m, . . I . -A- - SI II - - - H E 111 "I 2 -VI .41 -'fil l 1 111 I III- M m J x --v - II A j X. V i t r 5 i iii . - v -- . - . - ft - ' t. r 5 - a. - - i i k. .a. i i , y -g it i i . i . i - - : - '7 - '' --. '. x ..-'.;: ..v. ,. . . ., ; Circulation Booki 'PqtQll. - " ' '.' ..- ' : "j ? . ' , , " - . .- , ' V V .. SATiTBTlTTTr?'. TSJ". C IJESIM 1307 - :. " '. ' ' " v llfolllQilim -- . "-J " ill vi LIIULI1 lilt U1II Ul 'i IllWlllLllUMlin . , t - I VLUIiillf ' r I III II 111 If llrlllU I III If III III IU WTM lllir timtnrrv . t w. m m mm mm m m m m m mm m m w mr mmm m m m mmt mm mm mm. .r . j , n -i - - i . 5 FT. . - 1U pi. 14; No. 48 THE PEOPLE WHO COME AND GO, LITTLE LOCALS. to cf Interest Condensed and Boiled Down The Personals ni Brief Jtew Items of a Du . - Xol A' B garter returned last night from business trip up the Western road. Dr J O Ramsay and Mr C C Ram say retuj-nod last night from a visit to their old hom near Cleveland'. W A Eririn.ia prominent mill man of Durham, was in the city Jast night. ' Mrs John Bruton, of Wilson, ar iivpd in the citv last n'urht. t t. wedueiday night. NOTORIOUS, JOE MILLER J 3PENC R BAPTIST -CHfRCH A f HOME. I ANNIVESARY. tWl t io l Free-for-AII Firfet with Three Rer. Dr- SfjINnrs Pmthn a Sersaa . White ien and IsBadlrOene ip toil Power cafha Charch and the "iii .jiu. - Powers Pertaining to It. A biff fight occurred at Spencer ; Sunday morning at the Spencer yesterday evening in which one Baptist : church the anniversary w niie man ana a darkey were both exercises of the church were held quite badly injured, thonh none and the r anniversary sermon was of them serously. preached by Rev Dr J N Stallings, Joe Miller, a negro of unsavory who organized the congregation reputation who has done his time and worked tirelessly with these on tue chain gang and beii mixed I people until the MR. 5N3S OUT. mmfmmmmwmlmmfmmmi U " . . Installed In his new Qu irters ln Savings Banks Building .. 1 General Superintendent F. H. .Sands, of te Southern with headquarters in Salisbury is now comfortably located on the third floor of the Savings Bank build insf and the flonr wna oil mlml ut W --4 ' - uaiu IT I . - ' - w . i nignt wnen a Truth Index repre- n : , . . . ouenntendent Sands was out . vas one . i up in a shooting scrap of the principals. . bo far as we could learn last a"4 rom an eye-witness of the afTair: - The facts in the case sem to be about arsf I t owe : Miller and MrTit Moore, a white man, had someroubte Sometime aeo. .md MillAr wJSHia workman on tnc yard, called Mr.K,The Church iuuore io mm. The latter met Miller when he attempted to as to assault him. . Others say that Moore was t'ie aggressor, .but how ever that may be. when Miller . w - saulted. Moore two bystanders in terfered. The result was that Mr. Cousins, of Norfolk. present pastor, Rev C G Wellsj was called to Spencer. , - ' Dr. Stallings had every , reason to t el I proud of his work when he arose in the -baudsomp. brick structure which the Spencer Bap tists now occupy, and spoke to th congregation on the subject of HISTORIC SpencerttVy stitucd, the 2nd If Haley is-visit tue cny out umet uierk Uentry mg ins tallierat Spencer, received WR9 prepent and every detail of a very serious blow on he head the work was being operated with froui a lantern in Miller's hands perfecf regularity. and was knocked senseless. The mroanas is at present making lantern was jerked from Miller's an' inspection trip .over the roadi Book Club Meeting Tho lifkoL- Plnl. mnni m:iu nr.. ' m-r u ujui ua IT 1 l I I 11 I M Jas II Ramsay, December 11th, at f OA I 1. mi I i o v w u uuiuk i no uook ior discus ion win ne uiana Tempest. nands and he in turn was dealt several violent blows ami i itated for further demonstrations. Mr. Cousins was imniArlintolTr taken home and Dr. Young called in to dress his injuries. Miller was brought n tn Sharif? c - . Julian's office and placed in a cor-' ridor in the iail fnrihA n',-ht : M ---" A..I Uill.i. A,,! Liui. ni ei uui. xr w:i Murphy aid, if the participants in bfln oonfin d to his room for the the affray are ableto appear, the . t . A .0 matter will be heard to-day. nnnt fnnr davs with the crriu. was rf t . - ;D ' able to be out yesterday and take his usual daily trip to the Union Copper Mine. lasarance Policy Paid. , It was reported last night at the I4 meeting of- the Royal Arcanum that the policy of Mr. J. T. Har rison. a deceased member, had been pa:.d. The policy was paid on November 27th. DR. MURDOCH'S PRESEHT. - An Appreciative congregation Does the j Hanasome wme. Rev. Dr. F. J. Murduck has very substantial evidence that his con gregation is an appreciative one. Dr. Murdflck's services for St, Luke's Episcopal church have, ex tended over a long period of years and his congregation has from year to year manifested their de votion for him in some substantial manner, but never perhaps, more Ur. Plica's First Court. f A- H. Price. Esq.. who was re cently appointed assistant jdis'trict emphatically so than on Sunday iifnrnftv. leaves to-dav for Char- morning, lotte to attend his first court. Mr. On this day they presented him Price is one of North Carolina's with a handsome library, suite, foremost young lawyers aud will consisting of a'coueh, tbre chairs mat & mark for himself in the ana a taoie. Othe platform with Dr Stal lingsv Rev 0 G Wells, the present Dalilof. worked so faithfully for the success church and succeeded so admir ably, Mess. Bell, Ruth and Myers, and ill tllnrcTrorrot?-vr. Xf- r wvij 1.1X1 yjauiif I : . , j. , bell and others who have struggled! ?lve mlth y me- nih uciuiuany xo ouiiu up the church. Dr Stallings' sermon was a clear, able, earnest and eloquent exposi tion of the church Jind ita ''idpalH ttiiu was in part as iollows : Ha Wipsflffe9 of were .'it I o - - - - - -. , the positions assrH TCH lurch was con- uday in Dec! 1897, by a counci camprtsed of 1 J N Stallings am Rev Mr Bell, c dained Baptist naisters, and R D"R Myers, a llientate ministf and deacons A. J Ruthof Sal- uuryenuren, an& ouu . pagio, Cavalry churcfi. 1 'v Three persons viz : ' Mr ' W Campbell, '- Mrs Y P Campbi ana Mrs Jiarnes were the - or Christian memjbers. , The organization tooV place Mrs Barnes, pariT. Dr J N S a t lingsi missionary of thN,C5 oy otate conveDtion, wa9 tao. pastor and ffavw the wort w time he cold without neclec other points for. one vear, w it being thought' advisable tp pastor should be located in town, he resigned, Tie me hip then was about twenty; The present pastor. Rev Wells, was secured and lieean in April, 180&&ojiiig faith uutu now. . During npaap the church has nearly dgnble membership she had at the of Dr J N Stallings, pas numbering; now, fifty-twd. TrtfyJUhas greatly prospered ing built a beauuiur -Hom worship, at a.costoi anout A laree number or ; me m "AVID v STEELE, TJ. i, r-. . . . . 1. 7;f; , of Scotch W,h OF HARBIEf OWENS IS TAKEN ANOTHER DECEMBER WED- umu AWMJUNCED. Protirts all tti mila That tht has as Uzi sinti EI. Good Cnenlrg for S jroor oia Harriet Owens was ta- i . . . . - - township. himLir ttwtle poor house yesterday i w --mmrnrn w aa. . n. raoif ai.i i a . . - - W that townshin U.: V-rrrb 01 aoonby Superintendent Ad Ueti:ilst Ct:rch. The lowing cards hare been same ; neighborhood and am lirown, of the county borne. : ' . Bat It mast not be imagined for m moment tnat she irna ,;n:- t, , . I . " llUi - iir. uuject Ol Chanty. For 4. x -..- me i wjtea to the end t - wuav sua failing tree Friday ... i i ' - A T)Mnli'.. . . 1 " . ; V V cincicience attend ing Mr. Steele James Jordan was "killed m in a partof the tree The limb was nnauy, dwlodgwj ; but ' fell and struck Mi Steele on the head crusnmg nis.skrdl. , He died snort whila after ihe accident. - The unfortunate man was a well knowng and; highly esteemed a folic Bent out : Mr. and Mr.. S. J. Swicegood invite you to be nrewnt at the marriage of their daughter. oauie ssaver, to Mr. Charles FreJerirV December the nineteenth, nineWen hundred, : at aeven-thirty. First Methodist Church. other women?'1 she aakeH Salisbury, North Carolina and again yesterday. Of course ; The bde-elect is a young lady iir. Brown didn't vouchsafe any of 7 charms, and highly ei answer anH th - J a. ... v CB , mmg went ieemea by all who kn pro- - i - - w a i . . i " vuo i wwyer or . ma nhn. - e rs JiTi citizen andfleares wife and five children wih a host oi friends to mourn his Untimely death. - ARCAMUli OFFICERS. .... . ug eo unwillingly to the county home uviumg they can keep her th ere. took for' his text 1 fWJ 3 : 10-11 an! Mat 10:18. His sub- jet, as ha announced, was Jesus Christ the Foundation. The sub ject .w'as dismissed under three heads : 1. Jesus Chrst-the founda tion for personal -salvation . 2. Jesus Christ the foundation for all acceptable individual work in His Kingdom and for Cause. 8. vice to Him bv the church. Un- 1 IKWAATiqi AT'SPEHCI YACAXCIES IX A. AID U. Exaalnatloas ta nil then WIH haheltfla naieigaia jannary. Dr. George T. Wiustoj low htr i cuncx is a young man of worth and chamrtof. . j, i muu every one who knows the, young people will join with the Tanrn.Twn wishing them the best that life gives. . r ueorge T. -Winalnn. PoC ...Ja. mw.MMi tl6W 4 iuta mr U8 W1 lU0 Aana Uolleee.writefl trr 8UIie epiwuiiutr ,r L RMf . I - H a TU, - . " ' I Krina mv a. " ii i ii ii BHwr . i - . - -Aiian i m i 1 1 u w & f s --"a ibui- i i - - . i u ioiiows: For Pal .1 Lllte rnnii i Price moderate. econd hand par- J pieces. 1 carnefc Also Misson3ryjB(iLpatForinalIln$i for of Spancarna Chestaut Sunday afternoon at 2 . - - . Pastor Jencoat wasVregn stalled aud placed in clJiaf two Lutheran Missions" it and Chestnut Hill, Pas er, of Zeb, and. Busby bury, omciatwg. The eeating capacity fice was bck jn the icer ' "vn. . I . . Ml LMJfa 111 I . - Fancy Stationery -1 ."""'to iu a lii n I Pa ti i. - . v . ' - These vacancies will-be filled W Alison t,Co'. electimr ' , J i " viumu eiectea oi- . , . "v - mquire at this offi - fioera for thenar lit-night .nd ,n th9 & M College, iu 4 the installation ce'remoniea will "V' 0,JnBto'Mdrir.lifrom jrTT ,cV tatep.aoeinlTanrV. T I L""-- C.-W8S 3JOOZ- al 18- edi taxed lis is ten ed to with marl and the services seem by all. Pastor Boozer, afti service, delivered tl Pastor Jeffcoat. hi see were itteniivw ' enjoyed opening harge to his re marks on the Saviol charge to Jowiug ofl5cera were e . j.u McKenzie, Graud Represen tative.:: ; " j ' "- . C II Swink,! alternate. : J F Barber,!Regeni. : I T Morgan, Vice-Regent. D M BroWn Orator. - -: T BBeall. Secretary. ' .J3rown; Collector. ttzt-Treasurer C A Montgomery, 'Warden B R Ketchey, Sentry.., tionery,' Brushes and . "... uiicu uy selecting young men of mature ouu gooa preparation Char. n- . acter and a de L .?ritpion. a siculty at J W " . i ua rorueiison & Co'a Drtitr QtI isnensable rnn;.u.. . w 8 UTUE Jstore. P P Meronev, C H C Gregory, Trustees. Swink nd E Wedding on Chesmot Hill - At the home of Mr-. der the first head, it was contend ed thai each person who becomes an actual trangressor must exer cise repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; that salvation is a personal matter, each being saved by bis regenera- reter,':, fsea my lis,"" Jeea tion bv the Holy Spirit throgh my sheep. ' lhe dull the pas faith' in Christ, He being the foua-1 tor to properly instj the chu dation of all soiritual blessings dren of the congren. (laying for time and for eternity. The much stress upon Ionization) arA iianH wns filabnrfttfid. the I and new members. me two ele- duwa w j i pr i j . . . ;nliamha r I nflR matin ir. Their immerous friends contenvioil uemg tuat ' uu vuu- ujcuw icpcomiug ijuiu j i "-- - 0 j scientious work and sacrifice for lead the sheep in jAr paths by wish them prosperity and happi- p.hriat.'a sntp dorm ancordinff to Dreceot and examrSoreaKine xo ness. wuwv w wh-wj " . CT I A 4 1 the directions of the scriptures, them the bread of I faithfully, and walking blarfssly before I The latest. in perfhmes is the Lord, were ijessively set Carnations,' at J W Cornel is I jmm M mr. it 1 I forth. 1 I uo's Lrng ctop. Dr. Busby .'earner placed be- - - w w BVU indispensable reanisiten uvrance examinations will be t-ko held f. Ua " . . 00 lnebUDremft cnn. t, January 2 and 8rd at 9 a- m. and United tatea - has up. 2 p. m. No entrance examinations eld the. validity of the Tim - wiir be held elsewhere. It will GroWM car lnnr f tr ! ' probably be useless for knnH fW laW Kentucky. year new course in mechanic arts train ing boys to be machinists, mechau-icsengine-tenders, boiler-tenders, dynamo-tenders, .locomotive- engi neersi etc, has been -very popular. The special course of lnstruc- . . i . tire! y proper. And we believe this decision foreshadows another by the same court upholding the validity of the suffracre' amendment to our W.H. Link on Chestnut flill Suiday evening , . . Sute con8titution recently ato p m.jaies wurajwu. "u . attended. The Text- adopted. Aeneville UlUien. , Tl !.:. tl VU.Anm! HUM nnlfftH I O . I ' " - peuJru r u ";-""- ile Department is Equipped with in matrimony Esqujre F MTarrh thoU8and doUarg worth of by any individual, will be sure to receive a j proper reward both in this world and irl that which is to come : but that all works not in Red ison & 12-1 1-lm t legal world. f. Lcxi Hwe. Mr. Krnest G.Lowe, for many years a resident of Snlisbury, but now of .Cincinnati, spent yesterday in the cityl Ernest Low is one of the brightest young men ever brought up in Salisbury and his many friends here will be pleased to learn that he is prospering. All these willigo to adorn Dr Mur- dock's ne home and will not oa- ly prove gratifying testimonial? to him of the.good will of hi people but will be enduring mpnunents to. the good women who wers chief ly instrumental in forwarding the matter. . Beautiful Nev We are so busy X 'haven't time to write an advertisement:- hut everybody is invited, to call and see our line of liew goods. Owing to recent advance m pries of cas we have no lights for otfr windows, but will be open until 9 o'clock. Crfer To Th2 Rifles. Headquarters Co A 8rd Reg N O S Q.' All members are ordered to assemble at armory Wednesday Good light inside 1 night promptly at 7 o'clock. By comd. W H Overman, Capt. Yours to serve. Mrs. Lixie Fixk. Chrlslau Entirtalaieat. sThe Main Stref-t Methodist Sunday school will have an enter tainment on Monday evening the 24th Christmas! eve. One fea ture of the program will be a nKriftVmiB tree, and Santa Claus M a may oouieif he is not too busy. Maupin Bros can sell you a home on the installment plan. See them at once, i The best iumortrd glove at Harry Bros.. kid Found A chain wilh brooVara. attached, one of which is a switch. key. Owner can m-nwr cimo hv calling at this oilice and naving y ti for thie advertisement. (Jet a pair of CeutpmpH sloves at Harry Bros dell-St ..Ifyeu bare property for sale place it in the handfl of .JIaupin Bros. Tfcey can sell it. If VOU Want. tr ranf - WnnSO call mt V -V V t XV and see Maupin Bros, rants-1 A T?t ur, "The eding of the PrincesSj" in the window at Harry Bros. -Dn 1 faU to let the children see ifc J accordance with the Divine word fore the congregatltheir duties, will be burned up and, which the individual will be saved, it will be "so asi: bv fire" -and he will surfer loss both now and in eter nity. Under the 3rd head, the nosition assumed was that Jesus Christ himself is th foundation . i. ' . 1 : x . upon wbjch the churcn resw , that faith! in Him, the Divine bon r,f CIV,A oa thA Konndatiou. the VV i . i0 Author, the Head, the' Master, the Kin?: the All and in All, was what he meant when he said "nnnn this rock I will build my taking his text f r tation to th Thessliians, "know fmong you m ish you; and ighly in love And be at them which labo the Lord, and adn esteem them veri for their work's e peace among yourlves." - He di , vided his subject user two heads the duty of menirs toward the pastor ; and towi He entpha8ized t should not mere coat as a man, b 'aul's exbor- ClUlBg Oat- - - : . A "I . I We are determinea to ciose up mor.i;tv Df the College iort mnA will oa 1 1 ho crooda alter I cotton machinery and is doing ad mirable work. Students are crowd ing into it with enthusiasm. The total enrollment so far is 280.' although the College has rooms for only 100. There has been practically no sickness during the year, not a case lasting a week. The discipline and have been A cross mark at the end of von r name indicates that yon are behind with your subscription and that we would be glad to have you call aud make settlement. J. (AVf O this date. We have good goods, to be eld at just body else's prices, to close up business yours to serve, one-half any- Must tx ld each other. fact th-t they now Mr. Jeff- s their pastor, Gio. Fl5K. 12-11-2W Under Opera House. Th ht fccent cigars at J W Cornelison & Go's I)rug Store. Notic ii hereby given that all f- jgivei their under-sheprd. and esteem . , i ,,f TTaII shall 1 him as such: to lid un ni hands I - tn that has cnurcn juju tuo - -4, I p,t'0 mvw'T' i nntv,rvairagainst it."Theconten- in every good wjk, morally and 0 sUndinji over 0 days must notprsvau . . . A u c.,..:ir .a I nA ttU by Dec 20. as I tioa was that tne ciiuiTCiw J t j neoA money in enlarg- Inval to Christ by simply execut- tions ana cuitixte peace ana y - 'TTr Donn UVLu inff His 'laws, naviug 4wWv j i . I give this matter your atteuuuu. u n .ol oh Ato. nor W itt&e ium uiatuuta wwc nuio flf. AilOSGK ttmuui. aau u...-j- - .1 .. j . x. '.ii P. 1 one from HIS laW8, wnicn are wu puiuiu ; uui, wtiouv caawug nujr Dr. Bemfcela Yen Lei. Mr. Q. E. Simmons received from Conover last night a lstter that the . veneraMe Rev C Rrnheim. so well known to the Lutherans of Rowan county, was slightly improved. Dr. Beruheim is still veryYicki however, and his condition is considered critical by his physicians. Hot Beef Beau's. Tea at Isenhou& r oinWI onlv in the New Testament, reflections,-youireporter thought f0r RzsT-tNaticinal Hotel. Ap- Th church it was declared is not two other injunjions could, with I ply to D. vL.Gaskill. , 11-2 d identical with the Kingdom oi propriety, have feen included, vix : I . j God. the latter being , spiritual pasters should breach the whole Christmas presents, bridal pres- hence invisible; the lormer visi-i counsel oiuoa. reserving nothing ; ents, leather couches, panor w- . . Iiolnnff tn the and rnrrrfira f i,1-,a ehnnlrl POfirch I kloa ni(tlirMf)t &U KIUOS. UttflUI ilnffdom who are are not in the the Scriptures, And out what suites, bed room suites, fine leath- KlDgttOia wuu i r I V,-a Ana H manor room SUltS. church, regeneration, and the ex- things art true The conditions to tke couples ercise- of repenUnce .and faitn prevailing m Uhnstendom inai- fa - furrjiture of all kinds and f he unurcn nas not ac-1 household furnwhings. There is no more appropriate gift for a lady than a pair of kid gloves. A full holiday line at Harry Bros. - COTTW SEED, WANTED! Highest cash price paid. See me before selling. JOS. I!. WliEELY. Office at T. F.Young's. The Uague-McCorke Dry Goods Co., Importers and Wholesalers, GREENSBORO, N.C. Dry Goods, notions and Hats. i G.W. WRIGHT. the f ormerr cate that while it requies these; the gifts of j compiiehel: 'that w hereunto it was trod, ana-aiso upuo, . p . - of the believers, the oath to the I a brotherlx)d within her pails, ss I teah batch of (areakfaat strips - 'mhlm,mmt.m m m mt I m - Kingdom to become a member ot I did the Apostolic Church ana it j and smokea px-tonguev .y . ? -.u Knoinpaa to ex- I mnat ntb he thereforo. that he I - . 'I JackSon's Market. tne lavii. . - - wute all the laws of the Kingdom, I has dri'tei from her original moor hv "observing all thiugs-wnataoni mgs for e$me cause. Mar' V Jas ua commanded. Many a 1 1 Obskbvxb. Boabpkrs wasted : Miss Sallie Chunn can accomodate boarders with board and rooms. Three laree well furnished roois to let. A new line of gloves especially for the Am3 trade at narry uros. CZTW solicit trade of Msn chants only, and sell nothing at retail ill Fob Salb Seven barrels of the finest home made Kraut. 11-10 r D. M. MrLi- rresh oysters daily. . i - - I ' ' ' ' . Come and look at my parlor room. Pictures and parlor suits ! that can't be beat. G. W. Wright. We . cordially invite all mar I chants to call on .us when in Greensboro, or to see our traveling salesman before placing orders ! elsewhere. J 00DBURH, Sta J

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