Februay 20, 1901 Local New H A Fisher, of South River, was iu t wn yesterday. C T Montgomery, of Charlotte, is in town now. V G Russell, of Spencer, began night-watching last night. . Mm. D. E. Brook who has been here tick for two weoks, is able to be up how. i. A Capt John SS.nrnan who has been off duty fr two weeks, ie somewhat bette.' now. C O Moo re,- of Woodaide. was in the city yesterday morning en route for Uoolemee. Mr. Moore thinks of moving to Cooleemee. CIVIL DOCKET YESTERDAY. IN CONSEESS The; Court Adjoiiined in Honor of Wash ington's Birthday. 1 j There was a morning session of the II' wan Superior court yest r day, w hich was taken up in the d jsp itmuocivil So iihern Railway, which -ultcd in a non suit. Judgment against pliinMff for costs. In' the caof T;'L. Bringie- a- gftinst J. WVSurratt, tho plaintiff took a non suit, the judgment be ing ngaihst him for costs Thomas Eller V3 Laura El'er, divorce. Plaintiff granted di vorce. Susan Allen vs I). R. . Julian admr.of J J.Allen. Plaintiff, was granted $730, with "iterest from .March 2,1800. House Pays no Attention ta Washington's Birthday. Washington, Feb. 22. No notice was, taken of the holiday in the House. Private bills, by unanimous consent, were considered. Congressman Underwood, Ala bama, says there is sure to be an extra session and probably a long one. He pays it will b impossi ble to shut off general legislation und it would be idle to predict that only the Cuban .question will be considered. " ' Senator Jones' resolution, to discharge the judiciary committee, from consideration, of the anti trust bill, laid upon the takle up on Mr. Jones motion. 1 The post-office appropriation was resumed,' the pending amendment being stricken out of the section appropriation $20,000 as subsidy for the fa6t mail. Washington! to Atlanta and New Orleans and one - i -j. in Kansas. I j Immediately, after prayer Sena tor Bacon, in accordance with a previous arrangement, read Wash ington's farewell address. (Ill If 0 K LTJCILE SOLOMON THE VICTIM. THE LE61SUTUEL To Live fn AshevtUe- J it Robins isging to' live in Ahville. in 'the'utunv He is go it, U into tho livery business having bought out C. C. Brown's stables in Abbeville. Arthur Ray, Tfee Uiserable Wretch, U&kes His Esssps. Lire; near Coscoitf. feeU log Bans High. - Little Lucile Solomon, the five-year-oJd daughter of Jr 1C Solo man, the baker, and grand daugh ter ot Mrs. Julia Howell, is the victim of a most foul and dastard ly an attempt of asault by Ar thur Ray, a big burly negro buck, who wa3 employed to do cores about the house., The' negro has has been interfering with the little girl for several days, and she com plained to her parents.when Satur day evening Mrs j H, .well decided to set a trap for the brute. Sht accordingly, about 4 p. m. j sent the child down in the dinning room where th boy was, follow ing soon after. Upon opening the door MrsHowell was horrified to see all that she had suspected. She caught the negro right in 'the ertort to commit a criminal as-4 Washington's BirtMay Celebrated- Urs-: sauit on the little girl. Mrs. Howell called Mrs, Solomon, and by their united efforts they in- 2g J tended to detain the uegrotill help , , , .1 ,Tr , j WU1U UD OCVUICU. ALIO IltLlU There was a celebration of Wash-h , , . , . , , , , . i i lowed up stairs and took hold of ington's birthday at the Point j Mrs. Howell and. endeavored by ill -ir-v . I a i ' , scnooi nouse, iviei county, j? ri- torce and persuasion to prevent day, Miss Alice Long, teacher. ! her from opening the door and Ttie exercises consisted of speech- ; obtaining help. However, when es, dialogue,' iHcitutions, songs, j the. door - was. opened Ray made compositions, ft.;., ail of which 'a dash for liberty. Mrs. Howell, weV very '-intHrea'tiusc . and well calW to two men just passing, to rendered. Those in attendance, Slt)l ne negro, out as tney were audit was well attended, speak in uninformed as to to why they the highest terms of the eve jt and should stoP nim the7 refused to Mis Long, the teacher 'who shu.w-do so jnd - during th parley the ed bo much skill and merit in cou- ,,,JSro made remarkab.e headway, ducting 'it' 1 going toward his parents home, Mrs. iiaizaoeui oouuie, 01 ien TEKNYSDH ITEMS . Coddle Very Con spondeiice Trcth Index Tennyson, N. C, Feb. Mpssrs. Juuan ar,i jas wmss to tnc Ccuntry. Messrs." John M Julian aiid Jas. Knniss are going out intothbeoun- try tnis morning on Dusinss. They will return before noon. LI1IUCI Ul MLMII1CI. r Mr. Pettigrew offered an amend jnent in-the Senate yesterday to 'the. Spooner amendment to the oppropriution bill, in reference to the government of the Philippines. It provides that th title of the President of United States shall tho so-called American Republic und Emperor of 'the Islands of the S;s." who live near Couoord. . Tho of:lr.prs topta infiirmpd mirl nyson, who is now about oU years ., , . ,, tt. , ,. , . . , ; thu news spread rapidly. Every old ana blind, is verv sick and not . . . . ? ,,, . body became interested and a generar Bearch began, but fortun- expected to" recover. SheisafHict- Mayor Lord Announces Himself. Mr. Steven F. Lord has in .mother column aunounced himself as a candidate for re election to the mayoralty. Mr. Lord has made, a good mayor', and we know of few who 1 a ve aught to eayagainyt him. He haf administered the iaw justly - and sternly, but he has showed himself, tender and sympathetic tow ard the unfortunates. This is the first public announcement of a candidacy and the cam- , paign is now on. i ; ,o "i ' " 1 . "r r ately for Ray, has thus far, 12 o'- , , ' eiocK, be m fruitless, fr if caught Mr. Ishmael Coddle, " lied about . u, , , . - . . .it might have been hi? jaortal re one year ago. 13 U iU. J .... i mains co'Md have been k sen ere this C W Stewart, of this place, has hanging irom some g been taking the Truth-Index for limb. In this respect, while we ten years and says when it comes,' hope he will be caught and spetdi he reads it through, sometimes ly brougl-t to justice, we are glad desaying to feed his stock till 10 our community has been spared o'clock at night. j j such a disgraceful scene. . Asstatid above Ray's parents live near Cconcord and he left in that direction. He is a short. thick set , coal black, -large thick lips and big mouthed, impudent , negro of about 18 years of age. I A ..V. T).. Ai A 4. uts From Faith. I , , . J , , ., I iplisli his purpose he was fully J C 'McCanless shipped a car awure of the 8Vrious nature of his load of granite yesterdav. : icrime aud plead pitifully with J T Wyatt shipped a car load of Mrg Howell not to call for hept street curbing 5 estertay also a pair saying "they would, break his of mill stones to Green & Green, neck." Mooresboro, N C, with spindle . '. - 1 . and irons for a corn mill. Hi Pfc:i8dl:sj ef Hit EsSy Cc:s!far- , ei. .; '. . . The Senate did nothing Friday so far as the impeachment trial is concerned. There were a good many bills introduced in hoth houses of the General Assembly. A great many of the bills were of a local" nature, and V'do not direct ly concern many people in the State. There is one, however, that interests ' every man in the state and every woman too. A Mr Mclver introuced into the Houie a bill to prevent the use of profane language in th presence of ladies ; This will have no effect upon Sal isbury young men, because they dont swear. We H warn other towns, whose young, men are ad dicted to this reprehensible busi ness. ;-:" " Rheinhardt presented a petition against '.. extension; or corporate limits of Lincolnton.. i f Shannonhouse introduced a bill to fix the pay of Mecklenburg's- reasurer. ' ADnl8, a bill to amend the char ter of the Charlotte electric com pany, . Stewart offered a hill to amend the law relating to the barbed wire fences. Gattis introduced an act to raise reveiiu?. : The Senate pasted Vanu's sub stitute for the bill relating to judgments against homesteads. The new corporation law came up ! in the Senate. Webb offered an amendment striking out the sections which allowed two or more corporations to be merged in other corporations. This was ad opted: Foushee, of Durham off ered other amendments. An oyster; law covering every point in the industry, was passed by the House. In the act creating county boards of health,, amendments were passed making the terms o county physicians two years, and a sanitary board composed of two physicians and county corn mis siouers, was constituted, the term of county board of health being from four to six years. tter t!i8 Firi it Ur.U Strora's i Gasa I!ai caa Eipbdtd ind Earned tia Feu falli. . Saturrday evening between three and four o'clock, the beautiful -un finished residence of Mr. M. S. Brown caught on fire and was dam aged considerably by the fire and smoke. The exact extent of the damage is not yet ; known though it ,is probably $500, of which amount about $800 j was covered byinsurance1. The loss will not all upon Mr. Brown, but upon Mr. Ijaznby, jthe contractor. Nobody seems to know how the fire started, accounts . being very megre. lhe fare, company did good work and saved the handsome structure. After the fire was extinguished, Mr. TheoFraleyi a painter, light ed a cigarette, and threw the burn Df Stalling's Moved- Dr J Stallings has moved to the Blackburn house next to Dr Mur dochs old big house iu the Grove, mi, MB. THEOt FRALEY TERRIBLY : A BURNED. EiSXSTHCUS Trenton. N. J., Feb. 22. The charred bodies of fourmenjvictims of the terribl railroad 'wreck on the Camden and Amboy di?ision near this city last night jrere found in the wreck this morning makiug the total 14 dead. Five of the injured will prob ably die. The dead are as foll ows. Jaires Birmingham, baggage master local train ; Walter Earle, engineer of "Nellie Bly;M John Gates, Trenton; Walter J. Hall, Trenton; Fatk Hill, WThite Pill, N. Y. Five unknown in jured. These are believed to be fatally hurt: Frank R. Bolden, White Hill,-N. J. At the Vin cent Hospital, Camden, two are said to be in a, dying coudition this morning. -Tlnl TkrsbMag Uudacbi. Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers hive prov ed their matchless merit fcr sick ing match in a gasoline can. There nervous -headaches . They was immediately, a terrific explo-yake pure blood and build up sron and it blew the can over thClfouT health. Ouly 25c, money re funded if not cured, bold by Theo house, scattering the fiery con tents oVer Mr. Fraleyand burning his hands into a crisp. It is fear ed that his injuries may prove fa tal. A i)rs. Crump and Whitehead attended the unfortunate young man and late last night he was do ing as well as possible for him, to do. It was a sad accident, made more so by having a father and mother to grieve for him. F K!uttz &, Co, druggists. 30 CUBIC UILES OF SOLID GRANITE. The Daughters of Liberty have called for prices on a rustic -gran- Chiacse Ldicts Fool the Foreigners- Pekin, Fu. 21. Prince Chiug and Li Hung Chang have received ite monument, 4x4 feet aud six' telegraphic instructions from the Serious Situation i in Venzuela- Kineston, Jam., Feb. 2B - vices received here to-day f rob the Island of Trinidad reveal a serious situation iu - Venezuela. . It spires that General Acosta! feet long. One side will be dress ed and an indention made in which a marble slal will be pced. ! A Yery Ycg 6rnem3tli3r- A There is a family living in Pick ens county that has a record most! remarkable Annd ones seldom ac quired by any family. . The inother maired when 11 1 years old. She is now twenty-six t and has 14 living children. The oldest one of the family has mar- rieaanu nus n cnui. ine n-ptn-r er of the family therHfore is ai e granxlrnother and only 26 yeaw oKi. vjreenvuie, &. u., isews, j 20th. -Ad cjurt to notify the ministers of powers that an edict has been iss ued rogarding the punishment' of Chinese officials, confirmatory of the demands made by the minis ters as follows:" graded aud deprived of his i rank. l "Priuca Tuan and Duke Lan to tran be disgraced and exiled. "PrinceOhuang, Yii g Nein and Chaos Su Kiang to commit sui cide. ; ilHsu Chiang Yu, Yu Hsieu and Ki Hain to be-beheaded. This is not exactly what the ( ministers demand, but is consid e red advisable to agree to it. as the demand for lives has been a Ctt CtiWfl CfVin! Offloore Clsriail -vUa, v,HJ, u,-.,w- d tQ e ib oage- of Qen At the State Sunday School , eral uuz puh Siang, whom the Point the cturt is Tnowerless to molest. Jritr wprn Alufti ?is filiir! i nntj.. :..J. i i J: limely lUl . P"vaie mm iuuruS George Long, -f New StraiUville, io !.., a-jtnat nis uie wiu oe ciaimeq wnen.Qhio saed t rebel leader, has not been captured and though his capture has beeli lYpoat&dlyoflicially and unofficial ly announced, it is said that he is how being' assisted by General let eral Uolande and Convention at High supporters! o former President follow AndradeA Th- fullxtent of the for th risinsr is not knoWn t the govern- ident. Prof. Geo. H Crowell, su mont. The whole interior of the perinteud of the graded schtmls country is reported to beat the of High foin.t, cliairman executvej rotarks of legatiou3; and others mercy of the rebels aud the-fer- committee, ur. i iroiigtitoo, who have !ived iu Chiaa for years niPiitia extending to the coast of Ualeigh; treasurer, Joe. H towns. Several steamers, under Weathers, of Raleigh; statistical d tlv'tnff the Brit- secretary. H H Snow, f Dur- iOi Ant? have been destroyed or ham; recording secretary, impressed, and a number of ves- Smith, of Elon College. sals trading with Trinidad have Forty-seven counties were rep- Mrs. Nation and her Assistant Smasher i to Stand Trial aarch 10th. Wichita, Kausas, Feb. 20. In the district court of Sedgwick county this morning Judge D W: Dale delivered a blow to "joint' smashing in Kansas. In a deci sion rendered in the case of Mrs Carrie Nation and three other wo men, charged with malicious de struction of property, he held that buildings occupied by saloons hav j the protection of the law and can only be confiscated by order of the court. Judge Dale holds that no person has the individual right to destroy property, no mat ter to what use it is put The de cision means that Mrs. Nation and her three co-workers, who smashed two saloons in Wichita, will be tried. - ' The case was set for March 10, and it is probable that that time will see the trial if the women can be produced in court. Mrs. Nation is now in jail at Topeka and may uoi be able to ap pear.- Her bondsmen. Deacon Smith and Wilbur Jones, are try ing to get in communication with her tonight. Mrs. Nation will be tried on two charges of malicious destruction of property. The pen alty for each is six months in the county jail and $500 fine. . The decision of Judge Dale ha already had a quieting effect upon fa natics here who have been threat ening raids any time. All that remains to be proven to covict Mrs. Nation before Judge Dale is to prove that she smashed the property described, and there are l hundreds who- witnessed that affair. - .' Yenns 'Asks Stunting Questions about The WelghHf Granite. The granite belt of which Faith is about the center, is 15 miles long ! and two miles wide the depth is not known, but say it is one mile deep, it weighs 165 lbs to the foot,there is 27 cubic feet to th- cubic yard. Now how many cubic yards to ;the cubic mile and what does the 80 cubic miles weigh? When you get it figured out send your figures to J t Wyatt, Faith, N. C with a two cont stamp inclosed and receive some more information and some printed matter about the great granite industry and what is going on here at Faith. Venus. OUTHERN it mm m ant IS WHAT WILLIAMS G.TS . FROM THE SOUTHERN. Railway. Mr John Colt Improving, i - Mr. John Knox Coit, who is in St Peter's Hospital, Charlotte, having been operated upon for ap pendicitis, is improving very stead ily, His condition ; is very satis factory according to the latest ad vices received yesterday evening. ADMINISTRATORS Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as administrator of Gerny Weber, deceased. I hereby noti fy all persons having claims against the decedent to exhibit same to me on or before the 15th dav of December. 1901. Dated the 15th day of December, 1900. JKNNIE WEBER, ' . Adm x Gerny Weber. KERR CRAIGE, Att'y. 6w-pd THESTANDAKI) J AlLWAY OF The South The Direct Line to All Points. Texas, California. Florida, Cuba and Purlo Riem Strictly first cla: equipmkxt ON ALL THROUGH AM) Lol'AI TRAINS? PULLMAN TALAOsi SLEEP ING CARS ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS', FAST AND SAKE t-CHEDl LS. Travel by th fcou(hern and you - are assured a 8;tfe, Computable and Kxpfditious Journey. Apply to Ticket Ageati for Time Tables, Kates arl General Iiif r mation, or addn Kg R. L. VERNON , F. R. DAUBY, Charlotte, N.c Asheville, N. C. No Trouble to Answer Questions. 8. H Habdwick, T, P. A. Washington, D. C. T. E. JonNSON, T. Agt. The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist Disijcj ta tils Extr.t Uiriel Us Yi'ifi cf Jla VinU;j YiIj is: riilii ca til Sc2ti!raFIi8 Years Aga. The civil docket of Uowan coun ty Superior Court was finished Saturday evening ihj entire day" being taken in the suit of Wil liams against the Scvithern Rail way, This case has heeu in court evefsince 1800. It has been tried-, time and again, but no verdict reached until Saturday. It was a fine legal battle. Hon. Chas, Price and his son Gns re presenting the rail road, and Judge Avery of Morganton and lion. Lee S Overman for the plaintiff.. Mr. Gus Price made a brilliant speech of about forty five min ntw mgtL, and .Mr Overman . made a fiue argument for tne plaintiff. Judge Avery spoke near ly two hours, and Capt. Price concluded the defence in a schol arly and masterful address of only forty miiiutej. It wa clear from the beginning that the evidence was strong-against the Southern and the jurys verdict of $1000 showed that the case had leen well explained. It wa9 a fine in tellectual scrapping match, by the best talent in the staU. Who wouldn't enjoy it? Acotisr 6oldFlsdi3Cittrres A. M. Cox, who lives near the Reid mine in Cabarrus county, came over this morning and brought to the U. Assay Of fice 405 penny weights of gold, nuggets, one of them we ghiug 11 ounces aud another nearly 8 oun ces. . They were found only - a short distance from where the famous nugget was found in 1810 of which Mr. Cox was one of t!i9 discovers. This new find has caused the gold fever to run to a high pitch, in that neighbor- ADMINISTRA TES NOTICE. Having qualified a ndinini-trjlor iion ; lie Hsiale f FruJerick Waller. L linrby iHiiify nU c:flili s lo rn-!(t 1 heir flu'in: It) nje fr pay in-ill m r bef.re llif-'JUili tlay )f lecembr. 1K)1. or 'ilVis imlice will be plead in bar of lli-ir recovery, i Tlifwe who e in deblel lo'oaut estate nrn requested JO make settlement, JOHN T. STEWART. Dec. 28. 1900 .6 dmr. tUHS WMtXt IU1 tic tUcS. Bczt l o i Syrup. - Tum CotiU. Utc iizi Usaageaeat. . T. N. Blakely, of Spencer has bought - out the Climax Hotel. Everything is new and first class. Try him for board. 2-23tf : . 5500 REWARD! ' We will pay the abv - reward for idj e.ir Liver Cum; li int. Dyep- :i..SiCh ll.tdai'li, lixji ;etiou, Con MiiiiuD ur !'. ivei e we cannot cie vtuh Jjivftia. Die t n-to-dle lit lie liter i.ill. Ht entlie !tre;lior)a are ir!..iy ii.iir-d tUb - l liey a pure ly .. i a i l neves" I to 'Ve nat T; , it. :V fn ei rti i!n 100 pill, !: Ji .m-h .i". .i m ,') p-'t, ijy tiecol)- 1.4' i :.'. l'.-Harf ub.-liuilion Ai(J " It . .t '!. t'tit by mad. .iVITlpi Ukei. .Ki; II A MtU CAIUO.. C.-. Cl niiiii n'i(J .lickrui M., (Jliica ti. Ml. . ' I -r . ' .by T. F. K itiz. A ( o., l.-.it i: ia .' " bnr C Tl Discoverer of fwam-Koot at Wtrk la Su Laboratory. There Is a disease prevailing In this country most daneerous because so deceo- rcre. Many sudden deaths are caused by ltheart disease, pneumonia, heart faJure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble Is allowed t ad vance the kidney-poisoned bloo4 will attack the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Then the richness cf the blood the albumen leaks out and the sufferer has Bright' Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the new dis covery is the true specific for kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases, after all other efforts have failed. At druggists in fifty-cent and dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling about Swamp Root and its wonderful cures. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Blnghamton. N. Y. and ireattoa this paper. Wood's Seeds are grown and selected with rpecial reference to their adaptability to the soil and climate of the South. On our seed farms, and In our trial grounds, thousands of dollars are expended in testing and growing the very best seeds tbttitis possi ble to grow. By our experiment we are enabled to sate our custom ers much expense and loss from planting varieties not adapted to our Southern Kil and climate. Wood's Seed Book for 1901 is folly up to date, and tells all about the best Seeds for the South. It surpasftes all other pub lications of its kind in helpful and uMfuJ information for Oardeners, Tuckers and Farmers. . Mailed free. Write for It. T. V. WOOD & SOHS, Seed Growers & I'erciiants, RICHMOND, VA. U8CEST III3 ROOSI II THE ICCTI. C Ej" 3 . Pruented i Tragedj. . Timely information given Mrs. it is possibla. The European and Chinese sec- S M been burned under orders from resented with 215 delfgatss. The re- President Castro. A 6trong de- nauasorue sum ot $i,iuu was mand is made for the presence of ceived from the collection Friday a British warship. British Uniana night.' ine meeting as a wliole papers express disappointment at seems to have been quite a sue he attituda of America. cess. Ohio. eaed two lives. A fright-! ful cough bad long kept her awake every night. She had tried many i remedies and doctors but steadily grew worse until urged to try Dr. Kini?a New Diseoverv. On hnt- coDsider that Chin h. gained a! ue wholly cured her; and she wntesr this marvelous medicine also cured Mr. Long of a severe at tack of pneumonia. Such, cures are positive proof of its power to cure all throat, chest and Inng troubles. Unlv oOc and $1. Guar anteed. Trial bottles free at Theo. F. Kluttz & Co drug store. victory. Tne only re . n the.court has to behead is Yu llsieu. The others are in the hands , of the Japanese and can be beheaded when thir execution is wanted. Suicide is no disgrace whatever in the eyes of the Chinese. Subscribe for the Truth-Index. Only 10 cents per week delivered at your door. To th engineei irho has the powerful farces of nature tinder his control, the pos session of a clear head is an absolute neces sity. He must have a head that is quick &d ready, wide awake and ever on the lookout to meet emergencies. A clear head must be free from aches and pains, because the weaken the nervous force end divert the attention. It must not know Idirxiness, dullness, melancholy, d3prc3 dom ef spirits, nor nervousness. 'T am an engineer and for yecrs was handicapped in my. work by frequent at- tacks -of severe headache. In spite of everything I could do these spells grew worse until they became almost continual. Hearing of Dr. Miles Nervine through a friend who had used it, I began Uking it for my head, and it gave me relief fi om the start. In a short time my heed was as clear &3 a bell, and his not troutied mo since.' E. "V7. XiiLSOit, Alcott, Colo. Eiliaves every f orra of head trouble and gives to the entire system that vigor, energy and nap that make clear-headedness .Try a bottle for yourself. Dr. ElilesSTcdical CoFtyfiartt Ini. Subscribe for the Truth-Index. Delivered at your door every mor- Cj jjl fcfggista a gt ranter T ...I.

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