II TUESDAY, MARCH 20, lOOOi ' ' ' " ' r; ri I ' - - ' .-; rr" ' : Local News. COMMITTEE IN WASHINGTON ' TO INSPECT. . ' I. iiilll 10 iECIlE . , .... . , . ' - ILL LECTURE IN THE COURT HOUSE HERE.' GOODlfAX-nOUCK. I The Mooresville Record has the? ror. ov Ilrs. Window's. , over Lliy been csed f"f millions of mothers f..r t?" drea while teething, with' i Will Tilkcf to Ei;srls::2 la tiV Erg C!i!I Strlfa' cf lis Sii!I:s;-c:j $:l C;:rs A!z:i!:i Frrs. , Vance milr neighborhood,: diod; ,',-. , ... .. , last night of paralysis, Mr! Ken-! "ASfErt Kill Ecll C? tlgKlJrntj h nerley was quiuFan paged gentle-j, This Stat8 ii, t akuv. jLfr. uuerrant... the noted Sun day johool worker and cele- . ProfC. L. CdoUsisted byto'!" wf8WDStoD,ureprD9tiDg the j bated lectarer,.Vill lecture ,in i,;.,., ii. IlLil i? , . ' ... North Carolina Legislature. The f.h vvucA tuuTOwiu ji nii3 aisinct Will, " v - , at the request 'J of Con gressman '., law-makers "arrived yesterday Kluttz, conduct the competitive morning on tha Norfolk steam examination forjthej West Point boat, reaching the city about 8 ePPointment.tp,bb made byjMroock after rou2n vovaze. They are in the city for the pur- pose of inspecting the Vance mon- , ument, which is to be unveiled at Kluttz. Thfl xnTninf iriTk t;il I held some time in May. J 5 ; When Mr. T. L. Swink entered hll TxMlrnv,, . il 1 " rwj Wiia wwriimg mere was Rfll urh f. ma fntnl k rt,T r "I . t , , ' - ' . . ' O v W vWV V MMV W v . w j u umL : some one sele c t e d by the commiUee piea-to nun, mm out;after .consultation, I with dunnc the n irht On ihn fl'ii.. w v O , vvi , i r anil mrnr - M 1 Hanvir I - . Ii 1 1 ' IT WTAA A C 1 1 -'.' .... . . 1 I i I i rw "vu. VVW , Mil V nrtVfl --iiii - j . , i00"' Tnose who have -seen the and the floor itself hnd hn mprV ;.l -r,- 'a Li ' "7 -7Trw ' v" , oi ivir.- iiiicott,- pronounce of the would-be incendia ry.' Mr. jT. M. Maupi n yesterday re ceived j from his, company -The ' Travelers a .check for $2,000 pay able to 'Miss Jeiinie Sallivah; This is the amount of accident insur- ance carrifid bv tJid Info A M Sni ' livan who died from burns receiv ed at the Southern shops. -' Mr. John Yonng has one of the most valuable collection of stariaps in North Carolina. A. Trutii-In- x dex representative saw the collec tion Saturday aft tii ooh ind it vmyiuutB .specimens rom nearly every country on earth.. Mr. A uuug mus uueu txmecung ior ten or twelve years. if Mr. S W. Met) an operator at, the Southern itail way office here but now of Con- cord suffered a stroke of lingual paralysis' Saturday iio is otherwise a Rri.,fls:- J. will; regret to learh it in a every way satisfactory,' anol to be a perfect likeness of" the great North Carolina statesman. Many Senators 'K and, representa tives in Congress, friends of the the court house here next Wednes day evening at 8 o'clock. The subject of. Dr. Guerrant's lecture will be, "My first battle or reminiscences of the great war o 1801-65." .. . Old soldiers '.will bo admitted to this lecture free of charge. A general admission to those other than soldiers of 25cents will be charged. LtTr fxuerrant is an "eloquent apd entertaining speaker and will be heard -with interest by those who attend the lecture. Ur.T Galthsr To Leare.v His numerous friends here will Senator, have seen the model, and reSrefc o leara of .the contemplate they are all of the opinion '. that ed departure of Mr. Ed Gaither, a tne worJc win prove satisfactory' Ppaiar young man of . this city, to the North Carolina Legislature. Ior Qarlotte. , The News says : Mrs. Vance herself, .who is in V the 1 "Mr' W. E. Gaither, of Salis- city, was at the studio of Sculp- bur7 comes here the 1st of April ufHo, formerly afternoon. right. . Mr. mends hero of his misfor . A v party of i ticket agents who liavo been holding., their annual convention in Georgia, passed through the city yesterday morn- ing on their way North . The party originally consisuiljof 800 agents and they travel led; in eight cars. At Hot Springi Q pf the party iwiijiuomer route and only two curs witn .eighty j agents passed thVough Salisbury yesterday. -ilAFEpS IN BAD PLIGHT. tor Elhcott for two hours on to.take charge of the electrical Thursday, and viewed the' model work in the Queen "City Telephone w.,vuj, who iivs vety wtJll sat-I 1: J ""vo. isfied with the work, and pronoun ced it as being perfect in every.de- UfS. R; WV&' Coaditiaa. . TIL. i..x '11 .i' . -I'"1'' . . .. un. xutj siuvue win : do tiisiyah -r t wn . . . .u t-. r . . iB- yv miam.- has been -..wu vncucjf-uvv irom tne till fni av.l : 4-L- . Eastern entance'to" the Capitol Unm n iirTTL." ' C ' t-7:-i: ; i . " wins taiiyn iu a,Bu win jace to a Salisbury sanitarium and' been decided npori, it-is said by Tt- the,ommittee in charge -of. HSOTC Th. . -:" "5gapon a- tnread- vi, tno uuvemng that her recoverv. wfl frr0i (nnnf f U o4- 4- Tj. 11 t . I i . . . . : rfartlHArl hn4t.fi 1 Y-Ju 1 . . w - . , . ; - ? - . O r", f. , mmmmee to be able to annpnnce that she is n cnarge ana win depend, upon now a great deal better and hopes the convenience of the sculntor rt.:j xu... w i ui i j nil i .m. v m i i . r ... n a w -v .i, i ii. . . i . : TJ t . uy ur ". contract ior- the stat two her condition will be sHich that ue, and in whose studio the spe- she mav h, Unffu nmn xr.. icommiuee examined the mod- 8on Mr. E. J. Williams, of St.' .jWiuajr. Aucummjttee Win Louia. ia xvitf. WR n. pxuuuuiy rymru to . isaieigh to- ty tysws. iugni.' ' pkx readers "following of interest to Tbuth-L?- I tfc,8: Xumsj aMays all pain, enre? v. i: 1 vuiit, auu is mo oest reraedy fcr Diarrhoea. It will rpli Cards are out announcing the Illtl8S0irercr immediately. Bold by B jr P t'e''K TwelSy-flvo rents a botUe. raro and Mr. .George Fisher Ilouck. and ask for ilrs. Winw fts. which will take place nin St. Enoch lnZ8yrup9 andiake no )ther kind. E, L. church. Enochville, N.C, on -U, ff r... rff, WednesdaytApril4th,at high noon. . Ur" ? .2 CI t..J tSt:!2. b . . . . m . . 4 W I An ' A rr K i- r friej.J t It.: ..- r s tim. Urite qait-k. Tto Dois'Uon Cemi.&r rU Floor Cstxton tlJz, Chionix : ' WAJTTED SXVKRAL TRtTTWOnUTT Ironj In this atat to tnuin CUDenor tnrf I .v.u'""" n mnr own ana narry countl. in the special Droccedln" n i:- J? !nlT lt:1'aJ!Tor,c onUucted &t hom. and Others. . ex narfp. m ODth,7 .l75- Rrenc-&. Kntlose alf-a. A reception will then follow- from J,:B virtue and In pursuance of a w v u ciucjt ai ine nome ot the made U h titled ?nWrtiA ir. j t, m anuwiia MMiuuarr i III 11 1 r L 1 1 1 1 . rv I f-a m. f . Gdrr c: ?. uznA "i?ner 10 x-rcu iiu it. Chic.ro. : - wx mc -ouiuiK Yicmitv. l0 cimui real estate ior division and Mr. Houck is the son of finl 5?d Partition; aud pursuant to the W.. A. Houck Rowan county Mr. . Houck a. - - irnt i 3 , vv... u vi oam WUrv hdu me power A V' ".7 ,1: ..V. 8 vrrwntm jot , Of -Mill BridfrAIVPStpd in mo K,r r,,i V f. Th Ftonrof the l'tailtPilns''bT Uont fv . ffj at public auction to the highest -oaeuiui.tor,.a to th.in0,,,"1 t, , bidder at the court house door tn the yVr ".rrll enJn ar,ny f'rai'9 is one of Rowan-'aicitvof Salii.nrv h t'cJ Z?ttZ!,3? 'ti mjn a ' I ' - mf A ilOfc XilUil 1 most progressive and best;knou-n day In April. lSOOi u-hleh u AnHi Kon;. m tii American trances atMTiiT S rnnnff fv, Vrpi.. m 2nd. at the hour of 12nHnrV. Hf tK iTO.r?"1 AcnlnaJdo, on th congratulates the -young couple in j to-wit: one house and lot on ft?EltoI nU- urtmrni c advance of the event.:i '..v ' West Innlss streetV In the citv of o7b lUSSTL I 171 !1 . .it. t t . - OatCt Xre. II th th fall of IlanUa. forlclnal pio-hotOBTarhil oausaury, oesmning at Mrs. wm. r,a- v1441 rroi pTr-TTT tt-ot . f ; I lTPTlPr'allno onrl .,no V. .- 1 1 ' V ""-JL"w wr IWU. I Tr ti:'. . . Innlss street in a N. W. direction 100 BM. Chicago. 7 Mr. John Pickler and Miss An- Cfc to Aloyle's line, thence with -i - me Howard were married Satnr- fl?!a.a " dio 1 1 CSPiT nirrb . JtW!Bw .i o . .. .. . -. . ww. leci iu siaice uoyie' line. I ' --j &"v wwi. at, tne rest-luience wun nmine In a 8. E. direc- special arrangement made dence of the bride in Brooklyn J00 100 feet to Mrs. Traxler'a with the publishers of uoiemee, uavie county. street the beslnnlnir. "lermaor sale: Cash. ' IA PECULIAR AlICIDENT. Unt'fh "Wnill.n . Ht IIH . f ,,clBl Hires cectzs Crossed ;vY Franklin, PaM March 19.The Western Union wires' ! became crossed in an extraordinary man ner north of this place, - Sunday: A lineman sent out to relieve the trouble reports as; literally, true I that he found 'half a calf tangled up in the wires, causing them to become .crossed, while the, balance i of the calf was on the ground. How the calf got among the wires is the mystery. Tt is supposed to have been thrown there by a lo- cpmotive. the Farm offer that paper to every subscriber who pays for the Tnurn one year ahead. fr w11 WBioifT, Commissioner only $1 both papers for the price of ThbFcb-y.M, im. : ; . pars only; our paper one year and me r arm journal xrom now to De cember 1903; nearly flvfcyears. The Farm Journal Is n old established paper, enjoying great popularity, one of the best and most useful farm pa pers published. tSTThls offer should be accepted without delay. ; -AND-' SOLID DISK HARROWS. i SMALLPOX SCARE AT YALE.- rononnced jjj Physicians to : be Only -Measles. : r This Superior tool Is at a price that is in the reach of every farmer; Good paints not obtain- . ed in others. Catalogues' and price list for the asking. If your dealer .d6es not handle I- f CUTAWAY." l be committee on Rivers and Harbors who.had determined to go ! to Kichmond this week to view the work there which it is deenied ne cessary to have the apprpbriatibn for, will postpone the visit owing! to the heavy snow and sleet storm A YOUNG TELEGRAPHER. The Youngest on Record in tbe Salisbury Office. . , Still Holds On- Matfiuens Force Near l.Klnberlv' vi '"'j ' ' ",'"' ; London, March; IQMafeking still holds out. The city is in a dopera.te plight. Tluniers force from ; the "- north I reconnoitered The Boer forco is hurrying out on the rail road, behind hinj. Vrrcia forty .four Kimberly; : lathueh's miles from Probably the youngest telegraph which prevailed in' this section operator in the world is Eugene uunng inursday. ' Mcuonnehaugh, nine-year-old son Mr. h. J. - Huchisou, the well of Mr." James G. NcConnehaueh. known General Passenger Agent j f this city. . - of the Union Pacific Railway, is in Last jear Eugene, who is an ex- the city. He is on his ; way. to the ceptionally bright little fellow mountains of North Carolina. He bqught an ; mtrument and after had intended going Thursday, but some instruction : become fairly delayed going until yesterday ow- proficient both . in - taking and ing to the heavy storm. He said receiving messages. ; ,; that he did not desire to " take' the . ?.or e past few weeks he has risk of being snowbound hundreds beendeliyermg messages and . at of miles from i civilization on a odd. nervals receiVinff. mpssnapa railway train. . ' 'r ' - jHs'quiek and accurate in his Gen. Julian S. Carr was in" the "Work and this youthful operator HO FURTHER IKTERYEKTICN. Desires Current Foreign Otfice at Germany Reports. " ) r n urn i ici ' tl j i , t '"Ki,it a.-ine ioreign office positively declares the state mcnt untruo 'that" the United Stata will coutiuue iwith; England African peace negotiation in regard to the war.. The foreign office; considers balisbury's reply peace to the'tele gram from Kruger and an answer to all tx-4rs mg to intervene. COTTON MARKET. x r. ... :. ... j i- ! new lork, March in Cotton bids March, 43,. April May 42, wv vugust Seitenv ter o.iiH. oieyn as endeavor A RE AT SCpiD. Capetown, March) 19. 0 1 to the quarrejsoinness win? of j Colonel Oificer bchiel, the German r& ui ue oer artillery who "us wounded and taken at E andslaagte, he has moved from .the to a transport. .4 - I- prisoners m j . risoner rneen re- camp 4.- Ur. Kill YeryLii. Tfiere is no infproyemeut today in the condition of;,Mr.: M. C. Hall, who has been critically1 il since Friday ; with pneumonia: He is in a very sorious condition. city Thursday last, The General is prominently mentioned as a possi ble United States Senator from North Carolina to susceed Butler. The General is" here on personal 'business.- -He says that he is sat isfied that the proposed constitu tional amendment -will carry in North Carolina by a big majority. He left for New York city later. Mr. A. IJ. Boydon, a prominent citizen of Salisbury was also in Washington the other day, Mr Boyden was Postmaster at Salis bury during Cleveland's adminis- tration. He is i here . on personal business. ' I , Some of the Virginia delegation m congress will probably accom pany the River and Harbor com mittee to Richmond, amonsrthem being Mr. Lamb, of that dis trict. " Representative Atwater has in troduced a bill by request for the relief of the estate of Vasti Smith. deceased, of Wake county, North Carolina.. ' . ' is probably without a rival world ' . in the .. Story of a Slaye -V Tn be bound hand and fno fnr tm bj the chains of disease is the worst form of slavery. Genre T -WillUt of Manchester, Mich., tells- how such a slave Was made free. He says : "My wife has been so helpless for five years vuat. uc coum not; mm over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Elec- wiucrs, sne is wonueriui improved and able to do her own -work " - This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervousness, sleepless ness, melancholy , headache, backache. S2skSSf medicine s godsend to wwc sickly, run down people. Every . . . ' ... Accident at Barber Junction.. -r - ' - ' . -.-'. .. V:' . - Mr, .W.'A.A Summers, supervisor oi" the: North Carolina Midland Railway, was7 painfully hurt last Friday in jumping from a moving tlUilUUUU.i JUL la left leg 'was "dislocated at the knee and the Injury is sufficient to ren der, him unable for duty for sever al weeks to come, Record. New Haven, Ct., March 19. alks with the Yale authorities in dicate that the grounds: for the smallpox scare are greatly exag- Facforv gerated. The case- of Baily, of Hegganum, measles. Dr. Potter, the attend ing physician on the case in Wall street, ' also pronounced that : a case of measles. - President Had ley told the; students, this morn ing at the Chapel that , the com Write to the Cutaway Harrow -J Company, 'lyr:;.j-' 5. Petty Vjeni,igt. V ON all through 'and LocALa Simoni . Settlement ; Greensboro, N. C. Jains; pULLman,palack bleep- yTrusts and Their Opil I ' SJ?A51 e3,.A1' -kww-tbaiks: yman v other subiect erf OUTHERW THE STANDARD RAILWAY OF The South The Direct Line to All Points. .7 . . Texas, , California, -Florida, Cuba and Porto Rico. Strictly first-class equipment it Pcilr . OAts-C21l3 i.r L Pc3-c!ay - " mixed. ; Meal bolted 4lltwprrlu:. C . cnbol. 43 lbs per t. Corn lbs per bushel C : 7 Onions select per bushel 1c;C1j Lard-N.C Tallow - Ducks Hens-:pcr head Spring chickens Roosters per head Turkeys Guineas " Geese Batter choice yellow Honey strained per lb. " -tcomb ncr lh. leathers new Wheit ; 8 Z3 4 . -o 121013 C01O 10 to 15 15 121 - 10 '10 l5 Facts Tlut r Every Pxtrict And Vctc S Rccdy' ; January lit Ought to Know. THE I900f b n . lluliLD ill MM ;AND ENCYCXOFEDIA.. ilical Register Containing Full Infomutloa Upca All Statistical Facts and Figures . The New Congress. A Complete Guide to tha Forthcoming Electlcna ; of 1900.; SPECIAL s The South Africa FEATURES. I Win Wirlathe Phil. t koines: The Intemi- Uionil Peace Congress; Our Nivil LAnd Military Establishments; The The Greit Every Politkka via xrai i Orer .. coo A- 1 Conn. 'Mexican Mixture FOB LIEN. A QUARAKTEFD rKVTQ'ORAKT AXD IN- . ; ) ,11 .... - IAI.UOUi;bK For tiprroajnesn. Wlmrhe. Ar rorBrrroaanesft, T.acK-Mhe. dearonden.y. insomnia, sexnal Imnotnrv ni n munitrwas unduly Travel by. the Southern and yoo are assured a Safe, Comfortab nu .xpeditlou.s Journex. Apply to Ticket Aeenur for T : Tables, Kates and Ueneral Ir mation, or address It. L. VEHNON, F. R. DAI' '1. . A.. R. P. A T. T m . . - ..., , recommended thpm to hA J P'i' w w w W UVVl- I AAIK III i I Ft ISA IK III BT1J1 IIP 1TI1I iriCAfVl IAaV9. nated. The regular exercises of - yo? yt ' r ot lhf PT rmptoi. sd v. r. oen. Van. the university will pended. not be sus- Uexlcaa lilxtsre iiii cure jca. J. M. Cl. Nv. A. Turk, o' t a. WASUINQTON. D. C. . Caoitaliation. md many other subjects cf eauall v vitil interest - 1 . . A comptcte History cf tick cf i the Ships (n the Amtrtcm Ntvy by Edgtr SUrJon Ills Uy, HlstorhA U.S. Nzvy. IT HAS NO EQUAL. D?elopa yoathfa! ttrtrirth and I Yn VrTT ntlT xrr every part oi the boiy. Av6id noack iorn. If. , wu Ur' ?5,hE,niinIeiat Permanent re- llondrMs of testimonial i n.i i , Z ivo. poittv rrz. :v i order to refund the money If enn i n t. aUJaeT TrmiMfi KaVe Vvr. rt. . . - - w iu. . I I " Mmnl.t IN Dvno r. xr Yof k. i JAM Kg PLCilJIF H JsXil" a w-w ' . J ... SaUtary, if.'c, THE STANDARD AMERICAN 'ANNUAU J i IWWHHI r,w, ,.., PuLtscrJZJj. Art? yr. oraer io rerundthe money If eare Is i ecteOMt ts not a atlmnlajit. but a re- Itt it andbo convinced. ;Heni for t ddreaa. PAN-AM RhICAN Druir Co WITH A LAI-1E BACK ? .Almost cverybohr who readj the nev- You may have heard Don't Suffer, The jElectropoise Cures all diseases tvlthbut the use of medicine. A pure! Oxvirn trpar. ment by absorption.! Itcures where everything else fails J It is ; needed In jevery family, for t will relieve every weatns or ailment, to the cures, maao by Dr. Kilmer' S vamp-Root. mo rrcai uoney, liver and bladder remed. It is tho rreat mnAU cal triamph cf the nine teenth century; dis covered after years cf scientific research fcr Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad der' specialist, and Is wonA-rftillv , f..t i 1 " 'V most persistent chrorffe diseW nrt ufl,V vlJZ:10!?. Z e-of;In of med.: bl and BHeh?,l;;h 11 about SCOTTS EMULSION and have a vague notion that jt is COd-Iiver oil With b cine.j Thousands ofijeopleall over form cfJtldner irouble. Its bad izii nrl m.!l 0 - ffiW"?? private cit- 5 s"P-Root U net rec ucwtniiawyerH, JLKHiiors, .breach- owncnaeaiorererrtninbutif you hare klJ era, Supreme Judees Editors, etc.. liver or bladder trouble ft will be foP even Crowned Heads efEurone have remedy you need. IthasbeenW ' A Washington hen. hat" recently laid an egg with W. J. Bf in bold relief on the shell. But North Carolina hens got the start of this Washington , hen on this. ' They have been laying that sort of or- namenated eggs for some time. Wilmington Star. . Prersatsi A Tngtfj Timelv information riven Ttfra. George Long, of New StraltsviUe, Ohio, prevented a dreadful tragedy and aaved two lives. A frightful s cough had long keep her awake every night. She had tried many remedies and' doctors bat steadily grew worse until urged to try Dr. Kin New Discovert One hriitlA wholly cured her, and she writes this marvelous medicine also cured Mr. Long of a severe attack of Pneumonia. Such cures are i positive proof of the matchless merit of this crand rimed v for curing all throat, chest and lung irouDies. uniysoc and S1.00. Every bottle guaranteed- Taial hnttl f t TbeoF. Klutts, A Co.,Dru Store. To Gore a Cold In Ono Dav. Take Xaxative Tablets. All drcrrtrLsts refund thn money if it fails to cure. E. W. grove's signature on every box. 'V ' X its bad taste and smell and all its other repulsive fea tuxes. It is cod-liver oil, the purest and the best in the world, but made so palata ble that almost everybody can take it Nearly ell children liXe it end m for more; :. " " ; JooKs like creams it nour ishes the wasted body of the babv. child or adult better than cream or any other food in existence, ft! bears about , the same rela tion to other emulsions that cream does to rnilX. If ycu have had any experience with other so-called 'just as odd ' preparations, you ivill find that this is a fact . Tht hypcphshlirj Cut ire combined with ths cbd-nvtrcll gyfc sddlllcnil bt to it beanrg they tone cp the Rsrvcss systsn end fcnpirt itrenth to the whole body. ' yoc- nJ $ oo, all imrrwta. SCOTT A EOWNE. Cbcmku. New York. 1 A, . . - . . w. given; written ,testiminIaU In so many ways, in hospital work: (nrw facts, i Book -of testimonials, and J5c0oe,7lonf beJpless too pocr ta matter of creat; interest with nrf.Q caas relief and has proved so suee 1 insirumeniusent iree. livery fatn-1 v.--:TT . T . "f.'r arranre-- - - uysnouia have say vour i . .r - m .v VUU BtT w liai l l ... . 1 - . people say who have, thrrtno.hTJ :7'S.71J1 f1 ! a1" J?""- Agents wanted. When writing m7Z thl f icert: tuu iwtkopoise co.. 813. rfr. in tvuv:' " rr;" - i 4th St. Louisville, Ky Your. Face ' 1 Is Ycsr Fetes! TT Awy Coraeties. - American women rnrnd ;?r.T.enty-1lTe Milium nonary Annually for face ! POderja, lotion. rt "U iSS" I wnleb ar made of -v ; cirvyi u ktn. To Mr IDSDer : - cna your address f f Dr. Kilmer & Co.,B:' L hamton - M -V . -S " '. - recritlar tft and BMMrff dollar alias ar b7 ro4 d a, -sxircacss. 7. aerve cealrea 1 thousacw V EXP f.' D - rNatkmal. Hey. nHky CoWiwP-j. Tl eonple atonal lprteetiof a! 7 Qaraatee4l J.Z&FI' Z !! Abaolutely UaA, S.-all -pi; uU.U Wrttsfor parti Slara. r"e M I t? T, " - "i, Gloves t too and t, X. ;..t. ft.l VVa7 1 i K IT ' J JM fiJaSl -" . it . . k TbicI f.TAJ I Wew York. ;A ta) MLUatM?" laf- ' - a 1 8 EUZC - i i iuti I OFilCE HQ U. :rrr &- itai w i w r:::.:i rcpi5; 41 . eC vrk lim, r itb YVirir cUi ct;tfc - i notify ell Tefore, - ! the estate v '- ,vV t ftotic the ,15 a.y cv ot vne -liate i , 1 DO picau i to M-J::;-. u tb undersisned. the delivery of stone on the I !.: miles OX t ii i iJ-1 J , ' 1, rropgw. . ...... w. rimmuiiouci - i - . - , aa ftft I to the undersign '1 i". 1 r 7i

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