' : "T- 1 I ' " ' " 1 Circulation Books Open to AH. vr - - .7. . : ;7THT " 'T -3MU' ;f7 fi ;o-; ; ; "Vol. i4; 11,, j ' '-n""'fil.8w . ,.x.,v . -.; .14, TSTo. 33. . SALIflBtJBV, 3ST. C., FBTDAY! 9 -,. V. Y 1K:0R spoim; - SECU hrre m nLpo ET'NG ABUSVUEETIKC UST 11 , 'U?.-r.iit. U U 4 TERTAIN FBIENDS. J(IGHT. - THE SHREWD OLD UAK GOES Viceroys Talk Now - of Peace. Tit Itimti c: CIti K:3 int t!t. The Aldermen ferred I- held :their de WANTED AT NCE Rn. 8ni Sfeiirt, cf Tewitttt, ti Hal j Ai Bsl;si ul Pleutil tztsM eirti i PrtficteJUetfI:HeriliC:tcStr A W&'HraL'cei&'si U:t Eir'-r At a meeting of the Pastors As- One of the most unique and de sociation yesterday morning held cidedly one of the moat pleasant r . " rr"" luncons ever recorded in I citr hall w union meeting Salisbury waa . the. . Boxer trv .it. m the tabernacle here in nAh. Im x,:-, :. w AW4UW1U8 nusi"? tranai Zt. su - " vtiunuu. . lucaniess, , on South Main reDort of th . .. f a ' ww street, last evening.' VISITING- ; 1 ... ..I m i . . i . ' monthly , moetin, in th. .Ai, "'tT-T. : last nighrk 8 Lit : v i jA ; Z - wraj-peen. called upon bV f r OIL ai.noiii. IJ3 Afa Ctf. 1 Ti F;r- Hague, Sept (,20Holland win demand indemnity, from Eneland for Dutch men -.injured in South African war. '4 ti ' i ; ? for about two weeks. Talks of Dis- l : :., ' i . .. " -. ' ..... ; vmemberment. Rev. George Stewart, who hat been associated with Rev. Sam The absence of any atrocioua amoantt teeeiviMl uivuursea on .account of the colored State held BiJiitJ Silaj Tilt CWaa lis oaaej toPaj isi Will Hm ti V. - 6ITI q ker Territory la ' Ptjssat for ler '. v " - Clilos. B9 aesiirnson theGolH TTiM mnA v, I (iom ' " . meeung .CtewartwatMil fnmt tfcaK- 1 - . B1"1. expen- ... rrifrrt ir fnl Treacher. fWK m. 1711-::. PWOi u-wt orilertd.tltat the mar- ami. r "o uiciuuu vw kUlV T KlUU m the pulpit are entirely different miirht inH,V.f- from Rev. Jones'. He hails from interior ot Mr vicveiana, . lennessee, and has some hnm nrlT- T ' a naM 8omehome weHbrillily ilium- ihould be found correct p eached m nearly every Eastern inated while de lawn nLented TS! Chang olBcUliy. arrived &on Jf oercnantyessel. He will proceed immi.tiw,'n "klnr H .desires , to tender iis 8mcere thfoiJl Ifor I consideratinn I tn'.Tht if m,. v. received j thanks vtte Unil." tfi J.v - Statea.'!- Jr-r I. r- . - ' ." " i "... , - . ill r ! HI JS a jm.. W . " a a ; , , uw um written a.U'CJ'JJTATEL'EIT. : rzti Armed Deputies and ; Miners Meet; i . - "TT - PISTOLS DRAWN. Washington, - Sept' 10. Tha ChinAftA mini.tn. t... . 1( hub receivea . a State. The late date tor this metf wag selected on account of a meet ing to be held in the Baptist church early in October, for .which arrangements have already jrecepti a at th name ordered tlrat the m. The veranda and clerk draw a -warranft. f. k J incaniest' nand- amount asked fnr it i it: " . ; i ansa uamernn TVia.. : iA . ClI If ClUrni C:: nili::! Mr Cameron .urmi th. 1 - the TiDTH-Iwi&T,Vo4:- a. I "WrT TTJ ir 1. rv.r . men uo Out. ljponea mirniw of hiniif "- w O 1 - presented , The matter of the fpurchat of . Mt. fPlezMiut Sept. 10.-A der the nff a r l wor" WAi againL. tonch Pm menage Mr J Ed Dgrton. DePl- utn.lBOO. Th Mn1: f0Pn" A1Hc5vWyX of .Gold HilitUrnn: . ini5i i "l68' received daytatedthata Mr Davi ho the d4th, ot Mr Benjamin sf w ' - Salisbury, N. 0", m their usual gracidu. .manner ha. been conducting the ; corre! Burleynfot yiow. N CbV v MrDSni:-In youriJu.of ?enatTte,dTUed any wUawaySS beinggVtW ru douUleatly ixj fears on the part of the irnests but that ha ?y .iX ?ateniionallr did both riff., n. waa originated by one of hU friends Til lllihl Ce--5i Mi... w. M;waa 'wholly inexcusable w;. - . AW letttr it b foiiowt- ; , - iiirwea. t:j Prrzlititii rt, Fill Tfci. AH tlilihrtn . U isr CWrlrt Jili -V Striiin. ' r"'" - thatm hth..,; " , . "'.v .M ew w " r "r"rM r p . . . I t. . Prior to and preparatorv to the of thrVST;:;;L":"S.VU acCOU,lt .an1 to Mayor Lord's ?o the wealthiest far- ! u injustice by . ept. .-Ke- dinir.h ..: . n?nn ' 1. "TWI -uPwy. , last letter. This fait t.ki . I mem of No 1(V ifrMnii.; J llIs-z. 1 100 siatement that we tm m.w I volvers were dr. .i .. J " . ... . . ... 1 J u,wl I ineeniireftVeninewa8 lUStsnrh theitvwM nUA . oe Held m the Methn. an nno . rti,i L 1... ' . . .7." .y"r uuw Prcnae the T v"YUBr,reo-ina;Mri o.i. y ",wuu u nere, when I.G00 .hpn; ;.".w.cf,MW,M? - -' i: - miner, marched'. : ' A1 1 am ure was an i,J, . . , ' .. V"w w Hnnfl.n ...w jnuTjutes OI unina ap pealing for the opening of peace negotiations without further de lay. They represent that the prolongetl and unsettled condition Is a serious disadvantage to China aim air parties Minister . nppeai o a out that months had ings will uist church at 10 a m beginning hospitable home and uu -inuMoay .morning, October in the season was an event be hadfor the nroDertVr v ; Miga Lucr, tti. 'olde-t I rpu . i v report i rt r i ?uiux music. The first prize was won by Hansell 1 some complaint from the pres- Mr" E F White, cond daughter. m sure was an inadvar. tenceon Tour part. w,t UR. HARTMAM TO LEAVE- i nomas ( and the booby prize by tut sewer system in the West Ward wife f;Mr;Vhite, of, Concord, a men at work to join in An army of r striker. concerned. f th vic.roj. Ilmint. ,8 SM CirollM. ' BrowD, T B Brown, James O'. 'PpointodtoexamWinto'tM' and withont renection. I gave a dinner tt on the dining car of ' the South- oo-'ectiug at Frtland to march bound Vestibule, to' wveral of my 10 San-tf Run alTd Pond CreeV coi lady and gentlemen Trlends, Tues- lieries to do miss ionary work were in the .West End passed yetnojraove-had proceeded i,J, 7 T "" "'" OT ( , ' " " v., wnere ue win work for a negotiations, klthongh China was gold mining company. ready and anxious to begin. ' M,r- Hartman has many friends viig is reported as saying that nere who regret to see him leave. as China cannot possibly - pay .he J e - 0lIwina - aismbju wmun was, - given nim shows in what esteem he is held bv his A COultnift0l AAnaiaiik. Af .11 I nfnminATM i mAAliAk.l ill .4 l he following were present! men Whitehead v.... other cMMrW-.M Messrs. C P McNaelv jk. SwmV k -l -, , . . -.iiiuxl. m t, I . .v, I day evening the lRfK- i JlL' ki I ... t w w, ?uuuiuwnrnn hw th ""v uumor. ilQa; JAKinhlno I . " . sUiUUlB 1 . 1 tT mon r' . m nil in ni Hen . i rum ureenabom A Ri;.v, i . ie,; wa. - --r. one.WM the ; C5al Commnv'. m; . . Intd'thisand wiieofMrtf EdSDorton. a mer. lu young .lady, from rr,u.., 4 " Weld, also the private system , in thA ohint of Gold Hill. : MiDurf. "otte, who had been vUitinz awe and the only ' one. " v ' .. . . I " J a M . . . . - w. I I . . miuibi isaiisDury. I . uMmm joineu .tne : - uume. mw luuaj, iHon-uniou Pill. Mr. Theo. Hirf.m.n ieara, Albert Tucker. ' C AVeW also t wu ui i-.. . .--. i - iTiieni. in rnr - ... v ws uviuiiiui.. . nir- ui 1: ' itA,.' J. r - Salisbury'., nnnni. Stanley Motch. W R Rrder t. North w..j . ' W . ;J,-L ir- 4 1 -iucc nie legations were rescued i fT wen, n a1 , - , " repon u to the vyu? uoi wrn u iJigger. . r : v It?HCUea leareathia xr i I -arle Thorn Dson. Jnli.n t...k. t I twuni ' ' ..... i jL ? , r.r"J uatttii,. Dr. complaint, against this system are p r t r - ! o vvat, wemounded.it will be ooudemued.- C B Jordan, A S.fleilw. Jame. Two ordinknn.-a ' 7 m ssuuin i 1 1 1 ruirr. indemity which will be demanded fellow comrades Rifles:. from her, there will be noalterna 'tive but to give territory instead ot money, in which case Japan Headquarters Co. would get $hin King, Russia Gauher, W.H Woodson, Hansell ance passed their; ftctt riding! . iuiBB nil I I mm fi in . i l a aim v & 1 rinn r M . I .j . r . --- -....v HUU una iir4UuniUl( j vvu ui aujf UUliUlilg 111 SUCH a ...... wwcn, uia aua irene manner as will obstruct a street of the Rowan lua,ueM aisy, rearle and extension. Mr., Austin; who Myruce lhompson, Belle and Al- bought a lot and . was preparing to - UR. OYEKSiAN TO SFEAK. I lm' inni K ..Ul.' . . - w iuuncaiion was made upon tht unthoughtfal and foolish statement k of ' tome one thinking doubtlesa that it would be a good joke ; but neverth'oless it a Hon. Lee SL.: Ommn f ,;. cnarmuig - a , young ladv should i T r t i . city, will b oh'e ohhe speaker, nTf . the .ubjectof newspa r. :it.al. '"in - - I ner notnriefv . . . leg it Bift ,.' m miner. imported by the mine owners are pouring into the district. The Reading Coal Company to keep the. -miner, from striking will raise wages teu per cent. n'pdu Special First Seargeant is hereby upon his own request, honorably discharged from Co. A. 8rd N. C. S. G. Services, honest and faithful ; behavior excellent ; character, good. No cause, as known, that will hinder his reenlistment if de sired. Discharged (mm fhi. 1afa warueu to uov. sayers, of Texas, would be gijen Shan Kiang and Thibet woud go to England. 8ALYEST0M HONEY FORWARDED. Tllrtj-toar Dollars Firwirtfii by Trita loduti tot Sitfinn. 34, the amount subscribed by "the Salisbury public to the relief of the Galveston sufferers. There is .till outstanding $7, subscribed but unpaid on this list. : ' I s.Y . J ;Y '" .. The list will be kept open for several days yet, during which time - it is hoped that , additional subscriptions wilj be! received? I (Signed.) A W. H. Ovkbman. I: Captain. UISS UEBONEY ENTERTAINS, Bmton: Eleanor Wfnn I Kro rA an A 11 Ls- I mst r j uv wuciwi aci i mi lOv vO Ogburn, Margie Lockhart, Mrs. the town at actual cost. His pro- McCubbins, Miss Stallings, Maude P8ition was referred to. the street Smithdeal, Mr.. Mauney, Eliza- committee. The proposed exten- beth Crump, Katherine Stronach, ion of Boundary and Ellis street. Edna McCubbins. was discussed. The second ordinance requires' Br. UefiBlri Out. ;"CTr?. 7nDVi i . iUHi-mwM uuuuuea oy voun Richmond, Va., Sept. 19 Dr. cil. Fisher, Lee and Church Hunter Holmes McGuire, who wa. treett to connect with the sewer Stonewall Jackson's medical di- a8e- I this is not done within a rector during the Civil War, and certain length of time after notice an eminent surgeon, died .at'hi. w given the town .hall have con-, not only a sur- tes named.1 but is rera.rdet .a an nnt.i.:t.i.i. i. - Chairmau Jamtt K Jones', of the ty wlthont foundation and whol- National;: Eicative ; Committee , lnxcusable. Ex-Governor Wm J Stone: nf f 1 g you to publish- this, with sonri, GovlChas Bj Aycock, Hon th "uest that all other papers friend wiU bo glad to learn. uan Hugh j McLean! and pfr 0veri wmcn me coPl your article , do man will be te'i tpeakers' :.on thial m?- occasion, . j j f ' 1 inie u dae.Mut Cameron, her Ur. UcUIektil Kieiicji. -J Mr Thomas McMichael has re- turnea irom Birmingham, whtre ho has been sick" for the the past four weeks with fever; Mr. Mc Michael has almost entirely recov ered from his recent illi.M. hi. occasion. fj . : j. p'j-'. : - This is due Mis. Cameron, h It is quiiS likely that RoVan frinl and myielf.i '. i v county :will .end a delegation to " " : -h Very sincerely Ac., . this meeting. :: I 1 .-- -: . C. N. McAdoo. Ucjiid'i Bit Dcirilsa ti TOatfoi. Let every body take i5 the big excursion to Wilmington Thurs day, September, 27th. Fare for ruuno.iripf2.0U. 0 if tai cost Pleasant Ueetian if Waist Clio. Til Prltc.arUaHlasWeij.Ing; i I Mr. Victor McAdoo, of Greene boro, spent yesterday morning in the city returning from Morshal, where head been to attend the Pritchard.Rollins wedding; Mr McAdoo was the best man at this wedding. The bride is a daughter of Senator Pritchard while the groom, Mr; Thomas Rollins, is the law partner of Senator Pritchard and a promising young man. - Gast. PrlcaTiCaipel Hill- j Capt Charles Price leaves this morning for Cbapel Hill, where, as previously noted in the Tbutb- Indkx, he lectures to the Univer sity Law class tonight. v country home near this city thisr section made and take a Hen . on WUUa Orjinlzti at 12 CtlTt. IZZt )- morning irom tne effects of a "cn property tor. the expenses, stroke of paralysis suffered early Mr W L Rankin was elected last spring. He was hern in Win. alderman from the TCn.f Wa a Miss Ida Merouey entertained Chester. Va in 188R. succeed Won T,C a vta- the W'hist Club yesterday aft.r- Dr. McGuire was well known in Mr Rankin has served on the noon at her home on Ihniss street. Salisbury, where he has made pro- board before and his electidn will IRYAI AM STEYE5C3I CLU3. fflWEBJCTiMCEfr. Will Ask fclfcsRr Frea Effjnl. Ti C2.i Flail Cva. ! at : - London; Sept. 20, It was Waxtid. To trade niahine, slightly worn, very cheap, or wood. See W. M . Ruth. ex Kizit Etelaj Cereas. 'vu Quite a number of friends were at Mrs. A. W. Wineooffs Wednes day night,' to see the night bloom ing cereus. She has one of the flowers preserved in alcohol. h "f i Corn fed pork.'stall fed- beef at Jackson's markets u Ur. Pries tiltirrf. The evening was pronounced by fessional visits all present to be one of the most de lightful of the many pleasant even ings recorded by the Club,evtr ex- UI11IULIU. I J - m .7 vu r issued ior tne mar miss Meroney isan.ideal hostess riage of our popular young towr ana tne Llub was the '7.mr wr I r r r -n-- . . . I . i. it. . ... w I 1 - w w WUB UClbUM 1 ' ww -.v.. uvaw UIQVblUK. - I -. give general satisfaction; It was suggested that several streets should be macadamized but 1 all matters of this character were referred to .the street committee with instructions to report to the i liSBt. A Bryan and Stevenson' cluh will be orsrinized ih house toniihl. Thai meeting wilt I f1 th ternoon at, the fo:e l ll.l aL J-:J '1 ; ' f L- . 1 I iirni offing k.4 : uccuiicu io uruer promptly at 81 v" - wa. iouui txpe o'clock and it is hopei that everjf dient ..for the Power, to accent Hklt W-uTH-Both sexs, from 14 years old up. Apply at or.ce v OALIRBUET no losiEKY Mills. Democrat Salisbijry will hare Russia', withdrawal proposal. as Va : wt nAf !a L 1 a . u.v,VuS wiuieryes.eraayai- tfaston, of Franklin, on Wednes- bviuwu. a ii ere nresent in Addi. h f n... ...i. i in ...... tion, to the members of the Club, Enterprise. " ' Mr. Robert Mauney, Miss 'Maggie Mr, Price is a well known young frnA w V- "turne Lockhart, of Wadesboro. Paulina l i , . . from Washington, where he went - i w atufuiuioua uumtnT i a . i . Bernhardt and Helen Bruton. . friend, and acquaintances in Salis- .ue memoersoi tne uiub pres. bury, who will be interested i were iuesaames WUiiam and this annonncament ship list.! 1 . Hons. Ie S. Overman; TheoV F. Kluttz and perhaps other, will make short speeches j ' Let; every Democrat In Sails-' bury be present, they-had reliable information that the Boxers were ready to re-oocupy Pekiu as aooh as the Allie. tired' ' - '- ' - . -; in Walter Blackmer, M C Quinn.J T Kobersou, Misses Mary and SalMe Smith aud Mary Bernhardt. . To Tit Saaitoriciv Urs. Wiltf Sick. ; - Mrs. W, M. Wiley was tick yes terday Her illness is not. of a serious character. Caot.' Wiley. a W V ,Mr. John ; Bridges took Mr T ho wa. expected home yesterday Caudle ; to the Whitehead-Stokes morning, - will not be here until sanitorium today where he will Saturday. have a cancer cut off of hisVknee. Concord Standard. S Jac luring kaon's. Lamb and Mutton at OATK OF EOBEETS MTURN. to see the commissioner of inter nal revenue with reference to sev eral revenue cases. He settled some of them for his clients. Dr. J. Stalling. TidaiTrukFira. 9 Mr W. E. Rochester, who has been working at Gold TTItl fn..AW. i a s)f " - " wUl preach frl month.'.ha. returned to Salis- at Faith nextSnndar at 11 a. m uur' M,v Kochester thinkt of at Ghinai Prove fPresbvtarian hu7g a tract of land near -Salit- church) atja:fip pi Im.J and. at bnndnin truck farm. unestnut mil (Academy) at 8 p.m. :llttjCjTn:i.! Ur. Ems Ti Uluti;:llj. Mr J J Evans left last night for Minneapolis, Minn,, where will spend about two week. u: j rri- . i . lug ma cuuurea. a uia xa jur Aran, i xsew gooa. are arriving daily 'A first trip to his old home since his I complete line of laces, embroid- removal to Salisbury. Fresh Quaker Oala: Tint,!. mA Steward Cheese, Mackaroni, Poe- Up-tcii millinarU dr.. d Orape-nut, also . notion. ahdiie. furoUhlngg ari Phone 97 ' Tuit- carried aUthe Ladies r ul: fruit jar. arrived todar. A.M. McCPLLOH. Fresh oysters received daily and served to order at the Day House. BcL.sa .iP.nTv. nrii.. rl enee and ?up-to-data . millinevw I the time f -1 7 already i?. V "T "ruei:Ior w "T www--a UIDlf 1AN1T I SI I UUIUB. Bra WS11 n T n. Tnli Ta- inrlUd toj .U d ttaWet be'fo eu, ,S liK."" purchasing - London,' Sept 20. It is settled ew good,,. driving exery day. I Foa Rixt : A four room cottage that T pw. 4 -.A . w w suit tne times. Good. Apply r m MUier. - W a-WAa AIUUTjI &.M III BM 11 rWM r rm "B - a - v , , A. aenverea tree. England on the 2Vth, - v McKenzie. . t -. i Your. ,to serve, j. Mas.' Liaxix Furx. in. ucsvtou a Airs, lanton's irreen. houte, Cor. Inuisi and Long St. . Phoneme. J. H. I lw. Try Jackson', tausage. Fox Saiji.TiirnitnM and fL urea of the National iHotalr; n.TC Barringtr tf. CoTToar Sxxd Waxte2 Hiheat cash price paid. See me before telling. Joa H , McNxxlt, ofSce aV IM m ai a jr xoung-t. Tie Hague-McCorkle . ; Dry Goods Co,, -1. ' li;:rters and Vnolesalerr, GBEEKSBOBO, N. C. Dry Beads, notions and Hals We eolicit trade of Mer chants only, .and sel 1 nothing at retail. We cordially invite ali mer- chantt to call on u. when in Greensboro, or to see our traveling talesman, before placing orders elsewhere. s