(mWVttUH tuth-gmtrx Jt mmimmnk in w. una mmtm TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1900. Local Newl CAPT.: WILEY'S APPOINTMENT AFFAIRS AT THE GOLD HILL FRIDAY. MINE. D. W. Julian the newly, elected feherilT of Rowan, was present nt th0 picnic anuVhad many . friends here who were glad to see him, says the Davie Times Mgt Siconton Granted the Prayer of the The Indebtedness of the Uioe Probably Stockholders at Flat Rock. Capt. Wi- Amonsts to $30,000. Capt- Wilej ley Takes Charge of the Dins. - Takes Charge Mow la a Few Days. As , briefly announced in Fri- Capt. W.! Murdoch Wiley left The August term of Rowan Su- day's Truth-Index, t. receiver has Sun. night for New York to spend perior court convenes next Mon- been appointed for the Gold Hill a few days on business 1 connected day; This will only be a one week Mine. ... J- . with receivership of the Gold Hill tertn and nothing of a. civil char- A. H.Price, Esq., went to Flat! Copper Company.' He will prob Rock Thursday night and yester- ably be out of town until the lat- day presented to Judge Simonton ter part of fhe week, when he will the complaint and prayerof stock- return and assume control of the act ?r will be taken! up. Sir. Max Levy, who has been . . i.. - . . ueiH.ui iue company, m wnicn ii mine. thd past month, sailed last week for I New York and is excepted Salisbury the latter part of week. is set forth that numerous judg- Jje will give an initial bond for I'menta have bpfiri. iftlcfm fttrftinst the ?; nm flnnt Wilav will retain I ' i t"ivuv" vi'v. ..... property and that if they are exe- a sufficient force to keep the pump emeu an incalculable damage will m the Kandolnh shait going, as a Rev. W, A. (Lutz, president of he done a very valuable mine. In cessation of this work would mean North Carolina College, preached view these facts it is asked that the loss of many thousands of at Bethel Sunday. His sermon a receiver be appointed , to take dollars. The water is now reduced was a strong one and was at ten- charge of the property and that to a 500 foot level, all of which tively listened to by a large con-ft-h6 sheriff be, restrained from exe- has been pumpeU since the Gold cuung ine juagments. jj.ui company was organized. Judge Simonton granted the in- We learn that the total indebt gregation. A mppt! enjoyable watermelon feast was given Fri. night at the home of Mr. Crawford Kennerly at Zeb. There was a large crowd present and a good time is reported by all who were there As the result of Rev. Dr. J. N. Stallings' meeting at Faith there were, three baptisms yesterday -morning. Two others were re- M. Wiley receiver. isMiiwiW'iui'-jm i J JULIUS B0ST, COL. KILLED AN AWFUI4 iUSTAKE- -WAS HIMSELF. 1IADE. RETURNING FROM HUMBERT'S . FUNERAL. 18' Ifee Wosaatfith Vkca ke feilBew r Ui- Its RsssIks C?-"i Hri ca titortas . . . a a i B al - -a V A' . a mmm e Ins was Conjurcfl, He sua, na ; wnea : ::rt usjKiacisscnrta uey usi Jk:3 Sai.E:ssLs. . " A conjurer got in his deadly .Uhefpo, Aug2 9. A terrible ra is-. work on one superstitious victim take occured a Yang Teun. - The in Rowan county Sunday. The! Russian artillery - opened fire r-nninrer was Joe Black., the con- among; the troops. I Before the jured Julia ; Bost and the poor Unbtakje .''.-was discovered many weak-minded fool that advanced I Amenoansoiiafeers naa Deeu wounu the conjuring proposition was Ju- Jed by tbe Russian, sheila. .Part of lius Bost, all colored and residents the casualties in the Uth was of Providence township. . the result bf the Russian fire. The Sunday morning Coroiier Dor-1 fourteenth particpated in the at- sett was notified that Julius Bost tack. the trenches, As.the Chi- hmA'Kdvn-.ftmnA AmA in hi honiA ftese ned tpe regiment entered and with a minshct wound in' .bis occupieaoneninese position. ine breast. Accompanied by, Dx. 89ian Daery SQme aistance on Foustj Dr. Dorsett went out and notice tne movement ana Liu 2ul '4. Th tAd r oj ODened fire on the rositi6n and tabiiahedaraas follows: Julius Plaut?? ihell: among the Amen- Bost lived on the land of Mr. WilJ- cantroopsi'lheRussiana were quick km Canbland was suDDosed ,to lJ PB to cease nre.ine Airier- . . . . . r. , .,i linono o rf n rrl ' f Via fVi 1 naca wnrV o be the husband ot J una twst,itn -.-r .,-v v..Uv.v junction ana appoiniea uapt. y . eaneus oi tne company w aDouHwuuiU;iiB i - i . , - came toMr, G&uble farm, IDurft-. -vlU58D hnwPr . Julia left him. re- e i-itn iiuantry. ineiongmarcn PRIZES GIVEN AWAY. The Daughters of Liberty to 6iie Party, Monday, August 20th. a Lawn $3000. What steps the holders of stock in the company intend taking is yet unknown. They will probably announce some def- inifefplan shortly. : SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION- The second annual lawn Dartv of the Nd. '5: Dauffhtersof T.ibertv Meets at Thvatira Chfirch oo the 30th and chived and will be baptined later win be held Monaay nightj Au. 3tst days Of AflgUSt j no inueunK win coniinue.i onu n j i - . I K UnL LL.ll. till ; IMIVIiril . IJLWIL I m -4 . l ne aist annual convention 01 the Sunday School Association of Rowan county will meet at Thya tire church, near Mill Bridge, on TVinfsrlav nnrl Frirlav. Ancmst, SOth A number of valuable and baud- ... o1r, - Thft nnnivftrRJirv of the broken up. It ia being repaired U Pea wm ue uwarueu Rowan Conoty Bible Society . will now and Mr. Kennerley Will probi lu,1UMS " handsome silver mounted (HI. for a while yet. Mr. Crawford Kennerley'sthresh ing machine was turned over Thursday while going do n tiie West Point hill and was quite badly gust 20th, on the ; Boyden lawn i opposite the . First Methodist church. Ice cream, cake and oth er refreshments will be served by the ladies. ably start to threshing again Mon day. ' "; . . ; ;. " The protracted meeting which began at Mt. Tabor on last Sun day ended Thursday ,night. The meeting was conducted by the pa s.- ror. Rev. T. W. Smith, and Rev. IT. L. Atkins, of this city. There were several accessions to the church as the resAlt of the meet- , '-. ',' ; .' A large delegation of Salisbiir- lans will attend'.tho congressional 6(1 by vote for which a small charge unventron at Statesville next Wl11 be made. Wednesday. As there will be no Everybody is invited to come CTHiiest over the ren;mination bf out and help a patriotic cause. lion. Theo. F. Klu'ttz all the1 in- 1 A short explanation of the prin tiifest naturally centersiuthe nom- ciples and objects of the order will uiatioii of an elector. Nearly De macle y Mr- Jonn M- Julian ?yery county in 'the district will pn.'sent a candidate for elector'. MR. FRUIT'S LEG BROKEN. also be held at the same time. The r rncrrp m f nr t h ft con vfin tion is as cane to the most popular minister gji0W8 . ' ' ' of the city. A line wicker rocking chair to the handsomest and most noDular ' Thursday, August 30 lady. Opening exercises. Song servicej I To the lady making the largest Reading the scriptures and prayer sales, choice of a fan, parasol or'a - - Song, water set. - : - Address of welome by Rev John To the most popular employee A Gilmer: Response by the Presi- dentf Capt. J A Fisher. Business meeting. AFTERNOON SESSION 2 P. M. Song service. Five-minute reports from Sun day schools in the county, conclu ded. V.'V . 'V--.: 1 Topic The Model - Infant Class, taught by Misses Josephine Coit, Bertha Knox and Laura Coit. . " ' Election of delegates. 2 Topic The Sunday school ; turning Friday morning to an- andTheatj played havoc with the tut. unA mrr-iA TTcti- iroops. suivy per ceni, oi ine t.r-T n. ii nun ax cava, uau a o i i ry Walker, who boarded with them regiment are exhausted; for about three weeks. The testi- Washington. Aug. lo. Remy mony of A. W. Walker is the next cables! f rdm aku Augtst 7th, that link in the chain. Walker said: Chaffee telegrabha from the front "Jule Bost came to my house that' Yang Taung I has been oc about 2 o'clock this (Sunday) cupied. The casualties are about morning. He woke me up and 60 with niarines wounded. Many said 'Something: came to my were prostrated from heat and house tonight while I was asleep fatigue jThe general commaud- and beat me on the breast and said ins this English front teleeranhs that Joe Black- had used some that he marched from Pietsany kind of conjuration pn Julia Bost nine jtnllies toward, jYang Tsung, ana maae ner marry nenry vvaiK-1 wnreme iormeariior rn attacK er.' He then gave me his empty with the American on . the right, pocketbook and said: ''Keep.this and tlie Russians op theleft. Af- as long as you live to remember ter a jrapid advance three miles me by.'. He then left saying'Good SeTSstesa xm mii-Crfr!2it t:i Fcrtj Were U:rei ts tims:!t cf Vis rreck. Tks W:gTkeri- '".s Rome, Aug. 18. There waa a collision on the Point Salariro road rom Bome to Florence yesterday. Owing to the large number of per sona returning from the funeral of he kipg the regular train was sup plemented with another, which ran as second section. The piston rod of the locomotive on the fint train broke, bringing that train to a standstill." Before warning could be given the second train crashed into tne nrst. l he rear , carnage on the first train was broken into kindling wood. Seventeen persons were killed and forty injured, . fif teen -of them seriously. Grand Duke Peter, of Russia, was on the train.:. He .despatched an officer to secure assistance and acquaint the king of the accident. V The king and queen -Helene drove to the scene and showed extreme sol icitude. The king remained on the spot, but the queen returned to Rome. THE PURCHASE OF WATERWORKS. of the Southern Railway, a foun tain peri, gold point. The above articles will be award- MR. MURPHY FOR ELECTOR. Hurt while on duty at the Depot Saturday ilr. E W. Fruit, a car coupler on ftlie Southern yard.' sustained a very painful injury while at work - Saturday morning. I lie was sitting on .the eugine wlleii his foot struck an obstruc- ti.n and the leg was brokeii above and if he shculd receive the xif ankle. A bone below the an kU was also broken, ; H was taken home and will be eon lined to his bed for some time. The Name of Mr. Walter Murphy Presented ju. hit0TJr aud J i n i ! i rt i " ; Lyerly, Messrs. CB Jordan and C for District Elector. T J:. Tt0nmnaani1 s -j Jirown. Its purpose and power The name of Walter Murphy, Rev H L Atkins, S A, Earnhart Esq., of this city, will probably be and J N tfaxwoll. Its relation to presented to ,Hie congressional the home and church Rev H W convention which meets at States- Jefifcoat, Dr J G Ramsay and T P ville next Wednesday, as the Dem- Johnston nnrntio olpfr.nr fnr't.Viia ilifltrift.: ,r , .t , . - SECOND DAY 10 A. M. Mr. ftiurpny is a campaigner oi great force, ability and eloquence Friday, August 81. nomi- i 0 o - - - bye."' Mr. William Cauble testified that Bost came to his house about 3 o'clock Suuday morning and conversed in practically the same manner as at Walker's. He was found Sunday morn ing in his doorway, with his feet rear ward yesterday near Lindo que, at the same time he hear underi hot lifle Sand shell fire our troops carried the first line of de fence! The casualties were about 50 killedior death suristorke. . BOEES AND BRITISH JIOHTINQ. I ' - I ' '(- Ijopdon, Aug, 11. Roberts ca bles that Kitchen engaged Dewetta dangling over the doorstep. It appeared that he had set upright m a chair. A cotton string was attached to the trigger of. a, gun andVanother string fastened on .his foot. The two were connected and Methqun s guns six north; ' RUSS miles, to the AN MINISTER TO LEAVE. when he fired the entire load lodg- Ordered to LeaTe Pekin Under a Guarantee ea m nis Dreast, man prooaDinty ui oaieiy; . 1 . SI killing him almost instantly . St ;l Plrsbuig, Aug. 11. Ann xue jury renuereu uie loiiowing officifi ImessagelimoUnces that De verdict : Jhat the deceased, Ju- tfier8 ithe Rus8 an minister to Chi lius Bost, came to his death from na hi3 been ordered by the Czar o : ..v-w, lo quit ireKin w inflicted by himself with suicidal intent. guarantee of sa government. ANOTHER COUNCIL ORGANIZED. Marriage Saturday ith his staff under jTetyby the Chinese Night. man oiBiisiii. THE 1IARCH . WAS BEGUN ON THE8TH.- . t is Ei;e:t:i Tlit Tls AKJtJ Fcf: YHII Bi At Tls Capital Cltj rltila t Chef do, Aug. 13. The general advance of the relief column Jbe guu on the morning of the 8th. The allied forces will probably reach Pekin in seven days. . The Chinese who were defeated at Yangtsun have retreated to Pekin. ASIAPPY 6AUE. The natter Is Rbbc ca ss. Sczs Dis satisfaction Expressed. : Some dissatisfaction is being expressed among our . citizens at the failure of our aldermen to push the purcha'ce of the waterworks. - It was thought that the deal for the plant was practically closed a month ago but we are informed by a member of the board of alder men that the board is no nearer a trade now than at that time. There is a strong sentiment in favor of the immediate purchase of the system. Caanftlir Daf lf. mm P.. HT. Ccitt st Safcrfaj Aftenssar One of-the closect, snappiest games of ball seen iu Sal isbury this season was the game played. be tween Salisbury and Spencer Sat nrday afternoon at Henderson's Park. " At the beginning of the game the rooters on either side became overly enthusiastic, and a slight disturbance occured. But the gaui went right on and at the end of the ninth inning the score stood 7 to 0 in favor ot Spencer. " - . . 5 The Feamster brothers did the battery work rfor Spencer and Tucker and Boitfor Salisbury. The players were gentlemauly and orderly throughout aud every member of the two teams played good ball. ONE HUNDRED IN PERIL Ad Exploslsa lilei York Tviij That cost liaaj Ures. -New York, August 18. A mon ster steam pipe exploded at the New. York Steam Heating Compa ny on Greenwich" street today. Over a hundred lives were .endan gered. Three men are known to be scalded to death and it is fear ed many more ars killed or suffo cated. A score were iniured." FOB OVER FIFTY YEA KB Dr. Byrd till Cone.. . ' " The Asheville Young Men's Christian association . has invited Dr. Charles W. Byrd of Owens boro, Ky., to come to -Asheville this fall to deliver a lecture for Mrs; Winslow'a Soothing Syrup has il. i ii A; I been-Juaed-T.r over-any-years bv VU UUU!, UI IUO MHOCUIUOO. mml0M 0J mother& f0r their Chll- Dr. Byrd has accepted the invita- dren I while teething, with oerfect tion and the date will be fixed "i" Itoothta the child, ottena the gums, allays all palu, cures wind soon. - colic, and : Is th best remedy for u. The many friends and admirers piarrhoea "It will relieve the por of Dr. Byrd will loot. forwd to the opportunity of bearing him Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be ure again with much pleasure, and a"d "k fori"MfV y1"910 Hooth .? - . f , ' ' - tig Syrup, and take no other kind. iuo nBHuvutiiuu it mi ue uuureiu' lated on securing Asheville Citizen. his services. FREE BLOOD CURL The Pretty Man's Prize. ;1 lit cpencer oviaentiy noius entire Iv (lifleren,'vieva from SftliRbiirv. Last Tuesday night Mr. George Seidel won the prize awarded to the ugliest man in Salisbury at the lawn party given by the band, Friday night Mr. Seidel wen a Hry "handsome umbrella given by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Y. M. ,C. A"., at Spencer to the handsom est man in Spencer . Mr, J. Ed. Hennessee attended the party and returned to Salis- wishes of his friends in this ter. mat- nation would make a canvass of Reading the i scriptures and prayer. the district that would, win many Rftnorfc of Rtatistical rro.tsltv - voters for Bryan and Stevenson. . - 3 Topic The Bible the guide Mr. Murphy is not a candidate Gf life Revs. Geo. H Cox, V Y and will be guided wholly by the Boozer and Dr C M Pool. Opening exercises by Capt John A Ramsay, president; address on Bible cause by Rev John W Wake field ; report of contribution to the Bible cause ; report of Bible distribution. Miscellaneous business. AFTERNOON SESSION 2 P. M. ,. 4 Topic -Grading and promo- Tne Daughters - of Liberty Organize a Council at China Groie. - Another council has been ad ded to the list of councils organ ized by the Daughters of Liberty in this state. Aa ' Offer ProiIagFalti to Sufferers. I - - " I T Tour Tllond Tnt A vmi inr nf Saturday nkrht at! the store of lit? ha mta op rrthPi h ainwi? Esquireb: M. filler, Mrs. MitclT- Doe vour ;.U Itch or Inirn? Eru'p- 2" .1 Ty H I .i .ii . . T tmxK'm- il0Uf Aching Bones or Back? w wusanai orpeiipie au o em, twiqow of the late L.C.Mlt- Eczema? Old- Sore? BoiU? Rheu- the United BUtes, from iprivsie cl chem and MrJ Dont Buffer, The Electropolae Cures all diseases without the une of medicine. A pure Oxygen treat ment, by absorption. It cures where everything else Jails. It la .needed In every family, for It will Telieve every weakness or ailment, to the most persistent chronk uiseae. Vnil without the ue of a grain of luall- er clt- Max Fesnerman of matistn? Foul Breath? Catarrh?!'1" lawyer. Uoctom, l'reacti- , i v if . j . uue jou paiei xi ao puniy jour cioou v,o "up.cmw mukcu, lwivib, ck.,. Salisbury, were united m matri-l.t ;rh r n n m.tnu Riwi even crawnml HMdinf Knrnfhv mnn v EsnnirwMillpr offifiinticrn Balm). It makes the Blood Pure and Riven written testimonial of 11im t J i "-: I Rich heals every sore and gives a clear, I Millions 6hen Away, ATTEMPT AT BUR6LARY- An Attempt to Burglarize Capt. Thomas Murphy's Renidence Friday Night. r An attempt, was made Fri. night to burglarize the residence of Capt. t jng jn the Sunday school,; Rev W Thomas Murphy. t A Lutz, Prof C L Coon and Joseph " Before the would-be burglar a Eagle. ' - couia enect an enirance, newewr, 5 Topic The best and most he was discovered and proceeded practical method of teaching a bury Saturday morning about 1 to retreat. . Sunday school class of boys and o'clock. He jumped the fence and made irla Revg H A Trexler. J O facts. Book of testimonials, audi smooth, healthy, skin. Deep-seated (matter of ereat interest with price i ! MilliOllS 6lfen Aiay, calikeulcera.canwr, eating aorea.oflnstriimenta sent free. Every fain- Mr. J. N. Maxwell went down to . L . Ltf ..i. r -v. : ra.,D.,"i owe1'" roioni are uyshpuld have an Electmpoise; It - - ii is ctfriniinv trruiii viiiii vo iiio iuuickit cured dt js. u. t.. maae erx- i mr.... tA.., kiik nu: n : aij :-u ..j ...5 r.- " " -, I n I . L v ' . . i.i. j , a i-""" iuuuot irun. crci.u vmunuiuve duiuiuav uigui, uuu i puDiju 10; know ot . one concern S,,ai,J ur ouwni i.nu oun yoUr address at once and see what organized a council with 28 char which is not afraid to be generous. ' ,7" " .1 . 7 " V ' people say who ter members, all of whom are en-The proprietors 0f Dr. King a ftew tne pojgon and Humors out of the thusiastic and thorouglily in sym- iscovejy , ujr . consumption, uiooa ana enure sysiemw tno aymn- ., ... - rr 7 . . ..x uougns ana uoias, nave given I canwn .wu. ue i irau. pathy with the objects of he or- nu.mir , ' :;on friftl .ti,M It cures when all else fa la. Thoroughly ! fipr . J i tl r ii e ex. ' I teatea lor ao yeara. . Boia at "all arog " .iV f f t . i mores aw 91 per large uuiue, o large wu rrAa jpu;nn a mg ltnagscurea inousanasoi nope- bottiea (lull treatment) 15. bo auf . - y I Ifaca yiacLa Ajfhmo UrnnAniha i fererS 1T1AT tfit it. a trial " hotLltt tr'n AAntinnoa tr rryrwxr n nl hiHa fail tA I l ; f . Jl I w 1..4.1- 1 jj i tj;:.: -..il .'I'i ill the stat The Council at St. Pauls. V f A council of the Jr., O. U. A. M. will probably be organized at St Pauls in a few days. Two mem bers of the Salisbury council weht tejt the property and li out to St. Paul's Saturday niglit -f;,o Vl Stss aij good his escape Attempts at burglary in Salis bury are of jiighly occuraiice now' aud it has become au almost" ab solute necessity to make additions to the police force in order to pro- ives of the Wertz and J W Sloan. THE HOTTEST DAY. iur8 baturday and explained the objects of the order. A , good list of charter members were; secured after the speaking. ; , . " ' ' i mi i. 22 DIE FROM HEAT. None Nobler. - . , Says the Davie Times : Friday was the Warmest Day of the en tire year here. Friday was the hottest day of the year in Salisbury. From sun I rise toCmidnight the. salutation o I the day waa "Is it hot enough for you?" The government thermometer iat E. W.. Burt's store registered have thoroughly twtfed Its merits. Agents wanted. THE ELECTltOPOlSE CO., 513. 4tn ut, jJouisviiie,'Ky. ajl ana uias iair to t ri-U n.i ftn Ti,,t ri,aef atmilutely free. Wntefor it. Address lpadinff councils LT a t v ' jl i BLOOD BALM (X., Atlanta, Ga leading councils and Lung diseases are surely cured write today. Describe trouble and W. R. SX1TH S CCllXCE. UXIXSTOX. KT, 'at no distant day. by it! Call oil , Theo, F. KluttZ & free medical advice given away. uncil organized by Mr. Co., Dmrei?t H, and a fr e trial Maxwell Saturday night will be X . - " ...... nown as Dixie council No. 11. The followiug officers were elected:: Jr Ex C C F Miller. CWH Rogers. AC -Mrs B J Safrit. V C Miss Clara Walker. A Y C Miss Bertha Phillips. T Mrs L J Phillip. F S J C Sechler. R S W H Crowell. Guide Miss M B Walker. 0 S J A Sides. 1 S M G Sechler. Trustees W H Crowell, A C Wilhelm, W H Rogers: bottle. Regular size 50c end Every Ijpttle, guaranteed. I $500 REWARD! W vill nnv tlie aVove rpwnrtl for any rhseiof Jivvr Complaint, Dyspep sia, Sick illeadadhe,-Indigestion, Uon atipation; t Cestui tieB we cannot cure with Uveriitn. ll.e un-t.-dati lit tle liver pill, wlien the direction are strictly complin! with Thev are nore- iy veget4Mp and never fail to giie sat isfaction! 25c lK)Xei contain 100 pills. 10c boxei contaiii 40 pill, 5c boxes con tain 15 tills. Beware of substitutions and imitation. I Sent by mail. Stamps taken. NEKVITA MEDICAL CO,, Cor. Clinton and Jackson Sts., Chica go. 11L ir For Sale bylT. F. Kluttz. & Co.. Ul&klUUUU liiLlLsU Catort YltxSry, Lett Mpt t&J riic4 Cora Impotaoey. Nlcht tmlwkan. Leaa of r, au wast la annul, exm oc air-Miaear ant ladlaeatioo. A narr tost tad 'blood tonUdax. Bcian thm lak g&ow to eaU cbMki ad rwtorM Um .fir of youth. Br nail lada mt boi. A bozM tar 3X0, with our hankahla ganrant to ear or ranmaios money paio. aeaa tar eircoi.' IKTl 11 TMfl gU tor mKIiwi Paxfc,neyi. tliiHaaw. per fr. jbtAmAyVpgrwny O0a r . I GO I pills : r?sfli. copy of oar I HaTaMets sraaraatoa bond. CXTSA STSSTfdrt. M4 New York's botetst weitber siajs its cany. To-dai's heat. v'v Jtnrr 1 1-Thp hot wftve onn. 108 at the hottest point ot the It is useless to , say i that Hon. tinues.Tjie themometer was 84 at 8 - , . . r,M .,, , 1 I i i i : ' n AnA ly oilier recoru mus lar ueuru ui Iheo. F. Klnttz will b renomina- o'clock this morning. 14 died . f " i 1 - . . t hia vao ; ted and elected. TW State has yesterday from the direct effect of . no nobler representative and the heat. To-day promises to equal State is proud of his record as Ja I yesterday's record of 94. Eight Fri. night was a sweltering, un comfortable one and hammocks Congressman, and his pHate lite persons died this morning from Pnme fftvontes for the h-ot is all that can be desired. the effect of the heat. SCROFULA thin blood, weak lungs and t paleness. You havb them in 2 net weather as wen as In cold. 2 SCOTTS O1ULSI0N cures ; them in summer as in winter. ; It is creamy looking and pleas ' ant tasting. - SocaadtiAi aQdracEbta. CiiinmisminMii0 Druggis C8lleg 8, Saliaibury, N. C. North Carolina College, ; ilT..PLEASAKT, K.C. , tale a&JlAaJeaic Dfiirtnests. Craxxov unU " ' PotltiTalr raaraataad etna for Loa of rc-, Tarkoeau, Uadaralopad or Ehrorkaa C sa, Panda, Locomotor AtAxia, Kroa I.. tion. Hysteria. Fits, Iawuutf. ParmiyaN ia! um uanuts of uoaanTt um ox jc&lzzo, u ium ct or. 2jt tnau u plain pack. iJW m o lor imw wuik ott nan raw ,roc5DED;i859 (laaBtcs Vathenitic-clenea. PhlloMmbv. HtBtory. J Kcooomlca. ntiaa. Modtfo Lmm zoagv. Chemical and Pbyaical Laboratories, Three laite brick balhXloga. Kocma vub alta- tle (arular Fre access to uw Tolames. Fin campus of elg-fct acrea, aiee abaci fmc nity of tine FrofoBbora, wl'h b of creIeB Uala. JnatrocUoa iboroacb. Ezpeuaea very reasonable, SoooKIbk. Drinking, Intoxlraata and OamUng- noti toiratd. Burd inrprest, dent'a dlnlog" hail lor all well behaTed at coat. Dally Mall. f i . Connection by Itelepbone with Charlotte. Concord. SallabarT and Albemarle. FaU term begia HepC titL, lm. For Cat loene or f arUie r i dformat Ion addresa i 1 - RKV. W. A LUTZ. A. H. Prta- Winston, c, or M.I. Ploaaaat, S. C. aata bond to cur ia &0 tfaja cr rafosl momT paid. Addraai J-- . . NER VITA r.lSDICAL CO. m 1 4 JyTtyn StSj CHlCACQf Ua For sale by. . T. F. KLUTTZ &CO.,DrurgisU. Saliabury, N.C. '1 ; '.tlf A tfliraf "fc i ax.Xsu: uue youue man from Rowan County 0, to pre pare for the coming Railway Han. Sib vice Examination. We furnish everything, - including Boors &.Maps. Address, enclosing st&mp,Inter-St&te Correspondence Institute, Cedar Rapids, la. ihr . s i Your Face : Is Year Fcrtsae! t Throw Away Unamefu AmrrW-an w ai-rad rer Mvcaty V MUlkui DoIUra AHuaally for face iK-wxlra. otko.- rte., taoKt of which are made t iioineooaa aatatauca and it aftro; the akin. To ae- rvra Nallonai. Jtoay, UeaMby Cotai'lexkm eta . . "Ulxfjija XWljbewr Ztumlm. ,. Katnva original fnotoor. fvelKianrnl ly r moTeailmiila. freeklea Markkrada, aid al cotapteaioaal UBerfretkfia. ' Abaolately Harm Ira. Beaetla Uaarant WrHaforMritralara. Prica ti tj asall GloTea 1 aod : . VIRGIN KCBBCU CO , No. t weal lh, atrert KwTork. IS ZA PLLMMXE. Fole uU t aliataryJC C ADMIHISTRATpR'S II0TID&- Marine aaalified aa adminiatrmtor as administrator upon the eatste of John E. Carter. decaed, thta la to no tify all creditors to preaent their claim duly verified to the undersiiTM'd on or before Juno 28th. 1801. or tbia notice will De piertt in bar oi taeir ncoverj. All parties indebted to saki estate wUl. make prompt settlement. ' r Jane 28th, 19CX), (XOKGS T.ClKTKS, Administrator John E. Carter. Johji L. lijtDLjtair, Attorney.