. G). m V . to, . ' z Ml I II. Circulation Books Open to All. . .. 77 Vol. 14. "No. 43 J SAXCCSETJEY. IN". C TUESDAY,. NOVEMBER SO, 1900. JM.U.JlJUXII,C!!n:HtnEi;::r. HI NE CHARGE MADE AN EXCELLENT CHARGE YESTERDAY. i To the Granil Jar). Only One Case Tried Yesterday Afternoon. Tee Howell Case op Wednesday! - ! Rowan Superior court convened yesterday morning Judge Henry R. Bryan presiding. Judge Bry an's charge tc the grand jury was one of the moat excellent ever heard her and but for the crowd ed condition of our columns would bt published as it was taken by the Troth-Inoix representative. Only one caseswas tried yester day afternoon that of the negro man indicted, for carrying a pis tol, and afterwards skipping to Winston. He wua foiuid j not guilty. It is-thought that thy casts of James Howell will be called Wed nesday. ! - ! 1 11 THE GREAT LOVE FEAST. AT PRESBYTERIAN i CHUBCH SUNDAY. 1 ' Ret. J. Ruiume, D. D., CoBclodes the For tieth Year of bis Pastorate. A Notable Occasion at Which Dr. Rumple Speaks. it has never before fallen of any mani to be so Surely to the lot I II THE CLAIMS ARE NOW BEING PAID HP. Cipt. Wiley Settling up all tiie Claims Against the Union Copper Mining Ccm ' panf. Paying Dollar for Dollar. All claims which have - been - proven, against the Uniobwper Mining Company are being paid ud in full bv Cant. Wi Murdoch Wiley, the purchasing agent, and . in a few days, probably, there will not be, a penny's indebtedness on , the mint. -Cpi. Wiley began paying ; off - the claims yesterday and fully $6, 000 was paid during the day. The mine was never in better shape and will be operated a more; ex tensive scale than evet before. BRIEFS CAUGHT ON THE FLY. THE PEOPLE WHO COME AND honored ahd be permitted to wit ness such evidences of ' love for himself as was the case with that man of God, a veritable benefactor to.maukind Rev. J. Rumple, D. D., pastor jof the First Presbyter ian church of Salisburyon the occasion of the celebration of his fortieth anniversary as pastor of thisi church" Punday. It was a demonstration of the worthy event vk liiih this Iceleb ration was intend ed to cm memorate-a spontaneous outpouring of. love to this great and good man. A special feature of th service .was the music, which was highly1 appropriate and ren dered by twelve of the finest vo calists in Salisbury. 'The services were held in the First Presbyterian church and were opened by a beautiful anthem rendered . py. the church choir. This was followed by prayer after Dr. J. A. Wharev read from the scriptures. "The past'ral office" t4er which Dr. Rample delivered an historical address tak ing his tet from Deut. VIII:2. "And thou shalt remember the way which the Lord thy God hath led these forty years.". Dr. Rumple e address m-part was as follows: "Thanks be to iorty years life and church work and pastoral service; for a half a seore of revivals of religion and for all the' religious enjoyment and spiritual refreshment which the good and gracious God has vouchsafeci to us. The forty years which the Hebrews' spent in the wilderness were simply a long and successful training school for 3hurch and the nation. Utterly unfitted for hard bondage and ac companying ignorance to be the which Rev a passage The hymn was sung a God this morning for of church GO, LIT IE LOCALS. Items of Interest Condensed and Boiled DownThe Personals and Brief News Items of J. M. Maupin went to Colum bia, S. C. yesterday on a business trijp. . - Mr. W. II. Link, who clerks at the Salisbury Cotton Mill store has consented to collect subscriptions for the Trutii-Ihddx. Capt, A, II. Caldwell came up from "Geld Hill Saturday night arid is spending a few days here cn business. Mr," Caldwell's foot, which has been giving him a great deal of trouble, isconsidera bly improved. , No Senlce at the Lutheran Church Tonight. k . - Although it had been - intended to hold services at the Lutheran t phurch every .night this week.Rev. Li. JS. liusDV. tne pastor announ- ces that 'there will be no preach iner there to-night on account of -.the services at the First Presby te teriau church. ' Wanted At least one dozen houses to sell on the installment plan. Maupin Bros., i Overman ouilding. . 15:J w. Luke's Epicopal,1823; Lutheran 1825; 'Church Street Methodist, 1831; .Baptist, 1&49;. Faith Re formed, 1898; The Presbyterians enjoyed occasional preaching her from 1777 by Rer. Samuel' E. McCorkle, D. D., of Thyatira church. Dr. James McRee, of Centre church, " also preached here occasionally during thesis times. During 1703-4 Rev. John Brown, D. D,, taught school and preashed here. After him came Rev. Samuel L. Graham and Rev. Parsons O. Hays up to 1819. But it was left to Rev, Jonathan O. Freeman to effect an organization. Dr. Freeman came to Salisbury in 1820 as a teacher and on August 4th, 1821,"ided by Dr. John Rob inson, pastor of ,, Poplar Tent church, he effected in organiza tion, with thirteen charter mem bers. The names of the ruling elders were then given by Dr. Rumple. Sabbath services wer conducted in the bid court 'house, where the fountain now seands. Dr Freeman remained here until 1821. five years, when he went to Raleigh. Beore leaving he laid the earner stone for the church which stood until 1S91 and then gave way to the present haud- soine edifice. In 1827 Rev. Jesse Rankin, of Guilford, assumed the pastorate and remained foaryears. From 1831 to 1833 Rev. Thomas Espy served the church and dying in the latter year he was interred in the Lutheran graveyard the only pastor that ever died while serving the church and the only one, buried here. From 1834 to 1680 Rev. P. J. Sparrow, D, D., was pastor. From 1836 to . 1845 ades is as follows : ; 18C0ito1870 additions 105 -. 1870 to 1880 . 121 ' 1880 to 1890 194 1890 to 1900 (so far) addition! 284 or a total 704. .. --. -1-, - EDUCATION. This church has. always been a libtral patron of docatioa, the pastors of the church having been either teachers or actively inter ested in educational matters. Among others who were sent out from the - Presbyterian - High School for boys who have, lines becomo prominent aret . Rv. Wm. H. Davis. Rev. John W. Da vis, D. D.; Rev. -Branch; Q. Clif ord, D. D., Rev. Kiah P. Jjcilian, Rev. J. Alston Ramsay, D. D. and Rev. J. N. H. Summers!!, THE CHDKCH'S. CX5TBfflCTIONS. . -, ... -- v--. -- v "?hi8 church has beea for many years among the liberal supporters of : .all our benevolent causes, through the regular channels of Christian beneficence as well as in special outside directions.1 Marry urgent appeals have been answer ed, mainly by individual contribu tions. ' - . far : "It has been supposed by some that the church was supported mainlyby the Maxwell Chambers fund and that our membership did but little as " individuals. The truth is that according to the will of Mr. Chambers, which, the ses sion has "scrupulously 3 observed; only $100 is allowed to be paid to the pastor's salary, as Mr.. Cham bers' perpetual subscription.. The rest of the income from'that fund is expended in other ways in 11 ciiiiio 111. mil. ok lira n BISHOP UORRISON, OF KEN- GOES TO HIS ETERNAL RE- TUCKY, HERE. 1 9 WARD. PreacSel it tis Rrst Ueti:ilst Ctoi A ecsl Uib, Lcied fcj tis Keily Uiii List K!t. En. Atklss Cez;letes lis ' Sallshsry Friends, Dies Very Snddeniy ot Year's Wfifi U Silistinr - Sect Heart Trcahle. . . No sadder death has occurred in guished guest last night in the Salisbury in many years than person of Bishop H. C. Morrison, that of Rev. Gerney Wber, pas- 6f Kentucky. Dr.: Morrison tor of the German Reformed preached ; in Charlotte Sunday, church of this city, which oc- and stopped oyer in Salisbury last curred last night at 8 : 15 o'clock, night on his way to Greensboro to For months Mr. Weber has lain attend the, W. N. C. Conference. ... upon a couch of illness with the Bshop Morrison was the gust slender thread strained to the ut SIR DOWD IlIPORTANT FOR SALISBURY' ' IF TRUE. A Breat Cestral Sistea cf Si:;s cay it atahllshedlytSsSosthirnit Spesctr His Rnsored. A report which comes from a reliable-source has it that the Southern Railway has under- con sideration the advisability of erec ting a great central system of sheps at Spencer in addition to, . ... the mammoth shops already there. 1 of Bey. D?, W. W. Bays, presid ing elder, iud was visited; daring his stay here hy many who were anxious to meet the distinguished divine. . . ; The idea is to follow un the- most-felled by typhoid fever. But pUn already a3opted hj the peDn - sylvania and other big road of h was convalesceut and lost week Tllfi r? it lM 1X7 O a da Vir-rAprtl 4 Vt t it was determined to remove him the cotr7 and 'consohdaU the to his old home in Pennsylvania. hoP9 at the various poiuts oa the - Last night Dr. Morrison preached Sunday he was in excellent spirits 8tem at one central point. If a i i 1 n 1 r-itlii l - I - at vnurcn pireet jueinooisicnurcn over the prospect of restoration to this should be done fully 5 000 rr.r...w.ma ine aevotea young men would employed at the Spen- yyiio wuu uuu ho icnaeny nurse a in the Bout jiern "Methodist church him through the weary "liours and and his utterances in and out of days of solicitude saw in her hope the pulpit are always charae'eris- the reward of her sacrifice. oi ms proiouna xnowieage. ,ne But the Maker to whom Mr.- leaves this morning for Greens- cer shops. It is to be hoped that the. ru mor will materialize. 1- Ann aava rr Vi i n ltM4 I . J I u v w wuobiatCU aalO LaiCUL boro to preside over W.'JJ. C. Con- d young life willed it otherwise. xerence, wnicn meets to-morrow. CONFERENCE TCUi I5DSD. Rev. Stephen Frontis served and gifts outside of our church." Seyer- from 1846 to 1853 Rev. Archibald al thousanddoliars have been eiven Baker, 'of the Fayetteville Presby- to Davidson College and; 'one-half tery. the cost of this church -building No church in the State for the building housea in repairs and in resources at its command will be able to make a'- beitef showing than . Church Street ' Methodist VinpV - rf titVi irK T? air TT T.' A f un inov. iiim, joou, jevijeinro was assumed dv ino Bession uoei, . , . J . i I" ' - , ... ?;, , kins has been pastor for the i past f , J , A. , ' A. ,. , year. . During.the twelve months " an indebtedness of about $1500 as reported to the Presbytery are hasbeen tjaidand 180'membera SLf8 I have leen aaka to the church ennren,- exceps.i mtorririw .fe ttjvi And now he sleeps 1 . Rev. Weber had a warm place in x i t a r ri i-i s- v . j : 4 . . ' . line aearwoi oaiisDuriana. uom- Yesterday . ended the conference . , ..... .i iriiL a. j. I ll,ri uo, "vet a year aeo year for the Methodist ministers rm Pennsylvania a comparative ana w-morr?w au oi tuem in mis 8tranger be 800n won his way into A.1 A . . m toe anecuon ana esteem ot our people. Less than a year ago "he was married and the blow falls more heavily on no one than his broken hearted young wife. - We hope to-morrow to give a more extended sketch of his life. installed. . " Dr.Rumple then gave a list of thede&d eldera of the congregation, among whom were Albert Torence, Thomas L Cowan, 'Samuel Lsmley, Alexander Long, Michael Brown," D.'A Davis, John Joseph Briiner, William Murdoch; and Thomas McNeely. The remaining elders of the church, ordained by Dr. were as follows: Dr J J Summer ell,' J S McCubbius, J D McNeoly, TWO DEATHS IN THE CQUHTY. members ; of .'the that in some cases the educational column has been increased by do nationsfrom this source.' Dr. Rumple stated -that through the 8 jrvices of Dr. I. H. Fonst he . had been able to prepare ! r - r - . - . . . a statement ot what tne church has contributed to various Ur. A. Sechler, of Saw, Dead. Mrs. Har- G3 TTAllei DeaJ- ToUiDiaf. A rich laily cured of her 'Deaf ness and Noises i Ahe Ilead by Drr. Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drums, gave $J 0,000 to his Initi- tute, so that deaf people unable tu procure the- .bar Drums may have them free. Address No. 11090. The icohlson Institute. 780, English Avenue. New. York. U. S. A. Kalamazoo Celery ATWELUS -' Tuesday and Satnrday. ' . Send in your orders. ree God of and vicissitudes in order that religion, through a series them led severe.' trials they founders of a free, theocratic Re- t i V i I 1 j 1 I puone ana tne guaraians oi ine f g B Neave, W G Watson and Ed- E H Marsh, R A Knox, QD Davis, objects in the past forty years.The S H Wiley, 1 H Foust, H G Tyson, been an earnest, faithful pastor and an eloquent preacher and his Died at his home at Saw, this ps turn to Salisbury will bV grati- I county, Friday evening, A. Sech- fying to the Christian people of ler, at the age of . about 47 years, all denominations. He leaves a wife and nine or ten Earnest work has also charac-1 children'. , tenred the- ministtier of Revs. A. The funeral took , place from D..Whisner, and J. T. Ervin dur Oak Grove church, Saturday even- laTT-Baniel- i I av fxamj-, vaftr und tbv inn. I inirT near which hia TftTrniina troro statistics of 1860-61-62 are not in- u-Ti-lL.4 ul .'a-Mi'liJ.A tt: au . might train up the next genera tion for the responsible work of conquering enemies and founding a peculiar natiju. And if our dwelling together as pastor andj people for the space of forty years shall result in . the training of a generation that shall do hoble'work for the Master, I shall reioice that my labors have not been iii vami iu the Lord. And as I look upon the young people in the congregation and remember their training, their readiness to receive instruction and the zeal of i ,m'auy of them in the service of the Lord I cannot but indulge the hope that there is a bright future before this church in the coming years. The Lord required the He brews .to remember the- past not for the purpose of self gratulatiou or self admiratioD but for self humiliation to humble them, to prove them and to know what was win bhaver. 1 he hoard ot aea cons installed are: Dr J J Sum merell, James G Cairnes, Jno"D Brown, Obadiah Woodson, Julius D Ramsay, James S McCubbins, John A Bradshaw, J M Horah," J K Burke, J D McNeely,. John A Ramsay, E H Marsh T- F Kluttz, I H Foust, S H Wiley, 1R A Knox; T B Beall, W L Kluttz, H M Jones, Faleoner Davidson, E B Neare, John Allen Brown, D A Presbyterial Atwell, J bamuel McCubbins, J M Brown and R W Price. included in the table follows: Home Missions Foreigu M ... ,. Education . Publication Congregational,. Miscellaneous .'. Invalid fund . . Pastor' sSalary. Colored Evangelization. .. Bible cause.:, ...... 7 ... . which is as bury; 4 $10,092 6.661 57,187 664 92,580 , 4,688 422 40,000 . 93 128 a combination of diseases. Mrs. Harrison Walker, about 21 years of age, who died at Chi na Grove, Saturday evening, was Tbe Dails Uoncatnt Ftnl. Mrs. John si Henderson, Presi of the Robt. Fi Hoke, chapter U. buried at Concordia church Sun ubt.bicujuij, uus icaves a Jiuo- band and one small child behind. D, C, has received from Dr. L. i ; . J. Meroney the; sum oi ten dollars for the benefit I of the Jefferson Davis monument fund. This gen erous contribution increases the fund raised by means of Mrs. Has bought out Charlie Bar bers restaurant, at his old Btand on corner of Lee and Council streets. : He is Berv ing fir8tcla8s meals. Try him. m COTTONSEED, DRIED FRUITS, DRY HIDES, PEAS dC. Highest Prices Paid bt Her death was due to consump- g. G. TYSON & CO. K&lamazno Cplprv n.t. T.irhn. i 4;ernan l piay f unaer ine ooutn- gtein & reiser's. em Cross" to $275. in hearts- HU -whether they commandmouts Leather goods in full suits and couches and rockers at Wright's. Turner's Almauao is now on sale here at Jub. H. Ennis' drug store. ' V If you wish to rent a house see Maupin Bros.. Rental Agts. ; . 15slw their would teen ornot. ' - ' And so the memory of our past is caleulaied to teach us that God's Providence has led us to excite gratitude to Him for all His bene fitsto encourage us to 'continue faithful in to service f God, c and by the memory of past failures 'to correct our errors. May God grant that this may be the effect of this day's exercises. Dr. Rumple then gave an his torical sketch of the church treat ing firsp of the earliest Presbyter ians of Rowan. There was no or ganizatu.n of any church here for the first fifteen years of the town's ; existence; The different ' nnrf Innt at nw nirlor i churches here as they now: exist p;f-oa nr. T.vnr unit ) were organized as follows: First that can't be beat. g W. Wright. Presbyterian, Aug. 4th,-1821; St. Total; . . ! .. . $188,556 This sum divided by forty aver ages not quite .$5,000 ; dollars per year and when that is divided by 200, the average: membership, it makes $22 50 per member ach year; " . J CHUBCH ACTIVITIES. The church has always carried on aggressive or benevolent work by me ins of certain organisations within her: boeom. V The T Sabbath COTTW SEED WANTED! China Grove sometime since. - Dr.. W. H. Wakefield, of Char- schools have been kept up and the day, Nov. 21st, "for one day only following is a list of her superin tendents: Thomas L Cowan. D A Davis, Wm Murdoch, J J Brc ner, Jno A Bradshaw, Samuel H Wiley, Julius D McNeely, and for His pratice is limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.' 10-80. THE MEMBERSHIP, A.t the beginning' of Dr. Rum- pie's pastorate there were 91 resi dont white members - and several colored members. - Of 'the white members only nine remain on the the rolMo-day, A very touching . ref erenoe - to the years following the heginning of the civil war was then made. A statement of interest was as fol lows: "There ware more conver sions among the soldiers at the front than there werein the church at home." In 1866 Dr Rumple was aided in the first , revival meetmtz under his ministry here bv Rev. Dr. ! J. Henry Smith, of the last nfteen years the pastor Greensboro, and 21 were added to aided by afficient assistants, I to the church during that year. Foust and O D Pavis. There has ' r li... - t . . rt j The follow ne year: Dr. v Noll oeen a iaaies Aia eociety since reached fqr ten days" and 84 1860 a circle of Kings Daughters members were added that year. I ana a nriswan uaeavor oocieiy -r .owo mrt t t ir..L : i I both Jnnior and Senior. A r.T.rtAl i,r.fl, paca- .. - -eV" It you have any kind of real e. ed, during which year there wrre nas been erected on Lee street and ute for Kaie,we can sell it for you 28 additions. ioux years ago religious services Maupin Bros., Agf. i 15:lw. An account of the Pearson were gnn at bpencer by Mr J W " .L ' meetings in 1887 then followed. vruuuumu' uieuiojicai .sxuaem;, iZitlnHm it.. vni4- - I who has since been succeeded bv! , i. Rev John Wakefield J I few wie Waxtkd. Colored iran who Hitrhest rjisri . 1 . .1 O "WW MftiUI ljt tin . t . . - . I nrrifoa n sin honri tn nna a m.im Wig WUi nia MNSiea. :::"r: Z bee me before sellinir. Sheriff Dorsett, of Davidson pen sea. Send self-addressed en- ennntv hitia nve- -0tArdv with I veloDe for particulars. President j , - j j . r , . . 1 rCf . m ir Bob Hedrick. a veung white man. waciraayt vx iearDorn, unicago, viuce ai l.i. x oung"8. whou waited here for larceny. Hedrick stole a pair of shoes at it JOS. II. I..C11EELY. fSi. Imo. n a - r or oaix : a square p-.ano J? me rosewood case, in good coq dition, only $50. Small monthly paymenxa. vau at in is oihce or lotteN. C, will be in Salisbury dre81' Anuie Lvengood for The'Dape-McCorke - Dry Goods Co., Foa Sale Seven barrels of the finest home made Kraut. 11-10 I i D. M. Millkb. My Hpe ot rockers is somethina that has never been in the city be fore. Gxo&qe W. Wright. - New line of fur scarfs and col- Importers and Wholesalers, laretts. sion of 84 members to the Presby terian cnurcu. Meetings since then have been held by Revs. W. P. Fife, Weston R. Gales, William Black, Dr.- Guerrant and George R. Stuart. The total-accession of members to the church by de-1 Dr. Rumple's conclusion was rr"J - . - " . I UUI UiU AJ A1 1 WOU kClB.l.U touching m the extreme. Ue said D. H. Turner of iDempseytown. in concluding i 'One generation Pa. They're the best in the world has torate coirnjTUD on 4tm pagx. Also full hue of modes Bazaar glove fitting patterns- just receivea. tvery body call and get a pattern, lOcts each. Yours to serve, U-17 lw Mas. Lixie Fixk G BEEaS'SBORO, n.:c. Dry Goods, notions, and Hats If you wish to buy, sell or rent property, see Maupin Bros., Over man building. , 1 1 : 15 : J w. Auction Sale of Fcbsitube. I will offer, at auction to the highest bidder for cash, beginning W ednesday. rtov. 21st, at V a. m., all. the furniture, household and kitchen, now contained in the National Hotel, consisting of 24 bedroom suits, parlor suits, 3 heat ing stoves, l large cook stove, passed away during this pas. (or Liver, Stomach .and t Bowels. springs, mattresses; tables, chairs', teahd the advancing age of - - " lueruua vo m?niion, v. tui Uar- tore- -i ; :' , tringen- 15:lw. SC7We solicit trade of Mer chant! only, and sU - " nothing at retail. " J 1 We cordially invite all xnsr chants to call on us when im Greensboro, or to se our travel in 5 salesman before placing ordsrs elsewhere, v J W00DBDB1I, Salso. - " - r :-. 1