If Ion ire it ill few It i tetter to anticipate the cold weath er by a few days thffn to attempt to buy HEAVY UWDERWEAR after some other people tiave bought the very sizes you want. We can show you a complete line in Ghildrens fleee lined vests atilO to 25 cts. Childrens fleece lined union suits at 25 cts. Childrcns all wool vests and pants at 35 to 45' cts. Boys heavy fleece; lined vests ami pants at 25 cts. Boys all wool vests and pants at GO to 75 cti. r Ladies heavy fleece lined vests and pants at 25 and Ladies heavy fleece lined union suits at 60 cts. Ladies all wool Vests at $1.00. LacTies all wool union suits at $1.75. And the neatest and best thing in underwear tkat i ii i . . ... 50 c. ibeen in this market in a ladies at $2.50. To) cashmere unin . V 5)rS)fn mm has suits WMWl i'i IIUTI 1 1 entire stock of in order to make offer for the next Having bought out the House StoudemirLV Co ii'ilil room for new goods wc; wl (fays a part ol.llie stoc'v at Factory Cost: -Consisting of Oak Suits, Chairs, Rockers, l&llles, Lounges, Couches. Mattings, and Car pet's. Having made special arrangements to buy furniture in car-load lots for five stores viz., ynonoue, Salisbury, M ilmingcon. Gas- VYe dont hesl- )btition can meet tonia and Rock Hill, S O. tate in saying tjiat no comp uur prices rf r lth a chain of satisfied customers all oven the two Carolimis from the sea shore to the nVountains we feel very much encouraged to invite you to call and wo will take 'fcTp11 V 1 ln? throuSh- Ifont miss the place un uer the Central hotel. ; - 'E , M; ANDREWS. , A . - i t . : i " ',' Larges? F U. L. Barrett, urniture Dealer in the State Manager. Salisbury Mmand FurnitureCompany, oari supply everything you want in hard ware, fctoves, ranges and agricultural implements. JH THEIR FURNITURE DEPARTMENT you will find a comnlete hi suits, book eases, side boards, hat racks ice boxes and refrigerators, go carts and' baby carriages." .THEIR UNDERTAKING DEFARTMENT, is the most complete and best equipped in the city. They carryjin stock every thing from the cheapest coffins to Uhe handsomest metal caskets.-Elegant new funeral car. Gentle horses. . M- Davis, Manager of our Undertaking department iaona ' ciuuittiuen m ine rmti ah omKaim i i -s w w Arrivals at the ' ' ' " f ."1 . -"!:. '. '. ., ORIGINAL H WALLACE S Hein: 'Havenners'ene Ice Cream and Vanilla Wafers n r-w . wwAiant, Dill Pickles, Mixed Swwt Pickle,, Mustard Pickles in bulk, Fine Malt Vinegars, Catsup in gallon jugs Staffed Ohf&i, Apple Butter. andPreserves. 'IxWney V'lfc pkg's. of Chocolate and Bon Bons.lSSc per fl. The finest Double Cream Cheese at. Royal Baking Powders at! . ; New Lot of "Monogram" Coffee at 1 . - Fresh Bakers Chocolate (for this week tmh )'nt ine best grade of 10c Macaroni at. . Arbuckles Coffee at. . , . . . . . ...... Saratoga Chips, the best grade, at. . . . . . . 15c per ft. , .89c per ft . ..80c. . 80; per lb .... 7c per pkg ...:.12$c. . . . . .25c per ft . Select Oysters, receive J daily, at 35c per qt. The best grade of Kingans. Reliabe Harns at,12ic. The above 1 can: only be at Augusta, Ga., Not. 7. Late yesterday afternoon an unknown negro called at the country store of Mr. John T. Hall, six miles from Augusia, on the -Milledge-ville road, and asked Mr. Hall's daughter, a young lady of -about 23 years of age, to go ' into the store and sell him some- crackers. The store was j closed at the time, but the young lady readily consented to wait on tha negro, and went with him from the resi dence to the store, which is about 100 yardi off. As soon as bIim en tered the store the negrf hcked the door, grabbed her aid at the point of a, knife assaulted her.pre veoting her outcries by threats of murder. I ! , AfftT nnmmittllirr (ha inui.nH 1 " v biiu uaoauii 1JT7 robbed the cash drawer and made I his escape before the victim could ! give the alarm. ' . j ixo accurate description of the negro would be isd but the young lady is positive she c&n ident if y him if caught. A negro was arrested to-day on suspicion, but it is not believed ho is the right one. Gov. Candler has issued an order directing Cap tain Renki; of the German guards at Augusta, to hold 50 troops in readiness te respond to any call from Judge i3rinson. ' ' " THE BEST 200 LADY SHOJ ; 0 To found The 'Original. - it JUd -ft.-" .Big lot of the Just Received. ONCE PLACE ORDERS AT 1 Prices are Advancing Daily. Don't let Bad Weather Find Your Bin Empty atsi UUAL FUR THE LEAST LIONEL Full Weight jQuaranteed1..'- GP. OIBIIIIIlfEIlW When in need of Groceries. Con lxrn, tiops, etc., it will pay you fo come and see me ; Flour, Mill Bridge Staaigld, 1 io. . ' - ; Best Grade tobacco. 40.cen k i er i on nd 12 large cakes of the best laundry soap 25 cents, and iuir goou8 in proportion. 1 aho buy all kinds of country Very respectfully, c. w. 11-9 lm pd. .' WINDSOR, ' Lee and Kerr Streets FOB OVSK PIFTT TSABI Mrs. WiDsIow's Soothing Syrup haa Deen used for oyer fifty years by unitiuun ui mouiera lor ineir chil dren while teeth insr,-with perfect auecpsH. It soothes the child, softens the cums. alia vs nil nnin. nirps tvlnrl colic, and is the best reined v for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by iu every pari 01 toe world. Twenty-five cents a hntti nA and ask for Mrs. Vinslows Sooth- luK oyrup," aim take no other kind. ADL1I iiiSTR ATORS iiOTICE. JLU Deraovc liminrr mlmlrm . :i th estate of Salomon Teagu, de ceased, are hereby notified to present day of August 1901. All pertooa in- aDtea to said deceased are hereby no tilled to -iaks prompt payment to ths Ag,H,180. - ; SXBBT If. TKA9S, Taxe. F, Klctw & Soar, ittys. j ... TRUSTEES' SALE OF LAND urBuamio me provisions of a cor- iirs jeea oi xrust executed on the 8rd day of January 1899, by Harriett E. Jo'ingon to S- A.T.. Jnlmann an1 rt'xistered in the office of the Register urrus in Auwan county in iiook Ho W. page 298,the undersigned will sell at p:;Ilie out-cry at the Court House door S.L -2411 flajofJloT, 1900 at 12 M., the following described real r.tiite;Tn thnF.sftr.xi r .1 . o. Salisbury, K. C, adjoining the loU Oi Jim Smith' nmnortv anH ir property fronting on Lee .treat and tf "i the house and lot willed to Har riett E Jnlinarvn Um T ci deceased. Thiapropertr ia sitn.wi on Lee street in the part of the town known s "Shmn. inn c , - ; J UQ Will Of John I. Shaver, also a" deed from Vic toria Jonnson to Harriett E. Johnson registered in Book of Deeds 74. paira 24-,etc. On above described lot is aft- 0 .nv-.uj UVTC11- in,j house. ;nns of Sale: Cash. , Of L A. K JnfincAn T . . ati-d 23l dw rwf rv lam Walter U. Woodsoa, Attorney, - r ' : the Pott Did It. It was thatJGfeensboro poet who did up Geri. CarrJ True, Mr. Sim mons had a poet also, but he did not settle down to busiuesa until after Gen. Carr's friend bad air ready gotten in hisfatal work. Charlotte Obserrer. r liaiyJlLlj Main Street, Hedrick Block. 3 fa Lobt---A round Gold and Onyx pin. About an incfi in diauietor. It has a band of Onyx and a baud of gold chasiug and a very email diamond in centre. Leave at In okx ofSce. to lend on. Real Estito and other securities. Waiterr II. WoodSon, f Attorney at Law. Tie Slate Niroil ill IiJistml CoIJcg OF NORTH CAROLINA -Offers ta romng wo.tieo ihnrourb i:trry. aiaa- S -i2m,ilvr.nor"re,J ""1- l5i- 'culiy ot M members. Moi t naa m iwulur tudentit PrasticaiKKibMrvatioo 8 ho..t of alx ut ri pupils. To mi-enn inwrd la dormltorif-s. all dr.;.r.Cnt)f,rustTi,lhOU,"r S4 rKOF, J. V. JOYWER, Dui orCoiXMS CH ARLEI D. Mci VXR. Paraunnr. WANTED: One yonng maa, from Rowan County N. C, to pre pare for the coming Raii.m f. Majl edvice Kxamiuation. W turnisn , fve-vthinfT. inolnWii North Carolina Co'lp, MT. TLEASAXT. X. U. ' roexosn 1&33. , aiSlCS,VthTli'1tlCn.OII. Ptllowvlr Chfmk4l s ..1 Pw-Ti IriorlV I uTftUf ff l,rW5 Hi- .nl!. reaMaaoi Smoklo. prlakiiv lJ3xJl Concord. KU.u ry aoi Albemani. ''"" logusorfartu BformatloS sddirt 1 HiV HEAT MARKET.' Call an1 oa at m r m. . . . rnii win n r..i . - . m h-. L J il..r . p,"unueut iretn umi Books & i Ar-. V.:areast 'enclot. c r,h-It,"-v,u ,v .oai iuTaiK- M Institute. Cdar Ua-.vov la. .-,.-. . A1'".! jjarbhti. -t m .M-m . v . v. uvur rL. U.TrtoaSCo. SALE OP. Eeal Estate, DesiraWe Ciiy Lots aii file Farainj & TWefLaiis. ' V ,-. Bv virtue hf a f bupenor Court of Itowan Uountv made In the special proceedings en titled J. P. MnCllhhin unil I C Gaithcr, Adm'rs'nf J. SMcCubbina! acainst Marv K. Oaithpr r, nth -- - hum yIVAa7 the undtersijrned will fell at public aucion, to thehiL'ht hulrlor nf thn ourt Housft donr in hm f 'itw .f uni i w . um sburyj on . MONDAY THE 3rd DAY OF' DECEMBER 1900. 4. the follovvinsr dospHhw? r. u. umn. Nn. One lot on Chestnut Hill CJ "I 1 vjviuiiiK o.iv. ivarriHon anu J. Al. Monrop, on the South side of Fulfon street extension on thit it f.i.ri..i, road, and on the East Hide of Gaither street and fronting 53 feet on Fulton street extension and extending back mi winner street izs reet and fa lot No. 1. on the inn 11 nf 1 1 i '. i.k:.. -7 - - I'.VWUUUllir City Lots. wo. 2. -One lot on Chestnut Hill. map or the MeruhbinvCity LM. ' No. 11. One lot on Chestnut Hill adjoining tlie above. S. It. Harrison, and Chestnut Mill Cemetery, front ingT0 feet u Quit her .street and ex tending b:ck feet to Chestnut Hill Cemetery, and i- lot K, n ou map of the Mct'ubhiiii City Lot.-. . No. 12. One lot d.i Chestnut Hili adJ..;innK Hi- above, abd on the cor ner nf Gaither street and Main street extension on the Charlotte read, fronting A) feet on Mit, avt ruif mm. teiwion Hnd exteDdinir ack l!ai) feet with Gaither afreet, and 1 lot No. 12 on man of tho AicCubbins City Lots. ... . . No. 13 One.lot on Cliestnut Hill on th uorth sida of the Charlotte road on Alain street extension, a. I joining the above, and fronting 50 feet on Alain street ex-ension Hnd extending back 200 feet to lot No. I ,nnLls,ot N"-13 on man of the McCubbins City Low. - No. 14.- One Un on Chestnut Hill on the norh id oT Main street ex tension n tho Charlofe road, ad Joining the aov;e and fronting 60 feet on Wain t reel extonsion and ex tending back 2.;0 feet to lot No. II, and U lot No. 4 on map of the Mc Cubbjns City Ijota. , Noi 15,-One lot on Cbestnut Hill on the north n'.le of Main alreet ex tension on the Charlotte road adjoin. uic auuve Hiiu irouiiii2 oO ret adjoining the above aud fronting 63 Main street -xtennlon aid exien- ion, and ; ding back 200 feet to lot No. II, and feet on Fulton street erterwi extendinsr back 18(1 fot rH int No5 2, Ion ma;iof the McCubbins City Iots.' . . i . No. :3. -Oni- l.it o:i ('Iimiumi titii in lot No. 15 on ma n f t i,a r... bins City Lots. No. 16. One lt it f,.tn .v- . above on Chestnut HiWon the north :.- ni.vii on iietnut lull J " ,,cu" wiiesuiui in. ion the north adjoining the above, fronting 53 ic-"t ",lde of Main "trcet extension on the on Fulton Kreet exieusijii, and ex u,'lotte road fronting 60 feet on tending bmk 17S Taai t .r i... Main street tending back 178 feei to line of lot ,AlMin tretexleiiion and extending No. 7, and ia lot No.Jpn map of the J l,.ack .2 feel Jot No. II, and is lot McCubbins City property. f 10, on map of the l.icCubblns No. 4 -One lot nn nhoafn.. w:n i lot". adjoining the above, f oniin.r 53 r., ' . n,1,!'-?D adjoinm th on Fulton htroet exien-ioti ,:Id ex- 1 ?L v "eainui 1 1 HI cemetery, and tending backH) feet 10 line of lot I . er?' on. th? north ideof AUiii iiu. f . a iiu ! 1111. d ikti 1 in. -..w..m. inn iviiHnniin i t.i. . . ao. o.-one 101 on Chostnnt f f ill : r"5"""""" iruuinK iacKoureet rn u " V ' No 23.- One lot In the West tt arJ ofSa isbnry adjoining the abov Si.d ........ w un jHcion sitet and extending back 185 feat. ThU lot is on the McCubbtnn home pitea and is lot No 23 011 map of th Ale CubhiiiM city lots. No. 24 -One lot In the West War J or tSalisbury fronting 60 feet uu Jackson direct hint cxtendlug hark 18.ifeet. ThiMlot k on the MeCub bins home, place and is lot No. 24 .,1 map of the McCubbins city lota. No. 2Z . One lot tn the West Ward orHali-liury adjoining the abova and A. 8. Heilig fronting 54 feet tni Ji:ck. son stieet mid extending lck If feet, -'lhis lot is on the JJcCuMdn home place and Ii lot No. ou ii-au of the McCubldns city lots, Nn. '.T. Dti..l..i t.. 11). v..ii i . . of Salisbury -n the North HbU of. Liberty street near the Ltitl erfit ch irch, Fronting 00 feet on LlUr ty street and extending bark feet. On thi.i hit Is a one story f .ur room cottagoand ii oni story building and Is lot No. 25on ixi.p i t the McCubbins city luu. ; r o .rT' -ul't - Iho Eat ward of Silijbury on the north west !d of Lee Mirwt nlMtut' midway tween Kerr and Cemrtery BltaN adjoining John Hylen, J. Trexlar and other;', trout irg 4 feet 011 I Krttl,nd 'xt'"d'n- hnck'210 ft-au un ths lot it a one st.iry rlx room cotUge aRd hlot No.tT ou inaiKi.f McCubMu'a city iuu. No. 23. One tract of land Irlnr- ooput 11 mllci wft from KalUbury adjoining J. Harrison, tha Lla colnton road and Kerr crk, aoa- tainlng 1C4 ocrea, Aln-ut 1ft strvs of this land is timbered. It haa on It large two istory dwelling, barn, kimhI w ell and orher out buildinga and U lot No. 1 on losp of tbe IrCubblue farm. ' . No. 2D.-One Ir-ct of land adj-dn. Ing the above deerib-d traat aud J. M Harrison. Dr. OmIHi. tt. t-- tumsltoller Mill lot aud - - ' r j fTTT V - re..,,uu ouuciicumne nacK rt . .rr- z : -r adjoining the above fronHnVl i ; Chestnpt Hi.! cemeteiy. and Is , r.1 " B?rM?Lnvy f..,.- . " 1 lot is.il 17 .1 . r. i-res nuoui arrtu or ni on Fulton street-extension and ex-' i City lots. One lot on the nnlh mMa n street, ahmit irwi ... v , ' . " -"""mtrn ... unrrisoD street, rr on ting so feet on I- ulton atreet aod extending back 200 feet parallel with Harrison" street and ia lot No. 18 on map of the McCubbins City Iota. U,,JI No. 19. One lot nn i'ho.fnnt itiu adjolnjoff. the above, on the south siuoui xuuon street ahnntr-n foot No. 7. and is lot Nn f. nn ih. A"-18 of the McCubbins Citylls. """'iIh" wo. One lot on Chestnut Hill, adjoining the abovedescrlbed lot and coiouv inn metery, rronting ii3 feet ort Fulton street and extendin' back 225 feet to lineof lot No. 7. and is lot No. G. on tho m nn.r ti.r. Cubbins City IxjIs. - 3m 1 1 LI n i 'hoi.! na 11X11 0SCJb BU4IUL iMfl IPPI axuiviiieiery ami oiiier.-.rroritin? f-o t . I " oucri ,BU exienu- feet ui (Jailher street ... in,rin 1 J"- - leet and is lot No. 19 on W l-t . . ... v-.vuiuh ..Ml,,, in... 1. . tory l!itr ol gn n-Klnni If ill ! lion Of AlcOuhhina ansi r.. . nujoiuiug o. n ttarrison, Chestnut!""" ironuffw eet oa Jackson UHICemeterv sndothAra rnit.... 60 feet 00 Gaither; etreet and extend ing back 302, feet5 to Chestnut Hill Cemetery, and Is lot No. 8, on the map of the McCubbins City Lots. . No. 9. One lot on tMieitnnt 1r.11 adjoining the above, 8. H. Harrison, Chestmit Hill Cemetery, and others! fronting 50 feet on Oaithor utra ?X:ni1D8 back 302 feet to Chestnut um ueineiery, ana is lot No. 9 on map of the AicCnbbina City Lots. No. 10- OnA l(t rn ehaat.-t m 11 adjolnlnsr the above, s w n.n;. fDd Uljestnut IUI Cwnetery, front-' back 802 feet to Chestnut ' w w AV, on 1 1 J street .and extending back witn Ale- vuuu.uaairwi lOO leei. L ttl lot is ou the McCubbins home place and te I M No. 20 on map of tbe McCubbins euy Iota. ... . No. 21. One lot (n iha v efHallsburyadjoiuiuiEtheubovA .nt fronting 60 feet on Jackson btreet and extending back 1ST, feet, TbU lot is on the McCubbins home place and la Int V 01 .1 . Tr .vuuutua tuy 1013. fronting 50it on j - ino. street -d exienaingbackj;4 st, Tfc011 on the McCubbina fcoir- r-c 19 1 Lot No 22 en map 0 Lou. - bottom and the rest Is nearly all cul- iivaieu and Is lot No. 2ou map ml the McCubbins farm. No. 3-1. Ous lot adj dnlng that abo-re described lot aud J. 11. Har rison, C. A, Sloop, Chai Carrlgan, J LSioan and other containing ti acres. About 18 acrea ar heavily timtered oak foresta about 20 acres of line bottom and the rest is most. iy cultivated, nnd H lot No. S on map of the McCuWdnsfarm. No 3L-Onu tract oflni.d adjl log the ab.ve and Dr, OaUher, J r. Kummerell, tho Lintolaloii n -wJ, Kerrertek aud oibera, containing 7 .-res. About 2i acres of tula tract U covered w ith oak ai4 piuo forts s, feveral acre of excclleat twU ni, snrae meadow and tbe raat cnlilva'cd and is lot No. 4 on anaa" of the 5!cCublinfi.rm. . Xo. S3 -a one fifth ondir'di d ia tere-d In one tract of land in 0,;d .VTVwnsn,, lie,ir aanite utair;" adjoining L.wia Kluttx, lioyden iiames Htcuo Mouulaiu wwp-"1 and others, and ctintains J1 reV? , and known as part ofi. lrii Wis. Nearly an'Jjioillaa vf timbered and l.-aj Jrul qwtr. fine graniu vu it DU . - . L'SwKS-1 "toJK' ,n '' cjaITIJEU, adm'ra of J. at. JtfsCrsBiaa, t