenerallv regretted here be devoted to the consideration of Bylvania ;Courthouse, Wilderness duce the resiV , "me expirea School of Methods and messages conment on tho reported conial- - Li the bills relating to Second class and other battle-fields in Vir- men volunte!r, nd colonials from different churches, delivered tatl0n of the Ge"naxi ambasEador from abroad a'f m 250X1111 A1 m Person by their leading repres- w trica a.ca oecrcteiy Hay re- Ur. McDnflie Better. Mr;S. W. McDuffie, the Con- Postal matters, and Friday is pen- sioh dav. Saturday will be devot- ginia. ir, w . MCLmme, -tne uon- ed to eulogies in honor of the late ru. 7.-. cord telegraph operator who suj- Representative Ep, of Virginia. f , ? fered a stroke pt lingual paralysis tt maybe that ths North Caro- bunday, is better today, ;we are 1; . conte9ted elsction case will glad to learn. - He is now abk to omft UT IOme time next week. ipeak and-it , is thought thai he whenever it is taken up the Dem- will-be all right shortly. I ocratfo members of the delegation will be here. American "sewing machines . cost less in London', England, than in Leavenworth, Kan., and American noots and shoes are- cheaper in j Birmingham, ; England, than in 1 Boston, Mass.r-Asheville Citixon. - THE WEATHER. The -weather forecast Fair and colder tonigh and I will continue now -with as large, if Wednesday. . , - - I not a larger force than ever. k a -1 ' : 3 x j A Ingram iwwtcu wuaj iA MA Mr. W. G. Newman states that w. 7 he will be in Salisbury tomorrow v y morning. He will be accompany ed by his lawyer, a Mr. : Coxe. Mr. Newman intends remaining at the mine for some time As has been stated in the Tnurn-Is-PEX, there has been no let up in the operations at the mine and it rica as soon aJ lDe war 18 over- entatlve9' National, rallies will sg ooin beli-crcnU Raifa'si F'be-giT. occupy the afternoon of AVednes- Jf?!6 nsburg alono. - Tha -&ftft 8ef ? ded We will occu- toger with Great Britain's 'VU1 Ga2e"o pronounces it a en to each prov.i -$ r uvcu 1 x- .. , . clonona rr . . 1 E7S TEIAL. New Hummell national meetbg,- a" united praiie J Sjonona yarn manufactured by service, and a peace demonstra- Wednesday evening tT, .W.. V iWW"u"r M - on ceuiug me closing - fif O WXMW WiU eted by Dr. Clark and U, eotmr Wr .St ; F- B- 5rey. follow bV .J- i ersole,. reporter y "u dresse3 froin clerCT-meninov.n t!.o received' a,.U. ( r t -uug worId r0Tmd Fursman anriounciil 1 .taafhe had decided favorably A , 13 Cpplica, tion for a jury.triaL . 1 for a jary,tria.(. A ( 1 Each, day trill 1 uslicrcd in by Quiet. Hour rreetii--i ' of tho kind, eawell known to Tr. C. K. World, in "i;emoTc fvc eodo tir 't? Loth r:i- ' ,0ht iDamr' t7B v u r r-.l t; pillj, but car;-ret; 3. :o vcur lc Jv -..!. n I'illj u.tb x jiiy said p ; r f c c i 1 y . C u r c 3 dravorers. x 1 .V'

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